高中英语:unit4 sports around the worldLanguagePoints课件上海新世纪版S2A

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1、IN TERMS OF 就就来说;依据;在来说;依据;在方面;用方面;用的话的话就容量和速度而言,计算机是非常高效的。A computer is powerful in terms of capacity and speed. think/talk in terms of doing sth. 考虑做某事我爷爷打算明年退休,出国旅行。My grandfather is thinking in terms of retiring next year and traveling overseas.DIVIDE INTO 把把分成分成把苹果分成两半。Divide the apple in half

2、/ into halves.这位老师把食物分成相同的两份。The teacher divided the food into two equal shares.divide into 分开,分叉这条河在这里分为两条支流。Here the river divides into two branches.IN BETWEEN 在在中间;每隔中间;每隔trees planted with the space of 10 metres in between 每隔10米种一棵的树木那天上午她有两堂课,她在课间休息的时候去见了她的导师。She had two classes that morning; s

3、he visited her advisor in between.THE OLYMPICS WERE FIRST CELEBRATED IN 776 BC IN OLYMPIA, GREECE, AND WERE HELD EVERY FOUR YEARS UNTIL 393 AD.奥运会于公元前776年首次在希腊奥林匹亚举行。此后每四年举行一次,一直到公元393年。 注意下列词组和句子中every的意义和用法:every other day 每隔一天every four days / weeks / months / years 每隔4天/ 周/ 月/ 年write on every ot

4、her line 每隔一行写到那个车站的公共汽车每隔10分钟一趟。There are buses to the station every 10 minutes. BRING TO AN END 结束结束主席在今天下午7点结束会议。The chairman brought the meeting to an end at 7 this afternoon.上海旅游节昨天结束。Shanghai Travel Festival was brought to an end yesterday.IT WAS NOT UNTIL THE 1890S THAT THE WORLD SAW THE MODE

5、RN SUMMER GAMES.直到19世纪90年代,现代夏季奥运会才得以恢复。在强调until引导短语或从句时,如果这句话中含有否定词not,那么在构成强调句时,必须把not移到until前面。句型是:It is/was not until that 上海第一百货商店到上午9点开门。It is not until 9 in the morning that Shanghai No. 1 Department Store opens.直到母亲满足了我的要求,我才上床睡觉。It was not until my mother satisfied my needs that I went to b

6、ed.add A to B 把把A加到加到B上上她往茶里加糖。She added sugar to her tea.5加5等于10。If you add five to five, you get 10.本词典的这一版里新增了很多词。Many words have been added to this edition of the dictionary.add to 增加,增添增加,增添这增加了我们的困难。This adds to our difficulties.气球增加了节日气氛。The balloons added to the festival atmosphere.add up 把把

7、加起来加起来把这些数加起来,看总数对不对。Add up these figures and see if the sum is correct.add up to 合合计达达他总共花掉1000美元。The money he spent added up to 1,000 dollars.The Games were to take place in a separate, colder place.冬奥会将在另一个较寒冷的地方举行。be to do sth. 将要计划必须做某事,指按计划或安排要发生的事或打算要做的事,与be going to do相近,但更强调意愿,有时也表示一种义务和责任。

8、它表明的将来可近可远,可与表示将来的时间状语连用:我们将于下个月结婚。We are to be married next month. 下次你必须交这些练习。You are to hand in the exercises next time. cancel取消取消 =to call off他因病而取消了香港之行。He cancelled his trip to Hong Kong as he was ill.比赛因下雨而取消了。The game was cancelled because of the rain. demonstrate证实;展示销售人员演示了那台洗衣机是如何工作的。A sa

9、lesman demonstrated how the washing machine worked.demonstrate a fact / a theory 论证一个事实/一种理论相关词:demonstration n. 论证;展示touch n. C 润色;修色;修饰这幅画还需要再修饰几笔。The painting still needs a few finishing touches.桌子上摆的花起到了画龙点睛的作用。The flowers on the table provided the finishing touch.北京申办2008年奥运会的成功为中国现代体育史画卷添上了华丽的

10、一笔。The success of Beijings bid to host the 2008 Olympics added a brilliant touch to the picture of modern Chinese sport history.look forward to sth. / doing sth. 盼望某事盼望某事/做某事做某事我盼望着你的生日聚会。Im looking forward to your birthday party.我们期待着玛丽的到来。We are looking forward to Marys coming. come true 兑现;实现他想当医

11、生的愿望实现了。His dream of becoming a doctor has come true.His dream was realized in the end.如果你想实现梦想,就要更加努力。If you want to make your dream come true, you should work even harder. let out 发出(叫声)出(叫声)她发出疼痛的叫喊声。She let out a cry of pain. 释放放他昨天被从监狱里放出来。He was let out of prison yesterday.谁把我轮胎里的气放掉了。Who has let the air out of my tyre? 泄露(机密)泄露(机密)有人把消息透露出去了。Someone has let the news out.



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