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1、定定语从句在人物描写中的运用从句在人物描写中的运用 WritingAims1.Combine sentences into paragraphs.Today, we are going to Make sentences with the attributive clause.写作六步写作六步审审列列扩扩美美连连抄抄1.(1991年高考):上海出版一份年高考):上海出版一份“学生英文报学生英文报”,请,请用英语为该报写一段人物介绍,介绍少年体育用英语为该报写一段人物介绍,介绍少年体育明星孙明星孙淑伟淑伟。2.(1996年高考):你是李华,申请到一家外资企业年高考):你是李华,申请到一家外资企业


3、中笔友笔友的条的条件。具体条件包括:件。具体条件包括:1.年龄;年龄;2.性别;性别;3.爱好(旅游、运动、宠物等)。爱好(旅游、运动、宠物等)。高考真题高考真题定语从句What is the Attributive clause?在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。 关关系系词词关系代词:关系代词:who whom that which whose 关系副词:关系副词:when where why关系词的主要作用:替代先行词和在从句中充当成分关系词的主要作用:替代先行词和在从句中充当成分She is the girl_lives next do

4、or.Attributive clause关系词关系词先行词先行词who注意事项注意事项:1.从句的位置从句的位置: 先行词先行词之后之后2.翻译方法翻译方法:“.的的”定语从句用定语从句描述以下人物用定语从句描述以下人物Harry Porter is a boy. HarryPorterisaboy_whohasascaronhisforehead.HarryPorterisaboy,hehasascaronhisforehead.HarryPorterisaboy,hehasascaronhisforehead. He has a scar on his forehead. Hermion

5、e is a girl _ always gets good grades.Hermione is a girl.She always gets good grades. who 1. Ron is one of Harrys friends.2. His hair is red.Ron is one of Harrys friends whose hair is red.1. The headmaster is Dumbledore.2. He wears a pair of glasses.The headmaster who wears a pair of glasses is Dumb

6、ledore.Frederick William I1. The man is tall and strong.1. The man is Hagrid.The man who is tall and strong is Hagrid写作训练写作训练 1 1李明李明是我们班的同学。是我们班的同学。2 2今年今年1717岁。岁。 3 3他个子不高留着短他个子不高留着短直直发。发。4 4他父母都是医他父母都是医生,在生,在当地当地医院工作。医院工作。5 5他家他家住九溪,住九溪,离学离学校不远。校不远。6 6他学习很努力所以老师和学生们他学习很努力所以老师和学生们都很喜欢他。都很喜欢他。7 7他经

7、常帮助家里他经常帮助家里困难困难的学生。的学生。8 8大家都很尊敬他。大家都很尊敬他。写作训练写作训练 1Li Ming is my classmate2 who is seventeen years old. 3He is of medium height with short straight hair. 4Both of his parents are doctors who work in the local hispital. 5He lives in Jiuxi where is not far from school. 6He studies so hard that all t

8、he teachers and students like him very much.7He always helps those who are in poor family condition.8We all respect him so much.改一改改一改 Li Ming is me classmates who is seventeen years old. He is of medium height with short straight hair. Both of her parents is doctors who work in the local hispital.

9、He lived in Jiuxi when is not far from school.He studies so hard that all the teachers with students like he very much. He always helps those which are in poor family condition.We all respect his so much.my classmatehisareliveswherehimwhohimandSentence patterns钟南山年生于广州,是中国最伟大的医生之一。钟南山年生于广州,是中国最伟大的医生

10、之一。1.概况:概况:age,sex,birth,familybackgroundwas/ were born in 出生于出生于be/come from 来自来自grow up in 成长于成长于live a happy/hard life 过着幸福过着幸福/艰苦的生活艰苦的生活Zhong Nanshan was born in Guangzhou in 1941. 我的历史老师是个漂亮女人,她有两只大眼睛,留着长发.My history teacher is a beautiful woman who has two big eyes and long hair. 2、外貌性格话题词汇话题

11、词汇/词组词组/句型句型外貌:外貌:good-lookingordinary-lookingwhite-hairednear/far-sightedcharming, attractiveslim性格特征性格特征kind-heartedwarm-heartednaughtysmart/bright/cleverhardworkinghumorousconfidentpatient1她是一个她是一个圆脸圆脸,大眼睛大眼睛,皓齿长发的可爱的皓齿长发的可爱的女孩女孩.2他是一个很好看的男人,留着浓密的小胡子但是却没有头发.She is a lovely girl who has a round fa

12、ce, big eyes, white teeth and long hair.He is a good-looking man who has a thick moustache but no hair . 3、教育经历常用表达式:graduate from 从毕业major in 以为专业get good grades 获得好成绩win the first/second prize 得一等/二等奖 4、特长爱好常用表达式:be good at/do well in 擅长于make up ones mind to do/be determined to do决心做have a gift fo

13、r 有的天赋常用表达式:常用表达式:1. devote oneself /ones effort to be devoted to 致力于致力于2. make great contribution to 为为作出巨大贡献作出巨大贡献 5、事业及成就6. She devoted herself to scientific research and made great contributions to her country.她为科研献出了一切, 对国家作出了巨大贡献。 6、评价常用表达式:one of the best/most important最好的/重要的之一可使用以下句型结构, 丰富人物形象。(1)“so + adj. /adv. + that”, 例:Mary is so famous that everyone kowns her and respects her .



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