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1、123quantity n. U数量,量 C/U大量,大批【练习】 完成句子大量的食物被浪费掉了。Large quantities of food _. 大量的啤酒被出售了。A large quantity of beer _ sold. 花园里有很多花。There _ a large quantity of flowers in the garden. 4【答案】were wastedwasare561. raise v. T 举起同lift; 反lower提高(数量、质量、水平等)同increase 抚养,养育(子女)同bring up 饲养同keep;种植同plant; grow 筹集(

2、钱款)同collect提出同put forward n. C加薪(【英】rise)【练习】英译汉She raised her eyes and stared at me. _They are going to raise funds for the school buildings._7None of them raised any objection._Oil prices have been raised by 20%._She has given up her job to raise her family. _8【答案】她抬起眼来盯着我。他们将为盖校舍筹集资金。他们谁也没提出反对意见。

3、 石油价格提高了20%。 她放弃工作抚养子女。92. range n. C 幅度,范围 排,行 山脉 v. I(在一定范围内)变化,变动 I排序【练习】完成句子给了她很大的选择范围。She was offered _ options. 价格从5美元至10美元不等。Prices range _. 10【答案】a (wide) range offrom 5 dollars to 10 dollars113. rather than (是)而不是,与其说是不如说是【练习】 完成句子/英译汉她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。She enjoys singing rather than _. 我决定写信而不打电

4、话。I decided to write rather than _. 12要受责备的是约翰,而不是他的室友们。John, rather than his roommates, _. The sweater is beautiful rather than cheap._13【答案】dancing(to) telephoneis to blame与其说这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。14【练习】完成句子He was more frightened than hurt. _与其说他受伤了,不如说他受惊不小。15【答案】He was frightened rather than hurt.164. r

5、ecognize/recognise v. T认出,辨别出 承认,认可【练习】完成句子我立即从电话里辨别出了他的声音。I _ on the phone at once. 这项工作的重要性是大家公认的。The importance of this work _.他的作品被认为是那个时代最优秀的作品。His works _ the most excellent in that period. 17【答案】recognized his voicehas been generally recognizedare recognized as185. recommend v. T 推荐,介绍 建议同sug

6、gest; advise【练习】完成句子/单项选择这本书是我老师向我推荐的。This book _ by my teacher. 我们推荐约翰担任我们的班长。We _ our monitor. 他建议买这本词典。He recommended _. 19老师建议我们读原版小说。The teacher _ novels in origin. The teacher recommended that _ novels in origin.Teachers recommend parents _ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school fo

7、r safety.(2010福建卷) A. not allow B. do not allow C. mustnt allow D. couldnt allow20【解析】was recommended to merecommended John as/forbuying this dictionaryrecommended us to read; we (should) readArecommend 后面的(that)从句中要用虚拟语气:should do, should可以省略。句意:老师建议父母出于安全考虑最好不要让12岁以下的孩子骑自行车去学校。216. recover vI/T恢复;

8、痊愈,康复【练习】 完成句子严重的流感后,我的体力在慢慢地恢复。Im slowly _ after the serious flu. 该地区受地震影响后不久就恢复正常了。The region soon _ the effects of the earthquake. 她大病初愈。She _ a severe illness. 22【答案】recovering my strengthrecovered fromhas just recovered from237. reduce v T减 少 , 缩 减 , 降 低 同 decline; decrease; cut down; 反increase

9、【练习】完成句子她把体重减轻了5公斤。It is said that she has _ five kilograms. 我买这件上衣因为它降价到只卖10欧元。I bought the coat as it _ only 10. 这件上衣大减价,因此我就把它买下了。I bought the coat as it was considerably reduced _ its original price. 24【解析】reduced her weight bywas reduced tofrom258. refer (referred, referred; referring) vI 提到,谈到

10、 查阅,参考 涉及,有关【练习】 完成句子/英译汉刚才在会上提到的那个人是这个领域的专家。The person _ at the conference was an expert in this field. 我感觉,涉及情感的问题,是颇为复杂的。Personally, the matter _ love is rather complicated.26The speaker referred to his past experiences._I know who he is referring to._He seldom refers to the dictionary._27【答案】ref

11、erred toreferring to演讲者谈到了他过去的经历。 我知道他指的是谁。 他很少查词典。 289. regardless adv. 不顾,不加理会【练习】 完成句子不管他们怎么说我,我都会去做。_ they say about me, Im going to do it. 我们不论遇到什么困难都应该继续我们的旅行。We should continue our journey _29【答案】Regardless of whatregardless of any difficulty3010. regret v. T后悔,遗憾,抱歉 nU后悔,遗憾【练习】 完成句子/单项选择她后悔没

12、看那场电影。She regretted _ the film. 很遗憾,我不能帮你的忙。I regret _ that I cannot help you. 31很抱歉,我现在得走了。_, I must leave. Robert is indeed a wise man. Oh, yes. How often I have regretted _ his advice! A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking32【解析】missing/having missedto sayMuch to my regretDregret not d

13、oing sth. “后悔没做某事”。题意:我经常后悔没听他的劝告。3311. relate v. I/T(把)联系起来,有关联 T叙述,讲【练习】完成句子他只对于谋杀案相关的事情感兴趣。He is only interested in events _ the murder.该报告把高工资与劳动力短缺联系在一起了。The report _ high wages _ labour shortage.这两个案件很难扯上关系。It is difficult _ the two cases.34这个报告是关于如何改善父母和子女之间的关系。The talk is on how to improve t

14、he relationship _ parents and children. 他是你的亲戚吗?Is he a _ of yours?他给他的孩子们描述了他的冒险经历。He _ to his children. 关于那件事,我有很多话要说。I have a lot to say _ that affair. 35 【答案】that/which relate to (或related to)relates; toto relatebetweenrelative/relationrelated his adventurein relation to3612. rely vI依赖,依靠同depend

15、【练习】完成句子许多人靠因特网了解信息。Many people _ information.我只指望早点放假。I only rely on _ our vacation earlier. 37我们可以指望他帮助我们。We can rely on _ us. We can rely on his/him _ us.她是一个值得信赖的人。She is a woman _. 你可以放心,她不会迟到的。You may _ she wont be late. 38【答案】rely on the Internet fortaking/havinghim to help; helpingto be reli

16、ed onrely on it that3913. remain linking v. 仍然是,一直保持同continue to be v. I (人)留下,逗留,呆在同stay (东西)剩下,遗留同be left【练习】 完成句子/单项选择一场地震以后,这座城市所剩无几。_ of the city after the earthquake. 别人走了,琼留下来清扫房间。When the others had gone, Joan _. 他进来时,她仍然坐着。She _ when he came in. 40局势基本上没有什么变化。Fundamentally the situation rem

17、ained _. 有很多问题尚待解决。A number of problems _.我问了她一个问题,但她保持沉默。I asked her a question, but she _.41Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen42【解析】Very little remainedremained to clean the roomremained

18、sitting/seatedunchangedremain to be solvedremained silentBit为形式主语,真正的主语是whether从句。因不定式表达的是被动的含义故应使用其被动形式。43【练习】 完成句子He went home with _.他回家时就剩下一美元。 He went home with _. 44【解析】remaining one dollar; one dollar left4514. remind vT提醒,使想起,使记起【练习】完成句子这故事使我想起我很久以前有过的一次经历。That story _ I had long ago. 一些学生经常

19、被提醒要及时交家庭作业。Some students _ their homeworkin time.46旅客们被告知火车可能晚点2小时。The travellers _ the train is likelyto delay two hours. 这部电影使他回想起在巴黎所看到的情况。The film _ in Paris. 47【答案】reminds me of an experienceare always reminded to hand inare reminded thatreminded him (of) what he had seen4815. remove v. T移动,搬走

20、同move T拿走,脱掉(衣服等)同take off I迁移,搬家【练习】完成句子学生们把几张书桌搬到另外一间教室。The students _ another classroom. 他的名字从名单上(被)去掉了。His name _ the list. 49他脱去夹克,抖掉上面的雪。He _ and shook the snow off. 他们从城里搬到了乡里。They removed _the city _ the countryside. 50【答案】removed several desks towas removed fromremoved his jacketfrom; to 51

21、【练习】 用remove,move的适当形式填空Please _ your bag from the seat so that I can sit down. He _ the table to the corner of the room. They have bought a flat in the north of the city and will _ in next week. 52【答案】removemoved /removedmove5316. replace v. T 取代,以代替 把放回原处【练习】完成句子他受了伤,另一个选手取代了他。He was hurt, and ano

22、ther player _. 我们用煤气代替煤做燃料。We _ coal _ gas. 他把书放回到书架上。He _ the book on the shelf. 54【答案】replaced himreplace; withreplaced5517. respond v. I回答,回应同answer; reply 作出反应,响应同react【练习】完成句子/单项选择我们应该积极响应国家的号召,到西部去。We should actively _ the call of our country and go to the West. 他们对我们的求助没有响应,这使我们很失望。They _ our

23、 call for help,which disappointed us all. 56她说她是看了电视上的广告才打电话的。She said she had made a call _ an ad on TV. The public response _ the new model has been very positive. A. for B. to C. about D. of57【解析】respond tomade no response toin response toB句意:公众对新模型的反应很好。response作名词常和介词to连用。5818. request vT要求,请求

24、n. C要求,请求【练习】完成句子他要求与我们一道去划船。He _ boating with us. 参观者被要求不要触摸展品。Visitors _ the exhibits. 他要求你早些来。 He _ early. He requested that _. He made a request that _. 59【答案】requested to goare requested not to touchrequested you to come; you (should) come early; you (should) come early6019. rescue v. T营救,援救同sa

25、ve nU营救,援救【练习】完成句子数以百计的人仍在水中等待救援。Hundreds of people are still in the water, waiting_. 那个战士从废墟中救出了这个婴儿。The soldier _ the ruins. 61【答案】to be rescuedrescued the baby from6220. result vI导致,产生 n. C/U结果 C(考试的)成绩【练习】完成句子我们的努力换来了巨大的成功。Our efforts _ a great success. A great success _ our efforts. 63他很勤奋,结果赶上

26、了班上的其他同学。He worked very hard. _,he caught up with his classmates. He caught up with his classmates _ his hard work.64【答案】resulted in; resulted fromAs a result; as a result of6521. risk vT冒的危险 nC/U危险,风险,冒险【练习】完成句子他冒着失败的危险做实验。He _ failure to do the experiment. 他们冒了很大的风险,但最终成功了。They _ but it paid off.

27、66我不想冒险把他单独留下。I didnt want _ him alone. 他冒着生命的危险救了那个落水的孩子。He saved the drowning child _ his life. 67【答案】riskedtook a big riskto risk leaving/to take the risk of leavingat the risk of6822. run v. I跑,奔跑 (河流、液体)流动 (机器)运转同work (车)行驶 (颜色)褪色 开办同start;经营同manage【练习】.用介、副词填空/单项选择A child was run _ by a car an

28、d killed. I ran _ a friend of mine in the street.The taxi ran _ the back of my car.The policeman is running _ the murderer.69Mr. William wants to run _ governor of the state.The robber snatched the jewel and ran _. OK, Ive had enough of it. I give up. You cant _ your responsibilities.(2012江苏) A. run

29、 off with B. run up against C. run out of D. run away from70.写出下列句中run的词义No. 4 bus runs about every 10 minutes. _The machine runs smoothly. _Tears ran down her cheeks. _They used to run a small hotel. _The color of the Tshirt runs easily. _71【解析】over into/across intoafter for awayD由上一句中“I give up”可推

30、知,答句意为“你不能逃避责任”。run off with 与私奔; run up against (意外)碰到(困难); run out of 用完; run away from 逃避。行驶 运转 流淌 经营 褪色72【练习】完成句子他说他们的汽油已经用完了。He said that their gas _. He said that their gas _. He said that they _.73【解析】had run out; had been run out of; had run out of their gas7423. ruin v. T毁坏,毁灭,破坏 n. U毁坏,毁灭,

31、崩溃 用复数 废墟,遗迹【练习】完成句子/单项选择飓风毁坏了这里所有的房屋。The hurricane _ here. 大雨毁了我们的假期。The heavy rain _. 恶劣的天气把我们的野餐搞砸了。The bad weather _. 75地震过后,全镇到处是一片废墟。The earthquake left the whole town _.That car accident _ all his life. After that he was limited to a wheelchair. A. damaged B. destroyed C. harmed D. ruined76【解析】ruined all the housesruined our holidayruined our picnicin ruinsD此处ruin his life意为:毁坏了他的生活。77



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