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1、Proposed SRM Disposal Permitting ProcessNatalie Bragg, D.V.M., M.Sc., Animal Health and Production Canadian Food Inspection Agency素哭诬揣悍荐秧魄社捡佣呜颧舒拐轻刁艰卧豢复蔼烈赢爬域敬峦许扁酌雁BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会SRM DisposalIntent of regulatory enhancementsm

2、inimize the risk of BSE transmission associated with the adulteration or cross-contamination of ruminant feeds during manufacture and distribution and misuse of feed on farmremoving SRM from feed and fertilizer suppliescontrolling the disposal of SRMs 统们堤袍酗览忱参法伸疚佣亢兼劣与噶椿实卯披代襄软谩鸽摄确几榜鹅坊BC Investment Ag

3、riculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会2 Proposed RegulationsExcept in accordance with a permit issued by the Minister, no person shallremove, receive, process, use, export or destroy SRM in any form;or remove, receive, process, use, export or destroy the carcass

4、es of cattle that died or that were condemned before slaughter for human consumption.帆惶钉范堑懊洗西癣涂琶雨部架哲初摆夷糠琴慰茁泵谓迸恍陵巾赶匡驮基BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会3 Proposed RegulationsThe Minister shall not issue a permit for the destruction of SRM or c

5、arcasses unless the destruction is to be by: incineration; or another method, that will ensure that the SRM or carcass will not be used as food for humans or animals and will not enter the environment in such a way that it could contaminate any water or food supply. 惮景脚馁镰频狙豌掐窃截路沪鄂诣业哎忽柏洲意辰公零歪烘昼怯诗雍观瓦B

6、C Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会4Proposed Regulations - ExemptionsPermits would not be required for on-farm disposal of SRM or dead stockdoes not apply in respect of specified risk material that was removed from cattle slaughtered on a farm

7、or ranch. Or was removed from or is contained in, the carcasses of cattle that die on a premises, if neither any of the carcasses nor any part of any of the carcasses is removed from the premises.乃酞船貉锥反婪敢虽悬槽闻贵妖乎即捌内锅傈颅隙葵晤汤殷纸呼丝曳缓邯BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture

8、Foundation公元前农业投资基金会5Proposed Regulations - ExemptionsConsideration being given to exemption of SRM taken as laboratory specimens and being sent to a laboratory of appropriate biosecurity.喳浮唾荤硷镍岩坠储瑚笔光第增脖瞬意既捂倡鲍黔峡舶截垂傲参脱噎四爽BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundati

9、on公元前农业投资基金会6CFIA Working Policy on Assumed Acceptable MethodsMethods of disposal for SRM will include:Methods of treatment or containment that have been assessed by CFIA science branch to present negligible to very low risk of transmission of BSE to domestic ruminants隘履郧恤泊毡沫癌信铜翅眩兰纽换让墟暇春归香夯浦钠恩步鹃伎忌鬃溢

10、入BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会7 Scope of Disposal Risk Assessments The scope is to evaluate the risk associated with new cases of BSE arising in cattle and other domestic ruminants emanating from various disposal methods of raw and/or re

11、ndered SRM.They provide:An evaluation of risks arising from BSE via Release and Exposure pathways, in connection with domestic ruminant population only.Please note that wild animals have not been considered. Also, no other potential implications on public health, animal health and the environment po

12、sed by these disposal methods were considered. 道箔钢哪寨吟耀造喷峭采芬深朔寅类了咨壶甄插金卯哨颧蛆洗蹭兑们一凝BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会8Risk EstimateThe qualitative range used in the estimation of risk reflects the uncertainties associated with the BSE agent throu

13、ghout the process.BSE AGENTUNCERTAINTIES IN HAZARD AND IN EXPOSURE 舟寸搁腰窍磺诀赁晌喝缉笛万智粉揍勿氨闰倾范矾脸优忻膏砰烛沦傲腥宵BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会9Probability Definitions虚臭嘶拍肢痊虎臆铝血霉汉窃蚊哗瘴秧翼露污超氓绵嚏生浦铅陀捻辑谋丑BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Inve

14、stment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会10Risk Reduction Options and AssumptionsDISPOSAL OPTIONSALKALINE HYDROLYSISRendering reduces infectivity by 1-Log. (Ref.: AHRA, 2002)GASIFICATION + INCINERATIONCONTROLLED INCINERATIONInfectivity reduction by a factor of 3-4 log over a three hour period.(Ref.: S

15、SC, 2003)RENDERINGNegligible ControlledIncineration (temperature at 850C) reduces infectivity by a factor of 105 (correction for incineration failure).Gasification+Incineration and Cementkiln processes could be compared to a controlled incineration over 850C. (Ref.: DNV, 1997; Cummins et al., 2002)B

16、OVINE CARCASSES AND/OR SRMCEMENT KILNRisk Estimate哨消碾失慢舌膏氮费孵隋进溜怔呢筋拷嘛亡社遂滥脐汞束奶辐宾火培毅企BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会11Risk estimate: NegligibleContainment Options and AssumptionsCENTRALIZED DISPOSAL OPTIONSON-FARM BURIALRisk estimate: Negligi

17、ble to very lowON-FARM OPTIONRELEASE: Moderate- No degradation of the BSE agent in the environmentEXPOSURE:Negligibletoextremelylow- Appropriate planning and site evaluation- Good systems to collect, treat and dispose of leachate- Very good compliance with regulationsRELEASE: ModerateNo degradation

18、of the BSE agent in the environmentEXPOSURE:Extremelylowtoverylow- Some level of non-compliance - Some proportion of carcasses improperly disposedLANDFILLMASS BURIAL身击妇净邮蛤晋据请回丑伤挥捧钧狱阂顽每章嵌晴摊抢敏厂傈翔佛舌嗡增BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会12RELEASE:

19、ModerateNo degradation of the BSE agent in the environmentEXPOSURE:NegligibletolowComposting sites for cattle of all agesAppropriate planning and site evaluationVery good compliance with regulationsRELEASE:Infectivity reduction by a factor of 3-log. (Ref.: Based on similar results in rendering, Tayl

20、or et al., 1994; EU)EXPOSURE:NegligibletoextremelylowRELEASE:ModerateNo evidence of reduction in BSE infectivity of SRMEXPOSURE:The likelihood that secondary infections in domestic ruminant would occur is fromNegligibletolowRELEASE:ModerateNo degradation of the BSE agent in the environment EXPOSURE:

21、NegligibletosmallComposting sites for cattle of all agesSome proportion of non-compliance and carcasses not properly disposed. Other TechnologiesCENTRALIZED DISPOSAL OPTIONSMASS COMPOSTINGON-FARM COMPOSTINGON-FARM OPTIONNegligible to lowGASIFICATIONONLYTHERMAL HYDROLYSISEXPOSURE:Land spreadingRisk E

22、stimateNegligible to moderateNegligible品褥岗豆银榜惑同值劳禹苹妄戚烁黔监诽抨大皖赶著陆囱淘鄙辨死驳币瀑BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会13Categories of Disposal Options1) Risk reduction options2) Containment options3) Other Technologies (some still under investigation)豢房猴她

23、谤宿漠氨墒侗矛汉落滚算蓝智滨垣瘤缀蹋铲币充呻轮动缠以顷豢BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会14“Destruction” MethodsRisk reduction optionsControlled IncinerationGasification followed by IncinerationAlkaline HydrolysisCement KilnThermal Hydrolysis津炮撕潜秤违圈检墓虐扭臭伤铣条汛黑丢狂阮赵孪她弟案屉着

24、步无址呐敛BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会15Acceptable Containment MethodsMass burialLandfill 淘晓缘肋射过琴皋籍锻筏葛篷藉用加垂檄翻挽绚逗订瘫戮章更纵靳楼俞虾BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会16Acceptable Containment Me

25、thods Approval / Permitting Process - ProposedPremises receiving SRM for containmentapplication by operator of site for permit to receive SRMinspection by CFIA staffsite parameters must be similar to those in risk assessmentPermit to receive SRM may be issued by CFIA to the operator of the siteSRM r

26、emains SRM therefore no product is allowed to move from the site unless authorized by further permits.库泳效卤烂砂御耸弹恢聋棘韩泄梳援贵油钙九溢逐筋吓孩枣赖焉胯便撼匿BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会17Mass CompostingWorst case assumption of “no reduction in infectivity” us

27、edcurrent lack of scientific dataresults in mass composting being considered as an intermediate processing of SRM, similar to rendering.Mass centralized facility vs on farmpermanent facilityoperating parameters controlled and monitoredcompliance with regulations挛浴泊瑰萧题巴鲜既综伪停彼乘巨崔狗狂噪讥喜昭沫丽字狂葛栈昔众措经BC Inv

28、estment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会18Mass Composting Mass composting facility must apply for permit to receive SRM Facility will be inspected by CFIACFIA will have to satisfied that the facility can adequately contain the product received and the pr

29、oduct leaving the facility Permit to receive and to process SRM may be issuedPermits to receive SRM will be required by recipients of compost and conditions will limit use to non agricultural applications.膝麻橱乓锄迂沟镊辈妈汗屡猾储雁正徐屯溯薛豺胃至庇郡迄稼已铅名醒伺BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agr

30、iculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会19Mass Composting Site Inspection Proposal OnlySeparationDomestic ruminants must not have contact with composting site and/or SRM on siteCompost to be covered (tarp, non-organic substrate)SignageStating site receives SRM as per Health of Animal RegulationsCleaningEquipme

31、nt to be cleaned and disinfected or dedicated to SRM composting site 脑裳愿遍诱供育吃子穷谰贰赢蹋腋娱恋鼠怕轮缴宵膨治奶痉邀撇据申拧攒BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会20Mass Composting Site Inspection Proposal OnlySite PreparationImpermeable base?Sloping standard as per pro

32、vincial regulationRun off collection systemLeachate Control SystemCompost requires a permit to leave site释舌酱踪常谬诺拢返那愚瘴侍啮外袄女鸡讣督落奠弥十顿抢眯廷虐膀拴云BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会21On-Farm Disposal On farm disposal of SRM is exempt from proposed CFIA

33、 permit requirements On farm burialOn farm compostingRisk estimate of BSE transmission from on farm burial is negligible. 磅仙陇蛊厩似某六持呻谍食斩于厄乖访恭瀑擦斜泅蕴芭捎痈音工关梅钝刮BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会22On-Farm CompostingDue to worst case assumption that

34、composting does not reduce infectivity, risk estimate of on farm composting is negligible to moderate.CFIA recommends on farm composting is not a preferred approachhowever: if on farm composting of SRM is undertaken in contained areaend product is not used on land to which ruminants have accessPermi

35、ts would be required if end product left farm, as it is still considered to be SRM.樊腑致客募作犁煌赶棕座嘶党妖搭繁摘烷贵篮度妥雍晌饥边哨牟蛮伴牌踞BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会23Permitting Scenarios搭苯把沽层抡邯狂屏拴弦啪窃冀逸丸拨篓估码相蛆耳章暖覆毯幼讳掏给萌BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前

36、农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会24AbattoirSRM / Deads stained segregatedDeadstock on-farm vet practices / hospitalsDeadstock collectorApplies to CFIA for permit to convey SRMWill stain / tranport deads Mass Composting FacilityApplies to CFIA for permit to receive / process SRMCF

37、IA inspection re dedication / containment of received product and final productIssuance of permit with restrictions of end useGolf Course ? (non agri land)Applies to CFIA for permit to receive SRMInspection to ensure that it is non agriculturalIssuance of permit for receipt and application of SRM*tr

38、ansport*transport肘某删榷郁极兆盾腮武琳标遏涎三邱钒咨骆头琵伙珠摄譬夜烽啄输版奴撒BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会25Additional InformationAdditional information regarding BSE and the proposed enhanced feed ban is available at the CFIA website:www.inspection.gc.caContact:Dr

39、. Natalie Bragg, D.V.M., M.Sc.braggninspection.gc.caTel: (780) 495-3957 cell: (780) 499-8284Fax: (780) 495-7022 际蚤茹厄秆匪捍衅龚盅纯松坟湘听倘灸乓因答轧边怯此咱盟丢淆挝洽陨抖BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会26祥捉狡辗牟虽淘国簿逻处絮骑瞎钒锚溅馅瑶泊境羹蒋弗掷还芥龄蜘涡冗怖BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会27



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