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1、 假设你将参加某英语杂志社开展的一次征文活动,征文的内容要假设你将参加某英语杂志社开展的一次征文活动,征文的内容要求你在电视、手机(求你在电视、手机(cell)和网络三者中,放弃其中一个并陈述理)和网络三者中,放弃其中一个并陈述理由。请你以由。请你以“Which would you give up:TV,cell,or Web?”为题,写一为题,写一篇英语短文。篇英语短文。 (2010安徽)安徽)注意:注意:1. 词数词数100左右;左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。范文背诵范文背诵Which would you give up:TV, cell, o

2、r Web? We are now living in an information age, in which TV, cells and the Web are widely used. It seems that many people cannot enjoy themselves without them. However, if I had to give up one of them, I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the Internet.I could do without

3、TV because few shows take my fancy and therere too many commercials. Besides, most programs on TV are also available elsewhere. As for cells and the Web, they are more necessary to me. I need a cell to keep in touch with my friends and family, and almost all information can be gathered on the Intern

4、et.句型背诵句型背诵 We are now living in an information age, in which TV, cells and the Web are widely used.It seems that many people cannot enjoy themselves without them.Besides, most programs on TV are also available elsewhere.1. _adj.晒黑的晒黑的 _ v.日晒;晒黑日晒;晒黑2. _vi.&n.斗争斗争;拼搏拼搏;努力努力3. _n.饥饿饥饿;欲望欲望; vt.&vi.(使

5、使)饥饿饥饿 _adj.饥饿的;渴望的饥饿的;渴望的4. _ vt.&vi. 使变大;伸展使变大;伸展5. _vt.&vi.循环循环;流传流传 _n.循环循环;发行量发行量6. _n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争战役;战斗;较量;斗争;vt.&vi.搏斗;奋斗搏斗;奋斗7. _n.自由;自主自由;自主 _ adj.自由的自由的8. _ adv.因此因此;所以所以;因而因而9. _ vt.&vi.配备;装备配备;装备 _n.设备设备10. _ vt.&vi.输出输出;出口出口;n.输出(品)输出(品) _vt.&vi.输入输入;进口进口;n.进口(品)进口(品)11. _ vt.使迷惑使迷惑;使为难使

6、为难 _adj.感到迷惑的感到迷惑的 _adj.令人迷惑的令人迷惑的12. _vt.遗憾遗憾;惋惜;惋惜;n.遗憾;懊悔遗憾;懊悔 _adj.后悔的后悔的;遗憾的遗憾的13. _ adj. 化学的;关于化学的化学的;关于化学的 _ n.化学化学 _ n.化学化学家家14. _ n.生产;制造生产;制造 _ v.生产生产 15. _ vt.减少减少;缩减缩减 _ n.减少减少;下降下降 16. _ n.评论;议论;评论;议论;vi.& vt.表达意见;作出评论表达意见;作出评论答案:答案:1. sunburnt;sunburn2. struggle3. hunger;hungry4. expan

7、d5. circulate;circulation6. battle7. freedom;free8. therefore9. equip;equipment10. export;import11. confuse;confused;confusing12. regret;regretful13. chemical; chemistry; chemist14. production; produce15. reduce;reduction16. comment1. thanks _ 幸亏幸亏;由于由于;因为因为2. rid . _ 摆脱摆脱;除去除去3. be satisfied _ 对对感到

8、满意感到满意4. rather _ 宁愿宁愿;宁可宁可5. build _ 逐渐增强逐渐增强;建立建立;开发开发6. lead _ 导致导致;造成(后果)造成(后果)7. _ the hope of 带着带着的希望的希望 8. focus _ 集中(注意力、精力等)于集中(注意力、精力等)于9. keep.free _ / _使使免受(影响、伤害等);使免受(影响、伤害等);使不含(有害物)不含(有害物)10. be rich _ 盛产;富含;在盛产;富含;在充裕充裕答案:答案:1. to 2. of 3. with 4. would 5. up6. to7. with8. on9. from

9、/of10. in1. Dr Yuan Longping grows _ _ _ super hybrid rice.袁隆平博士种植的是被称为袁隆平博士种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻超级杂交水稻”的稻种。的稻种。2. This special strain of rice _ _ _ _ _ one-third more of the crop in the same fields.这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获三分之一的产量。这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获三分之一的产量。3. Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests _

10、_ _ _ of the fields.袁博士要在不增加土地面积的基础上寻求达到增收稻谷的途径。袁博士要在不增加土地面积的基础上寻求达到增收稻谷的途径。4. Dr Yuan _ quite _ _ _ _ .袁博士很满意他的生活。袁博士很满意他的生活。答案:答案:1. what is called2. makes it possible to produce3. without expanding the area4. is;satisfied with his life1. struggle vi.&n.努力;拼搏;斗争努力;拼搏;斗争She struggled to keep back t

11、he tears.她努力忍住泪水。她努力忍住泪水。It was a hard struggle to get my work done on time.为使工作按时完成为使工作按时完成, 我做了一番努力。我做了一番努力。常用结构:常用结构:struggle with与与斗争斗争 struggle for为争取为争取而斗争而斗争struggle against与与斗争;为反对斗争;为反对而斗争而斗争struggle to do sth. (=make great efforts to do sth.)努力做某事努力做某事struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来【即学即练

12、即学即练】 完成句子完成句子我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们。我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们。We should help those who are still_ _ _ .他们得和各种各样的困难作斗争。他们得和各种各样的困难作斗争。They had to_ _ _ _ _ _ .答案:答案:struggling for independencestruggle with/against all kinds of difficulties用法点拨用法点拨 :struggle作动词,常用作不及物动词,后面跟不定式,作动词,常用作不及物动词,后面跟不定式,表达表达“努力做某事努力做

13、某事”;作名词,一般用作可数名词。;作名词,一般用作可数名词。struggle with 既可以表示既可以表示“与与并肩作战并肩作战”,也可以表示,也可以表示“与与搏斗搏斗”,相,相当于当于struggle against。【即学即练即学即练】单项填空单项填空The working people have never stopped their struggle_ unfair treatment. (2010年年1月山西太原五中检测)月山西太原五中检测)A. against B. for C. from D. to 解析解析:选选A。struggle against意为意为“同同作斗争作斗争

14、”;struggle for意意为为“为了为了而斗争而斗争”。由句意知应选。由句意知应选A。2. equip vt.&vi. 配备;装备配备;装备 Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.请准备一支削尖的铅笔和一块橡皮参加考试。请准备一支削尖的铅笔和一块橡皮参加考试。A good education should equip you for life.良好的教育能使你受用终生。良好的教育能使你受用终生。常用结构:常用结构:equip sb./sth. with用用武装某人;用武装某人;用装备某物装备

15、某物 equip sb./sth. for 为为而武装某人;为而武装某人;为而装备某物而装备某物 a piece of office equipment一件办公设备一件办公设备【即学即练即学即练】 完成句子完成句子士兵们装备好了武器和弹药。士兵们装备好了武器和弹药。The soldiers _ well _ _ weapons and ammunition.他们没有准备好应付这种局面。他们没有准备好应付这种局面。They _ _ _ _ deal with the situation.答案:答案:were; equipped withwere not equipped to用法点拨:用法点拨:

16、 equip作及物动词时,多考查其系表结构,即作及物动词时,多考查其系表结构,即be equipped with,意为,意为“装备装备”,其名词,其名词equipment也是考查的也是考查的重点。重点。【即学即练即学即练】单项填空单项填空All classes of this school are _ with modern _. A. equipped; equipment B. equipped; equipmentsC. equipping; equipments D. equipping; equipment解析解析:选选A。equip .with .意为意为“用用装备装备”,被动形式

17、为,被动形式为be equipped with;equipment意为意为“装备;设备装备;设备”,是不可数名词。,是不可数名词。3. regret vt. 遗憾;惋惜遗憾;惋惜n. 遗憾;懊悔遗憾;懊悔We regret that we are unable to reconsider your case.我们很遗憾无法再考虑你的情况。我们很遗憾无法再考虑你的情况。She immediately regretted her decision.她做出决定后立即感到后悔了。她做出决定后立即感到后悔了。We informed her with regret of our decision.我们遗憾

18、地把我们的决定通知她。我们遗憾地把我们的决定通知她。常用结构:常用结构:regret doing= regret having done=regret to have done后悔做了某事后悔做了某事regret to do遗憾将要做某事遗憾将要做某事 regret to say/tell遗憾地说遗憾地说/告诉告诉much to ones regret深感遗憾深感遗憾 with regret遗憾地遗憾地【即学即练即学即练】 完成句子完成句子汤姆后悔告诉了父母那件事。汤姆后悔告诉了父母那件事。Tom regretted _ his parents the thing.我很遗憾地告诉你你没有通过驾

19、驶执照的考试。我很遗憾地告诉你你没有通过驾驶执照的考试。I regretted _ _ you you hadnt passed the driving test.答案:答案:tellingto tell用法点拨:用法点拨: regret后面跟后面跟v.ing与跟不定式表达的意义不同,与跟不定式表达的意义不同,跟跟v.-ing表示表示“对做过的事情感到后悔、遗憾对做过的事情感到后悔、遗憾”,跟不定式表示,跟不定式表示“很遗憾将要做某事很遗憾将要做某事”,常表达一种客气和委婉的语气。作为名词,常表达一种客气和委婉的语气。作为名词,如果表示如果表示“遗憾的事情遗憾的事情”时,为可数名词,如果表示时

20、,为可数名词,如果表示“在某事上有在某事上有许多遗憾许多遗憾”时,为不可数名词。时,为不可数名词。【即学即练即学即练】单项填空单项填空They failed to pass the exam last time. I regretted_ them. (2010年年1月江西赣州质量检测)月江西赣州质量检测)A. to be not able to help B. not being able to helpC. being not able to help D. not be able to help解析解析:选选B。句意表示对过去的事情感到遗憾,故用。句意表示对过去的事情感到遗憾,故用reg

21、ret doing形式,形式,动名词的否定形式是在动名词的否定形式是在doing前加前加not。故选。故选B。用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(原创)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(原创)I now regret_ (leave) school so young.I regret_ (inform) you that your contract will not be renewed. 答案:答案:leavingto inform4. reduce vt.减少;减缩减少;减缩The windows were tinted to reduce the glare.窗户上涂了浅色以减弱强光。窗户上涂

22、了浅色以减弱强光。The manager hasnt worked out a suitable action to reduce the domino effect.经理还没有想出一个适当的举措来减少多米诺效应。经理还没有想出一个适当的举措来减少多米诺效应。The government will be looking to reduce inflation by a further two per cent this year.政府力求今年把通货膨胀率再减低百分之二。政府力求今年把通货膨胀率再减低百分之二。常用结构:常用结构:reduce sth. to减少到减少到reduce sth. b

23、y减少了减少了be reduced to沦落为沦落为;简化为;简化为温馨提示:温馨提示:reduce还可表示还可表示“使使陷入某种更糟的状态陷入某种更糟的状态”。【即学即练即学即练】完成句子完成句子这一改革把我们都降为公务员了。这一改革把我们都降为公务员了。The reform has _ us_ servants of the State.那个可怜的男孩已沦为乞丐。那个可怜的男孩已沦为乞丐。 The poor boy is reduced _ _ . 她的体重减少了她的体重减少了5公斤。公斤。She _ her _ _ 5 kilos.答案:答案:reduced; toto beggingr

24、educed;weight by5. comment vi.&vt. 表达意见;作出评论表达意见;作出评论n. 评论;议论评论;议论The scandal caused a lot of comment.这件丑闻遭到很多议论。这件丑闻遭到很多议论。“Will you resign, Minister?” “No comment!”“部长,您是要辞职吗部长,您是要辞职吗?”“无可奉告!无可奉告!”常用结构:常用结构:comment on/about sth./sb.对某事对某事/某人评论某人评论make comments/no comment on sth./sb.对某事对某事/某人评论某人评论

25、/不进行评论不进行评论【即学即练即学即练】 完成句子完成句子部长拒绝就他辞职一事的传闻发表评论。部长拒绝就他辞职一事的传闻发表评论。The minister refused to _ _ the rumors of his resignation. She was asked about the pay increase but _ _ _ (不不进行评论进行评论) on it.答案:答案:comment on/aboutmade no comment6. thanks to 由于;幸亏;因为由于;幸亏;因为【联想拓展联想拓展】表示表示“因为,由于因为,由于”意义的短语还有:意义的短语还有:b

26、ecause of,owing to,on account of,due to,as a result of等。等。【即学即练即学即练】 完成句子完成句子由于你的帮助,我们成功了。由于你的帮助,我们成功了。_ _ your help, we were successful.多亏了这倒霉的天气,比赛被取消了。(反语)多亏了这倒霉的天气,比赛被取消了。(反语) _ _ the bad weather, the match had been cancelled.由于品味不同由于品味不同,您的设计不适合这个市场。您的设计不适合这个市场。 _ _ _ difference in taste, your

27、design do not suit this market.答案:答案:Thanks to Thanks to On account of单项填空单项填空It was _ your timely help that we accomplished the task on time. (2010山西运城检测)山西运城检测)A. because B. thank C. thanks to D. as解析解析:选选C。because 和和as 虽然也表示虽然也表示“因为,由于因为,由于”,但后面需连,但后面需连接句子,而句中是短语,故应用接句子,而句中是短语,故应用thanks to。句意为:。句

28、意为: 幸亏你及时帮幸亏你及时帮忙,我们才按时完成了任务。忙,我们才按时完成了任务。7. would rather宁愿宁愿;宁可宁可Id rather you didnt.我希望你不要。我希望你不要。(常用来委婉拒绝别人常用来委婉拒绝别人)【联想拓展联想拓展】would rather.than.是常用句式,表示是常用句式,表示“宁可(愿)宁可(愿)(而)不(而)不要(愿)要(愿)”。would rather从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,用动词的过去时表示。从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,用动词的过去时表示。would rather have done 本想做本想做(而实际上未做)(而实际上未做)【即学即

29、练即学即练】 完成句子完成句子他宁愿待在家里看电视。他宁愿待在家里看电视。He _ _ stay at home watching TV.我宁愿不去那里。我宁愿不去那里。Id _ _ go there.我宁愿你明天来而不是今天来。我宁愿你明天来而不是今天来。Id rather you_ tomorrow than today.答案:答案:would ratherrather notcame用法点拨:用法点拨:would rather后面应跟动词原形,如果句子前后连接的后面应跟动词原形,如果句子前后连接的两个动词相同,则两个动词相同,则than之后的动词可省略。之后的动词可省略。would ra

30、ther后也可跟后也可跟从句,表示主语宁愿让某人干某事。这时,从句谓语动词要用虚拟从句,表示主语宁愿让某人干某事。这时,从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即用一般过去时表示现在或将来要做的事语气,即用一般过去时表示现在或将来要做的事;用过去完成时表用过去完成时表示已经做过的事或过去要做的事。示已经做过的事或过去要做的事。【即学即练即学即练】单项填空单项填空Id rather _ the basketball match last night. Otherwise, I would have finished my paperwork by now. (2010徐州检测)徐州检测)A. not have

31、 watched B. not watchC. hadnt watch D. havent watch解析解析:选选A。would rather not have done表示表示“本不想做本不想做(实际(实际却做了)却做了)”。后一句句意为:否则我现在已经完成了我的文件。后一句句意为:否则我现在已经完成了我的文件。 所所以前句表示以前句表示“本不想看球赛却看了本不想看球赛却看了”,故选,故选A。8. build up 逐步增强;建立;开发逐步增强;建立;开发【联想拓展联想拓展】build in安装;固定安装;固定build on 建立在建立在的基础上;依靠的基础上;依靠build onese

32、lf/sb. up使自己使自己/某人健康或强壮某人健康或强壮build sth. up逐步获得逐步获得发展发展增加或增强某事物增加或增强某事物【即学即练即学即练】完成句子完成句子来往的车辆在通往市区的道路上越聚越多。来往的车辆在通往市区的道路上越聚越多。Traffic is _ _ _ roads into the city.该公司已建立起良好的信誉。该公司已建立起良好的信誉。The company has _ _ a fine reputation.你在病后必须要增强体力。你在病后必须要增强体力。You must _ _ your strength after your illness.答案

33、:答案:building up onbuilt upbuild up用法点拨:用法点拨: build up可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词,可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词,意为意为“逐步建立;逐步扩大逐步建立;逐步扩大”,build sth.up的意思也是我们需要特的意思也是我们需要特别注意的。别注意的。9. In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.(P10)1974年,他成了世界上第一位种植高产水稻的农业先锋。年,他成了世

34、界上第一位种植高产水稻的农业先锋。不定式放在表示次序的词不定式放在表示次序的词the first, the last, the best以及以及the only, the very, the right等词后面等词后面, 且这些词与动词不定式有逻辑上的主谓关且这些词与动词不定式有逻辑上的主谓关系,结构为:系,结构为:the first/last/best/right/only/very. + n.+ to do sth.表示表示“第一个第一个/最后一个最后一个/最好的一个最好的一个/合适的合适的/唯一的唯一的/恰好的恰好的做某做某事的人事的人/物物”。He is always the firs

35、t (student)to come and the last to leave.他总是第一个来而最后一个离开的(学生)。他总是第一个来而最后一个离开的(学生)。The last man to leave the sinking ship was the captain.最后一个离开正在下沉的船的人是船长。最后一个离开正在下沉的船的人是船长。温馨提示:序数词修饰名词,后面跟不定式作名词的定语是历年高温馨提示:序数词修饰名词,后面跟不定式作名词的定语是历年高考的重要考点,要注意不能用考的重要考点,要注意不能用v.ing作定语。作定语。【即学即练即学即练】单项填空单项填空He is the las

36、t person_ to Marys birthday party. A. to invite B. to be invitedC. invited D. being invited解析:选解析:选B。不定式在句中作定语。当名词前面有序数词或。不定式在句中作定语。当名词前面有序数词或last, next等词修饰时,名词后面多用不定式作定语。分析句子可知,主等词修饰时,名词后面多用不定式作定语。分析句子可知,主句是被邀请去的,故选句是被邀请去的,故选B。. 单词拼写单词拼写 1. _(饥饿饥饿) is the best sauce. 2. Her shoulders were badly_ (晒

37、伤晒伤). 3. Another_ (超级的超级的) Skyscraper is being built.4. Manufacturing _ (产量产量) has increased by 8%. 5. The business_ (扩展为扩展为) a big one.6. Farmers produce millions of tons of _g_ to feed the nation. 7.Would you mind writing _a_ s of the passage? About 200 words are OK. 8. At that time the British po

38、und can _e_ $2.80. 9. Shes _c_ to do well in the examination. 10. Doctor gave me some advice on diet and _n_ .答案:答案:1. Hunger2. sunburnt3. super4. output5. expanded6. grain7. summary8. exchange9. certain10. nutrition1. I _ the result of the experiment.2. They have _ for years to drive the invaders o

39、ut of their country.3. We all wish that we could _ the world _ crime.4. In some less developed areas in China, some farmers are still _ poor _ .5. After _ college, he went to Shenzhen _ getting a chance to become rich soon.6. They cant afford to _ their laboratories properly because of lack of funds

40、.答案:答案:1. was satisfied with2. struggled3. rid; of4. leading a; life5. graduating from; with the hope of6. equipbe satisfied with/graduate from/struggle/lead a. life/with the hope of/rid.of/equip. 用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空. 同义句转换同义句转换1. Better stay with us. If you stay with us, you are mu

41、ch safer. Better stay with us. If _ , you are much safer.2. That was the way he treated his parents. That was _ _ _ his parents. 3. The weather in Kunming is much better than the weather in Harbin. The weather in Kunming is much better than _ in Harbin.4. As she didnt know the way to the hospital, s

42、he turned to the police for help. Not _ the way to the hospital, she turned to the police for help.5. They went to the supper market on foot instead of by taxi. They went to the supper market on foot _ _ by taxi.答案:答案:1. so2. how he treated3. that4. knowing5. rather than. 单项填空单项填空 1. We have learned

43、 3,000 words _ . A. during past decade B. in the past decadeC. a decade ago D. after a decade 解析:选解析:选B。在过去的十年里可以用。在过去的十年里可以用during the past decade表示,也表示,也可以表示为可以表示为in the past decade。2. Our monitor made it _ to read English every morning. A. a habit B. habit C. rule D. a duty 解析:选解析:选A。habit为可数名词,意

44、为为可数名词,意为“习惯习惯”;duty意为意为“责任;责任;义务义务”。故选。故选A。3. Two years ago, I _ a high school. A. graduate for B. graduated from C. left from D. left for 解析:选解析:选B。graduate from意为意为“从从毕业毕业”。4. _ the good weather, we can climb the mountain easily.A. Because B. As C. Thanks to D. Because for解析:选解析:选C。thanks to相当于相当

45、于because of表示原因,意为表示原因,意为“幸亏,由幸亏,由于于”。5. The bedroom is twice _ the kitchen. A. as bigger as B. bigger than C. big than D. bigger to 解析:选解析:选B。A项有较大干扰性,但项有较大干扰性,但as.as中间只能用形容词或副词中间只能用形容词或副词的原级。的原级。6. Seldom _ what I says. A. does my mother care for B. my mother cared about C. my mother care for D. d

46、oes my mother care about 解析:选解析:选D。care for意为意为“关心;照顾关心;照顾”;care about意为意为“在意;在意;在乎在乎”,后面可以跟宾语从句。否定词位于句首时句子要用倒装。,后面可以跟宾语从句。否定词位于句首时句子要用倒装。7. I _ to him. He is too serious. A. didnt use to talk B. am not used to talkingC. am not used to talk D. didnt use to talking 解析:选解析:选B。used to表示表示“过去的习惯过去的习惯”;b

47、e used to表示表示“现在的现在的习惯习惯”,其中,其中to是介词,后跟名词或是介词,后跟名词或v.-ing。8. When you are confused about some words in reading, you can _ the dictionary. A. refer to B. look up C. check D. have a look at 解析:选解析:选A。refer to与与look up都有都有“参照;查询参照;查询”的意思。的意思。refer to后跟查询的资料,如书,字典等;后跟查询的资料,如书,字典等;look up后跟被查询的事情,如单后跟被查询

48、的事情,如单词、数据等。词、数据等。9. Our county _ vegetable. A. is rich in B. are rich in C. was rich on D. rich for 解析:选解析:选A。be rich in为固定搭配,意为为固定搭配,意为“盛产盛产”;our country为为单数形式,故选单数形式,故选A。10. We _ he be present at the meeting. A. insist on B. insisted C. stuck D. insisted on 解析:选解析:选B。insist在这里是在这里是“坚决要求坚决要求”的意思,后

49、跟的宾语从句的意思,后跟的宾语从句用虚拟语气,其结构为用虚拟语气,其结构为“should +动词原形动词原形”或直接加动词原形;或直接加动词原形;insist on后跟名词或后跟名词或v.-ing形式。形式。11. Lets go to _ cinemathatll take your mind off the problem for _ while.A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a; a解析:选解析:选B。go to the cinema与与for a while都是固定搭配。都是固定搭配。12. I _ go to the stadium when

50、theres a game. But usually I watch it on TVA. Typically B. anxiously C. frequently D. occasionally解析:选解析:选D。联系句意可知,。联系句意可知,“我我”只是偶尔去体育馆。只是偶尔去体育馆。occasionally偶尔,间或。偶尔,间或。13. Do you believe _ little boys could eat _ much food? A. so; so B. such; such C. such; so D. so; such解析:选解析:选C。第一个空。第一个空such修饰修饰l

51、ittle,第二个空,第二个空so修饰修饰much。14. Frank really doesnt know how to _ the matter.A. do with B. deal withC. solve with D. settle with解析:选解析:选B。do with与与deal with都有都有“处理;应付处理;应付”的意思。的意思。do with用用what提问,而提问,而deal with用用how提问。提问。15. John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _ he phones.A. as long as B. in order thatC. in case D. so that解析:选解析:选C。由句意可知,。由句意可知,“我我”不想出去的原因是以防(不想出去的原因是以防(in case)他打电话来。)他打电话来。



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