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1、被动语态被动语态The Passive Voice(中考考点中考考点)一般现在时一般现在时: :一般过去时一般过去时: :一般将来时一般将来时: :现在完成时现在完成时: :含有情态动词含有情态动词: :am/is /are + p.pam/is /are + p.pcan/may/must/should+ can/may/must/should+ bebe+p.p+p.pwill/shall+ will/shall+ bebe +p.p +p.p have/has+ have/has+ beenbeen+ p.p+ p.pwas/were + p.pwas/were + p.p【考点一考点一

2、】下列时态的被动语态下列时态的被动语态结结构构: :【考点二考点二】be asked to dobe asked to dobe told to dobe told to dobe invited to dobe invited to dobe chosen to dobe chosen to dobe encouraged to dobe encouraged to dobe allowed to dobe allowed to doask sbask sb. to do. to dotell sbtell sb. to do. to doinvite sbinvite sb. to do.

3、 to dochoose sbchoose sb. to do. to doencourage sbencourage sb. to do. to doallow sballow sb. to do. to do主动主动被动被动sb.sb.【考点三考点三】【考点四考点四】make sbmake sb. do. dosee sbsee sb. do. dohear sbhear sb. do. dolet sblet sb. do. dowatch sbwatch sb. do. do be be made made toto do do be be seen seen toto do dosb

4、. besb. be heard heard toto do do be be let let toto do do be be watched watched toto do dogive sb. sthgive sb. sth. . pass sb. sthpass sb. sth. . sell sb. sthsell sb. sth. .lend sb. sthlend sb. sth. .bring sb. sthbring sb. sth. .make sb. sthmake sb. sth. .buy sb. sthbuy sb. sth. . be be given given

5、 toto sbsb. . be be passed passed toto sb sb. . be be sold sold toto sbsb. .sth. besth. be lent lent toto sbsb. . be be brought brought toto sb sb. . be be made made forfor sb sb. . be be bought bought forfor sb sb. .主动主动被动被动主动主动被动被动【考点五考点五】【考点六考点六】look for look for look afterlook aftertake care oft

6、ake care ofhand inhand inlaugh atlaugh atspeak tospeak tobe looked forbe looked forbe looked afterbe looked afterbe taken care ofbe taken care ofbe handed inbe handed inbe laughed atbe laughed atbe spoken tobe spoken to不要漏掉介词不要漏掉介词. .没有被动语态的词或短语没有被动语态的词或短语. .cost, happen, take place, close down , co

7、st, happen, take place, close down , feel, sound, taste, smell, look, come out, feel, sound, taste, smell, look, come out, come up, break down, stand for, spreadcome up, break down, stand for, spread( )1. -How clean and tidy your bedroom is( )1. -How clean and tidy your bedroom is! -Thank you. It _

8、every day:-Thank you. It _ every day: A. cleans B. is cleaned C. is cleaningA. cleans B. is cleaned C. is cleaning选择题选择题: :(2.5mins)( )2. The 29th Olympic Games _ in ( )2. The 29th Olympic Games _ in Beijing inBeijing in 2008. 2008. A. is held B. will hold A. is held B. will hold C. will be heldC. w

9、ill be held( ) 3. The story books_ by the writer in ( ) 3. The story books_ by the writer in the 1960s.the 1960s. A. are writtenA. are written B. were B. were writtenwrittenC. wroteC. wrote( )4. If the work _, you can go and play ( )4. If the work _, you can go and play games.games. A. finishes A. f

10、inishes B. is finished C. B. is finished C. will be finishedwill be finished( ) 5.Mr Brown( ) 5.Mr Browns story _ by everyone who s story _ by everyone who heard it.heard it. A. laughed at B. was laughed C. was A. laughed at B. was laughed C. was laughed atlaughed at( ) 6. This painting _ to a museu

11、m in ( ) 6. This painting _ to a museum in 1977.1977. A. sells B. sold C. was A. sells B. sold C. was sold sold ( ) 7. She is often heard_ in the classroom. ( ) 7. She is often heard_ in the classroom. A. sing B. to sing C. sangA. sing B. to sing C. sang( ) 18. To make our city more beautiful, rubbi

12、sh _ into ( ) 18. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish _ into the river. the river. A. mustnA. mustnt be thrown B. can be thrown t be thrown B. can be thrown C. can C. cant throwt throw ( ) 9. I like my bike. It _ very well.( ) 9. I like my bike. It _ very well. A. rides B. is riding C. is ridde

13、nA. rides B. is riding C. is ridden ( ) 10. ( ) 10. I wonI wont come to the party unless Tom _, too.t come to the party unless Tom _, too. You mean if Tom comes, youYou mean if Tom comes, youll come.ll come. A. will invite B. invites C. is invitedA. will invite B. invites C. is invited( ) 11. I like

14、 this dress, and it _ so soft and comfortable.( ) 11. I like this dress, and it _ so soft and comfortable. A. is feeling B. feels C. is felt A. is feeling B. feels C. is felt (2mins)( )1. -How clean and tidy your bedroom is( )1. -How clean and tidy your bedroom is! -Thank you. It _ every day:-Thank

15、you. It _ every day: A. cleans B. is cleaned C. is cleaningA. cleans B. is cleaned C. is cleaning选择题选择题: :(2.5mins)( )2. The 29th Olympic Games _ in ( )2. The 29th Olympic Games _ in Beijing inBeijing in 2008. 2008. A. is held B. will hold A. is held B. will hold C. will be heldC. will be held( ) 3.

16、 The story books_ by the writer in ( ) 3. The story books_ by the writer in the 1960s.the 1960s. A. are writtenA. are written B. were B. were writtenwrittenC. wroteC. wrote( )4. If the work _, you can go and play ( )4. If the work _, you can go and play games.games. A. finishes A. finishes B. is fin

17、ished C. B. is finished C. will be finishedwill be finished( ) 5.Mr Brown( ) 5.Mr Browns story _ by everyone who s story _ by everyone who heard it.heard it. A. laughed at B. was laughed C. was A. laughed at B. was laughed C. was laughed atlaughed at( ) 6. This painting _ to a museum in ( ) 6. This

18、painting _ to a museum in 1977.1977. A. sells B. sold C. was A. sells B. sold C. was sold sold C CC CB BB BC CC C( ) 7. She is often heard_ in the classroom. ( ) 7. She is often heard_ in the classroom. A. sing B. to sing C. sangA. sing B. to sing C. sang( ) 18. To make our city more beautiful, rubb

19、ish _ into ( ) 18. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish _ into the river. the river. A. mustnA. mustnt be thrown B. can be thrown t be thrown B. can be thrown C. can C. cant throwt throw ( ) 9. I like my bike. It _ very well.( ) 9. I like my bike. It _ very well. A. rides B. is riding C. is ridd

20、enA. rides B. is riding C. is ridden ( ) 10. ( ) 10. I wonI wont come to the party unless Tom _, too.t come to the party unless Tom _, too. You mean if Tom comes, youYou mean if Tom comes, youll come.ll come. A. will invite B. invites C. is invitedA. will invite B. invites C. is invited( ) 11. I lik

21、e this dress, and it _ so soft and comfortable.( ) 11. I like this dress, and it _ so soft and comfortable. A. is feeling B. feels C. is felt A. is feeling B. feels C. is felt (2mins)B BA AA AC CB B完成句子完成句子: :1. 1. 张老师总是鼓励我们尽可能多讲英语。张老师总是鼓励我们尽可能多讲英语。 We _ We _ EnglishEnglish as often as possible by M

22、r. Zhang . as often as possible by Mr. Zhang . 2.2.他们允许在这里吸烟吗他们允许在这里吸烟吗? ? _they _ smoke here? _they _ smoke here?3.3.这手机是中国制造的这手机是中国制造的. . The cell phone _China. The cell phone _China. (4mins)4. 4. 他们将开个会来讨论这个问题。他们将开个会来讨论这个问题。 A meeting _ to discussA meeting _ to discuss this problem by them. this

23、problem by them.5. 5. 我们应该每天浇花。我们应该每天浇花。 The flowers _ every day .The flowers _ every day .完成句子完成句子: :1. 1. 张老师总是鼓励我们尽可能多讲英语。张老师总是鼓励我们尽可能多讲英语。 We _ We _ EnglishEnglish as often as possible by Mr. Zhang . as often as possible by Mr. Zhang . 2.2.他们允许在这里吸烟吗他们允许在这里吸烟吗? ? _they _ smoke here? _they _ smok

24、e here?3.3.这手机是中国制造的这手机是中国制造的. . The cell phone _China. The cell phone _China. 4. 4. 他们将开个会来讨论这个问题。他们将开个会来讨论这个问题。 A meeting _ to discussA meeting _ to discuss this problem by them. this problem by them.5. 5. 我们应该每天浇花。我们应该每天浇花。 The flowers _ every day .The flowers _ every day .are always encouraged t

25、o speakare always encouraged to speakAre allowed toAre allowed towill be heldwill be heldshould be wateredshould be wateredis made inis made in写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词: :1.1.talk_ _ 2. start_ _talk_ _ 2. start_ _3.copy_ _ 4. stop_ _3.copy_ _ 4. stop_ _5. enjoy_ _ 6.know_ _5. enjoy_ _ 6.know_ _

26、7.write_ _ 8. throw _ _7.write_ _ 8. throw _ _9. see_ _ 10.take_ _9. see_ _ 10.take_ _11. choose _ _ 12. go _ _ 11. choose _ _ 12. go _ _ 13. keep_ _ 14. win _ _13. keep_ _ 14. win _ _15. think _ _ 16. make _ _15. think _ _ 16. make _ _17. find_ _ 18. hold _ _17. find_ _ 18. hold _ _19. lend_ _ 20.l

27、eave_ _19. lend_ _ 20.leave_ _21.spread_ _22. read _ _21.spread_ _22. read _ _23. set_ _23. set_ _1. We won1. We wont go to work on our school farm if it t go to work on our school farm if it _ tomorrow. ( tomorrow. (湛江市湛江市) ) A. will snowA. will snowB. snows B. snows C. C. snowsnow2. What shall we

28、do if he _ in time with the 2. What shall we do if he _ in time with the tickets?tickets? The ship is leaving soon( The ship is leaving soon(佛山市佛山市). ). A. won A. wont come t come B. doesnB. doesnt come C. didnt come C. didnt t come come 3. Who will you ask for help if you_?( 3. Who will you ask for

29、 help if you_?(汕头汕头市市) ) A. robbed B. are robbed C. will be robbedA. robbed B. are robbed C. will be robbed4. He will write to you as soon as he _ home 4. He will write to you as soon as he _ home tomorrow.( tomorrow.(佛山市佛山市) )A. will reachA. will reach B. reach B. reach C. C. reachesreaches5. We5.

30、Well have to clean the plates before mother_ ll have to clean the plates before mother_ home. home. A. A. will come will come B. is coming B. is coming C. C. comescomes( (广东省广东省) 6. Please tell him about it when he _ back. 6. Please tell him about it when he _ back. ( (肇庆市肇庆市) ) A. comes B. will com

31、e C. is comingA. comes B. will come C. is coming(2mins)7. My brother _ in this factory since he left 7. My brother _ in this factory since he left school. school. A. worksA. worksB. worked B. worked C. has C. has workedworked(阳江市阳江市)8. When you meet her, please ask her if _ to me. 8. When you meet h

32、er, please ask her if _ to me. A. She is writing B. she will write A. She is writing B. she will write C. she C. she writes writes (梅州市梅州市) 9. My parents _Beijing for ten years. 9. My parents _Beijing for ten years. (北京北京市市) A. have been in B. have gone to C, have been A. have been in B. have gone t

33、o C, have been toto10. How long _ you _ here? For two years. 10. How long _ you _ here? For two years. (上海上海市市)A. did, study inA. did, study in B. have, study B. have, study C. C. have, studiedhave, studied11. Do you know when the 2008 Olympic Games _? 11. Do you know when the 2008 Olympic Games _?

34、A. A. will be held will be held B. are held B. are held C. will holdC. will hold(桂林桂林市市) 12. 12. I wantI want to be a teacher when I _. to be a teacher when I _. (广西广西) A. grow up B. will grow up C. grew upA. grow up B. will grow up C. grew up13. Hi, Tony! Long time no see! Where_ you _?13. Hi, Tony

35、! Long time no see! Where_ you _? A A. . have , gone have , gone B. have , been B. have , been C. C. have, been tohave, been to 14.There _ a parents meeting tomorrow. ( 14.There _ a parents meeting tomorrow. (武汉武汉市市) ) A. are B. will be C. is going toA. are B. will be C. is going to1. We won1. We wo

36、nt go to work on our school farm if it t go to work on our school farm if it _ tomorrow. ( tomorrow. (湛江市湛江市) ) A. will snowA. will snowB. snows B. snows C. C. snowsnow2. What shall we do if he _ in time with the 2. What shall we do if he _ in time with the tickets?tickets? The ship is leaving soon(

37、 The ship is leaving soon(佛山市佛山市). ). A. won A. wont come t come B. doesnB. doesnt come C. didnt come C. didnt t come come 3. Who will you ask for help if you_?( 3. Who will you ask for help if you_?(汕头汕头市市) ) A. robbed B. are robbed C. will be robbedA. robbed B. are robbed C. will be robbed4. He wi

38、ll write to you as soon as he _ home 4. He will write to you as soon as he _ home tomorrow.( tomorrow.(佛山市佛山市) )A. will reachA. will reach B. reach B. reach C. C. reachesreaches5. We5. Well have to clean the plates before mother_ ll have to clean the plates before mother_ home. home. A. A. will come

39、 will come B. is coming B. is coming C. C. comescomes( (广东省广东省) 6. Please tell him about it when he _ back. 6. Please tell him about it when he _ back. ( (肇庆市肇庆市) ) A. comes B. will come C. is comingA. comes B. will come C. is comingB BB BB BA AC CC C7. My brother _ in this factory since he left 7.

40、My brother _ in this factory since he left school. school. A. worksA. worksB. worked B. worked C. has C. has workedworked(阳江市阳江市)8. When you meet her, please ask her if _ to me. 8. When you meet her, please ask her if _ to me. A. She is writing B. she will write A. She is writing B. she will write C

41、. she C. she writes writes (梅州市梅州市) 9. My parents _Beijing for ten years. 9. My parents _Beijing for ten years. (北京北京市市) A. have been in B. have gone to C, have been A. have been in B. have gone to C, have been toto10. How long _ you _ here? For two years. 10. How long _ you _ here? For two years. (

42、上海上海市市)A. did, study inA. did, study in B. have, study B. have, study C. C. have, studiedhave, studied11. Do you know when the 2008 Olympic Games _? 11. Do you know when the 2008 Olympic Games _? A. A. will be held will be held B. are held B. are held C. will holdC. will hold(桂林桂林市市) 12. I want to b

43、e a teacher when I _. 12. I want to be a teacher when I _. (广西广西) A. grow up B. will grow up C. grew upA. grow up B. will grow up C. grew up13. Hi, Tony! Long time no see! Where_ you _?13. Hi, Tony! Long time no see! Where_ you _? A. A. have , gone have , gone B. have , been B. have , been C. C. have, been tohave, been to 14.There _ a parents meeting tomorrow. ( 14.There _ a parents meeting tomorrow. (武汉武汉市市) ) A. are B. will have C. is going to beA. are B. will have C. is going to beC CB BA AA AA AC CB BC C



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