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1、职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingUnit7职业综合英语职业综合英语 2 2E EN NG GL LI IS SH H F FO OR R C CA AR RE EE ER RS S新职业英语新职业英语职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingContentsListening & Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6Language Lab7Entertainment8职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2U

2、nit 7 MarketingWarm-upTask 1Task 2职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingWarm-1Task 1 Look at the following pictures and identify the different selling methods.person-to-person sellingperson-to-person selling direct mail sellingdirect mail selling online sellingonline selling telephone selling telephone se

3、lling NotesNotes职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingWarm-1-NotesPersonal selling: 人员推销/个人推销 is is a a two-way two-way communication communication between between the the seller seller and and the the buyer buyer usually usually face-face-to-face, to-face, via via the the Internet, Internet, the the phon

4、e phone and and the the correspondence. correspondence. Unlike Unlike advertising, advertising, a a personal personal sales sales message message can can be be more more specifically specifically targeted targeted on on individual individual prospects prospects and and easily easily alteredaltered改改

5、变变 if if the the desired desired behavior behavior does does not not occur. occur. Personal Personal selling, selling, however, however, is is far far more more costly costly than than advertising advertising and and is is generally generally used used only only when when its its high high expenditu

6、re expenditure can can be be justifiedjustified证证明明 是是正正确的或合理的确的或合理的. .职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingWarm-2SampleSampleTask 2 Work in pairs. Look at the following flow chart. Discuss with your partner and describe the process of organic foods going through the marketing channel.NotesNotes职业综合职业综合英

7、语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingWarm-2-NotesWhat is a marketing channel?What is a marketing channel?vvA A marketing marketing channel channel is is a a set set of of practices practices or or activities activities necessary necessary to to transfer transfer the the ownership ownership of of goods, goods, and

8、 and to to move move goods, goods, from from the the point point of of production production to to the the point point of of consumption, consumption, which which consists consists of of all all the the institutionsinstitutions机机构构、团团体体 and and all all the marketing activities in the marketing proce

9、ss.the marketing activities in the marketing process.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingSampleSamplevvAfter After organic organic foods foods are are produced, produced, the the first first step step is is from from agricultural agricultural production production to to wholesaling wholesaling where whe

10、re they they are are transferred transferred from from producers producers to to brokersbrokers经经纪纪人人, ,代代理理人人, ,中中间间人人,terminal,terminal markets, markets, grocery grocery wholesalers wholesalers and and foodservice foodservice wholesalers. wholesalers. The The second second stage stage is is from f

11、rom wholesaling wholesaling to to retailing retailing where where the the foods foods are are stocked stocked by by traditional traditional grocery grocery stores, stores, natural natural food food stores stores and and foodservice foodservice outlets. outlets. The The last last step step is is from

12、 from retailing retailing to to consumption consumption where where these these organic organic foods are purchased by consumers.foods are purchased by consumers.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingReading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2 Business Know-how职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-1Reading AThe M

13、ulti -channelE-Commerce In In the the midstmidst of of the the US US economic economic crisiscrisis, , cautiouscautious spending spending and and downsizing downsizing have have left left thethe retail retail industryindustry in in serious serious trouble. trouble. March March 20092009 saw saw a a 9

14、 9 percent percent decline decline compared compared withwith MarchMarch 2002008 8. . However, However, online online salessales continue continue to to showshow steady steady growth growth in in the the face face ofof adverseadverse 不不利利的的, , 逆逆向向的的, , 有有害害的的economiceconomic conditions. conditions.

15、 They They are are expected expected to to grow grow 11 11 percentpercent to to US$156.1 US$156.1 billion billion in in 2009, 2009, following following a a 13 13 percentpercent increase in 2008.increase in 2008. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-2 Given cautious consumer spending Given cautious

16、 consumer spending and and tight credittight credit, why is online retail , why is online retail continuing to grow fast while continuing to grow fast while overalloverall retail numbers drop? Retailers need toretail numbers drop? Retailers need to look look no further thanno further than the great

17、benefits the great benefits and savings of selling and savings of selling viavia a a multi-channelmulti-channel e-commerce platform e-commerce platform多渠道电子平台多渠道电子平台. .Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-3 The The Internet Internet has has a a distinctdistinct advantage advantage overove

18、r in-store in-store retailretail: : the the presence presence of of countless countless on-demand on-demand sales sales channels. channels. Still Still an an e-e-commerce commerce platform platform doesnt doesnt simply simply offer offer a a new new sales sales channel; channel; retailers retailers

19、are are actually actually increasing increasing in-store in-store purchases purchases using using online online platforms. platforms. In-store In-store retailers retailers with with e-commerce e-commerce platforms platforms may may make make use use ofof multiple multiple channels channels and and c

20、onsolidateconsolidate them them through through cross-channel cross-channel retailing. retailing. This This cross-channel cross-channel strategystrategy might might be be giving giving customers customers the the ability ability to to order order online online and and pick pick upup in-store, in-sto

21、re, or or it it could could be be as as simple simple as as honorhonoringing gift gift cardscards through through all all sales sales channels. channels. By By implementing implementing a a cross-channel cross-channel strategy, strategy, retailers retailers could could open open upup sales sales opp

22、ortunities opportunities and and improve improve customer customer satisfactionsatisfaction through through convenient convenient services services and and fulfillment of fulfillment of customer requestscustomer requests. .Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-4 Retailers Retailers areare

23、also also able able toto improve improve on-demand on-demand purchasingpurchasing capabilitiescapabilities to to increase increase sales sales online. online. An An automated automated online online platform platform allows allows retailers retailers to to receive receive orders orders at at any any

24、 timetime and and customers customers to to check check the the statusstatus of of their their order order at at their their convenienceconvenience. . By By providing providing such such an an easily easily accessibleaccessible option option for for customers, customers, online online retailers reta

25、ilers are are cateringcatering toto all all of of their their customers, customers, no no matter matter whatwhat their their shopping shopping habits habits might might reflect.reflect.Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-5 Increasing Increasing attention attention is is being being place

26、d placed onon green green business business practices practices these these days, days, and and an an e-commerce e-commerce platform platform helphelps s retailers retailers promotepromote environmentally environmentally friendly friendly business business practices. practices. From From a a busines

27、s business point point of of viewview, , they they can can save save huge huge costs costs by by cutting cutting outout traditional traditional paper paper marketing marketing and and distribution distribution methods. methods. For For exampleexample, , retailers retailers used used toto spend spend

28、 hundreds hundreds of of thousands thousands of of dollars dollars on on paper paper catalogscatalogs. . Now Now they they can can cut cut catalog catalog expenses expenses through through email email marketingmarketing and and easily easily updatable online catalogs.updatable online catalogs.Readin

29、g A职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-6 With With the the development development ofof business business intelligenceintelligence, , more more and and more more companies companies are are recognizing recognizing that that an an efficient efficient system system for for data data collection coll

30、ection and and analysisanalysis is is necessary necessary for for growing growing their their businesses. businesses. An An e-commerce e-commerce platform platform simplifiessimplifies raw raw sales sales data data capture, capture, as as well well asas data data for for customer customer profilingp

31、rofiling and and order-processing order-processing informationany informationany data data that that is is necessary necessary for for providing providing a a greater greater understanding understanding of of the the retailers retailers business. business. The The data data collection collection cap

32、abilitiescapabilities of of the the Internet Internet give give e-commerce e-commerce platforms platforms a a strategic strategic advantage advantage over over in-store in-store retail, retail, where where data data is is much much more more difficult difficult to to capture capture in in a a system

33、atic systematic and organized way.and organized way.Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-7 UltimatelyUltimately, , the the strength strength of of online online and and crosscross- -channelchannel retailing retailing comecomes s down down toto effective effective useuse of of the the Inte

34、rnet Internet and and e-e-commerce commerce platforms.platforms. As As e-commerce e-commerce and and technology technology continue continue toto improve, improve, more more and and more more businesses businesses are are relyingrelying onon e-commerce e-commerce platforms platforms to to gain gain

35、a a greatergreater understanding understanding of of their their customers, customers, cut cut costscosts, , andand run run operationsoperations more more efficiently.efficiently. Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-1Reading A多渠道电子商务多渠道电子商务 在在美美国国经经济济危危机机时时期期,开开支支缩缩减减和和公公司司裁裁员员使使零零售售业业陷

36、陷入入了了严严峻峻的的困困境境。20092009年年3 3月月的的零零售售总总额额比比20082008年年同同期期下下降降了了九九个个百百分分点点。而而面面临临同同样样的的经经济济僵僵局局,网网络络销销售售却却呈呈现现出出稳稳定定增增长长的的态态势势。继继20082008年年增增长长13%13%后后,网网络络销销售售在在20092009年年预预计计又又将将增增长长1111个个百百分分点点,销销售售额额将将达达到到15611561亿美元。亿美元。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-2Reading A 面面对对消消费费者者开开支支谨谨慎慎和和信信贷贷紧

37、紧缩缩,网网上上零零售售为为什什么么会会在在零零售售总总额额下下跌跌的的情情况况下下保保持持快快速速增增长长呢呢?零零售售商商们们只只要要看看看看通通过过多多渠渠道道电电子子商商务务平平台台销销售售所所带带来来的的巨巨大大收收益益和和销销售售成成本本的的降降低便可知道答案。低便可知道答案。 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-3Reading A 与与店店面面销销售售相相比比,网网络络销销售售拥拥有有一一个个明明显显优优势势:它它可可以以提提供供各各种种按按需需销销售售渠渠道道。不不过过电电子子商商务务平平台台不不仅仅仅仅是是提提供供一一种种新新的的

38、销销售售渠渠道道。事事实实上上,零零售售商商目目前前正正利利用用网网络络平平台台增增加加店店面面购购买买量量。他他们们可可利利用用多多种种渠渠道道,并并通通过过跨跨渠渠道道销销售售将将其其统统一一为为一一个个整整体体。这这种种跨跨渠渠道道策策略略可可以以是是顾顾客客在在网网上上订订购购,然然后后到到店店铺铺提提货货,或或者者就就是是简简单单通通过过所所有有渠渠道道兑兑现现代代金金卡卡。利利用用这这种种策策略略,零零售售商商可可以以提提供供便便捷捷的的服服务务和和满满足足顾顾客客需需求来增加销售机会并提高顾客满意度。求来增加销售机会并提高顾客满意度。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7

39、MarketingA-Trans-4Reading A 零零售售商商还还可可以以通通过过提提升升按按需需购购买买服服务务能能力力来来促促进进网网络络销销售售。自自动动化化网网络络平平台台使使零零售售商商在在任任何何时时候候都都可可以以接接受受订订单单,使使消消费费者者能能够够随随时时查查看看他他们们订订单单状状态态。无无论论消消费费者者会会有有什什么么样样的的购购物物习习惯惯,通通过过给给他他们们提提供供如如此此便便捷捷的的选选择择,网络零售商可以满足所有顾客的消费需求。网络零售商可以满足所有顾客的消费需求。 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-5R

40、eading A 目目前前,人人们们越越来来越越重重视视绿绿色色商商业业,而而电电子子商商务务平平台台正正有有助助于于零零售售商商促促进进环环境境友友好好型型经经营营活活动动。从从商商业业角角度度来来看看,由由于于取取消消了了传传统统纸纸质质营营销销和和分分销销方方法法,零零售售商商得得以以大大大大节节省省销销售售成成本本。举举例例来来说说,零零售售商商过过去去常常常常花花费费大大量量资资金金来来印印制制纸纸质质商商品品目目录录,而而现现在在他他们们可可以以通通过过电电子子邮邮件件和和易易于于更更新新的的在在线线商商品品目目录录来来降降低低这这方方面的开支。面的开支。职业综合职业综合英语英语

41、2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-6Reading A 随随着着商商业业情情报报的的不不断断发发展展,越越来来越越多多的的企企业业意意识识到到有有效效的的信信息息收收集集和和分分析析系系统统对对于于企企业业的的发发展展是是必必不不可可少少的的。电电子子商商务务平平台台不不仅仅可可以以简简化化原原始始销销售售数数据据、客客户户资资料料数数据据和和订订单单处处理理数数据据的的收收集集,也也可可以以简简化化任任何何有有助助于于进进一一步步了了解解零零售售商商经经营营状状况况的的数数据据的的收收集集。互互联联网网的的数数据据收收集集能能力力使使电电子子商商务务平平台台具具备备了了超

42、超越越店店面面销销售售的的战战略略优优势势,因因为为在在店店面面销销售售中中系系统统而而有有序序地采集数据要困难得多。地采集数据要困难得多。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-7Reading A 最最后后,网网络络和和跨跨渠渠道道零零售售的的力力量量归归根根结结底底在在于于对对互互联联网网和和电电子子商商务务平平台台的的有有效效利利用用。伴伴随随着着电电子子商商务务和和科科技技的的持持续续发发展展,将将会会有有越越来来越越多多的的企企业业依依靠靠电电子子商商务务平平台台来来进进一一步步了了解解客客户、降低成本、提高运营效率。户、降低成本、提高运营效

43、率。 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing n. (formal) (used after a preposition) the middle part of something Reading Amidst e.g.e.g. In the midst of the city there lies a big shopping mall.Tran:Tran:他作战时表现得非常勇敢。 He fought bravely in the midst He fought bravely in the midst of the battle. of the battle.职业

44、综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing【词义辨析】vcenter,middle,heart,core,midstn这些名词均含有“中心”之意。ncenter:指三维空间的中心点,也可比喻抽象事物的中心nmiddle:一般指时间、空间或过程两端间等距的部分。nheart:指事物最内部或最重要的部分,表地理位置时可与center换用。ncore:指某事物固定的中心部分或最重要的核心部分。比喻意义指某物的精华。nmidst:书面语用词,指在一个群体的深处或在某活动的进程中。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing n. a time of danger

45、and great difficulty Reading Acrisise.g.e.g. The company is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession. Tran:Tran:在遇到困难的时候有好朋友可以求助真好。 In In times times of of crisis crisis its its good good to to have have a a friend friend to to turnturn to. to.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing a

46、. being careful about what someone says or does, especially to avoid danger or mistakes Reading Acautious e.g.e.g. He was very cautious about committing himself to anything. Tran:Tran:他们对这一解决危机的方法表达了谨慎的乐观。 They They express express cautious cautious optimism optimism about about a a solutionsolution

47、 to the crisis. to the crisis. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing a. (only before noun) including all the things or people that are involved in a particular situation; totalReading Aoveralle.g.e.g. The overall result is an increase in population.Tran:绘完画后,她退后一步仔细欣赏整体效果。 When When she she finished fini

48、shed painting, painting, she she stepped stepped back toback to admire the overall effect. admire the overall effect. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing a. clearly seen, heard, understood, etc.; noticeable Reading Adistinct e.g.e.g. There was a distinct smell of burning. e.g.e.g. His voice was quiet b

49、ut every word was distinct.Tran:你的英语口语进步明显。 There There is is a a distinct distinct improvement improvement in in your your spokenspoken English. English. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketingv. to combine things in order to make them more effective or easier to deal with; to strengthen the position of p

50、ower or success that someone hasReading Aconsolidate e.g.e.g. The company has consolidated its position as thecountrys leading gas supplier.Tran:最近几家本地企业合并组成了一家大公司。 Several Several local local businesses businesses have have recently recently consolidatedconsolidated to form a single large company.

51、to form a single large company. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing v. to do what someone has agreed to do, often by making a payment Reading Ahonor e.g.e.g. The bank has refused to honor his check. Tran:Tran:请遵守合同,工作到该项目结束为止。 Please Please honor honor your your contract contract by by working working

52、until until thethe project is finished. project is finished. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing n. the ability or qualities necessary to do something Reading Acapabilitye.g.e.g. Animals in the zoo have lost the capability to catch/of catching food for themselves. Tran:Tran:她没有能力组织好整个部门。 Organizing a w

53、hole department is beyond her Organizing a whole department is beyond her capability. capability. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing a. that can be used, seen, obtained, etc. Reading Aaccessible e.g.e.g. There is a collection of books recently made accessible to the public. Tran:Tran:只有坐船才能到那座岛上。 The

54、island is only accessibleThe island is only accessible by boat. by boat. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing v. to provide what is desired or needed Reading Acatere.g.e.g. They only publish novels which cater to the mass market. Tran:Tran:她拒绝了他的无理要求。 She refused to cater to his She refused to cater to

55、his ridiculous demands. ridiculous demands. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing n. secret information that is collected Reading Aintelligence e.g.e.g. According to our intelligence, further attacks were planned. Tran:Tran:将军有敌军的秘密情报。 The general had secret intelligence The general had secret intelligen

56、ce of the enemy. of the enemy. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing v. to make something easier to do or understand Reading Asimplify e.g.e.g. Try to simplify our explanation for the children. Tran:Tran:该申请表格已经简化了。 The application forms have The application forms have been simplified. been simplified. 职

57、业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing n. the act of collecting useful information about something or someone so that you can give a description of them. Reading Aprofiling e.g.e.g. Criminal profiling consists of analyzing a crime scene and using the information to determine the identity of the perpetrator

58、 (犯罪者犯罪者). Tran: Tran: 什么才是人格潜质分析?(personality profiling- competency profiling ) What exactly is personality profiling-competency What exactly is personality profiling-competency profiling? profiling?职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing to be able to be explained by a single important point Reading Acom

59、e down to e.g.e.g. What it comes down to is a choice between cutting wages or reducing the number of staff. Tran:Tran:总之, 要么给我加钱, 要么我走人。 What it comes down to is either I get more What it comes down to is either I get more money or I leave. money or I leave. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Task-1

60、Reading A Task 1 Put the following statements into the right order according to the passage. A.A cross-channel strategy helps retailers open up sales opportunities and improve customer satisfaction. B. E-commerce platforms will play a more important role in the business world. C. E-commerce platform

61、s hold a strategic advantage in business data collection. D. E-commerce platforms help retailers promote green business practices and cut costs. E. Online retailers could cater to all customers through automated online platforms. F. Online sales continue to grow during the economic crisis. G. Multi-

62、channel e-commerce platforms account for the online sales growth. F G A E D C -B职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Task-2-1 Reading A Task 2 Answer the following questions according to the passage.1. Why is online retail continuing to grow fast while overall retail numbers drop?2. An e-commerce platf

63、orm is simply a new sales channel, isnt it?3. What can an automated online platform do for retailers and customers? Because Because of of the the great great benefits benefits and and savings savings of of selling selling via via a multi-channel e-commerce platform. a multi-channel e-commerce platfo

64、rm. No. No. By By adopting adopting a a cross-channel cross-channel strategy, strategy, retailers retailers can can use an online platform to increase in-store purchases. use an online platform to increase in-store purchases. It It allows allows retailers retailers to to receive receive orders order

65、s at at any any time time and and customers customers to to check check the the status status of of their their order order at at their their convenience.convenience.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Task2-2 Reading A 4. How can an e-commerce platform help retailers to save costs?5. In terms of busi

66、ness intelligence, what gives e-commerce platforms a strategic advantage over in-store retail? The data-collection capabilities of the Internet.The data-collection capabilities of the Internet.By cutting out traditional paper marketing and By cutting out traditional paper marketing and distribution

67、methods.distribution methods.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingBusiness Know-howCreating an Effective Trade Show Display Remember that less is more. Keep the images and messages simple, and layouts clean; Select your trade show graphics carefully. If possible, select simple single images; Create a sim

68、ple and easy-to-remember headline. Choose a simple and easy-to-read typeface; Be careful when writing your description. Make each word count. Use bullet points and dont get too technical; Make the company name prominent, in the header where visitors will expect to find it; Feature your website addre

69、ss. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingReading BReading BTextTask 1Task 2Task 3职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText Text B-1B-1A Sales Letter Jackson White, Sales Manager Jackson White, Sales Manager Brother Tires Co., Ltd. Brother Tires Co., Ltd. Elm Oak Street Elm Oak Street Bakersfield, California B

70、akersfield, California Oct. 9, 2010 Oct. 9, 2010Benjamin Wood, ManagerBenjamin Wood, ManagerCar Products & AccessoriesCar Products & AccessoriesEastern Supermarket GroupEastern Supermarket Group14 Main Street, Bakersfield, California14 Main Street, Bakersfield, CaliforniaDear Mr. Wood,Dear Mr. Wood,

71、 Reports Reports from from all all over over the the world world confirm confirm what what we we have have always always knownthat knownthat the the ROY ROY solid solid tire tire is is not not only only the the solution solution to to a a whole whole lot lot of of the tire problems but also the fulf

72、illment of every car owners dream.the tire problems but also the fulfillment of every car owners dream.Reading B职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText Text B-2B-2Reading B We We will will naturally naturally be be well well aware aware of of the the weaknesses weaknesses of of the the ordinary ordinar

73、y air-filled air-filled tirepunctures, tirepunctures, outer outer covers covers which which split split under under sudden sudden stress, stress, and and a a tendency tendency to to skid skid on on wet wet road road surfaces, surfaces, justjust to to mention mention only only a a few few of of motor

74、ists motorists main main complaints. complaints. Our Our ROY ROY tire tire enables enables you you to to offer offer youryour customers customers a a tire tire which which is is beyond beyond criticism criticism in those vital qualities of road-holding and reliability.in those vital qualities of roa

75、d-holding and reliability.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText Text B-3B-3Reading B We We could could tell tell you you a a lot lot more more about about ROY ROY tires, tires, but but would would prefer prefer you you to to read read the the enclosed enclosed copies copies of of reports reports from

76、 from racing racing car car drivers, drivers, test test drivers, drivers, motor motor dealers dealers and and manufacturers. manufacturers. These These reports reports really really speak speak for for themselves. themselves. You You may may also also visit visit our our official official website we

77、bsite for for more more reviews reviews and and recommendations recommendations from from our our ordinary users.ordinary users.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText Text B-4B-4Reading B You You are are already already aware aware of of our our terms terms of of dealing, dealing, but but to to encour

78、age encourage you you to to hold hold a a stock stock of of the the new new solid solid ROY, ROY, we we are are pleased pleased to to offer offer you you a a special special discount discount of of 3% 3% on on any any order order received by December 31.received by December 31. Yours Yours sincerely

79、,sincerely, Sales Sales DepartmentDepartment职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingB-Trans-1B-Trans-1Reading B推销函推销函 杰克逊杰克逊 怀特怀特 销售经理销售经理 兄弟轮胎有限公司兄弟轮胎有限公司 榆橡大街榆橡大街 加利福尼亚州贝克斯菲尔德市加利福尼亚州贝克斯菲尔德市 2010 2010年年1010月月9 9日日本杰明本杰明 伍德伍德经理经理汽车用品与配件部汽车用品与配件部东部超市集团东部超市集团主大街主大街1414号号加利福尼亚州贝克斯菲尔德市加利福尼亚州贝克斯菲尔德市亲爱的伍德先生:亲爱的伍德

80、先生: 我们都知道罗伊牌实心轮胎可以解决许多轮胎方面的问题,是每个车主我们都知道罗伊牌实心轮胎可以解决许多轮胎方面的问题,是每个车主的梦想之胎。这一点也为世界各地的报道所证实。的梦想之胎。这一点也为世界各地的报道所证实。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingB-Trans-2B-Trans-2Reading B 我们都清楚普通充气轮胎的缺陷我们都清楚普通充气轮胎的缺陷如驾如驾驶员常抱怨的几点:易被刺穿、压力突然增大驶员常抱怨的几点:易被刺穿、压力突然增大时易破裂以及潮湿路面易打滑。而我们的罗伊时易破裂以及潮湿路面易打滑。而我们的罗伊牌轮胎使您能够为顾客提供一种在抓地性

81、和可牌轮胎使您能够为顾客提供一种在抓地性和可靠性方面无可挑剔的轮胎。靠性方面无可挑剔的轮胎。 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingB-Trans-3B-Trans-3Reading B 有关罗伊牌轮胎我们还可以告诉您很多,不过有关罗伊牌轮胎我们还可以告诉您很多,不过希望您能阅读一下附寄的来自赛车手、试车员、汽希望您能阅读一下附寄的来自赛车手、试车员、汽车经销商和制造商的报告,就再清楚不过了。您也车经销商和制造商的报告,就再清楚不过了。您也可以访问我们的官方网站了解普通用户的评论和推可以访问我们的官方网站了解普通用户的评论和推荐。荐。 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2

82、Unit 7 MarketingB-Trans-4B-Trans-4Reading B 虽然您已清楚我们的经销条款,但为了鼓虽然您已清楚我们的经销条款,但为了鼓励经销罗伊牌新型实心轮胎的销售,如您在励经销罗伊牌新型实心轮胎的销售,如您在1212月月3131日前订购,我们将提供日前订购,我们将提供3%3%的特别折扣。的特别折扣。 您真诚的,您真诚的, 杰克逊怀特 销售部销售部 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingB-Task 1B-Task 1Task 1 A successful sales letter usually follows four steps. Re

83、ad the letter again and match the steps with the four paragraphs in the body of the letter.Reading BA. Motivating the readers actionB. Arousing the readers interestC. Getting the readers attentionD. Providing the readers benefitsCBDA职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingB-Task 2 2Task 2 Try to rewrite the

84、 following sentences in a more appealing and persuasive way. Reading B1.You will be interested in our new toothbrush. Would you like to know which toothbrush most dentists use?2. Our new digital camera, SHINNING X5, is useful. Heres a digital cameraSHINNINGwhich will revolutionize the way you take p

85、hotos.3. The MacroPrinter 3000 is better than other printers in the same price range. Macroprinter 3000: Well above the competition! 4. The Super sports T-shirts are comfortable. The Super sports T-shirtsso comfortable you wont know youre wearing them. 5. The CDBurnerXP is reliable. Scientific test

86、shows that CDBurnerXP is up to twice as reliable as other leading brands. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketinga. Why wait? Come and buy the machine, right now. Each days delay costs you money.b. In addition, within one year of your purchase of the air conditioner, we will take care of fixing, repairing,

87、 or even replacing it if there isanything wrong.c. And if you would like to spread the cost, you have three years to pay up.d. The price of the air conditioner is very competitive, five percent lower than that of similar products in the market.e. Tests in over 100 business offices have proved that L

88、uck air conditioners can do this.f. As the increased staff efficiency means greater profits for your business organization, the Luck air conditioner will consequently pay for itself within a limited period of time.g. How would you like to increase the efficiency of your office staff by ten percent t

89、his summer?B-Task 3 3Task 3 Rearrange the following sentences in an appropriate order to form the body of a four-paragraph sales letter.Reading BSampleSample职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingB-3-Sample3-SampleReading BHow would you like to increase the efficiency of your office staff by ten percent th

90、is summer?Tests in over 100 business offices have proved that Luck air conditioners can do this. As the increased staff efficiency means greater profits for your business organization, the Luck air conditioner will consequently pay for itself within a limited period of time.The price of the air cond

91、itioner is very competitive, five percent lower than that of similar products in the market. And if you would like to spread the cost, you have three years to pay up. In addition, within one year of your purchase of the air conditioning, we will take care of fixing, repairing, or even replacing it i

92、f there is anything wrong.Why wait? Come and buy the machine, right now. Each days delay costs you money. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingListeningListening & SpeakingTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingL-Task 1-1 Task 1 Pamela Fischer, an American importer, talks with a Ch

93、inese salesman at a trade show. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Listening & SpeakingM: Good morning. May I help you?W: I wonder if you can give me more information about this product youre showing. M: Id be glad to help. Would you like a packet of _?W: Thank you.

94、 M: Well, its called the Pocket Reader. Would you like _? W: All right.our promotional materials a quick demonstration to see how it works 声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingL-Task 1-2M: Now, first I press this little button to switch it on and then I move it across the paragraph like this and you

95、can read the sentences Ive scanned here in the little window. W: Its impressive. _M: What theyll most appreciate is that it can be used anywhere and it is easy to use.W: How long will it take you to make shipment if I place an order? M: _ and we could ship your order within one week. W: Great. Are a

96、ll the components made here in China?M: Yes, _ , but only in China. These computers are made here. May I ask what company you work for?W: I represent Focus Electronics. Were a high-volume, discount mail order house(邮购商号 )Listening & Speaking We have large stocks in our warehouse This is the kind of

97、thing my customers might go for. we do some subcontracting 声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingL-Task 2 Task 2 Alan Lawson, whose company intends to take part in a trade show, is making an inquiry with the trade show organizer about stand booking. Listen to the conversation and complete the followin

98、g note.Listening & Speaking About Stand Booking 1. ( ) entails a discount. 2. Decide the ( ) of stand(s) and check the budget . 3. Booth ( ): high exposure and check the nearby stands. 4. Sign and return the contract with deposit for ( ) of stand choice. Early bookingsize/spaceScriptScriptlocationco

99、nfirmation声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingL-2-ScriptTask Task 2 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing1. A. Because it creates awareness. B. Because it decreases traffic. C. Because it saves money. D. Because it reduces workload.2. A. Use an individuals name on the

100、 envelope. B. Use an individuals name on the enclosed letter. C. Add a brief handwritten note at the bottom of the letter. D. Follow the mail with a phone call.3. A. Company name and phone number. B. Company name and brief introduction. C. Company name and booth number. D. Booth size and booth numbe

101、r.L-Task 3 Task 3 Mike Byron is discussing pre-show promotion with Ms. Winn. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Listening & Speaking ScriptScript声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingL-3-ScriptTask Task 3 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2

102、2Unit 7 MarketingCompany ProfileName: _ Umbrella Co. Ltd.History: founded in _Scale: _ sales branches, ten offices, _ solely owned plantsPriority: product _Production Capacity: _ umbrellas a yearReputation: products _ in the market, leading market positionMain markets: US, Canada, _ and JapanL-Task

103、4Task 4 Denise Morgan is visiting a booth at a trade show and asking about the exhibitors information. Complete the following company profile with what you hear.Listening & Speaking RainbowRainbow19901990fourfoursixsixqualityqualityten millionten millionwell-receivedwell-receivedEuropeEuropeScriptSc

104、ript声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingL-4-ScriptTask Task 4 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingL-Task 5-1 Task 5 Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Listening & Speaking According to the Center for Exhibit Industry Research, the m

105、ajority of trade fair attendees are decision makers or influencers who plan to make a purchase. Following are the guidelines to help make sure one is ready to _. Avoid soft sells and be engaging: Trade fairs require a hard-sell approach. When attendees show interest in your booth, approach them imme

106、diately. Present your professionalism and willingness to help and avoid greetings like “Can I help you”. Instead, _“What information can I tell you about our new heating system?” Watch your manners: Dont sit down. Dont eat, drink, or smoke at the booth. Never leave your booth unattended. Dont spend

107、time chatting with colleagues instead of _.sell effectivelysell effectivelyask a direct questionask a direct questionfocusing on customersfocusing on customers声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingL-Task 5-2 Qualify prospects quickly: The first thing you should do once you meet someone new is to find

108、out who they are and where theyre located. You can find this information out by requesting _. Ask lots of questions: Engage a prospect by asking open-ended questionsones that require more than a yes or no answer. This will help you determine their needs and interests. Keep good records: Write down a

109、ll the relevant information about a prospect on a “lead card” which contains his or her needs, interests, _. Use this card for your post-show follow-up when you return to the office.Listening & Speaking a business carda business card budget and timingbudget and timing声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marke

110、tingWritingWritingTask 1 Task 2 Task 3职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingW-Task-1WritingTask 1 Look at the following advertisements and discuss the questions below with your partner.Q1Q1Q2Q2职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingW-1-W-1-Q1Q1WritingWhat does each advertisement sell?Sample Sample 1 1 is is a a

111、public public service service advertisement advertisement ( (公公公公益益益益广广广广告告告告), ), warning warning the the consequence consequence of of drunk drunk driving. driving. Sample Sample 2 2 is is a a hair hair gel gel advertisement, advertisement, showing showing the the effect effect after after using u

112、sing the the product. product. Sample Sample 3 3 is is also also a a public public service service advertisement, advertisement, warning warning parents parents to to take take care care of of their their children children in in the the swimming swimming pool. pool. Sample Sample 4 4 is is a a mobil

113、e mobile phone phone advertisement advertisement showing showing the the special special musical musical feature of the product.feature of the product.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingW-1-W-1-Q2Q2WritingWhat is the slogan used in each advertisement?Sample 1: Reserved for Drunk DriversSample 1: Reserv

114、ed for Drunk DriversSample 2: Tames the Wildest HairSample 2: Tames the Wildest HairSample 3: Watch Around WaterSample 3: Watch Around WaterSample 4: Express Your Musical SideSample 4: Express Your Musical Side职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingW-W-Task-Task-2-2-1 1WritingTask 2 Translate the following

115、 advertisements slogans into Chinese.1.Time always follows me.2. Good to the last drop.3. A diamond lasts forever.4. Start ahead.时间永随我。(罗西尼表)时间永随我。(罗西尼表)时间永随我。(罗西尼表)时间永随我。(罗西尼表)滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。( (

116、第比尔斯第比尔斯第比尔斯第比尔斯) )成功之路,从头开始。成功之路,从头开始。成功之路,从头开始。成功之路,从头开始。( (飘柔飘柔飘柔飘柔) )职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingW-Task 2-22-2Writing5. Lets make things better.6. Melt in your mouth, not in your hand7. Fresh-up with Seven-up.8. Focus on life.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)只溶在口,不

117、溶在手。只溶在口,不溶在手。只溶在口,不溶在手。只溶在口,不溶在手。(M&M(M&M巧克力巧克力巧克力巧克力) )提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜)提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜)提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜)提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜)瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingW-W-Task-3Task-3WritingWork with your partner and design an advertisement slogan for one of the following products

118、or any other product you like.Task 3职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingMiniMini-projectWork in groups. Discuss with your partners to choose a product. Decide on any two of the following advertising media and draft two advertisements for your product. Then demonstrate your ads to the class.职业综合职业综合英语英语

119、2 2Unit 7 MarketingLanguage LabLanguage LabTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingLL-LL-TaskTask 1Language LabTask 1 Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right. F FAAE EI IDDGGC CHHJ JBB职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingLL-Task 2-1Language Lab Task 2 Complete t

120、he following sentences with the words from Task 1. Change the form if necessary. 1.The social and economic _ of women is still low in this country.2. I have _ a copy of my rsum with additional information about my qualifications.3. In addition to _ performance, we specifically investigated a secreta

121、rys communication skills.4. There was a(n) _ smell of soap in the bathroom.5. The new mobile _ lets consumers order products or services using their phones or personal digital assistants.status status enclosedenclosedoveralloveralldistinctdistinctcommercecommerce职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingLL-Ta

122、sk 2-2Language Lab 6. The school can _ for up to 850 pupils aged between 11 and 18.7. The bank plans to use the new _ to upgrade its electronic ordering system.8. The company is planning to _ its business activities at a new site in Beijing.9. The bank is very _ about lending money to the real estat

123、e industry.10. Everything will _ depend on what is said at the meeting next week.cater cater platformplatformconsolidateconsolidatecautiouscautiousultimatelyultimately职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingLL-LL-TaskTask 3Language Lab Task 3 Complete the sentences with the following phrases. Change the for

124、m if necessary. in the midst of at ones convenience rely on come down to speak for itself1. The goods will be delivered to your house any time _.2. It is commonly agreed that a good design should _ .3. Eventually our choice of hotel will _ how much we can afford.4. Im afraid Im too busyIm _ writing

125、up a report.5. The organization encourages members to meet on a regular basis, _ providing them with financial support.at your convenienceat your convenience speak for itselfspeak for itselfcome down tocome down toin the midst of in the midst of as well as as well as 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing

126、LL-LL-TaskTask 4-1Language Lab Task 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the models. Model Model 1 1: When we take cautious consumer spending and tight credit into account, why is online retail continuing to grow fast while overall retail numbers drop? Given cautious consumer spending and tight c

127、redit, why is online retail continuing to grow fast while overall retail numbers drop?1.When we think about his age, hes a remarkably fast runner.2. Considering the condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it even starts. 3. When we consider that hes had six months to do this, he hasnt made much

128、 progress. Given his age, hes a remarkably fast runner. Given his age, hes a remarkably fast runner. Given Given that that hes hes had had six six months months to to do do this, this, he he hasnt hasnt made much progress.made much progress. Given the condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it

129、Given the condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it even starts. even starts. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingLL-Task 4-24-2Language Lab Model 2:Model 2: Retailers use online platforms and are actually increasing in-store Retailers use online platforms and are actually increasing in-store purc

130、hases.purchases. Retailers are actually increasing in-store purchases Retailers are actually increasing in-store purchases usingusing online online platforms.platforms.1. He drives a truck and earns his living.2. 3.The factory used the new equipment and succeeded in increasing production. 3. They ad

131、opted a different approach and managed to solve the problem. He earns his living driving a truck.He earns his living driving a truck. The The factory factory succeeded succeeded in in increasing increasing production production using using the new equipment. the new equipment. They They managed mana

132、ged to to solve solve the the problem problem adopting adopting a a different approach.different approach. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingLL-Task 5-15-1Language Lab Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or phrases.他们已决定推迟签署整合两家公司塑料业务的协议。他们已决定推迟签署整合两家公司塑料业务的协议。他们

133、已决定推迟签署整合两家公司塑料业务的协议。他们已决定推迟签署整合两家公司塑料业务的协议。(consolidate)(consolidate)(consolidate)(consolidate) They They have have decided decided to to postpone postpone the the agreement agreement to to consolidate the two companies plastics businesses .consolidate the two companies plastics businesses .2 2 2 2

134、. . 他尝试将这本书简化以满足更年轻的读者。他尝试将这本书简化以满足更年轻的读者。他尝试将这本书简化以满足更年轻的读者。他尝试将这本书简化以满足更年轻的读者。(simplify)(simplify)(simplify)(simplify) He He managed managed to to simplify simplify the the book book for for the the younger younger reader.reader. 3 3 3 3. . 处理签证申请至少需要处理签证申请至少需要处理签证申请至少需要处理签证申请至少需要28282828天的时间。天的时间

135、。天的时间。天的时间。(process)(process)(process)(process) Visa applications take at least 28 days to process. Visa applications take at least 28 days to process. 4 4 4 4. . 我完全愿意执行我们的合约。我完全愿意执行我们的合约。我完全愿意执行我们的合约。我完全愿意执行我们的合约。(honor)(honor)(honor)(honor) I have every intention of honoring our contract. I have

136、every intention of honoring our contract. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingLL-Task 5-2Language Lab售后服务对于一个产品的成功至关重要售后服务对于一个产品的成功至关重要售后服务对于一个产品的成功至关重要售后服务对于一个产品的成功至关重要(vital)(vital)(vital)(vital) After-sales service is vital to the success of a product.After-sales service is vital to the succ

137、ess of a product.为满足顾客需要,我们设计了许多不同的保险方案。为满足顾客需要,我们设计了许多不同的保险方案。为满足顾客需要,我们设计了许多不同的保险方案。为满足顾客需要,我们设计了许多不同的保险方案。(cater to)(cater to)(cater to)(cater to) We We have have designed designed a a variety variety of of insurance insurance plans plans to to cater cater to our customers needs.to our cu

138、stomers needs.问题是这些药品太容易弄得到。问题是这些药品太容易弄得到。问题是这些药品太容易弄得到。问题是这些药品太容易弄得到。(accessible)(accessible)(accessible)(accessible) The The problem problem lies lies in in that that these these medicines medicines are are so so easily easily accessible.accessible.所有一切都归结为你现在是否想工作。所有一切都归结为你现在是否想

139、工作。所有一切都归结为你现在是否想工作。所有一切都归结为你现在是否想工作。(come down to)(come down to)(come down to)(come down to) It It all all comes comes down down to to whether whether you you want want to to get get a a job job now or not.now or not. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingEntertainmentScarborough FairBy: Paul Simon & Art

140、 GarfunkelBy: Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel EntertainmentBackgroundBackground声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingBackgroundScarborough Fair comes from an English folk song from the 16th century, which is about unrequited love. A young man requests impossible tasks from his lover, saying that if she can

141、 perform them, he will take her back. In return, she requests impossible things of him, saying she will perform her tasks when he performs his. Paul Simon learned the song in 1965. Art Garfunkel adapted the arrangement, integrating elements of another song Paul Simon had written called The Side of a

142、 Hill, and the pair added some anti-war lyrics. The singing duo of Simon and Garfunkel made the song famous in the 1960s, which was then included in the movie The Graduate. EntertainmentBackground职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingThankYou!职业综合英语职业综合英语 2 2E EN NG GL LI IS SH H F FO OR R C CA AR RE EE ER RS S新职业英语新职业英语Thank You!



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