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1、第13课时 八年级下册Modules 78考点考点一一 weigh的用法的用法【课文原句】【课文原句】 Your bag mustnt weigh too much.你的包不能太重。你的包不能太重。(M7,P56)(1)(2016山东济宁中考山东济宁中考)You can lose _ (体重体重) by eating less and keeping exercise more.(2)Larry has put on too much _(weigh) because of his unbalanced diet.(3)(2015江苏宿迁中考江苏宿迁中考)你能猜得出这头大象的重量吗?你能猜得出

2、这头大象的重量吗? Can you guess _ _ _ this elephant? weightweight theweightof 考点考点二二 depend on的用法的用法【课文原句】【课文原句】 .it depends on your personal choice. .这取决于你个人的选择。这取决于你个人的选择。(M7,P58) depend on为固定短语,意为为固定短语,意为“依靠;取决于;决定于;依靠;取决于;决定于;视视而定而定”,相当于,相当于rely on。After his parents death, he depended on his uncle.在父母过世

3、后,他依靠叔叔生活。在父母过世后,他依靠叔叔生活。Whether well go out tomorrow depends on the weather.我们明天是否外出要视天气情况而定。我们明天是否外出要视天气情况而定。(1)(2018湖北宜昌中考改编湖北宜昌中考改编)A research suggests that walking helps people live longer.I quite agree, but it _ (remains/separates/returns/depends) on when and how they walk.depends (2)(2016湖北襄阳

4、中考改编湖北襄阳中考改编)Are you going to have a parttime job during the summer vacation? Yes. I think I shouldnt always _(fight against/argue with/hear from/depend on) my parents since Ive grown up. depend on (3)人生价值并不取决于你是谁,而是你做什么。人生价值并不取决于你是谁,而是你做什么。The value of life does not _,but what you do. (4)你们现在是成年人了,

5、不应该依靠父母。你们现在是成年人了,不应该依靠父母。You are adults now and should not _your parents. depend on who you are depend/rely on 考点考点三三 provide的用法的用法【课文原句】【课文原句】 We provide books, and we set tests every week to check your progress.我们提供书本并且每周组织测验来检我们提供书本并且每周组织测验来检查你们的进步。查你们的进步。(M7,P58)provide与与offer都表示都表示“提供提供”。 (1)p

6、rovide常用于常用于provide sth. for sb.和和provide sb. with sth.结构中。结构中。(2)offer常用于常用于offer sth. to sb. 和和offer sb. sth.;另外接动;另外接动词时,词时,offer后接动词不定式,即后接动词不定式,即offer to do sth.“主动提出主动提出做某事做某事”。我们把书提供给了贫困地区的孩子们。我们把书提供给了贫困地区的孩子们。We provided the books for the children in the poor area.We provided the children in

7、 the poor area with the books.老人给穷人提供了许多食物老人给穷人提供了许多食物The old man offered the poor a lot of food.The old man offered a lot of food to the poor. Li Lin kindly offered to change seats with the elderly man, and went to Carriage 9.李林好心地主动提出与老人换座,李林好心地主动提出与老人换座,并去了并去了9号车厢。号车厢。(1)用用provide或或offer的适当形式填空的适

8、当形式填空(2016江苏无锡中考江苏无锡中考)As soon as he _a wellpaid job, he called his parents to tell them the good news. Miss Li always _ us with love and help. (2)所有宠物在生活上给予它们的主人爱与安慰。所有宠物在生活上给予它们的主人爱与安慰。All pets _ the owners _ love and comfort in their lives. was offered provides providewith考点考点四四 prefer的用法的用法【课文原句

9、】【课文原句】 But if you prefer, of course, you can stay in a hotel.但是如果你愿意,当然也可以住酒店。但是如果你愿意,当然也可以住酒店。(M7,P58)prefer用作动词,意为用作动词,意为“更喜欢更喜欢”,相当于,相当于like. better,通,通常不用于进行时。其后可接名词、动名词或动词不定式,常不用于进行时。其后可接名词、动名词或动词不定式,其词形变化和常见用法如下:其词形变化和常见用法如下:(注:注:、中的中的to为介词,为介词,、中的中的to为动词不定式符号为动词不定式符号)(1)(2018黑龙江绥化中考改编黑龙江绥化中考

10、改编)Nowadays, most people prefer to _ computer games rather than _ books. (play; reading/play; read/playing; reading)(2)(2018黑龙江龙东中考改编黑龙江龙东中考改编)I prefer _the failure rather than _my dream. (experience; to give up/to experience; give up/experiencing; giving up)play readto experience give up (3)I prefe

11、r _ (stay) at home rather than going out on such a rainy day.staying考点考点五五 take up的用法的用法【课文原句】【课文原句】 The lake takes up over half of the park area. 湖占据了这个公园一半多的面积。湖占据了这个公园一半多的面积。(M8,P64) take up意为意为“占去占去(时间或空间时间或空间)”,后接名词或动名词作,后接名词或动名词作宾语。宾语。take up还可意为还可意为“开始从事;着手处理开始从事;着手处理”。【拓展延伸】【拓展延伸】 常见的由常见的由ta

12、ke构成的短语构成的短语(2016江苏连云港中考改编江苏连云港中考改编)Why didnt you finish the project on time? Im sorry. Searching the Internet for some information _(占用占用) the whole afternoon.took up 考点考点六六 wake sb. up的用法的用法【课文原句】【课文原句】 It woke everybody up它叫醒了所有人。它叫醒了所有人。 (M8,P66)(1)后接宾语时,后接宾语时,wake up为及物动词,意为为及物动词,意为“叫醒叫醒”;wake

13、up也可以作不及物动词短语,意为也可以作不及物动词短语,意为“醒来醒来”。I didnt wake up until I heard the alarm clock.直到听到闹直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。钟的铃声我才醒来。 (2)wake up为为“动词副词动词副词”短语,人称代词放于短语,人称代词放于wake与与up中间。中间。She was fast asleep; I couldnt wake her up.她睡得很熟,她睡得很熟,我喊不醒她。我喊不醒她。(3)常见的由常见的由up 构成的短语。构成的短语。(1)Mother _ me up at 6 oclock yesterday morning and told me it was time to get up.(根据首字母提示填单词根据首字母提示填单词) (2)I thought about what she had said and stayed _ (醒着的醒着的) all night. wokeawake



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