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1、Unit ThreeUnit ThreeWhy I Teach?我为什么教书?我为什么教书?Before Reading_1.1Before Reading_1.1DiscussionWork in pairs and try to figure out the occupations of the people in the pictures.What do you want to be?doctorpilotscientistbutcherdirectorengineerbusinessmanteachersalesmanWarm-up Questions 1.What do you wa

2、nt to do after graduation? 2.Would you like to be a teacher? Why or why not?Joys: freedom, change, challenge, achievement, feeling young and fulfilled, respect, long vacations, etcFrustrations: low pay, constant challenges, heavy load academic pressure, lack of understanding from students, etc. The

3、reasons I teachLong vacation (opportunity to do what I enjoy, like reading, research)Feeling young and fulfilledSense of achievementbefore the textprobably : perhaps, presumablytime and again: 屡次,常常outweigh: be more important or valuable than sth. else比重(在重量上);比重要;比有价值 The benefits of this treatment

4、 far outweigh any risks.outdo: do better than: 超过,胜过The nine-year-old outdo all his siblings.九岁的孩子胜过了他的兄弟姐妹。outgrow: too old to sth: 长大而不再适合I have outgrown the age of playing toy.我已经超过了玩玩具的年龄。She outgrew her dress.Para. one1. What is the goal most Americans are taught to aim for in their life?2. Deo

5、s the author want the same as most Americans do?3. Why was the authors friend puzzled?4. What does the expression “step up” mean?Para Oneadministrative ;step-up administrative dmnstretv adj. 管理的,行政的 He holds an administrative post in the company. hold a post: 任职 administrate v. 管理;经营 administration

6、n. 管理,行政 administrator n. 管理人员,行政人员My friend asked the question when I told him that I didnt want to be considered for an administrative position.T:当我朋友为我为什么教书时,我告诉他是因为我不想考虑做管理类的工作。step-up: promotion, 递升的,递进的Analyze:He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a “step-up” toward what all Am

7、ericans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power.主句?He was puzzled 主系表结构that 引导的宾语从句I didnt want what was: what 引导want 的宾语从句toward what all Americans are taught to want what 引导的是toward 介词后面的宾语从句,want 的宾语money and power : 解释说明T:所有的美国人受的教育是长大成人后应该追求金钱和权力,而我却偏偏不要明明是朝着这个目标“迈进”的工作,他为之大惑不解。Pa

8、ra 2mechanic; carpenter; sweaty ; palm; profession; stay up; convinceCertainly, I dont teach because teaching is easy for me.如何理解?A. 我不教书,是因为教书对我来说很简单。B. 我教书,不是因为我觉得教书轻松。I dont teach because teaching is easy for me.在形式上允许两种语义的解释:在形式上允许两种语义的解释:1)I dont teach because teaching is easy for me. (Teaching

9、 is easy for me, so I dont teach.)2) I dont teach because teaching is easy for me. ( I teach, but it isnt because teaching is easy for me.)not because 结构结构not一般修饰一般修饰because,但也可修饰但也可修饰not后面的后面的内容。视上下文而定。内容。视上下文而定。For examples:I dont take fast food because I like it; I have got to save time. Bob was

10、not here because he lost his way.I dont love you because of your wealth.Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living: mechanic, carpenter, writer. mechanic: mknk n. 机械工,机修工carpenter: krpnt n. 木匠 attempt to do sth: try to do sth difficult尝试做某事earn ones living:

11、 谋生 = make a living 我尝试着以写作谋生。I try to earn my living by writing.I try to make a living by selling clothes.For me, teaching is a red-eye, sweaty-palm, sinking-stomach profession.sweat: swt 汗水 (n&v)drip with sweatsweaty: adj. 流汗的,出汗的sweaty palm sweaty workoutpalm pm palm : 手掌手掌palm : 棕榈树棕榈树金棕榈奖:sinki

12、ng-stomach: Here, “stomach” means “spirit, heart”. A persons stomach sinks when he is upset, disappointed.精神沮丧的profession:n. 职业A profession is a type of job that requires advanced education or training.occupation:泛指各种各样的职业professional a. 职业的 by profession 以为职业 He is a lawyer by profession. Red-eye,

13、because I never feel ready to teach no matter how late I stay up preparing. stay up: 熬夜I used to stay up to watch TV.我熬夜写作业。I stay up to do my homework.T:说熬红眼睛,这是因为我晚上无论备课备到多晚,总觉得备得还不充分。 no matter+疑问词:引导让步状语从句Sinking-stomach, because I leave the classroom an hour later convinced that I was even more

14、 boring than usual.convince:knvns vt. 说服;使确信,使信服 convince sb of sth 使某人确信 convince sb that convince sb to do 说服某人做某事How can I convince you of her honesty?Her smile convinced him that she was happy.Ive been trying to convince him to come with me.convinced: adj. 确信的,坚信的be convinced of 确信be convinced t

15、hat I am convinced of his guilt. I was convinced that we were doing theright thing.convincing: adj. 令令人人信信服服的的,有有说说服服力力的的a convincing speaker 令人信服的演说家令人信服的演说家convinced convinced 引导的是过去分词短语,作伴引导的是过去分词短语,作伴随状语随状语。More Examples:The student left the classroom, disappointed at the teachers decision.The m

16、other couldnt eat or sleep, worried about her sons safety. More practice on P 57.Para 3compel kmpl v. 强迫,迫使强迫某人做某事?compel sb to do sth= force sb to do sthNothing can compel me to do such a thing.take a note: 记笔记Nor do I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compell

17、ed to share. T:我之所以教书,也不是因为我认为自己能够解答问题,或者因为我有满腹学问,觉得非与别人分享不可。 Para 5I teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar. June, July, and August offer an opportunity for reflection, research, and writing.pace pes 步法,步调keep pace with: 保持同步,跟上步法Education should keep pace with the changes of the so

18、ciety.calendar:klnd 日历阴历:lunar calendar阳历:solar calendarreflection: 反思reflection is careful thought about a particular subject. V. reflect 深思,考虑深思,考虑 reflect on/upon I must reflect upon how to answer that question.Para 6stimulate stmjlet 刺激;激励,鼓舞The teachers praise stimulated Tom to study even harde

19、r.老师的表扬鼓励着汤姆更加努力地学习。Exercise stimulates the circulation of blood.锻炼刺激血液循环。Learn a lesson: 吸取教训freshman n. 大一学生sophomoresfmr n. 大二学生junior n. 大三学生senior n大四学生 I teach because teaching is a profession built on change. build on: base on; use as a base for further developmentAll research builds on work

20、by previous reseachers.Her conclusion is built on a careful analysis of current international affairs.Even if I use the same textbook I have usebefore, I always teach in a different way as I may have new ideas about the subject.Each year I have new students who are different from the ones I have tau

21、ght before and therefore I have to change my way of teaching according to meet their needs.Para 8I teach because I like to ask questions that students must struggle to answer. T:我教书,是因为我喜欢向学生提出必须绞尽脑汁才能回答的问题。 The world is full of right answers to bad questions. What does “bad questions” refer to? It

22、refers to careless questions or simple questions that every student can answer easily without difficulty. T: 我我们们这这个个世世界界有有无无穷穷无无尽尽的的正正确确答答案案来对付拙劣的问题。来对付拙劣的问题。Para 9I teach because I enjoy finding ways of getting myself and my students out of the ivory tower and into the real world. ivory avri n. 象牙

23、;乳白色Ivory TowerIvory Tower是根据圣经圣经旧约雅歌旧约雅歌(the Old Testament, song of songs)里,睿智富有的以色列睿智富有的以色列王所罗门(王所罗门(Solomon)曾诗歌)曾诗歌1005首,其中首,其中雅雅歌歌都是爱情之歌。在第五首歌中,新郎是都是爱情之歌。在第五首歌中,新郎是这样赞美新娘的,“Your neck is like an ivory tower.”Institutions like universities and colleges are often referred to as “ivory towers” where

24、 professors and their students engage in pursuits that are disconnected from the practical concerns of everyday life .T:我教书,是因为我喜欢想方设法使自己和我的学生从象牙塔里走出来,步入现实世界。 I once taught a course called Self-Reliance in a Technological Society. Reliance:rlans 信赖;信心;依靠self-reliance:自力更生rely: 依赖,依靠 rely on注意:depend

25、ence 是依靠的意思 independence是独立,不依靠technological adj. tknldkl 技术的,工艺的We are living in an era of rapid techonological change.我们生活在一个科技快速变化的时代。technology n. 技术科学技术: science and technologyPara 10But we also set up a corporation, borrowed money, purchased a run-down house and practiced self-reliance by reno

26、vating it. corporation:,krpren 有限公司multinational corporation: 跨国公司set up a corporation: 建立一个公司Run-down adj. 破败的,衰弱的Renovate rnvet restore old buildings,oil paintings to a former ,better state 修复,修整T:但除此而外,我们还办起一个公司,借钱买下一所破旧的房屋,通过对这一建筑物的整修翻新,我们就自力更生这一课题进行了一次实践活动。 distribute: dstrbjut vt. 分配;散布;分开分发,分

27、配The organiztion distributed food and blankets to the earthquake victims.The newspaper is distributed free.People there often complain that wealth is not evenly distributed in their society.distribute the profit: 分发利益分红distribute sth to/ among sb把分给某人,或在某些人之间分At the end of the semester, we sold the

28、house, repaid our loan, paid our taxes, and distributed the profits among the group.repay:归还,偿还to repay a debt/loan我将下个星期偿还欠他们的钱。I will repay the money I owe them next week.So teaching gives me pace, and variety, and challenge, and the opportunity to keep on learning.give me pace means 给了我步调,即让我的生活有

29、了规律variety: state of varying 变化的状态My job lacks variety; I am doig the same things all the time.My first doctoral student, Vicky was an energetic student who labored at her dissertation on a little-known 14th century poet. doctoral:dkt()r()l adj. 博士的;博士学位的;有博士学位的 doctoral degreemaster degreebachelor

30、degree- bachelor of engineeringelectric automatization,tmtzen 电气自动化energetic:,ndtk adj. 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的energy n. ndin.能量;精力;活力;精神 dissertation dsten n. 论文,学位论文doctoral disseration 博士论文academic disseration 学术论文labor at sth: 苦干某件事情就什么内容,关于什么 用介词: onT:维基是我的第一个博士生。她精力充沛,孜孜不倦地撰写她那篇论述14世纪一位不知名诗人的学位论文。 send

31、off: post: 寄我妈妈昨天给我寄了一个包裹。My mother send off a package to me yeasterday.dispatch:派遣The American government send off an army to Iraq.learned: adj. 博学的,有学问的;学术的He is a scholar, genuinely learned man.journal dnl n. 杂志,报纸;期刊Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报medical journal 医学期刊core journal 核心期刊learned journal 学术

32、期刊She did it all herself, with an occasional nudge from me. Occasional: happening from time to time; not regularYour writing is quite good except for a few occasional mistake in spelling or grammar.nudge:nd 启示encouragement or suggestionT:这一切都由她独立完成,我偶尔从旁略加指点。 fellowship n. 研究员职位;研究员职位;研究员薪金研究员薪金-shi

33、p: suffix 后缀 表示情况、状态、身份、资格、职位或职务ownership所有权,所有制所有权,所有制professorship教授身份教授身份leadership领导领导authorship作者身份作者身份scholarship 奖学金奖学金But I was there when she finished her dissertation, learned that her articles were accepted, got a job and won a fellowship to Harvard working on a book developing ideas shed

34、 first had as my student.work on a book: 著书论著T:我亲眼看到了她完成了她的论文,得知她的文章被采用,找到了工作并且获得了在哈佛大学当研究员的职位,著书论著她在做我学生时萌发的思想。engineer: ,ndnr 工程师an engineering student 一个工科的学生switch v. 转换 n. 开关switch to switch on 接通,开启 switch off (用开关)关掉;切断(电源)Para 15end: 目标;结果urban:bn 城市的urban-rural(农村的,乡下的)urbanize v. 使城市化urban

35、ization n. 城市化morden mordenizemordenizationcivil rights 民事权利civil: of or relating to ordinary citizens rather than the armed forces or the church;Of or relating to the citizens of a country.T:我亲耳听到她对我说,她后来对城市贫民产生了兴趣,继而成了捍卫公民权的律师。 Para 16intuition ,ntun n. 直觉by intuition: 凭直觉Intuition told me that so

36、mething was wrong with our plan.The old hunter knew by intuition that the deer would soon be there.analysis: n. 分析 The artical provides a detailed analysis of the root causes of the accident.analysis 的复数形式是的复数形式是analyses, 动词形式为动词形式为analyse或或analyze与其有相似变化的词还有:与其有相似变化的词还有:basisbasescrisis-crisesThere

37、 is Jacqui, a cleaning woman who knows more by intuition than most of us learn by analysis.Paraphrase:a cleaning woman whose intuition enables her to make more correct judgments than most of us can do with all that we have learned by analysis.Para 17Being a teacher is being present at the creation,

38、when the clay begins to breathe. According to the Bible, man was created by God out of clay. When God breathed the breath of life into the clay, it became alive and the creation of man was completed. Here the author compares the job of a teacher to the work of God.What can we infer from it? We can i

39、nfer from this sentence that the author implies that the teacher helps the student to become a real man or woman. A promotion out of teaching would give me money and power. out of : 自离开T:“升职了”,不再教书了,也许会给我带来金钱和权力。 What is the point of being rich? = What is the use of being rich? point: use; purposePa

40、ra 19And I have power. I have the power to nudge, to fan sparks, to suggest books, to point out a pathway. What other power matters?spark:sprk 火花fan sparks: 激发才智power to nudge: 有权启迪point out a pathway: 指点迷津Rare student refers to that exceptionally good student who becomes part of a teachers life and

41、 begins to grow and change in front of him. Why does the author say “love is the wrong word”?Perhaps the word “love ” is not sufficient to describe what teaching offers.Not only the love of learning and of books and ideas, but also the love that a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into a

42、 teachers life and begins to breathe. T:不仅是爱学习、爱书本、爱思想,而且还有老师对出类拔萃的学生的爱。这样的学生走进了老师的生活,老师自己也开始成长了。 I teach because, being around people who are beginning to breathe, I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them.T:我教书,是因为在与开始成长的学生朝夕相处时,我有时感到自己也和他们一起开始成长了。 When I see that my students are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I from time to time find myself growing and changing with them too, as if new life were being breathed into my body.



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