5BUnit6APElesson说课课件 (2)

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1、Fun with English 5B(the first period)设计理念:设计理念:设计理念:设计理念: 信息技术与英语课程的有效整合信息技术与英语课程的有效整合信息技术与英语课程的有效整合信息技术与英语课程的有效整合, , , ,培养学培养学培养学培养学生如何利用信息技术完成英语课程学习目标生如何利用信息技术完成英语课程学习目标生如何利用信息技术完成英语课程学习目标生如何利用信息技术完成英语课程学习目标, , , ,采用采用采用采用任务型的教学途径任务型的教学途径任务型的教学途径任务型的教学途径, , , ,结合电子白板教学系统结合电子白板教学系统结合电子白板教学系统结合电子白板教

2、学系统, , , ,让学生让学生让学生让学生看课文动画然后通过连线、划出指令、填空、做游看课文动画然后通过连线、划出指令、填空、做游看课文动画然后通过连线、划出指令、填空、做游看课文动画然后通过连线、划出指令、填空、做游戏等多种方式学习新授内容。戏等多种方式学习新授内容。戏等多种方式学习新授内容。戏等多种方式学习新授内容。技术处理:技术处理:技术处理:技术处理: 1. 1. 1. 1.图片的超链接技术。图片的超链接技术。图片的超链接技术。图片的超链接技术。 2. 2. 2. 2.声音和动画插入技术。声音和动画插入技术。声音和动画插入技术。声音和动画插入技术。 3.PPT 3.PPT 3.PPT

3、 3.PPT的的的的“触发器触发器触发器触发器”功能功能功能功能 。The teaching methodsTeaching proceduresAnalysis of the teaching material and studentsMy presentation:Teaching aims and demandsTeaching reflectionPart Analysis of teaching materialAbout the teaching contentAbout the studentsUnit6 A PE lesson1.About the teaching conte

4、nt The selected teaching material is taken from Unit 6, 5B, Fun with English. Enable the Ss to act according to the orders. The teacher can carry out some outdoor activities and use multimedia, in order to improve the students practical ability of using language. Such a topic is related to daily lif

5、e, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of the students and it will also helpful to improve their spoken English.Part Analysis of teaching materialUnit6 A PE lesson2. About the students The students have learnt English for years. They can understand many words and sentences. But several stud

6、ents cant speak English well, so how to improve the students interest, let each child experience the happiness of learning English is my direction. Part Analysis of teaching material Part Analysis of teaching objectivesKnowledge aimsAbility aimsEmotional aimsUnit6 A PE lesson1.Knowledge aimsa.Enable

7、 the students to master the words and phrases:b. left, right, touch, a hand, a leg, a foot, lift up, up and down, lie on ones back, putontouchwithc.b. Enable the students to use the sentence patens: Stand in a line. Lets do some exercise. Listen carefully. Jump up and down. Do this times. Part Analy

8、sis of teaching objectivesUnit6 A PE lesson2.Ability aims(1)To develop the students abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. (2)Enable the students to act according to the orders.(3) To develop their ability of thinking independently.Part Analysis of teaching objectivesUnit6 A PE lesso

9、n3.Emotion aims(1) Arouse their interest in learning English; (2) Encourage the students to do more exercise.Part Analysis of teaching objectivesPart Analysis of teaching focus and difficultiesTeaching focus:Key pointsDifficulties pointsUnit6 A PE lesson1.Key points: (1).To enable the students maste

10、r the new words, phrases and sentences.(2).To enable the students to act according to the orders. (3).To develop the students interest in English. Part Analysis of teaching focus and difficultiesUnit6 A PE lesson2. Difficult points: (1).How to make dialogues and act them out. (2).Enable the students

11、 to act according to the orders. Part Analysis of teaching focus and difficultiesPart Analysis of teaching theories and methodsUnit6 A PE lessonTask- based language teachingSituational language teachingTeaching methodMulti-media assistanceThree teaching methodsTeaching procedure:Warming-upLearn the

12、dialogueConsolidationLead-in the dialogueRead the dialogue整合点一:整合点一:模拟到真实模拟到真实 通过播放背景音乐,营造和谐的英语学习氛围;把这节英语课上成体育课,通过实践活动帮助学生掌握对话内容 ;以游戏“Listen, choose and act ”的形式展开,通过选图并做动作,能吸引学生的兴趣。Step1. Warming-Step1. Warming-upup.1.Free talk:(1) What subject do you like? (2) Who likes PE? Please put up your hand

13、 and let me know. (引出教学:hand )2.T:today Im not your English teacher. Ill be a PE teacher. Lets have a PE lesson. (揭示课题:Unit 6 A PE lesson. )3.T:Boys and girls, read it three times, please. (引出教学: times) This step is to form a better situation for the students. They will come into a real surrounding

14、of English.Purpose of my design:Purpose of my design:Step2. Lead-in the Step2. Lead-in the dialogue.dialogue.1.Lets do some exercise. (引出:do some exercise)2.Play a game: I say, you do. (操练: touchwith,借机教授人体部位单词)3. Listen and do: Teacher: Give orders. Students: Try to follow the orders. Orders: Stand

15、 in a line. Jump up and down. Put on . Put your feet together. Turn left and right. Lie on your back. Lift up your left leg . 4.Listen,choose and act.(根据老师发出的指令,选择正确的图,并把这个动作表演出来,看谁反应最快)Purpose of my design: In this dialogue, there are many new phrases, so I teach them first. After learning, when th

16、e students read the dialogue, they can get the general idea easily. This step, CAI shows some pictures, these pictures will help the students get a much better understanding of the new phrases.整合点二:整合点二:学练结合,突破重难点。学练结合,突破重难点。 课文动画起到让学生整体感知课文的作用,借助flash动画,形象地演绎,有图文,有读音,这大大地降低了学生对课文理解的难度。这是本课重要的“整合点”。

17、而后结合连线题,划出课文中的口令,按照课文内容填空等任务来完成对课文的理解。Step3. Learn the dialogue.Step3. Learn the dialogue.1. Listen and answer the questions. (听前言部分录音,回答问题)2. Watch the cartoon.3.Guess the meaning according to the pictures.4.Mr Ma is a PE teacher. Hes giving some orders to his students now. What are his orders? ope

18、n your books, find out the orders and underline them.(学生划出这些命令)5.Read again and fill in the blanks. Purpose of my design: This step is the very important part of the lesson. In this course, the students can understand the main content of this dialogue. They can find the answers by themselves. For ex

19、ample, watching cartoons, I think, the students can learn them by themselves.Step4. Read the dialogue.Step4. Read the dialogue.1.Listen to the tape and repeat.2.Retell the dialogue. (鼓励学生复述鼓励学生复述课文课文.)Purpose of my design: This step, I want to train the students abilities of listening and speaking.整

20、合点三:整合点三:拓展交流拓展交流 理解指令用语的含义并能做出相应的动作是本课的重点和难点。借助PPT的“触发器”功能,设计猜的游戏(猜测哪个金蛋里有礼物),激发学生“按指令做运动”,帮助学生巩固、提升重难点指令。这是基于本课重难点解决过程设计的“整合点”。Step5. Consolidation.Step5. Consolidation.1.Play a game: Guess.1.Play a game: Guess.2.Play a game: Chinese whisper2.Play a game: Chinese whisper. .(S1(S1悄悄悄悄告诉告诉S2S2一个指令一个

21、指令, ,由由S2S2开始逐个往后传开始逐个往后传, ,最后一个同学按照指令最后一个同学按照指令做出动作做出动作,S1,S1公布指令公布指令, ,指令与动作相符指令与动作相符, ,则传话成功则传话成功) )Purpose of my design: This part is the consolidation of the key structure. Through the game, they will be glad to use the knowledge they have learnt.Reading is to the mind while exercise to the bod

22、y. 读读 书书 健健 脑脑 , 运运 动动 强强 身身 。 1.Read the text two times.2.Do some exercise by your plan. Purpose of my design: I think homework is so important that the students should speak English as much as they can in class or after class.教学反思教学反思: : 本课给我感触最深的就是本课给我感触最深的就是: :交互电子白交互电子白板与英语课堂教学的自然融合板与英语课堂教学的自然融合, ,使教学变得更加使教学变得更加的直观的直观, ,更加的流畅。本课课件提供了大量的图更加的流畅。本课课件提供了大量的图片,增强了学生的感知,并整合了动画、声音等片,增强了学生的感知,并整合了动画、声音等资料,让学生在操练的过程中实现了语言巩固和资料,让学生在操练的过程中实现了语言巩固和提升,落实了训练点,突破了重难点。提升,落实了训练点,突破了重难点。 在今后在今后的教学中,我将发挥白板的最大功能,让它更好的教学中,我将发挥白板的最大功能,让它更好地服务于英语教学。地服务于英语教学。



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