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1、Hit-the-Nail-on-the-Hit-the-Nail-on-the-HeadHead课件课件Pre-reading Brainstorming:1)What does the proverb “Hit the nail on the head” mean?2) Why does the author encourage people to “Hit the nail on the head”?Note: Hit the (right) nail on the head: be exactly right in words or action (说/做得对;正中要害,一针见血,中肯)

2、E.g. Your analysis really hits the nail on the head.brainstormingvstylevToputtherightwordsintherightplace.-JonathanSwiftvElementsrelatedtoit:ChoiceofwordsDenotationConnotationSynonymsRhetoricaldevicesvWarm-upquestions1.Doesthetitlestrikeyouasabitunusual?2.HaveyoueverheardoftheEnglishproverb“Hitthena



5、edhislifetolonghoursspentinheavytoiloverhiswork.Hiswritingismarkedbyexactnessandaccuracyofobservation,extremeimpersonalityandobjectivityoftreatment,andprecisionandexpressivenessinstyle,ortheprincipleofthemot juste.vMalapropismistheuseofawordinmistakeforonesoundingsimilar,resultingincomiceffect,e.g.“

6、allegory”for“alligator”;“delusions”for“allusions”vThewordhasitsorigininMrs.Malaprop,afamouscharacterinSheridanscomedythe Rivals(1775).Sheisnotedforherblundersintheuseofwords.“Asheadstrongasanallegory(alligator)onthebanksoftheNile”isoneofhergrotesquemisapplications.Shealsorequeststhatnodelusions(allu


8、hichisusuallyadifficultandabstractsubject,somethinghardtodefine.Comprehension of the Text:Main Idea: vTo facilitate ones own process of cognition and ones communication with others, one must be able to choose the right word from the extensive vocabulary of the English language.Purpose of writing and

9、 Tone: vTo inform learners of English as foreign language the way of mastering English, thus presenting in a serious manner.Organization and DevelopmentvDirections: Read through the whole text very quickly, find out the main idea of each paragraph, decide whether some paragraphs can be grouped toget

10、her to form a section and how each section is related to the other. OrganizationvIntroduction(P1): Using an analogy to dramatize the importance of choosing right words for ones purpose in writing;vBody (2-10): (P2-3) Addressing double functions of the correct choice of words / significance of findin

11、g the right words; (P4-7) Semantic differences between words having the same root; (P8) Wrong choice of words caused by failure to recognize their connotations; (P9) Stylistic differences between synonyms; (P10) The abundance of specific words in English for general notions;vConclusion (P11): Emphas

12、izing quality over quantity in the mastery of English words;(I) The semantic aspect of words(paragraph4-7)1)human: of, or relating to man, e.g. human being; human nature; human rightsvhumane: . characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion. ve.g a humane judge/officer vhuman action = action taken

13、by manvhumane action = merciful actionvhuman killer = person that kills humans vhumane killer =that which kills but causes little pain, esp. 2)anxiety:associatedwithworry/fearveagerness:fullofinterestordesire3)singularity(ofmind):oddity,peculiarity,sththatsinglesapersonoutfromothers思想奇特、古怪vsinglenes

14、s(ofmind):holdingsteadfastlytothepurposeinmind,withoutbeingdrawnasidebylessworthyobjects.思想专一、坚定(II) The connotational aspect of a word(paragraph8)v-imprisonedforce,coercion,compulsion,againstwillv-containedmoregeneral,neutralv-epitomizedliterary,formalv-summedupgeneralv-distilled-moreformal,(III) T

15、he situational aspect of words(paragraph9)v-poor-face-beginv-poverty-stricken-mug-commencev-penniless-visage-inauguratev-broke-initiate(IV) Variation in expression: generic vs.specific (paragraph10)vwalking without making a noise (creep )vwalking in a showy way (strut, stalk)vwalking without a defin

16、ite aim (loiter, ramble vwalking with leisure (stroll, saunter, meander, lounge )vwalking with big steps (stride, march, )vwalking with difficulty (plod, tramp, trudge, )v etc.Sentencesforparaphrasev“Awordthatismoreorlessright,aloosephrase,anambiguousexpression,avagueadjective,willnotsatisfyawriterw

17、hoaimsatcleanEnglish.”:i.e. A writer who is particularly concerned about the precise expression in English will never feel happy with a word which fails to express an idea accurately.v“Choosingwordsispartoftheprocessofrealization,forthosewhohearorreadourwords.”:i.e. The process of finding the right

18、words to use is a process of perfection where you try to search for words that may most accurately express your thoughts and feelings, and words that may most effectively make your listeners and readers understand your thoughts and feelings.v“Itishardworkchoosingtherightwords,butweshallberewardedbyt

19、hesatisfactionthatfindingthembrings.”:i.e. Finding the most suitable word to use is in no sense easy. But there is nothing like the delight we shall experience when such a word is found.Difficult Sentences for TranslationvChoosing words is part of the process of realization, of defining our thoughts

20、 and feelings for ourselves, as well as for those who hear or read our words. (L.15-16)vBy using his dictionary, and above all by reading, a student can increase his sensitivity to these shades of difference and improve his ability to express his own meaning exactly. (L.58-60)v A good writer is not

21、measured by the extent of his vocabulary, but by his skill in finding the “mot Juste”, the word that will his the nail cleanly on the head. (L.96-98)Post reading ActivitiesvClassroom discussion1.What have you learned from the text about the English vocabulary and the English rhetoric? Do you find su

22、ch knowledge useful or not? Explain with illustration. 2.What aspects do we need to consider when we are confronted with several words but not certain about which to choose? 3.What contributes to appropriateness in style?4.Freely discuss foreign language learning, using an analogy to help explain, e

23、.g. comparing the learning to swimming or bike-riding.Unit One Text II: The makers Eye: Revising Your Own ManuscriptsThe makers Eye: Revising Your Own ManuscriptsBy Donald M. Murray Teaching objectives1.Understandingthecreativenatureofwritingandrevision2.Developingsomeskillsfordoingrevisioninwriting

24、Warm-up questions1.Doyouthinkitisnecessarytodorevisionafterfinishingyourwriting?2.Areyouinthehabitofrevisingyourcompositionbeforehandlingin?3.Howdoyoureviseyourwriting?4.Whatshouldbetakenintoconsiderationwhendoingrevision?Whatskillsareneeded?5.Doyoufindtheadvisegivenbytheauthorusefulornot?vMain Idea

25、 of the passage: Thewriterinthispassagetriestoadvisepeoplehowtoreviewandreviseonesownwriting.vStructure of the passage: (cfX.U.TeachingNotes)(Para.1-8)Thewaywritersshould view theirownwriting-thewaywritersshouldlookattheirownproductsthroughthemakerseye.(Para.9-26)Themethodofrevisingonesownwriting- r

26、ewriting.TheeightpointsraisedbyMurrayforconsideringwhenrevisingtheirdrafts?Information-specific,accurate,interesting,内容是否具体、正确、有趣Meaning in the informationsignificant,relevant选材是否有意义Audiencereader-oriented内容是否顾及读者的需要,能否为读者所理解,所接受,Form(genre)appropriatetosubject&reader体裁是否适合主题与读者Structure goodordered

27、,well-linked,logical文章的组织结构是否合理,符合逻辑Developmentadequate,nomore,noless各个段落的扩展是否得当,适中Dimension ingoodproportion,well-balanced文章各部分比重是否协调,Voice 文章的语气是否一致,有自己的特色。Difficult sentences for paraphrase1.It is, I suppose, a schizophrenic process, to begin passionately and to end critically, to begin hot and t

28、o end cold; and more important, to be passion-hot and critic-cold at the same time. - The process is a maddening one. At the writing stage the writer should be passionate enough, but when doing the rewriting the writer should be cold and critical towards his/her own work. More importantly, the write

29、r should have passion of creation and be critical at the same time.2. Each word has its own potential for connotation and denotation. -Each word is capable of turning out many connotative meanings as well denotative meanings of its own.Post reading Activities:vTopic for classroom discussion Comparet

30、hewayyouwriteandrewritewiththewayMurrayproposes.Inwhatwaydoyouthinkyouwillbebenefitedinyourwritingpracticeifyoufollowhissuggestions?vAssignment1.BasedonTextI,writeapassageon“Howdoesonedevelopasenseofappropriatenessinusingwords?”.2.WriteaprcisofTextII.ComparisonandanalogyvComparison:AstatementorestimateofsimilaritiesanddifferencesvAnalogy:showingsimilaritiesbetweentwothingsofdifferentclassesItaimsatshowingsomethingmeaningful. Good or bad carpenter skilful or unskillful writer Strike a nail use wordsToemphasizetheimportanceofchoosinggoodwordsinwriting.HammeringanailUsinganexactword结束结束



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