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1、English Listening Comprehension for Band Four英语四级听力English Listening Comprehension for Band Four英语四级听力听力的重要性听力的重要性 英语四级听力内容纲要内容纲要 1 1 打好扎实基本功打好扎实基本功 2 2 具备基本技能具备基本技能 3 3 听力应试技巧听力应试技巧4 4 注意事项注意事项5 5 考前准备考前准备英语四级听力1 打好扎实基本功打好扎实基本功1.1 元音与辅音元音与辅音 i i: seat,sit meat,mitt s 及及 l r 双唇双唇 m p b 英语四级听力1.2 数字数

2、字1.2.1 单词表示数字单词表示数字 (1) single, double,couple, score,dozen (2) anniversary, decade, century,millennium (3) fortnight,overnight1.2.2 近音、近形数字的辨认近音、近形数字的辨认 seven five teen eleven twelve tyEg: 415 fifth street 514 Fourth street英语四级听力英语四级听力英语四级听力英语四级听力call it a day今天就这样算了;今天就这样算了; 就干到这里为止就干到这里为止come abou

3、t发生发生down on ones luck 倒霉;不走运倒霉;不走运draw ones time(被迫地被迫地)辞去工作辞去工作dying for渴望;非常想渴望;非常想eat ones words收回前言收回前言;认错道歉认错道歉(不是不是“食言食言”)fall behind落后;跟不上落后;跟不上far be it from me我决不认;我决不想要我决不认;我决不想要for the time being暂时;眼下暂时;眼下get into hot water陷入困境陷入困境get off the ground开始很顺利;取得进展开始很顺利;取得进展give sb the green l

4、ight允许(某人)做某事允许(某人)做某事have other fish to fry 另外有事要做另外有事要做,别有要事别有要事英语四级听力make a point of doing sth坚持做某事;决心做某事make believe装作;假装nine times out of ten十有八九;通常;多半put ones foot in ones mouth说错话;做错事ring a bell使想起(某事);听起来觉得耳熟sleep like a log/top睡得很熟;酣睡song and dance枯燥无味的废话turn/give the cold shoulder on疏远某人;冷

5、淡某人too clever by half(讽刺用)过分聪明up the wall十分烦躁;非常恼火white away混时间;浪费时间lay sb off (临时)解雇英语四级听力2.2 形式肯定意义否定的表达形式形式肯定意义否定的表达形式 Eg: He is the last person I want to see. Buying a car is beyond my means. If it were cooler, Out of the question,2.2.1 比较级和最高级形式比较级和最高级形式 Im wiser than to believe that. The child

6、 was more frightened than hurt. The beauty of the place is more than I can describe.2.2.2 采用某些动词或动词词组表示否定意义采用某些动词或动词词组表示否定意义 give up doing miss doing2.2.3 否定否定+比较级比较级 表肯定表肯定 Eg:I cant agree with you more 肯定意义最高级肯定意义最高级英语四级听力2.2.4 采用虚拟句表示否定采用虚拟句表示否定 How nice it would be if you would stay a bit longer

7、. If I had left a little longer, I would have caught the train. But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier. 区别:区别: What if ? If only ! Only if .2.2.5 采用动词采用动词expect, think, hope的过去或过去完成的过去或过去完成 时后接不定式或宾语从句表示否定时后接不定式或宾语从句表示否定 I thought to finish the letter before 10. 我原来打算我原来打算的的英语四级听力2.2.6 采用

8、某些形容词短语表示否定意义采用某些形容词短语表示否定意义 He is ignorant of conditions at the lower level 他不了解下情他不了解下情 Short of tools, we made our own.2.2.7 采用某些介词短语表示否定意义采用某些介词短语表示否定意义 Instead of, out of repair, except, beyond, out of the question2.2.8 情态动词情态动词should, ought to + have done need have done2.2.9 Anything but和和befo

9、re(动词动词)表示否定意义表示否定意义 You mother bears anything but receiving the news. 听到这个消息,你母亲会受不了的听到这个消息,你母亲会受不了的。2.2.10 tooto与与toofor You are driving too fast for safety. 你开车太快,不安全你开车太快,不安全英语四级听力2.3 否定形式表肯定否定形式表肯定2.3.1 Cant be too + adj + to do sth.2.3.2 Cant wait to do sth.2.4 注意比较与选择的句型注意比较与选择的句型2.4.1 prefer

10、 A toB/prefer(would like) rather than /would rather than2.4.2 not so as 不及,不如不及,不如 nowhere as as 不及,不如2.4.3 最高级表最高级表even之意之意 (Even)the best woman will blunder sometimes.英语四级听力2.4.4 the last =the least likely Eg: He is the last person to do the thing.2.4.5 not the less=none the less同样、也同样、也 Eg: I don

11、t love him the less for his faultsHe has faults, but I love him none the less.2.4.6 Not so much A as B=less A than B=More B than ANot A, but rather B 与其与其A,毋宁,毋宁B/宁愿为宁愿为B而不为而不为A Eg: Hes not so much a scholar as a writer=He is more of a writer than a scholarHe is a writer rather than a scholar2.4.7 o

12、ther than I borrowed some books other than novels. 我借了几本书,却不是小说英语四级听力英语四级听力英语四级听力英语四级听力英语四级听力英语四级听力英语四级听力英语四级听力Bank: draw on ones account (开户), pay interest on ., open an account, interest rate, Foreign Exchange Certificate, RMB, fixed deposit (定期存款), current account (活期存款帐户), bank clerkBarbers: hai

13、rcut, hairstyle, hairdresser, shave, moustache, beard, spray, shampoo The Customs House: pay duty on , duty free (免税), free of charge, fill in the formDance: disco, dance with, have a ball, party, May I have the pleasure of next dance?Hospital: pain, cough, fever, a headache, stomachache, temperatur

14、e, heart, lung, blood-pressure, take medicine, pills, tablet英语四级听力2.5.3 掌握常用的国家名和城市名称掌握常用的国家名和城市名称 Washington, Seattle, San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Huston, Detroit, Dalias, Chicago, Boston, London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, California, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Alaska, USA, UK,

15、 USSR, Russia, Brazil, Sweden, Spain, France, Poland, Canada, Austria, Denmark, Australia, Finland, Africa, Europe, Asia, Japan, Italy, Norway.注意注意up与与down的方向性的方向性英语四级听力英语四级听力英语四级听力2.5.5 计划与行动计划与行动(Plan and Action)(1)谁做什么?辩别出动作的执行者与承受者)谁做什么?辩别出动作的执行者与承受者(2)谁让谁做?)谁让谁做?使役动词:使役动词: have / get / let /mak

16、e/ 注意注意have sth done make oneself done(3)选择做什么?)选择做什么? A提出计划或行动提出计划或行动 B接受接受提出另一计划提出另一计划英语四级听力Eg:You will hear:M: Would you rather eat at home or go out tonight?W: Id rather go out, but I dont mind fixing supper at home if youd rather not go.Q: What does the woman want to do?You will read:a. She wan

17、ts to fix supper.b. She wants to stay at home.c. She is not hungry.d. She wants to go out.注意句型:重点转移注意句型:重点转移Id rather do butId like to dobutEg: Hed rather die than give up.Hed rather die but he cant die in this way.英语四级听力2.5.6 对以下场景对号入座对以下场景对号入座(1)时间时间(2)数字数字 (3)身份身份(4)地点地点(5)打电话打电话 (6)天气天气(7)问路问路(9

18、)工作工作 (8)饭店及食品饭店及食品(10)书籍书籍 (11)学习学习 (12)健康健康(13)购物与租房购物与租房 (14)文化娱乐活动文化娱乐活动(16)家庭生活等等家庭生活等等(15)体育活动和外出旅游体育活动和外出旅游英语四级听力3 听力应试技巧听力应试技巧3.1 细微处获得信息细微处获得信息3.1.1 从答案中获得信息从答案中获得信息 Key word: adj, adv, n, v Important word: and, but, though, however, etc (关联或转折关联或转折)英语四级听力英语四级听力3.2 对话解题技巧对话解题技巧3.2.1 注意对话的环境

19、和交流的信息注意对话的环境和交流的信息(environment)3.2.2 弄清对话的意图,(弄清对话的意图,(intention) (情景与语意整体理解情景与语意整体理解) 注意语境、语义、语调、推断意图注意语境、语义、语调、推断意图3.2.3 把握第三者的提问(把握第三者的提问(Questions) 多围绕第二人的话语展开,听清第二人的说话内容多围绕第二人的话语展开,听清第二人的说话内容很重要很重要3.2.4 善于预测问题善于预测问题 注意对话内容,提出的问题及书面答案的选项之间注意对话内容,提出的问题及书面答案的选项之间的关系的关系 抢抢时时间间扫扫视视选选项项,利利用用时时间间空空隙隙

20、做做出出判判断断本本题题答答案案,推推测下一题测下一题3.2.5 听到什么不选什么听到什么不选什么英语四级听力3.3 短文解题技巧短文解题技巧3.3.1 利利用用Direction的的时时间间预预测测短短文文内内容容(快快速速的的阅读能力)阅读能力)3.3.2 捕捕捉捉四四个个选选项项的的不不同同点点,注注意意选选项项中中反反复复出出现的实词现的实词3.3.3 抓主题句,在开头或结尾,偶尔在中间抓主题句,在开头或结尾,偶尔在中间3.3.4 边边听听边边记记录录(策策略略:长长词词短短写写、首首字字母母符符号号、中英文均可中英文均可)3.3.5 听清所问的问题听清所问的问题3.3.6 注意语句间

21、的关联与转折注意语句间的关联与转折3.3.7 听力、阅读、比较、听力、阅读、比较、判断相结合判断相结合3.3.8 答答案案往往往往是是听听到到什什么么选选什什么么(未未听听问问题题便便知知答答案案)(1)排除(2)比较(3)推断 英语四级听力3.4 听力填空解题技巧听力填空解题技巧语音知识与辨音能力有密切的关系语音知识与辨音能力有密切的关系3.4.1 同音词辨别(同音异义词)同音词辨别(同音异义词)Eg: flour flower meat meet right write3.4.2 近音词辨别(读音相近或相似)近音词辨别(读音相近或相似) abroad aboard cloud crowd

22、letter ladder sick thick writer rider英语四级听力3.4.3 连读现象连读现象: /辅辅/+/元元/,/r/+/元元/Eg:an applethere is there are2.4.4 失爆:爆破失爆:爆破/鼻(爆破)鼻(爆破) a big bag a big moon3.4.5 虚词弱读现象虚词弱读现象 And to some for英语四级听力3.4.6 变音变音 /t/+/j/,/d/+/j/3.4.7 失失 音音 : /辅辅 /+/h/+/元元 /及及factory、dormitory等(等(/h/失)失)3.4.8 同词不同音(英美英不同)同词不同音(英美英不同)Eg:tomato, renaisance interest, dance等等 英语四级听力4 注意事项注意事项4.1 抢时间阅读短文抢时间阅读短文4.2 单词首字母大写单词首字母大写4.3 注意语法注意语法4.4 长词短写长词短写英语四级听力5 考考 前前 准准 备备5.1 词汇量提前两个学期着手词汇量提前两个学期着手5.2 每天听音每天听音英语四级听力Wish you successful!英语四级听力Thanks for your Attention英语四级听力



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