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1、不同尺度的CMF模式及其找矿应用(碰撞造山-成矿-流体作用模式:Tectonic model for C Collisional orogeny,ollisional orogeny, MMetallogenyetallogeny and and F Fluidluid FlowFlow,CMFCMF) )陈衍景北京大学 地球与空间科学学院 北京 100871中科院 广州地化所 成矿动力学实验室成矿动力学实验室 广州 510640 or 全球构造-成矿模式Map showing the distribution of crust of a given age and the distribut

2、ion of significant orogenic gold lodes hosted within such crust.Africa & EuropeMap showing the Map showing the distribution of crust distribution of crust of a given age and of a given age and the distribution of the distribution of significant orogenic significant orogenic gold lodes hosted gold lo

3、des hosted within such crust.within such crust.Australia & AsiaMap showing the Map showing the distribution of crust distribution of crust of a given age and of a given age and the distribution of the distribution of significant orogenic significant orogenic gold lodes hosted gold lodes hosted withi

4、n such crust.within such crust.AmericaA slice of the Earths upper layers: Plate tectonicsCMF多个学科的薄弱环节?缺乏:缺乏:同碰撞流体与成矿描述板块理论, 区域成矿学, 大陆动力学等,均不完善均不完善 !急需急需:碰撞体制流体成矿模型(CMF模式)CMF研究滞后的原因著名学者Guild(1971,1972)提出:“在大陆与大陆碰撞的情况下,两个板块由于具有浮力,都不会下倾,因而,既不会生成岩浆,也不会发生内生矿化”。该观点被广泛接受(尤其是1990年前),影响较大。美国等发达国家缺乏年青的碰撞造山带,可

5、以不深究。Guild PW,1971. Metallogeny: a key to exploration. Mining Eng AIME, 23, 69-72Guild PW,1972. Metallogeny and the new global tectonics. 24th International Geologic Congress Proceedings, vol. 4, 17-24. 陈衍景等. 碰撞造山过程内生矿床成矿作用研究的历史和进展. 科学通报 1999, 44:1681-1689 / Chinese Science Bulletin 2000, 45:1-10 1、

6、多碰撞带国家,70%国土为碰撞造山带2、在碰撞造山带实施地质资源勘探3、地质勘查需要碰撞成矿模式或理论4、是研究碰撞体制流体成矿的最佳实验室 我国地质纲要、需要和特色世界最大的两条碰撞造山带在中国!自然优势 科学发展优势中国特色和普遍性 Where is China CMF之重要,Guild之否定,我国地质之特色,矿床勘查之需要,驱使我们“逆水行舟”,自1984年致力于CMF研究,于1990年提出了“碰撞造山成岩成矿与流体作用的构造模式”。20多年来,以秦岭代表古特提斯带(全球第一大碰撞带),以天山-兴蒙代表古亚洲带(第二大碰撞带),以华北克拉通代表两大碰撞带夹持区,以金矿为重点,初步验证了C

7、MF模式的科学性和实用性。02年开始获得大量排他性证据。 迄今,已经详细解剖矿床60个,考察矿床200科学无国界?但科学发展受地域影响;科学无国界?但科学发展受地域影响;科学属于全人类,而科学家却有国籍。科学属于全人类,而科学家却有国籍。Base of CMF model: architecture陈衍景1998;Chen et al., 2004, Mineralium Deposita, 39: 560-575. Geological & geophysical profile, E QinlingGeological & geophysical profile, E QinlingMa

8、Li-fang (ed) , 2002. Geological Atlas, ChinaCommon P-T-t path for collisional orogensshowing a three-stage evolutionFluid flow, granitic magmatism, and hydrothermal mineralisationin the transition stage are more intensive than in the compressionand the extension stages. This iswhy large-scale metall

9、ogenesis generally postdates final oceanicclosure by ca. 50 Ma.Base of CMF model: P-T-t pathHotter innerSawayardunKangurWangfengAxiHatuSaiduSujiquan中国西部280Ma成矿爆发据杨晓松和金振民Chen et al., in press. OGR陈衍景等, 2004. 地学前缘,11:5783170Ma爆发40Ma爆发中国西部洋盆大洋最终消失事件成矿高峰时间闭合-成矿时间差准噶尔-天山C2/C1 (322.8 Ma); Chen, 1997280 Ma

10、43 Ma昆仑-西秦岭T3 (220 Ma); Sun et al., 2002170 Ma50 Ma斑公-怒江98 Ma (?); Yin & Nie, 199640 Ma58 Ma雅鲁藏布江66-45 Ma; Yin & Nie, 1996822 Ma3048 Ma成矿总滞后洋盆彻底闭合50Ma左右与根据PTt轨迹得出的结论相吻合!陈衍景等, 2004. 地学前缘,11:5783Chen YJ et al., 2007. Ore Geology ReviewsCMF模式: 矿田或地体尺度新认识:空间3带;3阶段演化;中阶段成矿;成矿滞后;物质侧向源模式变异DGP被Pirajno编写的教材H

11、ydrothermal Processes and Mineral Systems (2009)长篇幅引用Ore textureOre textureEarly stageEarly stageMiddle stageLate stageTielupingE-stage: deformed galena and breccia Qtz, showing compressive deformationM-stage: polymetalic sulfides stockworks fill in co-axial fissures formed in shearing deformationL-

12、stage: Qtz-Cal venlets with comb structure, fill in dilational cracks formed in extensional settingConclusion: mineralization coeval with transition from compression to extensionCMF变异:地温梯度影响地温梯度影响CMF变异:俯冲深度影响CMF变异:俯冲板片成分的影响注意:当俯冲板片为镁铁质时,转化为B型俯冲!CMF变异:俯冲角度影响当俯冲角度为 90 度时,情况如何?当俯冲角度为 0 度时,情况如何?CPMF变异:多俯冲叠加的影响CMF模式造山带或成矿省尺度Chen et al., 2005. IGR. 或 陈衍景等, 2008, 中国地质。被Pirajno编写的教材Hydrothermal Processes and Mineral Systems (2009) 采用Hou et al., 2009, Ore Geol Rev玲珑金矿地质早阶段石英脉被构造破碎中阶段硫化物充填裂隙或空隙晚阶段碳酸盐脉具梳状构造穿切早、中阶段矿物组合成矿发生在挤压向伸展转变期,造山型!煌斑岩成矿后侵入胶东锶钕同位素



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