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1、ProceduresPart A Pre-listening & Language focus1Part B Listening tasks & speaking tasks2 Part C Additional listening3第1页/共26页第一页,共27页。PartAPre-listeningTaskQuestions for discussion :1.What does aging mean? How old are people considered elderly?Aging is the natural process of growing old/ a decline i

2、n all areas of a persons mental and physical abilities.第2页/共26页第二页,共27页。PartAPre-listeningTask2. What problems may people have as they grow old?Physically: Most of the body organs perform less effectively with advancing age.Old age is often accompanied by various kinds of illness such as heart disea

3、se, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.A typical sign of aging is decline in vision and hearing/ weakening of muscle strength.Mentally: Many elderly people have difficulty remember recent events but may retain vivid memories of what happened to them a long time ago/ suffer from varying degrees of me

4、mory loss/ loneliness.第3页/共26页第三页,共27页。PartAPre-listeningTask3. Do you think it is painful for a person to grow old?Age offers no less opportunity than youth, though in different forms.Old age may have its own compensations and rewards.4.How should we treat old people?We should treat old people with

5、 respect/ affection/ patience/ kindness/ keep them up-to-date/ take good care of them, especially when they are sick.第4页/共26页第四页,共27页。Proverbs The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything.- - Oscar Wilde The spiritual eyesight improves as the physical eye

6、sight declines. - Plato To make good use of life one should have in youth the experience of advanced years, and in old age the vigor of youth. (Stanislars I, Polish king)青年而有老年之经验,老年而有青年之朝气,就能使人生(rnshng)发挥更大的作用。At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty the wit; at forty the judgment. - - Be

7、njamin Franklin第5页/共26页第五页,共27页。PartAPre-listeningTaskChina entering into the aging society第6页/共26页第六页,共27页。PartAPre-listeningTaskProblems caused by aging :1) huge burden on the healthcare and social welfare systems2) the total health care expenditure in China cover up greater proportion in GDP第7页/共

8、26页第七页,共27页。PartAPre-listeningTask the extended family structure of 4:2:1 (two sets of grandparents, two parents and one child). sandwich generation, i.e., those who often care for both younger and older generations. 第8页/共26页第八页,共27页。Empty nest第9页/共26页第九页,共27页。PartAPre-listeningTaskSolutions:Country

9、:1)Social security system2)legislations for the protection of the elders rights3)Nursing center4)Community serviceFamily: families care and supportThe elderly: optimistic attitudesInvolvement into the outside world 第10页/共26页第十页,共27页。PartBListeningTasksBackground information Aging occurs in all livin

10、g things. With advancing age major changes take place in the human body, such as the decline of hearing and vision, the inflexibility of blood vessels and so on. And changes also take place in ones mind. Up to 10% of the elderly have memory problems, but researchers have determined that many of the

11、brain-related changes including memory loss are a result of diseases such as Alzheimers(老年痴呆症). 第11页/共26页第十一页,共27页。PartBListeningTasks Alzheimers refers to Alzheimers disease, which was first described in 1906 by the German physician Dr. Alois Alzheimer. It is a disease that progressively destroys b

12、rain cells, affecting memory, language behavior and ultimately, character. Alzheimers patients may live seven to ten years with the disease. 第12页/共26页第十二页,共27页。PartBListeningTasks The symptoms of the disease can be having problems learning new information and remembering to perform routine tasks, su

13、ch as locking the door or turning off the gas; having problems finding the right words to express oneself; and having difficulties finding ones way. In severe Alzheimers, the patients can no longer survive without assistance. Most patients cant understand language andno longer recognize their family

14、 members.第13页/共26页第十三页,共27页。PartBListeningTasks Language notes:1 . its one of those days. its one of my bad days. The sentence is used as an excuse to explain away ones abnormal behavior such as forgetfulness, absent-minded ness, bad temper, etc. 2.looking through some papers The word “papers” here

15、means a collection of documents relating to a persons life, such as diaries, letters, etc. 3. on good days, but on bad days Good days are days when the speaker can remember better, while bad days are those when her memory fails her. 第14页/共26页第十四页,共27页。PartBListeningTasks4. a support group a group se

16、t up to help those who are in great difficulty. Frequently, as here, the term refers to a self-help support group composed of the sufferers themselves. 5. people who are walking through the same maze people who suffer from the same disease as the speaker. Due to memory loss, Alzheimers patients seem

17、 to be walking in a maze, unable to find their way around.6. for better or for worse a phrase from the marriage vow made by the bride and the groom in the wedding ceremony, part of a promise to stay with each other regardless of any change in their circumstances “till the death do us part” 第15页/共26页

18、第十五页,共27页。PartBSpeakingTasksReflection on the text Youve just heard a passage about a woman who came down with Alzhermers disease at the relatively early age of 53. What do you think of her situation ? How did she cope with the grim reality? Exchange views with your partner. You may mention the foll

19、owing points in your discussion. 第16页/共26页第十六页,共27页。lThe womans life before the disease work and familylSymptoms of Alzheimers causes of memory losslPositive attitude toward the diseaselFamily supportive 第17页/共26页第十七页,共27页。Reference:Life can sometimes be very cruel. At 53, the woman in the story see

20、med to have everything she could wish for - a good job, a caring husband and three grown-up children. But just when everything seemed so good, she spotted the first signs of a terrible disease, Alzheimers. She failed to recognize buildings that were familiar to her before and even forgot how to get

21、home from her husbands workplace. 第18页/共26页第十八页,共27页。Reference:Athirty-minutedrivetookherfourhours.Andhersituationworsenedquickly.Oncesheevenfailedtorecognizehercousin.Work,too,becamedifficultassheconstantlymademistakesandhadtroublefindingherwayaroundherofficebuilding.Eventuallyshemadethepainfuldeci

22、siontoquitherjob.TheheaviestblowcamewhenresultsofmedicaltestsannouncedthatshehadtheincurablediseaseofAlzheimers.Herworstfearswereconfirmed.第19页/共26页第十九页,共27页。Reference:However, far from burying herself in tears and self-pity, she took a positive attitude toward her illness. She learned to live with

23、the disease. Her family, too, were supportive. Her husband and children promised to take good care of her. She also got strength from her deceased mother. Looking through some of her mothers things, she came upon evidence that her mother, too, might have suffered from Alzheimers without their realiz

24、ing it. 第20页/共26页第二十页,共27页。Reference:The carefully drawn maps indicated how difficult it must have been for her mother to find her way around. Her positive attitude probably helped to slow down the worsening of her disease. Four years after she was diagnosed with the disease, she was not only coping

25、 well but was also able to help other patients suffering from the same disease. 第21页/共26页第二十一页,共27页。PartCAdditionalListeningLanguage points :1. gerontology:scientific study of old age and the process of growing old2.extendedfamily:big family where several generations live in3.nuclearfamily:small fam

26、ily including father, mother and children only 4.pension:sum of money paid regularly by the State to retired people and to the widowed or disabled people5.Voice:v. express6.Assert:v. state strongly第22页/共26页第二十二页,共27页。LeisureTimeThenewsinterviewedan80-year-oldladywhohadjustgottenmarriedforthe4thtimeT



29、terviewerlookedather,quiteastonished,andaskedwhyshehadmarriedfourmenwithsuchdiversecareers.Shesmiledandexplained,Imarriedoneforthemoney,twofortheshow,threetogetready,andfourtogo.第24页/共26页第二十四页,共27页。ThankYou!第25页/共26页第二十五页,共27页。感谢您的观赏(gunshng)!第26页/共26页第二十六页,共27页。内容(nirng)总结Procedures。1)Social security system。第25页/共26页。感谢您的观赏(gunshng)第二十七页,共27页。



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