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1、中考时态复习公开课时态一、定一、定义: 在英在英语中,中, 发生的生的动作要用不同的作要用不同的动词形式来表形式来表 示,示,这每一种不同的形式就叫做每一种不同的形式就叫做时态。不同不同时间中考时态复习公开课二、时态的种的种类:初中常:初中常见的的9种种时态现在范畴过去范畴一般现在时态一般过去时态现在进行时态过去进行时态现在完成时态过去完成时态一般将来时态过去将来时态现在完成进行时态中考时态复习公开课Exercise 1.Who _(dance) best in your class?2. Students usually _(have) ten minutes rest between tw

2、o classes. danceshave中考时态复习公开课概念概念: 常用常用时间状状语 :构成形式构成形式 : 1.一般一般现在在时态( The Simple Present Tense)表示表示经常常发生的或生的或习惯性的性的动作或作或状状态。 do / does(三三单)every day, always, usually, often, sometimes, on Sundays, three times a day , etc中考时态复习公开课我一到达那儿,就会我一到达那儿,就会给你写信。你写信。一般一般现在在时的注意点的注意点:1 、表客、表客观事事实或普遍真理或普遍真理The

3、earth _ (go) round the sun .2 、 在在when ,as soon as, until, after, before等到引等到引导的的时间状状语从句和从句和if 引引导的的条件状条件状语从句中从句中, 用一般用一般现在在时表示将来表示将来. If it doesnt rain tomorrow, well go on a picnic .goes如果明天不下雨,我如果明天不下雨,我们将去野将去野营。Ill write to you as soon as I get there .中考时态复习公开课Exercise 1.I _(find) my ruler in my

4、 desk .found2.We and _(see) lots of birds _(fly) over the trees.flyingsawfive minutes agolooked up中考时态复习公开课概念概念: 常用常用时间状状语 :构成形式构成形式 : 2. 一般一般过去去时态(The Simple Past Tense)表示表示过去某个去某个时间发生的生的动 作或存在的状作或存在的状态V+edyesterday, just now, last , this morning, ago, etc中考时态复习公开课一般一般过去去时的注意点的注意点:1、当没有明、当没有明显的的时间状

5、状语时,描描述几个相述几个相继发生生过的的动作作I always got up too late , washed my face , had a quick breakfast and hurried to school .2、since从句中常用一般从句中常用一般过去去时You havent changed much since we last _(meet) .met中考时态复习公开课Exercise will beThe radio says that it _(be) sunny tomorrow.中考时态复习公开课概念概念: 常用常用时间状状语 :构成形式构成形式 : 表示将来某个

6、表示将来某个时间要要发生的生的动作或存作或存在的状在的状态tomorrow, in three days,this, next, soon, etc. 1. will+do /be2. am/is/are going to+do3. am/is/are + doing 3.一般将来一般将来时态(The Simple Future Tense)中考时态复习公开课Look at the dark clouds, it _rain.Tomorrow _ be April Fools Day.一般将来一般将来时的注意点的注意点:willis going to 中考时态复习公开课4. 过去将来时态1.M

7、y uncle told me that my aunt was going to have a child the next month.2.My friends told me that they would have a great party for me.3.They would trek through the jungle the next day.过去将来时态用法:1.用于宾语从句中,当主句中是过去时态时,从句中的一般将来时就变成过去将来时。2.立足于过去言将来;中考时态复习公开课(2008台州中考台州中考)- Hi , Mary . Where is your father?

8、- Look, He _his car over there.A.washes B. is washing C. will wash D. has been washedExercise 中考时态复习公开课5. 现在在进行行时态( The Present Continuous Tense )概念概念: 常用常用时间状状语 :表示表示现在或在或现阶段正在段正在发生的生的动作作now,listen,look, right now, these days, at this moment,etcam/is/are+doing构成形式构成形式 : 中考时态复习公开课现在在进行行时的注意点的注意点:2.

9、2. 表达状表达状表达状表达状态态、感情和感、感情和感、感情和感、感情和感觉觉的的的的动词动词不能用不能用不能用不能用进进行行行行时时。 如:中如:中如:中如:中know, be, know, be, want,want, think, think, see, hear, like, hope, love, havesee, hear, like, hope, love, have 1. 1. 在表达在表达在表达在表达时时,切,切,切,切记记不要忘了不要忘了不要忘了不要忘了be be 动词动词。 am/is/are doingam/is/are doing中考时态复习公开课(2008衢州中考衢

10、州中考)- Why didnt you come and open the door for me, dear?- Sorry, Jack. I _ in the kitchen and didnt hear you.A.was cooking B. am cooking C. wave cooked D. will cookExercise 中考时态复习公开课概念概念: 常用常用时间状状语 :构成形式构成形式 : 6. 过去去进行行时态(The Past Continuous Tense)表示表示过去某一去某一时刻或某一刻或某一时间段段正在正在发生的生的动作。作。was/were+doing

11、a.at this time yesterday, from seven to nine last night, at that moment, etcb.When引引导的的时间状状语从句从句I was reading a book when Jim called.c. While 引引导的的时间状状语从句从句The UFO took off while the man was taking photos.中考时态复习公开课过去去进行行时的注意点的注意点:在在when , while引引导的的时间状状语从句从句中中, 表示主从句中两个表示主从句中两个动作同作同时发生生时, 用用过去去进行行时表

12、示表示 .1. When my father got home, I _ a letter to my friend. (2008宁波中考宁波中考)A.write B. am writing C. wrote D. was writing2. _Jim was making a paper plane , his brother was doing homework.(对比)比)While较长的的动作作中考时态复习公开课Exercise 1. He _(finish) writing the book, hasnt he?has finished 2. (2008绍兴中考中考) - You s

13、eem to know much about the city. - Thats true. I _ it three times. A. visited B. had visited C. have visited D. will visit中考时态复习公开课A.概念概念: 构成形式构成形式 : 7. 现在完成在完成时态(The Present Perfect Tense)发生在生在过去且去且对现在仍有影响在仍有影响 的的动作作,强调对现在的影响在的影响.have /has +done1. Can you go to the movies with me tonight?Sorry, I c

14、ant. I havent finished my homework yet.2.- I have learned how to make dumplings before. I can teach you how to make them.-Great! When did you learn it?-I learned it when I was 8 years old.常用常用时间状状语 :already, just, before, yet, never, ever,etc.中考时态复习公开课B. 1.表示某个表示某个动作从作从过去开始一直持去开始一直持续到到现在,有可能在在,有可能在将

15、来将来还要延要延续。2. 主主语+has/have +done+for/since I have taught English for 21 years. since 1992 since I graduated from the university. He has been away from his home for 40 years.3. 动词必必须为可延可延续性性动词leave=be away from begin=be on arrive=be inborrow=keep buy=have 中考时态复习公开课C. 1. Has /have +been to(曾曾经到到过某地,人已回

16、某地,人已回来来)I have been to Hangzhou many times.2. Has/have+ gone to(去了某地,人在路上或在目去了某地,人在路上或在目的地)的地) Where is Mr.Green?He has gone to London. 中考时态复习公开课现在完成在完成时的注意点的注意点:1. have been to , have been in 和和 have gone to 的区的区别 2. 短短暂性性动词和持和持续性性动词 1).Tom _never_ to America2).- Is Tina at home? - Sorry, she _ Sh

17、anxi, and she _there for three days.中考时态复习公开课译下列句子:下列句子:、这本本书他他买了一年了了一年了 4、 这本本书他借了三天了。他借了三天了。 5、我、我们离开广州六年了。离开广州六年了。He has bought this book for a year .He has had this book for a year .He has borrowed the book for three days .He has kept the book for 3 days .We have lefthave left Guangzhou for 6 ye

18、ars . We have been away fromhave been away from Guangzhou for 6 years .短短暂性性动词不能跟表示一段不能跟表示一段时间的状的状语连用用, 必必须转变成持成持续性性动词中考时态复习公开课D.常常见句型句型It is +一段一段时间+ since 从句从句(一般一般过去去时).It is three days since they borrowed that book.中考时态复习公开课Exercise had hadShe told me that she_ (have) this bike for three years.中

19、考时态复习公开课概念概念: 常用常用时间状状语 :构成形式构成形式 : 8.8.过去完成去完成时: (The Past PerfectTense): (The Past PerfectTense)主主语+ had doneby the end of last year, by, before +过去的去的时间点;由点;由when, before, after, by the time等等引引导的状的状语丛句中,表示主句的句中,表示主句的动作作发生在生在从句之前。从句之前。表示在表示在过去某一去某一时刻前已完成的刻前已完成的动作。也称作。也称“过去的去的过去去”中考时态复习公开课过去完成去完成时

20、的注意点的注意点:用于用于宾词从句中,当主句的从句中,当主句的谓语动词是一般是一般过去去时时,一定要注意一定要注意宾语从句从句中的中的时态变化。化。He said that he _the film many times.had seen中考时态复习公开课9. 现在完成进行时态S+has/have being +doneWe have being learned English for an hour.中考时态复习公开课Exercise 1.The volleyball match will be put off if it . A . will rain B. rains C .rained

21、 D. is raining 2.-Do you want to see the film “Harry Potter ”? -The film “Harry Potter ”? I _ it . Its very wonderful. (2008黄黄岗中考中考)A.see B.have seen C.was seeing D.has seen3.The boy _(not swim) in the river yet.hasnt swum中考时态复习公开课5.-Where is Liu Mei? - She_(go) home.4.- Where is your father?- He _

22、(watch) TV in the room.7.He asked what they_(do) at eight last night.were doing8.I know that he _(join) the army in1985.joined6.We dont know if it _(rain) tomorrow. If it _ (rain) tomorrow, well not go for a picnic.is watchingwill rainrainshas gone中考时态复习公开课9 .Hes not hungry. He_ just_ (have) lunch.1

23、1.-_the Blacks _(visit) the Great Wall before? -Yes , they_. -When _they _(visit) it? -Only a month ago.10. Im sure he _(work) it out in one hour.has will workHave had visited havedid visit 中考时态复习公开课12.He_(look) out of the window when the match_(begin).was lookingbegan中考时态复习公开课II.动词时态要点要点说明明名称名称标志志词

24、动词形式形式 一般一般现在在时every day, often always, sometimes,usually1.be 2.v.原形原形3.v.-s/es(第三人称第三人称单数数) 一般一般过去去时yesterday, just now,ago, last week1.v.-ed(规则动词)2.不不规则动词 现在在进行行时now, Listen! Look !am/is/are+v.-ing (现在在分分词) 过去去进行行时at this/ that time yesterday, at ten yesterday morningWhen/ Whilewas/were+v.-ing(现在在

25、分分词) (参参见复复习指指导P4146)中考时态复习公开课名称名称标志志词动词形式形式 一般将来一般将来时tomorrow, next year1.will/shall+v.原形原形2.am/is/are + going to +v.原形原形过去将来去将来时1.would+v.原形原形2.was/ were+ going to +v.原形原形 现在完成在完成时already, yet, ever, never ,just, so far, sincehave/ has+V.过去分去分词过去完成去完成时by the time, when , beforehad +V.过去分去分词中考时态复习公

26、开课III.动词时态专项突破及突破及应试对策策专项突破:突破:1 ,慧眼慧眼识别标志志词Eg.( )1,-Shall we go shopping now? - Sorry, I cant. I _ my shirts. A, wash B, washes C, am washing D, washed. ( )2, “ Hero” is a wonderful movie. I _ it twice already. A,will see B, see C, saw D, have seen.特特别提醒提醒:敏敏锐捕捉捕捉时间标志志词,并,并结合具体的合具体的语境境,选择出正确的出正确的动词

27、时态,是解决此,是解决此类问题的良策。的良策。请同学同学们熟熟记各种常用各种常用时态所所对应的的时间状状语及及标志志词。CD中考时态复习公开课2,主从主从时态须呼呼应 如果所如果所给的的题干是主从复合句,可根据主从干是主从复合句,可根据主从时态呼呼应原原则确定正确的确定正确的时态Eg.( )1,I _ the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow. A, will return B, returned C, have returned D, return( )2,- Did you see Tom at the party? - No, he _ by the

28、time I got there. A, left B, was leaving C, had left D, has left特特别提醒:近年来中考提醒:近年来中考试题在考在考查主从句的主从句的时态呼呼应时, 常将其放在常将其放在实际的的语境境中考中考查。在解。在解题时,希望同学,希望同学们 把握好主从复合句的用法。把握好主从复合句的用法。AC中考时态复习公开课3,瞻前,瞻前顾后巧搭配后巧搭配利用利用上下文上下文所提供的信息,瞻前所提供的信息,瞻前顾后,后,选择正确的正确的动词形式。形式。Eg.( )1,- How was your weekend on the farm? - Great! We _ with the farmer. A,enjoy ourselves. B, went fishing C, will work D, make friends 这种情况也非常适用种情况也非常适用“用所用所给词适当形式填空适当形式填空”中。中。 2,-What are you doing , Jim? - I _ (draw) a beautiful horse. 3, I _(hear)a sound and got up.Bam drawingheard中考时态复习公开课



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