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1、. . . 第1讲 Unit8 Fashion 习题课 题一: He is reading _ bed. A. at B. on C. in D. with 题二: You should go _ bed early. A. at B. on C. in D. to 题三: Ms Smith speaks to me only_ the telephone. A. in B. with C. from D. on 题四: I was _ the telephone when he came in. A. in B. with C. on D. from 题五: Who is the girl

2、_ her school uniform? A. on B. at C. for D. in 题六: Is the girl _ red your girlfriend ? No, she isnt. A. on B. in C. for D. at 题七: You can wear _ to keep your hands warm. A. shoes B. gloves C. jeans D. sweaters 题八: These two _ dont match. They arent a pair. A. hats B. skirts C. gloves D. sweaters 题九:

3、 Did you _ that book _ Mike? No, my mother gave it to my cousin. A. lend; from B. borrow; to C. lend; to D. borrow; from 题十: You can_ the football _ me, but you mustnt_ it_ others. Aborrow, from; lend, to Bborrow, to; lend, from Clend, to; borrow, from Dlend, from; borrow, to 题十一: _? . . . I think f

4、ootball is very interesting. A. What do you think of the football B. What colour is the football C. Is it a football D. Is the football hers 题十二: _ your father _ game shows? A. What do, think of B. What are, think C. What does, think of D. What is , think 题十三: 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写出单词。 1. She lay down on t

5、he s_, warm bed. 2. The _ starts at 7:30 p.m. 3. Their music will never go out of _ . 4. A home should be _ and friendly. 5. He felt too l_ to get out of bed. 题十四: 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写出单词。 1. Mum never s_ any money on herself. 2. Coffee is probably the most _ drink in the world. 3. B_ Helens parents are d

6、octors. 4. How should we _ it? 5. The garden is a special _ of this house. 题十五: 根据括号内所给的单词的适当形式填空。 1. She had a _ face. 2. A boy _ in the river now. 3. Business travelers spend many long hours _ in airports. 4. It is not proper _ jeans at a party. 5. It has nothing to do with those _ or the cold wea

7、ther. 题十六: 根据括号内所给的单词的适当形式填空。 1. She is _ for a new job . 2. The two _ will become one if you heat them. 3. It takes him two hours _ hiking. . . . 4. I need a new pair of _, but my mother doesnt buy it for me. 5. It was too _ inside to see much. 题十七: 按要求完成句子。 1. 谁在书店等他! _ _ _ him in a bookstore? 2.

8、这个桌子是用非常好的木料做的. This table _ _ _ very good wood. 3. His help makes me feel so warm. _ _ his help _ you feel? 4. I am writing to my friend now. _ _ you _ to now? 题十八: 按要求完成句子。 1. 谁在电影院等我! _ _ _ me in a movie theater? 2. Basketball makes me feel excited. _ _ basketball_ you feel? 3. 奶油是由牛奶做的. Cream _

9、_ _ milk. 4. He is writing to his pen pal now. _ _ he _ to now? . . . Unit8 Fashion 习题课 题一: C 解析:句意为他在床上看书。in bed 在床上,所以选 in。 题二: D 解析:句意为你应该早点上床。go to bed 上床,所以选 to。 题三: D 解析:句意为史密斯女士只在电话上和我讲话。on the telephone 在电话上,所以选 on。 题四: C 解析:句意为他进来时我正在打电话。on the telephone 打电话,所以选 on。 题五: D 解析:句意为那个穿着学校校服的女孩子

10、是谁?用于穿着时,in 后接衣服。所以选 in。 题六: B 解析:句意为穿红衣服的那个女孩是你的女朋友吗?不,她不是。当 in 后面加上一个表示颜色的形容词时,表示穿某种颜色的衣服,所以选 in。 题七: B 解析:句意为你可以戴手套来暖和你的手。shoes 鞋,gloves 手套,jeans 牛仔裤,sweaters 毛衣。根据句意选 gloves。 题八: C 解析: 句意为这两只手套不配对儿。 它们不是一对。 hats 帽子,skirts 裙子,gloves 手套,sweaters毛衣。根据句意选 gloves。 题九: C 解析:句意为你是不是把那本书借给迈克了?不,我妈把它给我堂弟

11、了。lend to 意为将某物借给某人,borrow from 意为从某人那借某物。所以选 lend; to。 题十: A 解析:句意为你可以从我这借走足球,但是你不能把它借给别人。lend to 意为将某物借给某人,borrow from 意为从某人那借某物。所以选 borrow, from; lend, to。 题十一: A 解析:句意为我认为足球非常有趣。应提问你认为足球怎么样?所以选 What do you think of the football。 题十二: C . . . 解析:句意为你父亲认为比赛节目怎么样?。What do you think of 意思是你认为怎么样?人称为

12、第三人称时,do 变为 does。所以选 What does, think of 。 题十三: 1. soft 2. show/performance 3. fashion 4. comfortable 5. lazy 解析:1.句意为她躺到柔软温暖的床上。柔软的 soft。 2. 句意为演出晚上 7 点 30 分开始。表演 show/performance。 3. 句意为他们的音乐永不过时。时尚 fashion。 4. 句意为家应使人感到舒适与和睦。舒适的,舒服的 comfortable。 5. 句意为他懒得都不想起床。懒的 lazy。 题十四: 1. spends 2. popular 3

13、. Both 4. design 5. feature 解析:1.句意为妈妈从来都不在自己身上花钱。花费 spends。 2. 句意为咖啡很可能是世界上最受欢迎的饮料。受欢迎的 popular。 3. 句意为海伦的父母都是医生。都是 both。 4. 句意为我们应该怎么设计它?设计 design。 5. 句意为花园是这个房子的一大特色。特征 feature。 题十五: 1. lovely 2. is swimming 3. waiting 4. to wear 5. scarves/scarfs 解析:1.句意为她有一张可爱的脸蛋。形容词修饰名词,所以填 lovely。 2. 句意为一个男孩正

14、在河里游泳。时态为现在进行时,所以填 is swimming。 3. 句意为商业旅行者们经常要花费几个小时在机场等待航班。 sb. spend time doing sth. 在上花费时间。所以填 waiting。 4. 句意为在晚会上穿牛仔裤不合适。it is adj. to do sth.做某事是怎么样的。所以填 to wear。 5. 句意为这和这些围巾、寒冷的天气一点儿关系都没有。scarf 的复数形式是 scarves/scarfs。 题十六: 1. looking 2. materials 3. to go 4. jeans 5. dark 解析:1.句意为她正在找一份新工作。时态

15、为现在进行时,所以填 looking。 2. 句意为如果你加热两种材料,它们会变成一种材料。材料 materials。 3. 句意为他用了两小时远足。It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人一些时间,所以填 to go。 4. 句意为我需要一条新牛仔裤,但是我妈妈不给我买一条。牛仔裤 jeans。 5. 句意为里面太黑,看不见什么东西。黑暗的 dark。 题十七: 1. Whos waiting for 2. is made of 3. How does; make 4. Who/Whom are; writing . . . 解析:1. 谁在等他的表

16、达是 Whos waiting for him? 2. be made of 用造成用于原材料显而易见的场合。主语是 table,所以 be 动词用 is。 3.对感觉提问时,可用 how 提问。his help 是第三人称单数,助动词用 does,动词用原形。 4.对人称宾格提问时,可用 Who/Whom 提问,所以填 Who/Whom are; writing。 题十八: 1. Whos waiting for 2. How does; make 3. is made from 4. Who/Whom is; writing 解析:1. 谁在等我的表达是 Whos waiting for me? 2. 对感觉提问时,可用 how 提问。basketball 是第三人称单数,助动词用 does,动词用原形。 3. be made from 用造成用于看不出原材料的场合。主语是 cream,所以 be 动词用 is。 4.对人称宾格提问时,可用 Who/Whom 提问,所以填 Who/Whom is; writing。



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