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1、.页脚 Pote ntial Supplier Assessme nt 潜在供方评审报告 SUPPLIER DATA 供应商资料 ASSESSMENT DAT 评审资料 Name名称: Date日期: Address 地址: Assessed by 评审人: Commodity :Chem化工类 Elec 电器类匚| Met 金属类 零件类别 Product 产品: Assessment Criteria 准 评审标 Phone No.电话: Fax No.传真: Overall Rating Score 总分 Supplier Con tacts : 联系人 Position : 职位: O

2、verall Rating Result 总结果 Comme nts:评语: Team Leaders signature 评审小组组长签字: Assessor Phone No 评审员电话: RESULT 餅审结果 No. Element 要素 * Questions 问题 Conforms 符合 Nonconformities 不符合 Point Score 分数 Corrective Action O/L- Date 纠正措施 0/L 日期 Minor 轻微 Major 主要 Documentation Review 文 件审核 All 4.1 Management Responsibi

3、lity 管 理职责 4 4.2 Quality System 质量体系 8 4.3 Contract Review 合同评审 1 4.4 Design Control 设计控制 4 4.5 Document and Data Control 文件和资料 控制 2 4.6 Purchasing 采购 4 4.8 Product Identification and Traceability 产品标识及可追溯性 1 4.9 Process Control 过程控制 6 4.1 0 Inspection and Testing 检 验和试 验 6 4.1 1 Inspection, Measuri

4、ng and Test Equipment 检验,测量和试验设备 4 4.1 3 Control of Nonconforming Product 不合格品的控制 2 4.1 4 Corrective and Preventive Action 预防和纠正措施 5 4.1 5 Handling, Storage, Packaging and Delivery 搬运,储存,包装及交付 6 4.1 6 Control of Quality Records 质 量记录 的控制 1 4.1 7 Internal Quality Audits 内部质量审 核 5 4.1 8 Training 培 训 1

5、 .页脚 General Motors Specific 通用汽车具体 要求 1 Total score 总分 .页脚 TARGET DATE FOR CORRECTION OF ALL NONCONFORMITIES :/ 纠正所有示符合项的目标日期: .页脚 Question Scoring 冋题评分标准 Element Scoring 分数计算 要素评分标准 Supplier not familiar with Implementation 80 -95% complete and iotal Points requirements of element and has no 0 doc

6、umented evidence is available. 6 总分: relevant documentation. 供应商不了解要素的要求并且没有相关文 件 Supplier is familiar with 已实施 80-95%并且有记录在案的证据可查. Full implementation and confirmed No. of requirements of element but there 1 evidence of effectiveness-Supplier met 7 applicable is no minimum req. eleme nts evidence/d

7、ocumentation/implement. 完全实施并且具有确认实施有效 适用要素数 供应商了解要素要求但 的证据-供应商满足最低要求. 目: 没有证据/记录/实施. Supplier is familiar Analysis of results & 8 Poi nt =Total Poi nts with requirements of 2 continuous improvement can be Score No. of applicable element and has demonstrated. 分数 eleme nts preliminary/draft 有证据表明对实施效

8、果的分析 documentation. 和持续改进 =Overall Rati ng: 供应商了解要素要求并 具有初步/草案性的文件. Documentation is available but 3 Supplier has reached world class 9 分数=总分/合适的要素 implementation is only 0 -30% performance and continuous improvement in complete. all areas. 文件已建立但仅实施了 0-30% 供应商达到世界级的表现并在各个方面取 得持进. Documentation is a

9、vailable and 4 Supplier is best-in-class, demonstrate 10 implementation is 30 -60% complete. signif. Innovation beyond customer 文件已建立并实施了解情况 50-60% requirements and sets the industry benchmark. 供应商是同类别中的最佳.证据表明供应 商有超出客户要求的显著革新并确立该行 业的基准. Implementation 60 -80% 5 complete and there is preliminary evi

10、dence of relevant results. 已实施了 60-80%并且已有了相应 实施效果的初步证据. Note: 注: (1) To Pass or be Recommended the score must =7. 通过评审或被推荐的要求为至少(7 )分. (2) To con diti onal Pass or be Recomme nded the score must =6. All noncon forma nces must be corrected before PPAP and SQE will verify. 有条件通过评审或被推荐的要求为至少( 6 )分所有的不

11、符合应在产品 PPAP 前得到纠正并为 SQE 验证。 (3) To Pass or be Recomme nded a minimum score of five (5) is required on every applicable eleme nt. 通过评审或被推荐的最低要求是每一个适用要素需要得到至少( 5)分. (4) To Pass or be Recomme nded a minimum score of six (6) is required on every applicable eleme nt as bellow. 通过评审或被推荐的最低要求是下列所列每一个要素需要得到

12、至少( 6)分. 4.9 Process Con trol 过程控制 4.10 In spection and Testi ng 检验和试验 4.13 Con trol of noncon forma nee products 不合格品控制 .页脚 4.14 Corrective and Preve ntive Action 预防和纠正措施 If the product is related safety or key part, must add this eleme nt: 如果产品涉及安全或是关键零件,必须增加这一要素: 4.8 Product Identification and Tr

13、aceability 产品标识和可追溯性 (5) 计分方法:要素分=要素内各问题平均, 总分=各要素平均.页脚 POTENTIAL SUPPLIER ASSESSMENT REFPOR 在供应商评审报告 DOCUMENT REVIEW 件 审 核 Supplier 供应商 Assessme nt Date 评审日期 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Has a quality man ual coveri ng the requireme nts of QS-9000 bee n 0.1 prepared? Does the quality man ual

14、in clude or make refere nee to quality system procedures and outl ine the structure of the doeume ntati on used in the quality system? 是否已编制了覆盖 QS9000 要求的质量手册?质量手册 是否包括或引用了质量体系程序,并概述质量体系 文件的结构? Management Responsibility 管 理职责 Quality policy 质量方针 Organization 组织 Management representative 管理者代表 Manage

15、ment review 管理评审 Business plan 业务计划 Customer satisfaction 客户满意 Quality Planning 质量策划 Cross functional teams 横向协调小组 Feasibility reviews 可行性评审 Control plans 控制计划 Process FMEA 过程失效模式及后果分析(过程 FMEAs) Con tract review 合同评审 Design control (as applicable) 设计控制(如适用) Design review 设计评审 Design verification 设计验

16、证 Design validation 设计确认 Design changes 设计更改 Production Part Approval 生产件批准 Continuous Improvement 持 续改进 Facilities and Tooling Management 设 施和工 装管理 Document and Data Control 文件和资料控制 Document changes 文件更改 Purchasing 采购 Subc on tractor evaluati on 分供 方评价 Control of Customer supplied Product 顾客提供产品 的控

17、制 Product identification and traceability 产 品 标识和 可追溯 性 Process Control 过程控制 Process monitoring 过程监视 Process capability/performanee 过程能力 / 性能 Verification of setups 作业准备的验证 Process changes 过程更改 .页脚 Planned preventive maintenance 有计划的预防性维护 19 Predictive maintenance 预见性维护 .页脚 Inspection and testing 检验

18、和 试 验 Appearanee item inspection (if applicable) 夕卜观项 目 检验 (如适用) Lab accreditation (if required) 实验室认可(如需要) Inspection, Measuring & Test Equipment 检验,测量和 试 验 设备 Measurement System Analysis 测量 系统分析 Inspection and Test Status 检验和试验状态 Control of nonconforming Product 不合格 品控制 Control of reworked product

19、 返工产 品控制 Eng. Approved product authorization 经工程批准的产品 的授权 Corrective and preventive actions 纠 正和预 防措施 Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation & Delivery 搬 运 , 储存,包装,防护和交付 Control of Quality Records 质量记录 的控制 In ter nal Quality Audits 内部质量审核 Training 培 训 Servicing 服务 Statistical Techniques 统计技术 ELE

20、MENT SCORE 0 to 10 要素分 0 -10 .页脚 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY 理 职 责 ELEMENT 4.1 要素 4.1 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Has the resp on sibility, authority, in terrelati on ship of all 1 4 pers onnel who man age, perform and verify work affect ing quality bee n defi ned and docume nted? 对从事与质量有关的管理,执

21、行及验证工作的人员 是否规定了他们的职责,权限和相互关系,并形成 了文件? * Does the supplier man ageme nt with executive resp on sibility 1 12 review all quality system eleme nts at defi ned in tervals to in sure its continuing suitability and effectiveness? 供方负有执行职责的管理者是否按规定的时间间隔 对质量体系的所有要素进行评审,以确保持续的适 宜性和有效性? * Does the supplier ut

22、ilize a formal, docume nted, comprehe nsive 1 13 bus in ess pla n that in cludes short-term and lon ger-term goals and pla n(s)? 供方是否使用正式的形成文件的全面的业务计划, 包括短期和长期目标和计划? * Are trends in data and in formati on compared with: 120 数据和资料的发展趋势是否与下列几个方面进行比 较? Competitors 竞争对手; Appropriate benchmarks 适当的目标厂家;

23、K Progress toward bus in ess objectives, to lead to appropriate action to support: - development priorities for resolving customer problems -determ in ati on of key customer related tren ds? 业务目标的实现,并转化为可操作的信息以支持: - 优先解决与顾客相关的问题? - 确定关键的与顾客相关的趋势 ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 1( 要素分 0 - 10 .页脚 QUALITY SYSTEM 质量

24、体系 ELEMENT 4.2 要素 4.2 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Are there adequate support ing procedures (level 2) for each 2 1 element of the quality manual? . 质量手册的每个要素是否都有足够的程序文件(第 二层次)支持? * Is the quality pla nning process con siste nt with all other 2 2 requirements of the quality system, documented

25、in a suitable format, and does it consider as appropriate the elements of the quality system that address: 质量策划过程是否与质量体系的所有其它要求相一 致,并以适当的形式形成文件,是否适当考虑了与下 列活动有关的质量体系要素: H Ide ntificati on and acquisiti on of all in specti on & producti on /service resources? 确 定 并配备 所有检 验禾口 生产/ 服务所需的资源? Con ducti ng

26、desig n and process feasibility studies? 进行设 计和过程可行性的研究? E Updati ng and maintenance of all quality con trol and in spection methodology? 更新并保持所有质量控制和 检测手段? Identification of suitable verification at appropriate stages? 确定在适当阶段进行合适的验证? Producti on, in stallati on and servic ing processes which direc

27、tly affect quality. 直接影响质量的生产, 装配 和服务过程? Preparation of control plans and FMEA ?制定控制计划和 失效模式及后果分析(FMEAs ) ? K Review of standards and specifications? 标准和 规范评 * Is man ufacturi ng feasibility in vestigated, con firmed, and 2 6 documented, (team feasibility commitment form) prior to con tract ing prop

28、osed products. 在签订生产某种新产品合同前,是否分析并确定了制 造该产品的可行性,并形成文件(以小组可行性承诺 形式)? * Are mistake proofi ng tech ni ques utilized where appropriate, which 2 11 include but are not limited to planning of process, facilities, equipme nt and tooli ng, and in problem resoluti on? 是否采用了适当的防错技术,应包括但不限于在过 程,设施,设备和工装的策划及在解

29、决问题过程中 使用? * Do con trol pla ns cover three phases: prototype, pre-lau nch and 2 14 producti on, as required by the customer? . 控制计划是否按顾客要求包括了样件,试生产和生 产三个阶段? .页脚 * Are con trol pla ns reviewed and updated as appropriate whe n any of 2 15 the followi ng occurs: . 当发生下列情况时,控制计划是否进行适当的评审 和更新? Product o

30、r process cha nges 产品或过程变更? Processes are found to be unstable or non-capable 发 现过程 不稳定或能力不足? Inspection method, frequency, etc. is revised? 检验方 法, 频次等发生改变? * Is there evide nee of contin uous improveme nt in quality (exte nding 2 19 to product characteristics), service (timing and delivery) and pri

31、ce, that ben efit all customers? 是否有证据证明在质量(延伸至产品特性),服务 (时间安排和交付)和价格方面实施了持续改进以利 于所有顾客? * Does the plant layout minimize material travel and handling, 2 25 facilitate synchronous material flow, and maximise value-added use of floor space? 工厂的布局是否有利于最大限度地减少材料的交转 和搬运,便于材料的同步流动,并最大限度地使场 地得到增值使用? ELEMENT

32、 SCORE 0 to 1( 要素分 0 - 10 I .页脚 CONTRACT REVIEW 合同评审 ELEMENT 4.3 要素 4.3 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Are records of con tract reviews maintain ed? 3.4 是否保存了合同评审的记录? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 1( 要素分 0 -10 ) .页脚 DESIGN CONTROLS 计控制 ELEMENT 4.4 要素 4.4 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Do the followi ng

33、 exist, if not waived by the customer: 4.8 如未经顾客声明放弃,是否具备下列条件: Appropriate resources and facilities available to use computer aided desig n, engin eeri ng and an alysis? 为开 展计算 机辅助 设计,工程和分析工作提供适当的资源及设施? If CAD/CAE is subcontracted, has the supplier provided technical leadership? 如果CAD/CAE 被分包,供方是否提供

34、 技术支持? Are CAD/CAE systems capable of two way in terface with customer systems? CAD/CAE 是否有能力与顾客的系统双向接 口 ? * Are there records of formal docume nted desig n reviews by the 4.11 appropriate fun cti ons con ducted at appropriate stages of desig n per the desig n pla n? 是否有记录证明在设计的适当阶段,由适当部门的人员 按设计计划进行

35、正式的文件化的设计评审? * When required by the customer, does the supplier have a 4.21 comprehe nsive prototype program? 当顾客要求时,供方是否有全面的样件计划? * Is the performa nee testi ng (that con siders and in cludes as 4.23 appropriate life, durability, reliability) tracked for timely completi on and con forma nee? 是否进行性能

36、试验(适用时考虑并包括寿命,耐久 性,可靠性)以跟踪预期的完成情况及符合性? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 10 要素分 0 - 10 .页脚 DOCUMENT AND DATA CONTROL 件 和资料的控 制 ELEMENT 4.5 要素 4.5 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Are docume nts and data reviewed and approved by authorised 5.2 pers onnel prior to issue? 文件和资料在发布前是否经授权人员的审批? * Is there a master li

37、st (or equivale nt) ide ntify ing docume nt 5.3 revisio n status readily available? 是否具有并可随时得到识别文件修改状态的控制清 单(或等效文件)? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 10 要素分 0 -10 .页脚 PURCHASING 采购 ELEMENT 4.6 要素 4.6 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Are subc on tractors evaluated and selected based on their ability to 6.3 meet

38、quality system and quality assura nee requireme nts? 对分承包方的评价和选择是否以他们满足质量体系和 质量保证要求的能力为依据? * Does the supplier defi ne the appropriate type and exte nt of eon trol 6.4 over sube on tractors? 供方是否明确了对分承包方实施控制的方式和程度? * Are quality records (4.16) of acceptable sube on tractors established 6.5 and maint

39、ain ed? 是否建立并保存认可的分供方质量记录? * Is 100% on time delivery a requireme nt of the subc on tractors? 6.7 是否对分承包方提岀 100%按时交付的要求? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 1( 要素分 0 - 10 ) .页脚 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY 品标识和可追溯性 ELEMENT 4.8 要素 4.8 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Is traceability mai ntai ned and reco

40、rded whe n required by the 8.2 customer? 当顾客要求时,可追溯性是否得到保持并加以记录? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 1( 要素分 0 -10 .页脚 PROCESS CONTROL 程控制 ELEMENT 4.9 要素 4.9 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Do con trolled con diti ons in clude use of suitable producti on, 9.2 in stallati on and servic ing equipme nt, and suitable

41、work ing en viro nment in clud ing but not limited to maintaining premises in a state of order. Clea nli ness and repair? 受控状态是否包括使用合适的生产,安装和服务设备 并安排适宜的工作环境,适宜的环境包括但不限于承 诺保持有序,清洁和完好状态? 是否有通过 ISO14001 环境管理认证证书?是否有通过环 境管理三同时”验收报告? * Is there an effective pla nned preve ntive maintenance system that 9.

42、9 ide ntifies key process equipme nt, provides appropriate resources, and in cludes at a mini mum: 是否建立了有效的,有计划的预防性维护系统以标识 关键过程设备,提供适当的资源,这个系统是否至少 包括: - A procedure describ ing pla nned maintenance activities? 描述计 划性维护活动的程序? - Scheduled maintenance activities? 定期的维护活动? - Predictive maintenance metho

43、ds? 预见性的维护方法? - A procedure provid ing for packagi ng and preservati on of equipme nt, tooli ng and gaugi ng? 为 设备, 工装和 量具提 供包装和防护的程序? - Availability of replaceme nt parts for key man ufacturi ng equipme nt? - 随时可得到关键生产设备的备件? - Docume nti ng, evaluati ng and improv ing maintenance objectives? - 文件化,

44、评估和改进维护目标? .页脚 * Have docume nted process mon itori ng and operator in structi ons 9.12 derived from the sources listed in the Adva need Product Quality Pla nning and con trol Pla n refere nee man ual, or equivale nt sources, bee n prepared for all employees hav ing resp on sibilities for operati on

45、 of processes and are they accessible at the workstati on? 是否为所有负责过程操作的人员提供了文件化的过 程监视和作业指导书,这些指导书来源于产品质量先 期策划和控制计划(APQP)参考手册或其他等效文件,在 工作岗位是否易于得到作业指导书? .页脚 Do process mon itori ng and operator in structi ons in elude or 9.13 refere nee, as appropriate: 必要时,过程监视和作业指导书是否包括或参考了以 下内容? - Operati on n ame

46、and n umber keyed to process flow diagram? - 过程流程图中重要的作业名称 - Part name and part number? 零 件名称 - Current engineering level/date? 现行 - Required tools, gauges and other equipme nt? 和其他设备? - Material identification and disposition instructions? 标识和处置指导书? - Customer and supplier desig nated Special Chara

47、cteristics? 供方规定的特殊特性? -SPC requireme nts? - Releva nt engin eeri ng and man ufacturi ng sta ndards? 和制造标准? - In specti on and test in structi ons? - Reaction plan? 反应计划? - Revision date and approvals? 修订日 期和口 - Visual aids? 目视辅助? - Tool cha nge in tervals and set-up in structi ons? 期和作业准备指导书? 编号? 编

48、号? 程等级/ 所需工 日期? 具 量具 统计过程控制(SPC)要求? 相 * Does the suppler maintain or exceed the process capability or 9.14 performa nee as approved by PPAP through the impleme ntati on and adhere nee to the con trol pla n, process flow diagram, measureme nt tech ni que, sampli ng pla ns and reacti on pla ns whe n a

49、ccepta nee criteria is not met? 供方是否通过实施且符合控制计划,过程流程图, 测量技术,抽样计划和当未满足接收准则时的反应计 划来保持或超岀 PPAP 时批准的过程能力或性能? * Are sig nifica nt process eve nts recorded (on the eon trol charts)? 9.15 重大过程事件是否有记录(在控制图中)? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 1( 要素分 0 - 10 1 材料的 顾客和 的工程 工具更换周 .页脚 INSPECTION AND TESTING 检验和试验 ELEMENT 4.10

50、要 素 4.10 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Does the supplier en sure that incoming product is not used or processed 10.2 (except for urge nt producti on purposes), un til it has bee n in spected or otherwise verified as conforming to specified requireme nts in accorda nee with the quality pla n an

51、d/or docume nted procedures? 供方是否能够确保未按质量计划和/或形成文件的程序进 行检验或验证合格的产品不投入使用或加工(紧急放行除 外)? * Is positive ide ntificati on provided and recorded for material used in 10.4 producti on but not verified? 对未经验证投入生产的材料是否有明确标识并做好记 录? * Does the supplier in spect and test product as required by the quality 10.6 p

52、la n (con trol pla n) an d/or the docume nted procedures? 供方是否按质量计划(控制计划)和/或形成文件的程序对 产品进行检验和试验? * Does the supplier hold product un til the required in specti ons and tests 10.7 have bee n completed or n ecessary reports have bee n received and verified, except for release un der positive recall (se

53、e 供方是否能够在所要求的检验和试验完成或必需的报告 收到和验证前,不将产品放行,除非有可靠的追回程序?(见 * Does the supplier carry out final in specti on and testi ng in accorda nee 10.9 with the quality pla n (con trol pla n) an d/or docume nted procedures? 供方是否按质量计划(控制计划)和/或形成文件的程序进行 最终检验和试验? * Does the supplier assure that

54、no product is dispatched un til all 10.11 activities specified in the docume nted procedures have bee n satisfactorily completed and that the associated data and docume ntati on is available and authorized? 供方能否确保形成文件的程序中规定的各项活动圆满完 成且有关数据和文件齐备并得到认可后,产品才能发岀? * When the supplier uses in depe nden t/co

55、mmercial laboratories are they 10.21 accredited? 当供方使用独立/商业性的实验室时,他们是否经过认 可? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 1( 要素分 0 - 10 ) .页脚 INSPECTION, MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT 检验、测量和试验设备 ELEMENT 4.11 要 素 4.11 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Is each piece of equipme nt calibrated at prescribed in tervals, 11.8 aga i

56、nst certified equipme nt hav ing a known valid relati on ship to intern ati on ally or n ati on ally recog ni zed sta ndards, and in the correct en vir onment? 每一台设备是否都按规定的周期并对照与国际或国 家承认的基准有已知有效关系的设备进行校准?是 否有适宜的环境? * Does the process for calibrati on of in specti on, measuri ng and 11.10 test equipm

57、e nt in clude the follow ing: 检验,测量和试验设备的校准过程是否包括以下内 容: Type of equipment? 设备型号? Unique identification? 唯一性标识? Location?地点? Frequency of checks? 校 验周期? Check method?校验方法? Acceptanee criteria? 验收准贝 U ? Corrective action? 纠正措施? * Has the supplier en sured that the han dli ng, preservati on and 11.15 s

58、torage of in specti on, measuri ng and test equipme nt is such that the accuracy and fit ness for use is maintain ed? 供方能否确保检验,测量和试验设备在搬运,防护和 储存期间,其准确性和适用性保持完好? * For measureme nt systems refere need in the Con trol Pla n is there 11.18 evide nee that appropriate statistical studies have bee n con d

59、ucted to analyze the variation present in the results of each type of measuri ng and test equipme nt system? 对于控制计划中提到的所有测量系统,是否有证据 证明进行了适合的统计研究工作,以分析每种测量和 试验设备测量结果的变差? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 1( 要素分 0 - 10 .页脚 CONTROL OF NONCONFORMING PRO 不 U 合 T 格 品控希 9 ELEMENT 4.13 要 素 4.13 Question 问题 Assessor Notes

60、评审员记录 * Does the con trol of noncon form ing product and suspect material or 13.1 product provide for identification, documentation, evaluation, segregation (when practical), disposition and for notification of all appropriate fun cti ons? 对不合格品以及可疑的材料或产品的标识,记录, 评价,隔离(可行时)和处置是否进行了控制,并通 知有关的职能部门? * A

61、re repaired an d/or reworked products re-i nspected an d/or tested 13.7 accord ing to the quality pla n (con trol pla n) an d/or docume nted procedures? 对于返修和/或返工后的产品是否按照质量计划(控 制计戈 U)和/或形成文件的程序进行重新检验和/或试 验? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 10 要素分 0 TO .页脚 CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ACTION 正和预防措施 ELEMENT 4.14 要 素 4

62、.14 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Are the appropriate corrective or preve ntive acti ons developed to 14.1 elimi nate the causes of actual or pote ntial noncon forma nces? 为消除实际的或潜在的不合格原因,是否采取了适 当的纠正或预防措施? * Does the supplier use a discipli ned problem solv ing method to 14.3 address in ter nal

63、 or exter nal noncon forma nces? 当内部和外部岀现不合格时,供方是否采取了规范 且有效的解决问题的方法? * Do procedures for corrective acti on in clude effective han dli ng of 14.6 customer complai nts and reports of noncon forma nces? 纠正措施 程序是否包括有效地处置顾客抱怨和不 符合报告? * Do procedures for corrective acti on in clude applicati on of 14.9 c

64、ontrols to ensure that corrective action is taken and that it is effective? 纠正措施程序是否包括实施控制,以确保纠正措施 的执行及其有效性? * Do procedures for preve ntive acti on in clude provisi ons that the 14.16 releva nt in formatio n on acti ons take n is submitted for man ageme nt review? 预防措施程序是否包括将所采取措施的有关信息提 交管理评审? ELEM

65、ENT SCORE 0 to 10 要素分 0 TO .页脚 HANDLING, STORAGE, PACKAGING, PRESERVATION AND DELIVERY 搬运,储存,包装,防护和交付 ELEMENT 4.15 要 素 4.15 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Have methods for the han dli ng of product to preve nt damage or 15.1 deteriorati on bee n provided? 是否提供了防止产品损坏或变质的搬运方法? * Does the supplier

66、 use an inven tory man ageme nt system to optimize 15.5 inven tory tur ns, assure stock rotati on and mini mize inven tory levels? 供方是否采用库存管理系统,以不断优化库存周转 期,确保货物周转并最大限度地减少库存量? * Are applicable customer packagi ng sta ndards/guideli nes (in cludi ng 15.7 service part packagi ng sta ndards) complied wi

67、th? 适用的顾客包装标准/指南(包括维修零件的包装标 准)是否得遵守? * Has a system bee n developed to en sure that all materials shipped 15.8 are labeled accord ing to customer requireme nts? 是否建立了确保所有装运材料都按顾客的要求进行 标识的系统? * Has the supplier established a system to support 100% on-time 15.11 shipme nts to meet customer producti on

68、 and service requireme nts? 供方是否建立了确保百分之百按期发货的管理系统, 以满足顾客生产和服务要求? * If the supplier delivery performa nee is not 100% to schedule, is 15.12 there evide nee of impleme nted corrective acti ons, and of commu ni cati on regard ing delivery problem in formati on to the customer? 如果未按照计划百分之百交付,供方是否有采取纠正

69、措施的证据并且与顾客就交付问题的信息进行沟 通? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 1( 要素分 0 - 10 I .页脚 CONTROL OF QUALITY RECORDS 量记录控制 ELEMENT 4.16 要 素 4.16 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Where agreed con tractually are quality records available to the 16.5 customer for evaluati on for an agreed period? 合同要求时,质量记录是否可提供给顾客评价时查 阅? ELE

70、MENT SCORE 0 to 10 要素分 0 - 10 .页脚 INTERNAL QUALITY AUDITS 内部质量控希 9 ELEMENT 4.17 要 素 4.17 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Does the supplier carry out internal quality system audits as 17.1 pla nn ed? 供方是否按计划进行内部质量体系的审核? * Are the audits scheduled on the basis of the status and importa nee 17.2 of

71、the activity? 内部审核是否按照活动的实际情况和重要性来安排 日程计划? * Are the audit results recorded and brought to the atte nti on of the 17.4 resp on sible pers onn el? 是否记录了审核结果并提请责任人员的注意? * Are corrective acti ons carried out on a timely basis? 17.5 是否及时采取了纠正措施? * Are there follow-up audit activities for record ing and

72、verify ing 17.6 the effective ness of the corrective acti ons take n? 是否进行跟踪审核,以记录和验证纠正措施的有效 性? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 1( 要素分 0 - 10 .页脚 TRAINING 培训 ELEMENT 4.18 要 素 4.18 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 * Are pers onnel qualified based upon appropriate educati on, tra ining 18.2 requireme nts an d/or e

73、xperie nee as required? 是否按照所要求的必要的教育、培训和/或经验进行 资格考核? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 10 要素分 0 - 10 .页脚 GENERAL MOTORS SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT 用汽车具体 要求 SECTION II 第 II 部分 Question 问题 Assessor Notes 评审员记录 G.5 Does the supplier have curre nt customer con tact in formati on? 供方是否有顾客最新的联系地址及联络方式? ELEMENT SCORE 0 to 1( 要素分 0 -10 I .页脚 QUALITY SYSTEM ASSESSMENT 量体系评审 GENERAL COMME 总评价 Supplier 供方: Eleme nt No. 要 素 Comments 评语 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18



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