九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Stay Healthy Lesson 5 Jane’s Lucky Life课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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1、Unit1StayHealthyLesson5JanesLuckyLifeCandisabledpeopleliveahappylife?Whyorwhynot?Ifyouhaveaproblem,whatdoyoudofirst? damage n.损害, 伤害vt. 损害vi.损害eg.1.Anearthquakesometimescausesgreatdamage.地震有时造成重大损失。2.Thestormdamageslotsofhouses.暴风雨毁坏了大量的房子 w i: l wheelchairdisabledadj.残疾的,残废的AidtothePoverty-stricken

2、disabled残疾人扶贫 ProtectionofdisabledChildren残疾儿童的保护 Listenandtellustrueorfalse1. Jane became disabled when she was forty.2. Jane controls her wheelchair with her mouth.3. Jane has 11 children. FTFReadandanswerthequestions:Jane cant do many things because.How does she write letters?Does she live a happ

3、y life? Why or why not?Shecantmoveherarmsorlegs.Shewriteslettersbytalkingtoaspecialcomputer.Yes.Becauseshethinksaboutthegoodthingsinherlife.with用法因为,由于eg.WhenJennywastenyearsold,shebecameillwithakindofdisease.和一起eg.Shelivedwithherparents.有eg.Iboughtacupwiththreelegs.用eg.Weseewithoureyes.跟,和eg.Dontta

4、lkwithstrangers.beableto能eg.Iamabletospeakthreelanguages.benotableto=beunabletoeg.HeisnotabletospeakEnglish.=HeisunabletospeakEnglish.enjoydoingstheg.Sheenjoysencouragingherdaughter.encouragesbtodostheg.Theyencouragemetoloseweight.But she dares to try many things. dare在本句中为实义动词,意为“敢,敢于”,其后多接带to的不定式,

5、dare to do sth.意为“敢做某事”。dare也可作情态动词,意为“敢”,其后接动词原形,通常用于否定句或疑问句,一般不用于肯定句。focus on意为“集中于,致力于”,表示在一段时间内专注于某一件事情。focus ones attention/mind/effort on sth.把某人的注意力/想法/努力集中在某事上1. Smoking is bad for your health .2. Smoking can hurt other people .3.If you smoke, you will have lung disease .4. If you breathe to

6、o much cigarette smoke , you will get a headache .5. If you dont smoke , you will stay healthy , live longer . So you should give up smoking . Dont smoke , please !Jenny and BrianSep. 12th 20161.WhathappenedtoJanewhenshewastenyearsold?2.HowdoesJanemovearound?3.WhatspecialthingdoesJanehave?4.WhodoesJ

7、anethinkisreallydisabled?Readthepassageagainandanswerthequestions.Shebecameillwithaterribledisease.Shehasawheelchair.Shecontrolsitwithhermouth. Shehasaspecialtelephonethatishersalone.Shecanansweritjustbysaying“hello”.Peoplewhodontknowhowluckytheyare.1. Smoking is bad for your health .2. Smoking can

8、hurt other people .3.If you smoke, you will have lung disease .4. If you breathe too much cigarette smoke , you will get a headache .5. If you dont smoke , you will stay healthy , live longer . So you should give up smoking . Dont smoke , please !Jenny and BrianSep. 12th 2016Completethesentencewitht

9、hecluesgiven.1. The traffic lights are _ by a central computer.2. The _ rang, and Peter answered it.3. These are not her gloves. _ are on the table.4. Lets go to see the basketball game and _ for our team.5. The boy is _ a ball in the yard.6. What a _ it is that you missed the concert!controlledtele

10、phoneHerscheerkickingpity1. Smoking is bad for your health .2. Smoking can hurt other people .3.If you smoke, you will have lung disease .4. If you breathe too much cigarette smoke , you will get a headache .5. If you dont smoke , you will stay healthy , live longer . So you should give up smoking .

11、 Dont smoke , please !Jenny and BrianSep. 12th 2016Makesentencesusingthegiveninformation.1. thousands of people lost their homes/ the fire2. he lost his job/ his big mistakeThousandsofpeoplelosttheirhomesasaresultofthefire.Helosthisjobasaresultofhisbigmistake.1. Smoking is bad for your health .2. Sm

12、oking can hurt other people .3.If you smoke, you will have lung disease .4. If you breathe too much cigarette smoke , you will get a headache .5. If you dont smoke , you will stay healthy , live longer . So you should give up smoking . Dont smoke , please !Jenny and BrianSep. 12th 20161.hisroom/hist

13、orybooks2.Dannysmind/funnyideasHisroomisfullofhistorybooks.Dannysmindisfulloffunnyideas.外语教学与研究出版社九年级|全一册Trytofillintheblanksaccordingtothetext.Jane is a disabled woman . She is fortyold now. She cannot move her arms(and)legs.She is(not able)to do many things such as (brush)her teeth and putting on

14、her shoes . But she dares_(do)many things . She is (marry)and(have)two children.She likes to watch her son (play)soccer and her daughter play the piano . She says ,“ If you think about your problems , you (have)a life full of problems.”She thinks everyone should know how_(luck)they are. yearsorunabl

15、ebrushingto domarriedhasplaywill havelucky外语教学与研究出版社九年级|全一册1. Smoking is bad for your health .2. Smoking can hurt other people .3.If you smoke, you will have lung disease .4. If you breathe too much cigarette smoke , you will get a headache .5. If you dont smoke , you will stay healthy , live longer

16、 . So you should give up smoking . Dont smoke , please !Jenny and BrianSep. 12th 2016Workinpairs.Whichofthesethingsdoyouthinkisthemostimportant.Wecan.Ontheotherhand,.moneyfamilyagoodjobhealthgoodlooksfriendsIthinkthathealthisthemostimportantbecause.Yes,Iagreewithyou.Andweshouldthinkabouthowtokeephealthy.Homework:1. Finishtheexercisesintheactivitybook.2.Recitethenewwords.



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