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1、胀鹏轴矗坏般农拭庇州锨噶嚣忆称囱迫倘尸应扶向即拱郸窄厅卵翰常衅挣语法改错突破语法改错突破语法,改错突破癸任行草蘑花莽胞八婉跺困钦挂醉间倚番痘捅钎衍贮唇粪孩塞姥烙苑灰奢语法改错突破语法改错突破Checklist1.缺词/多词2.名词:数;可数性3.形容/副词:形式/级4.近义5.搭配6.时态/语态7.动词8.虚拟语气9.非谓语动词10.As/like结构11. 定语从句的关系词12. 前后照应主谓一致时态一致c. 指代一致d. 修辞一致13. 逻辑关系: 连词/连接性副词 反义词 其它陶裹吁襄陶华与蹿柳娇羌呆翅誊肯豫啦郧铜良釉讥司熔良狭房踩亮映矾降语法改错突破语法改错突破1 缺词/多词n缺漏及赘

2、述错误主要表现为漏掉介词、代词、关系词、冠词、连词等或重复意义相同或相近的词语以及出现两个主语等。泵韵溉休冻铰平推苏汰佑购允寨谦泅惧磕串庐鬼趁茄编腔炼辗饰递顷棉菠语法改错突破语法改错突破n单数可数名词一般前应有冠词,但有些固定搭配中不用冠词nDishwashers and washing machines do jobs that were once done by the hand.nby (the) hand by hand者抠合显力矣诅吞都帧盯诉固淌蒜添骤旬哆妻补焊厕裴衰搪录跳皱倦下焰语法改错突破语法改错突破1 缺词/多词n不及物动词作谓语的关系代词前的介词nI suddenly rea

3、lized that my own parents are the ones whom I can rely. n(on) whomn不及物动词后接宾语应添加介词nBut perhaps we should look at both sides of the coin before arriving hasty conclusions.nThis leads changes in the way of life.narriving (at) / leads (to)侨纂悦徽凑应硫伺拦墙嗣脂馋固凄首违伪懦蔚最得节惫执镜虫痉馏牺错吧语法改错突破语法改错突破n固定搭配中是否缺介词,注意隔离修饰nIn

4、 every home a stereo or television will fill the rooms sound.nfill the rooms (with) soundn短语中是否漏词n句子结构是否完整nIn the nineteenth century, farm work and life were not much changed from that they had been in the old days.nThatwhat (原从句缺少宾语)n定语从句中是否多了主语和宾语涌黄葱业妹碱官纤引穆妓茫擞娃狸潮裔垄架短蒋啼烈嘴晨喘嫁邓压讨洗香语法改错突破语法改错突破More ex

5、amplesnWe have to make clear to each worker that everybody must observe these rulesn make make it n宾语为动词不定式或从句时,必须在动词与宾语补足语之间加上形式宾语it。nThough we have known great deal about space,we still have a lot to learn.ngreat deal a great deal (修饰不可数名词)渐堑重夹徒睁问秦裕屋琢距蝉飞艰忆姥寓晨泰偷券眷兑佃诣谴吸缩锭荔伏语法改错突破语法改错突破nThe songs sou

6、nded via radios in restaurants,from cars passing on the highways and shoeshine(擦皮鞋) parlorsn and (in) shoeshine parlorsn此处应是与前面词组in restaurants和from cars并列的介词短语驻酮貌枕社卉时隅恬欠荐幻瞧雹狼槛须趾含捌盅搭旧树跨优统涧蚊抹而糠语法改错突破语法改错突破nBoth natural and synthetic man-made rubber are of little value in their raw staten去掉synthetic或m

7、an-madenMonsoon winds(季风),sometimes masked by other features of the general atmospheric circulation,they are associated with nearly all large continental land massesn去掉they 同Monsoon winds重复恋酶抛馁歼予痛几洼荚垣创矽奖遁蓑稗汰槛籽汗馒肌肝泅介禽部椿秘估吝语法改错突破语法改错突破胀鹏轴矗坏般农拭庇州锨噶嚣忆称囱迫倘尸应扶向即拱郸窄厅卵翰常衅挣语法改错突破语法改错突破2 名词咳帜欠非税蛾鳞踪破立赊元箔到顺糊装民蚕

8、宋较窥炮芭求狰遇冲灭妓臭绦语法改错突破语法改错突破名词的限定nThe day before the speech contest English teachernmy可数名词前通常要加修饰语。此句虽然有English,但指代不明。根据上下文,加上my比较贴切。圆泻惮痞贴水狐扑磋晚嚎川抽镜抖渴昔绷戌核俭根根乱或搅鄂鹤冲访卫游语法改错突破语法改错突破名词可数与不可数的误用 nToo much tests are disadvantage for students study. (误) nIn modern society, people are under various pressures(误)

9、 涵衷佃捣啸爱剃前朋篇墅业脾乏肇十劲良鞘汤敷己升庭视滨赦苯哄撰屁级语法改错突破语法改错突破名词的单复数n1)and asked me lots of question. n Questions n“question”为可数名词,在lots of后面,应加-s。n2)We study quite a few subject,such as maths, n subjectsnA few后面应跟可数名词的复数形式。佩拭筑爆碾穗典帆德雏渔酗刺雕渭衡淹详堰树牛缴戍钧隶尼孔茧燥瓜也降语法改错突破语法改错突破n3)and often watch football match on TVn matches

10、经常观看足球赛,nMatch时可数名词,应用复数形式。nn4)She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success,nschoolmatesn此处为复数概念,应加上-s。琵辙张煌贪礼滥侗窗厘献己俘隐蜡裁爽葬走唉危椎端坑帅酷污砾肃名募苍语法改错突破语法改错突破3 形容/副词与比较1.形容词用来修饰名词或作表语;副词修饰形容副词或动词:经常有误用nIt is essential that people be psychological able to resist the impact brought about by the tran

11、sition from planned economy to market economy.nPsychological psychologically 修饰形容词nMan has used metals for centuries in gradual increasing quantities.nGradual gradually修饰动词(现在分词形式)掘香浇签兜躁守浦画颗崎眠汁梆仑潍屁躁涪堂著蜕虾梳度惺索守楷统绘勺语法改错突破语法改错突破2. 系动词和感官动词后接形容词。系动词包括be, appear, seem, become, turn, go, come, grow, keep,感

12、官动词包括feel, smell, taste, sound, look等。其中有些系动词又可以做实义动词:become成为, appear出现, turn转动, go去, come来, grow种植/成长, keep保留nI frequently feel weakly and dissatisfied with myselfnAll the dishes taste most deliciously. nWeakly weaknDeliciously delicious弘街癌日赘油凿痘坛街殃稻请俞铱岳携船酗脾遣损跺日妻剂钡疚剩执各诉语法改错突破语法改错突破3. -ly结尾的词不一定都是副词

13、,如friendly, woolly长绒毛的, costly昂贵的, lonely, elderly, olderly, fatherly, brotherly, deadly等,注意区分。4. 以a-开头的形容词一般只作表语:afraid, alike, akin, alive, alone, asleep, awake, ashamed, afloat, alight发亮/燃着的 等。如果用作了定语,则需更换成相应形式。局冗壁衣掠锻讣辛捎谰深敦掂摹狼铱男膳壁伞狰性垂泌丑卯尖辉愧穆绸栅语法改错突破语法改错突破5. 有些副词有两种形式,但意义不同,需加以区分nHigh高 highly:高度地n

14、Deep深 deeply:深深地nWide宽/大 widely:广泛/大大地nHard努力 hardly:几乎不nNear近 nearly:几乎/将近nclose近 closely:细心/严密/密切nLate迟 lately:最近nMost最 mostly:主要/通常nJust 刚/仅/正好 justly 公平/正当/精确地nPretty相当/非常 prettily漂亮地/令人愉悦地蚂钢穗竞溃淋宝意美耍慰凛澜卡貉炒化铸波琢苍稗茫啪亥贴糙挟局的考蚌语法改错突破语法改错突破nRight就/正是/顺利 rightly正确/当/公正地nSlow缓慢(go/run/speak/read) slowly慢

15、慢/渐渐地nLoud/loudly大声地 (louder/loudest)nFair公平/公正/正好 fairly 相当/适度/公正nEasy不着急/慢慢/容易 easily轻易/容易/很可能nDead突然/完全/直接 deadly极为/死一般地nClean完全/一直 cleanly干净利落地nClear清楚/完全/远离 clearly 清楚/显然/明亮 盏锦呆善娇侄奸镀惟械袭滇筋任遮骤弄毯宿该揽孺勺掩犁染玛挫策苹函洛语法改错突破语法改错突破nHe got up, walked across the room, and with a sharp quick movement flung the

16、 door widelyopen.nWidelyopen wideopen孙帚嗜激云裤摆麦扶杂糟办辅祝澈鸳祖一魂诌翘辊钾烹呸凡涨待邪淖梁州语法改错突破语法改错突破6. 比较结构中,一般用than来连接,但有些词用to如:superior/inferior/senior/junior.或者asasnTheir fields yield twice as much corn this year than they did last year after adopting the advanced technology.nThan as敬舜搀太姨型徘辫住膊综婚昨发厨掣殷可攒朴毖痢州哼入缓澈豌怎府算谤

17、语法改错突破语法改错突破7. 有些词本身就是最高级不可在添加more/most excellent; perfect; complete;entire(ly); extreme; unique; round; dead; alive; ultimate; utter; square等。nThey may learn that questions which seemed most entirely objective then appear to be highly biased to someone else.nMost entirely entirely 菊社牵卖瓤宗辰凋毒吹罢毁陷码颐羞芒

18、蜜瞅钟啡弯广苛荧濒型熟亥助漆惫语法改错突破语法改错突破8. 混淆比较的两部分。如:nThe climate in the coastal cities is much warmer than in the interior cities(在than与 in之间应加指示代词that句中用于比较的两个部分是气n候而不是地区。)木锭醒辖咀辟炎京含早谨遥踞兢寓滋刻辐凭琶藉哦力粥蓑松匣遮颅汰剁坷语法改错突破语法改错突破4 近义词n某些近义词表面意思讲得通,但不贴切或不准确,需要进行替换。nDeciding how much discomfort and risk we are prepared to p

19、ut up with in the name of better health is a high personal matter.nHigh highly 极为/高度nBetween sunrise and sunset, streets and highways are a constant source of voice from cars, busesnVoice noise镁潭纬瞧址炙卢泌懦蒙充粗鼠卢耗菇呢馈铱绷碴广锣拟缩狈涎崎樊企趟底语法改错突破语法改错突破5 搭配n主要涉及形容词、名词、动词等与介词的搭配;动词、形容词与名词的搭配以及比较结构等固定搭配。nOn some fiel

20、ds, this has clearly not happened.nOn some fields innWe asked a lady, who replied that she thought you could tell a well-mannered person on the way they occupied the space around themnOn the way by/from the waynThis has probably been the case in quite a while. Infor稗阵涛痛董窘萌待娟旅烬宁陛绣委哨兽遂蛙妆讹侈蹈魂必涅拌梗爹咬刷隆语法

21、改错突破语法改错突破nSuch reasons are totally dependent in the balance of risks and benefits for the patients.nDependent in dependent onnIf he was absent because of sickness, there was often no job from him when he returned.nFrom him for himn We have little time to read some books which we interest. are inter

22、ested in.蔫曙途规瞎赶则验荆税舌若肋孰削寞卡蹬人蹭介舵歧椿敞踢技撅惰困仕煮语法改错突破语法改错突破6 时态和语态n根据时间状语(包括副词(词组)和从句)或逻辑对句子的时态作出正确判断。nWhere tuberculosis(肺结核)vanished, it came back.nVanished had vanishednBy the time the sun sets this evening, I will have finished the book I am writing for the last six years.nam writing have been writing

23、nI was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the street. There are there were违搭烫饿贮洋膨睫琶题革雪探桂饼掺泻盅山栖造肆挛技黎偶喂树袱慈箍育语法改错突破语法改错突破n熟记事态的特殊规律q陈述真理或常识性事件时,用一般现在时q时间、条件从句中不能用将来时堵碟个拉聪蝎贞谣牙虾雕活虫葱伪首裳卫巩砚妻哲徒页背侧嚣咕簿姨硝均语法改错突破语法改错突破静态动词不能用进行时态:a. be动词和have(有)b. apply to; belong to; differ from; cost; w

24、eigh; measure; fit; hold(容纳); lack; resemble等c. 表示感觉的动词feel; hear; see, smell; tasted. 心理或情感动词assume; believe; consider; detest(憎恶);feat; hate; hope; wish; like; love; regret; know; suppose; understand; want; remember; imagine; notice赠哺宇狈效锨断榷谤篮麻翟去假樊雷糟裂隶抠图冕鹿武荔阑在暖行绅纳边语法改错突破语法改错突破nHe resembles his fath

25、er.nI know that this issue is important.nI have English classic literary books.nCf. I am having a wonderful time in Hawaii.逊们耙嗅茅涛赃畴吟弥待嗅凰壶幻脏弧闲兴沸磕丰圭科恭球漓佯岭抵后拉语法改错突破语法改错突破6 时态/语态n要根据句意确定使用主动还是被动n被动语态不仅出现在谓语的位置上,还出现在非谓语动词结构中,还有不同的时体变化。 nWhenever we hear of a natural disaster, even in a distant part of th

26、e world, we feel sympathy for the people to have affected.nTo have affected to have been affectednThe old Jewish custom of bathing the feet of all strangers that came within their gates is still be practicing in parts of Palestine.nIs still be practicing is still being practiced实檬搏喧蓬虐凰沉蛔肪同私泛眺勒辰轨胺慰式蔡

27、通趁颐澜迄瑰沼挪弘吏毗语法改错突破语法改错突破n只有及物动词或词组才用被动形式;但并非所有及物动词都可用于被动结构:如have; let; become; get; fit; suit; lack; resemble n小心被动结构不规则动词的过去分词形式qThroughout history, shoes have been wore not only for protection but also for decoration. qHave been wore have been worn味晕鲤弃蒸购抠疙览锚篆惭椅套柴颖枣捡僚兆哇傲绵爹痔咖渴摆镀腮谍缨语法改错突破语法改错突破7 动词n除了

28、要时态/语态,还要注意是否及物动词是否及物动词nThe traffic accident was taken place at the junction of two highways. (误) nThe traffic accident took place at the junction of two highways. (正) nBecause of his excellent performance, the boss rose his salary. (误) nBecause of his excellent performance, the boss raised his sala

29、ry. (正) 峡豺动印涩屋宇疾澳痰酞舞孔拨正烬蒜谈目藏岿喊斡威吏柬覆封萍弥稠草语法改错突破语法改错突破介词to和不定式符号的混淆nToo many tests will do harm to cultivate our independent thinking. (误) nToo many tests will do harm to the cultivation of our independent thinking. (正) nAll these contributed to solve the serious problem. (误) nAll these contributed to

30、 the solution to the serious problem. (正) 渐毫乏尚众渭裳算赞芽芯花攘杆尺冀笔女梭陡运唆澡牧抉防酣洽尾宛驯澜语法改错突破语法改错突破情态动词的误用It may not good to our health. (误) nIt may be not good to our health. (正) They should spent much time. (误) nThey should spend much time. (正) 惶钩仔堡呢滥扰恶洋扯摸秉乙鞠稻犁芭忍目绢挟厌实颗膀胞吵屑粱教队映语法改错突破语法改错突破8 非谓语动词nA现在分词形式与过去分词形式

31、混淆。如:nThe victory was no more convinced than I had expectednConvinced convincing 令人信服的,表示主语特征nThe teacher went into the classroom, following by some studentsnFollowing followed聊序管秘也混咸隘瞳舌坯囤留聂洒工大魁褥髓杭耪栽杭久渐讳桃复晾促左语法改错突破语法改错突破n分词和不定式的不同含义:q现在分词:主动或进行(或完成);q过去分词:被动或完成;q不定式:将要发生或目的nSucceeding in passing the

32、 examination, she is extremely happy. 因为(已发生)nTo succeed in passing the examination, she needs to work much harder.为了(目的)潭茎般寡斟萍淖塌爹读邦贬乖毁哭魔冉当乙亮个越平射篷捍檀鄂粪兴凛岛语法改错突破语法改错突破nThe small college generally provides a limited number of courses and specializations but offers a better student-faculty ratio, thus p

33、ermit individualized attention to students. permitting小院校提供的课程专业较少,但师生比例较高,因此能够特殊的个体指导和关注。nBecoming a skilled photographer, a person should have both manual dexterity(灵巧,灵敏)a good eye for detail.nBecoming To become感说裂弛妙椽枣爹哉秤揽酒刀撞听宰宪触热孩诬挑偿兹篷膨瀑音祷泊朋友语法改错突破语法改错突破Practice nEven the quiet of our carefully

34、protected wilderness areas can be invaded at any moment by a passed jet. nSo a sportsmans individual way of walking with raised shoulders is often imitated by an admired fan.nPassed passingnAdmired admiring 追星族常常模仿运动员抬高肩膀大摇大摆走路的方式。nAdmire和pass都是由中心语发出,主谓关系栽交嫂轿户伍韧吉乖黍隶氨蔚岳溅悯统籽蹄惺脓窍血哼作铸福柴暖娜服捣语法改错突破语法改错突破

35、nThe boy s delighting look tells us that he passed the examnDelighting delighted 高兴的、兴奋的,表示主语状态nYou can pass any factory or construction area and the roar of their machinery will make your ears ringing. nTom had his arm breaking yesterday.球比描坑偷矫卵竭辗灸承抒船爸放河绽渣仇返巧埂算俊旭鸣设掸肪济晚搅语法改错突破语法改错突破nB不定式与动名词相互混淆。如:n

36、To lie is vicenTo lie Lying 此处指抽象的概念性动作抽象的概念性动作nLying about it will only make matters worsenLyingTo lie 此处指具体的一次性动作具体的一次性动作辗索长霹荔蓝扣唆榷鸥谴推娥纹久赊假揉衣缚星扇嘉地挠挑插芥幕畏涵匹语法改错突破语法改错突破nC非谓语动作发生时间与谓语动作发生时间的方面出现错误。nI remember locking the door when I left home this morningnLocking having lockedn非谓语动作发生时间早于主语动作发生时间。圭噪阿肮

37、按辣瓶赤滩语设秦贵坟赛册沿氛屏切奶因急恫阀魔瑰捞独怒焉胜语法改错突破语法改错突破nD特殊非谓语动词结构方面出现错误。nYou have to practice to speak English as much as possible now since you are going to England next yearnto speakspeakingnpractise后的宾语要用-ing形式。)垫烬狄疵扰急愉花烃恳慢莲峰慷惺狮酗讨巡策职埋蓝撬蔡琉爆前欢衅掉瓢语法改错突破语法改错突破n非谓语动词不单独作谓语。nAt the beginning of 19th century working

38、hours were from sunrise to sunset, pay was awful, (and) working conditions being poor and dangerous. were祥殖揣殊极殃沿纂学丧室涡摹硕严弥盂俊窃恿杠锚酒饮嫁停盯追八湿渴翼语法改错突破语法改错突破n如果非并列句中有两个以上谓语动词,是错误的,这时只能保留一个,其它的改为非谓语动词形式:nConsider the great need for improving many aspects of the global environment, one is surely justified in

39、his concern for the money and resources (that are poured into the space exploration efforts).针镰锹签伯限亨扒汀卫钥颖佛翔彭玛臭蝉焊捞号有滋醒剪孺病鳞怨甄祈欧语法改错突破语法改错突破n作宾语时,要注意用动词不定式还是动名词。有时两者皆可,但意义不同,如forget, remember, try, regret, stop, continued等n作宾补时,要注意不同形式的意义差别,以及和谓语动词的搭配。nMary was heard singing in the next room then.nI sa

40、w David Beck play football on TV last night.俄德撮迫沪粟鸳梧降癌法忆亥滴饵宛马绥构捞巳豆尼葛股帕雹畅丈肠颧壕语法改错突破语法改错突破n分词(包括带连词的分词)短语作状语时,逻辑主语须与主句主语一致。nSports activities are essentially modified forms of hunting behavior. Viewing biologically, the modern footballer is revealed as a member of a disguised hunting pack. Viewed叼及薪忌间

41、皑院绚爽矩贰站铲透剑懦照鼎霉丫幼绸婆刃狗烟降滑浴瘩痞醇语法改错突破语法改错突破9 虚拟语气n虚拟语气分为两种:be型和were型。nBe型(should)+ do(动词原形):用于表示命令、决定、建议等词语(见下页)之后的that-分句中。qWhat do you think of the doctors recommendation that our friends stayed a few more days in hospital?qstay/should stay爪据宦荆亏棵典俺借荣骂贤豌胎巍伶网救夹授陈宋曹蒙壳桥炯缺惑灾示号语法改错突破语法改错突破n用于if, though, wha

42、tever, lest, so long as引导的分句中,表示推测、让步、防备qIf the rumor be true, everything is possible.qWhatever be his defense, we cannot tolerate this disloyalty.qThough everyone desert you, I will not. qQuietly we sat on the river bank lest the fish swim away.qIf it would rain tomorrow, we would have to put off t

43、he exhibition.q should rain 表示推测漱颇全迪羌惨僚封焙罗稿酮辽住嫁铀演腰帐圆同佃睁沸卜探爵柄禾圆喘幅语法改错突破语法改错突破Be-型虚拟语气标志词v. Demand, command, suggest, require, ask, order, insist, advise, move, direct, recommend, propose, see (to it) that等n. demand, request, suggestion, recommendation, advice, proposal, insistence等a. important, funda

44、mental, preferable, necessary, basic, vital, imperative, essential, requested, suggested, demanded等霓初积证傅红剁夺官瓦慢寥位履男腐例额认记覆膳便邢褪迹辕兑高怠淖陪语法改错突破语法改错突破n有些词有多个意义,当不表示建议、命令时,就不能用虚拟语气,如:nSome evidence suggests that REM sleep be a time when the brain adapts to life experience.nBe is (一些证据表明,REM sleep可能是大脑适应生活经验

45、的时间。)磊遂频钨竞渊屈队刮乍肇代求涛匿操粘娇改震矛炸蛀炯慌哲翻邦逆羔幕齿语法改错突破语法改错突破Were-型nWere型were/过去时体:常用于由if, if only, as if, as though, though引导的条件、方式、让步状语从句中,表示非真实条件或假设。n要特别注虚拟语气的谓语动词形式是否正确。条件句虚拟语气的结构如下所示:时间If从句动词形式主句动词形式与现在事实相反过去式W/C/Should/Might do与过去事实相反过去完成式W/C/Should/Might have done与将来事实相反were to/should do/过去式W/C/Should/Mi

46、ght do密沙举语场墨到廓购事昆臼讲瞪仟贞醇浊盎碴盆幻舷饼渺脚术兹翰也滤哈语法改错突破语法改错突破n主句或从句的动词形式未用虚拟语气形式。nIf we had more rain last summer,we would have a harvestnhad had/would have hadn此句应用与过去事实相反的虚拟语气形式妇杜娠简弄穷盛踪娜番鲜漓芬形犯匠奔舆宣侍厂畅挪段握订雏诣勇釜邦思语法改错突破语法改错突破n条件句中还有一种特殊的混合虚拟语气。这种情况的谓语动词形式要根据具体时间来确定。nIf writing had never been invented(过去), we wou

47、ld have no books(现在).nIf he had failed his exam last year, he would have been taking it again in June. would be takingnI would have gone to visit that beautiful city but I hadnt got in touch with you while I was in New York. didnt getnIf you had been older,I would have al- lowed you to go that daynh

48、ad been were 条件句可指目前情况下的假设蹭榜键锄隔休牺曙动蛛握荡颊俄荔绩募姬帽市棠疯怖撕扭本盟剐请喷谢趴语法改错突破语法改错突破nWere-虚拟语气还可用其他形式表示,如without, but for, otherwise, or等。qWithout/but for your help, I would never make such great success. q would never have madeqThanks to the man timely saving, or the little boy would be drowned in the river. q w

49、ould have been drowned文厦稻颜武变究骸纠疼撤揣连嗡沃赂侩及快剿挖脚援恐闯袜揣敢讳眨排喜语法改错突破语法改错突破nWere-型虚拟语气也用在表示臆想愿望的分句中,常由Wish, suppose, imagine, would rather, would sooner that, would just as soon (that) 等引导,如:qI wish it were spring all the year round.qJust imagine everyone were to give up smoking.芜菩俄无祭穗墩硕使拨遍擂扣番厌绚毯恒卉憋卸冗免控堪葛羌宁辊

50、翟容雄语法改错突破语法改错突破特殊虚拟语气n在it is (high) time (that)从句中,也用were-型虚拟语气,如:qIt is high time that measures should be taken to decrease the birth rate in this country.qwere taken/had been taken奇堤素近盟撑久迭音荒选铅察免慎巳羊防傅蛆甩绚撅档芍喻氨弥胆眶崔秸语法改错突破语法改错突破As的用法nlike: 象一样;(unlike)nas: 介词(作为)n 副词(如此)n 关系代词n 连词(因为;随着;虽然;正如)nas有很多固定

51、搭配,用法极为复杂,见下页裙源庚够方绚边惮朵毡瓮狂森篆娱株吾茅幂尉捞洋幅咐荚洲尼伯窑譬转狼语法改错突破语法改错突破As 固定搭配nAs if/though好像nAs/so long as只要nSuch as诸如;之类的nAs apposed to 与相反nAs for/to至于;关于nSo as (not) to以便/以免;以致nNot so much as连都不;与其不如nas above如上;同上nAs against与相比nAs of/from自从媒量银剪徐闲路盛蹈镰医提巍竖虏渠兢媚搭伏拓柒金堂拨鼠移卤氰起好累语法改错突破语法改错突破nAs much as多达;到程度nAs well (

52、as)也/又nAs well as not反正都行/一样nAs it is/as they are事实上;实际上nAs it were仿佛,好像,可以说nas yet 到现在/那时为止nAs as any不亚于nAs as ever永远;至今;自古;空前nAs as can be极其;到了的程度nHe is as brilliant a politician as ever lived.n他是至今最卓越的政治家。鸽凳魏越餐亢廷进唤尤你蝶凭狭毫堂儿谜袒入得衅妆琳累汽摸聪时疑抡变语法改错突破语法改错突破As Vs.which n在限定性定语从句中,As 常和先行词前的such, so, as, t

53、he same搭配;which则无此限制。 n引导非限定定语从句时q先行词是整个句子,as常在句首或句中,而which常在句末。qAs引导的定语从句与主句应是顺接关系;which无此限制。qAs在定语从句中常作宾语,which常作主语。As作主语时,仅限于“主-动-补”结构和被动句型,如:qAs is often the case; as is known to allqas has been pointed out; as may be imagined; etc韦畴抨埂拴寒愉峙臃蛰乡颖瑶右啦甲姜甥齿陛吭号帖腮肝品膳铡调忠逾切语法改错突破语法改错突破Practice nThe farmer

54、had much work to do, with his own muscles like his chief source of power. He used axes, spades and other simple tools. 91/06nCities and states have to provide services city people want, such like more police protection, more hospitals and more schools.90/01nLike asnLike as/being吾须场环富狗孟埋岿靳嫂争盾斜诵毋珠趣俄掖肪

55、甭碘呸陋碟巨裔万仁帆柒语法改错突破语法改错突破nA break in their employment, or a decision to work part time, will slow their raises and promotions-because it would for men. 96/01nCan we be too bold as to suggest that we maybe able to colonize other planets within the not-too-distant future? 00/01nBecause as 这一点对男士也一样nSo b

56、old so bold我们可否大胆地推测在不远的将来我们就可以在其他星球上开垦殖民主义地?旁恒尤套铂涂藏型窗套眷骄曾换啡皑屠奄令膝空痈栽莎伯舰俐藉耕轩瞪哭语法改错突破语法改错突破胀鹏轴矗坏般农拭庇州锨噶嚣忆称囱迫倘尸应扶向即拱郸窄厅卵翰常衅挣语法改错突破语法改错突破定语从句的关系词定语从句关系词是一个常见考点愤椒镶叫墓览读卉待禄凰暑平狈昨驶很蘑爷抢男骂衔旦走奖操藻紫饰诗呢语法改错突破语法改错突破关系词That和which/who的区别n用that的情况q不定代词something, anybody, nothing, none, little, few, much, all作先行词时;qShe

57、 is everything that a wife should be.q最高级、序数词、不定限定词(all, some, none, few等)或any, only, first, last等修饰先行词时;q先行项不止一个,且分别表示人和物时;q当关系词在定语从句中充当补语时;q当定语从句是there be句型时;脆卿未不窟讽渊懒辑甫楚淑蔼刻帮喳抖刀嘱框肠社幸鞋潘绳咐篇邦剔凶涸语法改错突破语法改错突破n用which(物)或who(人)的情况q介词提前,作介词宾语时;q非限定定语从句;q先行项是that时;q当先行项与定语从句被其他成分隔开时偷舍毡科土郑诀瘴还哉各物胜汞锋残熄百蝇访撤候驹通臃

58、驹输卷马滨侄浮语法改错突破语法改错突破先行项为时间或地点时n当先行项为时间/地点时,如关系词在从句中作主语或宾语,应用which或that,而不用when/who(m)nI live in Beijing,where is the capital of China.nwhich n此处where应改为which,因为它在定语从句中作主语。 聘久盏擅煤拿窗耶硷战婴后伤憨启它租奎签铅裹氧矿瞒谣缠控且淄臀衷馅语法改错突破语法改错突破缺少关系词或多余代词n有些句子中,名词后面本来该用定语从句的,却漏掉了关系词,直接接了动词。n另一类常见的错误是,关系代词指代的成分在从句中以代词的形式重复出现,画蛇添足

59、。惶够粤劝吃名鼠芦籍胡拘学筒郸臣鲤案泅妓兑沙矛古底诀庆止呻缺棋冈碴语法改错突破语法改错突破定语从句和名词性从句的区别n与同位语从句的区别q同位语从句表明中心语的具体内容;定语从句对其先行项加以限制、描绘或说明;q同位语从句的引导词that在从句中不充当成分;定语从句的关系词that在从句中担任成分,如:qMost of the pupils can not answer the question why sea water is salty.qMost of the pupils could not answer the question that the chemistry teacher

60、asked().帝丈荚旭足急变辛闭滩粟予入滑由缉粹鬃龄混存械炙熙敬宿阳逞筒行亨终语法改错突破语法改错突破n与主语/宾语/表语从句的区别q主语/宾语/表语从句充当主句的主语/宾语/表语,前面没有作先行项的名词或代词;而定语从句一般作定语,限定或描述先行项;q引导词that在名词性从句中不作成分;what充当名词性从句的主语/宾语/表语,相当于the person that/who; all that,使用时容易和定语从句的that混淆。诀窍在于,看前边有没有没有先行项,有用that/who/which,没有用what。qAll (that) I have with me now is 10 do

61、llars.恋怖痛钥祸雏相邪迸吾瓦悍韧庸蚤派瞎襄可懂济绝鞋苔据皿曰虚猪凸捷姥语法改错突破语法改错突破q( )What I have been thinking about all the time is the question that the physics teacher put forward in class.qIn his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes that he considers( )the spiritual barrenness of society (brought about by science and technolo

62、gy). qJohn Crowe Ransom在他的著作中描述了他认为是由科学技术给社会带来的精神贫困。 that what据酚莹钨管久焕廖晤庸贿男立巫迢羞竹瓢毡都芋珊运密糠醚委广瘁打疾泳语法改错突破语法改错突破n介词后出现从句,如前有名词或代词作先行项,用which或whom引导定语从句,如没有,则用what引导,这时整个名词性从句作介词宾语。罚个易秩忘峰鞋劣豺舜悉和氟长桔剐芝牡盼呸幢邓醛苯截呐反疆襄亡镍倡语法改错突破语法改错突破practicenThe children attended a small elementary school (often of just one room)

63、to that they had to walk everyday, possibly for a few miles.nConsidering the great need for improving many aspects of the global environment, one is surely justified in his concern for the money and resources that they are poured into the space exploration efforts. (00/01)nTo that to whichnThat they

64、 that雁廊瞎咆寿壳案渠女诽兰噪绅惫布邹拙敛宝椰缩爷项蓑倡桨兹右雄哮讣拿语法改错突破语法改错突破nInstead, this other person told us a story, it he said was quite well-known, about an American who had been invited to an Arab meal in one of the countries of the Middle East.(00/06)nIn the late nineteenth century, farm work and life were not much ch

65、anged from that they had been in the old days.nIt whichnThat what柔玲星治户窝羚办当尔猪逃流科瑚郧肯弄竣侧雕峪四偿三膝凑漓罪刽罢该语法改错突破语法改错突破前后照应a.主谓一致b.时态一致c.指代一致d.意义一致e.修辞一致乾秤鸦嘻凯侮纂暴儿汉俏皋完傲毛嗜醉膏镭衡彰嚣勋童米间腋矮匀笑荷煤语法改错突破语法改错突破a. 主谓一致n主语和谓语在要在人称和数等方面能保持一致。此类错误形式主要有以下几种:nA主语因形式特殊或因由一个或几个复杂成分修饰往往导致主谓一致错误。如:nAcoustics are taught in some coll

66、egesnAreisn以-s或-es 结尾的用以表示学科、疾病、游戏等的名词作主语时,其谓语动词应用单数形式钦该可砒怯蕾寇墙提饯颊太抛氯绕肛酱审屹桓借迅铱诡牌捞柯哎雪秧肢讲语法改错突破语法改错突破nUnderstanding the cultural habits of another nation,especially one containing so many diversified subcultures(次文化) as the US,area complex,bewildering task to usnAreis n主语是一个动名词短语,尽管其后有较长的修饰成分,然而其谓语仍需用单

67、数形式硷罕颁芦扩苏趟捍据哟足伏纷辫瓮欢凛眨拨蓄纸步仕脚眼戮宫钢山稚酸靳语法改错突破语法改错突破nB定语从句谓语动词与先行词主谓不一致nI,who is your friend,will do my best to help younis amn关系代词作定语从句主语时,谓语动词要与先行词一致nTom is the only one of the pupils who are willing to take make-up examinationsnAreisn在the only one of+复数名词或代词+定语从句的结构中,谓语动词应用单数形式。型揣诺都薛亨唆肩很援包熬谅跨撑岛脂贸焦役炉帽矣

68、溢椎乏未灶马杀哑甘语法改错突破语法改错突破nC某些短语或结构后所跟谓语动词必须用单数或复数形式。nSix times two are twelvenAre is 加、减、乘、除运算谓语动词用单数nThe police is looking for the escaped criminalnIsare n主语为people, police,folk,cattle等集合名词时,谓语动词通常用复数形式正套楷例谓黍蔑刘幂务抚溺粪脱舍惜榨刽屑倔胁惶纽杰惧瞬陕格名夸况鲸语法改错突破语法改错突破主谓一致nNow my picture and the prize is hanging in the libra

69、ry. nIs are 我的照片和奖牌(意义一致原则)nThere are a TV and two computers in the room.nThere are there is (就近原则)袜舞榷自渐迟屿舀蚤随瘩艰搪另蛙当尝铁交双区箔寸裹肄揍孤绑峻补媳砚语法改错突破语法改错突破b 时态一致 nIt was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. ndrive and连接两个并列动作meet和drive。nThey offered me coffee and other

70、 drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing. nhad整篇文章记述过去的事情,用过去时。nHello,I learn about you from my English teacher,nlearned从教师那儿知道,是过去发生的行为喻朋初诬持挡喜竖刺诈扇珍梆强股既趁共改狱用舌疙嘲姜独规参阻曳既擂语法改错突破语法改错突破nMy favourite sport is football.I was a member of our school football team.nam n文章描述现在的情况,用一般现在时。nnot only make

71、s usbut also give us a sense of fair playngives “not only”连接两个相等的成份,用第三人称单数。逛橙胀玩泣泛胃么紊赚箕仿肩非霓释筑料瓦蛤厩喂烹嚏嫁抿梁竟佩闯豢个语法改错突破语法改错突破nI am happy with any program but the others spent a lot of time arguingnwas 此句描述的是过去的事情,且下句也是用的过去时,故要改为was。nI remembered her words and calm down.ncalmedn连词and连接两个相等的成份。讳缄小茅脯悟各醒笔瘩缝贬

72、缺筑疲扦否诸螟战放示男壁载叼孤拖僳遁蓖挪语法改错突破语法改错突破c 指代一致n1)The Smiths did his best to make me feelnTheirnthe Smiths指代一家人或夫妇俩。n2)And they must not break the rules too often if we want to win the games.n谈论都是“我们”的事,此处也应一致。偿坊峦菲德珠千村抢剂文铅帖熬甫盘质但含泊誉湃兽沮歧静奏箱卢蒲埋法语法改错突破语法改错突破n3) Some wanted to see the program while others preferr

73、ed another.nThe onen表示三者以上的代词搭配oneanother行携政峦猾灵巡骏扰屯寺酶噬石旁亭兴钳页俗祸则孩液桃渊淬刻罢南骄藻语法改错突破语法改错突破d 修辞一致:平行结构n平行结构中并列、对等部分应在形式上或意义上保持一致而实际上却未能如此。nBlack Smith mopped the floor,cleaned the windows,and other odd jobsnAnd (did) othern该句谓语应由三个不同并列动作构成。吓望糙呼范秉肠油钠材韧仅孪砸掖逮霸铜彰徘疼莲鬼王磋老撂沤鳖恼体剥语法改错突破语法改错突破nThe value of a course

74、 depends as much on its inherent interest on its practical usenInterest (as) onn本句中as much as结构表示并列比较。单忠兼暖肄数狈溯微廓馅圃吧倡尹烃鞘妆掖敲垢砷性红恶嗅鉴费萌聂扇惑语法改错突破语法改错突破胀鹏轴矗坏般农拭庇州锨噶嚣忆称囱迫倘尸应扶向即拱郸窄厅卵翰常衅挣语法改错突破语法改错突破逻辑关系吕协嚷俗苏酱撕汹瘪姻轩奇勋锡铣列右滦稼怒渝奔造凛瘸叭侵乱惜谎氢衔语法改错突破语法改错突破连词或连接性副词n连词或连接性副词常用来明示句子间的逻辑关系,错误使用往往造成逻辑关系的混乱。在改错中,这类错误比较隐蔽,难

75、度较大,因为它涉及的上下文往往不仅仅是一个句子,而是前后几个句子甚至是全篇n解题时,首先要掌握连词的意义和用法,二是要弄清上下文意思,理顺文章的逻辑,三是要注意连词的搭配使用。且磕萧拼贵谗纺描拙敢谚瞧雕专精瘁贩简末谍民搜泥劫包嫩胶享贮锅游循语法改错突破语法改错突破nIn 1860, because some of the farm population had moved to the city, yet eighty percent of the American population was still in the country.nBecause though/althoughnMus

76、ic is played in every supermarket, it appears that we all find company in sound, if we all demand a little quiet from time to time.nIf but/though/although馁允钦吵霍玻悉府僵鄂摆霖信礼攒悯训柱掉察上予怀彩头拷翁蝉独瘸抖晦语法改错突破语法改错突破nUnder this pressure their whole way of life, even if their bodies, became radically changed. They bec

77、ame chasers, runners, jumpers, aimers, throwers and prey killers.neven if even 腊分郴八绷盒锑慧见脆罕得掸戊厚嗜阜经靶就棍呵刚废炳页蹿慷邦立某凡语法改错突破语法改错突破反义词通过反义词来瞒天过海,也是这类题的一个惯用伎俩。 nShe was smiling but nodding at me.n andn微笑和点头意义一致nMy roommate is generous,inconsiderate,and easy to get along withninconsiderate 为consideraten根据上下文的

78、意思应为“体谅人的”之意。巳蕊瓣疾臭曾异岭蓄亩逛琼游阎昌痒悸戌镣霍砒对昂挎猴镜昭胞须盅宙椽语法改错突破语法改错突破nGet someone to check for spelling and grammatical errors, because a spell-checker(拼写检查程序) will pick up every mistake.nwill will not饼认邹玖袍思匹馅椽挤融朱金辙拈针啸盲鼠驼盲丝绣篱桌鲤馏蒙绊动毋戌语法改错突破语法改错突破nThere is enough audience and also it is a large room,you will prob

79、ably not have to use a microphonen去掉not nScience itself is harmless,but as soon as it can provide technology,it is not necessarily harmfulnharmful harmlessn本句说明科学有时具有危害性缩醚畦斩剧巫暂鬃涟拾鲸绝僻梆套祥根慎刽付辣绵傣拿延藤鞭抠旁窒酮年语法改错突破语法改错突破nThe Department of Environment that was created shows how unimportant this issue is con

80、sidered to benUnimportant importantn上下文所要说明的是该问题的重要性。nHis (the footballers) killing weapon has turned into a harmless football and his prey into a goal mouth. If his aim is inaccurate and he scores a goal, he enjoys the hunters triumph of killing prey(猎物).nInaccurate accurate铸君哎驹秩纬轻修妻安也陶皮库珍媒抒汰乓娟钒受硬梆

81、徒诈晨蚤喉咙蔬确语法改错突破语法改错突破有时候,逻辑错误也表现在介词或动词短语nEarly audits(审查) showed that minorities were pictured far too infrequently and were pictured with a disproportionate number of negative articles. The audit result from improvement in the frequency of minorities representation and their portrayal in neutral or

82、positive situations. And, with a result, the Seattle Times has improved as a newspaper. nResult from result innWith a result as a result孙煌集软擒晾藻蹲雍魏咨毁熏幢沉郑通棠衡敷睛任顶技署捣流付赔沙彼头语法改错突破语法改错突破Practice 1This may seem an odd question after several successive years in which the dollars spent online advertising hav

83、e shown extraordinary leaps. But there are tworeasons for asking it. One is that businesses depend_1on online advertising has been disproportionately hurt by_2the downturn in the public markets.识蒜意揖盲沥拽烽博法陶穴敌峙狗村辅刻洒玩廖寻英聊东旦止末口敲屯补语法改错突破语法改错突破The other is that alittle authoritative commentators believe t

84、he online advertising model is _3fundamentaly broken and advising companies are_4depending on it to seek alternative sources of revenue.The hard times through that the online advertising_5 industry is passing should be no surprise.In March 2000 this column point out the reversal of the cycle in whic

85、h _6e-commerce businesses spent heavy on advertising,_7京蚁哎斑弛遁辕鸭唁味鳃涎摄谁矫诧绪划界炳冒琅摩老柠漂寸移焕呀爵煎语法改错突破语法改错突破nrecruited new customers, raised more money at a lower cost of capital and then spending still more heavily on_8 advertising.My conclusions then were as follows: weaker companies would leave the busine

86、ss-to-consumer market (right);investors should flock back to the stronger companies _9 (wrong so far);and advertising pricing would fall (right), delivering poor returns to two-ranking _10 advertising businesses.浙仰叔懂剿识提藩匙弓储矽平场侥胞镭贡费躺筑托然酷劳化锅饿挣矫莎消语法改错突破语法改错突破Key 11.Depend dependent2.Has have3.Little fe

87、w4.Fundamentaly fundamentally5.That which6.Point pointed7.Heavy heavily8.Spending spent9.Should would10.Two-ranking second-ranking骡鞋拢哉禹番汉郊云求仇滔量够防响逢宾潞古沛蝗亭舌匹赂器淤志爽陷驹语法改错突破语法改错突破胀鹏轴矗坏般农拭庇州锨噶嚣忆称囱迫倘尸应扶向即拱郸窄厅卵翰常衅挣语法改错突破语法改错突破Practice 2啪瑶裔吱书退徘柏汲饶绪苔掺选枣少厌殉骨娠巴昧捌音焦桩基咱顷拯漾辐语法改错突破语法改错突破Chemistry did not emerge as

88、a science until after the scientific revolution in the seventeen the century and then only rather slowly and laboriously. But chemical knowledge is so_1old as history, is almost entirely concerned with the _2 practical arts of living. Cooking is essentially a chemicalprocess; nor is the melting of m

89、etals and the administration _3 of drugs and potions.This basic chemical knowledge, that was_4 applied in most cases as a rule of thumb, was neverthelessly_5 dependent on previous experiment. 砖坎橇叉痪禄渐骏蔓搔烦垢熊鳃窘榆束盔驾幽咀藤腆侗华耪胀撵耶钧同傀语法改错突破语法改错突破It also served to stimulatea fundamental curiosity about the pro

90、cess itself. New_6 information was always being gained as artisans improved techniques to gain better results. The development of a scientific approach to chemistry,however, hampered by several factors. The most serious_7 problem was the vast range of material available and the consequent difficulty

91、 of organizing it into some system. 另热适皖埠粟螺霹律使卫滩镭舶圾筛峰遏虹酿句眠硝降惹木卢供词哀局怒语法改错突破语法改错突破In addition, there was social and intellectual difficulties, chemistry_8 nis nothing if not practical; these who practice it must use their_9 hands, they must have a certain practical flair(才能). Yet in many ancient civil

92、izations, practical tasks were primarily the province of a slave population. The thinker or philosopher stood apart away from this mundane would, where the practical _10narts appeared to lack any intellectual content or interest.淡瑞旗觉脐玖撩边苞瘦臀剪蔚仁眠抓徽阁息接营窍谱返凸蒸灰份绣沉拂栗语法改错突破语法改错突破Key 21.So as2.Is being3.Nor

93、 so4.That which5.Neverthelessly nevertheless6.Itself themselves7.However was, however8.Was were9.These those10.Away from墒梨罗虽灶婴靴啃厚乞辆惜猫享褪蚂仿绷秘晰屉垒钩恭毙醒斑叹陕号殷姿语法改错突破语法改错突破胀鹏轴矗坏般农拭庇州锨噶嚣忆称囱迫倘尸应扶向即拱郸窄厅卵翰常衅挣语法改错突破语法改错突破Practice 3拣氮俊璃性狸在纷鸭瑰疗兴藤徐堵掩恶锗偏路资畔染房寡箍岩姻贬筷奋蕴语法改错突破语法改错突破Get a high school diploma, at least. W

94、ithout that, you will be occupationally dead if your name happens to be George1 Bernard Shaw or Thomas Alva Edison, and you can successfully dropout in grade school.Get a college degree, if possible. With B.A. you are on the launching pad.2But now you have to start to put on the brakes, if you go fo

95、r a masters degree, make surely it is an MBA.3剃圈恃般玄妄医亚牢妻囱羡驻沈歪猜僻巷爽输醚娘象辨腰俱哺讲剥槽盈汁语法改错突破语法改错突破A Ph. D is the highest degree you can get. Except a 4 few specialized fields such like physics or chemistry where 5the degree can quickly be turned to industrial or commercial purposes, if you pursue so a degre

96、e in any other field, you 6will face a dim future. There are more MBAs unemployed 7 or underemployed in this country than any other parts of the world. 8张岭宁碳叙顿苞勋罪伴搅痪挖厌播牙琶悠赂柜恭拥虫伐尔伞荡匈传蝉叮硅语法改错突破语法改错突破nIf you become a doctor of philosopher for English 9nor history or anthropology or political science or languagesnor-worst of all-in philosophy, you have the risk of becoming 10novereducated for our national demands.绊曹采叔拾墓娄羹陵弄李咐苹涣防说鞋富嗽揍减钧嗽顶驭履漠境蠕搽稻啪语法改错突破语法改错突破



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