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1、Taurus09水产5 段小庆TaurusTaurus : April 20- May 20 Ruling PlanetRuling Planet(守护星)(守护星): Venus (维纳斯)SymbolSymbol: Bull ColorColor: Light Blue,Pink(粉色), Lemon (柠檬色)Luck stoneLuck stone: Emerald(翡翠) FlowersFlowers: Rose, Poppy(罂粟), Violet(紫罗兰) KeywordKeyword: Possessive(占有欲强的) I have! Main traitMain trait

2、: dependability BASIC MATERIALPersonal traitsPersonal traits(个人特征)(个人特征): Ruled by Venus(金星), Taurus personalities tend to be driven by their affections(倾向于被他们的情感所驾驭控制).Taurus is the direct opposite(相反的) of the Aries(白羊座) character(性格). Taurean people tend to(倾向于) be slow, methodical, practical and

3、reserved. They are also stolid, tenacious and determined(金牛座的人也往往是迟钝,按部就班、实际的和保守的,他们也会红脸,是顽强的和坚决的). Possessing tremendous willpower and self-discipline(具有极大的毅力和自律性), they are inclined to(倾向于) stick to tried (坚持尝试)and traditional methods(传统的方法). Their greatest satisfaction derives from results produc

4、ed directly by their personal efforts(他们最大的满意源于直接的努力的成果。). Personality(性格): Honesty, integrity and dependability are notable Taurean characteristics. The calm, pleasant, and well intentioned(好的出发点) Taurus exterior belies(掩饰) the volcanic temper(火山脾气) that can erupt(爆发) when sufficiently(充分的) aroused

5、(唤醒,激发). The bright side of the stubborn bulls nature is, they are incredibly(非常的) and uncompromisingly(无损害于) loyal to their friends. Established(已建立) slowly, a Taurus friendship can, and often does last a lifetime. Taureans must strive to keep an open mind(开放的思维) because their strong personal convi

6、ctions can blind(盲目的,盲从于) them to the ideas of others. ProfessionProfession(职业)(职业): Prosperous(繁荣的,兴旺的) at developing and maintaining(维持) wealth(财富), Taureans do well in banking and finance(金牛座在银行和金融上做的很好). In business, they shine in fields(出众的领域) concerned(与有关) with the earth and money. Architect, builder, gardener or accountant, financier, banker, auctioneer, real estate broker, are all professions which attract a Taurus(建筑师、建筑工人、园艺或会计、金融、银行家,拍卖师、房地产经纪人,都是吸引金牛的职业).picture About T Taurus Story of Taurus 金 牛 座 传 说picture About T Taurus圣斗士星矢金牛宫THANK YOU !



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