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1、The simple past tense一般一般过去过去时态时态1什么是一般过去时?什么是一般过去时?动词的一般过去时态表示动词的一般过去时态表示过去发生的过去发生的动作、情况或存在的状态动作、情况或存在的状态。动词的动词的过去式没有人称和数的变化过去式没有人称和数的变化。2所有时态都是通过所有时态都是通过动词动词变化来表现的变化来表现的3I _ 12 years old this year. 我去年我去年11岁岁.I _ 11 years old last year.He _ in Beijing now.他昨天在上海。他昨天在上海。He _ in Shanghai yesterday.他

2、现在在北京。他现在在北京。Be动词的过去时态变化动词的过去时态变化我今年我今年12岁岁.amwasiswas4They _ in China today.他们今天在中国。他们今天在中国。They _ in Japan yesterday.他们昨天在日本他们昨天在日本。areweream/ iswasarewere5一、用一、用be动词的适当形式填空动词的适当形式填空1.I_anEnglishteachernow.2.She_happyyesterday.3.They_gladtoseeeachotherlastmonth.4.HelenandNancy_goodfriends.5.Thelit

3、tledog_twoyearsoldthisyear.6.Look,there_lotsofgrapeshere.amwaswereareisare 6每天,早餐我吃鸡蛋和牛奶。每天,早餐我吃鸡蛋和牛奶。I _ eggs and milk for breakfast every morning.昨天,早餐我吃面条。昨天,早餐我吃面条。I _ noodles for breakfast yesterday morning.他每天都吃水果。他每天都吃水果。He _ fruit every day.昨天他吃了昨天他吃了3个苹果。个苹果。He _ 3 apples yesterday.have/ ha

4、shadhavehashadhad7I get up at 6:30 every morning.I _ up at 9:00 last Sunday.He plays football every afternoon.He _ basketball yesterday afternoon.He does his homework every evening.He _ some reading last night.动词原形、第三人称单数动词原形、第三人称单数动词过去式动词过去式gotplayeddid8They dont watch TV in the evening.They _ TV l

5、ast night.She doesnt play basketball after school.She _ basketball after school yesterday.Do you go to school on foot every day?_ you _ to school on foot yesterday.Does he go to school by bus every day?dont/ doesntdo/ doesdidntdiddidnt watchdidnt playDidgo9一、用行为动词的适当形式填一、用行为动词的适当形式填空空1.He_(live)inWu


7、的过去式构成规则变化规则变化1.一般加一般加ed2.以以e结尾加结尾加d3.末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先音节词,先双写双写这个辅音字母,再这个辅音字母,再加加ed .work workedchange changedprefer preferredstop stopped114.以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y 结尾的词结尾的词,先先改改 y为为 i,再加再加edstudy studied5.不规则变化不规则变化. do-did am/is-was12在过去某一时间内发生的动作:在过去某一时间内发生的动作:He got home at ten oclock la

8、st night.用法用法13lastnightweekmonthMondayyesterdaymorningafternooneveningthe day before yesterday 用于一般过去时的时间状语用于一般过去时的时间状语1.与与last 连用连用2.与与yesterday 连用:连用:14动词的一般过去时的否定式动词的一般过去时的否定式一般过去时的否定式是在动词原形一般过去时的否定式是在动词原形前加助动词前加助动词did not (didnt).主语主语+didnt+动词原形动词原形I _ them the news.I _ (tell) them the news yes

9、terday.didnt telltold15动词一般过去时的疑问式动词一般过去时的疑问式一般过去时的一般疑问式在句一般过去时的一般疑问式在句首加助动词首加助动词didDid+主语主语+动词原形动词原形?They _(finish) their work at four.一般疑问句一般疑问句:_ they _ their work at four?Yes, they _. No, they _.finishedDidfinishdiddidnt16行为动词一般过去时的疑问式行为动词一般过去时的疑问式一般过去时的特殊疑问式一般过去时的特殊疑问式疑问词疑问词+did+主语主语+动词原形动词原形?T

10、hey finished their work at four.AB 对划线部分提问对划线部分提问A:B:What did they do at four?When did they finish their work?17T注意注意1.外加助动词外加助动词did后后,动词须返回原形。动词须返回原形。Did he went to school yesterday?Did he go to school yesterday?F2.简略回答用助动词简略回答用助动词did/didnt代替代替行为动词。行为动词。Did he find the boy yesterday?Yes, he did.No,

11、 he did not (didnt).18Exercises Exercises 1.I _ pictures in the park last weekend. A.take B.took C.was D.draw2. Did you _football yesterday. A. play B. played C. were D. areBA193.He always _me last term. A. helped B. helps C. helping D. help 4.Where did you _last Monday? A.went B.go C.do D.didAB20一、

12、句型转换一、句型转换1.Thechildrenhadagoodtimeinthepark.否定句:否定句:一般疑问句:一般疑问句:对划线部分提问对划线部分提问:Didthechildrenhaveagoodtimeinthepark?Thechildrendidnothaveagoodtimeinthepark.Wheredidthechildrenhaveagoodtime?211._ you _ (remember) to buy the oranges yesterday?2.Who _ (play) computer games yesterday.3.We _ (go) to the

13、 cinema last night. The film _ (be) very good.4.What time _ you _ (get) to school this morning?5.Jim _ (do) a lot yesterday. He _ (go) shopping and _ (cook) supper. Did remember played wentwas did get用动词的适当时态填空用动词的适当时态填空didwent cooked 226. He usually _ (get) up at 6 in the morning. Look! He _ (get)

14、up now. But yesterday he _ (get) up very late, so he _ (go) to school late. He _ (be) late for school.getsis gettinggotwentwas231.Lucy did her homework at home. (改否定句改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2.He found some meat in the fridge. (变一般疑问句变一般疑问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3.She stayed there for a week. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) _ _ _ she _ there?4.There was some orange in the cup. (变一般疑问句变一般疑问句) _ there _ orange in the cup? didnt doDid find any How long didstayWas any 2425Thank you!26



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