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1、廊坊零售物业宏观环境廊坊零售物业宏观环境Macroeconomics of Retail Property Market1廊坊市商业就业人口廊坊市商业就业人口Commercial EmploymentAB商业就业人口比例商业就业人口比例 Proportions of Commercial Employment 注Note: 1.商业就业人口这里指的是从事批发和零售、住宿和餐饮业的就业人口。Commercial Employment refers to employment in Wholesale and Retail business and Lodging & Restaurant ind

2、ustry. 2.A代表商业就业人口占总就业人口的比例。A represents the ratio of Commercial Employment over total employment.3.B代表商业就业人口占第三产业就业人口的比例。B represents the ratio of Commercial Employment over tertiary industry employment. 4.Source: Statistic Bureau of Langfang商业就业人口组成商业就业人口组成 Composition of Commercial Employment Sta

3、te-owned & Collective-owned Private Community and Others q商业提供了重要的就业渠道。Commercial industry provides important employment channel for City of Langfang.q廊坊市城镇第三产业就业人口中有53%就业于商业中。About 53% of the tertiary industry employment comes from the commercial industry.q商业就业人口占城市的总就业人口和第三产业就业人口的比例均大于相应的对农村就业人口的比

4、例。这说明城市化将引导更多的人就业于商业。The proportions of commercial employment over total employment and tertiary industry employment of urban population are larger than those of rural population. It implies that urbanization will lead more employment in commercial industry. q主要的商业就业人口分布在个体、私营企业中,占78%。Private sector

5、 absorbs 78% of the commercial employment.q城镇单位就业人员的比例在不断地缩小之中。The share of commercial employment coming from state-owned & collective-owned companies becomes smaller over time. 2廊坊市社会商品零售总额分结构廊坊市社会商品零售总额分结构Composition of Langfang Retail Salesq2005年批发零售业中,廊坊市限额以上企业所产生的社会商品零售总额仅占16%,其余84%均来自于限额以下企业和个

6、体户。In 2005, large companies generated total retail and whole sales of RMB , accounting 16% of the total retail and whole sales; 84% of the rest came from small companies or family businesses. q分限额企业的社会商品零售总额比例说明总体来讲,廊坊市当地的零售市场集中度较低,当地的零售企业实力不强。The composition by large and small companies explains th

7、at the retail and whole sales market in Langfang is rather fragmented and local retailers and wholesalers are not strong. q餐饮业所产生的社会商品零售总额分类中,明星企业仅占有6%的份额而星级以外企业和个体户占有94%。In 2005, star companies of catering industry accounts only 6% of the total catering sales in Langfang; non-star companies or fami

8、ly businesses make up 94%. q餐饮业的销售构成说明廊坊市的餐饮业欠发达,主要的餐饮服务通过较小的分散的个体企业来执行。The composition of catering sales may reflect that Langfang catering services are rather under developed. Small companies and family businesses provide major catering services in Langfang.餐饮业社会商品零售总额分类餐饮业社会商品零售总额分类Composition of

9、 Sales from Catering SectorStar CompaniesNon-star Companies批发零售贸易业社会商品零售总额分类批发零售贸易业社会商品零售总额分类Composition of Sales from Wholesale and Retail SectorAbove Quota companiesBelow Quota Companies3廊坊市分区县社会商品零售总额和人均收入廊坊市分区县社会商品零售总额和人均收入Map of Langfang Retail Sales and Disposal Income by District/County序号序号Nu

10、mber区区县District/County1三河市 Sanhe2大厂县 Dachang3香河县 Xianghe4广阳区 Guangyang5固安县 Guan6永清县 Yongqing7安次区 Anci8霸州市 Bazhou9文安县 Wenan10大城县 Dacheng21349861057廊坊市 Langfang City 北京北京Beijing天津天津Tianjin流出的消费力 Retail Sales Outflow流入的消费力 Retail Sales Inflow人均社会商品零售总额大于人均可支配收入。流入的消费力大于流出的消费力。Retail sales per capita ou

11、tweigh disposal income per capita. Sales inflow from Beijing exceeds sales outflow.人均社会商品零售总额远小于人均可支配收入。流入的消费力小于流出的消费力。Retail sales per capita are much less than disposal income per capita. Loss of retail sales to Beijing is apparent.人均社会商品零售总额接近人均可支配收入。流入的消费力和流出的消费力都比较小。Retail sales per capita are

12、close to disposal income per capita. Sales inflow and outflow are minimal.4广阳区城市及农村居民消费支出结构广阳区城市及农村居民消费支出结构Composition of Guangyang Urban and Rural Residents Living Expendituresq广阳区城市和农村居民消费支出相差巨大,城市居民人均支出为8190元每年每人,农村居民人均支出为2494元每人每年,仅相当于城市居民的30%。The expenditure of Guangyang urban and rural residen

13、ts vary significantly. Living expenditure of urban residents is RMB 8190 per year while that of rural residents is RMB 2494.q从消费结构上来讲,两类居民也有很大的不同。城市居民的医疗保健开支是除食品之外最大比例的部分。而对农村居民来讲,居住上的开销占到22%,为除食品外最大的开支。The expenditure structures of the urban and rural residents are largely different. For urban resi

14、dents, medical care is the second largest expenditure while housing is only second to food for rural residents.FoodClothesHousehold Facilities & ServicesMedical CareHousingEducation & entertainmentTransportation & communicationOther广阳区城市居民消费支出结构广阳区城市居民消费支出结构Breakdown of Guangyang Urban Residents Liv

15、ing ExpendituresFoodClothesHousehold Facilities & ServicesMedical CareHousingEducation & entertainmentTransportation & communicationOther广阳区农村居民消费支出结构广阳区农村居民消费支出结构Breakdown of Guangyang Rural Residents Living Expenditures5廊坊市零售物业宏观环境总结廊坊市零售物业宏观环境总结Summary of Langfang Macroeconomics of Retail Propert

16、y Marketq商业提供了重要的就业渠道。廊坊市城镇第三产业就业人口中有53%就业于商业中。Commercial industry provides important employment channel for City of Langfang. About 53% of the tertiary industry employment comes from the commercial industry.q廊坊市当地的零售市场集中度较低,当地的零售企业实力不强。The composition by large and small companies explains that the

17、retail and whole sales market in Langfang is rather fragmented and local retailers and wholesalers are not strong. q餐饮业的销售构成说明廊坊市的餐饮业欠发达,主要的餐饮服务通过较小的分散的个体企业来执行。The composition of catering sales may reflect that Langfang catering services are rather under developed. Small companies and family busines

18、ses provide major catering services in Langfang.q广阳和安次区人均社会商品零售总额远小于人均可支配收入。这说明流入的消费力小于流出的消费力。For Guangyang and Anci, that fact and retail sales per capita are much less than disposal income per capita may be explained by the loss of retail sales to Beijing.q广阳区城市和农村居民消费支出相差巨大,城市居民人均支出为8190元每年每人,农村居

19、民人均支出为2494元每人每年,仅相当于城市居民的30%。The expenditure of Guangyang urban and rural residents vary significantly. Living expenditure of urban residents is RMB 8190 per year while that of rural residents is only RMB 2494. 66.2 廊坊市市区商业网点规划介绍廊坊市市区商业网点规划介绍Introduction to Langfang Retail Master Planning7廊坊市市区商业发展目

20、标廊坊市市区商业发展目标Development Target of Retail Market in Langfang City Area发展目标发展目标 Development Targetq以主城区为重点,开发区、万庄区为骨干,到2020年基本建成商业网点布局和业态结构合理,服务功能完善,有特色的区域性商贸中心In 2020, Langfang will be built into a regional commercial center with well distributed retail shops, sound structure of retail formats, and c

21、omplete services function. The new developments will focus on main city, Development zone, and Wanzhuang.q廊坊市市区商业网点到2010年总面积达72万平方米,人均商业面积0.8平方米。In 2010, the total retail area of city wide will reach 720,000 sqm with retail area per capita of 0.8 sqm.q市区商业网点营业面积到2020年达到225万平方米,人均1.5平方米。In 2020, the

22、total retail area of city wide will reach 2.25 million sqm with retail are per capita of 1.5 sqm.q2005至2010年市区全社会消费品零售总额年均增长15%(以2005年为基数),2010年突破53.9亿元;2010年到2020年年均增长20%,2020年达到333.7亿元。The compounded annual growth rate of total retail sales will be 15% between year 2005 and 2010. In 2010, the tota

23、l retail sales will reach RMB 5.39 billion. The compounded annual growth rate of total retail sales will be 20% and the total retail sales will reach RMB 33.37 billion. 8廊坊市市区商业网点规划布局廊坊市市区商业网点规划布局Master Planning for Retail Submarkets明珠商圈Mingzhu Retail Submarket开发区会展中心区域商业中心Development Zone Retail Su

24、bmarket开发区东方大学城区域商业中心Oriental College Town Retail Submarket万庄新区区域商业中心Wanzhuang Retail Submarket朝阳区域商业中心Chaoyang Retail Submarket常辛区域商业中心Changxin Retail Submarket龙河区域商业中心Longhe Retail Submarket生态商业风光带Ecological Commercial Scene Belt新世纪步行街New Century Pedestrian Street建国道专业街Jianguo Pedestrian Street万庄新

25、区专业特色街Wanzhuang Pedestrian Street12356748981011910115 商业中心 Retail Submarket5 商业风光带 Commercial Scene Belt5 步行街 Pedestrian Street 9各个商业中心的发展目标各个商业中心的发展目标 1Development Goals for Each of the Retail Submarkets1.明珠商圈 Mingzhu Submarketq以新华路和金光道交叉口为中心 Center around Xinhua Road/Jinguang Roadq全市商业规模最大、档次最高、品种

26、最齐全的商业区Largest scale of retail; high-end commercial area providing most comprehensive merchandiseq购物为主,兼有休闲、娱乐功能 Focus on retail with functions of entertainment and leisure 2.开发区会展中心区域商业中心 Development Zone Submarketq以友谊路和艺术大道交叉点为中心 Around Youyi Road/Yishu Avenueq会展、商贸、旅游、宾馆、餐饮、娱乐、休闲、以及文化特色为一体Mixed f

27、unction of exhibition, trade, tourism, hotel, restaurant, entertainment, leisure, cultureq满足参加商务活动的外域人口及该区域内居民的消费需求Meet the consumption needs of attendees of business activities and local residents3.开发区东方大学城区域商业中心 Oriental College Town Submarketq开发区张衡路和毕升路交叉口 Zhangheng Road/Bisheng Road in the Devel

28、opment Zoneq为东方大学城及周边地区服务,以购物、餐饮、娱乐、文化、休闲等服务功能为主Serve College Town and surrounding area with functions in shopping, restaurant, entertainment, culture, and leisure10各个商业中心的发展目标各个商业中心的发展目标 2Development Goals for Each of the Retail Submarkets4.万庄新区区域商业中心 Wanzhuang Submarketq围绕万庄新区行政中心一带 Around Adminis

29、trative Center of Wanzhuangq重点发展现代物流、文化、餐饮、娱乐、休闲等商贸设施,以满足该区域居民及流动人口购物需求 Emphasis on modern logistics, culture, catering, entertainment, leisure to meet demands of local residents and visitors5.朝阳市场区域中心 Chaoyang Market Submarketq以现在的朝阳市场为中心,规划范围为新华路以东,东环路以西,广阳道以南,金光道以北 Around existing Chaoyang Market

30、 and bounded by Xinhua Rd (east), East Ring Rd (west), Guangyang Avenue (south), and Jinguang Avenue (north).q以购物、餐饮为主,满足该区域内居民消费需求 Mainly shopping and catering to serve local residents 6.常辛区域商业中心 Changxin Retail Submarketq以常甫路与辛庄道交叉口为中心 Around Changpu Rd and Xinzhuang Avenueq以购物、餐饮为主,满足该区域内居民消费需求 M

31、ainly shopping and catering to serve local residents 7.龙河区域商业中心 Longhe Submarketq建设路以西,银河路以东,南环路以南,龙河以北 Bounded by Jianshe Rd (West), Yinhe Rd (east), South Ring Rd ( east), and Dragon River (north)q服务铁路以南的商务、休闲、娱乐、综合性商业带 Mixed commercial area to serve business, leisure, entertainment, shopping need

32、s of south railway area116.3 廊坊市零售物业供应廊坊市零售物业供应Langfang Retail Property Supply12廊坊市零售物业市场分区图廊坊市零售物业市场分区图Map of Existing Retail Submarkets开发区 Development Zone大学城大学城College TownYr 2002-2005廊坊主城区 Main City of Langfang明珠明珠Mingzhu 朝阳朝阳Chaoyang常辛常辛ChangxinYr 2004-2006Yr 1993-1997Yr 2000-2002市级商业中心Municipa

33、l Commercial Center 区域商业中心District Commercial Center 万庄 WanzhuangYr 2000万庄万庄Wanzhuang廊坊主城区Main City Area13廊坊市零售物业分区市场概述廊坊市零售物业分区市场概述Overview of Langfang Retail Submarketsq共识别出五个现有的零售物业分区市场:明珠、朝阳、常辛、大学城、万庄。Mingzhu Retail Submarket is the traditional commercial center of Langfang.q明珠市级商业中心拥有廊坊市所有的零售物业

34、业态包括百货店,超级市场、专业店、专卖店等。明珠也是最早建立的商业中心(1993-1997年)。Mingzhu Retail Submarket has all the retail formats such as department store, supermarket, boutique store, etc.q朝阳市级商业中心为新兴区域商业中心,代表零售物业为朝阳购物中心。沃尔玛超市2007年初入驻朝阳购物中心。朝阳商业中心吸引了很多非周边的居民,影响力逐渐扩大。As an emerging commercial center, Chaoyang Shopping Mall is th

35、e major retail project in Chaoyang Retail Submarket.q常辛、大学城、万庄的商业中心仅仅是服务周边居民的需求为主。Changxin, College Town, and Wanzhuang retail submarkets serve mainly surrounding residents.q万庄的商业中心成型于2000年,由于有限的人口,陈旧的社区,发展非常缓 慢。Wanzhuang retail submarket came into being in 2000. Because of limited population and un

36、der developed community, the market grew slowly.q区域商业中心的形成初期以满足社区居民为主,但是好的社区和零售项目能够促使区域商业中心的影响力超出其所在的区域。Most district retail market focused on serving local residents initially. However, good community and quality retail projects allow district commercial center to influence residents beyond the dis

37、trict.14廊坊市零售物业分区市场概述廊坊市零售物业分区市场概述Overview of Langfang Retail Submarketsq总体而言,廊坊市的大型零售项目分布集中度较低,市场竞争度一般。Overall, large retail projects are distributed evenly in Langfangs city area. q广阳区拥有大部分的大型零售物业,而安次区仅有5个大型零售项目。Most large retail projects are located in Guangyang district while 5 are in Anci distr

38、ict.q朝阳零售物业市场服务高端住宅区,道路交通状况较好,同时临近京津塘高速廊坊开发区出口,物业的标准也较高。朝阳市场吸引了电子、家具等专业店的较强的兴趣。Chaoyang retail submarket serves surrounding high-end community. Because of good accessibility and proximity to the exit of Jingjintang Highway, the submarket has attracted electronic and furniture specialty stores. q明珠市级

39、商业中心拥有廊坊市所有的零售物业业态包括百货店,超级市场、专业店、专卖店等。Mingzhu Retail Submarket has all the retail formats such as department store, supermarket, boutique store, etc.q鉴于相当多的高端住宅区建立在北环线两侧,估计大型零售物业向北部点的趋势会加快。Recently, many high-end residential projects have been completed along North Ring Rd. It is expected that large

40、 retail projects will take place more in the north of the city.15q1993至2007年,廊坊市年均供应大型零售面积17,827平方米。Annual supply of large retail project between 1993 and 2007 averages at 17,827 sqm. q廊坊市的大型零售项目供应呈现较大波动,2002年供应的峰值,达到72,700平方米。Annual supply varied significantly with the peak of 72,700 sqm in year 20

41、02.q如图所示,供应的三个高峰年份是1996,2002和2007年。峰值的时间距离为5-6年。As shown by the chart, three supply peaks happened in year 1996, 2002, and 2007. The distances between two consecutive peaks are 5 and 6 years.q1998和1999年是市场的低谷,当年没有大型零售供应。Year 1998 and 1999 is the real estate downturn without any retail project supply

42、.廊坊市大型零售物业历史供应廊坊市大型零售物业历史供应Historical Supply of Large Retail ProjectsNote: 1.Project information are updated as of the May of 2007.Source: Strategic Consulting, Research-Jones Lang LaSalle廊坊市大型零售物业年度供应廊坊市大型零售物业年度供应Annual Supply of Large Retail Projects 平方米 sqm16廊坊市零售物业分业态历史供应廊坊市零售物业分业态历史供应Historical

43、 Supply by Retail Format and Yearq1997年以前仅有4个零售项目入市,市场的竞争状态一般。传统的百货店占据了主要的零售业态形式。最早出现的大型零售是电器专业店。There were only 4 projects before 1997 and the retail formats mainly composed of department store. The earliest retail format is electronic specialty store.q2000和2002年是市场供应的高峰。各种业态多个项目进入市场。超级市场作为社区服务的一部分

44、也进入廊坊市场。2000年和2002年分别由6个和7个大型零售项目进入市场。Supply reached its peak in year 2000 and 2002 when a variety of projects of different retail formats came into the market. Supermarket entered Langfang market first in 2000.q超市的供应持续稳定。2002年后每年都有超市项目进入市场,2005和2006年每年都有3个超市开业。Supply of supermarket has been stable

45、since 2002. There were 3 supermarket projects entering the market for each of the year 2005 and 2006.17廊坊市未来零售物业市场格局廊坊市未来零售物业市场格局Trends of Future Retail Market明珠明珠Mingzhu 开发区开发区Development Zone华为华为Huawei 万庄万庄Wanzhuang廊坊市市区图 Map of Langfang City q零售市场发展的方向是向西北和东北。The development of retail market is n

46、orthwestward and northeastward.q万庄做为新兴城区在近期和远期共规划有3个大型零售项目。Three large retail projects have been planned for Wanzhuang until 2020.q华为基地位于三个城区之间,远期规划有大型超市。Huawei base is situated in the central of the three City areas and expected to host a hypermarket in the long-term.q未来大型零售物业的供应并不能改变零售市场相对分散的格局。Th

47、e supply of future large retail projects will not alter the decentralized situation of the existing retail market.18廊坊市零售物业历史供应总结概述廊坊市零售物业历史供应总结概述 Summary of Retail Supplyq2005年廊坊市市区商业营业面积17.69万平方米;市区社会商品零售总额为26.8亿元。As of year 2005, the total retail area of Langfang citywide is 176,900 sqm; total re

48、tail sales is RMB 2.68 billion.q2005年每人拥有的商业营业面积为0.35平方米。As of year 2005, retail area per capita citywide is 0.35 sqm.q廊坊市大型零售物业(面积超过5000平方米)共有14个,主要集中在主城区。There are 14 large retail projects in Langfang (for area above 5,000 sqm), most of them are located in major city. q廊坊市大中型零售物业(面积超过1000平方米)共有29个

49、。超级市场和大型综合超市为主要的业态形式,共有16个项目。There are 29 retail projects with an area above 1,000 sqm. Supermarket and Hypermarket are the major retail formats with 16 projects. q廊坊市明珠商业中心的零售项目硬件设施较为老化。As the largest local retailer in terms of annual sales, Mingzhu Department Store needs to upgrade its facilities.

50、 q朝阳购物中心做为新入市的大型购物中心,硬件设施较好,管理较完善,人气聚集也较快。Opened in early 2007, Chaoyang Shopping Mall enjoys better facilities and relatively advanced management. It is increasingly visited by local people citywide.196.4 廊坊市零售物业市场指标廊坊市零售物业市场指标Market Indicators of Langfang Retail Properties20商业营业用房销售价格商业营业用房销售价格Sal

51、es Price of Property for Commercial Use.Source: Statistic Bureau of Langfangq自2000年以来,商业营业用房的售价年平均增长11.3%。Since 2000, the compounded growth rate of Langfang properties for commercial use is 11.3%.q2002年前售价增幅较小,平均为3%。The growth rate of sales price is 3% before 2002.q2006年商业营业用房的平均价格为4,538元每平方米。As of

52、year 2006, the average sales price for properties of commercial use is RMB 4,538 per sqm.廊坊市商业营业用房售价廊坊市商业营业用房售价Sales Price of Property for Commercial Use21零售物业市场指标调查总结零售物业市场指标调查总结Summary of Market Indicators q廊坊市零售物业的租金水平在不同地段和不同物业有显著的差异。Rents of Langfang retail properties vary significantly across

53、different locations and types of property.q明珠商业中心由于传统的中心位置和较大的人流,物业表现较好,租金最高,达到2.78元每平方米每天。Mingzhu retail submarket outperforms the market average. The rent is RMB 2.78 per sqm per day. q尽管步行街的商业设施较好,但过量的同类物业供应压低了租金。租金水平仅为0.5元每平方米每天。不过投资人对此处物业的前景相当看好,最高售价达到了10,000元每平方米。Because of over supply, rent o

54、f New Century Pedestrian Street is only RMB 0.5 per sqm per day. However, investors are optimistic for the Street and sales prices reaches RMB 10,000 for some retail properties there.q非核心商圈的零售物业表现一般,租金均低于1元每平方米每天。Retail properties situated out of core area of retail submarket perform not well. Avera

55、ge rent is lower than RMB 1 per sqm per day.q期初收益率在这样一个成长中的市场中也有很大的差异,最高达到8.9%,而最低只有1.8%。Initial yields vary with high in 8.9% and low in 1.8%.q平均而言,目前廊坊零售物业的租金为1.38元每平方米每天。On average, rent of Langfang retail properties is about RMB 1.38 per sqm per day.226.5 廊坊市零售物业潜在消费者调查分析廊坊市零售物业潜在消费者调查分析Analysis

56、 of Potential Retail Consumers Survey23消费者调查消费者调查 Retail Survey消费者调查目的:理解区域市场消费者消费习惯及倾向性,以及对本项目概念的测试消费者调查样本:311份(廊坊) 154份(北京) 157份(天津)有效样本消费者调查时间:2007年6月消费者调查形式:街头拦访The purpose of survey:To understand specific regional consumers consumption habits and preferences, and to exam their responses to the

57、concept of this project Sample number:311 (Langfang) 154 (Beijing) 157 (Tianjin )effective samples Time of survey: June 2007Investigation method: Street interview 24廊坊消费者调查总结廊坊消费者调查总结Summary of Langfang Retail Survey 资料来源: 仲量联行战略顾问部典型的受访者为廊坊本地居民,不拥有汽车,家庭月收入在2001-4000元,一般职员/白领、高中毕业至大本学历,结婚并有小孩子,家庭成员有

58、2-4人。The typical interviews are Langfang residents. Most of them do not have a car, and there salaries are around 2,001-4,000RMB. Usually they are clerks or white collars, secondary school graduates or graduates of university, married and have children. The number of family numbers is around 2 to 4.

59、 根据调查,购物是廊坊受访者最主要的一类消费方式,其次是餐饮消费,娱乐性消费仍相比较少。Shopping is the most frequent expenditures of the Langfang interviewees, followed by dining out. Entertainment is relatively not popular. 品牌数量和质量以及购物环境是影响购物的两个非常重要的因素The number & quality of bands and shopping environments is regarded as the most important

60、factor.受访者去购物采用的最普遍的交通工具是自行车,其次为公交车。The most popular choice of transportation is bicycle, when people go shopping, followed by bus.对于本项目,廊坊受访者表现出了较为积极的态度,且他们光顾的主要原因是休闲和购物。According to the investigation, the overall feedback of Langfang interviewees to Wanzhuang city is positive, and the major reason

61、 of visiting Wanzhuang is for entertainment and shopping.私家车将会是廊坊受访者到万庄较为首选的一类交通工具;47%的受访者认为他们将大约需要15-30分钟的时间到达万庄生态城。Private car is the most possible transportation vehicle for Langfang interviewees. 47% interviewees reckoned that it would take 15-30 minuets to Wanzhuang.25北京消费者调查总结北京消费者调查总结Summary

62、of Beijing Retail Survey 根据调查,餐饮是北京受访者最主要的一类消费方式,其次是超市购物和逛街购物,娱乐性消费仍相比较少。Dining out is the most frequent expenditure for Beijing interviewees, followed by supermarket shopping and street shopping. Entertainment is relatively not popular. 交通的可及性是影响购物的一个非常重要的因素,其次,品牌数量和质量以及购物环境也是影响购物的比较重要的因素。Transport

63、ation & accessibility is regarded as the most important factor, followed by number and quality of brands and shopping environment as significant factors.受访者去购物采用的最普遍的交通工具是公交车,其次为私家车。Bus is the most popular choice of transportation (up to almost 50%),when people go shopping, followed by private vehic

64、le.天津对于北京的受访者来说是一个相对有吸引力的消费城市,有62%的人在过去的一年中到天津消费过。Among all the peripheral cities, Tianjin is the most attractive shopping place to Beijing interviewees. 62% interviewees shopped there in the past year. 交通可及性和环境被认为是非常重要的2个影响人们都其他地区购物的因素。Transportation and environment are regarded as the top two impo

65、rtant factors when people consider to shop in other cities. 对于本项目,北京受访者表现出了较为积极的态度,且他们光顾的主要原因是休闲和旅游。According to the investigation, the overall feedback of Beijing interviewees to Wanzhuang is positive, and the major reason of visiting Wanzhuang is for entertainment and travel.私家车将会是北京受访者到万庄较为首选的一类交

66、通工具;29%的受访者认为他们将大约需要1.5-2小时的时间到达万庄城。Private car is the most possible transportation vehicle for Beijing interviewees. 29% interviewees reckoned that it would take 1.5-2 hours to Wanzhuang.26天津消费者调查总结天津消费者调查总结Summary of Tianjin Retail Survey 根据调查,在超市和大卖场购物是天津受访者最主要的一类消费方式,其次是餐饮,娱乐性消费仍相比较少。Shopping in

67、 supermarket and hypermarket is the most frequent expenditures of Tianjin interviewees, followed by dining out. Entertainment is relatively not popular. 品牌数量与质量是影响购物的一个非常重要的因素,其次,以及价格也是影响购物的比较重要的因素。The number and quality of brands is regarded as the most important factor, followed by price and shopp

68、ing environment as significant factors.受访者去购物采用的最普遍的交通工具是公交车,其次为自行车。Bus is the most popular choice of transportation, when people go shopping, followed by bicycle.北京对于天津的受访者来说是一个相对有吸引力的消费城市,有83%的人在过去的一年中到北京消费过。Among all the peripheral cities, Beijing is the most attractive shopping place to Tianjin

69、interviewees. 83% interviewees shopped there in the past year. 商品服务价格和商品品牌数量与质量被认为是非常重要的2个影响人们都其他地区购物的因素。The price of goods & service and the number & quality of bands are regarded as the top two important factors when people consider to shop in other cities. 对于本项目,天津受访者表现出了较为积极的态度,且他们光顾的主要原因是休闲和旅游。

70、According to the investigation, the overall feedback of Tianjin interviewees to Wanzhuang is positive, and the major reason of visiting Wanzhuang is for entertainment and travel.私家车将会是天津受访者到万庄较为首选的一类交通工具.Private car is the most possible transportation vehicle for Tianjin interviewees. 276.6 万庄零售物业需求

71、预测万庄零售物业需求预测Wanzhuang Retail Property Demand Forecasts28万庄消费者零售物业需求预测万庄消费者零售物业需求预测Wanzhuang Consumer Retail Demand Forecasts平方米 sqm 万庄消费者零售物业需求万庄消费者零售物业需求Wanzhuang Consumer Retail Demand Forecasts q预计2015年万庄消费者零售物业总需求达到22.6万平方米;2020年总需求接近50万平方米。It is estimated that Wanzhuang retail area reaches 226,

72、340 sqm in year 2015 and near 500,000 sqm in year 2020. q零售物业的需求是由人口和人均零售面积驱动。预计在2006至2020年间,人口年平均增长率为9.8%,人均零售面积年均增长6.5%。Retail property demand is driven by population and retail area per capita. Between year 2006 and 2020, the population growth rate of Wangzhuang is expected to be 9.8% each year w

73、hile retail area per capita growth rate to be 6.5%.q预计2020年,万庄每平方米零售产生的社会商品零售总额为12,512元人民币。By year 2020, Wanzhuangs unit retail sales is expected to be RMB 12,512 per sqm. 29北京、天津、廊坊消费者零售物业需求预测北京、天津、廊坊消费者零售物业需求预测Beijing, Tianjin, Langfang Consumers Retail Demand Forecasts平方米 sqm 北京、天津、廊坊消费者零售物业需求北京、

74、天津、廊坊消费者零售物业需求BJ, TJ, LF Consumers Retail Demand Forecasts 北京、天津、廊坊市区范围消费者潜在消费金额北京、天津、廊坊市区范围消费者潜在消费金额BJ, TJ, LF Consumers Potential Consumption in Wanzhuang q经过对三地消费者调查结果的测算,预计潜在的消费能力达到15.9亿人民币每年。The quantitative analysis of retail surveys in Beijing, Tianjin, and Langfang City Area shows a potentia

75、l consumption of RMB 1.59 billion in Wanzhuang. q万庄区域外的消费力主要来自北京,占55%,剩下的天津和廊坊市区范围消费力差不多。55% of the potential consumption outside Wanzhuang comes from Beijing; the rest is split evenly between Tianjin and Langfang City Area.q估计2013年万庄的零售项目基本建成,能够满足三地潜在消费者的消费需求。相应的零售面积需求为158,446平方米。Retail projects ar

76、e expected to be completed by year 2014 and to fulfill consumption demands outside Wanzhuang. The according retail area is 158,446 sqm. q预计2020年万庄满足区域外的消费力需要20万平方米的零售面积。It is estimated that a retail area of nearly 200,000 sqm is needed to meet the retail demand from outside Wanzhuang by year 2020.30

77、总结总结Summaryq项目区位于廊坊和北京的交界,临近京津塘高速公路,规划的高速公路将进一步提高地块的可及性。qAdjacent to Beijing; proximity to Jingjintang Highway; Future highway completion will further improve accessibilityq地块主要覆盖为基本农田和林地,项目区场地平整,河流水系较少,开发成本较低。利于高起点的创新规划qCovered mainly by basic farmland and woodland; relocation cost tends to be smal

78、l; easy implementation of master planningq作为廊坊市三点组团的一部分,项目区依托廊坊主城区,利用开发区; 在项目执行当中可得到当地政府的大力支持。Strong support from local governmentsq项目区周边没有污染工业,生态环境较佳q No heavy polluted industry surrounded; well preserved nature environmentq京津冀协调发展的目标将使处于中心区位的廊坊和万庄的吸引力大大增加 The coordinated development of Beijing, Ti

79、anjin, and Langfang will make Langfang and Wanzhuang more attractive as they are located in the central of the three cities/province. q郊区快速路的建成将方便万庄到京津塘高速公路采育出口;同时也将项目区的一部分纳入主城区的辐射范围内 The completion of Suburban Expressway will connect Wanzhuang and Caiyu Exit of Jingjintang Highway. Part of the subj

80、ect area will be overlapped with the main city area of Langfang.q项目区东邻华为北方制造基地,该公司的大量高收入人群将可能对项目区的房地产产品带来大量机遇 The subject area is adjacent to the west of the manufacturing base of Huawei North China. The high-income employees of the base will bring opportunities for the real estate development of th

81、e subject area. q预计2009年完工的京津南通道将进一步缩短万庄到北京的时间距离 The South Jingjin Highway completed in 2009 will shorten the time from Wanzhuang to Beijing further.q住宅物业市场供需比例合理,住宅需求量与供应量呈同步稳定增长qResidential supply meets demand; supply and demand grow at similar pace.q2006年市区的住宅竣工面积为136.45万平方米qThe completed residential area in Langfang City Area amounted to 1.36 million sqm. in 2006.q住宅价格始终处于稳步增长的趋势,2006年市区住宅平均售价为2,894元/平方米,年增长18.51%qPrice grows steadily. As of the end of 2006, the average sales price was RMB 2,894/sqm, a growth of 18.51% y on y. 31



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