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1、Defining relative clauses9A Unit 8Welcome to my class!Do you like listening to music? It is quiet and gentle.I like the music which/ that is quiet and gentle. I like the music. It is exciting. I like the music which/that is exciting. I like the music.B:I like the groups that /who are_. young beautif

2、ul coolA:What kind of groups do you like? dance wellwrite their own songs sing well B:I like the singers who/ that_.A:What kind of singers do you like?I like the music which/ that is quiet and gentle. I like the music which/that is exciting.I like the singers who/ that dance well.I like the singers

3、who/ that write their own songs.I like the singers who/ that sing well.Defining relative clausesAttributive clauses什么是定语?I like the pen.Which pen?redWe use adjectives to describe someone or something.定语从句定语从句一个句子充当定语一个句子充当定语I like the pen. ( which one ?)The pen cost me 10 yuan.I like cost me 10 yuan

4、.which/that 先行词先行词 关系代词关系代词关系代词就是用来代替先行词的关系代词就是用来代替先行词的 the pen = which/thatThe penthe pen.We use a sentence to describe someone or something.Mydadhasafriendwho/thatisgoodatEnglish.Attributiveclause关系代词关系代词who/that为引导词,在从句中代替为引导词,在从句中代替friend.先行词先行词先行词先行词:是:是被定语从句所修饰的词被定语从句所修饰的词,通通 常是名词或代词常是名词或代词。 关

5、系代词关系代词: 是是引导引导定语从句的词定语从句的词,在从,在从 句中替代先行词。句中替代先行词。 注意注意: 从句必须从句必须紧跟紧跟在先行词后。在先行词后。.先行词(名词先行词(名词/代词)代词)+关系代词关系代词(who/whom/which/that)+.Theboywhoisplayingping-pongismyclassmate.Dear mother,Thank you for loving me. I cant find any word that can describe your love.Mothers Day is coming soon. But I dont k

6、now what I can do for you. Im busy with the things that every American cares about. So Ive decided to write you a letter. It seems I never write to you before. This is the only thing that I can think of.Thank you for teaching me about right and wrong. Thank you for the happiest time that you have sp

7、ent with me. Thank you for the first story that youve told to me. Thank you for understanding the people and speeches that come to you.I will always love you, mama!Obama找定语从句找定语从句Dearmother,Thankyouforlovingme.Icantfindanywordthatcandescribeyourlove.MothersDayiscomingsoon.ButIdontknowwhatIcandoforyo


9、epeopleandspeechesthatcometoyou.Iwillalwaysloveyou,mama!Obama123456How to make a defining relative clause ?which代替事物,在从句中充当代替事物,在从句中充当主语主语和和宾语宾语1.Icantfindtheletter.Thelettercamethismorning.2.Pleasegivemethebook.Thebookisabouttravel.3.Thisisthebag.Mymotherboughtitlastweek.4.Thehouseismadeofwood.Jack

10、builtthehouse. This is the bag which my mother bought last week.I cant find the letter which came this morning.Please give me the book which is about travel.The house which Jack built is made of wood.关系代词在从句中作宾语时,可以省略关系代词在从句中作宾语时,可以省略,做主语时,不能省略。做主语时,不能省略。/thatthatthatthatthat代替人或物,在从句中充当代替人或物,在从句中充当

11、主语主语和和宾语。宾语。1.TheboyiscalledTom.Theboybrokethewindow.TheboythatbrokethewindowiscalledTom.2.Mr.Liistheperson.Youtalkedwiththepersononthebus.Mr.Liuisthepersonthatyoutalkedwithonthebus.关系代词在从句中作宾语时,可以省略。关系代词在从句中作宾语时,可以省略。 /who代替人代替人.在从句中可充当在从句中可充当主语。主语。Do you know the girl?(which girl?)1.The girl is ru

12、nning on the grass.2. The girl likes singing very much.1.Do you know is running on the grass. 2.Do you know likes singing very much. who whothe girlThe girlthe girlThe girl?who/whom代替人代替人,在从句中充当在从句中充当宾语。宾语。 He is the man. I told you about him. He is the man I told you about . The man is a teacher. I

13、 saw the man just now.The man is a teacher. whoI saw just nowwhomthe man whowhomhim. How to use Relative pronouns?Discuss指人指人指物指物主语主语宾语宾语that whichwhowhom指人指人指物指物主语主语宾语宾语that whichwhowhomSummary 关系代词的用法关系代词的用法关系代词在从句的用法关系代词在从句的用法何时可以省略?何时可以省略?做做宾语宾语时可以省略时可以省略趁热打铁趁热打铁用用which/who/whom/that填空。填空。 The b

14、oy _ is standing under the tree is my friend Tom. He lives in a house _ stands on a hill. That little girl_ Tom often helps is his sister Mary. The bird _ is singing in the cage is Toms too. Bob is his dog _ Tom and Mary often play with. The dog is great. Yesterday he caught a thief _ was running aw

15、ay. who/that which/thatWho/whom/that which/that which/that who/thatExercises:1.Thewoman_isinredishismother.A.whomB.whoC.whoseD.which2.Wesawafilm_wasaboutanoldstory.A.whenB.whoC.thatD.where3.Ionlyeatfood_ishealthy.A.thatB.whoC.whereD.whose4.Ilikesingers_differentkindsofmusic.A.whoplaysB.whoplayC.whoc

16、anplaysD.whomplays难点讲解难点讲解难点难点(1):区分:区分who, whom1.Theman_talkedtoyoujustnowisaworker.2.Theforeigner_visitedourclassyesterdayisfromCanada.3.Idliketoseetheboy_youtalkedabout.4.Thegirl_wesawyesterdayisJohnssister.whowhowhomwhom难点难点(2):关系代词在定语从句中作关系代词在定语从句中作宾语宾语时时 可可省略省略,作主语则不可。,作主语则不可。1.Didyoureadthebo

17、ok_Ilendtoyou?A.whoseB./C.whoD.what2.Didyoureadthebook_waspopularatthemoment.A.thatB./C.whoD.whatBA巩固提高巩固提高 A guessing gameItsaninvention_isusedforkeepingofftherain.which/thatHewasaworld-famoussinger_iscalledthekingofthepop.that/whoHeisaHongKongactor_isfamousforhiskongfufilms,suchas12 Animal Signs.w

18、ho/thatItisthecountry_heldthe2014FIFAWorldCup.that二、选择题二、选择题1. I prefer songs _ popular. A. that is B. that are C. who is D. who are2. I like the singer _ different kinds of music. A. that play B. who play C. who can play D. whom plays3. (2014辽宁辽宁) Do you like music _ makes you excited? A. that B. w

19、hat C. who D. itBCA4.(2014长春长春)Allthechildrenliketheteachers_canunderstandthem.A.whoB.whichC.whatD.whom5.(2014福州福州)Thepandaisakindofanimal_canbefoundonlyinChina.A.whoB.whoseC.thatD.whereAC三、三、Fillintheblankswith“which, that, who”.1.Thegirl_yousawjustnowismysister.2.Doyourememberthewords_welearnedlas

20、tyears.3.Thisisthewatch_mymothergavemeformybirthday. (whothat)( thatwhich) thatwhich4.Tomisthefirstboy_lefttheroom.5.UncleLiisaperson_isalwaysreadytohelpothers. whothat whothat1.Doyouknowtheman_savedfivepeopleinthefire?(2014宜宾)宜宾)A.who B.itC.whenD.whom2.Shirleyisthegirl_taughtmehowtouseWechat(微信微信).

21、(2014黑龙江黑龙江)A.whomB.whichC.who I. Multiple Choice3.Ilikethewriters_arepopularamongteenagers.(2014成都)成都)AwhoBwhichCwhom4.AfterMandelawasfree(自由的自由的)in1990,hechosetoshakehandswiththepeople_wantedtokillhim.(2014山东)山东)A.whoseB.whichC./D.who5.Iwillneverforgettheday_wespentintheoldtownwithsmallhouses.(201

22、4杭州)杭州)A.whoB.whomC.thatD.what6.People_overweightneedmorewaterthanthinpeople.(2014呼和浩特呼和浩特)AwhoisBwhichareCthatisDwhoare1.Theman_Isawtoldmetowait.2.Aperson_stealsthings iscalledathief.3.Thisrecorder_heisusingismadeinJapan.4.Canyouthinkofanyone_couldlookafterhim?5.Alltheapples_fallareeatenbywildboars

23、.II.Fillintheblankswithwho,whichandthat.thatthatwhothatwhoAninvitationletter 做运动做运动喜欢运动喜欢运动喜欢打排球喜欢打排球走到碗边走到碗边喜爱踢足球喜爱踢足球擅长打网球擅长打网球喜欢散步喜欢散步一天很多次一天很多次喜欢游泳喜欢游泳我最喜欢的运动我最喜欢的运动.怎么样怎么样去游泳去游泳去游泳怎么样去游泳怎么样每周每周一周三次一周三次Life isLife is a gifta gift!Today before you complain about the taste of food , think of someo

24、ne who has nothing to eat .Before you complain about your old clothes, think of the people who dont have enough clothes to wear .Before you complain about too much homework , think of the children in the poor areas who even have no chances of going to school .And when you are tired ,think of our parents who are working hard in the fields or in the factories .So enjoy our life ,enjoy everythingthat we have! Listen & Read1.ReviewtheGrammar.2.PreviewIntegratedskillsonpage115.Homework



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