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1、建筑工程系建筑工程系主讲:农素婷主讲:农素婷Lectured by Seine NongTel:15307730660工程管理专业英语什么是项目?什么是项目?80s -国防、建筑、航天业的项目(单纯完成既定任务)90s -计算机、通讯、金融业(协调组织关系、更好地完成既定任务)00s -逐渐发展至各个行业(更为广泛的工作,具有一定经营技巧)Unit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?Unit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?管理者管理技术项目预定目标项目管理:管理者在项目活动中,运用专业知识、技能、工具、方法等,使项目在

2、项目周期内或有限的资源限定条件下实现、甚至超过项目预定的需求和期望的活动的集合。Words and expressionsSpecialty spelti n.专业、专长专业、专长特点、特性特点、特性His specialty is engineering managementDomain dmen n.范围、领域、领范围、领域、领土Here is the domain of the polar bearAerospacerospes n. 航空、航天、航天空航空、航天、航天空间间He is an aerospace engineer for the US Armypharmaceutical

3、f:msu:tkl n.制药的,配制药的,配药的药的a Chinese pharmaceutical companyUnit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?Words and expressionsdistinguishdstw n./vi 辨别、区别、区分辨别、区别、区分He could distinguish voicesgeneraldenrl adj. 一般的、普通的、大体的一般的、普通的、大体的a general sense of well-beingDiscipline dspln n. 学科、训练、纪律、处罚学科、训练、纪律、处罚disci

4、pline problems in the classroompredeterminedpri:dt:mnd adj. 预定的;预先预定的;预先确定的确定的 at a predetermined rateUnit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?Words and expressionsBy contrast bai kntrst相比之下;相比之下;相形之相形之下下Outlook n. 展望展望;前景;可能性;前景;可能性Ingredientngri:dint n. 组成部分,成分组成部分,成分/要要素素I think that is one of the

5、 major ingredients in his successSchematically ski:mtkl adv. 扼要地扼要地,按,按照照图式地图式地The picture shows schematically one possible situationFamiliarity with 熟悉、通晓、认识熟悉、通晓、认识Unit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?Words and expressionsIndispensablendspensbl adj. 不可缺少的;绝对必要不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的;不可避开的;责无旁贷的;不可避开的

6、的Cars have become an indispensable part of our lives.Commonplacekmnples adj. 平凡的,陈腐的;平庸的,平凡的,陈腐的;平庸的,普通普通的的He is a commonplace personWith regard to 关于关于;就就而言;而言;说说起起With regard to hardness, the diamond is in a class by itselfOnsetnset n. 开始开始,动手动手the onset of the infectionTradeofftred:f n. (公平)交易,折衷

7、,(公平)交易,折衷,权衡权衡there is a tradeoff between the performance and difficultyUnit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?Words and expressionsDelineationdlnen n.描绘描绘Delineation of channelsProcurementprkjrmnt n. 获得,取得;获得,取得;采购采购the procurement of materialsPrescribedprskrabd adj. 规定的,法定的规定的,法定的The medicine th

8、e doctor prescribed worked upon his illnessDistinct dstkt adj. 明显的,清楚的明显的,清楚的This book is divided into two distinct partsIntegration Intigrein n. 结合、整合、综合、一体结合、整合、综合、一体化化This was the greatest event in the annals of European integrationMitigatemtet vt. 使缓和,使减轻使缓和,使减轻to mitigate the project delivery r

9、iskUnit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?u请阅读课文请阅读课文5分钟,通过这篇文分钟,通过这篇文章,我们将了解到章,我们将了解到:项目管理的定义项目管理的基本框架体系项目管理包含的四大功能项目经理需要注意的九个方面Unit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?While the relevant technology, institutional arrangement or process will differ, the management of such projects has much in commo

10、n with the management of similar types of projects in other specialty or technology domains such as aerospace, pharmaceutical and energy developments.尽管相关的技术,组织机构的设置和进程不一样,但是建设项目的管理与其他专业技术领域的项目,例如航天,医药和能源发展,在管理上仍然有许多共同之处。Generally, project management is distinguished from the general management of c

11、orporation by the mission-oriented nature of a project.一般而言,工程项目管理有别于一般企业管理的,在于(这是因为)它是以目标(任务)为导向的本质特征。Be distinguished from 表示表示“不同于,与不同于,与加以区别加以区别”Unit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?By contrast, the general management of business and industrial corporations assume a broader outlook with great

12、er continuity of operations.相比之下,工商企业的一般管理承担着更大的操作连贯性和更广阔的前景。Working knowledge n. 应用知识应用知识 例 She has a working knowledge of French. 她的法语尚可应付工作。A working knowledge of Spanish. 足够运用的西班牙语的知识。Indispensable adj. 必不可少的,必须的。必不可少的,必须的。Computer science 计算机科学;计算机科学; decision science 决策科学决策科学 In fact, modern m

13、anagement practices and various special knowledge domains have absorbed various techniques or tools which were once identified only with the supporting disciplines.事实上,现代管理实践和各种事实上,现代管理实践和各种专业知识领域专业知识领域都吸收了许多一度被用都吸收了许多一度被用于支持性学科的技术和工具于支持性学科的技术和工具.Unit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?Commonplace 司

14、空见惯的,常用的司空见惯的,常用的Specifically, project management in construction encompasses a set of objectives which may be accomplished by implementing a series of operations subject to resource constrains.Which 引导定语从句,修饰前面的引导定语从句,修饰前面的 a set of objectives,翻译时翻译时可作为并列句翻译可作为并列句翻译。Subject to 为为“使遭受,使服从,受制于使遭受,使服从

15、,受制于”可译为:具体可译为:具体来说,建设项目管理包含一组目标,这些目标来说,建设项目管理包含一组目标,这些目标通通过过在资源约束下执行一系列的项目实施行为得以实现。在资源约束下执行一系列的项目实施行为得以实现。impose on vt. 把把强加于强加于These conflicts should be resolved at the onset of a project by making the necessary tradeoffs or creating new alternatives.可译为:这些可译为:这些冲突应该在项目冲突应该在项目启动启动的时候就的时候就通过通过必要的必要

16、的折中权折中权衡衡或者制造替代性的方案来解决。或者制造替代性的方案来解决。onset n. 开始,启动开始,启动Unit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?The Project Management Institute focuses on nine distinct areas requiring project manager knowledge and attention项目管理协会明确了项目经理需要要了解和关注项目管理协会明确了项目经理需要要了解和关注的的9个方面。个方面。focus on 集中注意力于集中注意力于Unit 3 what is pr

17、oject management何为项目管理?项目的整体管理项目的范围管理项目的工期管理项目的成本管理项目的质量管理项目人力资源管理项目沟通管理项目风险管理项目采购管理Unit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?Which factor does it make project management distinguished from the general management of corporations?How to define the discipline of project management according to the proje

18、ct management institute?Why would those modern management techniques developed for general management be adapted for project management?What are the sources from which the project management framework evolves?Which aspects do the functions of project management for construction generally include?Unit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?本本节课程内容已结束,谢谢观看节课程内容已结束,谢谢观看!Unit 3 what is project management何为项目管理?



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