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1、CoverPractical College English Course (I)上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Contents Unit 8 上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Focus 1 Section 1 :Text: Eight Baskets of Gold Background Information Warm Up Vocabulary Intensive Reading Exercises: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII Section 2: Listening and SpeakingFocus 2 Secti

2、on 1: Text: Getting Rich Exercises: I , II Language Points Section 2: Practical Writing A Notice Background information Focus1 Section 1 Focus 1 Section I上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Wealth is associated with evil in western culture as in nearly all other cultures and civilizations in the world. Wealt

3、h and evil are linked because wealth could become such a great temptation that easily gives rise to greed in human hearts. There is a famous quotation from the Bible which goes like this: A man with an evil eye hastens after wealth, and does not know that want will come upon him. Yet a distinction b

4、etween wealth and evil has always been maintained in the western tradition. Paul Graham explains the distinction as follows: “Wealth is the fundamental thing. Wealth is stuff we want: food, clothes, houses, cars, gadgets, travel to interesting places, and so on. You can have wealth without having mo

5、ney.” Wealth and EvilBackground InformationWarm up Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语1. Does wealth necessarily bring happiness? Why or why not?2. Have you ever heard of the well-known Greek myth “Golden Touch”?3. What lesson can we draw from the myth? Warm Up Focus 1 Section IVocabulary Foc

6、us1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Vocabulary Please go over the key words and expressions of the text before reading Focus 1 Section I八筐金八筐金币币 从前有一伙年轻人,他们夜以继日地喝酒跳舞,消磨时光。一天清晨,他们中的三个人正坐在酒吧里等酒喝,这时他们听到一阵铃声,只见人们抬着一具尸体向坟地走去。其中一人命令一个男孩去打听一下被抬过去的尸体是谁。Intensive Reading-Para1- Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海

7、交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 1 There was once a group of young men who spent their days and nights drinking and dancing and idling away their time. Early one morning as three of the young men sat in a caf waiting for a drink, they heard a bell ringing as a dead body was being carried to the grave. One of them or

8、dered a boy to find out whose dead body was passing by.Intensive ReadingEight Baskets of GoldQuestionsaboutPara.1(1)Howdidthethreeyoungmeninthisstoryspendtheirtime?(2)Whathappenedonedaywhentheywereinacaf?Theyheardabellringingasadeadbodywasbeingcarriedtothegrave. Focus 1 Section ITheyspentdaysandnigh

9、tsdrinkinganddancingandidlingawaytheirtime.idle away: to spendtimeinidleness虚度(光阴),浪费(时间)e.g.(1)Heidledawaythewholemorninginhisroom.他在房间里混了整整一个上午。(2)Dontidleawayyourtime.别浪费你的时间。Intensive Reading-Para2 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Intensive Reading 2 “Sir,” said the boy in earnest, “the

10、re is no need to ask. I know him and so do you. He used to be a friend of yours. But last night when he was there on the bench, dead drunk, he was suddenly killed. That fast thief that men call Death cut his heart in two and went away without saying a word. So, master, wherever you go, be on your gu

11、ard. Be ready to meet him from now on.” “先生,”那个男孩很认真地说道,“不必去问了。我知道他是谁,你们也都认识他。他曾经是你们的朋友。昨天晚上他烂醉如泥地坐在那儿的长凳上时,突然被人杀了。人们称之为“死神”的动作迅速的窃贼把他的心劈成两半,然后一言不发就离开了。所以,先生,不管你去哪儿,都要提防着点儿。从现在起要准备好随时会遇到他。” Focus 1 Section I(3)Whowasthekilleraswastoldaccordingtotheboyinthecaf? Question About Para. 2 The killer was a

12、 fast thief that men call Death.earnest作名词,经常以inearnest词组出现。in earnest:moreseriouslyandwithmoreforcethanbefore认真地,严肃地e.g. (1) He is going about his work inearnest.他在认真地工作。(2)Ontheirwedding,Ipresentedmypresentinearnest.在他们的婚礼上,我郑重地送上了我的礼物。used to:这是个半情态助动词(semi-modalverb),“usedto +动词原形”指过去常常做什么,而现在已经

13、不常这样做了。e.g. Iusedtogothere.我以前常去那儿。usedto的否定形式是usednotto/usedntto,而didntuseto常常用在口语中。e.g.(1) Iusednot/usednttogo.我过去不常去。(2)Itdidntusetobelikethat.这件事以前不是这样的。usedto的疑问形式是usedto?e.g. Usedshetocomehere?她以前常来这里吗?但是在现代英语中这种形式被认为过于正式,因而用助动词do构成的疑问形式被普遍接受。e.g.(1)Didheusetocomehere?他以前常来这里吗?(2)Didntyouuseto

14、havedinnerat7:30?你过去不是一向在七点半吃晚饭吗?cut sth. in/into sth.:todivideanareaintotwoormoreparts把(某物)切开(或分割)e.g.(1)Therivercutsthewholeregionintwo.这条河把整个地区一分为二。(2)Cutthecakeinfourandshareitequally.把蛋糕切成四块平分。(3) Cut this paper into one-inch strips,andthenIllexplainhowthegameisplayed.把这张纸剪成一英寸的一些纸条,然后我来解释游戏怎么玩

15、。注意:如果使用into,那么two后面要加具体物体,如intotwoparts。master: n.C(男)主人,雇主;能手,大师,名家;M-硕士master(先生)与sir 同义,用于晚辈称呼长辈、下级称呼上级时,也是20世纪以前黑人对白人的尊称,现在很少用了。master作动词时,意为“tolearnaskilloralanguagesowellthatyouhavenodifficultywithit精通,掌握”。e.g. (1) The teacher is explaining the skillsneededtomasteranewlanguage.老师正在解释掌握一门新语言所需

16、要的技能。(2)Hehadlearnedtomasterhisfearofheights.他已经学会克服恐高症了。wherever: conj./ad.toorinanyoreveryplace无论在哪里,无论到哪里;无论什么地方,去任何地方;究竟在哪里,究竟到哪里词缀-ever原来是用来加强语气的,与wh-词结合后使他们带上了“无论”、“尽管”的意思。在口语中常用nomatter +wh-词来代替wh-词+ever引导的让步状语从句。e.g.(1)Wherever(=Nomatterwhere)hemaybe,hewillbehappy.他无论在什么地方都很快乐。(2)Illfindhimw

17、hereverheis.不管他在哪儿我都要找到他。wherever在例(1)中为连词,在例(2)中为连接副词。注意:wherever也可以用来引导地点状语从句,用来加强语气。e.g. (1)Whereverthereiswaterandair,thereislife.凡是有水和空气的地方就有生命。(2)Letsgowhereverthispathwilltakeus.我们就顺着这条路走,走到哪儿算哪儿。be on ones guard: to be very careful andpreparedforsth.dangerous 警惕,提防e.g. (1)Beonyourguardtheyal

18、waystrytocheattourists.提防点儿,他们老是想欺骗游客。(2)Weshouldbeonourguardagainsttheenemy.我们要警惕敌人。Intensive Reading-Para3-5 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Intensive Reading3Thethreeyoungmenonlylaughedathim.Theyboastedthattheydgooutatonceandkilltheenemy,Death.4Theyhadntgonehalfamilebeforetheymetapoorol

19、dmanwhotoldthemthatiftheykeptgoingforashort while, they would find Death waiting for themunderanoaktree.5Theyranasfastastheycouldtotheoaktree.There,theyfoundapileofgoldencoinsonthegroundeightbasketsofthem.TheyweresohappyatthisdiscoverythattheygaveuptheideaofseekingDeath.QuestionAboutParas.3-5(4)What

20、didthesethreeyoungmenboasttheywoulddo? (5)WhatdidapooroldmantellthethreeyoungmenwhowereonthewaytoseekDeath?(6)Whatdidtheyfindwhentheygottotheoaktree? 那三个年轻人听完后,一个劲儿地嘲笑那个男孩。他们吹嘘说要立即出发去杀死他们的敌人“死神”。走了不到半英里,他们就遇到一位穷老汉。老汉告诉他们,如果再走一会儿,他们就会发现“死神”就在一棵橡树下等着他们。三人以最快的速度朝那棵橡树跑去。到了那里,他们发现地上有一堆金币八筐金币。发现这些金币,他们高兴极

21、了,就放弃了寻找“死神”的想法。 Focus 1 Section ITheywouldgooutatoncetokilltheenemy,Death.ThepooroldmantoldthemthatDeathwaswaitingforthemunderanoaktreeiftheykeptgoingforashortwhile.Theyfoundapileofgoldencoinsonthegroundeightbasketsofthem.laugh at:to makefunof嘲笑;因而发笑e.g.(1)ImafraidtheotherkidswilllaughatmebecauseId

22、ontunderstand.因为我不懂,所以我怕其他的孩子会笑话我。(2) It isnt good to laugh at a person introuble.嘲笑处于困境的人是不好的。go out: 外出(尤指参加社交活动)e.g. (1)HesjustgoneouttobuysomeCDs.他刚刚出去买激光唱片了。(2)CanIgoouttoplaynow?我现在可以出去玩了吗?另外goout后面也可以跟现在分词或者跟由for引导的介词短语。e.g.(1)SamgoesoutdrinkingeveryFriday.萨姆每周五都外出喝酒。(2)Wewentoutforamealandth

23、enontoamovie.我们去外面吃了饭,然后去看电影了。goout也可用来表示“(某种时尚)过时;(灯)熄;公布;(青年男女)定期出去约会”。e.g. (1)Miniskirtswentoutyearsago.超短裙几年前就不时兴了。(2)Ihadjustbeguntogoupstairswhenthelightswentout.我刚要上楼,这时灯就熄灭了。(3)Havealltheweddinginvitationsgoneoutyet?所有的结婚请帖都发出去了吗?(4) My girlfriend and I have been going outtogetherforeighteen

24、months.我和我的女朋友已经交往18个月了。They hadnt gone half a mile before they met a poor old man: 这句话可以这样表达“Theymettheoldmaninashortertimethanittookthemtowalkhalfamile”,参见本文第13段最后一句“Helldieinashortertimethanittakesyoutowalkamile”。注意:before引导状语从句时,我们没有按字面意思译成“在之前”,而是译成译文中的那样。再看两个例子:e.g.(1)Wehadntgotintheharvestbef

25、oretherainstarted.我们还没来得及收割庄稼,雨就下了起来。(2) The thief had jumped out of the windowbeforethepolicebrokein.警察还没来得及破门进入,小偷就已跳窗逃窜了。keep (on) doing something: to continuedoing something or to do the same thingmanytimes继续进行,继续下去e.g. (1) I keep telling you, but you wontlisten!我不停地对你说,可是你不听我的。(2)Shepretendedno

26、ttohear,andkeptonwalking.她假装没有听见,继续走她的路。pile: n.C一堆,一叠e.g. (1) Weve had piles of letters fromviewers.我们收到了大量的观众来信。(2)Theancientpalacebecameapileofruinsaftertheearthquake.地震后这座古代宫殿变成了一片废墟。pile还可作动词,意为“to put thingsoneontopofanother(把)堆积”。e.g.(1)Shepiledthebooksoneontopoftheother.她把书一本本地摞起来。(2) The so

27、fa was piled high withcushions.沙发上高高地堆着一些垫子。a pile of: alotofsomething一大堆,大量e.g. Ive got a pile of work to do thisevening.今晚我有一大堆事情要做。seek: vt. to try to achieve or getsomething寻找,探索,追求e.g. (1)Hethatseekstroublenevermisses.(谚语)自找麻烦,肯定会碰到麻烦。(2) Our purpose is to seekfriendshipandcooperation.我们的目的是寻求友

28、谊和合作。(3)Itswrongjusttoseekcomfortandenjoyment.一味地追求安逸和享受是不对的。Intensive Reading-Para 6 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Intensive Reading 6 The most evil of the three young men spoke first: “Lady Luck has given us this treasure so that we may spend the rest of our lives having a good time. W

29、e must be careful and carry these baskets off by night. So lets draw lots to see who shall run to town as fast as he can and bring us bread and wine. The other two of us shall remain here to keep watch over the treasure. When night comes, well carry it wherever we think best.”三个年轻人中最坏的那个首先说:“幸运女神赐给我

30、们这笔财宝,我们可以用它来享受余生了。但我们必须小心,夜晚再把这几筐金币运走。现在,我们抽签决定谁应该以最快的速度跑到镇上给我们弄些面包和酒来。另外两个人就留在这里看管这笔财宝。等到夜幕降临,我们再把这笔财宝运到我们认为最合适的地方去。” Focus 1 Section I(7)Howwasitdecidedthattheyoungestofthemshouldbesenttotown?Question About Para. 6Itwasdecidedbydrawinglots.The most evil of: evil是形容词,为了避免累赘,后面省略了名词youngman。e.g. (1

31、) He is the tallest of the threechildreninhisfamily.他是家里三个孩子中个子最高的。(tallest后面省略了child)(2)Sheisthebusiestofallthestaffattheoffice.她是办公室里最忙的人。(busiest后面省略了staffmember)evil还可作名词,意为“a force thatcausesbadthingstohappen邪恶,罪恶;祸害”。e.g. (1) The forces of evil can nevertriumphovertheforcesofgood.邪不压正。(2)Every

32、societyhassocialevils.每个社会都有社会弊端。treasure: n. U,Cagroupofvaluablethingssuchasgold,silver,jewels,etc.金银财宝,财富;珍品,珍藏品e.g.(1)Shesetouttolookatthearttreasures.她打算去观看艺术珍品。(2) The police found the losttreasureinanabandonedwell.警察在一口废井里找到了丢失的财宝。treasure还可作动词,意为“tokeepand care for something that is veryspeci

33、al,important,orvaluable珍爱,珍视,珍藏”。e.g. Jim treasured the gold pocketwatch that his grandfather had givenhim.吉姆珍藏着他祖父给他的金怀表。carryoff: to take away; to takesomeoneorsomethingawaybyforce拿走;夺走e.g. (1)Thenextthingtobedoneistocarryofftheearth.下一步要做的事是把土运走。(2)LungcancercarriedoffherlifeinSeptember.肺癌在9月夺走了她

34、的生命。这个短语还可以表示“winaprize赢得奖品”和“succeedindoingsomething解决难题”的意思。by night: during the night, at night,ratherthanintheday在夜间,趁黑夜e.g.(1)Manyanimalshuntbynight.许多动物在夜间猎食。(2)Heworksinanofficebydayanddrivesataxibynight.他白天在办公室上班,晚上开出租车。试比较:at night:whenitisnight在夜里,趁夜晚e.g. At night the temperature dropsbelo

35、wzero.气温在夜里降到零度以下。注意:在某个特定日子的晚上,night和介词on搭配使用,如on Sundaynight在星期日晚上,onanightwhenhearrived在他到达的那个晚上。 draw lots: tochoosesth.orsb.bylot抽签(选定),抓阄(决定)e.g.(1)Someonemustgo.Letsdrawlots.必须有人去,谁抽到谁去。(2)Theydrewlotstodecidewhichofthemshouldgofirst.他们抓阄来决定谁先去。remain还可作名词,意为“thepartsofsomethingthatareleftaft

36、ertheresthasbeendestroyedorhasdisappeared常pl.残余,余额;遗迹”。e.g.(1)Onthetableweretheremainsoftheeveningmeal.桌上有剩下的晚饭。(2)ThereareextensiveRomanremains of ancient buildings at Arles.在阿尔勒有大量的罗马古建筑遗址。keep watch over/on: to pay carefulattention to something, so that you arereadytoactifnecessary查看,监视e.g.(1)Hek

37、epta24-hourwatchoverhisson.他24小时看管着他的儿子。(2) Security forces kept a closewatchonouractivities.安全部队密切地监视着我们的活动。well carry it wherever we think best:这句话可以理解为Wellcarryittoanyplace which we think the safest。wherever在这里引导地点状语从句best用作wherever的补足语。Intensive Reading-Para 7-8 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版

38、社美心英语美心英语Intensive Reading 7 So lots were drawn to see where the luck would fall. It fell on the youngest, who set off at once for town. As soon as he was gone, one of the two said to his friend, “Our friend has gone, and heres a pile of gold thats to be split up among the three of us. Nevertheless,

39、 wouldnt it be a fine thing if I can fix things so that it would be split between us two alone?” 8 The other answered, “I dont see how we can get away with it. He knows that the gold is here with us. What will we do?”就这样他们抽签看运气会降临在谁的身上。结果三人中最年轻的那个抽到了,于是他就立即出发去镇上了。他刚一走,留下的两人中的一个就对他的朋友说道:“我们的朋友已经走了。这堆

40、金子将要由我们三人平分。不过,如果我能作出安排让这堆金子仅由我们两人来分,岂不更好?”另一个答道:“我不知道我们怎样做才能不被他发现。他知道金子在我们这里。我们该怎么办?” Focus 1 Section Iset off: tostarttogo出发,启程set off for + 地地点点: to start to gosomewhere出发(启程)去某地e.g. (1) Ill set off early to avoid thetraffic.我要早点出发,避开交通高峰时间。(2)JerryandIsetoffonfootforthebeach.杰里和我一起出发步行去海滩。注 意 :

41、set off 也 有 “to makesomethingstarthappening激起,引起”的意思。e.g. (1)Anymovementcouldhavesetoffthebomb.任何的移动都会引爆这颗炸弹。(2)HongKongsstock marketfell,settingoffaglobalfinancialcrisis.香港股市的下跌,引发了全球性的金融危机。split: vi./vt. to divide sth. into two ormore parts and share it with differentpeople分摊,分享;切开,劈开,撕裂;分离,分裂spli

42、t的过去式和过去分词均为split。e.g. (1)Theresultssplitneatlyintotwogroups.结果恰巧分成两类。 (2)Weshareahouseandsplitallthebills.我们同住一所房子,费用平摊。splitsth.up:todividesth.intosmallerparts划分,分解e.g. The course was split up into 8periods.课程分为8个课时。nevertheless: ad.inspiteofsth.thatyouhavejustmentioned仍然,不过 e.g. (1)Whatyousaidwas

43、true.Itwas,nevertheless,alittleunkind.你说得对,不过这有点无情。(2)Iamfeelingill,butIshallcomewithyounevertheless.我觉得身体不舒服,但是我仍然会和你一起去。get away with: todo(somethingbad)without being punished for that (evencaught)做成(错事)未被发觉(未受惩罚)e.g.(1)Murderisaserious crimeandonerarelygetsawaywithit.谋杀是严重的罪行,几乎没有人可以逍遥法外。(2)Natur

44、allywewontlethimgetawaywiththis.很自然,我们不会就这样放过他。Intensive Reading-Para 9-10 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Intensive Reading 9 “I can tell you exactly what to do. When he returns, pretend that you want to wrestle with him just for fun. While youre wrestling, Ill cut him. Then all this gold

45、 will be ours, and we can spend the rest of our lives having a good time.” 10 Thus these two men agreed to kill the third.“我会告诉你具体该怎么做。等他回来时,你就假装跟他玩摔跤。在你们摔跤的时候,我就杀死他。这样,所有的金子都归我们俩下半辈子享受了。”就这样,这两人同意合谋杀死他们的同伙。 Focus 1 Section I(8) What did the other two men plan to do after theyoungestmanhadsetofffort

46、own? Question About Para.9Onepretendedtowrestlewiththeyoungestandtheotherwouldkillhim,andthentheycouldsharethegoldencoinsbetweenthetwoofthem.pretend: vt./vi.tomakesb.believethatsomethingistrue假装,装扮e.g. (1)WecantgoonpretendingthateverythingisOK.我们不能再继续装作一切都很好了。(2)Ipretendnottounderstand.我假装不懂。(3)Hesn

47、otasleephesjustpretending.他没有睡着他在装睡。(4) He wasnt angryhe was onlypretending.他并没有生气只是假装生气。pretend在例(1)和例(2)中作及物动词,在例(3)和例(4)中作不及物动词。pretend作及物动词时,其宾语可以是动词不定式或宾语从句。 Intensive Reading-Para 11-13 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Intensive Reading 11 In the meantime, as the youngest ran toward t

48、he town, he could only think about the coins. “Oh, Lord,” he said, “how Id like the treasure all to myself! No man under the power of God would live as well as I could!” 12 And so the youngest man ran on into town, straight to a chemist who prescribed medicine and asked him for poison to kill rats.

49、13 “You shall have it,” the chemist said. “And I promise you that this poison is so bad that it will kill anything in the world that eats as little as a grain of it. Hell die in a shorter time than it takes you to walk a mile.”此时那个年龄最小的同伙正往镇上赶路,而他脑子里却只想着那些金币。“啊,主啊,”他说道,“我多么想独自拥有这些金币啊!这样,天底下就没有人能生活得比

50、我好了!”于是那个最年轻的同伙一口气跑到镇上,直接找到药剂师问他要耗子药。“一定会有药给你的,”药剂师说,“我向你保证,这种毒药毒性很强,世上任何生物只要吃一小粒,就会被杀死。人吃了它,走不出一英里就会毙命。” Focus 1 Section I(9)Whydidtheyoungestmangostraighttoachemist?Question About Para.11Becausehewantedtobuysomepoisontokilltheothertwomenandtakethegoldencoinsalltohimself.meantime: n. in the same pe

51、riod oftime其间,其时 meantime一 般 以 介 词 短 语 in themeantime出现,意为:“intheperiodoftimebetweennowandafutureevent,orbetweentwoeventsinthepast其间;另一方面”。e.g.(1)Thedoctorwillbeheresoon.Inthemeantime,tryandrelax.医生很快就到,在此期间尽量放松。(2)Inthemeantime,Iwillmakesomeadvice.同时,我将给出一些建议。all to oneself:foronesuseonly;notsharin

52、gwithotherpeople独享的,独自拥有的e.g. (1)ItwasthefirsttimeIdhadaroomalltomyself.这是我第一次独自拥有自己的房间。(2)Soyouvegotthewholehousetoyourselfthisweekend?所以这个周末你就可以独自拥有整个屋子了?prescribe: vt. to issue commands orordersfor处方;指示e.g.(1)Whatmedicinedidthedoctorprescribeforyourillness?医生开了什么药来治你的病?(2)Sheprescribedsomepillsto

53、helpmetosleep.她开了一些帮助我睡眠的药片。(3)Armyregulationsprescribehowgunsmustbecarried.军规中规定了持枪的方法。shall: 用于第二人称和第三人称,表示承诺,规定,命令,决心等。e.g. (1) Youshallleaveatonce.你必须马上离开。(2)ThislawshallcomeintoeffectonJune1st.这部法律从6月1日起生效。it takes you to walk a mile: 此句型It+takes+人或物+时间+不定式的意思是“某人(某物)花时间做某事”。e.g. (1) It took th

54、e lion two days tocatchthedeer.狮子花了两天的时间才抓住了鹿。(2)Ittookusalldaytodrivehome.我们开了一整天的车才到家。 Intensive Reading-Para 14-16 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Intensive Reading14 So this young man bought a box of this poison and ran with it to a man in the next street from whom he borrowed three la

55、rge identical bottles. He poured the poison into two of them, and blended it with wine, but filled the third with only wine and retained it for his own drink because, you see, he planned to work all night, carrying the gold out of the place by the oak tree. And then the evil youth returned to his fr

56、iends. 15 Just as they had planned, the two friends jumped on the youth and killed him. And when this was done, the first one said, “Now lets sit down and have a drink to celebrate. We can hide his body later.” With that he reached for a bottleand by chance picked up one that had poison in it. He dr

57、ank and offered some to his friend. Just as the chemist had said, they were dead in the time it would take a man to walk a mile. 16 Thus ended these two murderers and the false poisoner, too.这个年轻人买了一盒毒药,然后拿着它跑到邻街的一个人那里借了三个一模一样的大瓶子。他往其中的两只瓶子里倒入了毒药和酒,并混合好,但第三只瓶只是倒满留给自己喝的酒因为,你知道,他计划用一晚上的时间把金子从橡树下搬走。接着这

58、个邪恶的青年返回到朋友那里。按照原先的计划,那两个朋友突然扑向这个年轻人并杀了他。然后,其中的一位说道:“现在我们可以坐下来喝酒庆祝一下,迟一点再掩埋他的尸体。”说着,他便伸手去拿酒瓶但碰巧拿的是个有毒药的瓶子。喝掉其中的一些酒以后,他就把剩下的酒递给了他的朋友。正如那药剂师所说,他们俩在相当于步行一英里的时间里毙命了。这两个谋财害命者和那个害人反害已的投毒者,就这样都丢掉了性命。 Focus 1 Section IQuestions About Paras. 14-15 identical: a. exactly alike; being theexactsameone;notanyothe

59、r相同的;相等的e.g.(1)Yourappearanceisidenticaltohers.你长得和她一模一样。(2) Theyre wearing identical clothes.他们穿着完全相同的衣服。fillwith: tomakeorbecomefull以注满,装满,填满e.g. (1) She filled my glass withlemonade.她给我杯子里倒满了柠檬汁。(2) The doctor filled the bottle withmedicine.医生在这只瓶子里装满了药。retain: vt. to keep sth.; to continue tohav

60、esth.保留,保持e.g.(1)Iwillretainmyright.我将保留我的权利。(2)Her memory retains everything shereads.她过目不忘。with that: immediately after doing orsayingsomething随即,接着就,说完话,做完某事e.g. (1) Hegavealittlewaveandwiththathewasgone.他挥了挥手,接着就离开了。(2)Withthatherushedoutoftheroom.说完话,他就冲出了房间。reach for: tomoveonesarminordertotou

61、chorliftsomething伸手取e.g.(1)Kellyreachedforhisgun.凯利伸手去取枪。(2) He reached for the phone andknockedoveraglass.他伸手去接电话,结果碰翻了杯子。by chance: thewaysomethingshappenwithout being planned or caused bypeople偶然,碰巧,无意中e.g. (1) I met her quite by chance inOxfordStreet.我在牛津街上碰巧遇见她。(2)Ithappenedbychance.这是偶然发生的。fal

62、se: a.notloyal,unfaithful不忠实的,背信弃义的;假的,人造的;不真实的,错误的e.g.(1)Heisfalsetohiscountry.他对自己的国家不忠诚。(2) Dont be a man false to hispromise.不要做违背诺言的人。falsefriends假朋友;falseteeth假牙;false start 抢跑;不成功的开端;falsestep失足本句主语为thesetwomurderersandthefalsepoisoner,too,谓语为ended,因为主语比谓语要长得多,作者将主语和谓语倒置。Intensive Reading-Par

63、a14-16 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Intensive Reading Focus 1 Section IQuestions About Paras. 14-15(10)Intowhatcontainersdidtheyoungestmanpourthepoisonhehadbought? (11)Whatdidtheothertwodowhentheyoungestmancameback? (12)Didtheothertwogetawaywiththegoldencoins?Whyorwhynot? Hepouredthepoi

64、sonintotwoidenticalbottlesandblendeditwithwine.No.Becausetheyhaddrunkthewinewiththepoisoninitandbothdied.Theyjumpedontheyouthandkilledhim.Exercise I.1No.1-7 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Exercise I.1 The following questions are intended to help you get familiar with the text. Try to use

65、as much of the original text as possible in your answers. (1) How did the three young men in this story spend their time? (2) What happened one day when they were in a caf? (3) Who was the killer as was told according to the boy in the caf? (4) What did these three young men boast they would do? (5)

66、 What did a poor old man tell the three young men who were on the way to seek Death? (6) What did they find when they got to the oak tree? (7) How was it decided that the youngest of them should be sent to town? They spent days and nights drinking and dancing and idling away their time. Focus 1 Sect

67、ion IThe killer was a fast thief that men call Death.They would go out to kill the enemy, Death.The poor old man told them that Death was waiting for them under an oak tree if they kept going for a short while.They found eight baskets of golden coins on the ground.It was decided by drawing lots.They

68、 heard a bell ringing as a dead body was being carried to the grave.Exercise I.1 No.8-12 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语(8) What did the other two men plan to do after the youngest man had set off for town? (9) Why did the youngest go straight to a chemist? (10) Into what containers did t

69、he youngest pour the poison he had bought? (11) What did the other two do when the youngest came back? (12) Did the other two get away with the golden coins? Why or why not? One pretended to wrestle with the youngest and the other killed him, and then split up the golden coins between the two of the

70、m.Because he wanted to buy some poison to kill the other two men and took the golden coins all to himself. Focus 1 Section IExercise I.1He poured the poison into two identical bottles and blended it with wine.They jumped on the youth and killed him. No. Because they had drunk the wine with the poiso

71、n in it and both died.Exercise I.2 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Exercise I.2 Match the questions or statements in the left column with the correct choices according to the text. (1)Wecaninferfromthestorythatthe“fastthief”inthesecondparagraphwas_.A)anevilrobberB)arobberwhomovedveryfastC)


73、ldencoinsbeforetheyoungestmancameback.C)Killingtheyoungestman.D)Nothingparticular.(4)Thethemeofthestorymightbe.A)harmset,harmgetB)aneyeforaneye,atoothforatoothC)afriendinneedisafriendindeedD)honestyisthebestpolicy Focus 1 Section IDBCAExercise II Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Exercise II

74、 Finding Topic-related Words in the Text:List the word or words from the text which match the definitions. Focus 1 Section I1. Verbs and verbal phrases that describe the three young mens evil character except kill: 2. Words and expressions about kill:idle away, laugh at, boast, get away with, carry

75、off, jump onkill, cut, fix things, endExercise III Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Exercise III Using the Right Word: Use the proper forms of the words given in the brackets to complete the statements. Focus 1 Section I1.When he was passing by the room, he found that the cake (split) among

76、 four children.2.He (seek) the opinion of several experts on this project. 3.The police are (guard) of law and order.4.It is too late for her to realize that this disease is a (kill).5.The two (dead) could have been prevented. 6.She gets free tickets to the theater because she is (friend) with the m

77、anager. 7.The speakers joke made the audience burst into (laugh). 8. (luck) the museum was not damaged in the snowstorm disaster.9.The medicine is (poison), if taken in large quantities.10.What made me depressed was not that I was so weak that I had to stay at home for a month, but that I missed a (

78、gold) chance to be promoted.was being split was seeking/sought/has sought guardianskillerdeathsfriendlylaughter Luckily poisonousgoldenExercise IV.1 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Exercise IV.1 Special Difficulties: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words. Focus 1 Section I

79、(1) early a. & ad. a. In the days, the railways mainly carried goods. b. The building should be finished next year. (2) little a. & ad. a. She was cutting the meat up into bits. b. The situation has improved very . (3) dead a. & ad. a. When they found them, they were more than alive. b. He was obvio

80、usly drunk. (4) straight a. & ad. a. The book is on the table in front of you. b. The road was dead . (5) fast a. & ad. a. How can you get the job done? b. I always keep my watch 15 minutes . earlyearly littlelittledeaddeadstraightstraight fastfastExercise IV.2 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语

81、美心英语Exercise IV.2 Fill in the blanks by choosing one of the words provided in the brackets. Focus 1 Section I(1)With a special train ticket you can travel (where/wherever) you like in Europe for just over 100. (2)You cant camp (where/wherever) you like these days. (3)If you could go (where/wherever)

82、 you want to in the world, where would you go?(4) (where/wherever) food is hard to find, few birds remain throughout the year. (5)They will find him (where/wherever) he is hiding.(6)This is (where/wherever) they usually have their breakfast. (7)Lets go (where/wherever) this path will take us. (8)I f

83、ound my books (where/wherever) I left them.(9) (where/wherever) theres plenty of sun and rain, the fields are green. (10) (where/wherever) there is a will, there is a way.whereverWherewhereverwhereverwhereverWherewhereWherewherewhereverExercise V.1 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Exercise

84、V.1 Rewrite the sentences after the example, using the structure “so + adj. / adv. + that ”. Focus 1 Section IExample:They were happy at this discovery. They gave up the idea of seeking Death. They were so happy at this discovery that they gave up the idea of seeking Death. (1) We were late. We miss

85、ed the first act of the play. _(2) I was working hard. I forgot what the time was. _(3) We were tired. We went to bed._We were so late that we missed the first act of the play.I was working so hard that I forgot what the time was.We were so tired that we went to bed.Exercise V.2 Focus1 Section 1上海交通

86、大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Exercise V.2 Combine the words and expressions into a sentence modeled after “Wouldnt it be a fine thing if ?” Focus 1 Section IExample:so that, wouldnt it be a fine thing if, between us two alone, it would be split, I can fix thingsWouldnt it be a fine thing if I can fix thing

87、s so that it would be split between us two alone?(1) to investigate, wouldnt it be a fine thing if, can be called in, the cause of, a team of experts, the accident _ _(2) yourself, wouldnt it be a fine thing if, make sure that, look after, I can, you can _(3) we, wouldnt it be a fine thing if, can,

88、our car, out of our savings, pay for_Wouldnt it be a fine thing if a team of experts can be called in to investigate the cause of the accident?Wouldnt it be a fine thing if I can make sure that you can look after yourself?Wouldnt it be a fine thing if we can pay for our car out of our savings?Exerci

89、se VI Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section IExercise VI Prcis Writing: Please summarize the passage in not more than 150 words. To cover the main points in the story, please refer to Exercise I. 1. _There were once three young men who spent their days and nights drinking and da

90、ncing and idling away their time. One day, when seeing a friend of theirs had been killed by a fast thief named Death, they decided to find and kill the thief. But when they reached an oak tree where Death should have been waiting for them, they found eight baskets of golden coins. They immediately

91、decided to split them up instead of seeking Death. Then in order to be able to carry them away at night, the youngest was sent to town to get bread and wine by drawing lots. However, the youngest man wanted to get all these eight baskets of gold, so he bought a box of poison and borrowed three ident

92、ical bottles, two of which were filled with poison for his two friends, and one with no poison for himself. When he returned, his two friends suddenly jumped on him and killed him because they also had planned to split up the gold only between themselves. To celebrate their success, the two men dran

93、k the poisonous wine by chance and died in a short period of time.Exercise VII.1 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section IExercise VII.1 Translation: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (1) How did they get away with their crime? _(2) In this area, you will not dig two

94、 meters before you see water. _(3) They split the cost of the party between them. _(4) Thieves carried off a Picassos painting out of the museum by night. _(5) As soon as we think of them, our hearts are filled with gratitude. _他们是怎样逃脱对他们犯罪行为的惩罚的?在这个地区,挖不到两米深,你就能见到水了。一想起他们,我们心里就充满了感激之情。他们俩分摊了聚会的开销。窃

95、贼们趁黑夜从博物馆里偷走了一幅毕加索的油画。Exercise VII.2 Focus1 Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section IExercise VII.2 Translate the following sentences into English, trying to use the words and expressions in the brackets. (1) 他现在正在警察的监视之下。(to keep watch over) _(2) 走出不到一英里路,你就能看到一座桥。(in a shorter time, it

96、 takes) _(3) 照我刚才做给你看的样子再试一次。(just as) _(4) 约翰以前常常把自己的业余时间花在喝酒跳舞上。(used to, to spend + time + doing ) _(5) 如果我能有一台自己独自使用的电脑该多好!(wouldnt it be a fine thing, all to oneself) _ He is being kept watch over by the police.You will see a bridge in a shorter time than it takes you to walk a mile.Try this ag

97、ain just as I showed you a moment ago.John used to spend his spare time (in) drinking and dancing.Wouldnt it be a fine thing if I could have a computer all to myself!Listening 1 Focus1Section 2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Listening: 1. Listen to a conversation on the text only once an

98、d then fill in the blanks according to what youve just heard. Tom: Here we are at last! Chris and Mike: Whoa, there is a pile of golden coins under the (1) tree.Tom: For the sake of safety, we should be (2) and not carry them till night comes. Then we can carry all the (3) wherever we think best. Mi

99、ke: I agree.Tom: What about (4) to see who shall run to the town and bring us bread and wine? And the other two shall remain here to keep (5) . Chris: Aha, Mike, its your turn. (After Mike has left.)Tom: Hi, Chris, what do you think we both (6) these golden coins instead of three?Chris: How can we (

100、7) it? Mike knows that the gold is here with us. What shall we do?Tom: You see, when Mike comes back, you (8) to wrestle with him for fun. While you are (9) , I will cut him.Chris: Thats a good idea! Then all these golden coins will be ours, and we can spend the (10) _ of our lives having a good tim

101、e.oakwrestlingrestcarefulsplittreasurewatch overpretend drawing lots get away with Listening2 Focus1Section 2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Listening: 2. Listen to a conversation twice and then choose the best answer to each question. (1)A)Theydidalotofworkatthestores.B)Theyarguedwithsh



104、ngwrong.C)Shewantedtoexperiencethefeelingofexcitement.B)Shewillreturnittothestore.Listening2 Script Focus1Section 2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Listening: 2. Script Listening 3 Focus1Section 2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Listening: 3. Listen to a passage twice and then

105、answer the questions. (1) Who was Mr. Boxell? _(2) What made Mr. Boxell suspicious of the man who wanted to buy an expensive pair of shoes? _(3) Why did the mans picture appear on TV? _(4) Why did the man take the shoes although he felt them tight? _(5) Why did Mr. Boxell sell the man a pair of shoe

106、s that were a size too small? _ _ Mr. Boxell was an owner of a shoe shop.The way that the man walked made Mr. Boxell suspicious.Because he was wanted by the police.Because Mr. Boxell said that the shoes would become bigger after he wore them.He knew that the man would come back to return the shoes t

107、he next day, so that he could report it to the police. Listening 3 Script Focus1Section 2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Listening: 3. Script Speaking Focus1Section 2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Speaking Instructions: The following is a dialogue between two friends talking

108、 about their travel plans. The first two sentences of the dialogue are provided below and the rest are put in random order. Work with your classmates to put them in the correct order and then practice the dialogue. Functional Expressions What is your plan for ? 你的计划是什么?What do you plan to do? 你打算做什么

109、?What are you going to do? 你打算做什么?I might/may go to 我也许会去I am thinking of going to 我正在考虑去I am planning to go to 我打算去Are you going to? 你打算去?Do you think you will ? 你认为你会?Have you made plans for ? 你是否已经计划做? If I were you, Id 如果我是你,我就会Speaking Sample Focus1Section 2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Se

110、ction 2Speaking: Reference AnswerA: The summer vacation is coming. Whats your plan for that, Tom?B: I am planning to go to Beijing for sightseeing.A: That sounds good. Do you know anything about Beijing?B: Not much. But my roommate gave me a brochure about the scenic spots there.A: What are you goin

111、g to see first?B: Tiananmen Square and the Imperial Palace. It is the largest imperial palace in the world with a history of more than 500 years.A: Thats really a marvelous place. But if I were you Id go to the Great Wall. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the world. B: Yes. I will also go to see th

112、e Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and so on. A: Do you think you will visit some universities there?B: Sure. If time permits, Id like to visit Beijing University and Qinghua University. A: Are you going with a package tour?B: No. I plan to travel by myself. A: But a package tour offers you more

113、convenience.B: Well, I prefer more freedom.A: Hope you have a pleasant journey!B: Thank you!Exercise I.1 Focus2Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 1Exercise I.1 Which of the following best expresses the main purpose of this passage? A) is wrong because it is the subtopic of the centr

114、al idea of the passage. A) It is not easy for people to get rich by winning money. B) is wrong because it is the subtopic of the central idea of the passage. B) It is hardest for people to get rich by earning money. C) is wrong because it is the subtopic of the central idea of the passage. C) It is

115、dangerous for people to get rich by stealing money.D) is the correct answer. The passage analyzes four different main ways of getting rich with typical examples. D) Although there are different ways to get rich, very few people will get really rich.Exercise I.2 Focus2Section 1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美

116、心英语 Focus 2 Section 1Exercise I.2 Determine whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).( ) (1) Since winning money is easy, it can make you really rich. ( ) (2) A person with a regular job cannot save enough money to get rich. ( ) (3) Sam Walton became rich by selling inexpensive ite

117、ms to his customers. ( ) (4) Many people have become rich by inventing something unusual. ( ) (5) Each citizen of Brunei is rich because their country is rich. ( ) (6) The Sultan of Brunei becomes the wealthiest person in the world by adopting all the strategies mentioned at the beginning except ste

118、aling. ( ) (7) The robber Ronald Biggs never used much of the money he stole because he did not have the chance to. ( ) (8) None of those who wanted to get rich by stealing were successful.TTFTFFFFPractical ReadingLanguage Points F2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 1Practical Reading: Get

119、ting Rich Language Points1.Thereareatleastfourstrategiesforustoadopttogetrich:winningmoney,earningmoney,inheritingmoney,andstealingmoney.致富至少有4种策略可选:赢钱、挣钱、继承钱和偷钱。adopt: vt.totakeanduse;takeover采纳,采用,采取;收养e.g. (1)Thegovernmentdecidedtoadopttheplan.政府决定采纳这个计划。(2)Theyadoptnewtechniquesinraisingsheep.他们

120、采用新的养羊技术。(3)Mr.andMrs.Williamsadoptedachildwhoseparentsweredead.威廉姆斯夫妇收养了一个父母双亡的孩子。2.By rich wemeanhaving substantialmoneysoyouneverhavetoworkformoneyagainifyoudonotwantto.我们所说的有钱指的是有足够多的钱,以至于如果你不愿意工作,就不必为了钱而勉强自己再去工作。 by: 在文中意为“concerning,inrelationto,asregards涉及到,关于,就而言”。 e.g. (1)SheisGermanbybirth

121、.她是德国血统。(2)Thedoctorhasdonehisdutybythepatient.医生对这个病人已经尽到了自己的责任。(3)Sheisquietandmildbynature.她生性安静温和。Practical Reading F2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 1Practical Reading: Getting Rich Language Points3.Ways towinmoneyvaryfrompersontoperson:bettingorgambling,lotteries,andcontests.赢钱的方式


123、hatsthebestwaytolearnalanguage?学习语言的最好方法是什么?4.Butyouwouldhavetobeveryluckytowinalotterybecausesomanyotherpeoplearealsotryingtowinandyourchancesarevery scarce, the ratio oftenbeingoneinmanymillion.但是因为同样想要中奖的人有许多,你个人中奖的可能性就微乎其微比率往往只有几百万分之一,所以你得非常幸运才有可能中彩。ratio: n.C比,比率e.g. (1)Theschoolhasaveryhightea

124、cher-studentratio.这所学校的师生比例很高。(2)Theratioofmentowomenwastwotoone.男女比例是2:1。 Practical Reading F2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 15.Peoplewhoworkregularjobs,suchastaxidrivers,donotgetrich,even iftheysavealltheirmoney.从事固定工作的人,如出租车司机,他们即使把所有的钱都存起来不花,也不会成为有钱人。even if: 即使;虽然evenif是复合连词,引导让步状

125、语从句,与eventhough相同。e.g. (1)IwouldnttellyouevenifIknew.我即使知道也不会告诉你。(2)Eventhoughshesurvives,shellneverfullyrecover. 即使她能活下来,也不可能完全康复。例(1)是虚拟语气。6.byinventingsomethingunusualorpopularorbytaking chancesandbeinglucky.通过发明特殊的或广受欢迎的东西挣钱,或通过冒险和碰运气的方式挣钱。take chances: todosomethingthatinvolvesrisks碰运气,冒险,投机e.g

126、. (1)Afterlosing$20,000onmylastbusinessventure,Imnottakinganychancesthistime.上次做的那笔生意赔了两万美元,所以这次我不再冒任何险了。(2)Ifyoudonttakechances,youwontberich.不冒险,你就发不了财。 Practical Reading: Getting Rich Language PointsPractical Reading F2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 17.andhehadtodelivernewspaperstop

127、ay his way through college.而且他不得不靠送报纸赚钱供自己念完大学。pay ones way: 自力偿付一切,自食其力,不负债e.g.(1)Heearnsbarelyenoughmoneytopayhisway.他赚钱仅够糊口。(2)Ipaidmywaythroughcollegebyactingasadancer.我大学期间的费用是靠跳舞挣来的。do ones way through something:(靠)自己(的能力)做成某事e.g. (1)Heworkedhiswaythroughthepileofdocuments.他自己处理了一大堆文件。(2)Sheha

128、dmunchedherwaythroughapacketofbiscuits.她大口吃掉了一包饼干。8.Hestartedbuildingsmalldepartmentstoresthatsoldinexpensiveitems,andhequicklyexpandedthemintoanationalchain ofstorescalledWal-Mart.他从建立小型的销售廉价物品的百货商店起家,迅速将它们扩展为全国连锁商店,起名叫沃尔玛。expand: vt./vi. tobecomelargerinsize,number,oramount,ortomakesomethingbecome

129、larger扩大;膨胀,扩张expand指事物在外力的影响下向各个方面扩大。e.g. (1)Thehotelwantstoexpanditsbusinessbyaddingaswimmingpool.这个旅馆增建了一个游泳池以扩大经营项目。(2)Waterexpandsasitfreezes.水冻结时体积会膨胀。 Practical Reading: Getting Rich Language PointsPractical Reading F2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 19.Bruneiderivesalmostallofits

130、income fromoil,andwith apopulationofonlyabout200,000peopleanda cash reserveofmorethan$30billion,eachcitizenofBruneihasaveryhighincome.文莱的收入几乎全部来自石油,虽然它的人口仅约20万,现金储备却高达300多亿美元,每个公民的收入都相当高。derive:vt. to get;toobtain取得,得到;追溯的起源(或来由)e.g. (1)Wederivedknowledgefrompractice.我们从实践中得到知识。(2)Iderivedagreatdeal

131、ofpleasurefromtheircompany.我和他们相聚甚欢。 (3) Therighttorulederivesfromthosewhogaveit.统治权来自授权的人。reserve:n.U,Casupplyofsomethingkepttobeusedifitisneeded储备(物),储藏量,储备金e.g.(1)Thecountrysgoldreservehasbeenraisedby10%thisyear.今年这个国家的黄金储备增加了10%。(2)Westillhaveareserveoffoodincaseofemergency.我们还有应付紧急情况的储备食物。reser

132、ve还可作动词,意为“tokeepsth.sothatitcanbeusedinthefuture保留,储备;预定,预约”。e.g. (1)Hestillreservedhisopiniononsomepoints.在一些问题上,他仍然保留自己的意见。(2)Pleasereserveaseatforme.请为我预订一个座位。Practical Reading: Getting Rich Language PointsPractical Reading F2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 110.TheSultanisaspecialca

133、se,becauseheisaheadofstate,aruler.Heisalsotheprimeministerandfinanceminister.这位苏丹的情况特殊,因为他既是这个国家的元首和统治者,又是该国的总理兼财政部长。finance:n. Uthemanagementofmoneybygovernments,largeorganizations,etc.财政,金融e.g.(1)HeisamemberoftheUniversityFinanceCommittee.他是大学财务委员会成员。(2)Unlesswecangetmorefinance,wellhavetoclosethe

134、hotel.除非我们能得到更多资金,否则我们将只好关掉这旅馆。11.TheSultan,however,isaveryshyandsecretiveperson,andlittle is known abouthisprivatelifeortheexact amountofmoneyhehas.然而,苏丹本人却是个性格内向、处事低调的人,人们对他的私生活或他到底有多少钱知之甚少。little is known abouthis private life: 这是倒装句。英语句子开头使用否定词(如no,none等)或半否定词(如little,hardly等)时主谓要倒装。e.g. (1)Noso

135、onerhadJackarrivedtherethanhefellill.杰克一到那儿就病了。(2)Hardlyhadhesaidanythingbeforeheleft.他几乎什么也没说就离开了。Practical Reading: Getting Rich Language PointsExercise II F2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 1Exercise II All of the following sentences are taken from the text and the underlined words an

136、d expressions are related to getting rich. Read them carefully and then use them in their correct forms to complete the passage below that shows that there is no easy way to get rich. each citizen of Brunei has a very high income.The Sultan, however, is a very shy and secretive personThat is because

137、 they do not make enough money during their lifetimes to be able to save enough. because so many other people are also trying to win and your chances are scarceMost of the really rich people in the world have inherited some or all of their money. A few rich men and women have earned their money by i

138、nventing something unusual or popular or by taking chances and being lucky.He is also the prime minister and finance minister. you usually have to work hard or be especially talented or lucky or both. successful criminals usually do not advertise the fact that they stole money and are now rich.altho

139、ugh he was arrested for the crime, he escaped from jail and ran away to Australia. Winningmoneyoffersverysmall(1) ,asmillionsofpeoplewanttowin.Workinghardforones(2) _giveslittlehopetosaveenoughmoney.(3) moneyrequiresrichparents.Ifyouarenotprimeministeror(4) ministerorheadofacountryora(5) inarichcoun

140、try,evenifyouare(6) with(7) andpopularinventions,gettingrichisafancifulidea.Tobeasuccessfulcriminalissodangerousthatyoumustbe(8) andliveprivatelyandquietly.Ifyoucarelessly(9)_ stolenmoney,youwillbe(10) bythepoliceandputinjail.Inaword,gettingrichisnoteasyatall.chanceslifetimeInheritingfinancecitizent

141、alentedunusualsecretiveadvertisearrestedPractical Writing1-2 F2S2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Practical Writing: 1. A Sample Notice. Focus 2 Section 2NoticeTo improve our English, an English evening is going to be held in Room 101 in English Department from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. this Friday. We will enjoy

142、English songs, poems, and short plays that evening. Foreign teachers working on campus will be invited to the evening. They will give us wonderful performances.All the students and teachers are welcome to attend the English evening. We hope all of you will like the evening. Students UnionDec. 20, 20

143、 2. Complete the following statements, according to your understanding of the above sample notice. (1) The notice is about . (2) The major information of the evening includes . (3) The evening is organized by . StudentsUnionan English eveningthe time, the place, the activities and the attendantsPrac

144、tical Writing3 F2 S2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Practical Writing: 3. Basics for Writing a Notice. Focus 2 Section 2Instructions: You are planning an outdoor picnic. Please write a short notice of not less than 60 words to inform your classmates of your picnic plan. In your notice the details listed b

145、elow should be covered. Place: Gong Qing Forest Park Time: October 3, SundayAttendants: all the students in your class Gathering place: college gate Gathering time: 7:00 a.m. Food: Everyone brings their food. Date: Sept. 30, 20 Practical Writing Reference Answer F2 S2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Practi

146、cal Writing: 3. Writing a Notice. Reference Answer : Focus 2 Section 2NoticeWe are going to hold an outdoor picnic at Gong Qing Forest Park on Sunday, October 3. We will meet at the college gate at 7:00 a.m. It will probably be cool, so make sure to wear more clothes. We plan to return to college in the afternoon. Dont forget to bring your food. All the students are welcome to take part in the picnic. Li HuaSeptember 30, 20 Homework上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Unit 8Homework1.Review what weve learned today.2.Preview next part.3.Write a Notice.



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