护理学专业英语课件:Unit Three Health Assessment (3)

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1、人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语Unit ThreeHealth Assessment 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Unit ThreeText A: Health Assessment I. Explanation of the text II. Study & Practice Reading Comprehension Words to Practice Audio Tasks 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Teachi

2、ng Aims and Requirements:1. Have a good understanding of physical health assessment. 2. To know inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.3. Improve the ability of listening and speaking 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Language PointsPara. 5 A physical examination also

3、requires privacy. In hospitals the examination usually occurs in the clients room, where it may be necessary to use room curtains of dividers around the bed. Patients privacy should be protected in a physical examination in hospitals. And check-up often takes place in the sickroom, in which it is ve

4、ry important to use room curtains of dividers around the bed. room curtains of dividers 房房间间屏屏风风人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 5 Besides, the nurse should be sure that the client is dressed and draped properly. If the examination is limited to certain body systems, it may

5、be unnecessary for the client to undress completely, after clients have undressed, the nurse should be sure that the client stays warm by controlling room temperature and providing blankets. in addition, the nurse should make sure that the patient is dressed and covered appropriately After the patie

6、nt took off his/her clothes, the nurse should make sure that the patient keeps warm by adjusting room temperature and offering blankets. stay warm: keep warm 保暖保暖人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 6 Sometimes it is difficult to examine clients who are in beds or on stretchers.

7、 So the nurse must carefully assist clients to the special examination table and prevent them from falling while getting on and off them. the special examination table 特殊特殊检查检查床床人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 6 A confused, combative or uncooperative client should not be le

8、ft unsupervised on an examination table. During the examination, the nurse asks clients to assume proper positions so that body parts are accessible and clients stay comfortable. It means that a patient with a puzzled, fighting or not cooperative mood should be supervised on anexamination table. ass

9、ume proper position: lay right physical position 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 6 Many of the positions, such as lithotomy and knee-chest positions, are embarrassing and uncomfortable. Therefore, the clients should be kept in these positions no longer than necessary. no lo

10、nger than necessary 不必不必过长过长人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 7 The four primary assessment techniques are inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Inspection is the process of deliberate, purposeful observations performed in a systematic way. Observations are mad

11、e by using visual, auditory, and olfactory sense to gather data throughout the entire assessment. Adequate lighting, either natural or artificial, is essential for distinguishing color, texture, and moisture of body surfaces. Inspection 视诊视诊 palpation触触诊诊 percussion叩叩诊诊 auscultation 听听诊诊人文护理教研室人文护理教

12、研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室7. the four primary assessment techniques:They are inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation. Inspection is the process of deliberate, purposeful observations performed in a systematic way. Palpation is a technique that uses the sense of touch. Percussio

13、n is the act of striking one object against another for the purpose of producing sound.Auscultation is the act of listening to sound produced within the body using a stethoscope. 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 8 Palpation is a technique that uses the sense of touch. The ha

14、nds and fingers are sensitive tools and are used to assess temperature, turgor, texture, moisture, vibrations, and shape. The dorsum, or back, of the hand and fingers is used for gross measure of temperature. turger: 弹弹性性gross measure of temperature 粗略估粗略估测测温度温度人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语

15、人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 8 When a discriminatory sense is needed for differentiating between texture, shape, fluid, size, consistency, and pulsation, the palmar surface of the fingers and finger pads are used. Vibration is palpated best with the palm of the hand. 当需要辨别纹理、形状、流动度、大小、硬度、颤当需要辨别纹理、形状、流动度、大小、硬

16、度、颤动时,就需要使用手指和指垫的掌面。用手掌对震动时,就需要使用手指和指垫的掌面。用手掌对震颤进行触诊是最好的。颤进行触诊是最好的。 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 8 Light or deep palpation may be used and is controlled by the amount of pressure by placing the fingers together and depressing the skin and underlying structures about 1 cm

17、. For deep palpation, press inward about 2 cm. Applying intermittent pressure to a specific area allow assessment of surface characteristics and underlying structures. 进行浅表或深部触诊时,可以通过手指并拢按压皮肤及其下进行浅表或深部触诊时,可以通过手指并拢按压皮肤及其下面约面约1cm1cm的组织的压力大小来实施和控制。深部触诊按压深的组织的压力大小来实施和控制。深部触诊按压深度可达度可达2cm 2cm 。在某特定区域,间歇运用

18、这种压力,可以对体。在某特定区域,间歇运用这种压力,可以对体表特征和其深部结构进行评估。表特征和其深部结构进行评估。 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 9 Percussion is the act of striking one object against another for purpose of producing sound. The sound waves produced by the striking action are known as percussion tones and are ge

19、nerated by body tissue. Percussion is used to assess the location, shape, and density of tissues. percussion tones 叩叩诊诊音音 body tissue 身体身体组织组织 the location, shape, density of tissues 组织组织的位置、形状、密度的位置、形状、密度人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 9 The nurse uses both hands to produc

20、e sound waves. The nondominant hand is placed directly on the area to be percussed, with the fingers slightly separated and middle finger placed firmly on the body surface. The opposite hand is the striking force, which is initiated by sharp downward wrist movement with the forearm stationary and th

21、e wrist relaxed. body surface 体表体表sharp downward wrist movement 腕部用力,迅速向腕部用力,迅速向下叩下叩击击人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 9 The tip of the middle finger of the dominant strikes the joint of the middle finger of the nondominant hand. This action produces a vibration that allows

22、the nurse to discriminate among five different tones: tympany, resonance, hyper-resonance, dullness, and flatness. tympany 鼓音鼓音 resonance 清音清音 hyperresonance 过过清音清音 dullness 浊浊音音 flatness 实实音音 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 10 Auscultation is the act of listening to sound

23、produced within the body by using a stethoscope. It is performed by firmly placing the stethoscope diaphragm or bell against the body part being assessed. The diaphragm of the stethoscope is used to detect high-pitched sounds, such as normal lung and bowel wounds. the diaphragm of the stethoscope 膜形

24、听诊器膜形听诊器 the bell of the stethoscope 钟形听诊器钟形听诊器 high-pitched sounds 高调声音高调声音 bowel wounds 肠鸣音肠鸣音人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Para. 10 The bell of the stethoscope is used to detect low-pitched sounds, such as those produced by the heart and vascular system. Four characteristics

25、 of sound should be assessed by auscultation. They are pitch, loudness, quality, and duration. low-pitched sounds 低调声音低调声音 pitch 音调音调 loudness 响度响度 quality 音质音质 duration 持续时间持续时间 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室Study & Practice : I. Reading Comprehension Choose the best answer fo

26、r each of the following questions. 1. If the client complains of severe headache, the nurse should first carefully examine _ function. A. musculoskeletal B. neurological C. cognitive D. spiritual Answer : B 2. The purposes of draping during the physical examination doesnt include _. A. providing pri

27、vacy B. providing warmth C. preventing unnecessary exposure D. making the body parts accessible Answer : A 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室3. The “dominant hand ” in the 11th paragraph refers to _? A. right hand B. left hand C. stronger D. striking hand Answer: D 4. The character

28、 of the sound produced by percussion depends on the _. A. moisture of the surface B. turgor of the skin C. temperature of the organs D. the density of the underlying tissues Answer: D 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室5. Which of the following is not mentioned in this article? A. T

29、he health assessment is a major component of nursing care. B. The auscultation should be carried out last in the four processes of physical assessment C. The procedure of the health assessment can vary according to different conditions D. It is important to prepare the environment before starting th

30、e assessment Answer: B 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室II. Word to Practice Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. component inspection texture stretcher unsupervised privacy olfactory dorsum palpation stethoscope _1. _ is t

31、he visual examination, that is, assessing by using the sense of sight. Answer: Inspection 2. The effectiveness of _ depends largely on the clients relaxation.Answer: palpation 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室3. In some instances, the nurse may also need to use the _ sense to dete

32、ct unusual skin odors(气味气味). Answer: olfactory 4. Implementation is a continuous process and interacts with the other _ of the nursing process. Answer: components 5. When body parts are exposed, the clients need _ surroundings to make them feel relaxed. Answer: private 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业

33、英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室6. In the dehydrated client, the _ of skin is loose and wrinkled. Answer: texture 7. He broke his leg in the match and was sent to the nearest hospital on the _. Answer: stretcher 8. A combative or confused client should not be left _ on an examination table. Answer: unsupervis

34、ed 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室9. The _ is an essential tool for a physician to make a diagnosis for the patient. Answer: stethoscope 10. Nurses commonly use the _ of the hand and fingers to roughly measure the body temperature. Answer: dorsum 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语

35、护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室III. Translation B. Translate the following sentences into English.1. 1. 护士应该帮助患者减少尴尬和对可能得到异常体检结果的害怕护士应该帮助患者减少尴尬和对可能得到异常体检结果的害怕. .(abnormal physical findings abnormal physical findings ) The nurse should help decrease the clients embarrassment and fear of possible abnormal physic

36、al findings. 2. 2. 皮肤颜色苍白通常是由于循环的血液或者血红蛋白不足引起的皮肤颜色苍白通常是由于循环的血液或者血红蛋白不足引起的. .(hemoglobin) The paleness of the skin is often resulted from an inadequate circulation of blood or hemoglobin. 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室3. 3. 检查室最好是隔音的,这样患者就会轻松地谈论他们的病情。检查室最好是隔音的,这样患者就会轻松地谈论他们的病情。(

37、sounded-proof) Ideally, an examination room is sound-proof so that clients feel comfortable talking about their conditions. 4. 4. 在解释检查步骤时,护士不要用复杂的使患者糊涂的术语。在解释检查步骤时,护士不要用复杂的使患者糊涂的术语。 (complicated terms) When discussing the steps of examination,the nurse may use complicated terms,which will confuse t

38、he client. 5. 5. 不管采用哪种操作步骤,都需要考虑患者的体能和操作的时间不管采用哪种操作步骤,都需要考虑患者的体能和操作的时间. .(regardless of ) Regardless of what procedure is used,the clients energy and time need to be considered. 人文护理教研室人文护理教研室护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语护理专业英语人文护理教研室人文护理教研室So much for today. So much for today. See you next time ! See you next time !



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