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1、SCISCI 分区物理类期刊列表分区物理类期刊列表2011-07-0120092009刊名全称刊名全称大类大类 大类大类 年影年影名称名称 分区分区 响因响因子子Acta Crystallographica Section AAdvances in PhysicsAnnual Review of Fluid MechanicsAnnual Review of Nuclear and Particle ScienceJournal of High Energy PhysicsLaser & Photonics ReviewsLiving Reviews in RelativityMass Spe

2、ctrometry ReviewsNature PhotonicsNature PhysicsPhysics Reports-Review Section of Physics LettersPhysical Review LettersReports On Progress in PhysicsReviews of Modern PhysicsActa Physica SlovacaAdvances in Atomic Molecular and Optical PhysicsAdvances in Chemical PhysicsAnnals of PhysicsAnnual Report

3、s On Nmr SpectroscopyApplied Physics LettersChaos Solitons & FractalsClassical and Quantum GravityContemporary PhysicsEurophysics Letters物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 1物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 物理 1Progress

4、 in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 物理 1European Physical Journal CJournal of Applied CrystallographyJournal of Chemical PhysicsJournal of Magnetic ResonanceJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsJournal of Physics G-Nuclear and Particle PhysicsJournal of Raman SpectroscopyJournal of

5、RheologyJournal of Synchrotron RadiationLaser Physics LettersNew Journal of PhysicsNuclear FusionNuclear Physics BOptics ExpressOptics LettersPhysics Letters BPhysics of PlasmasPhysical Review APhysical Review BPhysical Review CPhysical Review DPhysical Review EPhysics TodayPlasma Physics and Contro

6、lled FusionPlasma Processes and PolymersPlasma Sources Science & TechnologyProgress in Electromagnetics Research-PierProgress in OpticsProgress in Particle and Nuclear PhysicsQuantum Information & ComputationSpectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic SpectroscopyAdvances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physi

7、cs物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 2物理 3Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment物理 2Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 物理 3Annalen Der PhysikApplied and Computational Harmonic Ana

8、lysisApplied Mechanics ReviewsApplied OpticsApplied Physics B-Lasers and OpticsApplied Physics ExpressApplied RheologyArchive For Rational Mechanics and AnalysisAtomic Data and Nuclear Data TablesChaosChinese PhysicsCommunications in Computational PhysicsCommunications in Mathematical PhysicsCompute

9、rs & FluidsComputational MechanicsComputer Physics CommunicationsCurrent Applied PhysicsEngineering Fracture MechanicsEuropean Journal of Mechanics A-SolidsEuropean Physical Journal AEuropean Physical Journal BEuropean Physical Journal DGeneral Relativity and GravitationInternational Journal of Mass

10、 SpectrometryInternational Journal of Multiphase FlowInternational Journal of Solids and StructuresJournal of the Acoustical Society of AmericaJournal of Applied PhysicsJournal of Computational PhysicsJournal of Crystal GrowthJournal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsJournal of Fluid Mechanic

11、sJournal of LuminescenceJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3Journal of Molecular SpectroscopyJournal of Non-Newtonian Fluid MechanicsJournal of Optics A-Pure

12、 and Applied Optics物理 3物理 3物理 3Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image物理 3Science and VisionJournal of the Optical Society of America B-OpticalPhysicsJournal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and OpticalPhysicsJournal of Physics D-Applied PhysicsJournal of the Physical Society of JapanJ

13、ournal of Physics-Condensed MatterJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & RadiativeTransferJournal of Statistical PhysicsJournal of TurbulenceJetp LettersMolecular PhysicsNuclear Data SheetsNuclear Physics AOptics CommunicationsPhilosophical Magazine LettersPhysics of FluidsPhysics Letters APhysical

14、MesomechanicsPhysical Review Special Topics-Physics EducationResearchPhysica Status Solidi-Rapid Research LettersPhysica APhysica DPhysics-UspekhiProgress of Theoretical Physics物理 3Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3Ph

15、ysical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams 物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3Rheologica ActaRivista Del Nuovo CimentoSiam Journal On Applied Dynamical SystemsSolid State CommunicationsSolid-State ElectronicsSolid State IonicsSolid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3物理 3Spectr

16、ochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular物理 3SpectroscopySuperconductor Science & TechnologyTheoretical and Computational Fluid DynamicsAcoustics AustraliaAcoustical PhysicsActa Acustica United With AcusticaActa Crystallographica Section C-Crystal StructureCommunicationsActa Crystallographica

17、Section E-Structure ReportsOnlineActa MechanicaActa Mechanica SinicaActa Mechanica Solida SinicaActa Physica Polonica AActa Physica Polonica BActa Physica SinicaAdvances in Imaging and Electron PhysicsAmerican Journal of PhysicsAnnales Henri PoincareAnnales De PhysiqueApplied AcousticsApplied Magnet

18、ic ResonanceArchives of AcousticsArchive of Applied MechanicsAtomic SpectroscopyBrazilian Journal of Physics物理 3物理 3物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4Canadian Journal of PhysicsCentral European Journal of PhysicsChinese Optics LettersChinese Journal

19、of Chemical PhysicsChinese Journal of PhysicsChinese Physics BChinese Physics CChinese Physics LettersCommunications in Theoretical PhysicsConcepts in Magnetic Resonance Part AConcepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B-MagneticResonance EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsContinuum Mechanics and Thermodyn

20、amicsContributions to Plasma PhysicsComptes Rendus MecaniqueComptes Rendus PhysiqueCryogenicsCrystal Research and TechnologyCrystallography ReportsDoklady PhysicsDynamical Systems-An International JournalEuropean Journal of Mass SpectrometryEuropean Journal of Mechanics B-FluidsEuropean Journal of P

21、hysicsEuropean Physical Journal-Applied PhysicsEuropean Physical Journal-Special TopicsExperimental MechanicsFerroelectrics Letters SectionFew-Body SystemsFiber and Integrated OpticsFluid Dynamics ResearchFortschritte Der Physik-Progress of PhysicsFoundations of Physics物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理

22、 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4Granular MatterHigh Pressure ResearchHigh TemperatureIeee Transactions On Plasma Science物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics-Chinese Edition物理 4Indian Journal of Physics and Proce

23、edings of the Indian物理 4Association For the Cultivation of ScienceIndian Journal of Pure & Applied PhysicsInfrared Physics & Technology物理 4物理 4International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and物理 4MechanicsInternational Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 物理 4International Journal of ExergyIn

24、ternational Journal of Fracture物理 4物理 4International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern物理 4PhysicsInternational Journal of Modern Physics AInternational Journal of Modern Physics BInternational Journal of Modern Physics CInternational Journal of Modern Physics E-NuclearPhysicsInternational Journ

25、al of Non-Linear MechanicsInternational Journal of Quantum InformationInternational Journal of Theoretical PhysicsInternational Journal of Thermophysics物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids 物理 4Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics物理 4Jour

26、nal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the Asme 物理 4Journal of Computational AcousticsJournal of the European Optical Society-RapidPublicationsJournal of Experimental and Theoretical PhysicsJournal of Geometry and Physics物理 4Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4Jou

27、rnal of Laser ApplicationsJournal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active物理 4ControlJournal of Low Temperature PhysicsJournal of Mathematical Fluid MechanicsJournal of Mathematical PhysicsJournal of MechanicsJournal of Modern OpticsJournal of Near Infrared SpectroscopyJournal of Non-Equilibrium

28、ThermodynamicsJournal of Nonlinear Mathematical PhysicsJournal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & MaterialsJournal of the Optical Society of KoreaJournal of Optical TechnologyJournal of Plasma PhysicsJournal of Russian Laser ResearchJournal of Superconductivity and Novel MagnetismJournal of Theoretical

29、and Applied MechanicsJournal of Thermal Science and TechnologyJapanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-RegularPapers Short Notes & RevLaser Focus WorldLaser PhysicsLetters in Mathematical PhysicsLiquid CrystalsLithuanian Journal of PhysicsLow Temperature PhysicsMagnetohydrodynamicsMeccanicaMechani

30、cs Based Design of Structures and MachinesMechanics Research CommunicationsMechanikaModern Physics Letters AModern Physics Letters B物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4Molecular Crystals and Liquid CrystalsMultib

31、ody System DynamicsNonlinearityNuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics ResearchSection A-Accelerators SpNuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics ResearchSection B-Beam InteractioNuclear Science and TechniquesNukleonikaNuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di FisicaB-General Physics RelativityOptica

32、ApplicataOptics and Laser TechnologyOptical ReviewOptics and SpectroscopyOptikPhase TransitionsPhoneticaPhotonics SpectraPhysics of Atomic NucleiPhysics of Particles and NucleiPhysics in PerspectivePhysica ScriptaPhysics of the Solid StatePhysica Status Solidi B-Basic ResearchPhysics WorldPhysica BP

33、hysica CPhysica EPlasma Devices and OperationsPlasma Physics ReportsPlasma Science & TechnologyPmm Journal of Applied Mathematics and MechanicsPramana-Journal of Physics物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4Problem

34、s of Atomic Science and TechnologyProgress in Computational Fluid DynamicsProgress of Theoretical Physics SupplementQuantum Information ProcessingRadiation Effects and Defects in SolidsRegular & Chaotic DynamicsReports On Mathematical PhysicsRevista Brasileira De Ensino De FisicaReviews in Mathemati

35、cal PhysicsRevista Mexicana De FisicaRomanian Journal of PhysicsRomanian Reports in PhysicsRussian Journal of Mathematical PhysicsSemiconductors and SemimetalsSemiconductorsShock and VibrationShock WavesSolid State PhysicsSound and VibrationSpectroscopy LettersSpectroscopy-An International JournalSp

36、ectroscopySuperlattices and MicrostructuresSymmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods andApplicationsTechnical Physics LettersTechnical PhysicsTheoretical and Mathematical PhysicsTopics in Applied PhysicsTransport Theory and Statistical PhysicsWave Motion物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4

37、物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics物理 4Science in China Series G-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy物理 4Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 物理 4Waves in Random and Complex MediaX-Ray SpectrometryZeitschrift Fur KristallographieZeitschrift Fur Kristallographie-New CrystalStructures物理 4物理 4物理 4物理 4Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section A-A Journal ofPhysical SciencesZeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie-InternationalJournal of Research in P物理 4物理 4



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