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1、Part One: Multiple ChoiceThe main mistakes: 22, 2522 Andy, you _ hair! Well,thats because of gene,you know my father is bold-headed Aare losing B1ose C1ost Dhave lost1) Susan decided not to work on the program at home because she didnt want her parents to know what she _.A. has done B. had done C. w

2、as doing D. is doing2) -Has Sam finished his homework today? -I have no idea. He _ it this morning. A. did B. has done C. was doing D. had done 3)He _(lose) his hair, so he has to wear a hair-piece(假发).has lost25_ of the truth of the reports,he told his colleagues about it AConvincing BConvinced CTo

3、 convince D Having convinced1)_ of the bad news that she failed in the exam, she couldnt help crying .A. Informed B. Informing C. To inform D. Having informed 2)_with his newly-written poem, he sat back comfortably into the chair, reading it aloud to himself.A. Having satisfied B. Satisfied C. Be sa

4、tisfied D. Being satisfyingPart two: cloze testThe main mistakes:36,37,42,43,53 We are bothered that the kids arent old enough but well be more 36_ when they areAfter that were 37_that we have teenagers to deal withWe will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage We always tell ourselves t

5、hat our life will be complete when our spouse(配偶) gets his or her act together, when we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we retireThe truth is,theres no better time than right nowIf not now, when? Our life will always be filled with42_Its best to admit this to ourselves and

6、 decide to be happy 43_ .(content, upset)(annoyed, amazed)anyway, immediatelychallenges, happiness And remember that time waits for no oneSo stop waiting until you finish schoo1;until you go back to school;until you get married;until you get divorced;until you have kids;until you retire;until you ge

7、t a new car or home;until spring;Until you are _ again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy 53born,forced We are bothered that the kids arent old enough but well be more _when they areAfter that were that we have teenagers to deal withWe will_be happy when they are out o

8、f that stage We always tell ourselves that our life will be_when our spouse(配偶) gets his or her act together, when we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we _The truth is,theres no better time than_If not now, when? Our life will always be filled with _Its best to admit this t

9、o ourselves and decide to be happy _ .contentannoyedcertainlycompleteretireright nowchallengesanywayPart three: Reading. Passage D: The main mistakes are 71,75 71_plays a leading role in replacing the use of animals in testingAHuntingdon Life Sciences BImprovement in technologiesCAnimal-fights milit

10、ants DScientists Alan and ThomasScientists Alan MGoldberg and Thomas Hartung describe recent advances in replacing the use of animals in toxicology testingImprovements in cell and tissue culture technologies,for example,allow a growing number of tests to be performed on human cells aloneComputer mod

11、els are becoming increasingly complex and many could one day become more accurate than trials in living animals 75The writers attitude towards replacing the use of animals in toxicology is _Aarbitrary Bpessimistic Cindifferent DoptimisticUse of animals in testing and in biomedical research continues

12、 to be necessary in many instances and is ethically preferable to experimenting on humans or giving up cures that could save human livesBut for the sake of people and animals alike,the development and acceptance of animal substitutes deserve enthusiastic support LONDONMiddle age is miserable for man

13、y, according to a study using data from 80 countries showing that depression (a feeling of sadness and hopelessness) is most common among men and women in their 40sPart four: 阅读表达阅读表达Middle ageMiddle age depressiondepressioncommoncommonMiddle age is depressingMany middle- aged people are in depressi

14、on 1)找主题句找主题句2)找关键词或短语找关键词或短语3)注意表达方法正确;注意表达方法正确;the best title 可以是句子、短语甚可以是句子、短语甚至是单词而至是单词而the main idea一般一般用完整句子表达!用完整句子表达!(I) The best title or the main idea Health and climate scientists have mapped(提出)(提出) how climate change affects different parts of the world in different ways. The scientists

15、 point to evidence that changes in the past thirty years may already be affecting human health. Temperature changes may also influence the spread of disease. For example, warmer weather speeds the growth of organisms that cause disease like malaria(疟疾)疟疾) and dengue fever(登革热)(登革热). Health Effects C

16、aused by Climate Change /Health Effects Caused by Climate Change / Climate Change Causes Health Problems / Climate Change Causes Health Problems / Climate Change and Human Health Climate Change and Human Healthclimate changeHealth and climatediseaseaffectinghuman health学以致用II Fill in the blank Dont

17、forget to forgive yourself : “For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge ,” Luskin says, “But it can rob you of your self-confidence if _.you dont do it/you dont forgive yourselfDont forget to forgive yourselfButchallengeAnother reason could be that after seeing Another reason co

18、uld be that after seeing their fellow middle-aged peers begin to dietheir fellow middle-aged peers begin to die,people begin to_ and people begin to_ and embraceembrace(拥抱)拥抱)life once morelife once more,researchers researchers speculatedspeculated peers begin to diepeers begin to dieembraceembrace(

19、拥抱)拥抱)life once morelife once morevalue /treasure their lives1)分析上下文之间的逻辑关系分析上下文之间的逻辑关系2) 注意看根据上文该填入的是短语还是句注意看根据上文该填入的是短语还是句子子3)注意关系的并列注意关系的并列,递进递进,对比对比,转折转折,因果等因果等Part five Writing. Correct the following mistakes .1).The number of the text messages that sended during the Spring Festival is 17billio

20、n.2) Some people think that sends the text message written by other people can express the love more easily.3).We send the message that written by other people .4)We also suspect the love is true or not.5)Now there have an argumemt about whether the same message is good or not . sentsendingwasiswhet

21、her优美句子欣赏优美句子欣赏1)Some people think it doesnt matter about the text messages whether they are written by ourselves or not .2)A lot of people send text messages which are written by themselves, while some send messages that are copied from others.3).The argument about whether the copied messages can s

22、how the real love to our family members is widely discussed. 4)With the rapid development of economy and technology, sending text message to express the wishes become a popular in our daily, especially in the Spring Festival.5)It is no exaggeration(夸张)to say that 17billion text messages were sent la

23、st Spring Festival.There seems to be a tendency to wish a happy new year by sending text messages .Many people support text messages written by one selves . On the contrary, some people hold the opinion that it is the wishes that are valued rather than forms. As far as I am concerned ,I preferred or

24、iginal text messages.Each of us wants to give our best wishes at the time of festivals. Something made by hand or whishes from the bottom of our heart is much significant ,which holds our effort and real love .The one receiving the wishes are more likely to experience a sense of touch .In this way w

25、e can convey our emotion more effectively. Whats more, writing text message by ourselves itself is a valued experience, which should be treasured as a memory of doing something for the one we love .I think this is of vital importance. made by handmade by handreceiving the wishes are more likely to S

26、tatistics show Chinese sent 17 billion text messages during Spring FestivalPeople hold different views about exchanging greetings by text messageSome think its better to use original text messages instead of “cloned ones”In my opinionit doesnt matter much whether text messages are original or not It

27、s acceptable to deliver the same message to a group of peopleTo mark the Year of Rat in 2008,plenty of messages were witty(妙趣横生的) remarks using “ Shu ”,or rat in Chinese,as a homophone to tease recipients for fun or to convey humorous greetingsActually, text messages are just kind signals to bless y

28、ouIf one cares too much about the originality of text messages, he misunderstands the motive of othersAfter a11, it is truly heartfelt greetings not where the greetings are from that really countOne of my favourite quotes comes from Alfred SouzaHe said “for a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to beginreal lifeBut there was always some obstacleobstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business,time still to be served,a debt to be paid



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