九年级英语:Chapter 4 What should I do讲与练课件(深圳牛津版)

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1、WHEN YOU PICK UP A ONE-HUNDRED-YUAN NOTE,WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?Give it to the policeBuild the fenceWhen the ducks run here and there,what should you do?.Tell the ownerWhen someone hit the window of the car,what should you do?WHAT A TERRIBLE DAY!WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?Take an umbrella with youStay at homeWh

2、en you dont feel well, what should you do ?Go to see the doctorOr take some medicine!Or take an injection if necessary.Just cry outJust sleep all day Do some readingThen you should feel better!When you feel sad, what should you do ?9AB Chapter4基础知识讲与练基础知识讲与练 一、例题解析:、例题解析:1. I gave her a note to pay

3、for a bottle of water. A. 100 yuan B. 100 yuans C. 100-yuan D. 100-yuans C解析:解析:数词数词和和名词名词构成构成复合形容词复合形容词时,一般中时,一般中间要加间要加连字符连字符,且都要用,且都要用单数单数形式形式, 在句中作在句中作定语定语。例如:例如:an eight-hundred-word composition.一一篇八百字的作文,篇八百字的作文,a five-year-old girl 一个五岁一个五岁的女孩的女孩a seven-minute journey 一次七分钟的一次七分钟的旅程旅程 若不是复合形容词

4、,则只能做表语。如:若不是复合形容词,则只能做表语。如:five years old. 故答案为:故答案为:C.2. HE 5 YUAN FOR THE BOOK.A. SPENT B. COST C. PAID D. TOOK解析解析:表示花费时间和金钱的动词有表示花费时间和金钱的动词有spend、cost、take、pay. 但它们各自的句型搭配不同,要特别注意。但它们各自的句型搭配不同,要特别注意。C过去式过去分词过去式过去分词花钱还是时花钱还是时间间主主 要要 句句 型型spendspent spent两样两样Sb. spend some time/some money on sth.

5、Sb. spend some time/some money (in) doing sth.taketook taken两样两样It takes sb. some time/some money to do sth.To do sth. / Doing sth takes sb. Some time/moneycostcost cost钱钱Sth cost sb. some moneypaypaid paid钱钱Sb. pay for sth.Sb. pay some money for sth.它它们之之间可以可以进行同行同义句句转换: 如:如:我花了十元我花了十元钱买这本本书。I spen

6、t ten yuan on /(in) buying the book. = It took me ten yuan to buy the book. = The book cost me ten yuan. = I paid ten yuan for the book. 如:昨天我花了两个小如:昨天我花了两个小时写作写作业。I spent two hours on /(in) doing my homework last night. =It took me two hours to do my homework last night. 故答案故答案应为:C.解析:解析: tooto意思是:

7、太意思是:太而不能而不能例如:例如:She is too young to go to school. 她年她年龄太小,不能上学。太小,不能上学。这个句型个句型还可以用可以用not + adj./adv. + enough to do sth. 或者是或者是so +adj./adv. + that否定从句否定从句的的结构来表构来表转换。She is not old enough to go to school. / She is so young that she cant go to school.故答案故答案应为:A.3. SHE WAS AFRAID TALK TO THE POLICE

8、. A. TOO; TO B. TO; TOO C. SO; THAT D. SO; TOA4. I DONT KNOW HOW HIM . A. HELP B. HELPING C. IS HELP D. TO HELPD解析:句子的结构为解析:句子的结构为“疑问词疑问词+ 动词不定式动词不定式”,如:,如: what (not) to do / how to do it/ where to go/ what to do with/ how to deal with it这种特殊的动词不定式短语,在句中可这种特殊的动词不定式短语,在句中可做做主语、宾语主语、宾语和和表语表语。例如:。例如:(

9、1)How to improve my body language is very important. (2)They didnt know which one to choose. (3)The question is where to find the girls. “疑问词疑问词+动词不定式动词不定式”作宾语时可以转换成宾语从句。特作宾语时可以转换成宾语从句。特别注意,从句须用陈述语序,即:主别注意,从句须用陈述语序,即:主+谓谓+宾语。宾语。I feel guilty and dont know what to do. 我感到很内疚,不知道该怎么办。我感到很内疚,不知道该怎么办。=

10、I feel guilty and dont know what I should do. 故答案为:故答案为:D.5. IN THE OLD DAYS, MANY PEOPLE HAVE NO HOUSES _. A. TO LIVE B. LIVE IN C. TO LIVE FOR D. TO LIVE IN解析:解析:不定式不定式作作定定语如果是如果是不及物不及物动词,或者不定式所修或者不定式所修饰的的名名词或或代代词是是不定不定式式动作的地点作的地点、工具工具等,等,不定式后面不定式后面需需加相加相应的的介介词。例如:。例如:(1)There is nothing to worrie

11、d about. 没有什么好担心的。没有什么好担心的。(2)He needs a pen to write with.他需他需要一支笔写字。要一支笔写字。故答案故答案为:D.D6. I MADE THE DECISION THE MONEY. A. KEEP B. TO KEEP C. KEEPING D. KEPT解析:解析:make a decision to do sth. 意思是决定做某事,可用意思是决定做某事,可用make up ones mind to do sth. 或或decide to do sth. 来来转换。故答案。故答案为:B. B 7. No one was hurt

12、, _ ?A was he B was it C were they D werent theyC解析解析: 此题考查学生此题考查学生反意疑问句反意疑问句的用法,当的用法,当主句的主主句的主语语是是不定代词不定代词表示表示人人且表且表否定否定的时候,后面的反意疑的时候,后面的反意疑问句应用问句应用肯定的复数肯定的复数,若为,若为物体物体的时候,则用的时候,则用单数单数形形式。式。E.g. Nothing was on the desk, was it ? 故答案为:故答案为:C.8.I _ THIS CITY FOR THREE YEARS. A HAVE GONE TO B HAVE BEE

13、N TO C HAVE BEEN IN D HAVE BEEN AT 解析解析: have gone to 已已经去了某地(人未回来)去了某地(人未回来)have been to 曾曾经到到过某地(人已回来)某地(人已回来)have been in 到某地来多久(表延到某地来多久(表延续)eg. (1)-Where is Mum? 妈妈在哪呢?在哪呢?-She has gone to HongKong.她去香港了。她去香港了。(2)I have been to HongKong twice. 我曾我曾经去去过香香港两次。港两次。(3)They have been in HongKong for

14、 ten years. 他他们在香港呆了十年了。在香港呆了十年了。故答案故答案为:CC9HE IS _ THAT WE ALL LIKE HIM. A SO HONEST A BOY B SUCH HONEST AN BOY C SO AN HONEST BOY D SUCH A HONEST BOYA 解析解析: 此题考查此题考查so 和和 such 的用法。的用法。So + adj. + a/an + 可数名词单数可数名词单数 , such + a/an +adj. +可数名词单数可数名词单数。 有些词只能与有些词只能与so连连用,如:用,如:so many/much/few/little

15、 . such 只只能用来修饰能用来修饰名词名词,如,如 such beautiful flowers(此时的只能用此时的只能用such 不能用不能用so) 故答故答案为:案为:A10. HE WAS MADE _ THERE SO LONG. A STAND B TO STAND C STANDING D STOOD解析解析: 此此题考考查学生使役学生使役动词在被在被动语态中的用法,在中的用法,在主主动语态中中make后用后用动词原形,原形,make sb do sth. 变成成被被动语态为 be made to do sth. 此此类动词还有有 let 和和have.。 当感官当感官动词后

16、后加加动词原形的原形的时候和次用法相同候和次用法相同 eg. be seen to enter 故答案故答案为:BB11. MY GRANDFATHER STAYS AT HOME _. A HIM B BY ONESELF C ALONG D ON HIS OWN 解析解析:此此题考考查学生独自一人做某事的表达法。学生独自一人做某事的表达法。alone adv. (=by yourself; on ones own, with no other people)单独;独自独;独自 例如(例如(1)She lived alone. 她独居。她独居。(2)He did it all alone.

17、这事是他一个人干的。事是他一个人干的。(3)Are you travelling alone? 你独自一人旅行你独自一人旅行吗?alone adj. (只作表(只作表语) 单独的独的, 独自的独自的; 独一无二的。独一无二的。例如(例如(4)He was alone in the house. 他独自一人在家里。他独自一人在家里。(5)I am not alone in thinking so. 并非只有我才并非只有我才这样想的想的lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的孤独的,寂寞的例如(例如(6)He doesnt feel lonely when he is left alone. 在只剩

18、下他一个的在只剩下他一个的时候候, 他并不感到孤独。故答案他并不感到孤独。故答案为:D.D12 . HE SAW LUCY THE TEACHERS OFFICE . A. TO COME INTO B. COME IN C. ENTER D. TO ENTERC解析:此题考查感官动词后接动词原型解析:此题考查感官动词后接动词原型see sb. do sth.类似的动词有:类似的动词有:watch, hear make, let,,have 等等其次辨析其次辨析come in, come into, enter come in 是是“进来进来”,come into/go into 与与 ent

19、er 的意思相同,都表示的意思相同,都表示“进入进入”,come into/go into具有方向性,而具有方向性,而enter则不具有方向则不具有方向性。且性。且enter后后不能与不能与into等任何介词等任何介词连用。连用。故答案是故答案是: C13、HE GOT OFF THE BUS AND _ HOME. A WALKED TO B WALKED C TO WALK D WENT TO B解析:此题主要考查解析:此题主要考查地点副词地点副词home的用的用法。它法。它前面不能用介词前面不能用介词,因此只能用,因此只能用walk home /go home(回家),(回家),on o

20、nes way home在某人回家的路上,在某人回家的路上,stay at home呆在家,呆在家,take sth. home 把某物带把某物带回家回家 等。类似的词还有等。类似的词还有there, 如如 get there (去那儿)(去那儿) 答案为答案为: B.14、He was late _ it rained heavily. A because B because of C for D thatA解析:解析: because 后须接后须接原因状语从句原因状语从句,而而because of 后须接后须接名词名词或或名词词组名词词组来来表原因。我们常用他们进行同义句转换。表原因。我们

21、常用他们进行同义句转换。如:如:He was late because he was ill.= He was late because of his illness. (注意注意because不能与不能与so连用连用), 而而for表示由事表示由事情推断出的原因。故答案为:情推断出的原因。故答案为:A15、What about _ to the park.A go B to go C going D to going C解析:此题主要考解析:此题主要考 What about/ How about doing sth.来提出建议,常用的句型还有来提出建议,常用的句型还有Lets do sth.

22、 / Why not do sth.? / Shall we do sth? 在解释句子中,此四种句型可互换。如:在解释句子中,此四种句型可互换。如:Lets go shopping.= Why not go shopping? = Shall we go shopping? = How/What about going shopping ?它们的答语有:它们的答语有:Good idea(好主意)。(好主意)。Great.(太好了!)故答案(太好了!)故答案为为C二、强化练习二、强化练习 ( ) 1. He 1,000 yuan for the bike. It too much. A. pa

23、id, spent B. paid, cost C. cost, spent D. spent, cost( ) 2. I want to buy a new computer, Would you give me some ? A. decision B. impressions C. ways D. advice ( ) 3. I am busy an article for the school newspaper. A. writing B. write C. to write D. wrote ( ) 4. The boy has been old enough himself. A

24、. dressing B. to put on C. to dress D. putting on.单项选择单项选择 BDAC( ) 5. They got up early the early bus. A. to catch B. catch C. catching D. caught ( )6. My friend was afraid the police.A.very , to talk B. so, to talk C. too, to talk to D.too, to talk( )7. Three young strong boys my carriage and sat d

25、own a young school boy.A. entered , next to B. entered into, next to C. entered , next D. entered into, near to ( )8. The boss made the workers over twenty hours a day.A. worked B. work C. working D. to workACAB( )9. Its bad you to be rude others. A. for , for B. of , to C. for, to D. of , for( )10.

26、 I gave her note a bottle of cola. A.100 yuan, to pay for B. a 100 -yuan , to pay C.100 yuan , to pay D. a 100 -yuan, to pay for( )11. We broke the radio. A. accident B. hardly C. friendly D. accidentally ( )12. -Cant you see there is a queue? -Oh, sorry, I _ see just now. A. cant B. didnt C. hasnt

27、D. havent CDDB( )13. Because she was rude, I made the decision the money. A. /, to keep B. so, to keep C. /, of keeping D. so, of keeping( )14. - Shall we go there foot? -Sorry, we havent decided to go there. A. by, where B. on, how C. by , what D. on, where ( )15. Let us you the piano, Jack. A. to

28、watch , to play B. to watch , play C. watch, to play D. watch, playABD.解释句子解释句子 1. He spent a month on the play. 2. I didnt know how I could help him.3. The young schoolboy is traveling alone.It took him a month to watch the play. I didnt know how to help him. The young schoolboy is traveling by him

29、self / on his own. 4. My friend was too afraid to talk to the police.5. What about going swimming now? My friend was so afraid that he/she couldnt talk to the police Shall we go swimming now? Why not go swimming now? Lets go swimming now. 三、HOMEWORK 中华一题page 35 Do exercise of Reading Review the text of Chapter 4



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