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2、语从句原因状语从句条件状语从句让步状语从句目的状语从句结果状语从句结果状语从句地点状语从句比较状语从句状语从句方式状语从句状语从句时间状语从句when,while,as,since,before,after, until,till, once,as soon as,every time, hardly.when, no sooner. than, the moment, immediately * when/while/as 1. _ time went on, things began to change.2.She thought I was talking ahout her daugh

3、ter,_ ,in fact ,I was talking about my daughter.3. _ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. 4.I was walking along the road _ suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind.5. The students sang _ they went along.whenAs whileWhileas一边.一边:and then:正在正在的时候的时候,突然突然随着.表对比表

4、对比:而而表让步表让步:虽然虽然o6.Strike _ the iron is hot.o7. _ a child,he lived in the countryside.o8. Be careful _ crossing the steet.whileAs when/while as+n.=when.o1).Turn off the light _ you leave the classroom.o2).Someone called me up in the middle of the night but they hung up _ I could answer the phone. o3

5、).It wont be long _he finishes his writing.oIt will be/was一段时间一段时间before:oIt will be/was not一段时间一段时间before* beforebeforebefore:在.之前:还未来得及还未来得及.就就.,不等不等.就就.before:不多久就.:还要过.才.finisheso * afteroAfter he finished his work,he left there.o He finished his work before he left there.o After finishing his w

6、ork,he left there.o* since oI _ (know)him since he was a boy.o自从他参军以来已有两年了自从他参军以来已有两年了.*It is (has been)two years since he joined the army.: conj&prep.have knowno* until (till)oHe waited until/till his mother came back.oHe will not go to bed until(till) his mother comes.oNot until all the fish died

7、in the river _ (村民才意识到村民才意识到) how serious the pollution was.oIt wasnt until all the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how. did the villagers realize(肯定句肯定句):(一直一直).为止为止(否定句):直到.才o* as soon as:一一就就o他一到达就打电话给我他一到达就打电话给我.oHe telephoned me as soon as he arrived.othe moment/instant/minut

8、e;o immediately/directly; o_ his arrival he telephoned me. ohardly.when. ;no sooner. than.oI had no sooner got home than it began to rain.oNo sooner had I got home than it began to rain.On oevery time,each time:每次每次.oEvery time/each time I come, he is reading.o once:一旦一旦.就就.o她一旦下了决心她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变

9、什么也不能使她改变.oOnce she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.原因状语从句because, since, as, now thatoBecause he was ill,he didnt go to school.o He didnt go to school because of his illness.o He was ill,so he didnt go to school.o Being ill, he didnt go to school.o since=now thatoNow that class is over,

10、lets go to play football. 既然oas常用于表示十分明显的原因,重点放在常用于表示十分明显的原因,重点放在主句上,语气较弱,常译成主句上,语气较弱,常译成“由于由于”.oAs its getting darker, we must go home now.oHe must be ill, for he is absent today.条件状语从句if,unless,so/as long as, in case,on condition thato ifoIf you work harder,you will succeed.o Work harder, and you

11、will succeed.o Work harder,or you wont succeed.o Working harder,you will succeed.o unlessoUnless he comes, we wont be able to go.oIf he doesnt come,we wont be able to go.:if. not 除非o* as/so long as(只要只要 ) oYou may borrow the book as long as you keep it clean.o* in case(万一)万一)oSend us a message in ca

12、se you have any difficulty.o*on condition that(条件是)(条件是)o Well let you use the room on condition that you keep it tidy.地点状语从句whereowhereoWhere there is a will, there is a way.oWhere there is smoke, there is fire.o无风不起浪无风不起浪.o青年人应该去最需要他们的地方青年人应该去最需要他们的地方.oYoung people should go where they are most ne

13、eded.oYoung people should go to the place where they are most needed.:在.地方定语从句定语从句让步状语从句as,although,though,whether,even if/though, no matter who/when/what., however, whatever.o让步状语从句让步状语从句o:表示表示“虽然虽然”、“尽管尽管”、“即使即使”oAlthough(Though) he is old ,he works hard.o He is old,but he works hard. o Old as he

14、is ,he works hard.o用用as 引导的让步状语从句用引导的让步状语从句用倒装语序倒装语序,即,即把从句中的表语、状语或动词原形放在把从句中的表语、状语或动词原形放在as前面前面.o adj./n./adv./v. +as +主语主语+其他成其他成分分oMuch as I like it ,I wont buy it.oTry as you may, you will never succeed.o *Even though (even if) you say so,I dont believe it. oYoull have to attend the ceremony whe

15、ther you are busy or not.oWhenever(No matter when) you come to our country,you will be warmly welcomed.oHowever late / no matter how late he is, his mother will wait for him to have dinner together.即使o in spite of; despite;regardless ofo:prep. + n.oHe went out in spite of the fact that he had a bad

16、cold o He went out in spite of the cold.目的状语从句so that, in order that以便/为了o从句中常常使用一些情态动词从句中常常使用一些情态动词,如:如:can, could, may, might, should等等oHe got up early so that he could catch the train.o=He got up early to/in order to/so as to catch the train.o以防以防: oin case; for fear (that)o你最好带上你的伞你最好带上你的伞,以防下雨以

17、防下雨oYoud better take your umbrella with you in case/for fear (that) you rains.结果状语从句 so that;so /such that太.以至于.,如此.以至于.oWe turned up the radio so that everyone could hear the news.oWe turned up the radio, so that everyone heard the news.目的状语从句目的状语从句结果状语从句结果状语从句o结果状语从句结果状语从句:osuch + a/an+adj.+单数名词单数

18、名词 +that clauseo such+adj.+n.s/n.u +that.o such+many/much/few/little+n(s).+that.oso +adj.(+a/an+单数名词单数名词)+that clause o so+adv.+that clauseoShe told us such an interesting story that we all forgot about the time.oShe told us so interesting an story that we all forgot about the time.oHe is such a cle

19、ver boy _ we all like him.oHe is such a clever boy _ we all like .thatas结果状语从句结果状语从句定语从句定语从句比较状语从句状语从句(as).as,than, (as).as,than, the more.the morethe more.the moreo比较比较状语从句状语从句oHe doesnt work so hard as you do.oGold is much heavier than any other metal.oThe more he listened to that song, the less h

20、e enjoyed it.方式状语从句状语从句as;as if/thougho方式方式状语从句状语从句o* as:按照按照.,如如.,随随.oDo in Rome as the Romans do. oI have changed it as you are suggested. oLeave things as they are. o维持原状好了维持原状好了.o* as if/though:好像是好像是.,似乎是似乎是.oHe talks as if he knew all about it.一一. 状语从句的时态问题状语从句的时态问题o1、The football match will b

21、e put off if it _ (rain)o2. He will go with you as soon as he _ (finish)his homework.o3. He _ (get) to the station than the train left.(他一到达车站火车就开走了他一到达车站火车就开走了)o在条件,时间和让步从句中,用一般现在时在条件,时间和让步从句中,用一般现在时表示一般将来时表示一般将来时.rainsfinisheshad no sooner got二二. 状语从句的倒装和省略状语从句的倒装和省略1._,(虽然他聪明虽然他聪明),he doesnt stud

22、y well.2.So clever _ (he ,be) that we all like him.3.Though_ (praise), she was still very modest.4. _ (如果有必要如果有必要), you may keep the book for another week.is heClever as he ispraisedIf necessaryExercise o1.I didnt manage to do it _ you had explained how.o2.The man has to wait all day _ the doctor wo

23、rks faster.o3.John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _ he phones.o4.You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find them again.o5.The research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _ we meet them again. untilwhere in caseunlessbeforeo6._ the Internet is of

24、 great help, I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.o7.Roses need special care _ they can live through winter.o8.The WTO cannot live up to its name _ it doesnt include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind. o9._ youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.o1

25、0.Well have to finish the job, _(不管它要花费多不管它要花费多长时间长时间)Though/Although/While so thatifSince/Now that however long it takeso11._ the day went on,the weather got worse.o12.- Im going to the post officw.o- _ youre there,can you get me some stamps.o13.Take the medicine _you go to bed.o14. It is more than

26、 five years _we started to learn English.As whilebeforesinceHomework o基础写作基础写作:Jane 的朋友的朋友Alice来信说来信说,她因为没她因为没有得到提升而感到灰心丧气有得到提升而感到灰心丧气.假如你是假如你是Jane,请给请给 Alice写一回信写一回信,内容包括内容包括:o1.直到我读了你的信后才知道事情的真实情直到我读了你的信后才知道事情的真实情况况,因为自从我们分开以后就没再见面了因为自从我们分开以后就没再见面了;o2.既然大家很忙既然大家很忙,那我就只能给你写封短信了那我就只能给你写封短信了;o3.你尽管很努

27、力工作你尽管很努力工作,但是仍没有得到提升的但是仍没有得到提升的事实并不表明你表现不好事实并不表明你表现不好;o4.无论发生什么事情无论发生什么事情,我们都不应该丧失希望我们都不应该丧失希望;o5.事实上事实上,你越努力工作你越努力工作,你得到的就会越多你得到的就会越多;o6.随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝,我们应对自己周围的事物我们应对自己周围的事物有了更好的理解有了更好的理解.o December 26,2010oDear Alice,o How nice to hear from you!.o.Dont forget come and see me next time you come t

28、o Jieyan.o Best wishes.o Yours,o Janeo December 26,2010oDear Alice,o How nice to hear from you! Not until I read your letter did I know the true state affairs,for we havent seen each other since we parted. Now that we are all busy, I just have to drop a few lines to you. The fact that you were not p

29、romoted although you worked hard didnt show you didnt perform well. So whatever happens, we shall never lose heart and in fact, the harder you work, the more you will get. As time goes by, we should have a better understanding of things around us. Dont forget to come and see me next time you come to

30、 Jieyan.o1.时间状语从句时间状语从句o when,while,as,since,before,after,as soon as,once,every time, until,till,hardly.when, no sooner. than,the moment, immediatelyo2.原因状语从句原因状语从句obecause,since,as,now thato3.条件状语从句条件状语从句oif,unless,so/as long as,in case,on condion thatAdverbial Clauses(状语从句)(状语从句)o4.地点状语从句地点状语从句o5.让步状语从句让步状语从句o as,although,though,whether,even if/though, no matter who/when/what., however, whatever.o6.目的状语从句目的状语从句o7.结果状语从句结果状语从句o so that,so/such.that.,o8.比较比较状语从句状语从句o(as).as,than,the more.the moreo9.方式方式状语从句状语从句whereso that, in order thatas,just as,as if/thoughas,just as,as if/though



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