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1、雅思强化写作雅思强化写作2010年年改进版改进版wuwenjiastaff.neworiental.org雅思写作群雅思写作群:87155137暗号:暗号:班号班号公共邮箱:公共邮箱:密码密码 ieltsielts雅思考试雅思考试作文部分作文部分组成组成时间时间安排安排题型题型字数字数分数分数1.Task 1 or Task 2 first?2.2.叫停就停叫停就停3.答题纸答题纸&铅笔铅笔博物馆的教育意义和娱乐意博物馆的教育意义和娱乐意义哪个更重要义哪个更重要Task1Task1图表作文图表作文1. 1. 柱状图柱状图 Bar chart Bar chart Task1Task12.流程图流

2、程图 Flow Chart Task1表格表格 Table Earnings of people with different levels of education YearBachelor degreeMaster degreeDoctor degree1965859095197511011512019851401501501995145160165Task1线段图 Line Graph (曲线图 Curve graph) Task 1饼图饼图 Pie chart 讨论型事实分析型如今很多男性会通过健身来吸引女性的注意。有如今很多男性会通过健身来吸引女性的注意。有些人认为这是个消极的趋势。

3、些人认为这是个消极的趋势。你同意还是不同意你同意还是不同意?News media is more influential nowadays. Some people think it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?一边倒一边倒两两边边倒倒09.01.17Today,peopleinmanycountriescanliveandworkanywheretheychoose,becauseofimprovedcommunicationtechnologyandtransport.Do the a

4、dvantages outweigh its disadvantages?Do you think its benefits outweigh the drawbacks? 只能写两边倒的问法只能写两边倒的问法109.01.10Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between the poor people and the rich people, while some others say this has an oppos

5、ite effect. Discuss both views and give your opinion.balance只能写两边倒的问法只能写两边倒的问法2你要想婚姻幸福,找男人要找既顾你要想婚姻幸福,找男人要找既顾家又上进,他妈妈还要好相处的。家又上进,他妈妈还要好相处的。Inordertolearnalanguagewell,weshouldalsolearnaboutthecountryaswellastheculturesandlifestylesofthepeoplewhospeakthislanguage.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagreewitht

6、hisopinion?两边倒两边倒万能吗?万能吗?如今醉酒驾车的现象日益普遍。如今醉酒驾车的现象日益普遍。为什么?这种现象对社会造成为什么?这种现象对社会造成什么影响?采取什么措施才可什么影响?采取什么措施才可以抑制这种现象?以抑制这种现象?Newspapers have become an enormous influence on peoples ideas and opinions. Why is this the case? Is it a desirable or undesirable situation? Task achievement 小作文小作文 按图形种类完成内容按图形种

7、类完成内容 大作文大作文 Position + Supporting Ideas + Development Position+ Supporting IdeasQ:芙蓉姐姐是可爱还是美丽?A:既不可爱也不美丽体重超标,眼睛睁不开,嘴巴咧到耳朵根。 PositionSupporting Ideas5分分3 “The greatest danger in modern technology is not that machines begin to think like people, but that people will begin to think like machines.”-Alb

8、ert Einstein 1.The government should pay more attention to children because Chairman Mao said,” Youths are like the sun between 8 to 9 oclock.”2 “A child miseducated is a child lost。”John F Kennedy类别:类别:并列连词Coordinatingconjunctions从属连词Subordinatingconjunctions5.5分-6分YouareaprettygirlandIloveyou.Ilov

9、eyou,becauseyouareaprettygirl.Youareaprettygirl,thereforeIloveyou.YouaretheprettygirlthatIlove.Itistheprettygirlwhoislovedbyme.泡泡级泡泡级中学级中学级高中级高中级大学级大学级Themostpreciouspossessionthatevercomestomeinthisworldisyourheart.I hereby declare a sincere gratitude forall the efforts which you,along with everyon

10、e else have been putting into.去掉程度副词去掉枝干句型和介词短语同意词汇替换givethankThank you.DiversityAbundance6.5分分The air quality cant be improved if the number of private cars is not limited cant cannotWith the world is developing,the computer, as well somethe other technologies,have gain popular, great givenconvenie

11、nt and efficient.much people Asas well as other has gained popularity, greatly givingpeople considerableconvenience and efficiency.Basic Writing Principle(Right) or (Wrong)He has three sons, most of them are middle school students. 避免一个句避免一个句子两个谓语子两个谓语He has three sons. Most of them are middle schoo

12、l students.Hehasthreesons,andmostofthemaremiddleschoolstudents.Hehasthreesons,mostofwhomaremiddleschoolstudents.我们应该学习学习再学习。 Weshouldstudy,studyandstudy.Theyoungshouldlearnfromtheold,andtheoldshouldlearnfromtheyoung.年轻人应该向老人学习,老人应该也向年轻人学习。避免重复避免重复我们应该学习学习再学习。Weshouldstudypersistently.Theoldshouldlea

13、rnfromtheyoungandviceversa.年轻人应该向老人学习,老人应该也向年轻人学习。在你身旁? Besideyou.Besideyourbody.Throughthewindow,Icanseemanystreetwalkers.Throughthewindow,Icanseemanypassers-by.透过窗子,我可以看见无数路人。避免中式翻译避免中式翻译1、在他上班的时候,他一般都吃食堂。2、她在公司很吃得开3、这样的粗话你怎么能吃得消?He always eats in the dining room when at work.She is popular in the

14、 company.How can you bear such bad words?Firstly, I will discuss about two reasons of argument for to begin with universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject because it will be balance of idea while studying. In general, there usually are different vision wil

15、l happen. Another reason is it display that have equal of society not accept in each side. In addition, nowadays, the most societies become to accept ability of both in any way.4分分Also, on the television screen, a product may look gorgeous and good quality. As a result of it, people often buy goods

16、without enough consideration. Consumers may not actually need it but they buy goods impulsively soon after they watch the advertising. Furthermore, as many customers buy a particular product due to its advertising campaign, the other people may be affected by the trend, even if the product is not of

17、 the real needs of the society.7.5分分DiversityAbundance&160个动词就可以概括雅思写作中所有动词!V.adj. & adv.n. 词的词的升级升级让信息表达更加具体丰富We should solve the important problem.We should the important problem. tackle addresscombatessentialvitalsignificantcrucialWe should solve the important problem.We should solve theproblem.T

18、he important problem should be solved.The importantissuephenomenonsituationshould be solved.We should solve the important problemThe Internet has changed our life.The internet has altered our life.The internet has modified our life.The internet has revolutionised our life.The internet has greatly re

19、volutionised our life.The internet has dramatically revolutionised our life.The internet has significantly revolutionised our life.The Internet has changed our life.一方面一方面,为了改善为了改善生活水平,人类都要进攻潘多拉;另一方面,在在信仰方方面面,无论无论多难,Navi族都尽力反击。一方面一方面;另一方面另一方面为了改善为了改善在。方面在。方面无论无论 On the one hand; On the other hand On

20、 the one hand, moving large companies to the countryside may reduce the tax revenue of the city government. On the other hand, this measure can effectively relieve the pressure on the city transportation system.Today,many elderly people prefer to live in the countryside for the sake of their health.

21、 These children are often spoilt, not in terms of love and attention because working parents do not have time for this, but in more material ways. They are allowed to buy whatever they want,regardless of the price主体段每段的第一句:主体段每段的第一句:topic sentencetopic sentence1.1.简单句:简单句:简单明确简单明确Employees get job s

22、atisfaction in a number of ways. Firstly, a person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work, so positive feedback from superiors is very important in the respect.类别:并列句CompoundSentence复杂句ComplexSentenceOR: 因为因为ND: 和和OR: 也不也不UT: 但是但是R: 或者或者ET: 但是但是O:所以所以FSYOBNA 左手倒影左手倒影遣词造句的上升遣词造句的上

23、升1)They are poor. They are hungry.2)They suffer from poverty. They struggle against starvation.3) They suffer from poverty, struggling against starvation. 右手年华右手年华思维方式的改变思维方式的改变(1)We dont tell others all the secrets.(2)We dont let others know all the secrets. (3) We hide some secrets from others.(4)

24、 Everyone has privacy.经典的用句其实就是地道的句式经典的用句其实就是地道的句式非谓语动词非谓语动词-现在分词现在分词&过去分词过去分词 因为紫霞仙子想激将孙悟空,紫霞仙子嫁给因为紫霞仙子想激将孙悟空,紫霞仙子嫁给了牛魔王。了牛魔王。虽然牛魔王努力争取紫霞仙子,但紫霞仙子虽然牛魔王努力争取紫霞仙子,但紫霞仙子依旧爱着孙悟空。依旧爱着孙悟空。当牛魔王爱慕紫霞仙子时,紫霞仙子却爱着当牛魔王爱慕紫霞仙子时,紫霞仙子却爱着孙悟空。孙悟空。如果牛魔王继续爱慕紫霞仙子,他会死在铁如果牛魔王继续爱慕紫霞仙子,他会死在铁扇公主的机关枪下。扇公主的机关枪下。因为紫霞仙子想激将孙悟空,紫霞仙子

25、嫁给了牛因为紫霞仙子想激将孙悟空,紫霞仙子嫁给了牛魔王。魔王。Since Fairy Zi Xia tried to goad Sun Wukong, she married Niu Mowang .激将孙悟空,紫霞仙子嫁给牛魔王。激将孙悟空,紫霞仙子嫁给牛魔王。Trying to goad Sun Wukong, Fairy Zi Xia married Niu Mowang .被孙悟空戏弄,紫霞仙子嫁给牛魔王。被孙悟空戏弄,紫霞仙子嫁给牛魔王。Teased by Sun Wukong, Fairy Zi Xia married Niu Mowang .When Niu Mowang adm

26、ired Fairy Zi Xia, Zi Xia still loved Sun Wukong.当牛魔王爱慕紫霞仙子时,紫霞仙子却爱着孙悟空。当牛魔王爱慕紫霞仙子时,紫霞仙子却爱着孙悟空。被牛魔王爱慕着的时候,紫霞仙子却爱着孙悟空。被牛魔王爱慕着的时候,紫霞仙子却爱着孙悟空。Admired by Niu Mowang , Zi Xia still loved Sun Wukong._(被这个男孩的爱深深打动了), she decided to marry him. Deeply moved by the boys love_(从一个年轻朋友的眼光来看), Einstein was a sim

27、ple, modest and ordinary man. Seen from the eyes of a young friend_(好久没有收到父母的来信了), he was worried about them. Not having heard from his parents for a long time因为香烟对身体有害,所以香烟对人们的因为香烟对身体有害,所以香烟对人们的生活造成了消极影响。生活造成了消极影响。当人们向政府询问是否有传染病暴发时,当人们向政府询问是否有传染病暴发时,政府有时会否认。政府有时会否认。 Asked whether some kind of infec

28、tious Asked whether some kind of infectious disease breaks outdisease breaks out, the government the government will deny it sometimes.will deny it sometimes.Cao Cao admiring Xiao Qiao, Xiao Qiao still loved Zhou Yu .当曹操爱慕小乔时,小乔却爱着周瑜。当曹操爱慕小乔时,小乔却爱着周瑜。When Cao Cao admired Xiao Qiao, Xiao Qiao still l

29、oved Zhou Yu.虽然香烟对人身体有害,但戒烟对大多数人虽然香烟对人身体有害,但戒烟对大多数人就是那么难。就是那么难。 Smoking being unhealthy to our body,most people could not get rid of it.Tough smoking is unhealthy to our body,most people could not get rid of it.If future progress of science is taken into account,more unforeseen uses will surely be f

30、ound for computers.Future progress of science taken into account,more unforeseen uses will surely be found for computers.如果把未来的科技进步考虑进去,电脑将如果把未来的科技进步考虑进去,电脑将被挖掘出更多的用处。被挖掘出更多的用处。状语提前状语提前: :介词,副词介词,副词他们买豪车住豪宅,过着奢侈的生活。他们买豪车住豪宅,过着奢侈的生活。They live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars.他们像电影明星一样

31、,他们像电影明星一样,买豪车住豪宅,过买豪车住豪宅,过着奢侈的生活。着奢侈的生活。 Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars. They are like movie stars,living extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars. It is interesting that they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars, just like

32、 movie stars. Interestingly, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars, just like movie stars.他们像电影明星一样,买豪车住豪宅,过他们像电影明星一样,买豪车住豪宅,过着奢侈的生活。这是个有趣的现象。着奢侈的生活。这是个有趣的现象。我嫁给他我渴望嫁给他我可能会嫁给他.I marry him.I am eager to marry him.I may marry him.Do I marry him?Am I eager to marry him?May I marry

33、him?I will marry him.Will I marry him?我将会嫁给他只有他赚足够钱的时候,只有他是个帅哥时,只有他能买房时,只有他人品好时,我嫁给他我渴望嫁给他我可能会嫁给他.Only when he earns enough money,Only when he could afford an apartment,Only when he is a handsome man,Only when he is kind,我将会嫁个他只有当你完全忘却自我时,爱才会产生。当你完全忘却自我时,爱才会产生。Whenthereistotalself-abandonment,loveca

34、ncomeintobeing.Only when there is total self-abandonment can love come into being这个问题能以这种方法而有效解决。Only +状语(从句)状语(从句)+助动词助动词+主语主语一般疑问句语序一般疑问句语序 Only in this way Only in this way can can this issuethis issue be be effectively solved.effectively solved.This issue can be effectively solved This issue can

35、 be effectively solved in this way.in this way.直到直到近年来近年来,人们才开始意识到保护野生,人们才开始意识到保护野生动物的重要性。动物的重要性。Only in recent years have people begun to realize the importance of wildlife conservation.Only I know where the university is.只有我才知道那所大学在哪只有我才知道那所大学在哪、自从我们确定关系后,自从我们确定关系后,男友很少关心我男友很少关心我女友决不让我泡吧女友决不让我泡吧Si

36、ncewebecomeacouple,myboyfriendseldomcaresaboutme.mygirlfriendneveragreesmetoplaywithfriendsinbars.sincewebecomeacouple.Seldomdoesmyboyfriendcareaboutme,Neverdoesmygirlfriendagreemetoplaywithfriendsinbars,一提二变一提二变我们以前从没在科技方面取得这么大的成我们以前从没在科技方面取得这么大的成就就We have never made so great achievement in science

37、 and technology before.Never have we made so great achievement in science and technology before.你不仅是伴随我一生的人而且你带我去我从未奢望过的地方。You are not only a shadow,but also you take me to places which I have never dreamed of .Not only are you a shadow,but also you take me to places which I have never dreamed of. 太

38、阳不仅给我们带来阳光,还给我们带来太阳不仅给我们带来阳光,还给我们带来热量。热量。Not only does the sun give us light ,but also it gives us heat不仅是同学们,老师也反对这个计划不仅是同学们,老师也反对这个计划Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan. Not only the teacher but also the students were against the plan. 父母不仅需要花更多的时间在孩子身上,还需要更多的与他们进行交流。 T

39、he parents The parents should should not only not only spend more time spend more time with their children, with their children, but also but also try to try to communicate with their children more municate with their children more often. Not only Not only should should the parentsthe parents spend

40、more time spend more time with their children, but also they try to with their children, but also they try to communicate with their children more municate with their children more often.同位语从句的“先行词”belief,fact,idea,doubt,suggestion,evidence,truth,opinion,statement,question,recognition1.靠占星术 就可以排兵布阵。


42、illnotclear.Thequestion_isstillnotclear.事实上,人们都认为保罗哥是神人而贝利是个乌鸦嘴。As a matter of fact,there is much evidence that Paul,theGermanoctopus,isthepsychic,whilePeleistheKingofWrongPredictions我们得出一个结论。人们日益认同。越来越多的人赞同。More and more people think。越来越多的人认为广告是有效地信息交流工具。There is much evidence that。There is increas

43、ing recognition that。There is growing consensus that。There is a popular belief that。Increasing number of people assert。advertising is an effective way of information exchanges 最了解你的人不是你的朋友,而是你的敌人The most familiar one of you is not your friend but your enemy.It is not your friend but your enemy who i

44、s the most familiar one of you.It is(was)被强调的部分that(who)原句其它部分 Tom met me on the street the day before yesterday.强调TomIt was Tom who met me on the street the day before yesterday.强调时间It was the day before yesterday that Tom met me on the street.强调地点It was on the street that Tom met me the day before

45、 yesterday.因为每个不成功男人的背后都有两个女人,所以每个成功男人的背后只能有一个女人。 It is since behind every unsuccessful man, there are two women that behind every successful man, there is only one. Since behind every unsuccessful man, there are two women, behind every successful man, there is only one. Internet has brought tremend

46、ous changes to our life. It is Internet that has brought tremendous changes to our life网络给我们的生活带来巨大变化孩子因为看太多电视而忽视了学习。Due to spending so much time on TV programs,children neglect their studyIt is due to spending so much time on TV programs that children neglect their study剑7 Page 173It is only those

47、who reach the very top of their profession who can get these huge salaries.Only those who reach the very top of their profession can get these huge salaries.If从句谓语形式主句谓语形式对现在情况的虚拟did/werewoulddoIf从句谓语形式主句谓语形式对过去情况的虚拟haddone/hadbeenwouldhavedone/beenIt didnt rain last night. _(要是下了,地就会湿的). If it had

48、rained, the ground would have been wetI would have made a speech _(要不是有人把我的话打断了).if I had not been interrupted _(如果我一直住在纽约), I would have known the U.S. well now.If I had been living in New York 虚拟语气 如果将来没有关于名流的八卦新闻了,媒体也将失去娱乐性。If there should be no gossip about celebrities, the media would be less e

49、ntertaining.Should there be no gossip about celebrities, the media would be less entertaining.一省二变一省二变观察生活观察生活Loveisplayingeverygameasifitwerethelastone.What is love? Love is working every task as if it were the most important; love is caring families as if you would never see them the next day; lov

50、e is loving your lover as if they would leave you next moment; love is treating friends as if you would separate tomorrow; love is everything we do truly for those we love, everywhere, all the time.Step 1 框架框架a 分类法分类法 Doyouthinkoldbuildingsshouldbebrokendown,andgiveplaceformodernbuildings.Howaretheo

51、ldbuildingsimportantinoursociety?该拆该拆-unsafe spoil the cityscape不该拆不该拆-buildings with historical value special ethnic architectureStep 2博物馆是了解文化的最好途径吗?博物馆是了解文化的最好途径吗?艺术,艺术,语言,语言,历史历史IF YES IF NO下里巴人下里巴人阳春白雪阳春白雪B 替代法替代法 Some people think motorized flight was the greatest invention in the twentieth ce

52、ntury. Do you agree or disagree Some people think motorized flight was the greatest invention in the twentieth century. Do you agree or disagreeIf If 你使用一边倒。你使用一边倒。conveniencecultural exchangesdevelopment和汽车比和汽车比和手机比和手机比和电脑比和电脑比Some people think motorized flight was the greatest invention in the twe

53、ntieth century. Do you agree or disagree有一些认为有一些认为Brad Pitt Brad Pitt 是好莱坞最是好莱坞最帅的男明星,你同意还是不同意帅的男明星,你同意还是不同意承认他的帅承认他的帅举反例代替这位帅哥举反例代替这位帅哥-If If 你使用两边倒。你使用两边倒。Some people think motorized flight was the greatest invention in the twentieth century. Do you agree or disagree承认飞机的价值承认飞机的价值international bus

54、inessinternational cultural communications举反例来代替飞机,举反例来代替飞机,不是最伟大的不是最伟大的computerstelephones automobilesSome people think stricter punishment for driving offenders is the only effective way to improve safety on the road. To what extent do you agree or disagree 惩罚交通肇事者惩罚交通肇事者是一种有效方式是一种有效方式管理行人管理行人提高警察

55、工作效率提高警察工作效率改善道路设施改善道路设施NOT THE ONLY WAYNOT THE ONLY WAYEducationGlobalization vs. Cultural DiversityHigh-tech & Mass mediaGovernmentSocial problemsEnvironmentC C 救命救命稻草稻草EconomicPoliticalTechnologicalSocialEnvironmentalIndividualCulturalInternationalMental &PhysicalMoral & LegislativePeople today c

56、an perform the everyday tasks such as shopping, banking or even business transactions, without meeting others face-to-face. What effects will this phenomenon have on individuals and society as a whole Individuals-fun,work,money,convenience,Society- efficiency,crimes,employmentMany people are optimis

57、tic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent so you agree or disagree with their optimism? What changes would you like to be made in the new century?AdvantagesDisadvantagestechnology/economy/culture/individual(efficiency/prosperity/exc

58、hange/rights/money/fun)environment/society/legislative(pollution/crime/employment/population)As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation

59、of job satisfaction of all workers?影响员工工作满意度的因素影响员工工作满意度的因素Mental/ legislative/environment/individual(efficiency/ stress/ rights/ health/ promotion/ money)Moral/culture(responsibility/ corporate culture/ fun)There are some violent cartoon characters on TV which bring negative influence to children.

60、Do you agree or disagree? What types of TV programmes are suitable for children? Tend to copy certain behaviorsMental Physical-Most easily affected groupUnable to tell right from wrongImmature and lack of social experienceBe very much restricted in terms of their visionMoral & Legislative - View vio

61、lence as an effective way of setting conflicts Be potential triggers for juvenile delinquency第第1 1步步段段落落的的逻逻辑辑结结构构第第2 2步步套套路路多多样样性性和和技技巧巧运运用用Opening: 34sentences (about 50-60 words)The society would take a ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no useful purpose, and can even be damaging.

62、 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?PRACTICEIf 我们按照基本模板句操作后我们按照基本模板句操作后A recent study indicates that advertisements are playing increasingly important roles in our lives.2. But in the meantime, whether all advertisements should be banned has sparked much debate.3. Many people

63、assert that advertisements are useless and exert negative influence on our life.4.As far as I am concerned,I would like to probe this topic into two parts to discuss.1)In recent years, there has been a growing trend thatSome people think that in modern society, individuals are more independent of ea

64、ch other, while others think individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Discuss both views and give your opinions.In recent years , there has been a growing trend thatABpeople realise the interdependence of individuals and their close ties with each other in modern society. Apeople have

65、achieved greater independence in many areas of life. B However, it is alsosometimes argued that. The issue of whether is of great interest to many people.The issue of whether is of great interest to many educators. To my way of thinking, both sides of the argument can be justified to a certain exten

66、t, and we need to look into the issue more thoroughly and thoughtfully to understand the controversy.it is appropriate and effective to use corporal punishment on young children讨论对孩子体罚的教育是否有效Whereas some people assert that others declare thathold,insist,maintain, disagree and contend thatSome people

67、 hold the opinion that, whereas others who are not so convinced present the counterargument thatAs the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that the user should pay for the cost. Discuss bot

68、hviews and give your own opinion.Some people hold the opinion that the government should make more investments in expending road systems, whereas others who are not so convinced present the counterargument that it is the responsibility of the growing number of private car users to deal with the huge

69、 costs. ABthe government should make more investments in expending road systemsit is the responsibility of the growing number of private car users to deal with the huge costs. ABEconomic progress is one way to measure the success of one country, while some people think there are other factors. What

70、other factors should be considered? Within these factors, do you think anyone is more important than the others? While economic development is generally considered to be a gauge of a countrys success, there are certainly other measuring standards that are equality important.As far as I concerned, ed

71、ucational achievement, the reform of healthcare system and the quality of life of citizens are three essential factors to be taken into account when making any judgment on how successful a nation is.Introducing the topic and specific topic通过较大范围引入法通过较大范围引入法主题主题A是某具体事物,先写其上位概念是某具体事物,先写其上位概念 It is lik

72、ely that in the near future intelligent robots will do all the work that needs to be done, instead of human beings. State the possible benefits and drawbacks of this.通过较大范围引出主题通过较大范围引出主题intelligent robots 它是什么的产物它是什么的产物科技发展带给人类什么?科技发展带给人类什么?Scientific developments havebroughtusmanybenefits,among whi

73、chtheintelligentrobotmightbethemostremarkableone.Inthenearfuture,itmightsubstitutepeopletodoalmostallthework.u主题主题A A是是a a事件事件/ /现象现象/ /行为的行为的多个后果多个后果之一之一Arecentsurveyshowsthatteenagersspend14hourswatchingtelevisionprogramseachweek,butonly6hourswiththeirfamilymembers.Somepeopleclaimthatthishasanunfa

74、vorableinfluenceontherelationshipbetweenthemandtheirfamilymembers.Doyouagreeordisagree?通过较大范围引出主题通过较大范围引出主题长期看电视的后果长期看电视的后果?影响家庭成员间的关影响家庭成员间的关系是其中之一的后果系是其中之一的后果 A recent survey indicates young people in their teens spend the vast majority of their spare time watching TV. This phenomenon might bring

75、a few negative effects, among which the unfavorable influence on the family relationship could be one of the most remarkable. In particular/particularly/especially/notably主题主题A是是a问题问题/现象现象/的的多个解决方案多个解决方案之一之一 It is important for children to learn what is right and what is wrong at an early age. Punis

76、hment is necessary to help them learn the distinction. Whats your opinion?通过较大范围引出主题通过较大范围引出主题教育孩子的方法多不多?教育孩子的方法多不多?惩罚只是一种方法惩罚只是一种方法Childrenshouldbeinstilledwhatisrightandwhatiswrongatanearlyage.There are quite a few ways to achieve this end,among whichpunishment is a very popular means.主体段扩展技巧 举例法举

77、例法 递进法递进法 引用法引用法对比法对比法 因果法因果法 细化法细化法讨论公共图书馆是否应该提供高科技媒体只要是为了更好的教育就可以应用高科技只要是为了更好的教育就可以应用高科技媒体媒体It is justified for public libraries to3,软件传递教育内容比传统书籍更有效2. 视频教学可以让人愉悦的吸收信息,给予灵感1. 包含大量数字信息,提供更实用的方式传递信息,占据小的位置。 In recent years, more and more women have gone out to work. Some people maintain that it is t

78、he responsibility of our government to provide facilities and adequate staff, free of charge, for the children of these working mothers. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?主题句理由一:The first reason is that。 很多岗位找不到合适的人选支持句1:Due to 长期存在性别歧视女性在劳动市场的不利探寻主题句的原因或结果支持句2Be (directly) linked to Be (cl

79、osely) connected withBe (strongly) related toBe (largely) associated with.,Be (unquestionably) tied toBe directly linked to the gender discrimination for such a long historyTherefore,Thus,As a result, Consequently,As a natural consequence, 谈谈 group study的好处的好处-集体学习是有效的集体学习是有效的学习方法学习方法1)因为更多新的想法得到深入的

80、讨论,发现更多)因为更多新的想法得到深入的讨论,发现更多有创意的方法有创意的方法2)提高学习效率,激发学习兴趣)提高学习效率,激发学习兴趣1) This is mainly because more new ideas can be generated through in-depth discussions, and more creative solutions can be found through teamwork and cooperation2)Therefore, compared with individual study, students through group st

81、udy are likely to enhance their learning efficiency and foster their interest in the pursuit of knowledge.1 Watching TV too much tends to have an unfavorable influence on the family relationship, To be more specific; in other words; to put it another way; by this,I mean; this means ;that is to say b

82、y this I mean if one spends the vast majority of his spare time on television, he will lack sufficient time for communication with the family members, which may possibly result in the aloofness in the family.For example/For instance/Takefor example讨论Study groups are beneficial to learning.For exampl

83、e, one of my friends named Jacky, often join a group for the discussion to improve study.High school students/some employees/many educators/ most Americans/ a group of social activistsFor example, high school students are often organised into discussion groups to enhance their learning efficiency in

84、 the classroom.For one thing,for another thing讨论 A number of measures should be taken to encourage old people to use such modern technologies把采取措施的群体分类把采取措施的群体分类从制造商角度从制造商角度-简化高科技使用的复杂度简化高科技使用的复杂度从社区服务角度从社区服务角度-教会老年人如何使用教会老年人如何使用For one thing, manufacturers can simplify cell phone applications and c

85、reate more user-friendly interfaces to help clear up their initial confusion when they are faced with high-tech products.从制造商角度从制造商角度-简化高科技使用的复杂度简化高科技使用的复杂度从社区服务角度从社区服务角度-教会老年人如何使用教会老年人如何使用For another, community service that involves college students could focus on teaching senior citizens in the ne

86、ighborhood how to use the Internet to search information and even on-line shopping.According to a recent study,There is a fact that detailed description of crime in the media will cause a lot of unnecessary fear among the public.In fact, according to a recent study, many people were terrorized into

87、staying at home after dark as a result of vivid description of violent crimes on TV.讨论是否应在媒体中对犯罪进行详细描述是否该鼓励现代人每天都穿传统服饰The style of clothes can mirror the development in a period of time in a country. Dr. Wang, a well-known scholar who specializes in society assessment, supports this view in his pape

88、r. people living in this fast-pace society should wear neat clothes, which are convenient and comfortable when working under high pressure.And he claims that According to a recent article published in the world-famous ,.Time MagazineBBC World ServiceNewsweekVoice of AmericaNew ScientistScientific Am

89、ericanThe EconomistPopular ScienceNew York Times National GeographicWashington PortsReaders Digestthemajorityofwhite-collarfemalesinLondonspendmorethan60%oftheirincomesonsuchluxuriesasbig-brandgarmentsandtrendyaccessories.讨论fashion对日常生活的越来越重要UNESCO/theMinistryofJustice/WHO/theMinistryofTransportatio

90、n/theMinistryofConstruction/GreenpeaceA new study conducted by researchers of University of Oxford this year demonstrated that, 住在大城市的好处Good shopping facilitiesConvenience of public transportationBetter standards of livingMore job opportunities居住在小城镇的好处好处-从自然角度Fresh air, better environment, no pollu

91、tion-从人们友好的角度People are very friendly, peaceful community-.如果不住在小镇,住在城市会有怎样的坏处In comparison,.In (sharp/shark) contrast,Compared with.,Without。,how could we。Some people think that they should keep all the money they earn, and should not pay tax to the state. Do you agree or disagree?分论点分论点 It is well

92、-known that the majority of the governments income comes from the tax collected from individuals and firms.+3+3个支持句个支持句To improve the constructions, and develop education, science, national defense and medical and welfare system.All citizens are beneficiaries of these programs.Without such money, ho

93、w can the roads, schools and hospitals be constructed and how could we receive education and enjoy medical service.分论点分论点In addition, and the function of tax is to regulate the gap between the rich and poor.+3个支持句个支持句The rich have to pay more tax than the poor, so that the balance of the society can

94、 be kept.If not, the rich will own the overwhelming majority of the countrys wealth and only little is left for the poor. In this way, the country will economically and politically unstable.Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong s

95、o that they can behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.观点1:The importance of Teaching Students Right and Wrong1)道德品质教育比知识学习更重要2)良好的行为可以促使学生的学习进步3)最新研究证明:优秀学生往往两方面俱佳/学会分辨是非的学生更容易成功4)放弃道德行为的教育会产生多种问题1.总结两方观点。 To sum

96、up/in the final analysis Based on all the arguments offered above2.建议 If 我们按照套路多样性操作后的结尾段我们按照套路多样性操作后的结尾段1. In summary,I would concede that the drawbacks make us lose sight of the benefits that A have brought to us. 2. Despite that, a total denial on A is not an ideal and practical choice. 3. Overal

97、l, I am convinced that a more workable and rational attitude should be adopted; that is, to eliminate the false and retain the true. 万能开头段 In this essay, I will analyse some possible causes/effects of this phenomenon and propose some solutions.The society would take a ban on all forms of advertising

98、 because it serves no useful purpose, and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?PRACTICE分论点分论点11. Admittedly, some kinds of misleading advertisements should be inexorably banned-观点观点First of all, a majority of advertisements are fictitious and misleading, Th

99、e reason for this is that some advertisements do exaggerate or distort the truth only to convince people to buy their products.causing confusion in peoples daily life and even leading to the injury and death of some customers. 分论点分论点2Secondly, they bring many inconveniences and troubles to us. For e

100、xample, are you pleased with a mailbox stuffed with unwanted advertisements or a wonderful film on TV being interrupted frequently? 分论点分论点3Furthermore, the non-standard use of language in advertisement brings about irreparable damage to the integrity and purity of our language.Consequently, it will

101、exert a disastrous impact on the literacy of our younger generations. 分论点分论点1Convincing arguments can be made that most advertisements bring benefits to our lives.-观点观点 To start with, the advertisement is an art besides industry. Therefore, we can often find unusual ideas and beautiful pictures in a

102、dvertisements.分论点分论点2Moreover, there are many public advertisements which encourage people to make efforts to arouse the awareness of being civilized citizens, protecting the environment, and helping each other. Specially, through these advertisements, people can get educated on saving water, protec

103、ting animals and respecting elders.分论点分论点3Lastly, advertisements help to promote the economic development while pushing the sales of goods. In other words, advertisements can provide customers with their newest products and improve the consuming.图表作文图表作文用词句式较固定,背诵一篇更有谱先看文字再看表,单位时态要注意引言概述一两句,傻子才抄题目句图

104、表分段视情况,并非几图就几段事实附上主数据,无关词句要放弃先谈相同相似处,再说单项不同处小结点出一趋势,无需过分显智力句式多用“葡萄串”,“比较”“插入”“with补”Flow图表稍不同,字字珠玑信息全开头段时态永远是一般现在时开头段时态永远是一般现在时主体段时态由题目的时间决定主体段时态由题目的时间决定结尾段同上结尾段同上过去时过去时。2020将来时将来时1 1)同义词替代)同义词替代2 2)改变关键词词性)改变关键词词性3 3)灵活加入其他文字信息(时间,性别,国家)灵活加入其他文字信息(时间,性别,国家)或者删除或者删除4 4)句式变换)句式变换开头段开头段-转述原题(转述原题(3030

105、字)字)showdescribe/illustrate/demonstrate/summarise/outline/indicate/display/exhibitproportionpercentageinformationdata/statisticnumberfigurecategorieskinds/types1 1)同义词替代)同义词替代The graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during typical days in winter and summer. The pie chart shows how

106、 electricity is used in an average English home.line chartabovesummarisesgive statistics showingWhilethe use of electricityc.c.实际上,不止一个图时要看图之间是否有联系实际上,不止一个图时要看图之间是否有联系a.一般情况下是有几个图写几个主体段一般情况下是有几个图写几个主体段 以两个图的居多以两个图的居多b.b.如果是一个图如果是一个图 要看图中有几个描述对要看图中有几个描述对象象a.a.切忌主观臆断切忌主观臆断b b 避免口语化避免口语化 感情化感情化 个人化个人化c

107、 c 如实描述和分析如实描述和分析 不要出现不要出现I thinkI think或者或者In my opinionIn my opinion等类似字眼等类似字眼1 1)主体段第一句)主体段第一句“由图可见由图可见”According to the(图表名称)图表名称)As shown in theAs can be seen from the(图表名称)(图表名称) that 2)第二句)第二句“具体来说具体来说”To be more exact,=more exactlyTo be more precise,=more preciselyTo be more specific,=more s

108、pecifically5)先谈相同相似处,再说单项不同处先谈相同相似处,再说单项不同处A.table倍份的表达倍份的表达The number of magazines bought by college students is nearly four times as what college staff afford.The number of magazines bought by college students is more than three times as what college staff afford.195020002050(foretell)China657883U

109、S737574Spain707277Average Ages of People in Three CountriesJamaicaEcuadorSingaporeBoliviaPopulation2.312423Infant mortality rate7068264Male literacy rate67919492Female literacy rate818687792 2 最大,最小值的强调最大,最小值的强调to peak/ to reach a peak/ to top outto reach a low point/ to bottom out1 1整体趋势的描述整体趋势的描述T

110、he overall trend/general trend (主语主语) +indicates +从句从句there be + an overall +某种趋势的名词某种趋势的名词3 3 时间推移的词和时间点时间推移的词和时间点at first, then , after that, from this point onwards, finallyAs can been seen from the graph, the number of people using this station fluctuates over these 16 hours.(总体趋势)总体趋势总体趋势+具体信息具

111、体信息More specifically,at first,at 6am the number of people at the station stands at only 100. Then,the number shoots up over the next two hours, peaking at 400 at 8am. After that, the number descends rapidly for two hours, bottoming out at 180 at 10am. The period between 10oclock and 12oclock witness

112、es a moderate growth in the number of people in the station, with the number reaching 280 at midday. Numbers in the following two hours stabilize at just under 300 people. 按顺序来写按顺序来写From this point onwards, the number plummets to only 100 from 2pm to 4pm. Then the next two hours see a dramatic rise

113、again, with 6pm registering 380 people. After 6pm, the number dips again, reaching the lowest point of 130 at 8pm. The period from 8pm to 10pm experiences a slight rise, but finally the number of people declines again from 180 at 9pm to 135 at 10pm. Number of Enquiries to Tourist Information OfficeC

114、. Pie Chart 表示占表示占(后面跟百分数或数字后面跟百分数或数字)的及物动词或词的及物动词或词组组 Account for/ represent / constitute / make up 表示数据由某几个部分组成表示数据由某几个部分组成A is composed of/ is made up of/ consists of B,C and D. 表示表示分别分别的副词的副词 Respectively In the 2004 Olympics, China and Russia won X and Y gold medals respectively. Then , it can

115、be seen from the pie chart that the electricity is used for four purpose. Specifically, heating rooms accounts for the largest proportion 52.5% of the electricity used while the demand of ovens, kettles and washing machines makes up 17.5% of the total need of electricity. Lighting, TV and the radio represent the same proportion 15% as do vacuum cleaners, food mixers and electric tools.有生词有生词N N多图多图信息分散信息分散不知道分几步不知道分几步Flow图表稍不同,字字珠玑信息全图表稍不同,字字珠玑信息全



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