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1、Intermediate course of InterpretationTranslation 密码:20102010learning scheduleGeneral introduction of intermediate interpretation中级口译的英译汉项目均选自英美报刊,内容为西方国家人物与事件,难点为复杂的语言结构和专有名词,旨在检验考生的知识面、英语理解水平和中文表达能力。汉译英项目从2000年开始注重四字成语翻译题开始,几乎每年都考带有古诗词、成语、谚语、半文半白词的当今重大事件。翻译部分:英译汉 短文一篇 170 words 50分 30min汉译英 短文一篇 17

2、0 字 50分 30min年份年份英译汉英译汉汉译英汉译英2006.32006.3治疗肥胖症治疗肥胖症上海改革开放变化上海改革开放变化2006.92006.9物质与非物质文化物质与非物质文化耶鲁大学耶鲁大学2007.32007.3古董贸易与走私古董贸易与走私上海世博会上海世博会2007.92007.9美国梦美国梦和平发展和平发展2008.32008.3对美丑的评价对美丑的评价我国首次探月成功我国首次探月成功2008.92008.9就业现状就业现状企业合作企业合作2009.32009.3美经济危机对策美经济危机对策珍惜光阴珍惜光阴2009.62009.6关于小说故事关于小说故事富商的笑话一则富商

3、的笑话一则2010.32010.3美贫富差距拉大美贫富差距拉大中国经济中国经济2010.92010.9美国经济体制美国经济体制上海老城上海老城2011.32011.3奥巴马演讲奥巴马演讲豫园豫园2011.92011.9美国教育与老师美国教育与老师华人支持双语华人支持双语2012.32012.3乔布斯演讲乔布斯演讲世界无烟日世界无烟日learning scheduleWhat will we learn?translationtechniqueshow to deal with the examwordssentencesdiscourseTeaching Procedure 原文分析试译讲评2

4、-3分钟eg. Louisa (a peasant girl): As you have come to my house, I feel greatly honored.译文一:路易莎(一位农家姑娘):欢迎光临,蓬荜生辉!译文二:路易莎(一位农家姑娘):您到俺家来,真是贵客临门。eg. The order was classified top secret and it came at the middle of the night.eg. Venice invites idleness and strolling. Its silence is restful and its sundia

5、ls are inscribed with the words: I count only the happy hours.译文二:绝密级命令在午夜送达。译文一:这个命令被标注为绝密级而且它是在午夜到来的。译文一:威尼斯邀请悠闲和漫步。它的宁静是静止 的,就连城里的日晷上也刻着这样的字眼,我只记录幸福时光。译文二:威尼斯是人们悠闲自得、闲庭信步的好去处,它宁静从容,闲适悠然,连城里的日晷上都镌刻着这样的铭文:“只计幸福时光。”校核表达理解翻译的过程 process of translationComprehension + Representation + Collation or proof

6、reading忠实来自理解 After repeated failure and disappointments he was determined to throw up the sponge, but continued perseverance finally brought success. 多次的失败和失望险些让他多次的失败和失望险些让他自暴自弃自暴自弃,但是坚持不懈的努力最,但是坚持不懈的努力最终给他带来了成功。终给他带来了成功。 The passenger declared that he had lost his ticket, but the inspector suspec

7、ted that he was trying it on, and that actually he had not paid his fare. 这位顾客声称丢掉了车票,检票员怀疑他实际上没有买票,想这位顾客声称丢掉了车票,检票员怀疑他实际上没有买票,想蒙蒙混过关混过关。If he refuses to take my advice on this occasion, as he has done so often before, I shall wash my hands of the affair, and he can fend for himself. 如果他此时像往常那样拒不接受我

8、的建议,我将如果他此时像往常那样拒不接受我的建议,我将不再插手这件事不再插手这件事,他可自行处理。他可自行处理。 过去的一年,全国人民按照过去的一年,全国人民按照“抓住机遇,深化改革,扩抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定大开放,促进发展,保持稳定”的方针,团结奋斗,开的方针,团结奋斗,开拓进取,社会主义现代化事业取得了重大成就。拓进取,社会主义现代化事业取得了重大成就。“抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定”(通过)抓住机遇,(以便)深化改革(和)扩大开放(通过)抓住机遇,(以便)深化改革(和)扩大开放促进发展促进发展保

9、持稳定保持稳定 过去的一年,全国人民按照过去的一年,全国人民按照“抓住机遇,深化改革,抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定”的方针,团结的方针,团结奋斗,开拓进取,社会主义现代化事业取得了重奋斗,开拓进取,社会主义现代化事业取得了重大成就。大成就。 In the past, guided by the principle of “seizing the current opportunity to deepen the reform and open China wider to the outside world, promoting developm

10、ent and maintaining stability,” the Chinese people worked hard with a united and pioneering spirit, achieving great success in the drive for socialist modernization. 理解如何而来?语感语感悟性悟性语法分析:长句的翻译语法分析:长句的翻译上下文分析:词义的理解上下文分析:词义的理解通顺来自表达I have a cousin who knows the younger brother of the richest people of

11、the town. 我有一个认识镇上最有钱的人的弟弟的表哥。我有一个认识镇上最有钱的人的弟弟的表哥。我有一个表哥,他认识镇上最有钱的人的弟弟。我有一个表哥,他认识镇上最有钱的人的弟弟。He is a good eater and good sleeper. 他是一个好的吃者和好的睡者。他是一个好的吃者和好的睡者。他能吃能睡。他能吃能睡。In the door way lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. 门口放着至少十二把各种颜色和各种尺寸的伞。门口放着至少十二把各种颜色和各种尺寸的伞。门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有十二把,五

12、颜六色,大小门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一。不一。翻译的标准 criteria of translation信、达、雅(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance)严复信:意义不背本文; 达:不拘泥于原文形式,尽译文语言的能事以求原意明显。两者是统一的。 雅:“文言文才算登大雅之堂。”忠实、通顺 faithfulness and smoothness忠实:一、忠于原作的内容。二、保持原作的风格。通顺:译文语言必须通顺易懂,符合规范。翻译的标准严复信 Faithfulness 达 Smoothness 雅 Elegance 傅雷熊掌与鱼,忠

13、实于原文内容还是形式?“得其精而忘其粗,在其内而忘其外” “重神似不重形似” 翻译的标准,有翻译的标准,有“神似神似”和和“形似形似”。翻译就像临摹绘画,简单的临摹重复只是最低标准。如果能够翻译就像临摹绘画,简单的临摹重复只是最低标准。如果能够根据画中的主旨和意境做到根据画中的主旨和意境做到“形神兼备形神兼备”,则是大匠之作。,则是大匠之作。因此,翻译形式只是形式,而翻译的效果才是真正的目的地。因此,翻译形式只是形式,而翻译的效果才是真正的目的地。钱钟书 翻译的最高标准是翻译的最高标准是”化化“。翻译作品其实也是原著的。翻译作品其实也是原著的”投胎转投胎转世世“,从内容、思想、风格、感情色彩,

14、甚至修辞手法上都要,从内容、思想、风格、感情色彩,甚至修辞手法上都要继承原著的特色。继承原著的特色。v化境指把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而路出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入于化境翻译的操作标准忠实/准确 faithfulness/accuracy流畅/通顺 smoothness中口笔译的操作标准A-AppropriatenessB-BriefnessC-CoherencyD-DiversificationE-ExpressivenessF-FaithfulnessG-Gracefulness中口笔译的操作标准A-Appropriateness:

15、老年人-The old people? The senior, the elderlyB-Briefness (英译汉:1:0.9)vRussia is a huge-geographical country, with well-educated people, and will eventually recover. (2001-9)v俄罗斯是 一个地域广阔的国家,人民受到良好的教育,最终将彻底地复苏。v俄罗斯国土面积广大,人民受到良好的教育,全面复苏只是时间问题。v俄罗斯幅员辽阔,国民素质良好,最终将东山再起。v俄罗斯人杰地广,东山再起指日可待。中口笔译的操作标准C-Coherency(

16、对译文进行增词、换序、换形或转态等一系列处理)In this way, they may devote their time to the study of policy alternatives1 free from the teaching and departmental duties 2 that are part of the daily routine for most members of the academic community3.正因为如此,这些专家就可从大多数学术人士习以为常的日常教学和课系公务中脱离出来,全身心地投入到政治决策的研究中去。中口笔译的操作标准D-Dive

17、rsificationShort-range thinking, 鼠目寸光逆向思维E-ExpressivenessF-FaithfulnessG-Gracefulness中口笔译的大纲及评分标准Section III E-C30分钟,180词,50分题型:国外英语书包杂志:英语国家政治/经济/社会/文化/历史,5-8句Section IV C-E30分钟,180词,50分国内书报杂志:我国的内政外交/改革开放/社会文化/历史大事/上海各方面的发展;4-6句中口笔译的大纲及评分标准评分标准1.Clearness (卷面分,5分;goal: 4分)2.Accuracy(翻译正确度,25分;goal

18、: 19分)A corps of technicians, aides, speechwriter, symbol manufacturers, investigators, and policy proposers.我们希望各国人民都享有不被人我们希望各国人民都享有不被人压迫压迫、歧视歧视和和欺凌欺凌的自由。的自由。中口笔译的大纲及评分标准We all have a stake in building peace and prosperity, and in confronting threats that respects no borders.抵御,涉及3. Nativeness (10

19、分; goal: 5分)vValid information: 正确?无误?vThe upkeep of exotic gardens and old mansions.v中国改革开放以来,国民经济年均增长速度达到9.7%中口笔译的大纲及评分标准4. Coherency - (10分; goal: 5分)vThere is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an Englishman) to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying

20、 the various ways in which Shakespeare used it. v1. 外国人欣赏丰富多彩的英语可能没有比学习莎士比亚使用英语的各种方法更好的方法了。v2 对于外国人(甚至还有英国人)来说, 要欣赏丰富多彩的英语,学习莎士比亚使用英语的方法可能是最好的方法。中口笔译的大纲及评分标准这所大学的任务是培养德智体全面发展,能熟练运用外语从事外事和文化交流工作的合格人才。The task of this university is to cultivate qualified personnel for foreign affairs and cultural exch

21、ange who are morally, intellectually and physically qualified with proficient use of English.无题 李商隐Its difficult for us to meet and hard to _ ,The east wind is too weak to revive flowers_.The silkworm till its death spins silk from the love-sick_ ,The candle only when burned has no tears to_.相见时难别亦难

22、,东风无力百花残。春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。partdeadheartshedTranslatedby:许渊冲头韵头韵 alliteration押韵押韵RhymeEnglish汉语先说事,后表态葡萄形形合语言多用短句静态语势先表态,后说事意合语言多用长句动态语势竹形主语显型语言主题显型语言英汉语言对比英汉语言的对比静态语势vs. 动态语势 eg1. One after another, speakers called for the downfall of imperialism, abolition of exploitation of man by man, liberation o

23、f oppressed of the world. 发言人一个接一个表示要打倒帝国主义,要消灭人剥削人的制度,要解放世界上的被压迫人民。 eg2. “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.“来啦!” 她转身蹦着跳着跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。 eg3. The rotation of the earth on its own axis cause the change from day to

24、night.地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜变化。静态语势vs. 动态语势 eg4. 经常接触某人或某物往往会使人喜欢上那个人或事物,而不是越来越瞧不起他们.Frequent exposure to something or someone will usually cause liking rather than contempt. eg3. Every British citizen who is employed is obliged to pay a weekly contribution to the national insurance and health schemes. (Unit 4

25、) eg5. 中国不赞成违反联合国宪章和国际法准则,单方面使用武力和以武力想威胁。(Unit 10)China is opposed to any unilateral use of force or threat of force in violation of the UN Charter and international laws.每一个有工作的英国公民必须每周缴纳国民保险费和医疗保险费。形合 hypotactic vs.意合 paratactic汉语句子之间的意思或句中的意思很多情况下并不需要关联词来衔接,而意义仍十分明确,这主要是因为汉语句子之间的逻辑关系时暗含与句子结构之中或句子

26、与句子之间的,通过句子的先后顺序一般就可推断出句子间的逻辑关系和句子意思。与英语句子相比,汉语句子优势就显得结构松散,句子短小,句式连接也不够严谨。“流水句法”,即汉语句式如流水,少用甚至不用连接词也不会影响句子的流畅和拘役的准确;英语为竹节句法,其句与句之间需用连接词加以连接来体现逻辑关系。比如,英语连接词if、because、when、although等使用频繁。The business of a business is business.在商言商。枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。形合 hypotactic vs.意合 paratactic在汉语里,表示逻

27、辑关系的连接词用的不多,句子与句子之间多半靠前后两句的意思串起来理解,重内容而轻形式,即汉语为意合语言。英语里句子与句子的关系,无一不靠表示逻辑关系的连接词(或标点符号)来表现,英语属于形合语言。(汉译英时,有时需要注意选择恰当的英语连接词来表现句子与句子的逻辑关系。) eg. 中美两国经济上的相互依存在不断加强,经贸合作已成为中美关系的稳定器。(Unit 10)As the economies of China and the United States become increasingly interdependent, economic and trade cooperation ha

28、s functioned as a stabilizer of relations between the two countries.形合 hypotactic vs.意合 paratactic除了谓语动词不能由从句担任外,英语其他所有句子成分都可以由句子担任,是为从句(主从、宾从、表从、同位语从句、定从、状从)。使英语句子出现结构复杂的长句。汉语的意合特征需要用词汇之间的内涵意义来表达,因此词汇的粘合力较差,不宜拖带过多修饰成分,所以更擅长于流水句。这种差异要求在英译汉时多使用流水句,英语的各种从句或长句往往要进行拆译。As we lived near the road, we often

29、 had the traveler of stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine, for which we had reputation, and I confess, with the veracity of an historian, that I never knew one of them to find fault with it.我们就住在路边。过路人或者外乡人常到我们家,尝尝我们家酿的酸果酒。这种酒有点名气,我敢说,尝过的人从没挑剔过。我这话像历史学家的话一样靠得住。形合 hypotactic vs.意合 paratacti

30、c汉语重语义,英语重句法,汉语的主语不太容易识别,不影响人们理解全句意义。英语主谓关系必须明确,主谓在人称、数、与时态上必须一致。 eg. It is a curious fact, of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation, that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the wo

31、rst climate and where the search for the picturesque involves the greatest discomfort.形合paratactic vs.意合 hypotactic译文1:这是件我不能想出解释的事,就是正好那些天气最坏和寻找风景如画的地方最带有困难的欧洲国家是对乡村生活具有的热情和对自然景色具有的爱心最强烈和最普遍的。译文2:欧洲有些国家,天气坏透,那里的人要辛苦一番,才能找到景色如画的地方。奇怪,他们恰好最喜欢过乡村生活,也最爱欣赏天然风景,而且这个情形也极普遍。这就是实情,我怎么也提不出叫人满意的解释来。主语显型 subje

32、ct-prominent vs. 主题显型 topic-prominent eg2. Hope you are enjoying your vacation.祝假期愉快! eg1. 下雨啦!Its raining!英语句子主语很少省略,而汉语则是多用无主句。英语句子讲究结构完整,除了在祈使句、人物对话、说明书或某些特殊实用文体中有时可以省略主语外,一般情况下很难使用无主句,从汉语角度来看不需要主语的句子也要加上主语,以保持句子结构的完整。汉语只要语境许可,说话对象不言自明时就可省略主语,多无主句。英译汉时,许多英语句子的主语可以考虑省略;汉译英时,绝大多数情况下力求主语到位。表示祝福的语句常可

33、采用无主句式。主语显著 subject-prominent vs. 主题显著 topic-prominent eg3. 加强思想政治工作,讲艰苦奋斗,都很有必要,但只靠这些也还是不够。 It is most essential to strengthen ideological and political work and stress work and the spirit of hard struggle, but we cannot depend on those measures alone. eg4. 预计今年的工业产量可比去年增长百分之八十。 The industrial prod

34、uction this year is expected to increase by 8% over that of last year.英语叙事前重心 vs. 汉语叙事后重心汉语习惯是“先叙后问”,先摆事实、讲道理,而后在发问;英语的表达习惯则是“先问后叙”,句子以发问始,以叙事终,最后才摆出事实道理、 eg1. 中国现在实行对外改革开放,对内搞活经济的政策,难道有什么人能加以扭转吗?Is there anyone who can alter Chinas current policy of opening up to the outside world and invigorating

35、its domestic economy? eg2. Im very grateful for your help to me during mu stay in London last month. eg3. The girls all smiled on hearing the news.听到这个好消息,姑娘们都笑了。上个月在伦敦,承蒙多方照顾,不胜感激之至。英语多使用被动语态vs. 汉语少使用被动语态英语的论说文体,特别是科技文章,使用被动结构的概率有时高达75%以上,因为西方人在陈述道理时常常推崇“客观性”,忌讳主观推论;为适应汉语习惯,英语的被动结构往往都可考虑在翻译成汉语的主动结构

36、。在翻译英语句子时,要遵照汉语习惯,多使用动词;多用流水句,少用长句;多用人称主语,少用非人称主语;多使用主动结构,是使用被动结构。现在人们越来越关注环保了。Recently more and more attention has been focused on protection of the environment.本地区严禁砍伐松林。No one is allowed to clear-cut the pine forest in this region .而且,只有不断推进和平与发展的事业,各国人民安居乐业,集中精力发展经济,创新科技,才能创造巨大的市场需求和促进经济繁荣。(Unit

37、 9)An enormous market demand can be created and economic prosperity promoted only when continued efforts are made to advance the cause of peace and development to ensure that people around the world live and work in peace and contentment and focus on economic development and on scientific and techno

38、logical innovation.直译literaltranslationvs.意译freetranslation直译和意译是英汉翻译最常见的两种基本技法。直译是指在传达原文意思的时候,尽量做到译文的表达形式、句法结构等与原文保持一致,能完全对等的要完全对等,不能完全对等的也要大致对等。对等的内容包括词性、词序、语序、表达方式、修辞方式、语体风格、地方色彩、个人风格、民族文化特色,其理想目标是做到“形”、“神”兼备。直译的使用不仅极大地丰富了汉语的词汇,而且还极大地拓展了汉语的表达方式和表达范围。意译是指如果按照原文字面意思进行翻译既译不通,又不能有效地表达原文深层意蕴时,就舍弃原文的字面


40、文的内容,不保持原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。文字。中级口译中,大多数场合只要译出基本意思就可以了,但是在少中级口译中,大多数场合只要译出基本意思就可以了,但是在少数场合需要使用意译。数场合需要使用意译。直译literaltranslationvs.意译freetranslationThere is no way of proving this point. (1997年年考题考题)直译:现在没有办法证明这一点。直译:现在没有办法证明这一点。意译:这一点不置可否。意译:这一点不置可否。An organization that has open lines of communication wi

41、th valid, honest information going up, down, and throughout the organization will be much more effective and a much better place of work than the organization that attempts to restrict the flow of information or distort and deceive. (2003年考题年考题)直译:一个企业如果具备公开的沟通渠道,公司上级、下级、同直译:一个企业如果具备公开的沟通渠道,公司上级、下级、

42、同级之间传递正确的、诚实的信息,比起那些试图限制信息流通、级之间传递正确的、诚实的信息,比起那些试图限制信息流通、歪曲甚至欺骗的企业来说,将会有更高的效率,并是一个更适歪曲甚至欺骗的企业来说,将会有更高的效率,并是一个更适宜于工作的地方。宜于工作的地方。意译:一个企业如果具备坦诚的沟通模式和全方位的诚信信息,意译:一个企业如果具备坦诚的沟通模式和全方位的诚信信息,比起那些试图封闭信息、曲解甚至欺骗的企业来说,将会有更比起那些试图封闭信息、曲解甚至欺骗的企业来说,将会有更高的效能,并更适宜于工作。高的效能,并更适宜于工作。Restricting communication and distort

43、ing information are symptoms of short-range thinking. (2000年考题年考题)直译:限制沟通和曲解信息是企业缺乏远见的前兆。直译:限制沟通和曲解信息是企业缺乏远见的前兆。意译:限制沟通和曲解信息使企业逐渐成为井底之蛙。意译:限制沟通和曲解信息使企业逐渐成为井底之蛙。Think tanks and university research institutes are nonprofit organizations that have been developed to provide settings for experts in vario

44、us academic disciplines. 直译:智囊团和大学中的研究机构是非赢利性组织,为不同学术直译:智囊团和大学中的研究机构是非赢利性组织,为不同学术领域的专家提供了环境。领域的专家提供了环境。意译:智囊团和大学中的研究机构是非赢利性组织,为不同学术意译:智囊团和大学中的研究机构是非赢利性组织,为不同学术领域的专家提供了舞台。领域的专家提供了舞台。Their expanding appetite for imports would have bolstered the United States and so-called emerging market countries fro

45、m Brazil to South Korea. (2003年考题)直译:那些国家对进口需求很大,刺激了美国和一些所谓的新兴市场国家,诸如巴西、韩国。意译:那些国家热衷于进口,确实给美国和一些所谓的新兴市场国家诸如巴西、韩国打了一针强心剂。本届会议将围绕本届会议将围绕”新世纪、新挑战:参与、合作、促进共同发展新世纪、新挑战:参与、合作、促进共同发展“的主题,审议的主题,审议5个方面的议题,以期促进亚太地区和全球贸个方面的议题,以期促进亚太地区和全球贸易的发展。易的发展。(2001年考题年考题)直译:直译:This meeting will discuss the topic of “new c

46、entury, new challenge: participate, cooperate and promote common prosperity” covering 5 areas with a view to enhancing the development of economy and trade between the Asia-Pacific region and the rest world. 意译:意译:This meeting will, centering around the theme of “Meeting new challenges in the new ce

47、ntury: achieving common prosperity through participation and cooperation”, reviewing the agenda under 5 heads with a view to promoting the economic and trade development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large. 因为从市民的衣、食、住、行消费来讲,住房是一个重要的因素,而且占了大头。(2002年考题)直译:Among the basic necessities of

48、life - food, clothing, shelter and transportation, housing is an important elements, accounting for a majority in the money they spend. 意译:Among the basic necessities of life - food, clothing, shelter and transportation, housing is an important element, accounting for a lions share in the money they

49、 spend. 洋化Foreignizationvs.归化DomesticationSL culture-oriented translation TL culture-oriented translationforeignization= literal translationdomestication= free translationE.g. Nothing could be done. 不必担心太早。(不必自寻烦恼)E.g. We saw an acrobat standing on his head.我们看见一个杂技演员正在倒立。无事可以被做?E.g. Dont cross the

50、bridge till you get it. 死译、硬译 乱译英译汉中的直译与意译fireengineanightowlbirdfluchainreactiontalkshowUtopiamicrophonesourgrapemodelInternethacker消防车夜猫子禽流感连锁反应脱口秀乌托邦麦克风酸葡萄模特儿因特网黑客daystudentinthedarkdeadshot/eyeacoldfishblacksheepblue-eyebodydearJohnletteracouchpotatoafatchancenaturalhistory走读生一无所知神枪手冷血无情的人害群之马心腹

51、绝交信整天窝在沙发上看电视的人渺茫的机会博物学e.g. One may as well not know a thing at all as know it but imperfectly.与其一知半解,不如全然不知。e.g. Jack and his wife have had two decades investing in each other since their marriage.e.g. The research finds that young women are heading for an early grave through smoking and lack of ex

52、ercise.e.g. My sister goes back to the fat farm again.我妹妹又去减肥中心了。这项研究发现,青年妇女由于抽烟和缺少运动,将大大缩短自己的寿命。杰克和他老婆结婚20年来,一直相亲相爱。他儿子正在蹲班房。直译为:他们造出你后便将模具打碎了。请别插嘴。我们今天在这儿,明天就走。?e.g. His son lives under the governments expenses.e.g. They broke the mould when they made you.e.g. If I want you, I will ask for you.e.g

53、. We are here today and gone tomorrow.Euphemism委婉语意译:世上没有相同的人。/ 千人千面。That the door. 门在那儿。? 请你出去。警句人生如朝露,转瞬即逝。Mr. Zhang always buries his head in the sand.The Theory of Relativity is too difficult, many people can not understand it.No morning sun lasts a whole day.e.g. 如果你不帮我,英语考试我死定了。e.g. 张先生总是逃避现实。

54、e.g. 相对论太难了,很多人都搞不懂。e.g. 好景不常在,好花不常开。Mr.Zhang always avoids the facts.Good times dont last long, and beautiful flowers dont blossom long.If you dont help me, that would be the kiss of death to my English exam.The Theory of Relativity is Greek to most people.e.g. In some automated plants, electronic

55、computers control the entire production line.在一些自动化工厂,生产线完全由计算机控制。e.g. Conversion to electric power represents a practical means of transferring geothermal energy, but the price of the conversion is a substantial loss of energy, and further losses occur in transmission and the subsequent use of it.要

56、传输地热能,一种切实可行的办法就是先将地热能转换为电能。但是,这样的转换要以大量能量的损耗为代价,而且,在传输过程以及日后的使用过程中,损耗还会更大。科技文体他那是癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉。e.g. In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.e.g. He is like a toad trying to swallow a swan.意译为:山中无老虎,猴子称大王。盲人国里,独眼为王。e.g. 电学上最常用的两个单位是安培与伏特,前者是电流单位,后者是电压单位。The two units used most frequently in

57、 electricity are ampere and volt. This is the unit of voltage and that of current flow.e.g. 人生有两大悲剧:一个是愿望得不到满足,另一个是愿望得到了满足。(奥斯卡.王尔德)科技文体When you toss the coin to decide something, usually you will say, Tails, I win; heads, you win.”e.g. 用抛硬币的方式来决定事情时,我们通常会说,“反面,我赢;正面,你赢。”There are two tragedies in l

58、ife. One is not to get your hearts desire. The other is to get it.horse sensebusboybusybodydressing roomheart manmad doctoreleventh hourrest roomdead presidentpersonal remarksweet waterconfidence man马的感觉?公共汽车售票员?大忙人?试衣室?有心人?发疯的医生?十一点?休息室?死了的总统?个人评论?糖水?信得过的人?常识爱管闲事的人化妆室做心脏移植手术的人精神病科医生最后时刻厕所美钞人身攻击淡水骗子

59、餐馆勤杂工practiceyellow bookred rapeblue stockingwhite manIndian summerGreek giftEnglish diseaseSpanish athleteChina policyan apple of lovepull ones legfamiliar talk 黄色书籍?红色带子?蓝色长筒袜?皮肤白的人?印度的夏天?希腊的礼物?英国病?西班牙运动员?中国政策?爱情之果?拉后腿?熟悉的谈话?法国政府黄皮书官僚习气女学者忠实可靠的朋友愉快宁静的晚年害人的礼品气管炎爱吹牛的人对华政策西红柿开玩笑庸俗的交谈practicepracticee

60、.g. Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War, but in a few years, he was completely defeated.e.g. Do you see any green in my eye? e.g. Do you have a family?希特勒在发动第二次世界大战时是武装到牙齿的,可是不过几年,就被彻底击败了。你以为我是好欺负的吗?你有孩子了吗?穿过树林时她很害怕。e.g. When going through the forest, she had cold fee

61、t.e.g. A man can lead a horse to the water but he cannot make him drink.师傅领进门,修行在个人。I saw my best friend on the campus today and said hello to him, but he gives me a cold shoulder as if he never knew me。她并不怎么喜欢他,可是如果她跟他一起出去玩,那倒可以让凯丝心中感到不是滋味。 从生至死。/ 从摇篮到坟墓。e.g. There is also an allowance for funeral,

62、 for the State boasts that it looks after people “from cradle to grave”. (Unit 4)e.g. She didnt like him much, but if she went out with him, itd be one in the eye for Kath.e.g. 今天在校园里我见到了我最要好的朋友,我跟他打招呼,但他却对我不理不睬,就好像从来都不认识我一样。practicee.g. What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.幼时所学,终生难

63、忘。e.g. 通过要求发展外交政策上的合作,参议院外交关系委员会想尼克松政府送出了橄榄枝。The Senate Foreign Relation Committee extended the olive branch to the Nixon Government by pleading for cooperation in developing foreign policy.Motivated by the Olympic Games, China will witness a high speed development in its economy during the first de

64、cade of the 21st century.e.g. 由于奥运的催化作用,中国经济在21世纪的前10年将高速发展。(Unit 11)e.g. For any Englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is the worlds greatest poet and greatest dramatist.(Unit 4)对于任何一个英国人来说,谁是世界上最伟大的诗人和戏剧家,这个问题根本用不着讨论。笔译部分的技巧英语中级口译笔试英译汉考题的具体评分要求为译文内容完整、准确,基本无遗漏或误译,表达通顺流程,语言基本无误。因此


66、能存在的语法,拼写和漏译错误。汉译英的基本翻译技巧与步骤与英译汉部分相同,还需注意:1. 用词准确、规范、专用词汇要熟记2. 使用正确规范的英语习语3. 意译而不要直译汉语习语与成语4. 注意英语表达习惯,词语搭配要恰当5.译完注意检查全文1. 用词准确、规范、专用词汇要熟记政治术语,如“一国两制”(one economy,two systems); 经济术语,如“可持续增长”(sustained growth)、“内需”(domestic demand)、“调整经济结构”(economic restructuring);2. 使用正确规范的英语习语对试题中一些固定中文搭配要准确找出其对应的英

67、语习语,如“充分发挥的优势”即可翻译为“to give full play to ”,“奠定/打下的基础”可译为“to lay the foundation for”,”起重要作用”可以译为“to play an important role in”等。3. 意译而不要直译汉语习语与成语对考题中出现的一些汉语习语与成语,要在明确其确切含义的基础上意译,切忌生搬硬套地直译,以致弄巧成拙。如考题中的“浩然之气”可以译为“noble spirit”;“凤毛麟角”可以意译为“be very rare”即可。4. 注意英语表达习惯,词语搭配要恰当凡是翻译教程中提到的翻译技巧都要熟记于心。如当英译有多个形

68、容词的词组时,要注意将决定并与性质的最重要的形容词置于离并与最近即在所有形容词中最后的位置。如试题中的“中国传统文化”要译成“traditional Chinese culture”;另要注意词语的省略,当翻译“化进程时”,由于化本身就是“进程”,所以“进程”省略不译。可将“APEC贸易投资自由化进程”译为”APEC trade and investment liberalization”即可。如“中国与世界各国”,因为中国是世界的一部分,应译为“China and other countries of the world”。5.译完注意检查全文译完全文后,考生最好进行两次复查。第一次重点检查

69、有无遗漏与错译;第二次检查撇开原文,用英语语感来检查译文的连贯性,使英语时态统一,词语搭配得当,连贯通顺,逻辑关系无误,语法正确。Attention!注意啦!汉译英与英译汉均应按照原文自然段分段翻译,不要任意重新分段,若忽视这一点就会影响成绩。中级口译翻译的基本原则一、文体掌握原则二、功能对等和形式对等并重的原则不论英语还是汉语都有不同的文体类别,不同的文体类别具有不同的文体特点。必须熟悉英汉各种文体类别的语言特征,才能在英汉语言转换中顺应原文的需要,做到量体裁衣,使译文的文体与原文的文体相适应。 功能对等(functional equivalence)是Eugene ANida的翻译理论。简


71、刀切。 五、重点、难点把握原则具体的一段文章尤其是英语文章中,总有一两个句子或词组是“硬骨头”,这往往是考试的得分点所在。一定要把握好分寸,否则找不到准星,只能得到事倍功半的结果。六、体现中国特色原则七、准确有效交流原则中国有自己的国情,有些言语在国外是没有的,同时,外国特有的话语在中国也不能一味地套用。比如说上海市政动迁“移民”(relocation Of residents)和国外的“移民”(emigration)就不同。再如,“三个代表”、“与时俱进,开拓创新”都是中国特有的词汇。对于译文,读者应该有效地理解,没有误解现象。此外,译文要地道,避免洋泾浜口吻。比如说,“社会办学力量”就不能

72、译成running school by social forces,否则,就达不到准确交流的目的。(non-governmental sectors)Steve Jobs20123月中口真题 When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo P

73、ark, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960s, before personal computers and desktops publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: It was idealistic

74、, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stewart and his team put out several of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was in the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morn

75、ing country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the word: ”Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off, Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begi

76、n anew ,I wish that for you.我年轻那会儿, 有一本非常好的杂志,叫做环球目录,算得上是我那一辈人的圣经。创办这本杂志的人名叫斯图尔特.布兰德,他就住在离这里不远的门罗公园。他用诗意的笔触为这本杂志赋予了生命。那是六十年代,个人电脑和电脑出版还未普及,因此正本杂志都是用打字机、剪刀和拍立得相机完成的,可以成为纸质版的谷歌搜索,但却比谷歌早出现了35年。它是理想主义的化身,满篇都是整洁的工具和伟大的观点。 When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog,

77、which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960s, before personal computers and desktops publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors,

78、 and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: It was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stewart and his team put out several of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final iss

79、ue. It was in the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the word: ”Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message

80、as they signed off, Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew ,I wish that for you.斯图尔特和他的团队推出了即期环球目录,当他们遇到了瓶颈边出版了最后一期。当时是70年代中期,那时的我和你们现在差不多大。最后一期的黑色封面上有一张照片,照片上是一条清晨的乡间小路,是那种搭车出游时一定能看见的小路,如果你有这样的冒险精神的话。照片下方有这样一句话:“求知若渴,虚怀若愚。”这是他们谢幕时

81、留下的告别辞。求知若渴,虚怀若愚求知若渴,虚怀若愚。我一直都希望自己能做到这一点。现在你们就要毕业了,我也希望你们能够这样做。C-E translation 吸烟之危害,可谓大矣,其严重性是不能低估的。吸烟污染空气,损害健康,是肺癌发病率大大增加。为了使全国人民关注烟草的盛行及预防吸烟导致的疾病和死亡,世界卫生组织已将每年的5月31日定为“世界无烟日”。 瘾君子们说,一天饭不吃可以,一个时辰不抽烟就难捱了,不能戒。只要真正意识到吸烟有百害而无一利,与人于己都是一种祸害,就有可能下决心摆脱烟草的诱惑。戒烟贵在坚持,坚持下去就是收获。Smoking does great harm to human

82、 and its gravity should not be underestimated. Smoking pollutes air, damages health, and increase the incidence of lung cancer. To arouse the awareness about the prevalence of tobacco in all the countries and to prevent smoking-induced diseases and deaths, the WHO (World Health Organization) has def

83、ined May 31st in every year as World No-Tobacco Day.The tobacco addicts say that smoking is impossible to quit because they could do without meals in a day but would feel tortured without tobacco in two hours. However, when one realizes to others as well as to he himself , he will be determined to r

84、esist the temptation of tobacco. To quit smoking requires persistence and so long as one persists, hell be rewarded.他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。人生需要一种境界:自我安定。面对别人的成功与荣耀,我喝我的清茶,我明白那掌声已有所属,匆匆忙忙赶过去,不会有成功等着你,还是自己再创业绩吧,跟着别人永远只能摸着成功的尾巴。凡事不逃避,我喝我的清茶。荷花居污泥而不染,若为怕水污而种在旱地上,它早就枯死了。人生也一样,避恶、避丑、避邪,只能说明自己心灵脆弱。自我安定可不是找一个安宁的所在,而

85、恰恰是在紊乱的环境中保持安定的心境,“定”是一种境界,是居于多变之中的不动摇。只有达到这一境界才能掌握自己的方向,才能做到“他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。”他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。人生需要一种境界:自我安定。Human life, it seems to me, needs a placidity of mind. While others may be wining and dining, Im content with plain tea. 面对别人的成功与荣耀,我喝我的清茶,我明白那掌声已有所属,匆匆忙忙赶过去,不会有成功等着你,还是自己再创业绩吧,跟着别人永远只能摸着成功的尾巴。No

86、t dazzled by other peoples aura of success and glamour, Ill indulge in my simple pleasure. Clearly aware where the credit goes, I wont join in the rush in the vain hope of accepting the prize to be handed to me on a plate. The best a blind follower can do is tailing after winners. The only alternati

87、ve is to create wonders of ones own. 凡事不逃避,我喝我的清茶。荷花居污泥而不染,若为怕水污而种在旱地上,它早就枯死了。人生也一样,避恶、避丑、避邪,只能说明自己心灵脆弱。I stick to the pureness of my pleasure, never escaping from reality. The lotus grows in the mud without being tainted. If, to avoid the dirt, one plants it on dry clean ground, it simply wont grow

88、. The same holds true for (It is the same with-) human beings. Shrinking from what is ugly, vile and evil only proves the frailty of ones character. 自我安定可不是找一个安宁的所在,而恰恰是在紊乱的环境中保持安定的心境,“定”是一种境界,是居于多变之中的不动摇。只有达到这一境界才能掌握自己的方向,才能做到“他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。”Enjoying the tranquility of mind does not mean hiding one

89、self in a haven. What is meant is the maintenance of such a mental state in the midst of chaos, i.e. moral immovability amidst kaleidoscopic changes. Only a person who has attained this plane can be a real master of his destiny, contenting himself with the purest and simplest pleasure. 翻译十大原则十大原则1、

90、动宾连接vWe must avoid these stupid, short-sighted traps and constantly strive for an open communications system with objective information.(2000-3)先宾语后谓语v中国人民始终希望天下天平,希望各国人民友好相处。(2000-3)vThe Chinese people are always looking forward to global peace and friendship among all nations.vThe Chinese people a

91、re always hoping that the world is at peace and people of all nations will coexist friendlily.翻译十大原则2、 时态v中华民族历来爱好自由与和平。(2000-3)vThe Chinese people have always been cherishing freedom and peace.vThe Chinese people always cherish freedom and peace.vThe Chinese people are always cherishing freedom and

92、 peace.v褒扬、赞美口吻翻译十大原则2、 时态vShe would spend hours dressing herself in fine clothes, and brushing her black hair. Then she would stand by the mirror and admire herself.v总是。常常(不耐烦)vThe surgeons werent sure how long my new joints would last. But theyre holding up fine.v当时/至今还是(不满和轻微讽刺)翻译十大原则2、 时态v届时,请您着

93、正装。vAt that time, you will be wearing formal attire.v(对将来的强烈预期)翻译十大原则3、 主语确定v使用原主语v重新确定主语v增补主语翻译十大原则3、 主语确定v如果说,如果说,词汇词汇是语言的是语言的“建筑材料建筑材料”,那么,那么,句句子子便是文章的便是文章的“基本部件基本部件”。vIf vocabulary is the “building materials” for language, sentences are the “fundamental parts” of writings. v中国中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是

94、说话有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。算数。vChina can be counted on. Among other things, first it upholds the principles and second, it honors its words. 翻译十大原则3、 主语确定v世纪之交,世纪之交,中国中国外交空前活跃。外交空前活跃。vThe turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena.v只有冷静才能成功。只有冷静才能成功。vSuccess depends on calmness

95、. v端午节吃粽子。端午节吃粽子。vWe Chinese people eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.翻译十大原则4、 谓语最小化v今今年年的的亚亚太太经经济济贸贸易易合合作作组组织织会会议议将将主主要要侧侧重重两两个个方方面面:一一是是加加强强亚亚太太经经合合组组织织成成员员之之间间的的合合作作,共共同同应应对对可可能能出出现现的的经经济济衰衰退退,重重树树信信心心;二二是是继继续续推推进进亚亚太太经经合合组组织织贸贸易易投投资资自自由由化化进进程程,推推动动世世界界贸贸易易组组织织尽尽早早开开始新一轮谈判。(始新一轮谈判。(2001-9)翻译

96、十大原则v今今年年的的亚亚太太经经济济贸贸易易合合作作组组织织会会议议将将主主要要侧侧重重两两个个方方面面:一一是是加加强强亚亚太太经经合合组组织织成成员员之之间间的的合合作作,共共同同应应对对可可能能出出现现的的经经济济衰衰退退,重重树树信信心心;二二是是继继续续推推进进亚亚太太经经合合组组织织贸贸易易投投资资自自由由化化进进程程,推推动动世世界界贸贸易易组组织织尽尽早早开开始始新新一一轮轮谈谈判判。(2001-9)vThe APEC meeting in this year will focus on two aspects: one is on strengthening the coo

97、peration among all APEC members to cope with the possible economic recession through rebuilding up confidence; the other is on furthering the liberalization of trade and investment of the APEC to urge the WTO for the start of a new round of negotiations.翻译十大原则v方法(转性)方法(转性)1) 动词变名词动词变名词v我很喜欢听音乐,今晚准备去

98、音乐会。vAs a music fan, I would like to go to the concert tonight.2) 介词短语v两党长期共存,互相监督,共图振兴中华之大业。vThe two parties, with mutual supervision, will coexist for a long time to come and join in tremendous efforts to revitalize China.翻译十大原则v方法方法3) 分词短语分词短语v两党长期共存,互相监督,共图振兴中华之大业。vThe two parties will coexist f

99、or a long time to come, supervising each other and joining in tremendous efforts to revitalize China.4) 带to的目的状语许多大科学家一生钟爱艺术,且懂艺术,从中汲取养料,善养浩然之气,或得到人生最大安慰。翻译十大原则v许多大科学家一生钟爱艺术,且懂艺术,从中汲取养料,善养浩然之气,或得到人生最大安慰。vMany great scientists cherish and appreciate art, from which they derive rich nourishment so as

100、to cultivate their noble spirit or get the greatest comfort from life.翻译十大原则5) 把 并 列 谓 语 中 最 后 一 个 谓 语 处 理 成“which”的非限制性定语从句v在过去的二十年中,中美加强了政治联系,深化了经济合作,丰富了文化交流,形成了两国外交上的一座里程碑。vIn the past twenty years, China and USA have strengthened the political ties, promoted the economic cooperation and enriched

101、 the cultural exchanges, which forms a diplomatic milestone.翻译十大原则) 动宾换序vThe rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and to the rising power of China.v在新千年,经济中心将向亚洲转移,中国将迅速崛起,世界其他地区将不得不对此作出反应。vThe project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students

102、 and the fiscal solvency of the university. v研究生是否存在,大学是否有财政实力,这些都取决于项目预算。翻译十大原则) 动宾换序v有灵动词(verbs for animate objects)v无灵动词(verbs for inanimate objects)vFrom the moment we stepped into the Peoples Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side.vAlarm began to take entire possession

103、 of him.vLater success favored me.vThe courage escaped from me at the moment and words also failed me.翻译十大原则6. 句群逻辑关系句群逻辑关系原因、转折、条件、让步、时间先后、结果关系vAfter swallowing the small companies, the big media conglomerate will control what Americans read and watch.v如果吞并小公司,大媒体集团就能控制美国人的视听。v亚太地区各国应结合自身特点,采取适当的宏观

104、政策措施,促进本地区的经济发展,促进全球经济的复苏。vCountries in the Asia-Pacific region should promote regional economic growth as well as global economic recovery by opting for appropriate macro-economic policies and measures suited to their own conditions.翻译十大原则. 连接原则连接原则v奥运会会徽,不仅是国际奥林匹克运动和奥运会形象品牌的重要载体,而且体现了奥运会举办城市独特的文化魅

105、力,体现了奥运会举办国家的民族性格和精神风貌。vThe emblem of the Olympic Game is not only an important representation of the Olympic Movement and Olympic brand, but also a demonstration of the charm of the host citys unique culture and its national character and spirit. 翻译十大原则8. 减少减少of原则原则v楼的质量不好。vThe building is not well

106、 built.v我们之间关系的发展,使我们不仅成为亲密的朋友,而且成为兄弟。vOur developing relations have made us not only close friends but also brothers.v中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。翻译十大原则9. 名词词组与分句互译名词词组与分句互译)5W1H从句(宾语)名词词组They provide a means by which wealthy people and corporations can in effect decide how their tax payments will be spent

107、.通过它们(基金会),有钱人和大公司能实际支配缴纳税款的用途。2)表示修饰关系的of结构主谓分句。At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply.现在,人们都倾向于采取不偏不倚的态度来回答问题,因为这样安全,不招风险。翻译十大原则3)具有动作意味的名词词组主谓分句But the most skeptical Gates of the new millennium is someone who evinces表明,表示 a passion for giving and govern

108、ment aid.但在新千年,盖茨对此持怀疑态度,因而热衷于施舍和政府援助。)多定语名词词组主谓分句A beautiful, sexy and simple woman这个女人美丽、性感且单纯。翻译十大原则10要词原则vCollectively, the Asian Countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together.v亚洲国家的经济总量将超过其他国家地区的总和vInside these nations there will be mass prosperity, but with a lar

109、ge minority in serious poverty, and a small number who are very rich.v这些国家虽然呈现出欣欣向荣的态势,但其中还有许多极端贫穷的弱势人口,还有少部分人口极端富有。翻译十大经典句型 Leave sb the choice of.or.要么要么vOur cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject卑屈的 submission2Be the instrument of sth.引来某事物的人或事(使动类

110、)vThe eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny mediated against them.翻译十大经典句型 It was the memory/memories of追溯到vPerhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul O

111、lympics, which were considered turning points in their nations development.v日韩两国发展的转折点也许可以追溯到1964年的东京奥运会和1988年的汉城奥运会。翻译十大经典句型4 on the premise/ ground/ prerequisite/proposition/ hypothesis/ presupposition that 基于一个前提v中国政府在宣布实行和平统一的方针时,是基于一个前提,即当时的台湾当局坚持世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。vThe Chinese government decl

112、ared to implement the policy of peaceful reunification on the premise that the then Taiwan authorities maintained that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is only one part of China.翻译十大经典句型 Be bound to必定;一定v西部大开发一定能成为沟通世界各国和中国的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济共同发展,共同繁荣。vThe Great Western Development is bou

113、nd to be a bridge between China and the rest world, promoting the common economic development and prosperity of China and the world at large.翻译十大经典句型6 A matter of sth / doing sth与。有关的情况或问题。vConsidering the following statements, made by the same man eight years apart. “Eventually, being poor wont be

114、as much a matter of living in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills.v请思考一下同一个人在现在和在8年前的讲话。“说到底,贫穷与其说是生活在贫穷的国家,还不如说是技艺不精。翻译十大经典句型7 This is the similar case with / when这恰如;正如;也会v这恰如我们虽然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的总谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。vThis is the similar case when the main melody can evoke a stro

115、ng echo for us to clap our hands in admiration despite our disability to understand the score of Mozarts musical pieces.v除此以外,老百姓的服务性消费,如教育、信息、旅游等消费也会大幅增长。vBesides, this is also the case with the citizens expenditure such as education, information, and traveling.翻译十大经典句型 Be exemplified by 这一点也证明了,这点

116、反映在以下事实vThe American desire to keep the childrens world separate from that of the adult is exemplified also by the practice of delaying transmission of the news to children when their parents have been killed in an accident.v美国人想把儿童和成人的世界划清界限,这一愿望还反映在以下事实:如果父母在事故中丧生,人们总是设法晚点将消息告诉他们的子女。翻译十大经典句型9 cons

117、titute(不用于进行式)是;认为v历史雄辩地说明,中美之间建立在平等互利基础上的劳动分工是最为合理和实用的国际关系。vHistory has proved eloquently that the division of labor based on equality and mutual benefit between China and USA constitutes the most reasonable and practical international relationship.翻译十大经典句型10 witness见证v经过二十多年的快速发展,中国西部地区已奠定了一定的物质和技

118、术基础。vThe rapid development in the past 20-plus years witnesses a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China.v在下一轮的会谈中,我们将宣布中东地区永久停火协议,对此我报有乐观态度并充满希望。vI am optimistic and hopeful that the next round of talk will witness a permanent cease-fire

119、 in the Middle East.Have a try1)我国航天技术将广泛应用于西部开发。2)资源枯竭、环境恶化、人口激增,是当今人类面临的三大全球性问题,而航天技术可能成为解决上述问题的重要手段。3)日本直到年才提出要做“政治大国”。4)语法论述语言结构,英语语法论述英语的结构,法语语法论述法语的结构。5)合格的导游,就必须熟悉这个国家的历史和文化。6)要学好英语,就必须尽可能地接触这门语言。7)没有党的坚强领导,要实现四个县大河是不可能的。8)在过去的年间,中加关系发展势头良好,两国政治关系日益密切,双边贸易额增长了倍。9)中国在处理同其他国家的关系上别无选择,必须强调各国一律平等

120、和尊重中小国家权力和意见的原则10)我们必须理性地对待两国间的经贸摩擦,因为这势必会发展、上升到政治摩擦。 the syntactic placing of pre-modifying adjectivesl lI. of the same typeI. of the same typel li. the more intimate, the closer.i. the more intimate, the closer.l lii. the more syllables, the closer.ii. the more syllables, the closer.l lwise, kind

121、and diligent.wise, kind and diligent.l lII. not of the same type: II. not of the same type: l l(Det.)+(Det.)+性质性质+ +大小大小/ /形状形状+ + 年龄年龄/ /新旧新旧+ +颜色颜色+ +国籍国籍/ / 地区地区/ /产地产地+ +材质材质+ +用途用途/ /类别类别/ /功能功能l lIt was a charming small round old yellow It was a charming small round old yellow French wood reading room.French wood reading room.



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