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1、Unit 3-1Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.吕文佳 cherry 重点单词短语拓展重点单词短语拓展基本词汇辨析基本词汇辨析被动语态与倒装句被动语态与倒装句Section A1.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced .get sth done =have sth done “使使.被做,被做,让让某人做某事某人做某事”。I get my car repaired. = I have my car repaired. 我我让别让别

2、人修好我的人修好我的车车【拓展拓展】get -v.1)get “得到,得到,获获得得”She got good marks .2)get “收到收到”She got a letter from home .(3)get “买买”I got the dictionary for five dollars .(4) get “有有”(用于用于现现在完成在完成时时)Have you got a pen ?(5) get “到达到达”Write to me as soon as you get to the USA .(6) get“变变得得”It is getting warmer and warm

3、er .(7) get 物物 作主作主语语意意为为“进进展展”;人;人 作主作主语语,意,意为为“生活,生活,过过活活”。The business is getting along very well .How is your brother getting along ?2.They arent serious enough .enough adj. 意意为为“足足够够的的”【拓展拓展】 1)enough 作形容作形容词词,意,意为为“足足够够的的”,修,修饰饰可数名可数名词词或不可数名或不可数名词词。 He has enough money .2) enough 作副作副词词,意,意为为“

4、充分地充分地”She sings well enough .3) enough 作名作名词词,意,意为为“足足够够,充分,充分”。There is enough here to feed the whole family .3. He needs to spend time with friends . spend v. 意意为为“消磨(消磨(时时光)。光)。【拓展拓展】 1) spend .with sb. 和某人消磨和某人消磨时时光光 His father spent a happy time with him .2)spend.on sth. 意意为为“某物花多少某物花多少钱钱(或(或时

5、间时间)” I spent 200 yuan on the new bike .3) spend (in ) doing sth.意意为为“做某事花多少做某事花多少钱钱或多少或多少时间时间。 He spent one hour doing his homework .4.He doesnt seem to have many friends .seem v . 意意为为 “似乎,好像似乎,好像”【拓展拓展】 1)Seem to do sth 好像做某事好像做某事He seems to eat something .2)seem + ( to be ) 好像好像The little girl s

6、eems shy .( The little girl seems to be shy )3) It seems that + 从句从句好像好像It seems that you are right .5.Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes .allow v. 意意为为 “允允许许”【拓展拓展】 1) allow doing sth . 允允许许做某事做某事My father allowed watching TV on weekends .2) allow sb. to do sth . 允允许许某人做某事某人做某事My father allo

7、wed me to watch TV on weekends .6.How do they like to study ? study n . 意意为为“学学习习”【拓展拓展】1)study 作作动词动词,意,意为为“学学习习”。He studies in a middle school . 2) study 作名作名词词,意,意为为“书书房房”。My father is reading in his study .7.Parents should not be too strict with teenagers .strict adj. 意意为为“严严格的格的”。【拓展拓展】 1) be s

8、trict with sb. 对对某人要求某人要求严严格。格。Mr. Smith is strict with his son .2) be strict in sth. 对对某事要求某事要求严严格。格。The teacher is strict in his work .8. At present they are too short . present n. 意意为为“目前,目前,现现在在”【拓展拓展】1) present作名作名词词,意,意为为“礼物礼物”。 My friend gave me a birthday present .2) present作作动词动词,意,意为为“赠赠送,

9、送送,送给给”。 I presented her with an album . 3)present作形容作形容词词,意,意为为“出席的出席的”。 He wasnt present at the meeting .1. ,the holidays are too short .A . To present B . At present C . In present D . About present2. First of all, the teachers must be strict their students .A . at B . in C . for D . with3. Walki

10、ng is good our health .A .in B . for C . to D . at本本节节要点:要点:1.get sth. done=have sth .done.2.get其他用法其他用法3.enough adj/adv/n.4.seem to do sth./seem + adj/seem that5.allow doing sth. /allow sb to do sth.6.study 学学习习/书书房房7.be strict with sb./be strict in sth.8.at presentHit the jackpot“中大奖中大奖”JackpotJac

11、kpot的意思是的意思是“首奖、头彩首奖、头彩”。这个单词最初和彩票业并没。这个单词最初和彩票业并没有什么关系,而是起源于一种叫作有什么关系,而是起源于一种叫作暗扑克暗扑克的严肃的赌博游戏。游戏的严肃的赌博游戏。游戏规则是这样的:每人分五张牌,面向下扣;第一次叫牌后可以掉换规则是这样的:每人分五张牌,面向下扣;第一次叫牌后可以掉换一定数量的牌;但是只有在有人持有一定数量的牌;但是只有在有人持有两张两张J J(JackJack)时才可以开始叫)时才可以开始叫牌,而且在叫牌之前每个人必须押上一定的赌注,形成这一局的牌,而且在叫牌之前每个人必须押上一定的赌注,形成这一局的赌赌资(资(potpot)。经过几轮的叫牌之后,赌注金额会越积越多,最后的赢。经过几轮的叫牌之后,赌注金额会越积越多,最后的赢家将获得所有的赌资。家将获得所有的赌资。Jackpot Jackpot 就是由此而来。就是由此而来。 据悉,历史上的第一个大奖出现于公元前据悉,历史上的第一个大奖出现于公元前14201420年的古巴比伦王国年的古巴比伦王国。头奖是头奖是600600只腌制的羊,装在一个巨大的、高约只腌制的羊,装在一个巨大的、高约7070英尺的瓮中。真不英尺的瓮中。真不知道,这个大奖的赢家到哪年哪月才享受完这些知道,这个大奖的赢家到哪年哪月才享受完这些 美味美味 的。的。Thank you !



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