情态动词与非谓语动词测试 考前过关有答案

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《情态动词与非谓语动词测试 考前过关有答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《情态动词与非谓语动词测试 考前过关有答案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、情态动词与非谓语动词测试过关情态动词与非谓语动词测试过关考号:_姓名:_做题时间: 25 分钟得分:_I. I. 单项选择。单项选择。()1. -Should we take measures _ the population?-I think so. There are too many people in China at present.A. to controlB. to stopC. to increaseD. to help() 2. Would you like to go out with me, Sam?-Id love to, but I have a lot of hom

2、ework _ at present.A. doA. get to-No problem.A. pronounceher _.A. to see; offA. give; upA. to drinkB. to take ; offB. get; inB. to eatC. to take; upC. cut; offC. drinkC. in learningD. to get; offD. put; outD. eatingD. in speaking() 6. The old building is on fire. We should call 119 to _ it _ at once

3、.() 7 I dont like milk at all but my mother forces me _ it every day.() 8. I have some difficulty _grammar well. I dont know why.A. to studyB. to learnA. handing inB. handing out() 10. Wed better _ on the grass.A. to stepB. stepA. to pourA. cryA. getB. to putB. talkB. doC. dont stepD. not stepC. pou

4、ringC. to runC. makingD. puttingD. laughingD. losing() 11. There is a big factory _ waste water into the river.() 12. When I came into the classroom, I saw some girls _ happily.() 13. We are all looking forward to _ great progress in our English study.() 14. I strongly advise you _ football in the s

5、treet because its dangerous.A. playB. playingA. prefers toB. like toC. not to playD. do not playC. would ratherD. had better() 15. I _play computer games than news reports.() 16. When we see the Monkey King, we cant help _.() 9. Our English teacher asked us _ our homework before seven oclock.C. to h

6、and inD. to hang outB. tellC. talkD. speak() 5. My good friend Nancy is going to the USA for further study. We all go to the airport _B. doingB. to reachC. to doC. arrived atD. to be doneD. arrived in() 3. It took us five hours _the village yesterday.()4. I dont know how to _ the word “phenomenon”.

7、Can you help me, John?A. to cryA. watchB. to laughB. watchingC. laughingC. to watchD. cryD. on watching() 17. Most of children like to spend their spare time _ television.() 18. Its not easy for me _to play Chinese chess.A. studyB. studyingA. to meetB. to hitA. swimming; goingB. to swim; goingA. See

8、ingA. walkA. rainB. SeenB. walksB. be rainingC. to learnD. to teachC. meetingD. being hitC. swimming; to goC. To seeC. walkingC. have rainedD. swim; goD. SeeD. to walkD. was rainingD. No, you neednt.() 19. Helen walked away to avoid _ her English teacher.() 20. I like _ very much, but I dont like _

9、swimming today.() 21_from the top of the mountain, Xingyi looks very beautiful.() 22. -Do you often see her _into the library?-Yes, I do.() 23. It must _ last night because the ground is wet now.() 24. Must I hand in my homework at once?-_ Its still early.A. Yes, you must.B. No, you mustnt.C. Yes, y

10、ou can.() 25. Can Chen Jie be at home now? -_ She went out just now.A. Yes, she can.B. Yes, she might.D. No, she couldnt.C. findsC. wornD. foundD. woreC. No, she cant be at home.A. findingA. wearsB. to findB. wearing() 26. She hurried to the station, only _ that the train had left.() 27. The woman _

11、 a red T-shirt is Mrs Brown.() 28. The story is very _, so I am _ in it.A. interesting; interested B. interested; interestingC. boring; interested D. bored; interesting() 29. -May I stop my bike here?-No, you_.A. cantA. dares not tellA. mustnt hurryA. mustntA. willB. mustntB. dares not tellingC. nee

12、dntC. dare not tellD. dont have toD. dares not to tellD. neednt have hurriedD. hasntD. ought() 30. Jim_ his mother about his failure in the exam.() 31. There was enough time. You_.B. mustnt have hurriedC. neednt hurryB. didntB. shallC. needntC. may()32. He must have finished his homework, _ he?() 33

13、. As a soldier, you _do as the officer tells you.() 34. _ you live a long life!A. MayB. CanC. MustD. Would() 35. _ her homework, Lily went to bed soon.A. FinishingB. FinishedC. Having finishedD. To do() 36. I will go to Beijing tomorrow. Do you have anything _?A. to buyB. to be boughtC. boughtD. buy

14、ing() 37. The line is not good and I will have it_ right now.A. to checkB. checkA. to mendB. mendingA. To give B. Giving() 40. As a saying goes, “Seeing is _.”A. believeB. believesII.II. 用所给动词的正确显示填空。用所给动词的正确显示填空。41. I enjoy _(listen) to music very much.42. Why not _(tell) me the truth?43. How about

15、 _(study) together?44. -Would you mind _(close) the window? - Its a little cold outside.45. You must _(like) English very much because you often read English in the morning.46. I have been _(teach) English for ten years.47. -What _ you _(do) when he came in?-I was watching TV.48. Youd better _(not g

16、ive) up learning Eng lish though it is a little hard for you.49. She plans _(enter) a key senior school after graduation.50. I prefer watching TV to _(go) dancing.参考答案:参考答案:I. 1-5 BCBAA21-25 BACDCII. 41. listening46. teaching6-10 DACCD42. tell11-15 CDCCC43. studying16-20 CBCCC44. closing49. to enter45. like50. goingC. to believeD. believingC. checkedD. checking() 38. Your TV set is broken and it needs _.C. mendsD. mendedC. GivenD. Being given() 39. _ more time, the teenagers will become excellent players in the future.26-30 BBAAC31-35 DDBAC36-40 BCBCD47. were; doing48. not give



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