
上传人:枫** 文档编号:570678759 上传时间:2024-08-05 格式:PPT 页数:40 大小:369KB
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1、這是一個溫馨而略帶感傷的故事,寫一棵樹和一個小男孩之間的親密故事,但是當小男孩長大後情況就改變了,在施與受之間,愛人與被愛之間,留給讀者思考的空間。 以線條表現情境是謝爾繪本的特色。 書中,有時樹伸著長長的手臂和小男孩玩捉迷藏;有時葉片雙臂相抱,雖然孤獨,但充滿感情。你可以仔細欣賞,或嘗試此種畫法,簡單表現心中的感受。 Once there was a tree.從前有一棵樹Andshe loveda little boy.她好愛一個小男孩。 And every day the boywould come每天男孩都會跑來,Andhe would gatherher leaves收集她的葉子,A

2、nd make theminto crowns and play king of the forest.把葉子編成皇冠,扮起森林裡的國王He would climb up her trunk男孩會爬上樹幹,And swing from her branches抓著樹枝盪鞦韆,And eat apples吃吃蘋果。And they would playhide and go seek他們會一起玩捉迷藏。And whenhe was tired,he would sleepin her shade.玩累了,男孩就在她的樹蔭下睡覺。And the boy loved the tree.男孩好愛這棵樹

3、Very much好愛喔!And the tree was happy樹好快樂。But time went by.日子一天天過去,And the boy grew older.男孩長大了。And the tree was often alone.樹常常好孤獨。Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said,”Come, Boy, come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be “happ

4、y”“I am too big to climb and play”said the boy. “I want to buy thing and have fun. I want some money.Can you give me some money?” Im sorry” said the tree,”but I have no money. I have only leaves and apples.Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in city. Then you will have money and youll be happy”樹說:來啊,

5、孩子,來,爬上我的樹幹,抓著我樹枝盪鞦韆,吃吃蘋果,在我的樹蔭下玩耍, 快快樂樂的!有一天男孩來到樹下我要買東西來玩,我要錢。妳可以給我一些錢嗎?我不是小孩子了,我不要爬樹和玩耍。男孩說。真抱歉。樹說我沒有錢。我只有樹葉和蘋果。孩子,拿我的蘋果到城裡去賣。這樣,你就會有錢,你就會快樂了。And so the boy climb up thetree and gatheredher applesand carried them away.And the tree was happy.於是男孩爬到樹上,摘下她的蘋果,把蘋果通通帶走了。樹好快樂。But the boy stayed away for

6、 a long time and the tree was sad. And then one day the boy came back and the tree shook with joy and she said, “,”Come, Boy come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be “happy”“I am too busy to climb trees,” said the boy. “I want a house to keep m

7、e warm,” he said. “I and want a wife and I want children, and so I need a house.Can you give me a house?” “I have no house” said the tree. The forest is my house.” said the tree but you may cut off my branches and build a house.Then you will be happy 男孩好久都沒有再來樹好傷心。有一天,男孩回來了,樹高興得發抖,她說:來啊!孩子,爬上我的樹幹,抓著

8、我的樹枝盪鞦韆,快快樂樂的。我太忙,沒時間爬樹。男孩說。我想要一間房子保暖。他說 我想要妻子和小孩,所以我需要一間房子,妳可以給我一間房子嗎? 我沒有房子。樹說。森林就是我的房子,不過 ,你可以砍下我的樹枝,去蓋房子,這樣你就會快樂了。And so the boy cut off her branches and carried them away to build a house.於是男孩砍下了她的樹枝,把樹枝帶走,去蓋房子。And the tree was happy.樹好快樂。But the boy stayed away for a long time and the tree was

9、 sad. And when he came back, the tree was so happy she could hardly speak “Come, Boy” she whispered, “Come and play” “I am too old and sad to play.” said the boy. “I want a boat that will take me away from here.Can you give me a boat ?” “Cut down my trunk and make a boat,” said the tree. Then you ca

10、n sail away and be happy.” 可是男孩好久都沒有再來, 所以當男孩再回來的時候,樹太快樂了,快樂得幾乎說不出話來。來啊!孩子她輕輕地說過來,來玩呀!我又老又傷心,玩不動了男孩說。我想要一條船,可以帶我遠離這裡。妳可以給我一條船嗎?砍下我的樹幹去造條船吧!樹說。這樣你就可以遠航你就會快樂。And so the boy cut down her trunkAnd made a boat and sail away.於是男孩砍下了她的樹幹,造了條船,坐船走了。And the tree was happy.樹好快樂。But not really.但不是真的。And after

11、a long time the boy came back again. “I am sorry, Boy,” said the tree, “but I have nothing left to give you-過了好久好久,那男孩又再回來了。我很抱歉,孩子。樹說:我已經沒有東西可以給你了,My apples are gone.” “My teeth are too weak for apple,” said the boy.“My branches are gone,” said the tree.”You cannot swing on them-” I am too old to s

12、wing on branches” said the boy.“My trunk is gone,” said the tree. “You cannot climb-” I am too tired to climb,” said the boy.“I am sorry” sighed the tree. “I wish that I could give you something but I have nothing left. I am just an old stump. I am sorry”我的蘋果沒了。我的牙齒也咬不動蘋果了。我的樹枝沒了。你不能在上面盪鞦韆了我太老了,不能在上

13、面盪鞦韆。男孩說。我真希望我能給你什麼可是我什麼也沒了。我只剩下一塊老樹根。我很抱歉我的樹幹沒了。樹說。你不能爬我太累了,爬不動的。男孩說。我很抱歉。樹嘆了口氣。I dont need very much now” said the boy. “just a quiet place to sit and rest. I am very tired” “Well” said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could, “well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Co

14、me, Boy, sit down. and rest.”And the boy did我現在要的不多。男孩說。只要一個安靜,可以坐著休息的地方。我好累好累。好啊。樹一邊說,一邊努力挺直身子。正好啊,老樹根是最適合坐下來休息的。來啊!孩子,坐下來,坐下來休息。男孩坐了下來。And the tree was happyThe End樹好快樂。 愛心樹的英文 The Giving Tree,顧名思義便是犧牲奉獻的意思,但它亦是一本述說友誼的書。樹並未因為男孩的予取予求感到難過,即使後來只剩下殘幹的他,是那麼淒涼孤寂,但當男孩回到他身邊只求一個安靜的歇腳處時,樹竟是滿欣喜樂將自己奉獻給他,這樣的喜悅

15、比起男孩小時在樹上刻的 M.E. + T.那些甜蜜文字,更令他感到真切窩心。 一棵無私的愛心樹,透過謝爾淡淡哲學詩味的筆觸,一層一層地與小男孩展開了施與愛之間的對話,顯而易見愛心樹告訴了我們,要帶給別人快樂,而且不求回報,無怨無悔。 愛心樹的有求必應與男孩的貪求不厭,在愛與被愛裡,反覆不斷的交叉。我們看著簡單樸實的插畫,簡潔的文字,似乎有著略帶哀傷的感動。故事的結局令人有含著眼淚,帶著微笑的感受,著者獨特說故事的方式,用字淺白,適合各階層人士閱讀,同時其挑戰風俗規範,也著實具有深沉哲思,隱隱約約透出生命不朽的智慧寶藏。 想一想 看完這本書,你有什麼感覺?小男孩這樣做,長大後有什麼不同,說一說你對小男孩的看法。 想一想 如果,你是小男孩,你會怎麼對待這棵樹?如果,你是這棵蘋果樹,你會怎麼對待小男孩? 想一想 愛心樹像什麼?這種施與愛各自延伸的意義可能像是友誼、愛情、親情或其他?想一想 書中哪一段話最令你感動?唸給大家聽,並說出為什麼。 想一想 愛心樹的有求必應與男孩的貪求無厭,在愛人與被愛裡,是否為溺愛,亦是不值得犧牲的愛呢?想一想 犧牲超過自己的能力或快樂的界限,是否接近愚笨或明智之舉嗎?想一想 你願意做那一株無私的老樹或那受到呵護備至的男孩呢?



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