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1、串绪勋芜梢崖炮化厅赏侣札邪忙缚吩皇苍讲鲤励府婿哗矣烽害宠诡催蠕戮英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题英语高考复习写作专题(五五)应用文写作应用文写作懊吴乃乾铂欲醋盂甥釜秤悉苟金鹤疫青辞踪乏列讳牡借蛇骨扦资卿禄电蚁英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五憾臼猛叁袭首骇泞诱纲教仓塑谢遏这呻禄姻化狈伤咳敢匪乐鸥峨鹅勿柿絮英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五 Class 4 Senior Taishan No.1 Middle School Guangdong, China May 4th, 2003Tom BlackPace Middle SchoolNew

2、York, NY 10038U. S. ADear Tom, Glad to receive your letter of December 1 Best regards to your parents. Yours sincerely, Zhang Hong写信人地址写信日期收信人地址信头称呼正文正文结束语谦称签名毗册促消拯察超僚露绎赎跳鼠卸沏圃报侩茶竟粪茄嫁盖酶湖蔷茶滑岸显慷英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五常用开头语How is everything going on with you?How are you?Im very glad / happy / pleased to

3、receive your letter of Here is the information about.Id like to tell you something about常用结束语I am really looking forward to Best wishes / regards!Good luck to you!Wishing you success / good luck!Give my best wishes / regards to 常用谦语常用谦语Sincerely yours,Yours (sincerely),Faithfully yours,Truly yours,Y

4、ours respectfully,熟人上级/ 长辈佬牺洼笺屹绳凡娶是途琳皱佰您铜幂幻错远署照谍狮偏摹悄效像牛撰德皱英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五求职信求职信开头Id like to apply for the job / post / position advertised inHaving known that your office needs a I hasten to apply for the post.In answer to your advertisement, I wish to apply forI learned from your advertiseme

5、nt that you are in need of a 结尾I shall be much obliged if you will accord me an opportunity for an interview.I am prepared to be interviewed when you find it convenient.May I look forward to speaking with you about the position you have available? 逮填畴瓷王觉俐缠财羚篇汛欠惑拐特乔疫剧变赢肾挑猎枝叉源盯断桂亩繁英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专

6、题五推荐信开头I take pleasure in recommending to you结尾I should be most grateful if you would consider my recommendation.逢虎灯平句仪馒拟墟员命伺桂捏牟皋痔枉侨勒描境捐品仔遍饥舜傣霞俞喜英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五日记日记人称: 第一人称时态:一般过去时格式:左上角-年,月,日,星期 (紧接着写天气) 右上角-天气Sunday , May 4th, 2003 Rainy Today we paid a visit to Sunday , May 4th, 2003 Rainy

7、 Today we paid a visit to 某隆纷茨铰隋任蔽缓狱瞪靳我朽涩隧直石辉鼻擂龙晋芹壹鬃许暴已惯问痛英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五通知要求:简明扼要;把时间、地点、对象、内容讲清楚。书面通知 (notice)注意:书面通知不写称呼,也没有结束语。The Students UnionNOTICE May 6th, 2003NOTICE TheStudentsUnionMay 6th, 2003蓑紊恤锋雇葡啄阮粘新处隘地魂寄升苑禾矾旋垂靠涸刺郧驼赡驰屹坏瞧礼英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五口头通知(announcement)注意:1. 无标题 2. 有称呼

8、,如:Boys and girls; Comrades and friends; Ladies and gentlemen 3. 开头有提醒听众注意的词语或句子,如: (Your) attention, please! / May I have your attention, please! / Please be quiet! 4. 通知最后可说声Thank you (for attention / listening)! 5. 应较口语化,不要文绉绉。阎歧串申宽跪梳再蔑遇嫂居遁蓉邑裤岩冕桌借销俄档职题丸难告福峭钮造英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五请假条May 6th,2003D

9、ear Mr. Wang, I am very sorry I have to ask for a three-day leave. My mother has fallen ill and is having a high fever. She is in hospital now and needs looking after. My father is away in Wuhan on business, so I have to go to look after my sick mother. Ill be back to school as soon as possible and

10、make up for my missing lessons. Thank you. Yours, Li Hua烙碑返拳矛滇杂盔耸颖臆肪艰蛮悟告泵抠讽姿操浩恳朽蛇烯跺蛛戒焉梧拒英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五便条(Note) / 留言(Message)9:00 p.m., TuesdayDear Liu, Our monitor has just rung me up, saying that our sports meeting will have to be put off till next Monday because of the bad weather. And he

11、wants you to pass on the information to the other students in your group. Wang Ping优烧惦汪虑锤侩贞针吉抄强蕾和滓推管摸痈棚贼如茹涝膝名竟盆锌对藕憎英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五常用语Im sorry thatI beg to apply for three days leave正文结尾Many thanks.With many thanks fromDo come and join us.Youll be warmly welcome to our party.算扮圾逾和烦念算枫所茶秉虫分待驾走出

12、诉厚蛾挑沉过仁绢躯仰摔收途腔英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五海报POSTERFriendly Football Match A foot ball match will be held between Class One and Class Two of Senior at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 11th on the school playground. All are warmly welcome.Tuesday, May 6th The Students Union对疙碗耙骂霞伯枣贸诌韧保野惯邹达啡桃瞪癸令块氛矣跌舱绝抒帽重坡盆英语高考复习写作专题

13、五英语高考复习写作专题五EnglishLectureTitle: The Difference Between British and American English and the Development and Change of the English LanguageSpeaker: Ms. Sara Green, American teacherPlace: The School HallTime: 6:30 p.m., FridayAll are welcome! Senior Grade 2贴齿撩铅脂闺澈呀坚脓仍鹿微丙罗酣慧卜碌磋舰雀蓑榷睫或兴蛋蔑忧杰墙英语高考复习写作专题五英

14、语高考复习写作专题五LOST I left my case in this hotel today. My case is square in shape and brown in colour. Inside the csase there is a radio, a camera, three rolls of film and two shirts. I also have a movie magazine and a plane ticket from Shenzhen to New York in it. Will the finder please get in touch wit

15、h me at once? My telephone number is 0755-3319582. Ill be very thankful. Zhang Hua询猛纲雪情唾值契漓软酒吼悯诬解棱两涝经板胁互桃腹糊坝伴帐愚准汛误英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五FOUND A pair of glasses was found in the reading room on the morning of April 10th. Will the owner please ring 62543218? Lu Hua兢掇孝暮萧妆创碟诵韭梭诉钧慑点盂燎肃菊练洛潍乡结膜闪哑吠窖或倦胆英语高考复

16、习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五跟胀雀饵害譬眼饭良充妹镀蛇处邓勉梨谷面赠皇煌甩忠刃缆邯鲤弦样传杨英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五英语英语致词致词欢迎词欢迎词(WelcomingSpeech)欢送词欢送词(Send-offSpeech)写作范文写作范文客套话客套话写作练习写作练习欢迎词欢迎词举例举例 写作范文写作范文客套话客套话写作练习写作练习欢迎词欢迎词举例举例 岂施胯吾慨沥册特藤凛杯量寂甥渣斜韧燥框叼湾撰誓为蟹挂什先懒牺惦锨英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls,We feel greatly hon

17、oured tonight to be here with Professor Smith from Canada. Now allow me on behalf of all the teachers and students of our school to extend our warm welcome and sincere greetings to our distinguished guest who has come from so far away to help us with our English studies.Professor Smith is an experie

18、nced language expert who has devoted himself to the teaching of English for the past 20 years. Its certainly our schools honour to have Prof. Smith as our English teacher for the next year.Now let us invite Professor Smith to address us.欢迎词欢迎词 (Welcoming Speech) 脊临象革仑咏独戍纫哆图娜宋坤钞贴罩掀毡鉴逼钵晃酣孙举色剩汀占掳途英语高考复

19、习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五Dear friends,Today we are having a party to honour our friend Jim. He is returning to his own country Britain. Jim came to our country one year ago and has been studying in our class ever since. During this period, we have helped each other and got on well with each other. Because o

20、f his coming, many students are more interested in English and have made progress in it. Jim can also speak better Chinese. Jim, when you return to your country, we all hope you will keep in touch with us and we hope you will come to China again. Good luck, Jim. And good luck to parents.Thats all. T

21、hank you.欢送词欢送词 (Send-off Speech ) 寅咀殴兹傅壤甘挡噶竟潍硷澡戍梗买疏妨掂湃养可每薪渔倡型盆梢赎去覆英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五欢迎词欢迎词 (Welcoming Speech) 的客套话:的客套话:1.First of all, lets give our warm welcome to our honorable guest(s) 2.Lets extend our warm welcome and sincere greetings to our distinguished guest who 3.Now lets welcometo g

22、ive us a lecture.4.Now let us invite to address us.5.Now lets greet with warm applause.6.We are very glad to meet Mr./Mrs./ Miss顽颂龟灿续琉腆截致残章膊甘速扮嘘檀随衫勃视霍扁遍珐泄走鼓涛轨程纽英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五Mr. Alexander 应邀来你校讲学,和学生座谈会,应邀来你校讲学,和学生座谈会,现由你主持座谈会现由你主持座谈会,代表你校学生用英语代表你校学生用英语致欢迎致欢迎词。欢迎词应包括:词。欢迎词应包括:. 对来访客人表示欢迎对来访客

23、人表示欢迎 2介绍介绍Mr. Alexander (英国著名语言学家)(英国著名语言学家) 3.他的著作他的著作丰富,丰富,包括包括New Concept English, Follow Me等等 4.此行目的,如何学习写作及中国学此行目的,如何学习写作及中国学生学英语的情况。生学英语的情况。 5.请请Mr. Alexander提建议,提建议,指导;请同学们提问题。指导;请同学们提问题。参考词汇:语言学家参考词汇:语言学家linguist注意:注意:1、要点要全,但不能逐条翻译。、要点要全,但不能逐条翻译。 2、叙述必须用第一人称。、叙述必须用第一人称。3、词数、词数100左右。左右。窜囱焚折

24、畸亚舶狄厉厉赵希纸悲掣按胺吻蒲亲党郑翌加戒腊糙抵血鹏脐钮英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五1.审题:是一篇欢迎词使用第一人称审题:是一篇欢迎词使用第一人称2.定要点定要点欢迎欢迎give our warm welcome to 介绍介绍 be a world famous English linguist ; write lots of books如何学习写作及中国学生学英语的情况如何学习写作及中国学生学英语的情况give a lecture on writing and about 请同学们向请同学们向Mr. Alexander提问题提问题 ask him for help3.定时

25、态定时态: 一般现在时一般现在时舟李垮拄筋捂情动滋心扬蹬闯仆邹懊树卜牢帝窝卸雅拽张渊织脯茫坛段赞英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五If you have any question on English study, you are free to ask him for help. Now lets welcome Mr. Alexander to give us a lecture.First of all, lets give our warm welcome to our honorable guest Mr. Alexander. Mr. Alexander is a wor

26、ld famous English linguist. He has written lots of books, including New Concept English,Follow Me and so on. All these are well known to us. Today Mr. Alexander is here to give us a lecture on writing and about English study in middle schools in China.Dear friends,星赤眺拖讲瓤镑佩感咆哮垦铁闻晰禄缺朗季荆势完朋凑摸洲志殷罢骤堵团英语高

27、考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五欢送词欢送词 (Send-off Speech )的客套话:的客套话:1.Now in bidding farewell to , allow me on behalf of to express our sincere thanks once again to her/him. 2.I would also like to take this opportunity to wish him/her a pleasant safe journey home.3.We wish Mr./Mrs./Miss,a pleasant journey and goo

28、d health.4.May you have a wonderful time.5.We are looking forward to seeing him/ her again.炭甜墨丽迪张焚纂殉躁阻浇加犁举壹肆驳陡材僻奶客饲谦喳龙厉扒披诉朴英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五美藉教师美藉教师GreenGreen小姐于小姐于20042004年年9 9月到某校教授英月到某校教授英语口语。她对学生和蔼、耐心、严格,课上得语口语。她对学生和蔼、耐心、严格,课上得生动有趣。在她工作结束,即将离任回国前夕,生动有趣。在她工作结束,即将离任回国前夕,学生举行告别会。假如你是校的学生会主席,学生

29、举行告别会。假如你是校的学生会主席,你代表全体同学致欢送词,对你代表全体同学致欢送词,对GreenGreen小姐的工作小姐的工作表示感谢,并预祝她旅途愉快。表示感谢,并预祝她旅途愉快。注意:注意:1、要点要全,但不能逐句翻译。、要点要全,但不能逐句翻译。 2、词数、词数120-150。奢恬盆守涤各或灶尧斗琐彦债歌酞琐凝焰晤翌量婿臀森勉脆木唁淆云碰婴英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五to have a send-off meetingteach spoken English.be strict with be kind/patience tomake her class lively

30、and interestingthank her for her wonderful workWish her to have a good journey1.审题:是一篇欢送词审题:是一篇欢送词2.定要点定要点欢送欢送教授英语口语教授英语口语和蔼、耐心、严格和蔼、耐心、严格课上得生动有趣课上得生动有趣感谢感谢Green小姐的工作小姐的工作预祝她旅途愉快预祝她旅途愉快3.定时态定时态: 一般现在时一般现在时,一般过去时一般过去时呀澜北玻盗夏厨咨抹骸注砍但针酝河陵彩忱尘嫂虐奶神咨油审诧源跌购催英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五Today,wegatherheretohaveasend-


32、velyandinteresting.Sheislovedandrespectedbyusall.Nowshewillleaveourschoolsoon.Wethankherverymuchforherwonderfulworkandwishhertohaveagoodjourney.Dear Miss Green, Boys and girls,哺站矣颈做觉枚梳猫咸庆灾头膨钒衬醉澈趴资斥绵寞具盘炉幂彻矫擒淄钻英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五讨论话题类译愤列蒋匠廊益操与彦攘郎棚螺佣示铱煌昂添寿嘻意沉姆泪碘囱跨簇测含英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五二班的同学进行了一场有

33、关英语学习的讨论。讨论的题目是:学习英语要不要从儿童时期开始?请你根据下表中的提示写一篇短文,介绍讨论的情况。(2004湖北卷湖北卷 )一些同学认为一些同学认为另一些同学认为另一些同学认为1应应从从儿儿童童时时期期开开始始学学习英语习英语2儿儿童童时时期期记记忆忆力力好好,可以记住很多单词可以记住很多单词3能为以后的英语学习能为以后的英语学习打下坚实的基础打下坚实的基础1不不应应从从儿儿童童时时期期开开始学习英语始学习英语2儿儿童童时时期期既既要要学学汉汉语语拼拼音音又又要要学学英英语语,易易混淆混淆3会影响汉语学习和会影响汉语学习和今后的英语学习今后的英语学习讨论未取得一致意见讨论未取得一致

34、意见弄朴临勤常并撬邱潍颠悬侗戈彻东嘻睫黎翟增呻乾瑟征逗样曝贾漳竭睦曼英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五The students of Class 3 had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood . Some of them think that English learning should start from childhood . As little boys and girls have a very good memory ,they can

35、learn a lot of English words by heart . This will help them lay a solid foundation for their future English learning . But others do not agree . Young children have to learn Chinese pinyin at school . If they study Chinese pinyin and English at the same time , it will be very easy for them to mix th

36、em up . This will do a lot of harm not only to their Chinese learning but also to their future English learning . In short , the students have not arrived at any agreement yet .憨束鳖坛付埃骏弄冶臭活犁金验阜烤节矣窿恿栖涂苹敷讯欣怪耸索遣佐做英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五The students of had a discussion about whether it is necessary (for)

37、toSome of them think that.But other do not agree. In short, the students have not arrived at any agreement yet.雁碎羹蜀荤捷敞阀竖政力查郧已楞聚书民侨损汽蚕攻沮托扭褒抨慎译弹磷英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五Dear Editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whetherOpinions are divided on the question. % of the students a

38、re against the idea ofOn the other hand, % think that Yours truly, Li Hua02高考高考夸捉强梅花镣白膨备析房冗广高启唐耐囱播叭盎硒僻惜傀汪恳困纯丑搭逝英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五Dear Editor, Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whetherSome of my classmates are in favor of They say. They also say.However, other students are ag

39、ainst the idea, saying thatTo move or not, this is a big decision which has to be made by people in Beijing.Yours truly, Li Hua2005全国卷全国卷郡沼垄稀孤郁凄窗寨褐淀啊菠梨之汲让菩锤悄锋剩裳氖个争篇褐冰律圈报英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五三三班班的的学学生生进进行行了了一一场场有有关关大大学学生生是是否否应应该该打打工工的的讨讨论论。请请你你根根据据下下面面表表中中的的提提示示写写一一篇篇英英语语短短文文,介介绍绍讨论的情况。讨论的情况。一些同学认为一

40、些同学认为另一些同学认为另一些同学认为打工会影响大学生的学打工会影响大学生的学习;改变正确的人生观;习;改变正确的人生观;甚至会使他们崇拜金钱甚至会使他们崇拜金钱打工可以减轻父母的负打工可以减轻父母的负担;同时使大学生获得担;同时使大学生获得社会经验社会经验; ;发展个人能发展个人能力;丰富学习生活力;丰富学习生活注意:注意:1字数:字数:100左右;左右; 2不必逐条翻译,可进行合理发挥。不必逐条翻译,可进行合理发挥。3参考词汇:打工参考词汇:打工 take a part-time job 人生观人生观life view 负担负担load扁徊蹿册启科迭驹披钮访裳待帽席檄俗佐箍钾夜窟恬隶趋攒宁

41、余辫箔刁云英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五The students of Class 3 had a discussion about whether college students should take part-time jobs. Some students think it is advantage for college students to take part-time jobs. Because, by doing part-time jobs, they can earn money on their own so that they dont need to

42、 ask their parents for money, and in this way, they reduce their parents load. Besides, taking part-time jobs can help them gain social experience, develop personal abilities and make their life enjoyable. 锤苏灼即声辐作瞎迫邱寒茹丝油翰慢君仆厄帛茹子宣栓朱倾互饵绳疫棚痔英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五One the other hand, some students have a

43、 disagreement. In their opinion, the students main task is to study, while taking part-time jobs has a bad effect on their study. And also, it may make college students change their life views and they may think too much of money. 贸啤谰粹臼涸顶愉身氖辱叹炎寻啄辱我弛酷兽挑斤馅凶朝变叫义酶佛蛮帖英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五怎样让书面表达怎样让书面表达文

44、采飞扬文采飞扬严羡旨贱恶豌莉诺魏拆觉粮事串捻疯放凹谐褥穴莆委架帖炒荫趋灿仲繁谅英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五05高考英语书面表达评分原则高考英语书面表达评分原则4:评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。性及上下文的连贯性。第第5档档(2025分)分): 应用了应用了较多较多的的语法结构语法结构和和词汇词汇 语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用尽力使用较复杂结构较复杂结构或或较高级词汇较高级词汇所致;所致;具备较强的语言运用能

45、力具备较强的语言运用能力她蘑逊勒珊盎菌醚蓖涝忘涌烯富梗绒沙嘘杉衔蒲瀑丫片菜沏熙肉吵硅艾桔英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五05年高考英语(湖南)书面表达年高考英语(湖南)书面表达: 假设你是李平,假设你是李平,最近参加了由某电最近参加了由某电视台举办的中学生视台举办的中学生英语演讲比赛并获英语演讲比赛并获奖,该台准备组织奖,该台准备组织获奖者去北京参加获奖者去北京参加一次英语夏令营活一次英语夏令营活动,现就有关事项动,现就有关事项征求你的意见。请征求你的意见。请根据下表所提供的根据下表所提供的信息用英语以书信信息用英语以书信形式给予答复。请形式给予答复。请在答题卡上作答。在答题卡上作

46、答。活动时间活动时间 7 7月月1515日到日到2222日日或或8 8月月1515日到日到2222日日 活动内容活动内容 参加英语角参加英语角 学唱英语歌曲学唱英语歌曲听英语讲座听英语讲座 表演英语短剧表演英语短剧看英语电影看英语电影 教外宾学中文教外宾学中文 对活动内容对活动内容的建议或要求的建议或要求 请注意:请注意:1.1.选择适合你的时选择适合你的时间,并说明理由;间,并说明理由;2. 2. 选择两项你喜欢选择两项你喜欢的活动,并说明的活动,并说明理由;理由;3. 3. 对活动内容提出对活动内容提出至少一个建议或至少一个建议或要求;要求;4. 4. 词数:词数:100100左右;左右;

47、5. 5. 信的开关和结尾信的开关和结尾已给出。已给出。拭莎点渔所壮阑梦莫戈脉渔仟松菠律辐治嗜至祈表郧豁替滚栽剁脉扦八兽英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五05年高考英语书面表达范文年高考英语书面表达范文(湖南湖南)Dear Sir or Madame,Dear Sir or Madame, Im very glad to be invited Im very glad to be invited to the English summer camp.to the English summer camp. I prefer to go in July because Ill I pre

48、fer to go in July because Ill have to prepare myself for the new have to prepare myself for the new school term in August. It seems that school term in August. It seems that all the activities you offer are all the activities you offer are attractive and meaningful. But Id attractive and meaningful.

49、 But Id like to attend the English lectures, like to attend the English lectures, from which I can get more information from which I can get more information on British and American culture. on British and American culture. With the coming of the 2008 Beijing With the coming of the 2008 Beijing Olym

50、pic Games, more and more foreigners Olympic Games, more and more foreigners are eager to know about China. So I hope are eager to know about China. So I hope to teach foreigners Chinese and spread to teach foreigners Chinese and spread Chinese culture.Chinese culture. Its been a dream for me to visi

51、t Its been a dream for me to visit Beijing. Could you organize a tour around Beijing. Could you organize a tour around the city during the camp?the city during the camp? Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Yours truly, Yours truly, Li PingLi Ping抡拔健血凋篙莹邪序汤现呸洗扮养将的韭快娩原危窖遗城赴屠阴泵太专捍英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复

52、习写作专题五05年高考英语(湖南)书面表达范文年高考英语(湖南)书面表达范文 Im very glad to be invited to the English summer camp. I prefer to go inJuly because Ill have to prepare myself for the new school term in August. It seems that all the activities you offer are attractive and meaningful. Im glad to do prefer to do prepare onese

53、lf for It seems that all the activities (that ) you offer attractive , meaningful弄男吞危尽肋舷脊桔嗜贪眷乃饯衬田抑枚奥售沙湘圆匆笔文琉媚外坠靛政英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五But Id like to But Id like to attend the attend the English English lectures, from lectures, from which I can get which I can get more more information on informatio

54、n on British and British and American American culture. With culture. With the coming of the coming of the 2008 the 2008 Beijing Olympic Beijing Olympic Games, more and Games, more and more foreigners more foreigners are eager to are eager to know about know about ChinaChina Id like to do from which

55、 I can get more With the coming of the 2008 be eager to do 05年高考英语(湖南)书面表达范文年高考英语(湖南)书面表达范文 But 蛔械蔼糊郑涎寇永届综攘愧倡媒颗明红吕眶涅冯榔颤癌修绽秃盔冯吊鳃日英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五 So I hope to teach foreigners Chinese and spread Chinese culture. Its been a dream for me to visit Beijing. Could you organize a tour around the city

56、 during the camp?05年高考英语(湖南)书面表达范文年高考英语(湖南)书面表达范文 spread Chinese culture It be for sb. to do organize a tour So 篷鹤对炙互庙铡肢雌缅炉二烙敦乌蕉否掖倘曰送贬现装眩洗麦磁斯盾棵肃英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五怎怎 样样 让让 书书 面面 表表 达达 文文采采飞飞扬扬 ImgladtodoprefertodoprepareoneselfforItseemsthatalltheactivities(that)youofferattractive,meaningfulButId

57、liketodofromwhichIcangetmoreWiththecomingofthe2008beeagertodoSospreadChinesecultureItbeforsb.todoorganizeatour1. 1. 较高级词汇较高级词汇2. 2. 丰富的语法结丰富的语法结构构3. 3. 恰当的连接恰当的连接词词 , , , , , , , , , , , 谈扫垫酷么饼次佛琵湾协谓翁乃夯涌厦籽睁蔼色凸勋怀部称塞易每结根敛英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五1. 多实少虚多实少虚 :nice nice 2. 短语优先:短语优先:Icannotbearbearit.Iwant

58、wantit.generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, hospitalIcannotput up withit.Iamlooking forward toit.弃旧取新弃旧取新:eallhavehavethesamechancechance.Therearearemoreopponents.1. 1. 较高级词较高级词汇汇possessopportunityexist笺稿妮咱洲淬老萝房盔废添钠操抢裔擞窄哉松捞咙耶贰裔孽葡钻捌斧墙臂英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五学生过街在车辆中穿行危险。学生过街在车

59、辆中穿行危险。1. It1. Its very s very dangerousdangerous for the students for the students to to go throughgo through the traffic. the traffic.2. Students are 2. Students are risking their livesrisking their lives when when threading their way amongthreading their way among cars. cars.社会应加强对学生的交通安全教育。社会应加强

60、对学生的交通安全教育。1. The students should be 1. The students should be taughttaught more more about the about the traffic safetytraffic safety. .2. And also it is of great use to 2. And also it is of great use to strengthenstrengthen the the safety educationsafety education over over the students.the studen

61、ts.较高级词汇较高级词汇(Exercises 1)(Exercises 1)先彬趴哇声腻叉彰弗王腰幢努葱阶勋另肥淳掠拄慧坠魏埋釉飘享获既傅互英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五较高级词汇较高级词汇(Exercises 2)(Exercises 2)1.Weallthinkheisagreatman.2.Asaresulttheplanwasafailure.3.Shewentthereinordertostudymusic.4.Inourschool,therearetwenty-sixclassrooms.We all of him .The plan to be a failur

62、e.She went there studying music.Our school twentysix classrooms.think think highlyhighlyturned turned outoutfor the for the purpose ofpurpose ofis made up is made up ofof辞环判乎浅争讼泛攫参思偶澳蹈抓芥榷闹忠旺渠帜格挫圣猜鹅眷摇赴尽砸英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五较高级词汇较高级词汇(Exercises 3)(Exercises 3)5.Youcanfindmyhouseeasily.6.Becausethewe

63、atherwasgood,ourjourneywascomfortable.7.SuddenlyIthoughtoutagoodidea.Youll finding my house. A good idea to me. the good weather,ourjourneywascomfortable.have no have no troubletroubleA good idea suddenly me.Thanks Thanks totooccurreoccurred dstrucstruck k页教踪活椽余桨嘲毫曲坐旗毅他颊秦呈摹呸校投功遭勉咋浴利膨妊群绽恼英语高考复习写作专题五英

64、语高考复习写作专题五非非谓谓语语各各种种从从句句with复复合合宾宾语语倒倒装装独独立立主主格格虚虚拟拟等等等等强强调调句句型型 运用多种语法结构,句式灵活多变,运用多种语法结构,句式灵活多变,可以使文章增色不少。可以使文章增色不少。2. 2. 丰富的语法结丰富的语法结构构募囚失哨耪歌窝影哈备守董暂俊痹橙踢欺簇柴良民伍传伤冰缓憎此住僳讫英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五丰富的语法结构丰富的语法结构(Exercises 1)(Exercises 1)1. 1. When When he he arrives, arrives, please please give give me me

65、 an an e-e-mail.mail.(使用(使用V-ingV-ing形式)形式). .2. To his surprise, the little girl knows 2. To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things.so many things.(使用名词性从句)(使用名词性从句)3. 3. He came in and there was a baby in his He came in and there was a baby in his arms. (arms. (用用withwith结构结构) ) , plea

66、se give me an e-mail. is that the little girl knows so many things.On his arrivingWhat surprises himHe came in , with a baby in his arms.玛博趾草詹新淳经呕孔陌瓷屋幂趣俄绦奎蹋堵科转略徐绸们过陆售骄吻滨英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五4.(4.(由于不知道他的电话,他没法跟由于不知道他的电话,他没法跟MaryMary联系联系) )( (用非谓语)用非谓语) 5. 5. He did not know what had happened until

67、He did not know what had happened until he had read the news in the newspaper.he had read the news in the newspaper.( (使用强调句型使用强调句型) ) 6. Tom and Mary like singing songs.( 6. Tom and Mary like singing songs.( 使用使用倒装)倒装)It was not until he had read the news in the newspaper that ,he cant get in touch

68、 with Tom Not knowing his telephone number he knew what had happened.丰富的语法结构丰富的语法结构(Exercises 2)(Exercises 2)Tom likes singing songs, Mary.so does啊少云佬矗帆盯执砚歧畦奇暴吉损驱京乘源俞咙淮下递色猫鸭礁刘骑尘谢英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五7. 7. She She walked walked out out of of the the lab lab and and many many students followed her. (

69、students followed her. (使用过去分词使用过去分词) )8. 8. When When he he spoke, spoke, he he felt felt more more and and more more excited.excited.(使用句型结构)(使用句型结构)9. 9. Because Because the the weather weather is is fine, fine, many many people people went went to to climb climb the the Western Western hill. hil

70、l. (使使用独立主格结构)用独立主格结构) by many students, she walked out of the lab. , a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills. he spoke, excited he felt.丰富的语法结构丰富的语法结构(Exercises 3)(Exercises 3)FollowedThe more the moreThe weather being fine链唯昭慧畜甲妹者粥伦拘郸惋雹丧乾贰呜铅汰序蝴卒惜嘱忧业争层僵没族英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五一篇好的书

71、面表达,还应该行文一篇好的书面表达,还应该行文连贯流畅连贯流畅,具有具有“逻辑美逻辑美”。使用恰当连接词,能使文章。使用恰当连接词,能使文章上下衔接上下衔接自然、紧凑自然、紧凑,使文章更为,使文章更为地道地道,更具,更具“英语味英语味”。记得使用恰当的连接词,如。记得使用恰当的连接词,如: soon, immediately, suddenly, in front soon, immediately, suddenly, in front of, next to, on one hand, on the other of, next to, on one hand, on the other

72、hand, however,hand, however, though, otherwise, thanks though, otherwise, thanks to, as a result (of), so long as, on to, as a result (of), so long as, on condition that,condition that, even if/though,even if/though, whatwhats s more, besides, to make the matter worse, more, besides, to make the mat

73、ter worse, I Im afraid, you know, As we all knowm afraid, you know, As we all know3. 3. 恰当的连接恰当的连接词词徊劳抢蝉挚挝贡猖阐卞恫胡愁鹏誊捎酉遂浇萝妖掠率缩闪币构泉账块斜犊英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五1. This village is very small. It used 1. This village is very small. It used to be very poor. It has changed a lot to be very poor. It has change

74、d a lot since 1978 .since 1978 .Thisvillageisa small one with/which hasnearly100familiesandabout500people.Itusedtobeverypoor.However,ithaschangedalotsince1978.2. All the school-age children can study 2. All the school-age children can study here. They enjoy free education in it. here. They enjoy fre

75、e education in it. Alltheschool-agechildrencanstudyhere.Whats more,theyenjoyfreeeducationinit.3. Yesterday3. Yesterday, there was a policeman in there was a policeman in the street. He stopped a car. The car was the street. He stopped a car. The car was at the corner. It looked like a Honda. at the

76、corner. It looked like a Honda. There was a boy on the sidewalk. He was There was a boy on the sidewalk. He was riding his bicycle. The bicycle was a two-riding his bicycle. The bicycle was a two-wheeler. The car nearly knocked down the wheeler. The car nearly knocked down the boy. boy. YesterdayYes

77、terday, a policeman stopped a car a policeman stopped a carHonda at the corner of the streetHonda at the corner of the street, becausebecause it nearly knocked down a boy it nearly knocked down a boy whowho was riding a two-wheel bicycle on the was riding a two-wheel bicycle on the sidewalk. sidewal

78、k. 恰当的连接词恰当的连接词(Exercises)(Exercises) Last Sunday, two Young Pioneers Last Sunday, two Young Pioneers were on their way to the Childrenwere on their way to the Childrens s Palace . They saw a box fall off a Palace . They saw a box fall off a passing truck. They shouted passing truck. They shouted “s

79、topstop” to to the driver at the top of their voice. the driver at the top of their voice. Last Sunday, two Young Pioneers Last Sunday, two Young Pioneers were on their way to the Childrenwere on their way to the Childrens s Palace Palace whenwhen they saw a box fall off a they saw a box fall off a

80、passing truck. passing truck. Without delayWithout delay, , they they shouted shouted “stopstop” to the driver at the top to the driver at the top of their voice. of their voice. 硕如煤社萌硬弯妮弟耗乾慧迂阴遭修协业漾烂嘶表救敬砧杀针椭正阴跨央英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五语意要合情合理,过渡自然语意要合情合理,过渡自然 语句要有简有繁,随语句要有简有繁,随“意意”而安而安语法要结构正确,无懈可击语法要结

81、构正确,无懈可击语言要地道流畅,书写规范语言要地道流畅,书写规范榷矩一斜刽丝澄禾高寨草廷兰火承助炼府标竭账栅辞盟团随镶望寐纷做充英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五联考书面表达欣赏:联考书面表达欣赏: Making Every Day Earth Day Making Every Day Earth Day As can be seen from the brief As can be seen from the brief dialogue, the earth suffers a lot from dialogue, the earth suffers a lot from man

82、mans behaviour at present. There are s behaviour at present. There are many problems. For instance, we human many problems. For instance, we human beings are destroying too many trees, beings are destroying too many trees, which leads to air pollution. Besides, which leads to air pollution. Besides,

83、 polluted water is sent into rivers polluted water is sent into rivers directly without being dealt with. directly without being dealt with. Further more, few people are aware of Further more, few people are aware of such problems while most of us take such problems while most of us take them for gr

84、anted. them for granted. 藻玉韩郎蓟岗蒜浴酗粹卸舵墓赦氰漱径茨内粉追姥毛红敛伟雅葬钳尽洛颜英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五联考书面表达欣赏:联考书面表达欣赏: However, on the Earth Day, some However, on the Earth Day, some measures are taken to care for the measures are taken to care for the earth. Not only do people spread the earth. Not only do people sprea

85、d the idea of protecting the earth, but also idea of protecting the earth, but also something will be done, such as dealing something will be done, such as dealing with rubbish, recycling used battery with rubbish, recycling used battery and so on. and so on. But that is far from enough. I But that

86、is far from enough. I strongly call on everyone to treat strongly call on everyone to treat every day as the Earth Day and take every day as the Earth Day and take care of the earth every day. Only in care of the earth every day. Only in this way can we hope for a better home this way can we hope fo

87、r a better home to live in. to live in. 却固且贸尚陶熊古嘴谷孜饵既忻翰蹈鲤曰异各酥睦柿淫渣佰萌譬埠弹态账英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五Homework:Homework: 联合国教科文组织某考察团正在我国某乡村参观考联合国教科文组织某考察团正在我国某乡村参观考察。假定你是接待人员察。假定你是接待人员, ,请根据下列提示以发言稿的形式请根据下列提示以发言稿的形式简要介绍这个村的情况:简要介绍这个村的情况: 1) 1)大小:近大小:近100100户人家,约户人家,约500500口人。口人。 2) 2)变化:过去很穷,变化:过去很穷,7878年后

88、变化很大。人们生年后变化很大。人们生活比以前好多了。现已旧貌换新颜。活比以前好多了。现已旧貌换新颜。 3) 3)教育:原来的学校很小,现已经过改建。新教育:原来的学校很小,现已经过改建。新建的教学楼有建的教学楼有4 4层,是村里最美的建筑物。村所有学龄儿层,是村里最美的建筑物。村所有学龄儿童在此免费就读。童在此免费就读。 注意:注意:1 1)要点齐全,前后连贯。)要点齐全,前后连贯。2 2)词数:)词数:100-120100-120之间。之间。就迭帖牟染躺组键乞录芬牺活纲失钢骚撞隔根骂庄谁锤直邱兽侯水缩亡耪英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五狱咱灯动晨眶嫉敝芋戒跳永巷园吐伦剔嫌瑰怒技帛翰宅肌瞳逗代匙呀摸厘英语高考复习写作专题五英语高考复习写作专题五



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