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1、如何撰写高质量的科技论文如何撰写高质量的科技论文阮新波阮新波华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院8/5/20241报告内容J 写科技论文的意义J 科技论文的基本结构J 国际期刊评审论文的标准J 提高论文质量的方法J 结语8/5/20242J 写科技论文的意义J 科技论文的基本结构J 国际期刊评审论文的标准J 提高论文质量的方法J 结语报告内容8/5/20243优秀学生应具备的基本素质善于研究善于写作善于演讲基本素质8/5/20244写论文对研究领域的贡献l科技论文是对科学研究中提出的新思想、新方法、新概念新思想、新方法、新概念等的总结和阐述总结和阐述。l发表论文是为了与同行分享分享所取得的科研成果科

2、研成果,是对本领域的贡献。l发表论文是获得同行认可获得同行认可、建立学术地位建立学术地位的一种途径。l是职称晋升职称晋升、学生毕业学生毕业的一个重要指标。8/5/20245l撰写科技论文是对研究工作的整理、再认识整理、再认识,可以提高自己的总结能力;l有利于弄清某些在研究中似是而非、没有完全明白的问题,是研究过程的重要组成部分重要组成部分;写论文对自己的帮助l撰写论文的过程中,甚至可以产产生新的灵感生新的灵感。l有利于形成良好的思维方式良好的思维方式。8/5/20246J 写科技论文的意义J 科技论文的基本结构J 国际期刊评审论文的标准J 提高论文质量的方法J 结语报告内容8/5/20247科

3、技论文的主要结构论文题目论文题目(Paper Title)作者(Authors)l摘要(Abstract)l关键词(Index Terms)l正文(Main Body)l结论(Conclusion)l致谢(Acknowledgment)l参考文献(References)l作者简介(Biography of Authors)8/5/20248论文题目论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介论文题目论文题目要充分、合适、具体充分、合适、具体地反映论文的主要内容主要内容、主要贡献主要贡献,切忌太长、太大、太空太长、太大、太空,慎用慎用“新颖的”等词汇,最好不用缩写缩写。pMeans of

4、 Eliminating Electrolytic Capacitor in AC/DC Power Supplies for LED LightingspVariable-Duty-Cycle Control to Achieve High Input Power Factor for DCM Boost PFC Converterp直流变换器的研究p一种新颖的感应电机控制方法p An DEM for Buck-Boost Converter (DEM: Dual Edge Modulation ) 8/5/20249论文题目作者作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介论文署名l只有对本

5、文作出贡献作出贡献的作者才能署名;l署名顺序按贡献大小排列按贡献大小排列,第一作者应为本文的主要贡献者;l本研究工作的经费资助者如果对本文没有贡献,不不可以可以作为合作作者署名。但须在致谢中表达谢意。8/5/202410论文题目作者 摘要摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介论文摘要l摘要主要说明本文的主题、提出的方法和得出的结主题、提出的方法和得出的结论论。l摘要自身应成为一个有价值的文献有价值的文献,特别要包括本文的关键词关键词,让读者在阅读本文前就大致知道本文的主要内容和贡献,而且容易被搜索引擎搜索到。l摘要中不能不能包括公式、参考文献。l摘要一般不超过200个单词个单词。8/5/202

6、411This paper proposes two methods of reducing the storage capacitance in the ac/dc power supplies for light emitting diode (LED) lighting. In doing so, film capacitors can be adopted instead of electrolytic capacitors to achieve a long power supplies lifetime. The voltage ripple of the storage capa

7、citor is intentionally increased to reduce the storage capacitance. The method of determining the storage capacitance for ensuring that the boost power factor correction converter operates normally in the whole input voltage range is also discussed. For the purpose of further reducing the storage ca

8、pacitance, a method of injecting the third harmonic current into the input current flow is proposed. While ensuring that the input power factor is always higher than 0.9 to comply with regulation standards such as ENERGY STAR, the storage capacitance can be reduced to 65.6% of that with an input pow

9、er factor of 1. A 60-W experimental prototype is built to verify theproposed methods.论文题目作者 摘要摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介论文摘要8/5/202412论文题目作者 摘要关键词关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介关键词l关键词必须表明本文的相关领域相关领域、主题主题。l关键词一般为专业词汇专业词汇和通用的词汇通用的词汇,以便于搜索引擎搜索到。l关键词一般为35个个。Harmonic current injection, Light-Emitted Diode (LED), power facto

10、r correction (PFC), power supply, voltage ripple.8/5/202413论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介引言l明确本文的研究对象研究对象及其研究意义研究意义(重要性、应用前景)。l对相关研究工作进行恰当评述恰当评述(国内外现状),并指出存在的问题和不足问题和不足。l本文的主要贡献主要贡献(针对什么问题提出什么方法,结果如何)。l简要说明本文的架构架构。引言是论文最难写的部分。需要有较大的阅读量,尤其是阅读相关领域重要期刊和会议论文。8/5/202414The rapid development of LED over the

11、 last few years has opened up new opportunities in the general illumination market, thanks to its distinct advantages such as high efficacy, long lifetime, environmental friendliness, and small size over incandescent and fluorescent lamps 14. The power supply for LED lighting is an ac/dc converter,

12、which converts a regular ac voltage to a low dc voltage for an LED driver. The input power factor is an important requirement of the ac/dc converter. It needs to be higher than 0.9 for most commercial luminaries 5. Thus, the ac/dc converter must typically have the function of power factor correction

13、 (PFC). In a PFC converter, the input current is forced to be in phase with the input voltage, leading to a pulsating input power, while the output power is constant. To achieve this, a storage capacitor with large capacitance is required for balancing the instantaneous power difference. Due to the

14、high capacity required for capacitance, an electrolytic capacitor is often used as the storage capacitor. However, it is well known that because of its liquid electrolyte, the lifetime of an electrolytic capacitor is quite limited with only several thousand hours under rated operating conditions. Ev

15、en with a conservative design, the theoretical lifetime of electrolytic capacitors is only about 3 000 h (at a high operating LEDs temperature) 6. This is much shorter than the potential lifetime of LEDs (50 000 h). Thus, the electrolytic capacitor is an obstacle to the overall long-term reliability

16、 of the LED and its power supply.论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介引言LED的优点LED电源需要功率因数校正(PFC)功能PFC变换器需要很大的储能电容储能电容寿命较短,与LED的长寿命不相匹配8/5/202415 A review of literature shows that a variety of LED power supplies and driver solutions, which can accurately control the current of the LED while achieving a near-u

17、nity input power factor, have been proposed 710. However, an electrolytic capacitor is required in these applications. PFC converters can be classified into two types: two-stage and single-stage. Two-stage PFC converters consist of a PFC stage and a dc/dc stage. They have been widely applied in adap

18、tors for laptops and silver box 1114. Single-stage PFC converters integrate the PFC stage and the dc/dc stage, leading to simple topology and low cost. They are suitable for low-power applications 1518. Unfortunately, no effective method has been proposed to significantly reduce the storage capacita

19、nce in a PFC converter such that a long lifetime of a converter can be achieved.论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介引言PFC变换器的研究综述,指出这些方案都不能减小储能电容8/5/202416论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介正文主体部分l阐述所提出方法l相关理论分析l仿真和实验验证II. Increase of the Voltage Ripple to Reduce the Storage CapacitorA.Relationship Between Voltage

20、 Ripple and Storage Capacitance of a Two-Stage PFC ConverterB.Maximum, Minimum, and Average Values of the Storage Capacitors VoltageC.Design ExampleD.III. Injection of Harmonic Current to Reduce the Storage CapacitorE.Relationship Between Storage Capacitance and Input Power FactorF.Relationship Betw

21、een Third Harmonic Injection and Storage CapacitanceG.Control Method of Third Harmonic InjectionH.IV. Experimental Verification8/5/202417论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论结论致谢参考文献作者简介结论l对本文工作进行小结,简要概括本文所提出的新方新方法、新理论和新技术法、新理论和新技术,说明它们的优点优点。l可分1, 2, , n点,也可分几段。l不要含有参考文献,公式和图表。l部分内容可与摘要重复。8/5/202418论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论结论致谢参

22、考文献作者简介结论This paper proposes two methods that can be used to significantly reduce the storage capacitance, so that film capacitors, instead of electrolytic capacitors, can be adopted to achieve a long lifetime of the PFC converter. In a two-stage PFC converter, a storage capacitor is used to balance

23、 the pulsating input power and the dc constant output power. To significantly reduce the storage capacitor, the voltage ripple of the storage capacitor can be intentionally increased. However, a very large voltage ripple can result in the unstable operation of the boost PFC converter and a very high

24、 voltage stress on the power switches. This paper gives the derivation of the relationship between the voltage ripple and the value of the storage capacitor, and proposes a guideline for the selection of a suitable value for the storage capacitor. Moreover, a method of injecting the third harmonic c

25、urrent into the input current flow is proposed to reduce the pulsation of the input power. This can further reduce the storage capacitance. While keeping the input power factor at 0.9 to comply with the requirement of ENERGY STAR, the storage capacitor can be reduced to 65.6% of that with an input p

26、ower factor of 1. A 60-W prototype was built and tested. Experimental results validated the feasibility of the proposed methods.8/5/202419论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢致谢参考文献作者简介致谢ACKNOWLEDGMENTlThe authors would like to thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) for the financial support und

27、er the award 50837003.lThe authors would like to thank S. Y. Lam for able assistance in developing the experimental prototypes.lThe authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of Golden Regent Electronics Industrial Limited for making the high-voltage transformer.lThe authors would like to th

28、ank Dr. S.-C. Tan from Hong Kong Polytechnical University, Kowloon, Hong Kong, for the revision of this paper.l本文工作的资助方。l参与讨论并提供有价值建议的人员。l提供功率器件及相关设备的公司和人员。l帮助样机制作的技术人员。l相关测试人员。l8/5/202420论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献参考文献作者简介参考文献Style for conference publications: Authors (first initials followed by last na

29、me), title of paper, in title of conference, date of conference, and page numbers (inclusive). 1 A. B. Researcher and I. N. Elper, “Loss-based analysis of switching converters under closed-loop controls,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf., 2010, pp. 3917-3926. Style for periodical journa

30、l publications: Authors (first initials followed by last name), title of paper, title of periodical, volume, page numbers (inclusive), month and year. 2 C. D. Aodiet, R. G. Gue, and P. R. Phakter, “The Ran-Duga method for ac-ac converter operation,” IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 37, pp. 7721-7

31、727, October 2014. Style for books: Authors (first initials followed by last name), book title. Publisher location: publisher name, year, chapter or page numbers. 3 B. B. Eriffel, The Design of Microwatt Power Devices. London: Energy Unit Publishers, 2012, Chap. 72. 8/5/202421Xinbo Ruan (M97SM02) wa

32、s born in Hubei Province, China, in 1970. He received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Nanjing, China, in 1991 and 1996, respectively. In 1996, he joined the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Teaching and Research Di

33、vision, NUAA, where he became a Professor in 2002 at the College of Automation Engineering and has been engaged in teaching and research in the field of power electronics. From August to October 2007, he was a Research Fellow in the Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Hong Kong Po

34、lytechnic University, Hunghom, Hong Kong. Since March 2008, he has been with the College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. He has authored or coauthored more than 100 technical papers in journals and conferences and also published

35、three books. His current research interests include soft-switching dc/dc converters, soft-switching inverters, power factor correction converters, modeling the converters, power electronics system integration, and renewable energy generation system. Dr. Ruan was the recipient of Delta Scholar by the

36、 Delta Environment and Education Fund in 2003, and was awarded the Special Appointed Professor of the Chang Jiang Scholars Program, by the Ministry of Education, China, in 2007. He is also the Guest Professor of Beijing Jiaotong University, China, and Hefei University of Technology, China. Since 200

37、5, he has been the Vice President of the China Power Supply Society, and since 2008, he has been the member of the Technical Committee on Renewable Energy Systems within the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE Power Electronics Society and the IEEE Industrial Elect

38、ronics Society.论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介作者简介作者简介姓名,出生地点、日期,学历工作经历发表论文和获得专利研究兴趣或方向获得荣誉学术兼职学会会员8/5/202422J 写科技论文的意义J 科技论文的基本结构J 国际期刊评审论文的标准J 提高论文质量的方法J 结语报告内容8/5/202423Basic Qualification Questions IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics的评阅表lWhat is the new contribution of this paper? (Based on your a

39、ssessment rather than on author statements.)lDoes the contribution have good archival value, or is it only an incremental addition to existing knowledge?8/5/202424Original, elegant5, , 0Restatement of existing knowledgeValuable for practicing engineers5, , 0Impractical or excessively commercialTechn

40、ically and mathematically accurate5, , 0Unsound; contains significant errorsWell supported with analysis/experiments5, , 0Unproven, unsupportedRich in engineering judgement and insight5, , 0Uninformed, amateurishClear, concise, effective presentation5, , 0Obscure, disorganized, verboseInteresting to

41、 readers, stimulates new ideas5, , 0Uninteresting; topic is nearly clicheEffective illustrations and tables5, , 0Poor figures or figures without discussionCorrect English usage5, , 0Weak grammar; difficult to followUseful references to past work5, , 0No context is provided beyond the authors workPap

42、er Grading IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics的评阅表8/5/202425IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics的评阅表RecommendationAccept without change - The paper can be published in its present form.Accept with suggested change - The paper can be published in its current form but could be made stronger by in

43、corporating changes suggested by the reviewers.Accept with mandatory changes - The paper cannot be published in its current form but can be provisionally accepted if the authors incorporate mandatory changes suggested by the reviewers. It is the opinion of the reviewers that the changes are relative

44、ly minor and can be incorporated in ten weeks or less. Do not accept - The paper cannot be accepted in its current form. The reviewers should indicate why the paper cannot be accepted and suggest the paper could be accepted after a major revision.AcceptMinor RevisionMajor RevisionReject & ResubmitRe

45、ject8/5/202426IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics的评阅表CommentslConfidential comments to the Editor. lComments to the Author8/5/202427J 写科技论文的意义J 科技论文的基本结构J 国际期刊评审论文的标准J 提高论文质量的方法J 结语报告内容8/5/202428论文的写作步骤第一步:撰写论文主体部分(不包括引言)第二步:撰写结论第三步:撰写引言第四步:撰写摘要第五步:确定论文题目8/5/202429图形绘制的原则画图工具:Microsoft Office Vis

46、io 2003图形尽量紧凑尽量紧凑,以节约版面,同时保证缩小时字体不会太小。图形放到正文中时,其字符原则上不能大于正文文字大小字符原则上不能大于正文文字大小。画图时,建议字符和公式的字体用Times New Roman,字号用10pts,这样贴到论文中时,可以不缩小或缩小到90%。(论文正文字号一般为10pts)图形应美观大方,给人的第一感觉是看到图第一感觉是看到图,然后才是字符和标注,否则有喧宾夺主之虞。图形缩放时,应成比例缩放比例缩放,以免变形。8/5/202430电路图的绘制Visio软件自带的元器件库有的不太美观,使用时也不便于自己编辑。建议自己设计元器件库元器件库。一般的线条粗细选择




50、投稿期刊的论文,以了解期刊论文的大致情况。阅读拟投期刊的投稿须知(Guidelines for Authors/Information for Authors),了解论文投稿的格式和要求。论文的题目、作者、摘要、关键词、小节题目、参考文献等的字体、大小、大小写、是否斜体等要严格按照要求。有的期刊(如IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics)要求投稿的论文采用单栏、2倍行间距排版,而有的期刊(如IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics)要求双栏、单倍行间距排版 ,此时图表应放在左上角、右上角、左下角或右下角,即“顶


52、文的修改Notes to the Reviewers/Associate Editor/EditorThe authors would like to thank the reviewers, the Associate Editor, and the Editor-in-Chief for your constructive remarks and suggestions. A revision has been carefully performed on this paper according to the suggestions provided. The following are

53、 the changes made in the revised paper.Reviewer: 1There are two points mentioned in the reviewers comments, and our responses are:1. But, a very long part of the paper is reserved for description of well known power converters. Presentation of power converters and source association rules is too bas

54、ic.Answer: We have tried to condense Section II, and have deleted Fig. 2 of the original version, so that this part becomes more concise.2. Power rate and constraints as cost, efficiency and integration are not considered in the synthesis, while they are essential.Answer: We have added a paragraph a

55、t the end of Section VIII (page. 18) to address the power rating and constraints as cost, efficiency and integration. However, we should stress that the aim of this paper is a circuit theoretic approach for synthesizing circuits.Reviewer 28/5/202438论文写作的学术道德l应强调质量质量,而不是数量数量。不要为了论文而写论文!l绝对不可以剽窃剽窃他人的研

56、究成果,不可以伪造数据伪造数据。l署名应按贡献大小与所有合作作者协商排序,杜绝挂名杜绝挂名。l论文在投稿之前、审稿意见返回后、提交最终稿件和排版清样审校时,应应送所有合作作者审读和修改送所有合作作者审读和修改,这是对合作作者的尊重,而对论文的修改也是合作作者的权利和义务。8/5/202439J 写科技论文的意义J 科技论文的基本结构J 国际期刊评审论文的标准J 提高论文质量的方法J 结语报告内容8/5/202440结语l论文写作是对自己研究工作的一个总结,也是研究过程的一个重要组成部分。l发表论文是对本领域学术界和工业界的贡献,有利于建立自己的学术地位,提升自己的自信。l学术论文贵在创新性,重在准确性、系统性、完整性,要清晰而简洁,尤其要注意写作规范。8/5/202441谢谢各位!祝各位写出高质量的学术论文!8/5/202442



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