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1、(优选)初中英语阅读理解之主旨大意课件主旨大意题主旨大意题正确理解文章的正确理解文章的“主旨大意主旨大意”是是阅读技能之二。技能之二。要求在要求在阅读和理解全文的基和理解全文的基础上,上,对文章作文章作出出归纳、概括或、概括或评价。价。这也是英也是英语阅读理解理解中常中常见的一的一类题型,大多是要求判断文章的型,大多是要求判断文章的标题或各段大意。或各段大意。阅读中主旨大意题的题型分类阅读中主旨大意题的题型分类主旨题主旨题标题类标题类文章主旨文章主旨段落主旨段落主旨1.标题类试题常见的题干形式标题类试题常见的题干形式(1) The best title for this passage is

2、.(2) The suitable headline for this passage may be(3) The title that best expresses the idea of the passage is .(4) Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?(体现概括性体现概括性, 避免远离主题避免远离主题)2.文章主旨类试题常见的题干形式文章主旨类试题常见的题干形式(1) What is the passage mainly about?(2) The passage talks about .(

3、3) The passage tells us that .(4) This passage mainly deals with .(5) Whats the main idea / topic of the passage?(体现全面性体现全面性, 避免以偏概全避免以偏概全)3.段落主旨类试题常见的题干形式段落主旨类试题常见的题干形式(1) The main idea of the second paragraph probably is that .(2) What is the last paragraph chiefly concerned with?(3) Which of the

4、following can best summarize Paragraph one?(4) Whats the main idea discussed in the first paragraph?(体现针对性体现针对性, 避免张冠李戴避免张冠李戴)关键关键-主题句主题句主题句:凡表述段落(或短文)主旨大意的句子。主题句:凡表述段落(或短文)主旨大意的句子。三个特点:三个特点:(1)总领性强,概括性强)总领性强,概括性强(2)结构简单,不用难句)结构简单,不用难句(3)其他句子解释、支撑或扩展主题句,起服从、)其他句子解释、支撑或扩展主题句,起服从、论证、补充的作用论证、补充的作用Types

5、OfParagraphStructuresThepositionofthetopicAtthebeginningAttheendInthemiddleNocleartopicsentenceEnglish is clearly an international language. It is spoken by pilots and airport control operators on all the airways of the world. Over 70 percent of the worlds radio programs are in English. 主题句在段首或篇首主题句

6、在段首或篇首例例2: If you buy some well-made clothes, you can save money because they can last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Sometimes some clothes cost more money, but it does not mean that they are always better made, or they always fit better. In other words, some le

7、ss expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.Q:The passage is mainly about_. A. well-made clothes B. more expensive clothes C.clothes that are not very expensive but look and fit better D. clothes that are expensive and well-made 主题句在段末或篇末主题句在段末或篇末 例例3:In spite of the fact th

8、at cars from Germany and Japan are flooding the American market, Ford, General Motors and Chrysler are employing more workers than ever before. The flood of cheaper foreign cars has not cast American autoworkers their jobs as some experts predicted. Ford operates as far as Asia, and General Motors i

9、s considered Australians biggest employer. Yet General Motors has its huge American work force and employs hundreds of people every day to meet the needs of an insatiable(不能满足的)不能满足的)society.Question: Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the paragraphA. GM is one of the

10、largest car producers.B. Ford operates not only in the U.S.A., but also in Asia.C. The foreign cars have not taken away the jobs of American autoworkers.D. The flood of the cheaper foreign cars is terrible for American autoworkers.takesth.awayofsb.和和castsb.sth.的意思相似的意思相似主题句在段中或篇中主题句在段中或篇中 Handshakin

11、g, though a European practice is often seen in big cities of China. Nobody knows exactly when the practice started in Europe. It is said that long long ago in Europe when people met, they showed their unarmed(无无武武器器的的) hands to each other as a sign of goodwill. As time went on and trade in cities gr

12、ew rapidly, people in cities began to clap each others hands to make a deal or to reach an agreement. This practice was later changed into shaking hands among friends on meeting or leaving each other. “Lets shake (hands) on it” sometimes means agreement reached.无主题句无主题句The paragraph mainly tells us

13、_. A. where handshaking was first practicedB. how handshaking came aboutC. about the relationship between handshaking and tradeD. about the practice of handshaking both in Europe and in China 解题解题技巧技巧技巧一:识别文体技巧一:识别文体技巧二:技巧二:找关联词找关联词技巧三技巧三:抓线索抓线索技巧四技巧四:找高频词找高频词技巧一:识别文体技巧一:识别文体新闻报道新闻报道导语提携全文导语提携全文议论文议

14、论文总总-分分-总总(论点论据结论)(论点论据结论)说明文说明文主题句主题句(首中尾)(首中尾)记叙文记叙文记叙文六要素记叙文六要素 Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. Experiments show that cigarette smoking can cause cancer. Besides the most serious and terrible disease(illness), cancer, cigarette smoking also can cause other health problems. For examp

15、le, it can give one a “smokers cough”. Finally, studies have shown it is easy for cigarette smokers to catch colds. Whether you get an unimportant cold or terrible killer, cancer, smoking is harmful. Is it worth it?议论文议论文总总-分分-总总Whatisthemainidea?A. cigarette smoking can cause cancer.B. smoking can

16、cause the most serious and terrible disease (illness).C. smoking also can cause other health problems.D. smoking is harmful. D If you were planning to buy a television set, the following advertisement would certainly draw your attention: “Color TV. Only 79. Two days sale. Hurry.” However, when you g

17、o to the store ready to buy. You may discover that they are sold out. But the shop assistant is quick to tell you that he has another model. A much better set which is “just right for you” It costs 395. This sales method is called “bait and switch”. Buyers are baited with a sales advertisement, and

18、then they are switched to another more expensive one. Buying things on sale needs careful consideration of the goods and the reason for the sale. The paragraph could be entitled _. A. Buying A TV Set B. A Selling Method C. Buyer Beware D. TV On Sale Mrs Turners telephone number was 3463;the number o

19、f the cinema in her town was 3464, people often made a mistake and telephoned her when they actually wanted the cinema. One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs Turner answered it . A tired mans voice came over the telephone: ”At what time does your last film begin?” ”Im sorry”, said Mrs Turner,

20、“but you have the wrong number. This is not the cinema.” “Oh, It began twenty minutes ago, ”said the man.” Im sorry about that. Well, goodbye.” Mrs Turner was very surprised, so she told her husband. He laughed and said,” No, that wasnt a mistake. The mans wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was

21、 feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him, but she didnt hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy!”WhywasMrsTurnersurprised?Becausethetiredman_.A.wanted the cinema but called a wrong number. B.Asked her a silly question which she refused

22、to answer C.Said something that had nothing to do with her answer. D.Was angry with himself for having made a mistake. c Often no one looks more guilty than the innocent. On the other hand, nobody may look more innocent than a professional criminal. And the man who knows “everything” may really only

23、 be trying to hide his own weakness. So, it is foolish to try to judge a person only by his appearance(so,therefore,thus,inconclusion,inshort,allinall,overall,clearly,Infact)技巧二:技巧二:找关联词找关联词技巧三技巧三: 从段落中从段落中归纳要点归纳要点抓大意,理清线索抓大意,理清线索. 有些文章或段落无明显的主题句有些文章或段落无明显的主题句,只是暗示性地体现主只是暗示性地体现主题题.这就要求考生在阅读过程中根据文中所叙

24、述的这就要求考生在阅读过程中根据文中所叙述的事实事实或提供的或提供的线索线索来概括总结主旨大意来概括总结主旨大意 Tom studied four years at the University of Paris and decided to leave before his graduation. He transferred to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors. Harvard Law School and, later, Boston College provided him with an excellent le

25、gal background. He is presently a corporation lawyer in Miami, Florida.The main idea of this paragraph is that _.A. Tom, who had studied at Paris Universities for four years, moved to another university.B. Tom became a lawyer since his graduation from Harvard Law School and later from Boston College

26、.C. Tom was an excellent student when he studied at Berlin university.D. Tom received an excellent education.detaildetaildetail技巧四技巧四: 从段落中从段落中寻找高频率词寻找高频率词 任何一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此,任何一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此,许多文章中最明显的特点之一是有一个反复出许多文章中最明显的特点之一是有一个反复出现的中心词,即现的中心词,即高频词高频词,也叫做,也叫做主题词主题词 Eg.9A new eight-kilometer r

27、oad is under construction that links the port area with motorway system. It is expected to carry 20,000 trucks and cars a day, which greatly reduces the overcrowded traffic in the center of the city.As part of the project, two four-kilometer road tunnels are being built below the central area of the

28、 city, one for traffic to the north and the other for the traffic to the south. The two tunnels are about 20 meters below the surface and are 12 meters wide, providing for two lanes of traffic in each direction. In the upper part of the tunnel two air-conditioning pipes remove the waste gas of truck

29、s and cars and keep the quality of air inside the tunnel. The lighting is at the top of the tunnel, practically at its highest point. There will also be electric signs at frequent intervals. They show traffic conditions ahead and can be seen clearly by drivers. The wall is made up of four main eleme

30、nts, which include a waterproofing covering and, on the inside of the tunnel, a concrete lining. Each tunnel is roughly round and the lower part of the tunnel is somewhat flat. The surface of the road lies on the base, which is made of concrete and steel. The drainage system, just below the road sur

31、face on one side, removes any extra liquid, particularly water. In the event of fire, the fire main, which is made of steel, pipes water to many fire hydrant stations at regular intervals along the length of the tunnel. The fire main is at the side of the tunnel and at the level of the road surface.

32、 Other systems in the tunnel will include emergency phones. The passage is mainly about _. A. the construction of a road B. the design of a road C. the construction of two tunnels D.the design of two tunnels 主旨大意主旨大意题的解的解题技巧技巧1、以以原原文文为依依据据,不不参参杂个个人人意意见,要要客客观不不要要主主观。 要要克克服服“我我认为怎怎么么样”的的观点。点。2、答案是比出来的

33、。答案不、答案是比出来的。答案不选对的,只的,只选最好的。最好的。 比答案的原比答案的原则是:好的是:好的不知道的;不知道的不知道的;不知道的不不对的。的。3、注意、注意绝对化的化的词。 如如果果答答案案选项中中出出现绝对化化的的词,比比如如:all,always,never,nothing,every 等等等等,除除非非文文章章当当中中使使用用了了该类词汇,否,否则,一般都要排除。,一般都要排除。 比比如如,原原文文中中出出现了了这样一一个个句句子子:Almost everyone likes the music. 答答题时,要要你你判判断断如如下下这个个句句子子正正误(True or Fa

34、lse):):Everyone likes the music. 4、答案要避免以点、答案要避免以点带面,以偏盖全。面,以偏盖全。 尤其是多个尤其是多个选项都有道理,都有道理,难以挑以挑选正确答案的正确答案的时候,要注意候,要注意选择最符合最符合题目要求的一个。目要求的一个。5、 “傻瓜傻瓜”原原则。 文章中没有提到的就当文章中没有提到的就当时不知道,不要枉自猜不知道,不要枉自猜测,自作,自作聪明。一切以文章内容明。一切以文章内容为准。准。6. 主旨大意主旨大意题的干的干扰项特点特点 可能是文中某个具体事可能是文中某个具体事实或或细节。 可能是从文中某些可能是从文中某些 (不完全的不完全的)

35、事事 实或或细节片面推出的片面推出的错误结论。 可能属非文章事可能属非文章事实的主的主观臆断。臆断。F实例实例1JoshnaBinghamstudiedfouryearsattheUniversityofParisanddecidedtoleavebeforehisgraduation.HechangedtotheUniversityofBerlinandgraduatedwithhonors.HarvardLawSchoolandlater,BostonCollegeprovidedhimwithanexcellentlegalbackground.Heispresentlyabusines


37、才能推断出文章的主旨大意。样才能推断出文章的主旨大意。实例实例2 All students of geography should be able to explain a weather map exactly. Weather condition is a huge amount of information about condition at a time of observation over a large geographical area. They show in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describ

38、e. The United States Weather Office gives out information about coming storms, floods, freeze, dryness, and all climatic conditions in general. Twice a month it gives out a 30-day “out-look” which is a basic guide to weather conditions likely to happen all over the United States. Whatisthemainideaof





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