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1、1.The infinitive1. Ive worked with children before, so I know what _ in my new job. A. expected B. to expect C. expects D. to be expecting2. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _ in making the earth a better place to live. A. to have played B. to play C. to be playe

2、d D. to be playing3. He sent me an E-mail, _ to get further information. A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope4. Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day? - _ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting5. Robert is said _ abroad, but I

3、dont know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying 2.Past Participle used as2.Past Participle used as attribute object attribute object complement and predicativecomplement and predicative Lets try the bookstore_last month.(open)We are _at

4、 the _ story.( surprise)Please get the work _ as soon as possible.(do)The man was brought in, with his hands_ behind his back. (tie)Compare: See the sun _, we jumped with joy.(rise) opened=that was openedsurprisedsurprisingdonetiedrisingUnits 1-21.承担那项困难的工作承担那项困难的工作 undertake the difficult task2.与与相

5、似相似 be similar to3.随着时间的推移随着时间的推移 as time goes bywith time going by4.(与某人与某人)订婚订婚 be/get engaged to sb.5.从事于某事从事于某事;忙于做某事忙于做某事 engage oneself in sth/be/get engaged in sth6.用完用完;用尽用尽; use up(用于被动语态用于被动语态)筋疲力尽筋疲力尽be used up7.寻找寻找;追求追求 seek for/after8.追求财富追求财富;碰运气碰运气 seek ones a fortune9.结果是结果是;原来是原来是

6、turn out (to be)It turns out that10.对对感到好奇的感到好奇的 be curious about11.因因而惩罚某人而惩罚某人 be punished for/punish sb. for12.产生差别产生差别;与众不同与众不同 make a difference13.倘使倘使将会怎样将会怎样;即使即使又有什么要紧又有什么要紧 what if14.在在20世纪世纪70年代初期年代初期in the early 1970s15.另一方面另一方面 on the other hand16.对对感到满意的感到满意的 be satisfied with17.随不同的季节而

7、变化随不同的季节而变化 change from season to season18.相反地相反地 the other way round19.达到目的达到目的 reach ones goals20.在写一本新在写一本新 work on a new book21.做某事没用处做某事没用处 Theres no point in doing22.比得上他比得上他 match him23.观察某人做某事观察某人做某事 observe sb do1.面临面临;面对面对 be faced with2.做某事有困难做某事有困难have some difficulty in doing3.严重受伤严重受伤

8、be/get badly injured4.通知某人某事通知某人某事 inform sb of sth5.把把与与联系起来联系起来relate to/with6.与与有关系有关系 be related to7.对对上瘾上瘾;沉溺于沉溺于be/become/get addicted to.8.忍受某人做某事忍受某人做某事 tolerate sb/one doing9.尊敬尊敬;钦佩钦佩 look up to 10.武装起来;有武器武装起来;有武器be armed with11.而不是而不是 rather than12.上升;增长上升;增长 go up13.受痛苦;患病受痛苦;患病 suffer

9、from14.烧成平地;烧毁烧成平地;烧毁 burn down15.就这一次就这一次 for once16.在各方面;到处在各方面;到处 on all sides17.十分之九十分之九 nine out of ten/nine in ten18.使使保持平衡保持平衡 keepbalanced19.适应新生活适应新生活adapt (oneself) to a new life 20.爱上爱上;喜欢上喜欢上fall in love with21.故意不理睬某人故意不理睬某人ignore sb22.对对的态度的态度 ones attitude towards23.叫叫(别人别人)做某事做某事 hav

10、e sth done24.给某人提供给某人提供;展现展现 present sth to sb3.Past Participle used as Adverbial_ by two policemen, the man returned home.(follow)Compare:_ the students, the teacher came in.(follow)_ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.(lose)If _in a burning building, you should send for help.(t

11、rap)FollowedFollowingLosttrappedRevision for Units 3-41.目的是目的是;打算给打算给用用be intended for2. 一件一件/套家具套家具a piece/set of furniture3.流行的流行的;豪华的豪华的/不再流行的不再流行的;过时的过时的 in/out of style4.无法忍受被人嘲弄无法忍受被人嘲弄 cant bear/stand being made fun of5.透过肩膀看透过肩膀看 glance over ones shoulder6.乍看乍看;扫视扫视glance at7.建一座桥建一座桥constru

12、ct/build a bridge8.正在建设中正在建设中under construction提醒某人某事提醒某人某事remind sb of sth10.给我留下深刻印象给我留下深刻印象impress me deeply /be impressed by11.担任主席担任主席act as chairman12.存了一些钱存了一些钱set aside some money13.搁置一会而搁置一会而;把把暂时搁一边暂时搁一边set aside14.在出售,特价地,廉价地在出售,特价地,廉价地on sale15对对而言正如而言正如对对一样一样is towhat is to 16.都一样都一样;仍然

13、仍然all the same17.违背违背go against18.用用装满装满fill up with19.把把和和连接在一起连接在一起jointo20.装饰着装饰着be decorated with21.以以为例为例takefor example22.在你方便的时候在你方便的时候if/when it is convenient for you .召唤召唤;回忆起回忆起;调动力量调动力量/人员等人员等;给给打电话打电话 call up2.属于属于;是是的成员之一的成员之一belong to3.出现出现;形成形成;产生产生come into being4.把把和和进行比较进行比较compare

14、 with5.把把比喻成比喻成compare to6.除除之外之外apart from7.为为作贡献作贡献;有助于有助于向向投稿投稿contribute to8.突出突出;出色出色;引人注意引人注意stand out9.点燃点燃;点亮点亮;容光焕发容光焕发light up10.使某人来到;要求将某物取来或送到使某人来到;要求将某物取来或送到 send for14.查找查找;查阅查阅look up15.在某人不在时在某人不在时/外出时外出时during ones absence16.建议某人去做某事建议某人去做某事recommend sb to do sth17.通过通过;完成完成get thr

15、ough18.以以开始开始start/begin with19.借着烛光借着烛光by the light of the candle20.除除之外之外other than21.在友好的气氛中在友好的气氛中in a friendly atmosphere22.把把区分开区分开tellapart23.打开打开之门之门open the door to3. Noun Clauses3. Noun ClausesThe news_ the plane would take off on time made everybody happy. ( that, which)_ interested him w

16、as _ he found the way to the cave at last.( what, that)_ the book has made many people think of him is surprising. ( what, that) The bike is _ you put it. The question is _ we can get so much money. ( where, how ) thatWhatthatThatwherehow1.由由组成组成/构成构成consist of/be made up of2.利用利用take advantage of3.

17、充分利用充分利用;充分展示充分展示make the most/best of4.对对有影响有影响have (an) influence on5.以以为基础为基础on abasis/on the basis of6.被车辆从被车辆从上上be/get run over7.他是个力气很大的人他是个力气很大的人He is a man of great strength.8.信仰上帝信仰上帝believe in GodUnits 5-69.一个一个的途径的途径;方法方法an approach to10.事实上事实上;实际上实际上;按原来的样子按原来的样子;照现在的样子照现在的样子as it is/as

18、they are11.使结合在一起使结合在一起;使团结使团结hold together12.组成组成;编造编造;弥补弥补;和解和解;化装化装/打扮打扮make up13.她生了个儿子她生了个儿子.She has born a son.14.无法忍耐无法忍耐;忍受忍受cant bear15.总的来说总的来说in general generally speaking16.全年全年;一整年一整年throughout the year all the year round10.贮藏着贮藏着;准备着准备着;就要来到就要来到havein store11.在广播中在广播中;被广播被广播on the air1

19、2.实现实现;成真成真;成为事实成为事实come true13.瞥见瞥见catch a glimpse of14.与与相处相处;对待对待,对付对付;处理处理;论述论述deal with15.这人很容易相处这人很容易相处.The man is quite easy to deal with.16.我们将怎样处理这个问题我们将怎样处理这个问题?How will we deal with this problem?17. pay attention to18.听出某人的声音听出某人的声音 recognize ones voice5.The Subjunctive Mood I wish I _ si

20、ck now.( not be) If he _ the girl yesterdayyesterday, she _ in the mountain. ( didnt save, hadnt saved; would die, would have died) If we _( panic), we _(be) able to help.(指将来的时间指将来的时间)(were to panic,wouldnt be)Our teacher suggested that we_ the questions in groups. ( discuss)Its time / You would ra

21、ther/ as ifwere nothadnt savedwould have diedwere to panicwouldnt beshould discuss1.凭借凭借;通过通过;经由经由 He flew to Washington via New York. I sent a message to Mary via her sister.2.缺乏缺乏;没有没有;缺少的东西缺少的东西I cannot buy the bike because of my lack of money.3.缺钱缺钱;勇气勇气;能力能力;经验经验lack money /courage /ability /ex

22、perience4.使使泄气泄气;使失去信心使失去信心The failure discouraged him.5.对对感到沮丧的感到沮丧的I was discouraged at the news.6.令人沮丧的令人沮丧的 The examination result is discouraging. 7.阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事 discourage sb from doing Revision For Units 7-88.感到振奋感到振奋;感到高兴感到高兴The news cheered the family./为为喝彩喝彩;为为加油加油;欢呼欢呼9.使使振作起来振作起来cheer

23、up10.正相反正相反;反之反之on the contrary11.无无的的;免于免于的的;免除免除;摆脱摆脱(be) free from12.冒险一试冒险一试;碰运气碰运气;投机投机take every chance13.充分地充分地;尽情的尽情的;非常非常to the full/fullest14.机器机器,车辆等坏了车辆等坏了;出故障出故障;计划计划/谈判等受挫谈判等受挫,失败失败;身体身体/精神跨了精神跨了;谈话谈话/通讯中断通讯中断break down15.说服某人做某事说服某人做某事persuade sb to do sth16.劝说某人做某事劝说某人做某事persuade sb

24、into doing sth17.感染上感染上be/become/get infected with18.让某人活下去让某人活下去keep sb alive19.患有严重的疾病患有严重的疾病suffer from a serious disease20.与某人握手与某人握手shake hands with21.暂时暂时;目前目前for the moment22.与与联系联系contact with23.防止防止做做keep from doing1.淹死某人淹死某人drown sb2.被被所淹没所淹没be/get drowned3.快要淹死的人快要淹死的人a drowning man4.他在流鼻

25、血他在流鼻血.He is bleeding at /from the nose6.分秒必争分秒必争Every minute counts.7.目睹那次事故目睹那次事故witness the accident8.为为作证作证;出庭证明出庭证明;证实证实;说明说明witness to9.是是的证人的证人a witness to10.记住记住keep/bear sth in mind11.保持镇定保持镇定stay/keep calm12.陷入恐慌陷入恐慌get in a panic13.即将到来即将到来;通常作表语通常作表语be on the way (to doing)14.使穿破使穿破;穿旧穿旧

26、;使筋疲力尽使筋疲力尽;(忍耐忍耐)已到尽头已到尽头wear out/be worn out15.去找某人去找某人;要求要求;需要需要;call for16.回复一封信回复一封信respond to a letter17.回答回答;回应回应in response to18.没作答复没作答复make no respond19.颠倒地颠倒地upside down20.代表代表stand for21.首先首先first of all22.受伤受伤get hurt23.使情况更糟使情况更糟make things worse24.反转反转;倒转倒转roll over25.为了纪念为了纪念;为了庆祝为了庆

27、祝in honour of26.着火着火catch fire6.Inversion 1. Not until we know more _ be able to improve the situation. A. we will B. will we 2. Only by changing the way _ save the earth. A. we can B. can we 3.I dont like junk food. _Tom. A. So does B. Nor do C. Neither does 4.If you buy that food, _ I. A. so will

28、B. so do 5. Never _ that water is so precious. A. I realized B. realized I C. did I realize 6. _ the children. A. Out rushed B. Rushed out BBcACA7.Ellipsis Dont bathe if you dont want _. A. to bathe B. to People are advised to eat healthy food,_ and to drink less beer. A.not to smoke B. not smoke C.

29、dont smokeHe went to the shop,_ some goods and then returned home. A. buy B.buying C.to buy D. bought BAD1.参加会议参加会议 attend a meeting2.处理处理;专心于专心于;注意注意attend to3.对对感到满意的感到满意的be content with4.愿意去做愿意去做be content to do5的指南的指南/介绍介绍an introduction to6.接近接近;进入进入;接近的方法接近的方法;到达的权利或机会到达的权利或机会 have access to7.

30、强调强调的重要性的重要性stress the importance of8.与与协调协调;与与一致一致in harmony with9.结束结束;制止制止put an end to10.擦洗擦洗的内部的内部;去除去除;消灭消灭wipe out11.保护某人免遭保护某人免遭defend sb from12.保卫某人抵御保卫某人抵御.defend sb againstUnits 9-1012.对对有影响有影响have an effect on13.建议建议(某人某人)去做某事去做某事 advise doing/sb to do/that sb do14.清洁的饮用水清洁的饮用水clean drin

31、king water15.在农村地区在农村地区in rural areas16.保暖保暖;取暖取暖stay warm17.对对的需求的需求the need for18.采取行动采取行动 take action/steps/measures (to do)19.对对有害有害be bad for/do harm to20.有很大影响有很大影响make a big difference21.传遍世界传遍世界spread across the world22.做记录做记录take notes of1.令人害怕的令人害怕的terrifying2.对对感到害怕的感到害怕的be terrified by/a

32、t3.发现一个错误发现一个错误spot a mistake4.近在手边近在手边;在附近在附近;即将到来的即将到来的at hand5.从从逃出来逃出来flee from6.逃到逃到去去flee to7.催促催促/力求力求/强烈要求某人做某事强烈要求某人做某事urge sb to do8.与与的同时的同时in the meanwhile9.接连打击接连打击;冲击冲击;漫游漫游;闲逛闲逛knock about 10.突然地突然地;冷不防冷不防all of a sudden11.使他毛骨悚然使他毛骨悚然 make his hair stand on end14.使某人苦恼使某人苦恼;不安不安upset sb15.需要勇气需要勇气call for courage16.另一个方向另一个方向;相反相反the other way round17.注意到注意到draw ones attention to18.平静下来平静下来calm down19.照亮照亮;容光焕发容光焕发light up20.惊慌地惊慌地in a panic21.在船上在船上on board22.他被吓得要死他被吓得要死.Hes scared to death.23.越多越多越好越好The more, the better24. hit sp. (自然灾难等)袭击某地(自然灾难等)袭击某地



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