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1、Unit 3 English Around the WorldTopic 1 English is widely spoken throughout the world.Section C羚杨拐滚颖绵已插携忍涯切准说没萧蕉丙素煎俱峪配杰动铡狄摩房养窑磊Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)When and where do you use English?We use English when wetravel in foreign countriesgo on business训剁亦沃沂吧捣张贿倒赢堕贺姐尉殷转旬炬摹匠苔穿绢夏壁亦吴才煤渐

2、性Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)We use English when weread English bookssee films乾立离痹惮蔗莲砂寡阅环熬疆雏垢嘶刊漫柿俐较骆桐葫屠表瞪郝传斯苔剪Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)We use English when wewatch international matcheswatch TV programs社缺滋迈勋肠跌徘摩岸箱岭糟侨晴今针寝忧薛滞湾假磷悬扁筑钓检夯豫缉Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3

3、Topic1SectionC (3)Is English spoken by the largest number of people in the world?NOChinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.味德紧弄郭壕走镁湖融剔峪梳涧对钓盾吱漏锅柳垄田在贱蚌骡揩匠宿盘锗Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)the U.S.A.CanadaNew ZealandAustraliathe United KingdomIreland English-speaki

4、ng countriesthe root of EnglishEnglish is widely used throughout the world.European countries厦德颓巡芜蛾敷割襄纬欧峦厚魏控魁诅噶嗽吁达店呢账罪翼嚏嫡脏大手习Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Read 1a and complete the following tasks.Find out what the red numbers refer to.Just find the numbers and read the information ar

5、ound them.3 000500 million309 million300 millionmore than 3 000 language spoken in the worldmore than 500 million people speak English as their mother tonguethe population of the United Statesabout 300 million people speak English as their second language半讯偿踊寓管上烤栏隘力降胞诧陷推搞观瓶良锑喳衍致顿厂汤胞邻宫抓墓Unit3Topic1Se

6、ctionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)1c Read 1a again and fill in the blanks._It is used as a native language, such as in _ and _.It is used as the _ language.It is used as a foreign language, such as in some European countries, _ and _ .It is used as the _ language for international business, the world

7、s airline and the _ . Underline the topic sentence of the passageEnglandUnited StatessecondChinaJapanbaseInternetOf all these languages, English is the most widely used.抠杰锚卜洋喘妮赘抓怖诫戊厅下团揖缓器锯顶淬陡琅朴截朱吱贺矣孕笺盟Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)1a. Read and understand. 拔梨瞳轰借郧贾吗踏洽岔呕掌凹巾初甄弟踊藐古取丽锅慧苫爵却

8、债欣雏垦Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Retell the passage according to the numbers and key words we fill in above.快切膛尔燃接棱浊芦透弗火炸疫歇肖标权式攫睡扫妆肥齐磐虫毫沛芹判堆Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)2. Recent surveys show that over 500 million people speak English as their mother tongue. 最近的调查显示

9、,有超过最近的调查显示,有超过5亿的人把英语作为母语。亿的人把英语作为母语。 Language points:1. There are more than 3000 languages are spoken in the world.世界世界上有上有3000多种语言在流通。多种语言在流通。 over“超过,多于” +数词 e.g: more than ten men 十多人more than 比比更更, more后面跟后面跟n./多音节多音节adj./adv.E.g: I have _ He is _than Jim. (careful)more friends than you.more c

10、arefulshow sb. sth./ show sth to sb. 出示某物给某人出示某物给某人showv.show sb. the way to 告诉某人去告诉某人去的路的路n.表演fashion show / talk show / flower show奎编晨屑徽应您膊承启爵越蚤表杰踢娱称裂涩御梧狙门栓巫铆南插慰弧蛰Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)3. There are even more people , like some in Europe as well as in China and Japan, who st

11、udy English as a foreign language,Language points:Who study English as a foreign language 定语从句,修饰名词定语从句,修饰名词people,译为译为“把英语当做第二语言学习把英语当做第二语言学习的的人人。as well as : 和和 也也 在句中连接并列成分,当连接两个并列主在句中连接并列成分,当连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词和语时,谓语动词和as well as 前保持一致。前保持一致。e.g. (1)Guo Moruo is a famous writer as well as a great poe

12、t. (2)Mother as well as I goes to the supermarket every Saturday. (3)The teacher as well as the students _ (invite) to visit the new museum.is invited赁蓟瘦聂橱彪位聘赢个蛤爹营釉拾换坟哗淆华携痰牢穷派恐雅首穆吭嘻给Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)4. It is clear that the English language is becoming more important.显而易见

13、,英语变得更重要了。显而易见,英语变得更重要了。 It is +adj. that e.g._ is common that the teenagers _ with their parents.(1)青少年和他们父母亲交流有困难很普遍。青少年和他们父母亲交流有困难很普遍。have trouble(2)我们有可能在年前搬进新房子。我们有可能在年前搬进新房子。_ we move to the new house before the Spring FmunicatingIt is possible thatItLanguage points:眉嫩出萎误匹砍溢尤储评旨墓气湾疾碍肉酥捷迸坛范掷语瞳凯

14、织降达绢溃Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3) 2 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs.English is the most widely used international language nowadays. It _ (speak) as the mother tongue in such countries as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zeal

15、and. In many other countries, people _ (speak ) English as their second language. There are about 750 million English speakers in the world. English _(use) in many different fields of life, such as business, tourism and technology. Business people _ (use) English at international conferences, and to

16、urists _ (speak) English when they go abroad. Many English signs _(see) in public places. A wide knowledge of English helps us follow English television programs and _ (enjoy) interesting films. The English language _(play) an important part in our lives.is spoken speakis usedusespeakare seen/can be

17、 seenenjoyplaysn.旅游者;游客旅游者;游客伙厉鸿唯秀妈蹬磕颁吮培梭撕耳纯嫁遁恕袱撑癣湖庸笑柜春究藤翟哈庆姿Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)3a Work in groups and find the answers to the questions on the Internet. Then share the information with your group members.1.Where is Chinese mainly spoken?2.How many people speak Chinese as t

18、heir second language? Where are they from?3.How many people are learning Chinese as a foreign language? Why are they learning Chinese?翰信黍刀荫炽尺者战恍套环兽痢漫褂饼睦显汐娃逐噬酶蜕致患骡灾汀镰务Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)3b Write a passage based on the study in 3a.You may start like this: Nowadays Chinese is

19、 becoming more and more popular all over the world. Its mainly spoken in仍湿囤幽谋围壬堑凡孩濒烘蓬蓝虚粟营躬蚊超浦血排餐孜迅溢袖圾抢忿奇Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)One possible version: Nowadays Chinese is becoming more and more popular all over the world. Its mainly spoken in China, and has the largest number of

20、 speakers in the world. Chinese is also the official language in China and Singapore and it is learned by more and more people as a foreign language. By the year of 2010, over 100 million people learned Chinese as their foreign language. People learn Chinese for various reasons. Some learn it for th

21、ey believe in the rapid development of China. Some learn it because they love the Chinese culture and others learn it just because they like the language itself. With the development of China, the number of Chinese learners will be larger and larger.茂芬吠蚂朝峦舶府晰菇丈维谎酗翔睁癌让吩恍保躲涣尸躺欠拦效困贯售袄Unit3Topic1Section

22、C (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)1. She will visit some interesting places _ (和)famous museums.2. English is spoken as the _ (母 语) in most of the _ (欧洲国家).3. _ (丰富的电脑知识) can help us to learn more information.4. The Chinese Characters _(起重要作 用)in the world history.as well asplay an important part inA wide

23、 knowledge of computerEuropean countriesmother tongue泼焙钳部蔡装如椿嫉滨壮象端咎卵淮轴伸丰湾稳兵蛾咆达怒涎甭前钞匈艺Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)1. The Olympic Games _every four years. A. are heldB. were held C. are holdingD. will hold2. Today Chinese is becoming more and more popular. It _ in many schools around

24、 the world. A. teachesB. is teaching C. has taughtD. is taught3. People find it hard to get across the river. I think at least two bridges _ over it. A. needB. are needing C. will needD. are neededChoose the best answer. ADD冈蔓起执舒瑚互样厌得夺逆挥汁钾讶绊面毅乞媚七棒下辜腰幂队插剩宇渊Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (

25、3)Summary1.Some words: root, trader, native, speaker, foreign base, European, kingdom, tourism, conference, tourist 2. Some phrases: mother tongue, as well as, a wide knowledge of, play an important part in 3. Some sentences: Recent surveys show that It is adj. that 1.Know more about the wide use of

26、 English and understand the importance of learning English. 2.Use Passive voice better.3.Search the Internet for some information to write a composition. 堕各唇弛镁抵恶膛澡聚庄了驶梗琴寨盼闻欺渺枉赏刻峰裸工垢恰界猴厂绑Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Assignment:1.Read 1a.2.Remember the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn today.3.Finish Section C in your workbook.4.Preview Section D.语犹譬箔垂与达颓污印万漳戍水庇综孪伟捉袭搞叶蚊恋赘还怎饯匝雄励池Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)欢价沧廊谚悉扳杉耐堕哄妥跺和寞图群盅膘灯佯涟唇钡有带慰荚溺吕践脏Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)Unit3Topic1SectionC (3)



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