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1、Java TutorialWrite Once, Run Anywhere博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Java - GeneralnJava is:platform independent programming languagesimilar to C+ in syntaxsimilar to Smalltalk in mental paradigmnPros: also ubiquitous to netnCons: interpreted, and still under development (moving target)博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Java - GeneralnJava

2、 has some interesting features:automatic type checking,automatic garbage collection,simplifies pointers; no directly accessible pointer to memory,simplified network access,multi-threading!博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Compile-time EnvironmentCompile-time EnvironmentJavaBytecodesmove locallyor throughnetworkJavaSourc

3、e(.java)JavaCompilerJavaBytecode(.class )JavaInterpreterJust in TimeCompilerRuntime SystemClass LoaderBytecodeVerifierJava ClassLibrariesOperating SystemHardwareJavaVirtualmachineHow it works!博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件How it works!nJava is independent only for one reason:Only depends on the Java Virtual Machine

4、(JVM),code is compiled to bytecode, which is interpreted by the resident JVM,JIT (just in time) compilers attempt to increase speed.博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Java - SecuritynPointer denial - reduces chances of virulent programs corrupting host,nApplets even more restricted - May not run local executables,Read or

5、 write to local file system,Communicate with any server other than the originating server.博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Object-OrientednJava supports OODPolymorphismInheritanceEncapsulationnJava programs contain nothing but definitions and instantiations of classesEverything is encapsulated in a class!博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件J

6、ava AdvantagesnPortable - Write Once, Run AnywherenSecurity has been well thought through nRobust memory management nDesigned for network programming nMulti-threaded (multiple simultaneous tasks)nDynamic & extensible (loads of libraries)Classes stored in separate filesLoaded only when needed博爱立会廿五载主

7、PPT课件Basic Java Syntax博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Primitive Types and Variablesnboolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, double etc.nThese basic (or primitive) types are the only types that are not objects (due to performance issues).nThis means that you dont use the new operator to create a primitive variabl

8、e.nDeclaring primitive variables:float initVal;int retVal, index = 2;double gamma = 1.2, brightnessboolean valueOk = false;博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件InitialisationnIf no value is assigned prior to use, then the compiler will give an errornJava sets primitive variables to zero or false in the case of a boolean va

9、riablenAll object references are initially set to nullnAn array of anything is an objectSet to null on declarationElements to zero false or null on creation博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Declarationsint index = 1.2; / compiler errorboolean retOk = 1;/ compiler errordouble fiveFourths = 5 / 4; / no error!float ratio =

10、 5.8f;/ correctdouble fiveFourths = 5.0 / 4.0;/ correctn1.2f is a float value accurate to 7 decimal places.n1.2 is a double value accurate to 15 decimal places.博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件nAll Java assignments are right associativeint a = 1, b = 2, c = 5a = b = c System.out.print(“a= “ + a + “b= “ + b + “c= “ + c)

11、nWhat is the value of a, b & cnDone right to left: a = (b = c);Assignment博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Basic Mathematical Operatorsn* / % + - are the mathematical operatorsn* / % have a higher precedence than + or -double myVal = a + b % d c * d / b;nIs the same as:double myVal = (a + (b % d) (c * d) / b);博爱立会廿五载主PP

12、T课件Statements & BlocksnA simple statement is a command terminated by a semi-colon:name = “Fred”;nA block is a compound statement enclosed in curly brackets:name1 = “Fred”; name2 = “Bill”;nBlocks may contain other blocks博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Flow of ControlnJava executes one statement after the other in the o

13、rder they are writtennMany Java statements are flow control statements:Alternation: if, if else, switchLooping:for, while, do whileEscapes:break, continue, return博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件If The Conditional StatementnThe if statement evaluates an expression and if that evaluation is true then the specified actio

14、n is takenif ( x 10 ) x = 10;nIf the value of x is less than 10, make x equal to 10nIt could have been written:if ( x 10 )x = 10;nOr, alternatively:if ( x =Greater than or equalGreater than 100 ) if ( remainderOn = true) myVal = mVal % 100;else myVal = myVal / 100.0;elseSystem.out.print(“myVal is in

15、 range”);博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件else ifnUseful for choosing between alternatives:if ( n = 1 ) / execute code block #1else if ( j = 2 ) / execute code block #2else / if all previous tests have failed, execute code block #3博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件A WarningWRONG!if( i = j )if ( j = k )System.out.print( “i equals k”); else

16、System.out.print(“i is not equal to j”);CORRECT!if( i = j ) if ( j = k )System.out.print( “i equals k”);elseSystem.out.print(“i is not equal to j”);/ Correct!博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件The switch Statementswitch ( n ) case 1: / execute code block #1break;case 2:/ execute code block #2break;default:/ if all previo

17、us tests fail then /execute code block #4break;博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件The for loopnLoop n timesfor ( i = 0; i n; n+ ) / this code body will execute n times/ ifrom 0 to n-1nNested for:for ( j = 0; j 10; j+ ) for ( i = 0; i 20; i+ )/ this code body will execute 200 times 博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件while loopswhile(response =

18、 1) System.out.print( “ID =” + userIDn);n+;response = readInt( “Enter “);What is the minimum number of times the loop is executed?What is the maximum number of times?博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件do while loopsdo System.out.print( “ID =” + userIDn );n+;response = readInt( “Enter ” );while (response = 1);What is the

19、minimum number of times the loop is executed?What is the maximum number of times?博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件BreaknA break statement causes an exit from the innermost containing while, do, for or switch statement.for ( int i = 0; i maxID, i+ ) if ( userIDi = targetID ) index = i;break; / program jumps here after b

20、reak 博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件ContinuenCan only be used with while, do or for.nThe continue statement causes the innermost loop to start the next iteration immediatelyfor ( int i = 0; i maxID; i+ ) if ( userIDi != -1 ) continue;System.out.print( “UserID ” + i + “ :” + userID);博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件ArraysnAm array is a l

21、ist of similar thingsnAn array has a fixed:nametypelengthnThese must be declared when the array is created.nArrays sizes cannot be changed during the execution of the code博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件myArray has room for 8 elementsnthe elements are accessed by their indexnin Java, array indices start at 036316341my

22、Array = 01234567博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Declaring Arraysint myArray;declares myArray to be an array of integersmyArray = new int8;sets up 8 integer-sized spaces in memory, labelled myArray0 to myArray7int myArray = new int8;combines the two statements in one line博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Assigning Valuesnrefer to the array

23、 elements by index to store values in them.myArray0 = 3;myArray1 = 6;myArray2 = 3; .ncan create and initialise in one step:int myArray = 3, 6, 3, 1, 6, 3, 4, 1;博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Iterating Through Arraysnfor loops are useful when dealing with arrays:for (int i = 0; i myArray.length; i+) myArrayi = getsome

24、value();博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Arrays of ObjectsnSo far we have looked at an array of primitive types.integerscould also use doubles, floats, charactersnOften want to have an array of objectsStudents, Books, Loans nNeed to follow 3 steps.博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Declaring the Array1. Declare the arrayprivate Student stud

25、entList;this declares studentList 2 .Create the array studentList = new Student10;this sets up 10 spaces in memory that can hold references to Student objects3. Create Student objects and add them to the array: studentList0 = new Student(Cathy, Computing);博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Java Methods & Classes博爱立会廿五载主P

26、PT课件Classes ARE Object DefinitionsnOOP - object oriented programmingncode built from objects nJava these are called classesnEach class definition is coded in a separate .java filenName of the object must match the class/object name 博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件The three principles of OOPnEncapsulationObjects hide t

27、heir functions (methods) and data (instance variables)nInheritanceEach subclass inherits all variables of its superclassnPolymorphismInterface same despite different data types carauto-maticmanualSuper classSubclassesdraw()draw()博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Simple Class and MethodClass Fruitint grams;int cals_per_g

28、ram;int total_calories() return(grams*cals_per_gram);博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件MethodsnA method is a named sequence of code that can be invoked by other Java code.nA method takes some parameters, performs some computations and then optionally returns a value (or object).nMethods can be used as part of an express

29、ion statement. public float convertCelsius(float tempC) return( (tempC * 9.0f) / 5.0f) + 32.0 );博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Method SignaturesnA method signature specifies:The name of the method.The type and name of each parameter.The type of the value (or object) returned by the method.The checked exceptions throw

30、n by the method.Various method modifiers.modifiers type name ( parameter list ) throws exceptions public float convertCelsius (float tCelsius ) public boolean setUserInfo ( int i, int j, String name ) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException 博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Public/privatenMethods/data may be declared public or

31、 private meaning they may or may not be accessed by code in other classes nGood practice:keep data privatekeep most methods privatenwell-defined interface between classes - helps to eliminate errors博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Using objectsnHere, code in one class creates an instance of another class and does somet

32、hing with it Fruit plum=new Fruit();int cals;cals = plum.total_calories();nDot operator allows you to access (public) data/methods inside Fruit class博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件ConstructorsnThe lineplum = new Fruit();ninvokes a constructor method with which you can set the initial data of an objectnYou may choose

33、several different type of constructor with different argument lists eg Fruit(), Fruit(a) .博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件OverloadingnCan have several versions of a method in class with different types/numbers of argumentsFruit() grams=50; Fruit(a,b) grams=a; cals_per_gram=b; nBy looking at arguments Java decides whic

34、h version to use博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Java Development Kitnjavac - The Java Compilernjava - The Java Interpreternjdb - The Java Debuggernappletviewer -Tool to run the appletsnjavap - to print the Java bytecodesnjavaprof - Java profilernjavadoc - documentation generatornjavah - creates C header files博爱立会廿五载主P

35、PT课件Stream Manipulation博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Streams and I/Onbasic classes for file IOFileInputStream, for reading from a fileFileOutputStream, for writing to a filenExample:Open a file myfile.txt for reading FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(myfile.txt);Open a file outfile.txt for writing FileOutput

36、Stream fos = new FileOutputStream (myfile.txt); 48博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Display File Contentsimport java.io.*;public class FileToOut1 public static void main(String args) try FileInputStream infile = new FileInputStream(testfile.txt); byte buffer = new byte50; int nBytesRead; do nBytesRead = infile.read(buff

37、er); System.out.write(buffer, 0, nBytesRead); while (nBytesRead = buffer.length); catch (FileNotFoundException e) System.err.println(File not found); catch (IOException e) System.err.println(Read failed); 49博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件FiltersOnce a stream (e.g., file) has been opened, we can attach filters Filters

38、 make reading/writing more efficientMost popular filters: For basic types: DataInputStream, DataOutputStreamFor objects: ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream 50博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Writing data to a file using Filtersimport java.io.*;public class GenerateData public static void main(String args) try FileOu

39、tputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(stuff.dat); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos); dos.writeInt(2); dos.writeDouble(2.70451); dos.writeDouble(3.1415926535); dos.close(); fos.close(); catch (FileNotFoundException e) System.err.println(File not found); catch (IOException e) System.err

40、.println(Read or write failed); 51博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Reading data from a file using filtersimport java.io.*;public class ReadData public static void main(String args) try FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(stuff.dat); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis); int n = dis.readInt(); System.out

41、.println(n); for( int i = 0; i n; i+ ) System.out.println(dis.readDouble(); dis.close(); fis.close(); catch (FileNotFoundException e) System.err.println(File not found); catch (IOException e) System.err.println(Read or write failed); 52博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Object serializationWrite objects to a file, instea

42、d of writing primitive types.Use the ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream classes, the same way that filters are used.53博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Write an object to a fileimport java.io.*;import java.util.*;public class WriteDate public WriteDate () Date d = new Date(); try FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputSt

43、ream(date.ser);ObjectOutputStream s = new ObjectOutputStream (f);s.writeObject (d);s.close (); catch (IOException e) e.printStackTrace(); public static void main (String args) new WriteDate (); 54博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件Read an object from a fileimport java.util.*;public class ReadDate public ReadDate () Date

44、d = null; ObjectInputStream s = null; try FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream (date.ser); s = new ObjectInputStream (f); catch (IOException e) e.printStackTrace(); try d = (Date)s.readObject (); catch (ClassNotFoundException e) e.printStackTrace(); catch (InvalidClassException e) e.printStackTra

45、ce(); catch (StreamCorruptedException e) e.printStackTrace(); catch (OptionalDataException e) e.printStackTrace(); catch (IOException e) e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println (Date serialized at: + d); public static void main (String args) new ReadDate (); 55博爱立会廿五载主PPT课件5G8JbNeQiTlWo#r%u(y+B3E6H9



















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