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1、形容词一、形容词的用法及位置一、形容词的用法及位置说明人或事物的特征、性质或状态,常用来修饰说明人或事物的特征、性质或状态,常用来修饰名词或不定代词的词,叫形容词。名词或不定代词的词,叫形容词。1.作定语,放在名词之前,不定代词之后作定语,放在名词之前,不定代词之后The nice girl is my sister.I have something important to tell you.有少数形容词只能作表语,不能作定语,如有少数形容词只能作表语,不能作定语,如alone, afraid, asleep, awake, alive , well2.作表语,放在系动词之后。作表语,放在系

2、动词之后。He looks very happy.3.作宾语补足语,放在宾语之后,常与作宾语补足语,放在宾语之后,常与make,leave,keep等词连用。等词连用。You must keep your eyes closed.你必须闭上眼睛。你必须闭上眼睛。二、某些形容词说明事物间的关系,如方位、时间、用二、某些形容词说明事物间的关系,如方位、时间、用途等,不能用程度副词来修饰,也没有比较级的变化。途等,不能用程度副词来修饰,也没有比较级的变化。如:如:the same,different,southern,northern,Chinese,Japanese.My answer is di

3、fferent from yours.三、形容词的名词化三、形容词的名词化某些形容词放在冠词之后,变成名词,表示一类人,常某些形容词放在冠词之后,变成名词,表示一类人,常见词:见词:good/bad,young/old,rich/poor,deaf/blind,black/white,living/deadThe young should be polite to the old.四、形容词的排列顺序四、形容词的排列顺序当名词有两个或两个以上的形容词修饰时,这些形容词的顺序通当名词有两个或两个以上的形容词修饰时,这些形容词的顺序通常遵循一定的规则,一般不得随意调换,也不能依照汉语的意思常遵循一


5、.表示颜色的形容词,如:表示颜色的形容词,如:black,white,6.表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词,如:表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词,如:Japanese,American,English,rural(乡村的乡村的)7.形成中心名词的材料的形容词,如:形成中心名词的材料的形容词,如:plastic,silky,wooden, two round blue plastic plates two big round new Chinese wooden tables五、有一些表示情感的表语形容词后可接动词不五、有一些表示情感的表语形容词后可接动词不定式定式 be glad/happy/plea

6、sed/sorry/sad/sure/kind/ready/afraid/able/easy/difficult to do sth形容词的比较级形容词的比较级thinfat/ heavysmartoutgoingfunnyshorttalltallathleticquietserious擅长运动的擅长运动的强健的强健的严肃的严肃的庄重的庄重的文静的文静的The more we get together,together, together.The more we get together, The happier well be.For your friends are my friends

7、,And my friends are your friends . The more we get together, The happier well be.Twins tallshortWhat does he look like? He isWhat does she look like? she isthinheavyWhat does she look like? She haslong hairshort hairWhat is he/she like?He /She iswildcalmathleticoutgoingseriousWhat is he like?He isat

8、hleticoutgoingseriousheavythinwildA: Whats he /she like ?B: He/She is Compare the following pictures and make sentences Yao Ming is _ than Pan Chang jiang.Pan Chang jiang is _ than Yao Ming.tallershorterTaras hair is _than Tinas. Tinas hair is _than Taras.Tara Tina longershorterMichael Jackson is _t

9、han Mary.Mary is _than Michael Jackson.wildcalmwildercalmertall taller long longer calm calmer short shorter wild wilder quiet quieter一般情况一般情况+ -er/找规律!找规律!late laterfine finerwide widernice nicer以以-e结尾的单词直接在词尾加结尾的单词直接在词尾加-r找规律!找规律!Lucy Lily Lucy is _than Lily.Lily is _than Lucy.thinnerheavierheavy-

10、heavier early- earlier angry- angrier happy-happier busy -busier funny-funnier辅音字母辅音字母+y 结尾的变结尾的变y为为i +er找规律!找规律!Lin Xinru is thin.Liu Yifei is Liu Yifei is Lin Xinru.45kg48kgthinner.thinner thanbig-bigger hot-hotter thin-thinner fat-fatter元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的,元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的, 要双写最后一个辅音字母要双写最后一个辅音字母+er找规律!

11、找规律!TomPedroserious more seriousMore handsomeLi Yong is Cheng long.Cheng long is handsome.Li Yong is more handsome.handsomemore handsome than athleticCheng Long is more athletic than Li Xiaopeng.Li Xiaopeng is athletic.Cheng Long is more athletic.more athleticBeautiful-morebeautifulimportant-moreimp

12、ortantcrowded-morecrowedoutgoing-moreoutgoingfriendly-morefriendlyserious-moreserious多音节形容词加多音节形容词加more构成比较级构成比较级找规律!找规律!形容词比较级的构成:形容词比较级的构成:1. 单音节形容词后加单音节形容词后加-er,以不发音的,以不发音的e结尾加结尾加-r2. 辅音字母辅音字母+y结尾的结尾的双音节词,双音节词,改改y为为i加加-er3 末尾是元辅结构,且重读,双写末尾的末尾是元辅结构,且重读,双写末尾的辅音字母再加辅音字母再加-er4. 部分双音节词部分双音节词和多音节词在前面加和

13、多音节词在前面加more5. 部分形容词不规则变化部分形容词不规则变化short-shorternice-nicerheavy-heavierhappy-happierbig-biggerhot-hotterathletic-moreathleticgood-better形容词不规则变化形容词不规则变化:原级原级比较级比较级goodwellbadbadlyillmanymuchlittlefarbetterworsemorelessfarther/further比较级规则变化口诀比较级规则变化口诀:比较级,要变化,一般词尾加比较级,要变化,一般词尾加erer。(long-long(long-l

14、ongerer) )词尾若有哑音词尾若有哑音e, e, 直接加直接加r r就可以。就可以。(nice-nice(nice-nicer r) )元辅结构来结尾,辅音字母要双写。元辅结构来结尾,辅音字母要双写。(hot-hot(hot-hotterter) )辅音字母加辅音字母加y, y, 记得把记得把y y变为变为i i。(happy-happ(happy-happierier) ) 定义定义形容词的比较级:同类事物两者之间的比较,表示形容词的比较级:同类事物两者之间的比较,表示一个比另一个更一个比另一个更用法:通常用用法:通常用than 来连接进行比较的两者。来连接进行比较的两者。Bobby

15、is taller than Anson. 结构:结构:A+be+形比形比+than+BThis apple is bigger than that one.这个苹果比那个苹果大。这个苹果比那个苹果大。形容词的最高级:同类事物三者或三者以上的比较,形容词的最高级:同类事物三者或三者以上的比较,表示表示“最最”He is the tallest in the class.He is the strongest of the three.Look and practice. Thisrulerislong.Thatrulerislonger.Thatrulerislongerthanthisrul

16、er.Bradley Yao Ming is tall. Bradley is taller than Yao Ming.Bradley is taller.Thisbagisbig.Thatbagisbigger.Thatbagisbiggerthanthisbag.Mr.Zhang Mr. Zhang is heavy.Mr. Black is heavier.Mr. Black is heavier than Mr. Zhang.Mr.BlackThispenisexpensive.Thatpenismoreexpensive.Thatpenismoreexpensivethanthis

17、one.趁热打铁趁热打铁1. great _ 2. hard _ 3. easy _ 4. fine _ 5. thin _ 6. near _ 7. delicious_ 8. small _ 9. late _ 10. new _greatereasiernearerthinnermoredeliciouslaternewerhardersmallerfinercalm Lu Yi isLiu Xiang is calm.calmerLu Yi is calmer. calmer than Liu Xiang.Lin Xinru is thin.Liu Yifei is Liu Yifei

18、 is Lin Xinru.45kg48kgthinner.thinner thanLi Yong is.Jackie Chan is outgoing.Li Yong is outgoingmore outgoing than more outgoing.more outgoingJackie ChanfastfasterfastestLookatthepicturesandunderstand看图并理解The green oranges are big.The orange ones are bigger.The red ones are the biggest of all.Zen Zh

19、iwei is short .Tom is shorter than Zen Zhiwei .Xiao xin is the shortest of them .Liu Yifei is thin.Xiaoming is thinner than Liu Yifei .Mike is the thinnest of all肥肥肥肥-沈殿霞沈殿霞100kgheavyheavier180kgtheheaviest220kgMr.WangMr.LiMissShenisheavy.Mr.Wangisheavier.Mr.Liistheheaviestofthethree.funnyfunnyfunni

20、erfunnierthefunnithefunniestestGeYouisfunny.ZhaoBenshanisfunnier.PanChangjiangisthefunniestofthem. 250,000 RMB. 50,000 RMB.The green car is the most expensive.The red cat is more expensive than the bike.The bike is expensive.500 RMBJim Tom Stallone is the most athletic of three.Tom is more athletic

21、than Jim.Jim is athletic.cinemaBook storeSuper marketMy house3000 m4000m5000mis far from my home.The book store Super market is farther from my home.is the farthest from my home.The cinema He is the tallest basketball player in China .the tallest personHe runs the fastest in 110-meter race.the faste

22、st personHes the most popular actor, and hes famous for playing Chinese gong fu.the most popular actor原级原级比较级比较级最高级最高级fastshortbigthinfunnyheavyathleticexpensivefarfastershorterbiggerthinnerfunnierheaviermore athleticmore expensivefartherthe fastestthe shortestthe biggestthinnestthe funniestthe heav

23、iestthe most athleticthe most expensivethe farthest一、形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成一、形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成1、规则变化 构 成 方 法原 级比 较 级最 高 级单音节词和少数多音节词一般在词尾加一般在词尾加-er/或或-est/ist/coldcoldercoldestfastfasterfastest以字母以字母e结尾的形容词,加结尾的形容词,加-r或或-stnicenicernicestlargelargerlargest重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,应先双写辅音字母;再加时,应先双写辅音字母

24、;再加-es或或-estbigbiggerbiggesthothotterhottest以以“辅音字母辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,结尾的双音节词,先改先改“+y”结尾结尾的的双音节词,先双音节词,先改改“y”为为“i”,再加再加-er或或-esteasyeasiereasiestearlyearlierearliest多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加在词前加more或或mosttiredmoretiredmosttiredeasilymoreeasilymosteasily原级比较级最高级good / wellbetterbestbad / badly/illworseworstmany /

25、muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfartherfarthestfurtherfurthestoldolder oldesteldereldest一、形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成一、形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成2、不规则变化Good,better,best,Neverletitrest.Tillgoodisbetter,Andbetter,best.好上加好,直到最好;好上加好,直到最好;精益求精,永无止境。精益求精,永无止境。用所给的形容词副词的适当形式填空。1. Tom is _ (tall) than Jim.2. Li Lei is _ (young)

26、 boy in his class.3.David has _ (many)story books of all the students.4.Li Lei speaks English _ (well) in his group.5.Lucy runs _ (slow) than Lily. taller the youngest the most the best slower改正下列句子中一处的错误。A Tom comes to school late than Jim._B. Which do you like better , cats ,dogs,or chickens? _C.

27、Who is oldest in our class? _D. He thinks math is importanter than Chinese._E. This work is very harder than that one._F.He lives farer than any other student in your class._形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形容词和副词的比较级和最高级1.大多数形容词和副词有三个等级:原级、大多数形容词和副词有三个等级:原级、比较级、最高级。比较级、最高级。 比较级表示比较级表示“较较,更,更一些一些”。 最高级表示最高级表示“最最”2.构成的

28、不规则变化构成的不规则变化good/well better best bad/badly worse worstmany/much more most little less lestfarfarther/further-farthest/furthestGood, better,best,Good, better, best,Never let it rest,Till good is better, And better is best.Rhyme:模仿例句完成以下句子模仿例句完成以下句子Example:Itiswarmtoday,butitwas_yesterday1.Itiscoolt

29、oday,butitwas_yesterday2.Itiswettoday,butitwas_yesterday3.Heslateagaintoday,buthewas_yesterday4.Thistestiseasy,butthatoneis_5.Thisbookcaseislarge,butthatoneis_coldercoolerwetterlatereasierlarger1.few _ _ 2.hungry _ _3.late _ _4.early _ _5.easy _ _6.high _ _7.good _ _8.short _ _9.small _ _10 fine _ _

30、11.athletic 12.outgoing13.important 14.delicious 15.necessary 16.serious 17.primary 18.careful写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级 1. Hes on school basketball team. So he is _ than any other student in his class. 2. What animals are _, elephants or horses? 3. When autumn comes, the days get _ and the nigh

31、ts get _. 4. Things are much _ on the moon than on the earth. 5. This shirt is too big. Please show me a _one. short, heavy, light, tall, small, long tall taller long longer calm calmer short shorter wild wilder quiet quieter一般情况下,单音节形容词一般情况下,单音节形容词+ -er/late laterfine finerwide widernice nicer以不发音的

32、字母以不发音的字母-e结尾的单词直结尾的单词直接在词尾加接在词尾加-rbig-bigger hot-hotter thin-thinner fat-fatter重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的,重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的,要双写最后一个辅音字母要双写最后一个辅音字母+erheavy-heavier early- earlier angry- angrier happy-happier busy -busier funny-funnier辅音字母辅音字母+y 结尾的变结尾的变y为为i +erbeautiful-morebeautifulimportant-moreimportantcrowde

33、d-morecrowedoutgoing-moreoutgoingfriendly-morefriendlyserious-moreserious多音节形容词加多音节形容词加more构成比较级构成比较级同等程度的比较as + adj.+as 和一样如:as old as 和.年龄一样 as tall as 和一样高 as clever as 和一样聪明结构:结构:A+be+as+adj+as+B+beA和和B一样一样 同等程度否定的比较not as (so) as 不像,不如如:not as(so) old as (年龄)不如大 not as(so) tall as (身高)不如高 not a

34、s(so) fast as 不如快The tortoise is not so fast as the rabbit.The tortoise isnt as fast as the rabbit .同等程度的比较as much as ( 不可数名词)和一样多There is as much water in this bottle as in that bottle.这瓶子里的水和那瓶子里的水一样多。as many as ( 可数名词)和一样多Eg. Bob has read as many books as Mary.鲍勃读了和玛丽一样多的书。不同程度的比较结构:A+be+比较级+than

35、 +B+beE.g. I am taller than Tom (is).我比汤姆高。Mary works harder than John (does).玛丽比约翰工作努力。This city is more beautiful than that (city).这座城市比那座城市美丽。不同程度的比较的用法比较级前用比较级前用much, far, a lot, a little, even,a bit,a great deal,still,any等词来修等词来修饰,表示程度饰,表示程度.用来加强语气,使意思更加明确。用来加强语气,使意思更加明确。She sings far/much bett

36、er than the others.她唱得比别人好得多。她唱得比别人好得多。Your book is far/much more interesting than his.你的书比他的书要有趣你的书比他的书要有趣的多。的多。不同程度的比较句子主语不能包括在比较对象的范围之内句子主语不能包括在比较对象的范围之内He studies harder than any other student in the class. He studies harder than anyone else in the class He studies harder than all the other stud

37、ents in the class他比班上其他同学用功。他比班上其他同学用功。(注:(注:any other +可数名词,可数名词,all the other+可数可数名词复数)名词复数)形容词比较级结构可以表示最高级含义形容词比较级结构可以表示最高级含义1.Li Lei is the tallest student in the class.2.Li Lei is taller than any other student in his class.3.Li Lei is taller than the other students in his class.4.Li Lei is tall

38、er than anyone else in his class.5. No one is as tall as Li Lei in his class.6.Li Lei is taller than any of the other students in his class.7.Li Lei is taller than the rest of students in his class 8.No one is taller than Li Lei in his class.不同程度的比较比较的对象要一致,同等的两个事物才能比较。如:Toms bike is more expensive

39、than Tims. (汤姆的自行车比吉姆的贵。)The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Shanghai. (北京的天气比上海的天气冷。)不同程度的比较英语中往往用that/those或the/that one/the ones代替上文提及的同等部分。但如果比较的事物是不可数名词,用that 不能用the one/the ones/those The water in the glass is cleaner than that in the river. 杯子里的水比河里的水清。(water 为不可数名词)I like these pic

40、tures better than those/the ones on the wall. (我喜欢这些画胜过墙上那些。)(those, the ones 指代可数名词复数)最高级的用法三者(或三者以上)的比较才能用最高级 (形容词最高级要加the)Mary is the tallest girl in her class.One of the +形容词最高级+名词复数表示“最之一”Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.比较级+and+比较级此结构表示程度的加深E.g. Our life is getting better and

41、 better.我们的生活越来越好。当形容词需加上more变成比较级时,表示“越来越” 须用“more and more +形容词原级”Shanghai is becoming more and more beautiful. 上海变得越来越美丽。Which (Who) isWhich (Who) is +比较级用于两者比较,问“哪一个更”Who is taller, you or your father? 你和你父亲,谁更高?Which (city) is more beautiful, Wuxi or Suzhou? 无锡和苏州,哪个(城市)更美丽?Which (Who) isWhich(

42、Who) is +the 最高级指3个以上的事物或人当中,哪一个(人)最为Who is the tallest of all the boys?在所有的男孩中,谁最高?Which is the fastest, a train, a car or a plane?火车,汽车和飞机,哪一个最快?最高级的不同表示方法最高级:He is the strongest in his class. 比较级: He is stronger than any other student in his class. No other student in his class is stronger than h

43、e.原级: No other student in his class is as strong as he. 倍数比较结构1 倍数词倍数词+as+原级原级+as My room is twice as big as his. 我的房间是他的我的房间是他的2倍。倍。2 be+倍数词倍数词+名词名词She is twice my age. 她的年龄比我大她的年龄比我大1倍。倍。3 倍数词倍数词+比较级比较级He runs three times faster than his sister.他跑步比他的妹妹快他跑步比他的妹妹快3倍。倍。形容词最高级的用法:形容词最高级的用法:1.表示三者或三者以

44、上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级形式。形表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级形式。形容词最高级前必须加定冠词容词最高级前必须加定冠词the,句末常跟一个句末常跟一个in/of 短语来表示范短语来表示范围。围。Li Lei is the youngest in his family.Li Lei runs fastest of all.2.表示在三者或三者以上的人或物中进行选择时,用表示在三者或三者以上的人或物中进行选择时,用Which/Who is the +最高级最高级+A,B or C?结构。结构。Which is the fastest the train, the plane

45、or the ship?3.表示表示“最最的的之一之一”时,用时,用“one of the +形容词最高级形容词最高级”结构,结构,该形容词后面的名词要用复数形式。该形容词后面的名词要用复数形式。He is one of the most popular singers.4.形容词最高级前面可以加序数词,表示形容词最高级前面可以加序数词,表示“第几最第几最”The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.5.形容词最高级前面可以有物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等形容词最高级前面可以有物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等修饰,此时不能再加定冠词修饰,此时不能再加定冠词This is our best lesson today.



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