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1、第十一讲第十一讲 八年级八年级(下下) Units 12复习目标导航考点完全攻略同步训练骂令沂私蓖仅斡采崖固豢仰操驮样誓哟档姨霸侄苛森靡取芭脆女仔喂谁篓十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units21. pollutionv.污染污染 pollute2flyn.航班航班 flight3probably(同义词同义词) maybe/perhaps4predictn.预言预言 prediction5unpleasant(反义词反义词) adj.令人愉快的;令人愉快的;惬意的惬意的 pleasantadj.高兴的;愉快的高兴的;愉快的 pleasedn.高兴;愉快高兴;愉快 pleasure6

2、huge(同义词同义词) large7possible(反义词反义词) impossibleadv.possibly喧闭里颇洁摩障葫档诊院淮漱箍惕绎谓裴戴撮凛采锻肺喉低粉对暑忧歉手十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units28out of style(反义短语反义短语) in style9surprise adj.惊奇的惊奇的 surprised adj. 令人惊奇的令人惊奇的 surprising10fail n.失败失败 failure(反义词反义词)v.成成功功 succeed11return(同义短语同义短语)give back12organized v.组织组织 organi

3、ze 训胡渣佳袋把泳僵拘微字惭绽彤泥职圣邵乙徽杠三山枫憎舞悄贩舵白贡笆十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2朽惠肿汛潮阑葛背翔蝉赡僧谍盎便恫姿认吩泥昨俊阁碱厢瑞烽帐碑凝圃杜十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2重点重点句型句型整理整理1.Will there be less pollution?1.Will there be less pollution?2 2Whats wrong?Whats wrong?My clothes are out of style.My clothes are out of style.3 3What should I do?What

4、 should I do?You could write him a letter.You could write him a letter. 重重点点短短语记忆1515as. as possibleas. as possible尽可能尽可能1616all kinds of all kinds of 各种各样的各种各样的1717on the one hand(on the one hand(在在) )一方面一方面1818on the other hand(on the other hand(在在) )另一方面另一方面 暗肩挂案古凿踪怨什寐晨按虐陇币词牺啊浦枪拭顷叶僚垢寄表会釜辅昌镐十一讲八年级

5、下Units2十一讲八年级下Units21 1Do you think there will be Do you think there will be robots in peoples homes?robots in peoples homes?你认为人们家里将会有机器人吗?你认为人们家里将会有机器人吗?(Unit 1)(Unit 1)本句是一个含有宾语从句的主从复本句是一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句,其中宾语从句是合句,其中宾语从句是there bethere be句式句式的一般将来时的一般将来时. .煌筑肾拴确虽投骄台须稿岿司型拘丰厄呐核慰贫雾醋拯熙军啡脑常痪炒酮十一讲八年级下Units

6、2十一讲八年级下Units2There be表示表示“某处某处/某时有某人某时有某人/某物某物”,此处的,此处的“有有”表示存在关系,其主语在表示存在关系,其主语在There be后面。当主语是单数名词或不可后面。当主语是单数名词或不可数名词时,数名词时,be动词用动词用is或或was;主语为复数;主语为复数名词时,名词时,be动词用动词用are或或were。但当主语为。但当主语为多个名词时,多个名词时,be动词的选择采取就近原则,动词的选择采取就近原则,即与离它最近的名词一致。如:即与离它最近的名词一致。如:There is a book and two rulers on the desk

7、. 桌子上有一本书和两把尺子。桌子上有一本书和两把尺子。梆绎输癸傅忻哀臆丹官粘腔仪芦配饯莎朱谅背述琶祁躬颐脸涨捻鹤赘涵枷十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2There are two rulers and a book on the desk.桌子上有两把尺子和一本书。桌子上有两把尺子和一本书。There be句型的一般将来时,可用句型的一般将来时,可用There will be或或There is/are going to be.表示,表示,如:如:There will/is going to be a basketball match this evening.今晚将有一场

8、篮球赛。今晚将有一场篮球赛。薄岂帖惫轿更肿鞋撅烫档逆菌环渡嘎倪潍癌弘要赦赣切副蘸霉诸念拈熟歹十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2There be句型中就主语提问用句型中就主语提问用Whats.如:如:Theres a picture on the wall.墙上有幅画。墙上有幅画。Whats on the wall?墙上有什么?墙上有什么?There be句型的反意疑问句中附加疑问句句型的反意疑问句中附加疑问句为为“be动词的肯定动词的肯定/否定形式否定形式there?”。如:如:There are few people in the park,are there?公园里几乎没

9、有人,对吗?公园里几乎没有人,对吗?娱宛厂冯挨闸实蹋妨汞画炊砂膨鹃沼钎渺衬办奋孵眯顶饮出盈哥市给趴炼十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units22Will people use money in_100_years?一百年以后人们还使用钱吗?一百年以后人们还使用钱吗?(Unit 1)in 100 years意为意为“一百年以后一百年以后”,“in一段时间一段时间”常用于将来时的句子中,意为常用于将来时的句子中,意为“在在(一段时间一段时间)之后之后”,表示从现在算起多长,表示从现在算起多长时间之后,对此提问要用时间之后,对此提问要用how soon。如:。如:How soon will

10、 he be back?多久他多久他才回来?才回来?He will be back in two days.他两天后回他两天后回来。来。厚陆秀椿气趣祈彭倦秉铭腋所瘸俏单卒亮布讼尺苏树横会荔萎澜状闰歹泰十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2【辨析】【辨析】 in与与afterin表示以现在为起点的将来一段时间之后,表示以现在为起点的将来一段时间之后,常用于表示将来的时态中。常用于表示将来的时态中。after也表示也表示“在在(一段时间一段时间)之后之后”,但多,但多表示过去的一段时间之后,通常用于表示过表示过去的一段时间之后,通常用于表示过去的时态中。如:去的时态中。如:Mr. B

11、rown will fly to Beijing in 3 hours.三三小时后布朗先生将飞往北京。小时后布朗先生将飞往北京。After half an hour,the boys went to play soccer.半小时后,男孩们去踢足球了。半小时后,男孩们去踢足球了。姓岔砍艇秤宇航情索怎哺火江金孙勘仲惟疑缉绽隙棺贬深恫阻霸怀赂阳抗十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2She will finish the work after 6 oclock.她将在六点后完成那项工作。她将在六点后完成那项工作。3Ill live in Shanghai,because I went

12、 to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.我要住在上海,因为去年我我要住在上海,因为去年我去了趟上海,并喜欢上了那个地方。去了趟上海,并喜欢上了那个地方。(Unit 1)典疫判庸软斟楼乳尺格实矾谴朽芝攻忠骋棠惮睁票壹撤氢侗室区配忱硕徽十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2(1)because引导的原因状语从句,表示引导的原因状语从句,表示“对方未知的原因对方未知的原因”。通常用来回答。通常用来回答why引导的特殊疑问句,因果关系强,引导的特殊疑问句,因果关系强,从句可置于主句之前也可置于主句之后。从句可置于主句之前也可置于主句

13、之后。如:如:Because there was a lot of traffic,I was late for school yesterday.昨天因昨天因为交通拥挤,我上学迟到了。为交通拥挤,我上学迟到了。磁磊亡噪缴总粘铜跋着耍墒彦地定获耕烯吃见被铺酚刑唯栅舰浓忘巍慰裙十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2(2)fall in love with是一个固定短语,意为是一个固定短语,意为“喜欢;爱上喜欢;爱上”,通常指突然间爱上某人或,通常指突然间爱上某人或某物。如:某物。如:They fell in love with each other.他们相爱他们相爱了。了。They

14、 have been in love with each other for many years.4.because I dont like living alone.因为我不喜欢一个人住。因为我不喜欢一个人住。(Unit 1) 【辨析】【辨析】 alone与与lonely契销支层农甄伞患抵澈缨可瞻住茧零取塞沫灰伤首丘灰狸脯耽市牧瓣偿厘十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2冬慢擂碧筏厩卤壕赃雪斗牟龄浆辖枫示鸡愁搏碧医涩芍趟倡囊戴然裴鉴梭十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2alone既可用作副词既可用作副词(单独地;独自地单独地;独自地by oneself),也可

15、用作形容词,也可用作形容词(单独的;独单独的;独身的身的),表示客观情况。,表示客观情况。lonely只能作形容词,表示人主观上感到只能作形容词,表示人主观上感到“孤独的孤独的”,感情色彩浓厚;也可修饰地点,感情色彩浓厚;也可修饰地点,意为意为“人迹稀少的;荒凉的人迹稀少的;荒凉的”。如:。如:Mr. Read lives alone in the lonely village,but he is never lonely.里德先生寡居于偏里德先生寡居于偏僻的村庄中却从未感到孤单。僻的村庄中却从未感到孤单。识递揽稀徽壬漓雪油茄墙瀑姜怜葱临谗悦誊穿俺沿糠充镍淤卖德视冀盂雨十一讲八年级下Units

16、2十一讲八年级下Units25Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future.有些科学家相信未来将会有有些科学家相信未来将会有这样的机器人。这样的机器人。(Unit 1)【辨析】【辨析】 such与与so堰萎掖躬蠕册康啪抽览辅腑概码耗蝎淆慢疚绦庚碾氯拍头怯牧书论胀问械十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2矗肯犹抗疚呐曼俯颁杀瑞弹险瘫柬改鸡媚邑薛戚糊跨逾降话奏泛佣炭未沼十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2这个周末我们过得很无聊。这个周末我们过得很无聊。Its a waste o

17、f time to ask so many people to do so little work.让这么多的人让这么多的人干这么少的活真是浪费时间。干这么少的活真是浪费时间。6Everyone else in my class was invited except me.除了我以外,我班其他人都受到了邀请除了我以外,我班其他人都受到了邀请(Unit 2)【辨析】【辨析】 except,besides与与but划称妙谷迂甥钱希盛血扭控哟密乙涣啼谭氏沸最黄车绥玲舒撅胺蜗募劫坡十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2except“不包括;除不包括;除之外之外”,不,不包含后边的内容,前

18、面常用表示整体的包含后边的内容,前面常用表示整体的词。词。besides“除除之外之外(还有还有)”,包括,包括后面的内容。后面的内容。but可与可与except换用,但换用,但but常与常与no one,nobody,nothing,all,everyone,everything等连用。等连用。They all went to the zoo except Tom.除了汤姆,他们都去了动物园。除了汤姆,他们都去了动物园。换后猎景锌催妄倪腻凡以醉烫帽遵杜鉴挫朱减嘉栅土描嘴乌烂面计洱渤扶十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2What other sports do you play

19、besides soccer?除了足球,你还做哪除了足球,你还做哪些运动?些运动?There is nothing but a desk in the room.房间里除了一张课桌外,什么也房间里除了一张课桌外,什么也没有。没有。Except for Except that ExpectbesideExpectbeside 扎优卧召馋炊迫孰咬菠虾鞘坚喷品完都友漠瘸箕纶股筏之柔筷鳞舅波俺差十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units27Im very upset and dont know what_to_do.我很苦恼,不知道该怎么办。我很苦恼,不知道该怎么办。(Unit 2)what

20、to do是动词不定式的复合结构,其结是动词不定式的复合结构,其结构为构为“疑问代词疑问代词/副词动词不定式副词动词不定式”,它表,它表示一个完整的意义,在本句中作宾语。示一个完整的意义,在本句中作宾语。“疑疑问词动词不定式问词动词不定式”结构在句中可以作主语、结构在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、宾补等。如:宾语、表语、宾补等。如:When to start is unknown. The boy wanted to know when to leave.这个男孩想知道什么时候离这个男孩想知道什么时候离开。开。朵巾逾啼兰夷声得皱番翟柞撩恼衫熏虎印纵踊单斧莫疵弘翱哀乌推狙樊波十一讲八年级下Unit

21、s2十一讲八年级下Units2The question is how to get there.问题是如何到那儿。问题是如何到那儿。(作表语作表语)Could you tell me how to get to the museum?你能告诉我如何到博物馆吗?你能告诉我如何到博物馆吗?(作宾补作宾补)how to do意为意为“怎么做怎么做”,do后面要后面要接宾语;而接宾语;而what to do中的中的what作作do的的宾语,故宾语,故do后不能再加宾语。如:后不能再加宾语。如:I dont know how to do it. I dont know what to do.伶弛铂炕仰砖

22、掘晾寒火佳炊汗贺济楚撰书靶画梨锚赤后郑害业硒锐眷谊滞十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units28Shes really nice,and we get_on well,but she always borrows my things. (Unit 2)get onget along相处;进展;与相处;进展;与合合得来得来get on/along well with sb.与某人相处得与某人相处得好好get on/along well with sth.某事进展得好某事进展得好How are you getting on/along with sb./sth.?旋炊粪肩询磷雹抵芭杉矗佃

23、炬动迪卉巍华皮嘶绦糕媳淤剃贤多眷蚜宜陌橇十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2你与某人相处得怎样?你与某人相处得怎样?/某事进展如何?某事进展如何?How does Gina get on with her friends?吉娜与她的朋友相处得怎么样?吉娜与她的朋友相处得怎么样?Hes new here,but he seems to be getting on fine.他是新来的,但他好像挺适应的。他是新来的,但他好像挺适应的。注意:注意:get on也表示也表示“上车上车”,反义短语,反义短语为为get off。屿校庭包肆琴兴植言撩穗锚赏旱抖卧泽旋掘疫项响崇芭酷赛潭嫂笺抗想

24、型十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2八年级下八年级下(12单元单元)(训练时间:训练时间:60分钟分值:分钟分值:100分分)扦索升旋岁球班棒抿盐入燕瑰蔬觅育本甫波团盂基砷草滔削挚译涪索籍末十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2基础知识过关基础知识过关一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(9(9分分) )1 1My clothes _My clothes _ (be) out of style.(be) out of style.2 2My dad didnt allow me _My dad didnt allow me _ _

25、 (argue)with my mom.(argue)with my mom.3 3The old man doesnt like my The old man doesnt like my _ _ _ _ (sister)clothes and (sister)clothes and haircut.haircut.4 4They can work out the problems by They can work out the problems by _ _ _ (them).(them).5 5In 100 yearsIn 100 years,people _people _ (wor

26、k)on a space station.(work)on a space station.6 6In 1863 Lincoln gave In 1863 Lincoln gave _ _ _(free) to all American (free) to all American slaves.slaves.areto arguesistersthemselveswill workfreedom淤雁蛮哑邓叁聂彼剩铸宣便律窑款叉闯饱章疯誓闲舔痪锥杭芬葫飘海畴敖十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units27 7So far, man has _So far, man has _ (sen

27、d) many man(send) many man made satellites to made satellites to the moon.the moon.8 8How many How many _ _ (toothbrush) does your family need?(toothbrush) does your family need?9 9I think there will be _I think there will be _ (few)trees in the future.(few)trees in the future.二、根据汉语提示补全句子二、根据汉语提示补全

28、句子(16(16分分) )1 1暖和的衣服可以御风寒。暖和的衣服可以御风寒。Warm clothing will Warm clothing will _ the cold. the cold.2 2他将要为这种愚蠢行为而受报应。他将要为这种愚蠢行为而受报应。He will have to He will have to _ this foolish behavior. this foolish behavior.3 3他一到上海就爱上了这个地方。他一到上海就爱上了这个地方。senttoothbrushesfewerkeep outpay for框医引募汛际队渍涤碑脐曝摘秒窗黍鞠瘩坐隆帖蔓割危

29、哆釉腕唾己跨腻愤十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2He _ it as soon as he arrived in Shanghai.He _ it as soon as he arrived in Shanghai.4 4那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。The farmer keeps The farmer keeps _ _ pigs on his farm.pigs on his farm.5 5他的理想迟早会实现。他的理想迟早会实现。His dream will His dream will _ sooner or later.

30、 sooner or later.6 6这两位同志相处得很好。这两位同志相处得很好。The two comrades The two comrades _ very well together. very well together.7 7也许我们该学会自己做事。也许我们该学会自己做事。Maybe we _ to do things Maybe we _ to do things _. .fell in love withhundreds ofcome trueget onshould learnby ourselves潘赤拉钳偿霖钾开绞墒猾聪我配蠕谬响犁桐龋插骡廉汇雍困崇可截蒸求泼十一讲八年

31、级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units28 8现在的中学生压力不是太大了。现在的中学生压力不是太大了。Students in high schools today are not under Students in high schools today are not under _三、句型转换三、句型转换(15(15分分) )1 1Hes Hes gettinggetting_ _a a_ _coldcold.(.(就画线部分提问就画线部分提问) )_ with him?_ with him?2 2We get on We get on wellwell with our classmat

32、es.( with our classmates.(就画线部分提问就画线部分提问) )_ do you do you _ on with your classmates? on with your classmates?3 3Maybe you should telephone him.(Maybe you should telephone him.(改为同义句改为同义句) )Maybe you should Maybe you should _ him him _. .too much pressure.Whats wrongHowgetcall up剖醒掇痉掩菊扇壁猴牙蝗樱俐腊跺脸东叠借哦

33、员刮款削啪社钡箔齐巢钩博十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units24 4My mother will come back home My mother will come back home inin_ _twotwo_ _monthsmonths.(.(就画线部分提就画线部分提问问) )_ will your mother come back home?_ will your mother come back home?5 5The girl will be a doctor when she grows up.(The girl will be a doctor when she

34、 grows up.(改为一般疑问改为一般疑问句句) )_ the girl _ the girl _ a doctor when she grows up? a doctor when she grows up?综合能力提高综合能力提高一、单项选择一、单项选择(10(10分分) )How soonWillbe 侗坑互幌悔垃非少赶瑞斥耳薄烈事揍串即粮上碑辽喧之断昼频资吧没如样十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units21 1(2011(2011沈阳沈阳)I dont know the city. Where can I find )I dont know the city. Where

35、 can I find _ good restaurant? _ good restaurant? A Aa Ba Ban an C Cthe Dthe D/ /【解析】冠词的用法。第一次提到的事物一般用不定冠词【解析】冠词的用法。第一次提到的事物一般用不定冠词a a或或anan,第,第二次提到或特指的一般用定冠词二次提到或特指的一般用定冠词thethe,从本句的表达可知,是第一次提到,从本句的表达可知,是第一次提到,故答案为故答案为A A。【答案】【答案】A A柔哎呈耳噎宣哄旦步堪糠遏雕贰瘟踊夹鞋睁蹭舰邮坤富黄菇距颇努佣拱费十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units22 2Teena

36、gers have all kinds of dreams. _Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. _, some some students would like to go to the moon some day.students would like to go to the moon some day.A AAfter all BAfter all BAt once At once C CIn fact DIn fact DFor exampleFor example【解析】考查短语辨析。【解析】考查短语辨析。after allafter all“

37、归根结底,毕竟归根结底,毕竟”;at onceat once“立刻,马上立刻,马上”;in factin fact“事实上事实上”;for examplefor example“例如例如”。故选。故选D D。【答案】【答案】D D挂淑寓懂惯衙句毛述堂醋攒帐琼帮掳心敷克竞供层殉邦申评骂窟娶形晾登十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units23 3Its a good habit _ breakfast every day.Its a good habit _ breakfast every day.A Ahad Bhad Bhave have C Chas Dhas Dto haveto

38、have【解析】考查固定结构。【解析】考查固定结构。Its a good habit to do sth.Its a good habit to do sth.意为意为“干某干某事是一个好习惯事是一个好习惯”,故选,故选D D。【答案】【答案】D D愤琵馁坛派搐诺湘黎抖涵烃仔好婶仰洲谋胜互材希搪灯辅侧饿郸衷座铰妻十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units24 4Is Jim at home by himself?Is Jim at home by himself?No. Theres another boy _ with him.No. Theres another boy _ wit

39、h him.A Aplaying Bplaying Bplay play C Cplays Dplays Dto playto play【解析】考查现在分词作后置定语的用法。【解析】考查现在分词作后置定语的用法。playingplaying在句中作后置定在句中作后置定语,句意为语,句意为“吉姆一个人在家吗?吉姆一个人在家吗?”“”“不,另一个男孩正在和他一起玩。不,另一个男孩正在和他一起玩。”故选故选A A。【答案】【答案】A A堑丑疼衬卢遏洁慧矿吨邪庭氖斧苯蹄循料还速班袱凸袒好人庚讶茫竟利桨十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units25 5Excuse me, is this sea

40、t taken? Excuse me, is this seat taken? _.That man got his books and left a few minutes _.That man got his books and left a few minutes ago.ago.A AIm afraid so BIm afraid so BI dont think so I dont think so C CI dont know DI dont know DI hope notI hope not【解析】考查交际用语。由问句【解析】考查交际用语。由问句“打扰了,这个座位被占了吗?打扰

41、了,这个座位被占了吗?”和和答语答语“那个人拿着书几分钟前离开了。那个人拿着书几分钟前离开了。”可知,选可知,选B B。【答案】【答案】B B浪泊闺江吩飘肘几跳亦斯酿虎案由袱饯杉秆碧巴恨棱玛同磐催庐沾远烯圭十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units26 6My parents always tell me _ others late at My parents always tell me _ others late at night.night.Theyre right. Its not polite.Theyre right. Its not polite.A Acall Bcal

42、l Bnot call not call C Cto call Dto call Dnot to callnot to call【解析】考查动词不定式的用法。【解析】考查动词不定式的用法。tell sb.to do sth.tell sb.to do sth.意为意为“告诉某告诉某人干某事人干某事”,其否定形式为,其否定形式为tell sb.not to do sth.tell sb.not to do sth.故选故选D D。【答案】【答案】D D揭续并贝优啥醉蕾贫年渝锗莆浸阮锁挂减佑啼晨倾胺订辖收扑役黔咀圣千十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units27 7(2011(2011凉山

43、凉山) )I donI dont know the new word.t know the new word.It doesnt matterIt doesnt matter,you can _ in the dictionary.you can _ in the dictionary.A Alook up it Blook up it Blook it up Clook it up Clook for itlook for it【解析】考查动词短语的辨析。【解析】考查动词短语的辨析。look forlook for的意思是的意思是“寻找寻找”;look look upup的意思是的意思是“查

44、字典查字典”,跟代词时应该放在,跟代词时应该放在looklook与与upup的中间,句意的中间,句意“你可你可以在字典中查一下它以在字典中查一下它”,因此答案为,因此答案为B B项。项。【答案】【答案】B B啼资蒲挞捻讨刀煽焦附惮娟梳艰董保脱谆衡藕寝辫位侣盲呵鸭再境向跟雅十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units28 8(2011(2011昆明昆明) )Excuse meExcuse me,this shirt is too big for me. this shirt is too big for me. Would you mind giving me a smaller one?

45、Would you mind giving me a smaller one?_.Here you are._.Here you are.A ACertainly BCertainly BYoud better not Youd better not C CNot at all DNot at all DYoure welcomeYoure welcome【解析】考查交际用语。由【解析】考查交际用语。由Here you are.Here you are.知道对方并不介意。知道对方并不介意。【答案】【答案】C C梧衍沽曹跳滔迟迸跟涵榆肥瞧榨脏草修专溜淡舟琐迫蔫镀筛虽默门憋愧踏十一讲八年级下Uni

46、ts2十一讲八年级下Units29 9(2011(2011凉山凉山)He doesnt tell me _.Can you tell me )He doesnt tell me _.Can you tell me his address?his address?A Awhere he lives where he lives B Bwhere does he livewhere does he liveC Cwhere he lives inwhere he lives in【解析】考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句的语序为陈述语序,表示住【解析】考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句的语序为陈述语序,表示住

47、在某地用在某地用livelive,wherewhere在句中作状语,不需要介词在句中作状语,不需要介词inin,故选,故选A A。【答案】【答案】A A咬巳曲张协陡栈冶颖有表蜘扼铅辖往暂毙酮兜赂劣殴烦鸟斩荡唉促轰倔且十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units21010(2011(2011沈阳沈阳) )I wonder _ like to be an I wonder _ like to be an astronaut(astronaut(宇航员宇航员) )I dont knowI dont know,but I imagine its exciting.but I imagine it

48、s exciting.A Awhat is it Bwhat is it Bwhat it iswhat it isC Cwhether is it Dwhether is it Dwhether it iswhether it is【解析】考查宾语从句的用法。句意【解析】考查宾语从句的用法。句意“我想知道作为一名宇航员是我想知道作为一名宇航员是什么样子的。什么样子的。”wonderwonder后面接宾语从句,应该用陈述句语序,故选后面接宾语从句,应该用陈述句语序,故选B B。【答案】【答案】B B二、完形填空二、完形填空(20(20分分) )赖浇姑玛班碴咳捧似霹狙锈升楷咽抑术悼泽之腊柑抖梳材

49、柄睫遏擂使拙种十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2阅读下面短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示补全文中所缺的单词。阅读下面短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示补全文中所缺的单词。Years agoYears ago,if a teenager had some problems in his lifeif a teenager had some problems in his life,he he might write them in his diary. Now a teenager w_might write them in his diary. Now a teenager w_1

50、 1_ the same _ the same problems might get on the Internet and write them in his blog. In problems might get on the Internet and write them in his blog. In many waysmany ways,a diary and a blog are almost the same. Soa diary and a blog are almost the same. So,what makes what makes a blog d_a blog d_

51、2 2_ from a diary?_ from a diary?The biggest difference is that a blog is much more public The biggest difference is that a blog is much more public t_t_3 3_ a diary. Usually_ a diary. Usually,a teenager likes hiding his diary book a teenager likes hiding his diary book and treats it as one full of

52、s_and treats it as one full of s_4 4_.Both diaries and blogs tell _.Both diaries and blogs tell what happened to the writer that day.what happened to the writer that day.型次坏组疗挪剂徘笺菜丽埂透怨糕定篙梳幢鲤看您袋铅捶蘸盒鄂公亭讳擎十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2杆综损籍即泊炕予蜀迭熙嗅苗窿撩培乳踢左竟针枝蛮柠羹臼欺捉山耳谰跳十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2one will know

53、about it. If you write the same words in your blogone will know about it. If you write the same words in your blog,your friends may quickly w_your friends may quickly w_8 8_ back to comfort you or offer _ back to comfort you or offer their help. Blogs help people stay in close contact(their help. Bl

54、ogs help people stay in close contact(联系联系)and let )and let them know what their friends are doing.them know what their friends are doing. T_ T_9 9_ its a good way to write blogs about everyday life_ its a good way to write blogs about everyday life,I I still p_still p_1010_ my old diary._ my old di

55、ary.【答案】【答案】1 1withwith【解析】题意为【解析】题意为“现在有同样问题的青少年可以登录网络,写在现在有同样问题的青少年可以登录网络,写在他们的博客里他们的博客里”,故填,故填withwith。誓芹频五皿丙甄乖刮问转逮掀搬吻臆长卡紧俊篙蔗洽旷糙跳藕照嘿携法吱十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units22 2different/differdifferent/differ【解析】题意为【解析】题意为“那么,什么使得博客与日那么,什么使得博客与日记不同?记不同?”故填故填different/differdifferent/differ。3 3thanthan【解析】题意为

56、【解析】题意为“最大的不同是博客比日记更公开一些最大的不同是博客比日记更公开一些”,故填,故填thanthan。4 4secretssecrets【解析】题意为【解析】题意为“通常青少年喜欢把日记本藏起来,认通常青少年喜欢把日记本藏起来,认为里面藏有许多秘密为里面藏有许多秘密”,故填,故填secretssecrets。5 5HoweverHowever【解析】题意为【解析】题意为“然而,你如果在网上写这些东西,那然而,你如果在网上写这些东西,那个朋友将会读到你的博客个朋友将会读到你的博客”,故填转折连词,故填转折连词HoweverHowever。6 6angry/annoyedangry/an

57、noyed【解析】由题意知,那个朋友读到你对他不满意【解析】由题意知,那个朋友读到你对他不满意的内容时,他会生气,故填的内容时,他会生气,故填angry/annoyedangry/annoyed。鼻吁桨噶宠嘎度狸碍莎眺稠答戌卜挟笋时迪捧烂验沧狂筏掸蚂揩姬闲舅火十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units27 7feelingfeeling【解析】题意为【解析】题意为“如果有一天你感到悲伤,把它写在日如果有一天你感到悲伤,把它写在日记里,没有人会知道这件事记里,没有人会知道这件事”,故填,故填feelingfeeling。8 8writewrite【解析】题意为【解析】题意为“如果你把相同

58、的话语写在博客里,你的如果你把相同的话语写在博客里,你的朋友们可能很快给你回信来安慰你或提供帮助朋友们可能很快给你回信来安慰你或提供帮助”,故填,故填writewrite。9 9ThoughThough【解析】题意为【解析】题意为“尽管博客是一种好的方式尽管博客是一种好的方式”,故,故填填ThoughThough。1010preferprefer【解析】题意为【解析】题意为“我仍然更喜爱老的日记我仍然更喜爱老的日记”,故填,故填preferprefer。三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(10(10分分) )(2011(2011临沂临沂)Jia Meng used to keep a diary()Ji

59、a Meng used to keep a diary(日记日记)in)in乍式畏室清屠簿我满疲崇梭迷咬衰披场玄冤躇口缅播薄己鼻痈统侩汛控延十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2Chinese. But one year agoChinese. But one year ago,the 14the 14 yearyear old girl from Heilongjiang old girl from Heilongjiang began to write her diaries in Englishbegan to write her diaries in English,be

60、cause Jia found her because Jia found her mother was reading her diary secretly. She changed the language mother was reading her diary secretly. She changed the language because her mother cant read English. because her mother cant read English. “Its like killing two Its like killing two birds with

61、one stonebirds with one stone,”said Jia. said Jia. “My privacy(My privacy(隐私隐私)becomes safe )becomes safe and my English improves a lot.and my English improves a lot.” Jias mother is not the only mom who reads her childs diary. Jias mother is not the only mom who reads her childs diary. RecentlyRece

62、ntly,Renmin University of China had a national survey among Renmin University of China had a national survey among over 2,300 parents. The results show that about 40% of parents over 2,300 parents. The results show that about 40% of parents read their childrens secrets. Thats whyread their childrens

63、 secrets. Thats why,like Jialike Jia,烽恭描让亿晌蝴猩鸟腿篆筹痕全后齐销偶悬恼梳藕裙涨啄擞亚扭饲序迪袋十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2many teenagers try to find ways to protect(many teenagers try to find ways to protect(保护保护)their privacy.)their privacy. Wu Lei,15 Wu Lei,15,of Shanxiof Shanxi,keeps a diarykeeps a diary,too. But he doesnt

64、 write too. But he doesnt write it on paper. He writes onlineit on paper. He writes online,which he thinks is perfectly safe which he thinks is perfectly safe because his parents because his parents “know nothing about the Internetknow nothing about the Internet” Lu Huan,13 Lu Huan,13,of Guangdongof

65、 Guangdong,said her parents always secretly said her parents always secretly listened to the talk between her friends and her on the telephone listened to the talk between her friends and her on the telephone in their room. To solve this problemin their room. To solve this problem,Lu asked her paren

66、ts to buy Lu asked her parents to buy her a mobile phone.her a mobile phone. “Parents want to know what is going on in their childrens Parents want to know what is going on in their childrens liveslives,”said Shao Xiazhensaid Shao Xiazhen,a teenage expert in Beijing.a teenage expert in Beijing.拆司姥扔匠

67、尉庆哈舜凋罚帜佬瞧遁蜡侵歌欺资委份啥留缝儿痉悉泳遇远锯十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2“But sometimes they go about it the wrong way.But sometimes they go about it the wrong way.” Shao suggested Shao suggested to teenagers that instead of hiding their secretsto teenagers that instead of hiding their secrets,talking to talking to par

68、ents is a better solution. parents is a better solution. “If your parents know that you are If your parents know that you are safesafe,theyll let you keep your secrets.theyll let you keep your secrets.”根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A A”表示,不正确的用表示,不正确的用“B B”表示。表示。1 1Jia Meng writes her dia

69、ries in English in order to improve her Jia Meng writes her diaries in English in order to improve her English.English.【解析】由第一段最后一句【解析】由第一段最后一句Jia MengJia Meng所说的话所说的话“My privacy becomes safe My privacy becomes safe and my English improves a lot.and my English improves a lot.”可知,可知,Jia MengJia Meng馅

70、停翘哩高常丫筒层嘎绿狭伪痈台旁舷遥萌间开外佃钢沏业阿箍信呵潜粳十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2用英语写日记有两个目的:保护隐私和提高英语。故本句表述片面。用英语写日记有两个目的:保护隐私和提高英语。故本句表述片面。【答案】【答案】B B2 2RecentlyRecently,Renmin University of China had a national surveyRenmin University of China had a national survey,and the results show that about 40% of parents read the

71、ir and the results show that about 40% of parents read their childrens secrets.childrens secrets.【解析】由第二段的第二、三句【解析】由第二段的第二、三句“RecentlyRecently,Renmin University of Renmin University of China.The results show that about 40% of parents read their China.The results show that about 40% of parents read t

72、heir childrens secrets.childrens secrets.”可知本句正确。可知本句正确。【答案】【答案】A A丛沽裸溯老茁桐涪准恕估砰河斧遏荡挖琴鸟打按幸瘪卿贩粱昧雨巴橱米醚十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units23 3Keeping a diary online is the best way to protect the Keeping a diary online is the best way to protect the privacy according to the article.privacy according to the articl

73、e.【解析】由第三段可知,【解析】由第三段可知,Wu LeiWu Lei认为在网上写日记很安全是因为他的认为在网上写日记很安全是因为他的父母对网络一无所知。故本题说法错误。父母对网络一无所知。故本题说法错误。【答案】【答案】B B4 4Lu Huan asked her parents to buy her a mobile phone in Lu Huan asked her parents to buy her a mobile phone in order to protect her privacy.order to protect her privacy.【解析】由第四段可知,为了保

74、护自己的隐私,【解析】由第四段可知,为了保护自己的隐私,Lu HuanLu Huan让她的父母让她的父母给她买了一部手机。故本题正确。给她买了一部手机。故本题正确。【答案】【答案】A A鹃色馁矛讽注摹颓障征埋唐天扦铣旧图豆竿缸途赤掘孩瓦住收残卜裤碧浸十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units25 5Shao Xiazhen thinks parents will let children keep their Shao Xiazhen thinks parents will let children keep their secrets if they talk to parents

75、and let parents know they are secrets if they talk to parents and let parents know they are safe.safe.【解析】由最后一段的【解析】由最后一段的 Shao suggested to teenagers. Shao suggested to teenagers.“If your If your parents know that you are safeparents know that you are safe,theyll let you keep your theyll let you ke

76、ep your secrets.secrets.”可知本句正确。可知本句正确。【答案】【答案】A A四、书面表达四、书面表达(20(20分分) )(2011(2011潍坊潍坊) )假设你是某英文杂志的假设你是某英文杂志的“知心姐姐知心姐姐”(Agony Sister)(Agony Sister),HelenHelen,请阅读下面的这封求助信,并根据信的内容写一封回信。,请阅读下面的这封求助信,并根据信的内容写一封回信。轮坏淹诽宦翻危瘪耪棘嘎媳惯庚承苹砖闺钎饭醚探绝停酚锻兜烯汐庄淮筷十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2要求:要求:1 18080词左右;词左右;2 2文中不要出现作

77、者本人的真实信息。文中不要出现作者本人的真实信息。 Dear HelenDear Helen,Last SundayLast Sunday,my classmates and I went to the park. I wanted my classmates and I went to the park. I wanted to take some photos. My father was out at that timeto take some photos. My father was out at that time,so I took so I took his camera wi

78、thout telling him. Unfortunatelyhis camera without telling him. Unfortunately,the camera went the camera went out of my bag and dropped on the ground when I was climbing the out of my bag and dropped on the ground when I was climbing the hill. It didnt work at all. I put it back quietly after I hill

79、. It didnt work at all. I put it back quietly after I returned home. And I havent told him till now. Whenreturned home. And I havent told him till now. When絮多泄合茎舍赏薪毡嫌建撮辑资玻坠爹耐桅根亨传仟戮坚躬鲤落吓具喉亮十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2I face to my fatherI face to my father,I feel terrible.What should I do?I feel terribl

80、e.What should I do?YoursYours,DavidDavidDear DavidDear David,_FirstFirst,I think youd better tell your father immediately. If I think youd better tell your father immediately. If you tell him the truthyou tell him the truth,hell be angry with you. But at least hell be angry with you. But at least yo

81、ull prove how honest you are. Then I think you should offer to youll prove how honest you are. Then I think you should offer to pay. But you shouldnt use your pocket money. Yespay. But you shouldnt use your pocket money. Yes,a camera is a camera is expensiveexpensive, and maybe you cant afford it. I

82、f you offer to do and maybe you cant afford it. If you offer to do some jobs around the housesome jobs around the house,hell realize hell realize 裁赔掷朋振恨注反酸赌象壹藐伺苏颂硅钡歧近德墩齐烷钒自失懦母赋僧放十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2_Best wishesBest wishes,HelenHelenthat youre truly sorry. Ohthat youre truly sorry. Oh,remember to be careful next time.remember to be careful next time.俄赖贮束奖甘探外摈芬偏媳葛探暖健疯胯恳系磨刮勋贸叛跺洲笑胺艾郝坎十一讲八年级下Units2十一讲八年级下Units2



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