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1、Book1Module3Book1Module3 cassette distance tram motorbike helicopter camel 录音带录音带距离距离电车电车摩托车摩托车直升飞机直升飞机骆驼骆驼 exhausted downtown 疲惫不堪的疲惫不堪的商业区的商业区的 shoot train frighten 射杀射杀训练训练使吃惊,惊吓使吃惊,惊吓1. take off2. get on3. get off4. try doing5. be short for6. not any more7. out of date8. at a speed of9. attend t

2、he opening ceremony10. In the distance11. keep sb at a distance12. abandon oneself to13. shoot sb angry glance /a question at sb14. on the scene15. have a good/bad view of16. come into view下(车,船)下(车,船)上(车、船)上(车、船) 起飞,脱下,事业腾飞,打折,休假起飞,脱下,事业腾飞,打折,休假试着做某事试着做某事是是缩写缩写不再不再过时过时以以速度速度参加开幕典礼参加开幕典礼在远处在远处与某人保持一

3、段距离与某人保持一段距离沉湎于某种情感,陷入沉湎于某种情感,陷入突然瞪某人一眼突然瞪某人一眼突然像某人发问突然像某人发问在现场在现场看得清,看不清看得清,看不清进入视野,被看到进入视野,被看到1. in view2. in my view3.viewas4. lose ones sight5. at the sight of6. in/within/out of ones sight7. come into sight8. catch sight of9.lose sight of10. get on/along with11. get around/about12. get away fro

4、m13. get across14. get down to15. get over16. get through把把视作视作以我看以我看 在视野中在视野中失明失明一看见一看见看得见,看不见看得见,看不见进入视野进入视野突然看见突然看见看不见看不见相处融洽,进展相处融洽,进展四处走动,旅行,消息传开四处走动,旅行,消息传开摆脱,离开摆脱,离开使理解,使明白使理解,使明白开始认真做某事开始认真做某事痊愈,康复,恢复,克服,战胜痊愈,康复,恢复,克服,战胜通过考试,打通电话,熬过通过考试,打通电话,熬过1. get together2. take away3. take over4. hand o

5、ver5. take in6. take down7. take it for granted8. take after9.take on10. take a day off11. take up12. try to do13. try on14. try out15. try out for16. be short of接管,接受,占上风接管,接受,占上风拿走,带走拿走,带走 相聚相聚 聚会聚会 移交移交吸收,理解,欺骗吸收,理解,欺骗拆下,记下拆下,记下认为认为理所应当理所应当像像呈现,雇佣呈现,雇佣休一天假休一天假占据,开始从事占据,开始从事尽力做某事尽力做某事试穿试穿试验,试用,检验试

6、验,试用,检验参加参加的选拔,争取成为(团队)一员的选拔,争取成为(团队)一员缺少,不足缺少,不足1. in short2. be expert at3. refer to4. refer toas5. supply sb with sth6. supply sth to sb 7. up to date8. date back to/from9.have a date with10. out of breath11. out of control12. out of order13. out of reach14. out of shape15. out of question16. out

7、 of the question查阅,涉及,参考,指的是查阅,涉及,参考,指的是擅长于擅长于 简言之简言之把把称作称作提供某人某物提供某人某物提供某人某物提供某人某物现代化的现代化的追溯追溯和和约会约会气喘吁吁气喘吁吁失控失控无序无序够不到够不到走形走形没问题,可能没问题,可能不可能不可能1. a food /water/power supply2. short supply3. office supplies4. cut short5. shortly after6. a short cut7. keep track of8. keep a record of9. not exactly10

8、. not really11. get away with12. no way13. Never mind14. 办公用品办公用品供应短缺供应短缺 食品食品/水水/电供应电供应打断,阻止,使中断打断,阻止,使中断后不久后不久/立即立即近路,捷径近路,捷径掌握线索掌握线索记载,记录记载,记录不完全对不完全对不是不是侥幸逃脱侥幸逃脱没门没门不介意不介意被动语态构成1.一般现在时: am /is/are done 2.一般过去时: was/were done3.现在进行时: am/is/are being done 4.过去进行时: was/were being done5.现在完成时: have/

9、has been done 6.过去完成时: had been done7.一般将来时: will be done 8.过去将来时: would be done9.将来完成时: will have been done 10.情态动词: must be done考点一: get + done表被动: get paid/changed考点二: be worth doing , sth wants/needs/requires doing/to be done be to blame考点三:感官动词( feel, taste 等),belong to, prove, take place run o

10、ut 等无被动形式考点四:The pen writes well The books sell well The cloth washes well考点五: The morning air is good to breathe Im looking for a room to live in 1.我上周参加了某旅行社组织的生态游。一路上我们享受美丽风景和新鲜的空气。我上周参加了某旅行社组织的生态游。一路上我们享受美丽风景和新鲜的空气。2. 但是有人在观赏美景时摘花。一些人甚至试图捉鸟。更糟糕的是,但是有人在观赏美景时摘花。一些人甚至试图捉鸟。更糟糕的是, 许多游客随许多游客随处处3.乱扔垃圾。

11、垃圾对那里的野生动物有害。乱扔垃圾。垃圾对那里的野生动物有害。4.2. 我认为这不是生态旅游。真正的生态游不仅允许我们表达对自然的爱,而且我认为这不是生态旅游。真正的生态游不仅允许我们表达对自然的爱,而且5. 也是一种责任。当我们享受美好自然的同时,我们应该尽力保护它。我们也应该也是一种责任。当我们享受美好自然的同时,我们应该尽力保护它。我们也应该6. 保护野生动物。真正的生态游应该是:带走美好回忆,留下青山绿水保护野生动物。真正的生态游应该是:带走美好回忆,留下青山绿水 Last weekend I went on a eco-travel with a travel agency. All

12、 theway we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and fresh air. But a few of us picked flowers while going sightseeing. Some even tried to catch the birds they saw. What was worse, many tourists threw rubbish here and there. The rubbish may do harm to wildlife there. I dont think this is a true eco-travel.

13、A true eco-travel is a tour that not only allows us to express our love for nature, but needs our responsibility as well. As we enjoy the beauty of nature, we should also try to protect wildlife. A true eco-travel should be like this: take nothing away but your good memory; leave nothing behind but

14、all the green trees and the clean water. surveyneighborhoodsuburbtouristnuisancedistrictharborarchitecturetraffic调查调查街坊街坊郊区郊区观光者观光者令人讨厌的人或事令人讨厌的人或事地域地域海港海港建筑建筑 committee organization household occupation employment gallery rent 交通交通委员会委员会组织组织职业职业就业就业美术馆,画廊美术馆,画廊家属,家属,家人家人租金租金 surveyneighborhoodsubur

15、btouristnuisancedistrictharborarchitecturetraffic调查调查街坊街坊郊区郊区观光者观光者令人讨厌的人或事令人讨厌的人或事地域地域海港海港建筑建筑 committee organization household occupation employment gallery rent 交通交通委员会委员会组织组织职业职业就业就业美术馆,画廊美术馆,画廊家属,家属,家人家人租金租金 fortunate pretty gorgeous unemployed professional manual fascinating local 幸运的幸运的很,相当很,

16、相当美丽的美丽的失业的失业的用手的用手的迷人的迷人的地方的地方的职业的职业的 fortunate pretty gorgeous unemployed professional manual fascinating local 幸运的幸运的很,相当很,相当美丽的美丽的失业的失业的用手的用手的迷人的迷人的地方的地方的职业的职业的接近接近 sound bother approach starve park exchange afford survive contact 听起来听起来打扰打扰饿死饿死停车停车交通交通买得起买得起死里逃生死里逃生联络联络接近接近 sound bother approac

17、h starve park exchange afford survive contact 听起来听起来打扰打扰饿死饿死停车停车交通交通买得起买得起死里逃生死里逃生联络联络声音声音不便,麻烦不便,麻烦starvation兑换,交易所兑换,交易所sightsceneviewscenery1.Seeingthehappy_ofchildrenplayinginthepark,Imoverjoyedandsureofthefutureofourcountry.2.Thelast_oftheplaywasveryimpressive.3.Idlikearoomwitha_scenesceneviews

18、ightsceneviewscenery4.Thepracticeofhangingclothesacrossthestreetisacommon_inmanypartsofthecity.5.Forthefirstfewhundredhundredkilometresofthejourney,the_wasverycolorful.sightscenery 11. track 跑道,田径 keep track of 掌握线索12. diamond 钻石,菱形13. downtown 商业区, suburban 郊区的, urban 城市的14. event :历史事件,重要事件,项目 inc

19、ident: 不太重要的小事 accident:事故 affair:政治大事件 the White Water affair 白水事件15. souvenir 纪念品 favors 聚会小礼品16. apartment 公寓 department部门 (department store超市)17.18. supply v.供应 n.供应品 supply sb with sth= supply sth to sb 提供某人某物 a food/water/power supply; short supply office supplies办公用品19. refer to 参考,查阅,涉及,指的是

20、refer toas 把称作 reference 参考书journey 长途旅行与make ,go 连用 ;一段固定的距离travel 传播,旅游总称 trip 短途 voyage 与水有关的旅行 tour 观光旅游,巡回演出Itisaninterestingbook.(感叹句)感叹句)感叹词感叹词+感叹部分感叹部分+主语主语+谓语谓语thebookis!bookitis!HowinterestingWhataninteresting1. MedicalstafffledasflamesandsmokefilledanIndianhospital,_theirpatientstothefire

21、,whichkilled89people.2.Thechemicalweapons_bytheJapanesetroopsarethechiefcauseofthefrequentlyhappenedpoisoningaccidents(abandon)3.Manyofthestudentswhohopetoentertheuniversitywillbedisappointedbecauseonlyonethird_(apply)foradmissionwillbeacceptedabandoningabandonedapplying1.Have you read the novel _ (

22、write) by Dickens?2. Listen! The song _ (sing) is popular with the students.3.The question _(discuss) at tomorrows meeting is very importantwrittenbeing sungto be discussed5.forthefirsttime介词短语,做状语介词短语,做状语thefirsttime连词,引导时间状语从句连词,引导时间状语从句Itisthefirsttimethatsb.has/havedonesth.Itwasthefirsttimethats

23、b.haddonesth.the first timefor the first timehave falleneg:Ilovehim_IsawhimIlovehim_ItisthefirsttimeI_(fall)inlove.被动语态构成1.一般现在时: am /is/are done 2.一般过去时: was/were done3.现在进行时: am/is/are being done 4.过去进行时: was/were being done5.现在完成时: have/has been done 6.过去完成时: had been done7.一般将来时: will be done 8.

24、过去将来时: would be done9.将来完成时: will have been done 10.情态动词: must be done考点一: get + done表被动: get paid/changed考点二: be worth doing , sth wants/needs/requires doing/to be done be to blame考点三:感官动词( feel, taste 等),belong to, prove, take place run out 等无被动形式考点四:The pen writes well The books sell well The clo

25、th washes well考点五: The morning air is good to breathe 1.journey长途旅行与长途旅行与make,go连用连用;一段固定的距离一段固定的距离travel传播,旅游总称传播,旅游总称trip短途短途voyage与水有关的与水有关的旅行旅行tour观光旅游,巡回演出观光旅游,巡回演出2.production(uc)产量,产量,produce(v)生产,农牧产品生产,农牧产品product(cn)工业或农业加工的产品工业或农业加工的产品3.event时事,比赛项目,大事时事,比赛项目,大事affair私人的个别的事情,工作,关心的事私人的个别

26、的事情,工作,关心的事incident较小的事件,日常生活中出乎意料发生的事较小的事件,日常生活中出乎意料发生的事4.scenery(uc)整个风景整个风景scene(c)场景,一幕场景,一幕onthesceneview从某一特定位置看风景从某一特定位置看风景,观点,观点Inmyview,viewassight某地特色风景,某地特色风景,sights风景名胜,风景名胜,sight:视力,视力,in/outofsight,catchsightof (P10)souvenirtrackceremonyraileventinterviewinterviewer cartoonapartmentkin

27、dergarten纪念品纪念品轨道轨道仪式仪式铁轨铁轨面试面试事件事件主考官主考官漫画漫画公寓公寓 eagle stadium circus seaside journey soil scenery product midnight expert diamond desert 幼儿园幼儿园鹰鹰运动场运动场马戏团马戏团旅程旅程土壤土壤风景风景产品产品海滨海滨半夜半夜专家专家钻石钻石沙漠沙漠田径田径菱形菱形遗弃遗弃Interviewee面试者面试者 cassette distance tram motorbike helicopter camel 录音带录音带距离距离电车电车摩托车摩托车直升飞机直

28、升飞机骆驼骆驼 exhausted downtown 疲惫不堪的疲惫不堪的商业区的商业区的 shoot train frighten 射杀射杀训练训练shot shot摄影,拍摄摄影,拍摄trainer,trainee使吃惊,惊吓使吃惊,惊吓frightened frightening, frightdistantexhaustion, exhaustingsuburb suburban1.scene 2. sight 3. sights 4. view 5. tour 6. fright 7. reference 8. spot 9. event 10 affair 11. incident

29、12. distant 13. suburban 14. interviewee Afterthe_increased,farmers_moreandmore_A.production,produced,productsB.products,produced,,products,producedD.Produce,production,products_Idontknow.AWheredoyousupposehehasgone?BDoyousupposewherehashegone?CWheredoyousupposehashegone?DDoyo

30、usupposewherehehasgone?注:在注:在doyouthink/believe/suppose/guess/expect/imagine+宾语从句时,宾语从句时,若从句中有特殊疑问词,则要把它放在若从句中有特殊疑问词,则要把它放在句首,且从句要用陈述句语序。句首,且从句要用陈述句语序。1. in the distance2. Whats the distance?3. abandon doing4. abandon oneself to/ be abandoned to5. with abandon6. on the scene/spot7. at first sight8.

31、catch sight of9. at the sight of10. in/out of sight11. In ones view12. viewas13. come into view14. frighten sb into/out of doing sth15. be frightened at/by16. with fright放弃做某事放弃做某事距离是多少距离是多少 在远处在远处陷入,沉湎与某种感情陷入,沉湎与某种感情尽情尽情在现场在现场一看到一看到看到看到初看到初看到看见,看不见看见,看不见依照某人观点依照某人观点把把看作看作看见看见吓得某人做吓得某人做/不做某事不做某事对对 害

32、怕害怕由于害怕由于害怕1. supply sb with sth2. supply sth to/for sb3.provide sth for sb4.provide sb with sth5.offer sb sth6.offer sth to ones need/demand8.get on9. get along with10. get around11. get across12. get down to doing13. get through14. get away15. get off 给某人提供某物给某人提供某物满足某人需求满足某人需求 上车

33、,进展,进行上车,进展,进行与与 相处相处四处走动,消息传开四处走动,消息传开被理解被理解开始认真做某事开始认真做某事通过考试,接通电话,完成通过考试,接通电话,完成逃离逃离下车下车 给某人提供某物给某人提供某物 给某人提供某物给某人提供某物 给某人提供某物给某人提供某物 给某人提供某物给某人提供某物 给某人提供某物给某人提供某物1. take off2.take after3.take up4.take down5.take . for6.take in7.take on8.take over9. take for granted10.refer to as11. refer to12. o

34、ut of date13. date back to/from14. have a date with sb15 blind date 起飞,脱下,事业腾飞,打折,休假起飞,脱下,事业腾飞,打折,休假呈现,雇佣呈现,雇佣 接管接管认为认为理所应当理所应当把把 称作称作查阅,参考,涉及,指的是查阅,参考,涉及,指的是过时过时追溯到追溯到和某人约会和某人约会相亲相亲 像像占据,开始从事某种职业技能占据,开始从事某种职业技能 写下,记下写下,记下 误认为误认为 吸收,理解,欺骗吸收,理解,欺骗1. out of breath2. out of/in control3. out of order/in

35、 order4. out of reach/within reach5. out of question6. out of the question7. out of/in shape8. out of work9. out of place/in place10. apply for11. forget it12. It depends13. with pleasure14. come on15. go ahead 气喘吁吁气喘吁吁走形走形/身体状况好身体状况好 失业失业格格不入格格不入/ 在恰当的位置上在恰当的位置上申请申请算了吧算了吧看情况而定看情况而定非常愿意非常愿意加油,得了吧加油,

36、得了吧开始吧,用吧,先请开始吧,用吧,先请 失控失控/在控制中在控制中无序无序/有序有序 够不着够不着/够得着够得着 没有问题没有问题 不可能不可能1. would you mind doing2. would you mind sbs doing 3. would you mind if sb did4. mind your own business5. Its none of your business6. keep/bearin mind7. make up ones mind8.certainly not9. not at all/ not a bit/ not in the leas

37、t/ anything but10. by all means11. be short of12. be short for 13. not any more14. how come15. why not 你介意做某事吗你介意做某事吗下决心下决心 当然不当然不决不决不当然可以当然可以 短缺短缺缩写缩写不再不再 你介意某人做某事吗你介意某人做某事吗你介意吗如果某人你介意吗如果某人 管你自己的事管你自己的事 不管你事不管你事 记住记住 怎么会怎么会为什么不为什么不1.你认为他现在在做什么(What do you think)2.多么漂亮的房子呀(感叹句)3.我看到他进入了面朝南的那所房子(Ving

38、 做定语)4.这个自行车需要修理5.早晨空气呼吸起来很好(to do 主动表被动)What do you think he is doing now?What a beautiful house it is!I saw him enter the house facing the southThe bike needs repairing/to be repairedThe morning air is good to breatheHow beautiful the house is!Itsalong_fromhishometowork,sohehastogetupearlyinthemor

39、ning.A.journeyBtravelB.CvoyageDtour1.I suggest that the person _ put into prison A refer to B referred to be C. referring to should be D. referred to was2. As for as Im concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn,_A.the more for life are you equipped B. the more equipped for life y

40、ou areC. the more life you are equipped are equipped the more for life3. - Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time? - Yes, since he _ the Chinese Society.A.has joined B. joins C. had joined D. joined4. It was not until midnight _ they reached the camp site.A.that B. when C. While D. as5.

41、How long do you think _ the car factory launches a new model?A will it be until B. it will be before C. will it be when D. it will be that6. After climbing for a whole night, we finally arrived at the peak of Mount Tai, _A.exhausting B. being exhausted C. having exhausted D exhausted7. Hearing a str

42、ange noise, the poor man, _, ran out of the dark caveA.trembled and frightened B. trembling and frightenedC. Trembled and frightening D. trembling and frightening8. Mrs.White showed her students some old maps, _ from the library.A to borrow B. borrowed C. to be borrowed D. Borrowing9. - _ has brough

43、t worldwide attention to China? - Rapid and stead economic growth, of course.A.What do you think it is B. What do you think is itC. What do you think it is that D. What do you think is it that10. The way the guests _ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the serviceA.treated B. were treated C.

44、 would treat D would be treated11. Most of the artist_ to the party were from South AfricaA.invited B. to inviteC. being invited D. had been invited12. Great changes _ in the city, and a lot of factories _A.have been taken place ,have been set up B. have taken place, have been set upC.have taken pla

45、ce, have set upD. were taken, were set up1._theplanmeanswemuststartfromthebeginning2._himselftodespair,heneedscheeringup.3._todespair,heneedscheeringup.AbandonAbandoningAbandonedAbandoning4._themedicine,LuXuntookupliterature.5._byherboyfriend,sheleftthiscityAbandonHavingabandonedHavingbeenabandonedW


47、After souvenirtrackceremonyraileventinterviewinterviewer cartoonapartmentkindergarten纪念品纪念品轨道轨道仪式仪式铁轨铁轨面试面试事件事件主考官主考官漫画漫画公寓公寓 eagle stadium circus seaside journey soil scenery product midnight expert diamond desert 幼儿园幼儿园鹰鹰运动场运动场马戏团马戏团旅程旅程土壤土壤风景风景产品产品海滨海滨半夜半夜专家专家钻石钻石沙漠沙漠 cassette distance tram motor

48、bike helicopter camel 录音带录音带距离距离电车电车摩托车摩托车直升飞机直升飞机骆驼骆驼 exhausted downtown 疲惫不堪的疲惫不堪的商业区的商业区的 shoot train 射杀射杀训练训练 T/F1.Becausehewasill,hehadtostayathomelookingafterher.his wife2.Hiswifewasill,hehadtostayathomelookingafterher.Becausebeing3.Hiswifebeingill,hehadtostayathome. T/F1.Hiscoming,wewereveryh

49、appy.2.Hecame,wewereveryhappyBecauseofBecause3.Hecoming,wewereveryhappycomingHe T/F1.Enteringtheroom,aletterwasfoundontheground.He2.enteringtheroom,HefoundaletteronthegroundHefoundaletterontheground T/F1.Takentohospitalintime,thewoundedsoldierweresavedatlast.2.Havingbeentakentohospitalintime,thewoun


51、startedtoreadWhen_onthebeach,shestartedtoread._herselfonthebeach,shestartedtoread.ASeatingBSeatedCSittingC/BC/B A_thewhiteuniform,shelooksmoreacookthanadoctor_herselfthewhiteuniform,shelooksmoreacookthanadoctorADessingBDressedB A_senttoworkonthefarm?AWhodoyousuggestwasBWhodoyousuggestbeCDoyousuggestwhowasDDoyousuggestwhoshouldbe核对形容词篇子Homework:1.整理形容词含义,用法整理形容词含义,用法明上课提问。明上课提问。2.看作文篇子,按要求完成看作文篇子,按要求完成(抄作文抄作文)早读:早读:Module3单词(看汉写英)单词(看汉写英)结束结束



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