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1、The fifth period Time: On Mon. Sep.25Class: Grade 1. Class 1 2 3 4Subject: English teaching practice Teacher: MaxiaTopic: Lesson Planning Aims of the Unit In this unit we are going to focus on the following topics: Why is lesson planning important? What are the principles for good lesson planning? w

2、hat are macro planning and micro planning? What are the components of a lesson plan? Conclusion Teaching aims Understanding of lesson planning Remember the components of a lesson plan Knowing main purpose of lesson plan Teaching contents Introduction of the main idea of lesson plan What is lesson pl

3、an? How are lesson plan written? How many parts are there in a lesson plan?Designing a good lesson plan model for ss.Demanding ss to design a lesson plan. Teaching key point and difficulties Designing a lesson plan Understanding the structure of a lesson plan Applying during teaching Teaching method

4、s Explanation / discussion / question / model Learning methods Group work / pair work /personal work Teaching tools book /ppt / models of good lesson plan Teaching steps Step 1: Lead in (5m) Step 2: Introduction (10m) Step 3: Discussion (10m) What is a lesson plan? How will ss design a lesson plan?

5、how many parts and key points in a lesson plan? ConclusionStep 4: Teaching learning (25m) Analysis of a good lesson plan modelStep 5: Designing a lesson plan by ss themselves (45) Step 6: Homework (5) 什么是教案?教案具体怎么写?有什么要求?什么是教案?教案具体怎么写?有什么要求?n教学是一种创造性劳动。写一份优秀教案是设计者教育思想、智慧、动机、经验、个性和教学艺术性的综合体现。我认为教师在写教

6、案时,应遵循以下原则:n 1、科学性 所谓符合科学性,就是教师要认真贯彻课标精神,按教材内在规律,结合学 生实际来确定教学目标、重点、难点。设计教学过程,避免出现知识性错误。那种远离课标,脱离教材完整性、系统性,随心所欲另搞一套的写教案的做法是绝对不允许的。一个好教案首先要依标合本,具有科学性。 n2、创新性 教材是死的,不能随意更改。但教法是活的,课怎么上全凭教师的智慧和才干尽管备课时要去学习大量的参考材料,充分利用教学资源,听取名家的指点,吸取同行经验,但课总还要自己亲自去上,这就决定了教案要自己来写。教师备课也应该经历一个相似的过程。从课本内容变成胸中有案,再落到纸上,形成书面教案,继而

7、到课堂实际讲授,关键在于教师要能 ”学百家,树一宗”。在自己钻研教材的基础上,广泛地涉猎多种教学参考资料,向有经验的老师请教而不要照搬照抄,要汲取精华,取去糟粕,对别人的经验要经过一番思考消化,吸收,独立思考,然后结合个人教学体会,巧妙构思,精心安排,从而写出自己的教案。 预习的具体任务预习的具体任务1、初步了解新课教材的基本内容和思路。2、复习有关新课的旧概念、旧知识。3、找出新课的重点和预习后自己尚不懂的问题。4、作预习笔记和部分练习题。四、预习的具体步骤一般可预习的具体步骤一般可科学、有效的预习方法,并非只简单地把书先看一遍,一般应分三步进行:3、差异性 由于每位教师的知识,经验,特长,

8、个性是千差万别的。而教学工作又是一项创造性的工作。因此写教案也就不能千篇一律,要发挥每一个老师的聪明才智和创造力,所以老师的教案要结合本地区的特点,因材施教。 4、艺术性 所谓教案的艺术性就是构思巧妙,能让学生在课堂上不仅能学到知识,而且得到艺术的欣赏和快乐的体验。教案要成为一篇独具特色”课堂教学散文”或者是课本剧。所以,开头,经过,结尾,要层层递进,扣人心弦,达到立体教学效果。教师的说,谈,问,讲等课堂语言要字斟句酌,该说的一个字不少说,不该说的一个字也不能说,要做到恰当的安排。 5、可操作性 教师在写教案时,一定从实际出发,要充分考虑从实际需要出发,要考虑教案的可行性和可操作性该简就简,该

9、繁就繁,要简繁得当。 n6、考虑变化性 由于我们教学面对的是一个个活生生的有思维能力的学生,又由于每个人的思维能力不同,对问题的理解程度不同,常常会提出不同的问题和看法,教师又不可能事先都估计到。在这种情况下,教学进程常常有可能离开教案所预想的情况,因此教师不能死扣教案,把学生的思维的积极性压下去。要根据学生的实际n改变原先的教学计划和方法,满腔热忱地启发学生的思维,针对疑点积极引导。为达到此目的,教师在备n课时,应充分估计学生在学习时可能提出的问题,确定好重点,难点,疑点,和关键。学生能在什么地方出现问题,大都会出现什么问题,怎样引导,要考虑几种教学方案。出现打乱教案现象,也不要紧张。要因势

10、利导, 耐心细致地培养学生的进取精神。因为事实上,一个单元或一节课的教学目标是在教学的一定过程中逐步完成的,一旦出现偏离教学目标或教学计划的现象也不要紧张,这可以在整个教学进度中去调整。 写教案的具体内容包括以下十项: 一课题(说明本课名称) 二教学目的(或称教学要求,或称教学目标,说明本课所要完成的教学任务) 三课型(说明属新授课,还是复习课) 四课时(说明属第几课时) 五教学重点(说明本课所必须解决的关键性问题) 六教学难点(说明本课的学习时易产生困难和障碍的知识点) 七教学过程(或称课堂结构,说明教学进行的内容、方法步骤) 八作业处理(说明如何布置书面或口头作业) 九板书设计(说明上课时

11、准备写在黑板上的内容) 十教具(或称教具准备,说明辅助教学手段使用的工具) 在教案书写过程中,教学过程是关键,它包括以下几个步骤 n(一)导入新课 1设计新颖活泼,精当概括。 2怎样进行,复习那些内容? 3提问那些学生,需用多少时间等。 (二)讲授新课 1针对不同教学内容,选择不同的教学方法。 2怎样提出问题,如何逐步启发、诱导? 3教师怎么教学生怎么学?详细步骤安排,需用时间。 (三)巩固练习 1练习设计精巧,有层次、有坡度、有密度。 2怎样进行,谁上黑板板演? 3需要多少时间? (四)归纳小结 1怎样进行,是教师还是学生归纳? 2需用多少时间? (五)作业安排 1布置那些内容,要考虑知识拓

12、展性、能力性。 2需不需要提示或解释?A good sample lesson planStarter Unit 2 Whats this in English? Analysis of Unit 1 1 Teaching Aims and Demands (1) Knowledge Objects New words. Letters IR. Target language: Whats this in English? Its a pen. (2) Ability Objects Listening skill. Writing skill. (3) Moral Objects Often

13、 say “ Thank you”, and have a beautiful handwriting. 2 Teaching Key Points (1) Letter IR. (2) Everyday English: Whats this in English? Its a map. 3 Teaching Difficult Points (1) Big letters and small letters. (2) Listening practice. 4 Teaching Methods (1) Writing method. (2) Communicative approach T

14、eaching Guidance 1 Language Functions Identify things. Spell words. 2 Target Language Whats this in English? Its a map. Hi, Alice! Whats this in English? Its an orange. Spell it, please. 3 Letters and Structures Letters IR. Pronunciation of letters A,E,I,O,U. What questions. 4 Vocabulary pen, ruler,

15、 table, school, quilt, umbrella, orange 5 Learning strategies Practicing. Memorizing. 6 Teaching Time Two Periods The First Period . Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects New words. Letters IR. Target language: Whats this in English? Its a map. 2. Ability Objects Listening skill. Observing

16、skill. Writing skill. Communicative competence. 3. Moral Objects Often say “ Thank you”. . Teaching Key Points New words. Target Language. Listening practice. . Teaching Difficult Points Writing practice. Oral practice. . Teaching Methods Observing method. Listening and repeating methods. Writing me

17、thod. Communicative approach. . Teaching Aids A tape recorder. A small board. A projector. . Teaching Procedures Section A Step Greet the class and check the homework. Ask Ss to read the words together and correct the pronunciation. Have Ss show their written work. Step 1a Listen and repeat. Tapescr

18、ipt A: whats this in English? B: Its an orange. A: Whats this in English? B: Its a map. Step 1b Ask Ss to look at the picture. Find the letters you know. Step 1c Pairwork Get Ss to work in pairs. First look at the conversations in the picture and ask them to practice. Then let them make their own co

19、nversations. As they work, move around the class offering language support where necessary. At the end ask several pairs of Ss to say their own conversations to the class. Give them little presents to praise them for their better work. Encourage Ss to perform their conversations before the class. St

20、ep 2a 2b 2c and 2d Listen and repeat. Practice writing letters IR. Step 3 Do you know what these letters mean? Point to the pictures and ask Ss what these abbreviations mean. Have Ss discuss with the partners. And have them say more abbreviations they know. Step 4a and 4b In these activity first ask

21、 Ss to listen and number the picture. Play the recording for Ss and ask them to listen and number the picture. Then play the recording for a second time. This time ask Ss to fill in the missing letters in the words. Get Ss to read these words for several times. Step 4c Pairwork T: Now look at the ac

22、tivity 4c, please. First Ill ask two Ss to read the sample dialogue. Who would like to read it to the class? OK. You two, please. Sa : Hi, Alice! Whats this in English? Sb: Its an orange. T: Good. Thank you. Now use the words in activity 4a and talk about things. Have Ss work in pairs. As Ss talk, w

23、alk around the room offering help as needed. Invite some pairs to talk about the thins before the class. Step 5 Game Whats this? In this activity first ask Ss to draw pictures of the things they know on cards. Then point to the sample dialogue and read it to the class. Get Ss to work in small groups

24、. Choose a card and their partners say what it is. Choose some pictures and put them on the bulletin board. Have Ss practice after class. Step Summary nThis class weve learned some letters, words and target language. Step Homework Write the words and the sentences in activity 1a down in your exercis

25、e books. Step Blackboard Design - Starter . Unit 2 Whats this in English? The First Period Whats this in English? Its a _. - Practice Ask Ss to design a lesson plan according to the Units as they like best. Please hand in after you finish it! Homework: First Ss are divided into the small groups. Then ask them to preview how to teach Pronunciation 1 analyze the go for it. 2 design a lesson plan with growers 3 choose one of Ss from growers 4 have 8-10 class for Ss on Oct. 9



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