【病毒外文文献】2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection_ a short note on cases with renal failure problem

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1、Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found athttp:/ by: 12 January 2017, At: 05:21Renal FailureISSN: 0886-022X (Print) 1525-6049 (Online) Journal homepage: http:/ East respiratory syndrome coronavirusinfection: a short note on cases with renal failureproblemBeuy Joob &

2、Viroj WiwanitkitTo cite this article: Beuy Joob & Viroj Wiwanitkit (2016) Middle East respiratory syndromecoronavirus infection: a short note on cases with renal failure problem, Renal Failure, 38:10,1749-1750, DOI: 10.3109/0886022X.2015.1128772To link to this article: http:/dx.doi.org/10.3109/08860

3、22X.2015.1128772Published online: 04 Jan 2016.Submit your article to this journal Article views: 64View related articles View Crossmark dataRENAL FAILURE, 2016VOL. 38, NO. 10, 17491750http:/dx.doi.org/10.3109/0886022X.2015.1128772LETTER TO THE EDITORMiddle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infec

4、tion: a short note on caseswith renal failure problemSir,TheMiddleEastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirusinfection is the present public health problem. Atpresent, the serious new emerging infection is reportedin many new settings including to East Asia. Theinfection is usually an acute febrile illness w

5、ith severerespiratory problems. However, the other systemicproblem can also be seen. In nephrology, the infectionon cases with underlying renal failure problem is veryinteresting. Similar to any other new emerging disease,the patients with the renal problem can get the infectionandthesevereclinicalf

6、eaturecanbeexpected.According to a recent publication by Shalhoub et al.,the very high mortality rate (100%) could be observedin renal failure patients infected with the Middle Eastrespiratory syndrome coronavirus.1Of interest, thestandard antiviral, ribavirin therapy is found to beineffective for t

7、he management of infection in caseswith underlying renal failure.2In addition, according to arecent case-control study, having the end-stage renaldisease in cases with pneumonia is a risk of severeinfection.3Indeed, the infection can also induce acuterenal injury46and this might superimpose the pati

8、entwith an underlying renal problem. In cases with viral-induced acute renal failure, the disappearance of virus inthe urine sample is the important observation whenrenal failure occurs.7Accompanied with respiratoryfailure, acute renal failure can be the cause of death inthe severely infected cases.

9、8It is no doubt that thepatients with underlying chronic renal problem espe-cially those on hemodialysis have a high risk to getdisease transmission from the other patients.9Finally,theMiddleEastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirusinfection among the patients with renal transplantationis also reported.10A

10、lGhamdi et al. reported on variableclinicalpresentationsandoutcomeamongthesepatients.10In conclusion, renal failure can be theimportant problemin theMiddle Eastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirusinfection.Theinfectioncaninduce renal failure. In addition, the patient withunderlying renal failure can have

11、a high risk to getan infection and if they get an infection, severeclinical features can be expected. The closed monitoringof renal function among the patients with the MiddleEastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirusinfectionissuggested.Declaration of interestThe authors report no conflicts of interest.Ref

12、erences1.Shalhoub S, Farahat F, Al-Jiffri A, et al. IFN-a2a or IFN-b1a in combination with ribavirin to treat Middle Eastrespiratory syndrome coronavirus pneumonia: A retro-spectivestudy.JAntimicrobChemother.2015;70:21292132.2.Al-Tawfiq JA, Momattin H, Dib J, Memish ZA. Ribavirin andinterferon thera

13、py in patients infected with the MiddleEast respiratory syndrome coronavirus: An observationalstudy. Int J Infect Dis. 2014;20:4246.3.Al-Tawfiq JA, Hinedi K, Ghandour J, et al. Middle Eastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirus:Acase-controlstudy of hospitalized patients. Clin Infect Dis. 2014;59:160165.4.Ar

14、abi YM, Arifi AA, Balkhy HH, et al. Clinical course andoutcomes of critically ill patients with Middle Eastrespiratory syndrome coronavirus infection. Ann InternMed. 2014;160:389397.5.Eckerle I, Mu ller MA, Kallies S, Gotthardt DN, Drosten C. In-vitro renal epithelial cell infection reveals a viral

15、kidneytropism as a potential mechanism for acute renal failureduringMiddleEastRespiratorySyndrome(MERS)Coronavirus infection. Virol J. 2013;10:359.6.Guery B, Poissy J, el Mansouf L, et al. Clinical featuresand viral diagnosis of two cases of infection withMiddleEastRespiratorySyndromecoronavirus:A r

16、eport of nosocomial transmission. Lancet 2013;381:22652272.7.Drosten C, Seilmaier M, Corman VM, et al. Clinical featuresand virological analysis of a case of Middle East respiratorysyndromecoronavirusinfection.LancetInfectDis.2013;13:745751.8.Chan JF, Lau SK, Woo PC. The emerging novel MiddleEast re

17、spiratory syndrome coronavirus: The knownsand unknowns. J Formos Med Assoc. 2013;112:372381.9.Assiri A, McGeer A, Perl TM, et al. Hospital outbreak ofMiddle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. N Engl JMed. 2013;369:407416.10.AlGhamdi M, Mushtaq F, Awn N, Shalhoub S. MERS CoVinfection in two renal

18、 transplant recipients: Case report.Am J Transplant. 2015;15:11011104.Beuy JoobSanitation 1 Medical Academic CenterBangkok, TViroj WiwanitkitVisiting Professor, Tropical Medicine Unit,Hainan Medical University, ChinaFaculty of Medicine, University of Nis, SerbiaJoseph Ayobabalola UniversityReceived 6 October 2015; accepted 22 November 2015? 2015 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group1750B. JOOB AND V. WIWANITKIT



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