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1、7B3-47B3-4案案)单元中考复习学案单元中考复习学案 ( (有答有答7B Units 3-47B Units 3-4 复习复习一、一、易易错题回放错题回放1.1. YouYoud d betterbetter _(not_(not playplay ) )computer puter games.2.2. CouldCould youyou telltell meme thethe _(director)_(director)telephone number? I want to talk to him.telephone number? I want to talk to him.(2

2、015(2015 宿迁)宿迁)3.3. ArtArt examexam isis justjust likelike otherother examexam inin_(student) studies_(student) studies inin that middle that middleschoolschool4.4.HeHeoftenoftenpractisespractises_(read)_(read) EnglishEnglish beforebefore thethe exam.exam.5.5. HisHis mothermother makesmakes himhim _

3、(meet)_(meet) hishiscousin at the school gate at 5:00 p.mcousin at the school gate at 5:00 p.m6.6.Daniel,Daniel,_(be)_(be)careful.careful.TheThetraffic here is heavy.traffic here is heavy.7. The price of the apples _(be)7. The price of the apples _(be)five yuan.five yuan.8. Mr. Wu asks his students

4、_(not8. Mr. Wu asks his students _(notshout) in the library.shout) in the library.二、自主学习二、自主学习(一)重点单词(一)重点单词1.1.安安 静静 的的 (adj.)_(adj.)_2.2. 新新 鲜鲜 的的(adj.)_(adj.)_3.3.出出名名的的(adj.)_(adj.)_4.4. 地地 铁铁 (n.)(n.) _4.4. 戏戏 院院 (n.)(n.)_ 5._ 5. 明信片明信片(n.) _(n.) _6.6. 钥钥匙匙(n.)(n.) _7.7. 错错过过(v.v.)_ 8._ 8. 作品作品

5、(n.) _(n.) _9.9. 绘画绘画 (n.n.) _ 10.10. 划划 (船)(船) (v.)(v.) _11._11.小麦小麦(n.) _12.(n.) _12. 驾驶(驾驶(v.v.)_13.13. 饲饲养养(v.)(v.) _14.14. 家家乡乡(n.)(n.)_15._15. 友好的友好的(adj.) _(adj.) _ 16. 16. 跟跟随随(v.)(v.) _17.17. 旅旅行行(n.)(n.)_18._18. 千米,公里千米,公里(n.) _(n.) _ 19. 19. 径直地径直地 (adv.adv.) _20._20. 国王国王(n.)(n.)_ 21._ 2

6、1. 记得记得(v.) _(v.) _ 22. 22. 路,道路路,道路(n.)(n.) _23._23. 危险的危险的(adj.)(adj.)_ 24._ 24. 声音声音(n.) _(n.) _ 25. 25. 森林森林(n.) _26.(n.) _26. 好笑的,滑稽的好笑的,滑稽的(adj.) _ 27.(adj.) _ 27. 笑,大笑笑,大笑(v.)_(v.)_28.28. 相相当当(adv.adv.)_29.29. 桥桥(n.)(n.)_ 30._ 30. 拐角拐角(n.) _(n.) _31.31. 穿过(穿过( v.v.)_ 32._ 32.出口(出口( n.n.)_ 33.

7、_ 33. 转弯处转弯处(n.) _(n.) _( (二二) ) 重点短语归纳重点短语归纳wait a minutewait a minuteinviteinvite youyou toto thethepartypartylooklookforwardforwardtoto all day longall day longdoing sth.doing sth.ananoldoldfriendfriendofof plenty ofplenty ofminemineChineseChineseinin frontfront ofof / / inin thetherestaurantsres

8、taurantsfront offront of/Western/Westernrestaurantsrestaurantswork of artwork of artat the corner ofat the corner oflocal peoplelocal peopleprepareprepareforforfar fromfar fromwalk alongwalk alongrow a boatrow a boattaketakethethesecondsecondturningturning onon thethe leftlefthave tohave towalk stra

9、ight onwalk straight on三、重点语法归纳三、重点语法归纳 名词所有格名词所有格我们常用名词所有格来表示人或物的所有关我们常用名词所有格来表示人或物的所有关系。系。单数名词的所有格形式是在其后加单数名词的所有格形式是在其后加s s。如:。如:the womanthe womans daughters daughter这位妇女的女儿这位妇女的女儿姓名的所有格形式是在其后加上姓名的所有格形式是在其后加上s s。如:。如:TomToms sisters sister 汤姆的姐姐汤姆的姐姐 Charles Charless spenpen 查尔斯的钢笔查尔斯的钢笔以以s s或者或者

10、eses结尾的复数名词的所有格形式是结尾的复数名词的所有格形式是在其后加上。如:在其后加上。如:the twinsthe twins parents parents 双胞胎的父母双胞胎的父母 the thestudentsstudents hometown hometown 学生们的家乡学生们的家乡不以不以 s s 或者或者 eses 结尾的不规则变化的名词复结尾的不规则变化的名词复数,其所有格形式是在后面加数,其所有格形式是在后面加s s。如:。如:ChildrenChildrens Days Day 儿童节儿童节 Women Women s Days Day妇女节妇女节例句:例句:1.1.

11、 ThisThis isis _(Lucy_(Lucy andand Lily)Lily)bedroom. Itbedroom. Its not very big.s not very big.2.2. AfterAfter thethe two_(month)two_(month) journey,journey,they felt very tired.they felt very tired.3.3.SeptemberSeptember1010thetheisis_(teacher) Day in China.(teacher) Day in China. 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代

12、词形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词我们常用形容性物主代词和名词性物主代词我们常用形容性物主代词和名词性物主代词来表示人或物的所有关系。如:来表示人或物的所有关系。如: This is my book. This is my book. 这是我的书。这是我的书。 These are our books. These are our books.这些是我们的书。这些是我们的书。 These books are ours. These books are ours. 这些书是我们的。这些书是我们的。注意:注意:1.1. 形容性物主代词后一般带有名词。形容性物主代词后一般带有名词。 2. 2. 名词性

13、物主代词相当于名词性物主代词相当于 “形容性物“形容性物主代词主代词+ +名词”名词” 。形容性物主代词和名词性物主代词归纳如形容性物主代词和名词性物主代词归纳如下:下:单数单数复数复数第第第第第第第第一一二二一一二二第三第三第三人称第三人称人人人人人人人人人称人称称称称称称称称称形形容容词词yoyohihiheheititououyoyotheithei性性mymyururs sr rs sr rururr r物物s s主主代代词词名名词词性性mimiyoyohihiheheyoyotheitheiouou物物neneururs srsrs/ /rsrsururrsrs主主s ss s代代词

14、词注意:注意:itit 没有名词性物主代词形式。例句:没有名词性物主代词形式。例句:1.1.TheseThesearenarent t_(she)_(she)toys.toys._(she) are over there._(she) are over there.2.2. -Oh,-Oh, TheThe oldold ManMan andand thethe Sea!Sea! WhoseWhose bookbookis it?is it? -It -Its _.(I) (2015s _.(I) (2015 扬州)扬州)3.3. I Idondont tlikelike_watch.watch

15、.I Ilikelike_.(2015_.(2015 天津)天津) A. me; your B. my; your C. me; yours A. me; your B. my; your C. me; yoursD. my; yoursD. my; yours 冠词冠词 a/an/thea/an/the冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词。不定冠词冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词。不定冠词 a/ana/an常用来泛指某人或某物,定冠词常用来泛指某人或某物,定冠词 thethe 常用来常用来指特定的某人或某物。指特定的某人或某物。 我们在第一次提到某人或某物时,如果是可我们在第一次提到某人或某物时,如果是可数名词

16、单数,数名词单数, 常在其前加不定冠词常在其前加不定冠词 a/ana/an。 如:如:Look, here is a cat.Look, here is a cat. 看,这里有只猫。看,这里有只猫。 There is an apple tree over there. There is an apple tree over there. 那边那边有一棵苹果树。有一棵苹果树。注意:冠词注意:冠词 a a 用于以辅音音素开头的单数可用于以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前,数名词前, 冠词冠词 anan 用于以元音音素开头的单用于以元音音素开头的单数可数名词前,数可数名词前, 元音音素不等同于元音字母

17、。元音音素不等同于元音字母。 我们在谈到之前提过的某人或某物,或特指我们在谈到之前提过的某人或某物,或特指某人或某物时,常在其前加定冠词某人或某物时,常在其前加定冠词 thethe。如:。如:I have a pen. The pen is a present fromI have a pen. The pen is a present fromBen.Ben. 我有支钢笔。我有支钢笔。 这支钢笔是本送给我的礼这支钢笔是本送给我的礼物。物。 Can I open the window ? Can I open the window ? 我可以打开窗户我可以打开窗户吗?吗?注意:一般在球类运动前

18、不加冠词,在乐器注意:一般在球类运动前不加冠词,在乐器名称前加定冠词。如:名称前加定冠词。如: play play footballfootball 踢足球踢足球 play play volleyballvolleyball打排球打排球 play the piano play the piano 弹钢琴弹钢琴 play the violin play the violin拉小提琴拉小提琴例句:例句:1.1. MyMy PEPE teacherteacher oftenoften teachesteaches usus howhow toto playplay_ football.(2015_

19、football.(2015 淮安)淮安) 2. 2. RobertRobert isis goodgood atat playingplaying _ pianopianoalthoughalthough hehe isis _ 11-year-old11-year-old boy.(2015boy.(2015 凉山)凉山)3. -Have you seen _ film Where Are We3. -Have you seen _ film Where Are Wegoing,going,Dad?Dad?-Yes,-Yes,itits s_interesting film.(2015_i

20、nteresting film.(2015 益阳)益阳)4.4. MyMy sistersister enteredentered _ universityuniversityafter gradatingafter gradating fromfrom high school.(2015high school.(2015施恩)施恩)5.5. TongTong LiyaLiya isis _ famousfamous actressactress whowhoactedacted asas a a countrycountry womanwoman inin _1970s_1970s inin

21、the TV Ordinary World. (2105the TV Ordinary World. (2105 连云港)连云港) 方位介词方位介词我们常用方位介词来表示物体的位置。如:我们常用方位介词来表示物体的位置。如: There There areare somesome footballsfootballs underunder thethe desk.desk.在桌子下面有几个足球。在桌子下面有几个足球。 There is a boy in front of the shop. There is a boy in front of the shop. 在在店的前面有个男孩。店的前面

22、有个男孩。例句:例句:1.1. InIn coldcold winter,winter, thethe temperaturetemperature inin HarbinHarbinoften remains zero all day. (2015often remains zero all day. (2015 苏州苏州) ) A. above A. aboveB. belowB. belowC. overC. overD.D.underunder2.2.OurOurteacherteacherisisstanding_standing_thetheclassroom and giving

23、 us a lesson.classroom and giving us a lesson. A. in front of B. in the front of A. in front of B. in the front ofC. before D. at the frontC. before D. at the front3.3. -Excuse me-Excuse me, where is the bookstore? where is the bookstore? -Go _ the bridge. You will see it -Go _ the bridge. You will

24、see iton your left.(2015on your left.(2015 铜仁)铜仁) A. on B. cross C. across D. A. on B. cross C. across D.throughthrough4.4. The bank is _ the bookshop andThe bank is _ the bookshop andthe post office. (2015the post office. (2015 益阳)益阳) A. at the foot B. among C. between A. at the foot B. among C. be

25、tween5.5. InIn thethe picture,picture, thethe chairchair isis _ thethetable.(2015table.(2015 南京)南京) A. A. underunderB.B. ononC.C.aboveaboveD.D.besidebeside当堂巩固当堂巩固一、单项选择一、单项选择1.1. -_is-_is itit fromfrom thethe NewNew TownTown toto thetheold city centre?old city centre? -Less -Less thanthan 30minutes

26、30minutes byby underground.underground.(20152015 无锡)无锡) A. How soon A. How soonB. How oftenB. How often C. How long C. How longD. How farD. How far2.2. -Hi,-Hi, Jack.Jack.IsIs thisthis youryour newnew bike?bike?(20152015 宿迁)宿迁) -No, -No, _is_is overover there.there. ItsIts a aparent from my uncle.pa

27、rent from my uncle.A . Mine B. Yours C.A . Mine B. Yours C.Hers D. HisHers D. His3. My PE teacher often teachers us how to3. My PE teacher often teachers us how toplay _football.play _football.(20152015 宿迁)宿迁)A . a B. an C. /A . a B. an C. /D. theD. the4.4. SomeSome smallsmall shopsshops inin Britai

28、nBritain usuallyusually closeclosefor hour at lunchtime. (2015for hour at lunchtime. (2015 苏州苏州) )A. an; theA. an; theB. a;B. a; 不填不填C. a; theC. a; theD. an;D. an; 不填不填5. I hope_ fun at the supermarket.5. I hope_ fun at the supermarket. A. to you have B. you to have C. you A. to you have B. you to h

29、ave C. youhaving D. you can havehaving D. you can have6.6. Jack,Jack, _American_American teacherteacher, isis arrivingarrivingat our school by_carat our school by_car (20152015 南通)南通) A A a a; the Bthe B anan; 不填不填 C C anan;the Dthe Da a;不填;不填7.7. -Can you tell me the way _ the-Can you tell me the w

30、ay _ therailway station?(2015railway station?(2015 天津)天津) - - GoGo alongalong thethe roadroad andand soonsoon youyoullll findfindit.it. A. to B. at C. in D. between A. to B. at C. in D. between二、单词拼写二、单词拼写A)A) 根据首字母、汉语和句意提示写出单词。根据首字母、汉语和句意提示写出单词。1.1. TheThe boyboy isis anan _(_(交换交换) ) studentstuden

31、tfrom the UK.from the UK.2. I like living in the village because the2. I like living in the village because theair is _(air is _(新鲜的新鲜的).).3. Why3. Why dontdont you visit our_( you visit our_(当当地的地的) theatre with us?) theatre with us?4.4.OurOurEnglishEnglishteacherteacheroftenoften_(_(教教) us some En

32、glish songs.) us some English songs.5. Beijing duck is very_(5. Beijing duck is very_( 著名的著名的) )in the world.in the world.6.6.ThereTheres sa asmallsmallhotelhotelatatthethec_of the street.c_of the street.7.7. ThereThere isis _(_(大量大量) ) ofof rainrain inin ourourhometown in summer.hometown in summer.

33、8.8. HeHe isis _(_(准备准备) ) somesome foodfood forfor hishisbirthday party.birthday party.9. If you don9. If you don t know how to go there, justt know how to go there, just_(_(跟随跟随) me.) me.10.10. YouYou willwill findfind wherewhere thethe _(_(宝宝藏藏) is at the end of the film.) is at the end of the fi

34、lm.B)B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.1. WhichWhich dodo youyou likelike better,better, ChineseChinese foodfood oror_(west) food?_(west) food?1.1. 如果你现在不出发,你就会错过末班车。如果你现在不出发,你就会错过末班车。(20152015 长沙)长沙) _ _ youyou dondont t leaveleave now,now, youyou_ _ the final_ _ the final b bus.us.2.2. 我期待着收到你们所有人的来信。我

35、期待着收到你们所有人的来信。(20152015 黄黄石)石)I look forward to _ _ you all.I look forward to _ _ you all.3.3. 如果你要学好英语,如果你要学好英语,就不要害怕犯错。就不要害怕犯错。 (20152015眉山)眉山) If If youyou wantwant _ _ EnglishEnglish wellwell , ,dondont be afraid of _ _.t be afraid of _ _.四、根据首字母提示完成下面的短文。四、根据首字母提示完成下面的短文。(2014(2014 盐盐城)城)Dear M

36、r. President,Dear Mr. President,I Ihavehavebeenbeendoingdoinga aprojectprojectatatschoolschoolrecently about animals in danger. I thinkrecently about animals in danger. I thinktheirtheir livingliving c 1 isc 1 is terribleterrible inin China.China. I Iamam writingwriting toto youyou toto suggestsugge

37、st w 2 wew 2 we shouldshoulddo to help protect animals more.do to help protect animals more. I feel so s 3 I feel so s 3for the giant panda.for the giant panda.ItIts s oneone ofof thethe mostmost popularpopular animalsanimals inin thetheworld and a s 4 of China. Weworld and a s 4 of China. We ve lea

38、rnedve learnedthat pandas mainly live on bamboo. I thinkthat pandas mainly live on bamboo. I thinkwe should try to do more to p 5 peoplewe should try to do more to p 5 peoplefrom destroying their forests.from destroying their forests.AnotherAnother animalanimal wewe shouldshould trytry toto protectp

39、rotect moremoreisis thethe ChineseChinese alligator(alligator(扬子鳄扬子鳄).). TheyThey livelivein some a 6 of eastern China, and nowin some a 6 of eastern China, and nowthe water there isnthe water there isn t c 7 enough fort c 7 enough forthemthem toto livelive in.in. TheThe governmentgovernment shoulds

40、hould stopstopfactoriesfactories fromfrom p p8 8thethe lakeslakes andandrivers.rivers.If we protect these beautifulIf we protect these beautifulanimals inanimals inChina, more people may wish to visit ChinaChina, more people may wish to visit Chinatoto seesee them.them. TheyThey couldcould bebe anan

41、 importantimportant t 9t 9attraction.attraction. ItIt wouldwould bebe goodgood ifif moremore peoplepeoplecamecame toto visitvisit ourour beautifulbeautiful country,country, e 10e 10some quieter places in the country.some quieter places in the country.I hope you will encourage more people toI hope yo

42、u will encourage more people tothink about such an important subject.think about such an important subject.Yours sincerely,Yours sincerely,Huang JingHuang Jing疑问反思:疑问反思:7B Units 3-47B Units 3-4一、易错题回放一、易错题回放1.1. notnot play 2.directorsplay 2.directors3 3. students 4. reading 5. meet. students 4. rea

43、ding 5. meet6. be 7. is 8. not to shout6. be 7. is 8. not to shout随堂反馈答案随堂反馈答案一、一、1-5 D A C D D1-5 D A C D D6-9 B A D A6-9 B A D A二、二、A)A) exchange,exchange, fresh,fresh, local,local, teaches,teaches, famous,famous, centre,centre, plenty,plenty, preparing,preparing,follow, treasurefollow, treasureB)

44、B) Western,Western, uncles,uncles, learn,learn, mine,mine, helping,helping, behind/beside,behind/beside, toto bring,bring,lying, fathers, across, mine, mine, friendly, to clean, abovelying, fathers, across, mine, mine, friendly, to clean, above Invitation Invitation三、三、1. If; will miss 2. hearing fr

45、om 3. to learn; making1. If; will miss 2. hearing from 3. to learn; makingmistakesmistakes四、四、 1. condition 2. what 3. sorry 4. symbol 5. prevent 1. condition 2. what 3. sorry 4. symbol 5. prevent6. areas 7. clean 8. polluting 9. tourist 10. especially6. areas 7. clean 8. polluting 9. tourist 10. especially



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