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2、vent4.A.Yes,ofcourseIhaveB.No,IdontC.Yes,Iam二、二、听短对话选择最佳答案听短对话选择最佳答案1. Q: What are they? A. New students. B. Teachers. C. Old friends.2. Q: Are they in the same class? A.No, they arent B. Yes, they are. C. They are from Class 3. Q: Who is older A.Wanghui B. Daming C. LinglinB.4. Q: What cant Linglin

3、g play? C.Football B. Tennis C. Basketball5. Q; Who cant ride a horse? A. Betty B. Lingling C. Tony6.Q: Who can talk about jobs in English? A. Daming B. Lingling C. Tom7.Q: Where does this conversation mostprobably take place? A. In the classroom B. In a shop C. In a station8.Q: Where does this conv

4、ersation most probably take place? A. In an office. B. At a school. C. At a bus stop. 9. Q: Which class has more students?A. The boys. B. The girls. C. Its hard to say.10. Q: Where is the girls desk? A. In front of Davids. B. Behind Davids. C. Next to Davids.三、三、听长对话选择最佳答案听长对话选择最佳答案11. Q: Whats the

5、prize? A. A fantastic holiday. B. A pair of sunglasses. C. A trip to New York.12. Q: When did Tony looked at leaflet? A. Last week B. Yesterday. C. The day before yesterday 13. Q: Which country do they want to go? A. America. B. the UK C. Australia.14. Who has visited New York? A. Tony B. Daming C.

6、BettyM4 一听问题找答语一听问题找答语1. A. Yes, I have. B. No, I have. C. Yes, I havent.2. A. Yes, I have got a sister. B. No,I havent got any brothers. C. I havent got any brothers or sisters.3. A. I have got 5. B. They are 5. C. There are 5.Revision Module A 1.A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, this is C. No, this isnt.2. A

7、. Yes, you are. B. No, you arent. C. No, they arent.八(上)八(上)M71. A. Happy Birthday! B. The same to you! C. Thank you.2. A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I dont.M 4 1Is Tonys family big or small? A.Yes, its big. B. No, Its small. C. Its big. 2. Where is Tonys sister? A.at the front. B. at the bac

8、k C. in the middle3. How many people are there in her family? A. 6 B. 7 C. 5 M 5 1. What fruit havent they got? A. apples B. melons C. oranges2. Have they got any onions? A. Yes, they have. B. No, they havent. C. Yes, they arent.3. What vegetable have they got? A. potatoes B. onions C. carrotsRevisi

9、on Module A 1.Where is Uncle James?A.next to my mum. B. B. In front of us C. behind us2. Who is Simon? A. my fathers brother B. my mums brother C. My mothers sister3. Where are Tonys uncles and aunt from?A. China B. England C. Italy1.三听三听长对话长对话,回答,回答问题问题。M41.Whataretheytalkingabout?A.familyB.sisterC

10、.auntsanduncles2.HasTonygotanybrothersorsisters?A.hehasgotabrother.B.hehasgotasister.C.hehasgotnosistersorbrothers.3.Howmanypeoplearethereinherfamily?A.10B.11C.9 M4Workbook1.Whereisthegirlfrom?A.AmericaB.EnglishC.France2.Hasshegotabigfamily?A.Yes,sheis.B.Yes,shehas.C.No,shehasnt.3.Howmanypeopleareth

11、ereinherfamily?A.6B.7C.5 M51.Whatfruithavetheygot?A.orangesandmelonsB.orangesandapplesC.applesandmelons2.Whatmeathavetheygot?A.chickenB.beefC.pork3.Whatvegetableshaventtheygot?A.onionsB.potatoesC.tomatoesM5Workbook1.Whatdayisittoday?A.SundayB.SaturdayC.Monday2.Whatmealdotheypreparefor?A.lunchB.break




15、inglingdoing?A.lyinginthesunB.eatinglunchC.buyingsomepresents. M21WhatisLinglinggettingreadyfor?ASummerholidayB.LanternFestivalC.SpringFestival2.Whoismakinglanterns?A.TheboysBLinglingC.Bothofthem3.Whoissweepingthefloor?A.HerfatherB.HergrandmaC.Heraunt.M31WhenisDaminggoingtohaveapianolesson?A.OnSatur


17、nginthesun?A.LinglingB.WanghuiC.Daming4 When are they talking? A. in themorningB.atnoonC.intheevening5.Aretheyenjoyingtheschooltrip?A.Yes,theyareB.No,theyarentC.Imnotsure二二.1.WhereisBetty?A.OnabusB.InashopC.Athome2.Whoisdrinkingcoffee?A.BettyB.BettysmotherC.Daming3.WhatsDamingdoing?AeatingacakeBdoin


19、therC.Linglingsgrandma5.Islinglingsfatherathome?A.Yes,heisBNo,heisntC,ImnotsureM31WhatisDaminggoingtodoonSaturdayafternoon?A.haveapianolessonB.dohomeworkC.checkhisemail2.What is Betty going to buy on Saturdayafternoon?A.shoesB.clothesC.cakes3.DoesBettylisteningtomusic?A.ImnotsureB.Yes,shedoesC.No,sh

20、edoesnt4WhowillDaminggotomeet?A.LinglingB.TonyC.LinglingandTony5Whataretheygoingtodointhepark?A.playtabletennisB.playbasketballC.haveapicnic.听一段听一段对对白回答白回答问题问题M31 How is Bettys uncle going to England?A.ByairB.ByshipCBytrain2.Whereishegoingtostay?A.InacarB.InatheatreC.Inahotel3 Is he going to buy the

21、 writer apresent?A.Yes,heisB.No,heisntC.Imnotsure情景反映情景反映 Module 41.A. Yes, there is. B. No, there are. C. No, there wont.2. A. Yes, we will. B. Yes, they will. C. No, you wont. 3. A. Yes, he will. B. Yes, I will. C. No, Im not.4. A. Yes, were happy. B. We are difficult. C. I think well have easy li

22、ves.5. A. Well have interesting lives. B. Yes, we will. C. No, I wont.Module51.A.Yes,ofcourseIcan.B.Icant.C.Idontknow.2. A. 7 million people. B. 13 millionpeople.C.Idontknow.3.A.HongKongisbigger.B.Shanghaiisbigger.C.No,Shanghaiisbigger.4.A.Yes,itshotter.B.No,itscolder.C.Itswarmer.5.A.Yes,its.B.No,it



25、amilywillthewomanhave?A.AbigfamilyB.AdifficultfamilyC.Asmallfamily6. What kind of lives does the manthinktheywillhaveinthefuture?A.EasylivesB.DifficultlivesC.DifferentlivesModule51.WhatsthepopulationofShanghai?A.7millionpeople.B.13millionpeopleC.30million2.Whichcityisbigger,ShanghaiorHongKong?A.Shan

26、ghaiisB.HongKongisC.Both3.Is it hotter in Hong Kong? A.Yes, its. B. Yes, it is. C. It is4.Which city is a newer city? A.Neither is. B.Shanghai is.C. Hong Kong is.5. Which country does the man want to visit? A. Canberra B. Australia C. SydneyModule61.WhatsportsdoesTonylike?A.TabletennisB.BasketballC.



29、ntheclassroom听下面一段材料,回答4至 6 题。4.Whatarethespeakerstalkingabout?A.thefamilyB.thejobandthecarC.thelifeinthefuture5.Whatkindoffamilywillthewomanhave?A.AbigfamilyB.AdifficultfamilyC.Asmallfamily6.WhatsDamingslifelikeinthefuture?A.Hewillhaveasmallfamily.B.Hewillliveinalargehouse.C.Hislifewillbedifficult.


31、ell?A.Becauseshewantstogetagoodjob.B.Becauseshewantsherlifetobedull.C.Becauseshewantstotravelaroundtheworld.Module5听下面一段材料,回答听下面一段材料,回答1至至2题题。1.Whichcountryhasthesmallerpopulation?A.ChinaB.CanadaC.Inotsure2WhydoesthemanwanttogotoMexico?A.BecauseitsnotverybusyB.Becausetheweatherishotter. C. Because h

32、e can swim in the warm sea.听下面一段材料,回答听下面一段材料,回答3至至5题题。3.WhatsthepopulationofShanghai?A.7millionpeople.B.13millionpeopleC.30million4.Whichcityisbigger,ShanghaiorHongKong?A.ShanghaiisB.HongKongisC.Both5.Whichcityisanewercity?A.Neitheris.BShanghaiis.C.HongKongis.听下面一段材料,回答听下面一段材料,回答6至至8题题。6.WhereisShan

33、ghai?A.OnthecoastoftheSouthChinaSea.B.OntheHuangpuRiverneartheEastChinaSea. C.NexttotheBund.7.WhatstheBund?A.Itsaroadnexttotheriver.B.Itsahighhill C.Itsapark.8.WherecanweclimbVictoriaPeak?InShanghaiB.InHongKongC.OntheHuangpuRiverModule6听下面一段材料,回答听下面一段材料,回答1至至3题题1.WhatsportsdoesTonylike?A.Basketballa









42、.fewthingstodo九九1A.acomputerB.posterofmoviestarsC.photos2.A.ahillB.ariverC.agarden3.A.fishB.grassC.nothingA.fiveB.fourC.six5.A.sevenB.sixC.fiveM9-11一听一听问问句找答句找答语语1. A.Yes,Idid.B.Yes,Ido.C.Yes,Iwill.2.A.BecauseIlovehere.B.In1999.C.Byplane.3.A.For6years.B.6yearsago.C.In6years.4.A.Swim.B.Skate.C.Ski.5.


44、efoodwastoomuch.C.Becausethefoodwashot.M101.HowmanyyearsdidTonysfamilycometoChina?A.9.B.10.C.8.2.HowmanyyearsdidntTonyvisithisGrandpa?A.6.B.5.C.4.3. How did English People likeShakespearesplays?A.Boring.B.Popular.C.Difficult.M111.Whatjobdidthegirlwanttohave?A.Engineer.B.Hero.C.Astronaut.听听长对话选择长对话选择

45、正确答案正确答案M9一一1.:WhathappenedtoGoldilocksaftershepickedflowers?A.Shewashurt.B.Shewasill.C.Shewaslost.2.Whoansweredthedoor?A.A small bear. B.Nobody. C.Anoldman.3: How many bowls did she find?A.Three.B.Onlyone.C.Two.二二1:Whydidntthegirlhearthestory?A.Becauseshedidntlikeit.B.Becauseshewasntatschool.C.Beca




49、udie?A.In1919.B.In1905.C.In1909.二二1.WhatjobdidDamingwanttohave?A.Teacher.B.Journalist.C.Engineer.2.WhichcountrydidZhanstudied?A.Russia.B.America.C.England.3.:Which description about ZhanTianyouisnottrue?A.Hewasateacher.B.Hewasanengineer.C.He didnt show interests inmachines.Module12-RevesionB短短对话对话:(

50、:(一)一)1.WhatdidthewomandowhenshewenttoSantaMonica?2.A.Toseemovies.B.Toswim.C.TovisitDisneyland.2.Wheredidthewomangotwoyearsago?A.Japan.B.TheUSA.C.Russia.3.How did the Woman go to LosAngelestwoyearsago?A.ByplaneB.byshipC.bytrain4.WhatdidthewomandowhenshewasinLosAngeles?A. To visit Hollywood. B. ToSwi


52、Becauseshehastodosomething.C.Becauseshewasaway.3.Howdidthemangetthere?A.Byair.B.Bytrain.C.Bycar.短短对话对话:(三):(三)RevisionModuleB1.WhendidZhanTianyoudie?A.in1949B.1919C.19912. Why was the railway difficult tobuild?A.Becauseitwasinthemountains.B:Becauseitwasverylong.C.Becausethereweremoworkers.长对话长对话(一)(




56、IunderstandC.Yes,itis2.Whatdoes“heading”mean?A.bybikeB.itmeanstimuC.itmeansbooks3.Whosegrammarisntcorrect?A.theboysB.theteachersC.linglings4.Whatpunctuationmark(标标点点符符号)号)doweuseattheend?A.aquestionmarkB.afullstop(句号)句号)C.acomma(逗号逗号)5. How can the boy check thespelling?A.cinemaB.Hecanlookitupinthed


58、terschool.三、三、1、听一段独白,回答、听一段独白,回答1-3问题问题1WhydidMikes family move to adifferentcity?A.becausehisfatherhadanewjobB.becauseMikeleftschoolC.becausehismotherhadanewjob2DoesMikeneedsomefriends?A.No,hedoesntB.Yes,hedoesC.wearenotsure3WhatisMikelike?A.HesbraveB.HeisactiveC.Heisquiteshy2、听一段独白,回答、听一段独白,回答4-6

59、问题问题。4WhichsubjectisJanegoodat?A.mathsandscienceB.EnglishB.C.art5whichisdifficultforher?A.mathsandscienceB.EnglishC.art6 Does she understand Englishgrammar?A.No,shedoesntB.Yes,shedoesC.Imnotsure3、听一段独白,回答、听一段独白,回答7-9问题问题。7WhatisTomsproblem?A.HeisweakinEnglishB.B.HewantsadogC.C.Hemisseshisoldfriends8

60、WhydohisparentsrefuseTom?A.BecausetheydontthinkTomwilltakethedogforwalksB.BecausethedogwilleffectTomsstudyC.Becausetheydontlikedogs9DoesTomreallywantdogs?A.Yes,hedoesB.No,hedoesntC.wedontknow4、听一段独白,回答、听一段独白,回答10-12问题问题。10Who doesnt understand Marysproblem?A.herclassmatesB.theteacherC.parents11Where

61、doesshesit?A.atthebackB.inthefrontC.inthemiddle12WhatshouldMarydo?A. wear glasses B. study hard C.leaveschoolModule2一、听一段独白,回答一、听一段独白,回答1-3问题问题。1Whichflightnumberisit?A.CA947B.CA987C.CA9372Whereshallweland?A.ParisB.TokyoC.London3Howlongistheflight?A.10hoursB.8hoursC.15hours二二、听听一一段段长长对对话话,回回答答下下列列三三

62、个个问题问题。1WheredidWinnietravel?A.ChinaB.FranceC.England2WhowouldliketogotoChinaagain?A.WinnieB.DianaC.Bob3WherehasBobbeen?A.USAB.GermanyC.Japan三、听一段长对话,回答下列三个问题三、听一段长对话,回答下列三个问题1Whohaswonthecompetition?A.HanBingB.LiJingB.C.Presenter2 What is the prize for thecompetition?A.aweeksholidayinNewYorkB. a vi

63、sit to Britain C. 2000dollars3HasLiJingbeentoAmerica?A. we dont know B. No, shehasntC.Yes,shehadModule3一、听一段独白,回答一、听一段独白,回答1-3问题。问题。1Whatsthenewsabout?A.themissiontoexploreMarsB.studyplanC.aspeechatschoolleaversparty2Whatdothescientistshopetodo?A.waterB.messagesC.findlifeonMars3IsthereanylifeonMars?

64、A.Yes,thereisB.No,thereisntC.werenotsure二二、1、听听一一段段长长对对话话,回回答答下下列列三三个问题。个问题。1Howmanytimeshaveyouflowninaspacecraft?A.1B.2C.32Howdidtheastronautfeelwhenhewasinthespacecraft?A.enjoyableB.sadC.quiet3 When did the astronaut joinNASA?A.3yearsagoB.16yearsagoC.6yearsago2、听听一一段段长长对对话话,回回答答下下列列三三个个问问题。题。1Did

65、Jenkinsdoanyspacewalks?A.Yes,shedidB.No,shedidntB.C.Sorry,wedontknow2 How old was Jenkins when shestartedtraining?A.34B.41C.143Howlongdidtheystayinspace?A.7daysB.10daysC.7hours1.A.Since1998B.In1998C.After19982.A.Since2002B.In2002C.For20023.A.Yes,IamB.No,Iamnot.C.Yes,Ido.4.A.IthinkIhaveB.Idontthinkso


67、glish?A.Attheageofseven.B.Whenshewasfive.C.For6years.4.Whatdoesshedo?A.Adoctor.B.Areporter.C.Anurse.5.Whatishestudying?A.ChineseB.MathsC.HistoryC.InEnglandAttheageofsevenB.AreporterChineseIn 19951Whataretheydoing?A.TheyarelearningChinese.B.B.Theyaredoingaquestionnaire.C.C.Theyarelisteningtomusic2.Ho

68、wlonghasMsJameslivedinChina?A.Since2004B.Since2005.C.In20043.Whendidshemeettheheadteacher.A.In2001B.Since2003C.In20034.IssheatBeijingInternationalSchoolnow?A.Yes,shedoes.B.No,sheisnt.C.Yes,sheis.B.TheyaredoingaquestionnaireA.Since2004C.In2003C.Yes,sheisListening textBetty:MsJames,Imjustdoingaquestio



71、arsB.ForsixyearsC.Since20027.HasMaymadelotsoffriendsnow?A.Yes,shehas.B.Yes,sheis.C.No,shehasnt.8.HowlonghasCharliestudiedChinese?A. Since July. B. Since June. C.SinceMay.May:HowlonghaveyoulivedinBeijing,Charlie?Charlie:Since2002.Howaboutyou,May?May: Ive lived here for seven years. Myparents lived in

72、 a small village but theydecidedtomovetothecitywhenIwassix.Charlie:Doyoulikelivinginthecity?May:Yes,Ido,now. AtfirstIwaslonely,butsinceIstartedschool,thingshavegotbetterandbetter. Ivemadelotsoffriendsherenow.Charlie: And how long have you studiedEnglish?May:Ivestudieditforsixyears.Itsgreat!Istartedl

73、earningEnglishwhenIwasseven.AreyoustudyingChinese?Charlie: Yes, I am. Ive studied it sinceJune.May:Andhaveyoumadealotofprogresssincethen?Charlie:IthinkIhave.9.Whataretheydoing?A.Theyaredoinganinterview.B.B.Theyaredoingaquestionnaire.C.C.Theyarelisteningtomusic10.WhendidJackstudyatuniversity?A.SinceS

74、eptember.B.InSeptember.C.For511.IsJackanewstudent?months.A.Yes,heis.B.No,heisnt.C.Yes,hedoes.12.WhatisJackstudying?A.Geography.B.History.C.Chinese.13.WhyisJackstudyingChinese?A.Itsuseful.B.Itseasy.C.Helovesit.Reporter:Hi,whatsyourname?Jack:JackLong.Reporter: Im a reporter on a studentmagazine.CanIas

75、kyousomequestions?Jack:Sure.Reporter:Howlonghaveyoubeenhereattheuniversity?Jack: Ive been at the university for fivemonths, since September. Im in my firstyear.Reporter:Doyoulikehere?Jack:Yes,Ido.Iloveit.Iwaslonelyforthefirst two months, but now Ive met someverynicepeople.Reporter:Thatsgood.Weallnee

76、dfriends.Whatareyoustudying?Jack:Chinese.Reporter: Chinese! Thats a very difficultlanguage. Why are you studying ChinesJack:Well,IvebeentoChinaandIloveit.While I was there, I started learningChinese.AndIvestudieditnowforabouta year. Of course, here at university, theteachingisverygood.Ivelearntalots

77、inceSeptember.Reporter:DoyouwanttoworkinChina?Jack: Yes, I do. Ive got a good Chinesefriend. Ive known him since 2004. Hisfamilyhaveinvitedmetostay.Reporter:Itllbeveryexciting.Well,thankyou.Jack:Yourewelcome.八八年年级级上上M5u1 听听长长对对话话回回答答问问题题(一一)1.WhatsortofmusicdoesMrsRixonlike?A.operaB.technoC.jazz2.Wh

78、atdoesshethinkofclassicalmusic?A.dramaticB.seriousC.fun3.Whichmusichasthestrongrhythms?A.rockB.bluesC.jazz4.Whatstheblueslike?5.A.slowandlivelyB.fastandsad6.C.slowandsad5.DoDamingandTonylikejazz?A.Yes,theydoB.No,theydontB.C.Wedontknow6.Whycanttheydancetothejazz?A.Becauseitssad B.BecauseitsfastB.C.Be



81、ad:Popmusicisgreatfordancing.ItslivelyandIliketheguitars.八上八上M5u3长对话长对话(二)(二)HowoldisAmySteiner?A.15B.16C.142.Whatdoalotofyoungpeoplethinkoftheclassicalmusic?A.terribleB. InterestingC.uninteresting3.Whatcantwedotohelpustolikethe4.certaintypeofmusic?A.listenalot B.buyCDsB.C.thinkitsuninteresting4.Wha

82、tkindofmusicdidAmygrowupwith?A.classicalmusic B.rapmusic C.rock5.WhichmusicdoesAmyenjoyasmuchasclassicalmusic?A.jazzB.rockC.rap八八上上M5u3Presenter:Todayon,talkaboutmusic.Wereveryluckytohavewithusinourstudio,15-year-oldAmySteiner.Amyisamusicstudentatthewell-knownPurcell School, near London. This is asc

83、hool for students with a special musicaltalent. Amy, a lot of young people findclassicalmusicuninteresting.Whydoyouthink that is? Is it because they simplydontunderstandit?Amy:Well,Ithinkthatisdefinitelyapartofit.Butitstrueforanykindofmusic,isntit?Imean,Idontlikerapmusic,forexample.Butmaybeitsbecaus

84、eIdontunderstandit.PerhapsImightlikeitmoreifIlistenedmorecarefully.Tryingtofindoutsomethingaboutthesingermightalsohelp.Presenter:Yes,youmightberight.Listening to a certain type of music a lotcanhelpyoutolearntolikeit,cantit?Amy: In my case that was true withclassical music. My parents love classical

85、music,too,andinourhome,itwasalwaysplaying. I grew up with such music. It isnaturalthatIlikeit.Presenter:Whataboutyourfriends?Amy: Many of my friends dont mindclassical music, but I often buy classicalmusic CDs and download the music.Anotherfactorinenjoyingmusic,anykindofmusic,isyouhavetowanttoenjoyi

86、t.Classicalmusicisntcool,isit?Thatswhatalotofyoungpeoplethink,soIthinkitsimpossible for them to learn to like it. Iusedtothinkrockmusicwashorrible,thenIstartedtotrytolikeit,andyouknow,Iactuallydoenjoyitnow-almostasmuchasclassicalmusic!八上八上M5wb(1)长对话(三)长对话(三)1.HowdidTonyknowthesongsummertime?A.Hispar


88、话(四)长对话(四)1.Whendidhewritethesong?A.70yearsagoB.In1935B.C.In70years2.Did Americans like the song DorgyandRess70yearsago?A.Yes,theydidB.No,theydidntC.Wedontknow3.When did people love Mozartsmusic?A.WhenhediedB.After he diedC.Toyearsago八上八上M5wb(1)Tony:Whatsongareyousinging,Betty?Betty: Its called summ

89、ertime. Have youhearditbefore?Tony:Yes,Ihave.ItsbyGeorgeGershwin,isntit?Betty:Yes,itis.Howdidyouknowthat?Tony: My parents really like his music. Ilistentoitnowandthen,too.Hewroteanopera,didnthe?Betty:Yes,itscalledPorgyandBess.Andsummertimeisoneofthesongsfromit.Itsa great song, isnt it? Its slow, wit

90、h asimple tune, and the words are reallybeautiful.Tony:ButPorgyandBessisntlikeotheroperas,isit?Betty:No,becausemostoperasdonthavejazzmusic,dothey?Tony:Whendidhewriteit?Betty:In1935.Thatsabout70yearsago!And people are still listening to it, arentthey?Tony:Yes,Itsinteresting,isntit?Willwesingpopsongsf

91、romtoday,in70years?Betty: I dont think we will! But whenGershwinwroteporgyandBess,youknow,the American people didnt like it verymuch. But today, of course, hes one ofAmericasmostfamouscomposers.Tony: That was true for Mozart, too.Wasnt it? When he died, he was a poorman. Only after he died, people b

92、egan tolovehismusic.八上八上M6-unit1一、听一段独白,回答一、听一段独白,回答1-3问题。问题。1.Whatsthenameofthestory?A.AlicesAdventuresinWonderlandB.HarryPotterC.Thejourneytothewest2.Wheredoesshego?A.gardenB.parkC.wonderland3Whodoesshemeet?A.ahorseB.somestrangepeopleandanimalsC.hermotherM6 听听力力原原稿稿及及答答案案:13 听听力力原原稿稿Alices Adventu

93、res in Wonderland is afamous English story. Its about a girlcalled Alice. She goes to Wonderland andmeets some strange people and animals .First she meets a white rabbit. Then shesees the Cheshire Cat. She goes to a teapartywiththeMadHatterandtheMarchHare.Finally,shemeetstheRedKingandtheRedQueen.八上八

94、上M6Workbook二、听一段独白,回答二、听一段独白,回答4-6问题。问题。4.whywasheverypoor?A. Nobody bought his shoes B. he wasveryoldC.hecouldntmakegoodshoes5.whocameintotheshop?A.arichmanB.anoldmanC.twolittlepeople6.whatdidhiswifedothen?A.shelefttheirhouseB.shemadesomelittleclothesforthemOnce upon a time there was an oldshoemake

95、r. He was very poor. Nobodyboughthisshoesandhehadnomoney.Onenight,hecutsomesilkforhislastpairofshoes.Hewastired,sohedecidedtomaketheshoesinthemorning.The next morning, he got a surprise.Theshoeswerealreadyfinished!Theywerebeautiful and a rich man bought them.With the money, the shoemaker boughtsome

96、more silk. That night, while he wassleeping,someonemadetheshoesagain!Butwhowasit?Theshoemakerdecidedtowatch and find out. That night, two littlepeople came into the shop and made theshoes.Theyworkedhardbuttheywerentwearinganyclothes!The shoemakers wife made some littleclothes.Thetwolittlepeoplecamei

97、nagain.They put on the clothes. They were sohappy! The shoemaker never saw themagain.Butheandhiswifewereneverpooragain.Moudle7一听问句找答语一听问句找答语1.A.HappyBirthday!2.B.Thesametoyou!C.Thankyou.2.A.Yes,Ihave.B.Yes,Iam.C.No,Idont.二听短段对话,回答问题。二听短段对话,回答问题。1.Whatdotheylooklike?A.tallandfatB.tallandslimC.shortan

98、dslim三听长对话,回三听长对话,回.答问题答问题1.1)Whosebirthdaypartyisit?A.SallyB.JohnC.Mary2)Whomadethedeliciousfood?A.SallysmotherB.B.SallysgrandmotherC.Sally3).Whatdoesshelooklike?A.Shehasgotsunglasses.B.B.Shehasgotblackhair.C.C.Shehasgotglasses.2.1)WhodoesSallylooklike?A. her mum B. Her dad C. hersister2)HowdidJohn

99、knowthatmanisSallysfather?A.Theyhavegotthesameeyes.B.Theyhavegotthesamehair.C.Theyhavegotthesamecharacter.3)WhatsSallylike?A.friendly,warm,andwonderful.B.lively,coldandcleverC.lively,warmandclever.Module10一、听小段对话,回答问题。一、听小段对话,回答问题。1When will they visit LaoshesTeahouse?A.NextMondayB.NextFridayC.NextT

100、uesday2WhatdoesSallythinkofChinesetea ? A. Im enjoying it very much B.IdontlikeitatallCJustsoso3 Where would Sally go again oneday?A.therestaurantB.thehotelC.theteahouse二二、听听一一段段长长对对话话,回回答答下下列列三三个个问题。问题。1Wheredidtheygolastnight?A.GlobeTheaterB.amusicalhallC.acinema2Whatdidwedecidetosee?A.TeahouseB.R

101、omeoandJulietC.Batman3Whatdoeshethinkoftheplay?A.abitdifficultB.itiseasyB.C.wearenotsure三、听一段独白,回答三、听一段独白,回答1-3问题。问题。1Whatsthenameofthefilm?A.thesoundofMusicB.B. Romeo and Juliet C.Superman2Wheredoesthefilmtakeplace?A.InAustraliaB.InAustriaC.InUSA3What is the best thing about thefilm?A.charactersB.a

102、ctressC.musicModule11一听问句,找答语一听问句,找答语1.A.Yes,itis.B.Itscold.2.C.Yes,itisnt.2.A.Imveryhappy.B.IamgoingtoEngland.C.Imgoingtherebyplane.3.A.Yes,itwont.B.IvenoideaC.Yes,itwill.4.A.Idontknow.B.Yes,hedoesC.Yes,Iam.5. A.see a film. B. stay at home C.buysomepresents6.A.Yes,itwill.B.No,itwill.C.Idonttellyou.



105、earC.somethingtoplay三三1.A.EnglandB.Scotland2.C.Ireland3.2.A.Itscoldintheevening4.B.Itscoldinafternoon5.C.ItscoldinthemorningM12一一听听一一段段长长对对话话,回回答答下下列列三三个问题个问题1: What are they mainly talkingabout?A.Atoy.B.Chocolate.C.Apresent.2:WhatsportdoesLinglinglike?A.Basketball.B.Baseball.C.Chess.3:Whatwilltheyb

106、uyforLinglinginthe end? A.A DVD. B.An Englishdictionary.C.Apurse.二二1:Whatpresentdidtheboyget?A.Redpaper. B.Lotsofdifferentthings.C.Nothing.2: Did the boy like the present?A.Yes,he did. B.No,he didnt. C.Yes,hedoes.3: In China,how to show yourpolitenesswhenyouacceptpresents?A.Withonehand.B.Withtwohand

107、s.C.Openthemimmediately.M1M3M4M5补全对话(七下)改编版补全对话(七下)改编版1补全对话(七下)改编版补全对话(七下)改编版2补全对话(补全对话(八上八上)改编版)改编版1补全对话(补全对话(八上八上)改编版)改编版2补全对话(七下)补全对话(七下)改编版改编版1M5P27Tony:Daming,itsthreemonthssince we met last time. 1 _.Daming:IvebeentoShanghai.Tony:CanyouanswersomequestionsaboutShanghai,please?_2?Daming:13millio

108、npeople,Ithink.Tony: And is Hong Kong bigger thanShanghai?Daming: Hong Kong has seven millionpeople,so3.Tony:_4?Daming:Yes,itshotterinHangKong.Tony: And is Shanghai a newer citythanHongKong?Daming: Shanghai is seven hundredyearsold.5. Where have you been?Whats the population of Shanghai?Shanghai is

109、bigger.And is it hotter in Hong Kong? Its an older city.补补全全对话对话(七下)改(七下)改编编版版1M1P2Betty:HiMum,canyouhearme?Bettysmum:Yes,Ican._1?Betty:Imfine.Bettysmum:2?Betty:ImstandingontheGreatWallofChina.Bettysmum:Really?Betty:Wereonaschooltripandwerehavingagoodtime.Bettysmum:Thatsgreat,Howareyou?Whereareyou?I


111、Bettysmum:5.What are the others doing? Can you send me a postcard too? 1.Bye-bye, Betty.YesIllsendsomepostcardstoyouM3P14Betty:Whatareyougoingtodo at the weekend, Daming? What areyourplans?Daming:_1.Then Im going to domy homework, In the afternoon, Imgoingtohaveapianolesson.Betty:Imgoingtobuysomeclo

112、thesonSaturdayafternoon.Daming: On Saturday evening, Imgoingtogotoapartyatafriendshome.Were going to listen to some music._2?Betty: Yes, thats a great idea. On Saturday morning, Im going to check my email Would you like to come?Daming:WhatareyougoingtodoonSunday?Betty:_3.ThenImgoingtoreviseformytest

113、._4?Daming:ImgoingtogetupearlyandthenImgoingtoplaytabletenniswithsomefriends.Intheafternoon,ImgoingtomeetLinglingandTonyinthepark,and were going to have a picnic. Andyouregoingtocome,too!Betty:AmI?5. Im going to stay in bed in the morning.What about you?Great!M4P21Betty: Will there be school in thef

114、uture?Daming: No, there wont. I thinkeveryonewillstudyathomeandwillusecomputers.Betty: Will they use books in thefuture?Daming:1.Betty:Sowhatwilltheyuse?Daming:_2.Betty:Andwilltheysendtheirhomeworktotheteachersbyemail?Daming:Yes,theywill.No, they wont.They will use computers.Betty: 3?Daming: I think

115、 students will talk totheirteachersontheircomputers._4?Betty: Im not sure. I think studentswill use computers, but in school.Everyonewillhaveacomputerontheirdesk. They will read books or use theInternet.Theteacherswontwriteonablackboardwithchalk.Andnoonewillusepaper,pencilsandpens.Daming: I dont agr

116、ee with you. Whatabouttalkingaboutwithothers?Betty:5.Letsgo.What do you think?OK/Good idea!How will they study?M6P33Betty:Chinesepeoplearegoodatgymnastics._1?Daming:Yes,Ido._2.AndinChinatabletennisismorepopularthangymnastics.Betty: I love gymnastics. I think itsmoreexcitingthantabletennis._3?Daming:

117、 Basketball is my favouritesport,butIalsolikerunning.Do you like gymnastics? But Chinese people are good at table tennis(, too) What (Olympic) sports do you like?Daming: Basketball is my favouritesport,butIalsolikerunning.Betty:Oh,no,runningismoreboringthanbasketball._Cyclingismorerelaxingthanrunnin

118、g.Daming:No,itisnt.Ithinkcyclingismore tiring than running. And do youlikeskiing?Betty:5.Butitsmoredangerousthanrunningandcycling.I also like cycling Yes, I do.M7. P45 Bettys mum: How does Tonygettoschool?Betty:Helivesfarthestfromtheschool,sohehasthelongestjourney.Hegoesbybus._1.Bettysmum:_2?Betty:H

119、ehasthefastestjourneybecausehegoesbybicycleIts the best way to get to school. How does Daming get to school?Bettys mum: But its the most dangerous way _?Betty: Linglings home is closest toschool,4.DoesDadalwaysgotoworkbytaxi?Bettysmum:Yes.Doyouthinkitsthemostexpensiveway?Betty:_5.But its the most co

120、mfortable way. Hesometimes takes the train, but its themostuncomfortablewaytogotowork!so she walks.Yes, it is. And what about Lingling?M8P50Tony:Hey,Lingling._1?Linging:IwasborninasmallvillageinShanxiProvince.Tony:Whatwasthenameofthevillage?Linging:Xucun.Wherewereyourborn,Tony?Tony: _2. Its asmallci

121、tyinEngland.Linging:Andwhatwasthenameofyourfirstschool?Tony:ItwasDarwinPrimarySchool.Where were you born,?I was born in Cambridge. Linging:_3Tony: My first teacher was Mrs Lane.She was strict but very nice. Who wasyourfirstteacher?Linging:MsYao._4Andwhowereyourfirstfriends?Whatweretheylike?Tony: The

122、ir names were Becky andAdam.Beckywaswell-behavedatschoolbutAdamwasnaughty.Linging:_5?Wereyounaughtytoo?T:Yes,Iwas.She was very friendly.And what were you like?And who was your first teacher?M10P63Betty:_1?Grandfather: I was born in November1935.Betty:Didyourideabiketoschoolwhenyouwereaboy?Grandfathe

123、r:Yes,Idid.Betty:_2?Grandfather: No, we didnt. We didnthaveaTV.WelistenedtotheradioBetty:Didyourparentshaveatelephone?Grandfather:Yes,theydid.When were you born, Grandpa Did you watch television?Betty:Didyouplaycomputergames?Grandfather:_3.Therewerent computers. We had games likechess.Betty:Didyouwa

124、tchmovies?Grandfather:Yes,Idid.Betty:_4?Grandfather: In July and August, mybrotherandIvisitedmyauntneartheseaBetty: Did she have a house on thebeach?Grandfather:Yes.shedid.Betty:Anddidyoutravelbycar?Grandfather:_.Wedidnthaveacar.WetravelledbytrainNo, we didnt.What did you do in Summer?No, we didnt补全

125、对话(七下)补全对话(七下)改编版改编版2补补全全对话对话(七下)改(七下)改编编版版2M1P2Betty:HiMum,canyouhearme?Bettysmum:.Yes,Ican_1?Betty:ImstandingontheGreatWallofChinaandtalkingtoyou.Bettysmum:Really?Betty:Wereonaschooltripandwerehaveagoodtime.Bettysmum:Thatsgreat,Betty._2?Betty: Well, Tony is eating an ice cream, Wang Hui is taking

126、lots of pictures and Lingling is buying some presents and postcards. And Daming is eating lunch and lying in the sun.Where are you What are the others doing?Betty:Well,Tonyiseatinganicecream,WangHuiistakinglotsofpicturesandLingling is buying some presents andpostcards. And Daming is eating lunchandl

127、yinginthesun.Bettysmum:_3?Betty:Yes,Illsendsomepostcardstoyou.Wereenjoyingtheschooltripalot.Anyway,weregoinghomenow.Bye.Bettysmum:_5. Can you send me a postcard too? Bye-bye M3P14Betty:Whatareyougoingtodoattheweekend,Daming?_1?Daming: On Saturday morning, Imgoing to check my email and then Imgoing t

128、o do my homework, In theafternoon, Im going to have a pianolesson.Betty:ImgoingtobuysomeclothesonSaturdayafternoon.Daming: On Saturday evening, Imgoingtogotoapartyatafriendshome.Were going to listen to some music._2?Betty: Yes, thats a great idea.What are your plans?Would you like to come? Betty:Yes

129、,thatsagreatidea.Daming:_3?B: Im going to stay in bed in themorning. Then Im going to revise formytest._4?D: Im going to get up early and thenImgoingtoplaytabletenniswithsomefriends. In the afternoon, Im going tomeetLinglingandTonyinthepark,andwearegoingtohaveapicnic._5!B:AmI?Great! What are you goi

130、ng to do on Sunday.What about you? And youre going to come, too!M4P21Betty:Whatwillhappeninthefuture?Daming:_1.Betty:Willtherebeschoolinthefuture?Daming:_2.Ithink everyone will study at home andwill use computers. They wont usebooks.TheyllusetheInternet.Betty:_3?Daming:Yes,theywill.Andstudentswillta

131、lktotheirteachersontheInternet. It will be very different from now.No, there wont. And will they send their homework to the teachers by email?Betty:4.Ithinkstudents will use computers, but inschool. Everyone will have a computeron their desk. They will read books oruse the Internet. The teachers won

132、twrite on a blackboard with chalk. Andnoonewillusepaper,pencilsandpens.Daming:_5.Im not sure.Maybe you are right M5 P27 Tony: Can you answer somequestionsformyhomework,please?_1?Daming:13millionpeople,Ithink.Tony:_2?Daming: Hong Kong has seven millionpeople,soShanghaiisbigger.Tony:3?Daming:Yes,itsho

133、tterinHangKong.Tony: And is Shanghai a newer citythanHongKong?Daming: Shanghai is seven hundredyearsold.4.Tony:5.Daming:Dontmentionit.1.Whats the population of Shanghai?And is Hong Kong bigger than Shanghai?Its an older city.And is it hotter in Hong Kong? Thank you very much.M6P33Betty: Chinese peop

134、le are good atgymnastics._1?Daming: Yes, I do. But Chinese peopleare good at table tennis, too. And inChinatabletennisismorepopularthangymnastics.Betty: I love gymnastics. I think itsmore exciting than table tennis. WhatOlympicsportsdoyoulike?Daming:_2. Do you like gymnastics, Daming? Basketball is

135、my favourite sport, but I also like running.Betty:Oh,no,runningismoreboringthanbasketball._3. Cycling is morerelaxingthanrunning.Daming:No,itisnt_ _4. And doyoulikeskiing?Betty: _5.But its more dangerous than runningandcycling.I also like cycling. I think cycling is more tiring than running.Yes, I d

136、o.M7.P45Bettysmum:_1?Betty: Tony lives farthest from theschool,sohehasthelongestjourney.Hegoesbybus.Bettysmum:_2?Betty: Yes, its the best way to go toschool.Bettysmum_:_ 3? Betty: Hehasthefastestjourneybecausehegoesbybicycle How does Tony get to school? Is it the best way to go to school? How does D

137、aming get to school?Bettysmum:Butitsthemostdangerousway.And_4?Betty: Linglings home is closest toschool,soshewalks.DoesDadalwaysgotoworkbytaxi?Bettysmum:Yes.Doyouthinkitsthemostexpensiveway?Betty: _5.But its the mostcomfortableway.Hesometimestakesthetrain, but its the most uncomfortablewaytogotowork

138、!And what about Lingling? Yes, its the most expensive way./Yes, it is.M8 P50 Tony:Hey,Lingling._1?Linging:IwasborninasmallvillageinShanxiProvince.Tony:_2?Linging:Xucun.Wherewereyourborn,Tony?Tony: I was born in Cambridge. Its asmallcityinEngland.Linging:And_3?Tony:ItwasDarwinPrimarySchool.Linging:_4

139、?Where were you born? What was the name of the village? what was the name of your first school?And who was your first teacher? Tony: My first teacher was Mrs Lane.She was strict but very nice. Who wasyourfirstteacher?Linging:MsYao.Shewasveryfriendly._5?Whatweretheylike?Tony: Their names were Becky a

140、ndAdam.Beckywaswell-behavedatschoolbutAdamwasnaughty.Linging:Andwhatwereyoulike?Wereyounaughtytoo?Tony:Yes,Iwas.And who were your first friendsM10P63G:BettysgrandfatherB:BettyB:_1?G:IwasborninNovember1935.B: Did you ride a bike to school whenyouwereaboy?G:Yes,Idid.B:_2?G:No,wedidnt.WedidnthaveaTV.We

141、listenedtotheradio.B:Didyourparentshaveatelephone?G:Yes,theydid.B:Didyouplaycomputergames?When were you born, Grandpa?Did you watch television?G:No.wedidnt._3.WehadgameslikechessB:Didyouwatchmovies?G:Yes,Idid.B:_4?G:InJulyandAugust,mybrotherandIvisitedmyauntneartheseaB:_5?G:Yes.shedid.Shehasabighous

142、eonthebeach.B:Anddidyoutravelbycar?G:No,wedidnt.Wedidnthaveacar.Wetravelledbytrain? There werent computers then. What did you do in summer.Did she have a house on the beach?补全对话(八上)补全对话(八上)改编版改编版1补全对话补全对话(八上八上)改编版改编版18上上P2Ms James: Welcome back, everyone! Now, because its a new term, Im going to giv

143、e you some advice. Why dont you write it dwon? _ ?All: Yes, Ms James.Ms James: You should always speak English in class. And you should write down your mistakes in your notebooks. And why dont you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes? 2?1.Ready?What else?Lingling: How abo

144、ut checking your vocabulary notebook every day.Ms James: _3. Thanks a lot, Lingling. How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English? But _ _4.Lingling: I think so. You can guess the meaning according to the article. And I think every should have a pen friend and write email messa

145、ge to each other. Im going to meet my pen friend in Beijing this term.Thats a good idea. try not to translate every word.Ms James: Excellent!Lingling: She plays in her school orchestra, and theyre doing some concerts in China. Ms James: Is she English? Lingling: 5.Daming: Good! She can help me with

146、my homework.Yes, she is 8上上P10 Tony : So whats your pen friends name, Lingling?Lingling: Sally Maxwell and shes from Park School in London. Tony : _1?Lingling: No, she hasnt. But I sent her a DVD about China and shes watched it. Ans she has enjoyed my message about my life here in Beijing. So I thin

147、k_ 2. Tony : What about you, Lingling? Have you ever wanted to travel around the world?Has she visited China before? shell like it here.Lingling: Yes, I have._ _3. And Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day. The problem is the price of the ticket. Tony : Well, guess what! Have you

148、looked at todays newspaper? Theres a competition. “Take off from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. Write about a wonderful experience. The first prize is _ _4.” What do you reckon? Have you ever entered a competition?Lingling: No, I havent. _ Ive always wanted to go to the USA and Europe.

149、the holiday of your dreams in England.It sounds brilliant.8上上P18Daming: Hi, Tony. What are you up to? Tony: Hi Daming, _ _1.What do you think?Daming: Its great. Is this for your space travel homework? I havent started it yet. Tony: _2! Ms James wants it next week. Have you heard the latest news? Som

150、e scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars. It has taken several months to get there.Daming:_3? Tony: Yes, it has. Thats why its on the news. Ive just made this model of the space station.Dont panic!Has it arrived yet?Daming: And have the astronaut discovered life on Mars? Tony: No, not yet. There

151、arent any astronauts have worked on the space station. They take the space shuttle, and go there and back. Daming:_4. Can I show your space station to my parents? Tony: But I hear theyve gone to Shanghai on business.Daming: Oh, theyre coming back this evening. Id like show it to them. Tony: All righ

152、t._5. But bring it back tomorrow.You know a lot about space travel.you can borrow it. 8上上P26Betty: When does Sally arrive in Beijing?Lingling: _1.Betty: And How long have you known her?Lingling: For two years. Betty: But have you ever met her?Lingling: _ 2. But I get on well with her. We like the sa

153、me things. Betty: Does she speak Chinese?Lingling: Yes, a little. She studied it for a year. She says its very difficult. Betty: Yes, it is. Its easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country.Next month.No, I havent.Lingling: _3? Betty: Since 2004.Lingling: And how long have you studi

154、ed Chinese? Betty: For a year._ _4.Lingling: Well, her school orchestra has some concerts, but she has heard about the Hope School and she wants to visit a school in Gansu or Qingdao. Betty: _5. Lingling: Its a school for poor children. In fact, since 1989 Project Hope has built schools all over Chi

155、na. Betty: Really? That sounds interesting. Tell me more.How long have you lived here? What does Sally want to do here?What is a Hope School?8上上P42 Tony: How is it going, Lingling?Lingling: Ssh! Im reading! Tony: Sorry!_1. Lingling: Sally sent it to me. Its about a girl called Alice. Tony: _2!Lingli

156、ng: One day she was sitting by the river with a book, but she wasnt reading it. Suddenly a white rabbit run past her. It was looking at its watch. Tony: Why was it running?Lingling: Because it was late. Tony:_3?Lingling: To a tea party with the mad hatther, the March Hare and a mouse. Whats the book

157、?Go on!Where was it going?Tony: I see! Was there a King and a Queen?Lingling: Yes. Tony:_4?Lingling: The Queen was playing in the garden and the King was sitting on the grass. And the Cheshire Cat was sitting in a tree and was smiling at everyone. Tony: And let me guess then Alice fell down a rabbit

158、 hole and went into their strange world.Lingling: Tony! _5? Tony: Yes, it Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Every boy and girl in Britain has read it.And what were they doing?Do you know the book?8上上P54 Wei Ming: Youve travelled all over the USA, havent you? Steve: _1. I was working in the USA for a

159、year and I have travelled all round the country.W: _ 2? Steve: I was working at a hotel on the beach. I was teaching sports swimming and water skiing. Wei Ming: _3? Steve: Yes. One weekend, I was walking along the beach. I saw a whale swimming in the ocean. It was very big and very beautiful!Yes, I

160、haveWhat kind of work were you doing?Did you see any animals?Wei Ming: _ _ 4? Steve: The Grand Canyon. It was amazing! Its very big and the Colorado river runs through it.Wei Ming:_ _5? Steve: Yes, I missed them but I was enjoying my trip so much. I didnt really want to come home. Did you miss your

161、family while you were in the USA?1.What was the best place 2.you visited in the USA?8上上P61Jane: Hi Alex! How are you today?Alex: _1!Jane: You look very happy!Alex: Oh, yes. I am always happy when Ive got a cake to eat. Here, have some. It really tastes delicious.Jane: Thanks. It certainly looks very

162、 pretty, too. Mum, youre right. It is nice.Alex: _2, my friend Ben is coming to stay.Jane: Oh, really?_3?Alex: Hes really friendly and kind.Great!And another good thing is,What is he like?Jane: _4?Alex: Well, he is tall and thin.Jane: Id like to meet him. Why dont we go out somewhere together?Alex:

163、_5. What does he look like. OK, good idea.8上上P64 Sally: So show me your map of Beijing, Lingling.Lingling: Ok,_1. On the left, over there, is the Great Hall of the People. And on the right are the Museum of Chinese History and the Museum of Chinese Revolation.S:_2? Lingling: Go straight ahead. The F

164、orbidden City is opposite Tiananmen Square. Sally: I see. And where is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall?Lingling:Its here, between the Great Hall of the People and the museums. heres Tiananmen SquareAnd How do I get to the Forbidden CityS:_3?Lingling: Yes, Beihai Park is my favourite. It kind of quiet

165、. Go across the square. Turn left into Changan Jie and turn right into Chang Jie. I think theres an entrance on the corner of Chang Jie and Wenjin Jie. S:_4?Lingling: Everyone asks about shopping! _5. Go across Tiananmen Square, turn right, and go along Dongchangan Jie, and turn left into Wangfujing

166、 Dajie.And can you tell me the way to a park?Where can I do some shopping?The best place is Wangfujing Dajie.8上上P72Lingling: Did you like the zoo? Sally: Yes! I was so excited to see the pandas at last. It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve.Lingling: But its sad to think about a

167、ll those animals in danger. It makes me mad. Sally: The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger. _1Lingling: And it just isnt right to kill whales or elephants for their meat. Sally: Absolutely, 2. _ We need to protect them better.but its hard to stop the killing.Lingling: And ma

168、ny animals have no place to live in. _ _3, and were taking their lands and forests.Sally: Also, often their water isnt good to drink because were made it dirty.Lingling: Its really awful! _ _ _ 4. But many bpeople decide not to think about it. _ _5? Sally: Lets find out what we can do to save them W

169、e need tohelp the animals live in peace.What on earth can we do? Our villages andfarms are growing bigger,补全对话(八上)补全对话(八上)改编版改编版2八上八上P10Tony :_1?Lingling: Sally Maxwell and shes from Park School in London. Tony :_2?Lingling: No, she hasnt. But I sent her a DVD about China and shes watched it. Ans sh

170、e has enjoyed my message about my life here in Beijing. So I think shell like it here. Tony : What about you, Lingling? Have you ever wanted to travel around the world?Lingling:_3. Ive always wanted to go to the USA and the Europe. So whats your pen friends name, Lingling?Has she visited China befor

171、e?Yes, I have.And Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day. The problem is the price of the ticket. Tony : Well, guess what! Have you looked at todays newspaper? Theres a competition. “Take off from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. Write about a wonderful experience. The f

172、irst prize is the holiday of your dreams in England.” What do you reckon? _4?Lingling: No, I haven. _5.Have you ever entered a competition?It sounds brilliant.八上八上P18Daming:Hi,Tony._1?Tony:HiDaming,Ivejustmadethismodelofthespacestation.?_2?Daming: Its great. Is this for your spaceravelhomework?Ihave

173、ntstartedityet.Tony:Dontpanic!MsJameswantsitnextweek.Haveyouheardthelatestnews?SomescientistshavesentaspacecrafttoMars.Ithastakenseveralmonthstogetthere.Daming:Hasitarrived?Tony:3.Thatswhyitsonthenews.What are you up to?What do you think?Yes, it has.Daming:AndhavetheastronautdiscoveredlifeonMars?Ton

174、y: No, not yet. There arent anyastronautshaveworkedonthespacestation.Theytakethespaceshuttle,andgothereandback.Daming:_4._Can I show your space station tomyparents?Tony:ButIheartheyvegonetoShanghaionbusiness.Daming: Oh, theyre coming back thisevening._5.Tony:Allright.Youcanborrowit.Butbringitbacktom

175、orrow. You know a lot about space travel.Id like show it to them.八八上上P23Nicky: Ive just seen a great TVprogrammeaboutspace.DidyouknowthatscientistshavediscoveredwateronMars?Bill:1.Really?Thatsveryinteresting._2?Nicky: Well, they are looking for life.But_3.Bill:Theyvealreadyfoundthatthereisnolifeonth

176、emoon.Nicky:4.SofartheresonlylifeonEarth.Bill:5.Nicky:Ithinkso.No(, I didnt).Have they tried to find life on Mars?they havent found anything yet.Yes, thats right.Its a pity.八上八上P26Betty:WhendoesSallyarriveinBeijing?Lingling:Nextmonth.Betty:AndHowlonghaveyouknownher?Lingling:Fortwoyears.Betty:_1?Ling

177、ling:No,Ihavent.ButIgetonwellwithher.Welikethesamethings.Betty:_2?Lingling: Yes, a little. She studied it for ayear.Shesaysitsverydifficult.Betty:_3.Itseasiertolearnaforeignlanguagewhenyouvisitthecountry.But have you ever met her?Does she speak Chinese?Yes, it is.Lingling:Howlonghaveyoulivedhere?Bet

178、ty:Since2004.Lingling: And how long have you studiedChinese?Betty:Forayear. WhatdoesSallywanttodohere?Lingling:Well,herschoolorchestrahassomeconcerts, but_4.andshewantstovisitaschoolinGansuorQingdao.Betty:WhatisaHopeSchool?Lingling:_5.In fact, since 1989 Project Hope has builtschoolsalloverChina.Bet

179、ty:Really?Thatsoundsinteresting.Tellmemore. she has heard about the Hope School.Its a school for poor children.八八上上P42Tony:1,Lingling?Lingling:Ssh!Imreading!Tony:Sorry!Whatsthebook?Lingling: Sally sent it to me._2. One day shewassittingbytheriverwithabook,butshewasnt reading it. Suddenly a white rab

180、bitrunpasther.Itwaslookingatitswatch.Tony:Whywasitrunning?Lingling:_3.Shemusthurry.Tony:Wherewasitgoing?Lingling:Toateapartywiththemadhatther,theMarchHareandamouse.How is it going, Its about a girl called Alice.Because it was late.Tony:Isee!WasthereaKingandaQueen?Lingling:_4.Tony:Andwhatweretheydoin

181、g?Lingling: The Queen was playing in thegardenandtheKingwassittingonthegrass.And the Cheshire Cat was sitting in a treeandwassmilingateveryone.Tony: And let me guess then Alice felldown a rabbit hole and went into theirstrangeworld.Lingling:Tony!_5?Tony:Yes,itAlices Adventures in Wonderland.Everyboy

182、andgirlinBritainhasreadit.Yes(, there was)Do you know the book?8上上P54WeiMing:YouvetravelledallovertheUSA,haventyou?Steve:1.Iwasworking in the USA for a year and I havetravelledallroundthecountry.W:_?Steve:Iwasworkingatahotelonthebeach.Iwasteachingsportsswimmingandwaterskiing.WeiMing:3?Steve:Yes.Onew

183、eekend,Iwaswalkingalongthe beach. I saw a whale swimming in theocean.Itwasverybigandverybeautiful!Yes, I have.What kind of work were you doing?Did you see any animals?Steve:Yes.Oneweekend,Iwaswalkingalongthe beach. I saw a whale swimming in theocean.Itwasverybigandverybeautiful!WeiMing:4?_Steve:TheG

184、randCanyon.Itwasamazing!Its very big and the Colorado river runsthroughit.WeiMing:5?_Steve:Yes,ImissedthembutIwasenjoyingmytripsomuch.Ididntreallywanttocomehome.What was the best place you visited in the USA? Did you miss your family while you were in the USA八八上上P64Sally:1._Lingling:Ok,heresTiananme

185、nSquare.Ontheleft,overthere,istheGreatHallofthePeople.AndontherightaretheMuseumofChineseHistoryandtheMuseumofChineseRevolation.S:2?Lingling:Gostraightahead.TheForbiddenCityisoppositeTiananmenSquare.Sally: I see. And where is the ChairmanMaoMemorialHall?Lingling:Itshere,betweentheGreatHallofthePeople

186、andthemuseums.And how do I get to the Forbidden City?SoshowmeyourmapofBeijing,Lingling.S:3.Lingling:Yes,BeihaiParkismyfavourite.Itkindofquiet.Goacrossthesquare.TurnleftintoChanganJieandturnrightintoChangJie.IthinktheresanentranceonthecornerofChangJieandWenjinJie.S:4?Lingling: Everyone asks about sho

187、pping! _5.Go across Tiananmen Square, turn right,andgoalongDongchanganJie,andturnleftintoWangfujingDajie.And can you tell me the way to a park?And Where can I do some shopping? The best place is Wangfujing Dajie 八上八上P72Lingling:Didyoulikethezoo?Sally:1.Iwassoexcitedtoseethepandasatlast.Itwasinterest

188、ingtolearnabouttheWolongPandaReserve.Lingling:Butitssadtothinkaboutallthoseanimalsindanger.Itmakesmemad.Sally: The surprising thing was to hear _2.Weneedtoprotectthembetter.Lingling:Anditjustisntrighttokillwhalesorelephantsfortheirmeat.Sally:Absolutely,butitshardtoostopthekilling.1.Yes(I did)!how ma

189、ny animals are in danger?L:And_3.Our villages and farmers are growingbigger,and were taking their lands andforests.S:Also,often4_becauseweremadeitdirty.Lingling:Itsreallyawful!Weneedtohelptheanimalsliveinpeace.Butmanybpeopledecidenottothinkaboutit._5?Sally:Letsfindoutwhatwecandotosavethemmany animal

190、s have no place to live in.their water isnt good to drinkWhat on earth can we do?完成句子完成句子Book3完成句子完成句子Book4完成句子完成句子Book5完成句子练习题完成句子练习题Bookthree2.我我认认为为每每个个人人都都应应该该交交一一个个笔笔友友并并互互发发邮邮件。件。I think everyone should have a pen friendandwriteemailmessageto_.3我刚刚制作了宇宙空间站模型我刚刚制作了宇宙空间站模型Ive just made this mode

191、l of the _.each othereach other space space station station 4、我我能能把把你你做做的的宇宇宙宙空空间间站站给给我我父父母母看看一一下下吗吗/Can I show your _ _ to myparents?他们乘航天飞机往返。他们乘航天飞机往返。5.Theytakethe_,andgothereandback.6.他的父母一直有病,他得照顾父母。他的父母一直有病,他得照顾父母。Hisparentshavebeenillandhehasto_them.7.在在中中国国大大多多数数的的人人都都听听说说过过希希望望工工程程,并并捐捐过过钱

192、钱。.MostpeopleinChinahave_ProjectHopeandhavegivenmoney.space shuttlespace shuttlespace station space station heard heard of of look look after after 8.那那究究竟竟是是什什么么?What_isthat?9.突突然然,我我房房子子里里的的灯灯都都熄熄灭灭了了。Suddenly,allthelightsinmyhouse_.10、你你们们为为什什么么不不在在错错误误的的旁旁边边记记下下正正确确的的拼拼 音音 和和 语语 法法 呢呢 Why dont y

193、ou _theCorrectspellingandgrammarnexttothemistakes?11、美美国国人人通通常常不不摸摸别别人人,但但是是当当他他们们初初次次见面或再次见面时,他们互相握手。见面或再次见面时,他们互相握手。Americansdonttouchpeoplealot,butthey_ with each other when theyfirstmeetorwhentheymeetagain.on earth on earth went off went off shake hands shake hands write write down down 12.想一想为了

194、挽救他们,我们能做什么?想一想为了挽救他们,我们能做什么?Lets_whatwecandotosavethem13.由由于于许许多多不不同同的的原原因因竹竹子子的的面面积积正正在在减减少少,因此熊猫赖以生存的地方也在减少。因此熊猫赖以生存的地方也在减少。Theareaofbambooisbecomingsmallerformanydifferentreasons,sopandahavelesslandto_.14.例如熊猫主要吃竹子。例如熊猫主要吃竹子。_ _, the panda mainly eatsbamboo.find out find out live on live on For

195、example For example 15.故故事事发发生生在在老老北北京京的的一一个个茶茶馆馆里里,讲讲述述的的是王立发和他的顾客们的故事。是王立发和他的顾客们的故事。It_inateahouseinoldBeijingandittellsusthestoryofWangLifaandhiscustomers.Bookfour1、我将整理桌子和椅子。、我将整理桌子和椅子。Ill_thetableandchairs.2、为什么托尼的妈妈想让他收拾房间?、为什么托尼的妈妈想让他收拾房间?WhydoesTonysmumwanthimto_hisroom?takes place takes pla

196、ce tidy up tidy up tidy tidy upup3.你认为哪种爱好占用的空间最少?你认为哪种爱好占用的空间最少?Whichhobbydoyouthink_theleastplace.4.是什么让你对音乐如此感兴趣?是什么让你对音乐如此感兴趣?Whatmadeyouso_music?5.很很多多学学生生都都有有爱爱好好,比比如如阅阅读读、绘绘画画、在在他们的花园里种蔬菜和照顾动物。他们的花园里种蔬菜和照顾动物。Manystudentshavehobbies,_reading, painting, growing vegetables intheirgardens,andlook

197、ingafteranimalstakes up takes up interested in interested in such as such as 6.在在高高中中时时,大大卫卫写写了了一一个个关关于于青青少少年年生生活活的故事,于的故事,于2003年成书出版。年成书出版。In senior high school David wrote a storyaboutteenagelife,andit_asabookin2003.7.对不起,他现在不在这对不起,他现在不在这.Sorry.Heisnthere_.8.在在这这里里和和一一些些同同学学们们在在一一起起.其其实实,我我在在学学习习汉

198、汉语语.Im here with some classmates ._ImstudyingChinese.9.在在中中国国学学习习感感觉觉怎怎么么样样?Whatdoesit_tobeatschoolinChina?came out came out right now right now In fact In fact feel like feel like 10.那那是是我我在在高高中中的的第第一一年年早早秋秋,我我以以前前的的学学校很远校很远.Itwastheearlyautumnofmyfirstyearatajuniorhighschool,andmyoldschoolwas_.11、

199、我感到很孤独、我感到很孤独.不敢与人交朋友不敢与人交朋友.Iwasverylonely,andafraidto_withanyone.12、我我不不敢敢向向任任何何人人说说起起自自己己的的问问题题,不不想想让让父父母母为为自自己己担担心心Icouldnttalktoanyoneabout my problem, and I didnt want myparentsto_me.far away far away make friends make friends worry about worry about 13.开开始始我我感感觉觉倒倒有有点点孤孤独独,但但这这里里的的人人们们非非常常友友好

200、好.Iwasabitlonely_,butpeopleherearefriendly,soIamneveraloneanymore!14. 一一定定记记着着注注意意红红灯灯.Now, I want toanswer your questions, but remember to_fortheredlight15. “你你多多大大了了?”WXBN播播音音室室主主任任低低下下头头看看着着我我问问The radio studio manager atWXBN_atme.16.“9岁的时候,我去过小电台求过职岁的时候,我去过小电台求过职.Attheageofnine,I_jobsinsmallradi

201、ostations.at first at first look out look out looked down looked down asked for asked for 17如果要启动的话,按蓝色按钮如果要启动的话,按蓝色按钮.If you want to _ _ the recorder,pressthebluebutton.18.如果你不喜欢这个节目,把电视关掉如果你不喜欢这个节目,把电视关掉.Ifyoudontliketheprogramme,_theTV_.19.我我们们把把它它拷拷到到电电脑脑上上,玩玩完完后后就就把把它它从从电电脑脑 上上 删删 除除 了了 . We co

202、pied it onto thecomputerandwhenwefinished,we_thecomputer.turn on turn on turn turn off off took took off off 20.如果你告诉他是实情,他会很生你的气,如果你告诉他是实情,他会很生你的气,但至少你证明了自己是诚实的但至少你证明了自己是诚实的.Ifyoutellithimthetruth,hellbeangrywithyou,but_youllprovehowhonestyouare.21.但但不不应应该该用用你你的的零零用用钱钱-毕毕竟竟那那是是你你父父母母给给你你的的钱钱.Butyou

203、shouldntuseyour_-afterall,yourparentsgaveyouthatmoney.22.赶赶快快,我我们们快快迟迟到到了了._!Wellbelate!23.有许多的食物和饮料,所以没人饥饿有许多的食物和饮料,所以没人饥饿.Thereis_foodanddrink,sonooneishungry.at least at least pocket money pocket money Hurry up Hurry up plenty of plenty of 24.我我叫叫醒醒玲玲玲玲和和他他的的叔叔叔叔,问问他他们们那那是是什什么么声声响响. I _ _ Linglin

204、g and heruncle,andIaskedthemwhatthenoisewas.25.全全世世界界的的人人们们都都庆庆祝祝新新年年.People_theworldcelebratethenewyear.26.一一些些国国家家随随着着季季节节或或太太阳阳或或月月亮亮的的变变化化而而改改变变新新年年的的日日期期.Itcan_theseasons,themoonorthesun.27.临临近近12点点的的时时候候,每每个个人人开开始始从从10倒倒数数数数:10、 9、 8. Just before 12 oclock,everyone_from10,9,8woke up woke up de

205、pend on depend on counts down counts down all all over over 30.一一些些家家庭庭会会和和祖祖父父母母,姑姑姑姑,舅舅舅舅和和表表兄兄弟们聚一聚,吃顿过年饭弟们聚一聚,吃顿过年饭.Some families _ _ for a specialmeal with grandparents, aunts, uncles andcousins.31.我我要要多多分分担担些些家家务务.Iwill_moreathome.32他他没没参参加加最最后后的的排排练练,为为的的是是能能让让凯凯丽丽独独奏奏这这支支曲曲子子。shemissesthefin

206、alpractice_Kyliecouldplaythispieceofmusiconherown.get together get together help out help out so that so that 33.所所以以他他请请老老师师重重写写最最后后的的舞舞曲曲,这这样样就就可可以以 两两 个个 人人 演演 奏奏 了了 。 so she asked theirteacher to rewrite the final dance music_twopeoplecouldplayit.34.但但最最后后一一首首曲曲子子马马上上就就要要开开始始了了。Butthelastpieceof

207、musicis_.35.你你可可以以坐坐船船或或火火车车,但但那那样样会会花花很很长长时时间间,所所以以你你会会需需要要立立即即回回来来。Youcouldgobyboat or by train, although it would take_ long _ youd need to comebackimmediately.36.我们一起演奏几段乐曲我们一起演奏几段乐曲.Weplaysomemusic_.so that so that coming up coming up so as so as all together all together 37、赶快,萨利、赶快,萨利._,sally

208、.38、在在美美国国,劳劳动动节节是是一一个个全全国国性性的的节节日日,日日期也不相同期也不相同.In the USA,_ _ is a nationalholiday,butonadifferentdate,too.39. 你你去去机机场场送送他他们们。Yougototheairportand_them_.40. 这这张张地地图图属属于于弗弗林林特特船船长长,他他是是个个海海盗盗,有很多金子。有很多金子。It_CaptainFlint.CaptainFlintwasapirateandhadlotsofgold.Come on Come on LabourLabour day day see

209、 off see off belonged to belonged to 41. 有关你的国家你觉得怎么样?有关你的国家你觉得怎么样?What do you _ _ about yourcountry?Bookfive1.莎莎士士比比亚亚的的戏戏剧剧每每年年被被数数以以百百万万计计的的人人观观看看。AndShakespearesplaysareseenby_peopleeveryyear.2.他他和和他他的的伙伙伴伴-哈哈克克.费费恩恩和和乔乔跑跑到到密密西西西西比比河中游的一个岛上呆了几天。河中游的一个岛上呆了几天。He_withhistwofriends,HuckFinnandJoe,to

210、anislandinthemiddleoftheMississippiRiverforseveraldaysfeel like feel like millions of millions of runs away runs away 3、小小说说的的主主题题和和孩孩子子们们的的成成长长以以及及变变得得更更加加成成熟熟稳稳重重有有关关。Thethemesofthestoryareto do with children _ _ andbecomingmoreserious.4、最最后后,这这本本书书还还谈谈论论了了自自由由,社社会会规规则则和和人们因做坏事如何受到惩罚。人们因做坏事如何受到惩罚。

211、Finally,it_freedom,socialrulesandhowpeoplearepunishedforbadbehavior.5HAS代代表表什什么么?What does HAS _.6、好了大家听着。谁昨天晚上看电视了。、好了大家听着。谁昨天晚上看电视了。Right._ _ ,everyone. Did anyonewatchTVyesterdayevening?growing up growing up talks about talks about stand for stand for Listen up Listen up 7这这个个项项目目建建立立于于2001年年,旨旨在

212、在培培养养年年轻轻男男女女运动员。运动员。It was _ _ in to help youngsportsmenandsportswomen.8每天傍晚,妈妈在家翻阅杂志。每天傍晚,妈妈在家翻阅杂志。Every evening my mother _ _magazinesathome.9但在那时候,依靠手工一次只能制作一本书。但在那时候,依靠手工一次只能制作一本书。But in those days, books could only beproducedoneatatime_.set up set up looks through looks through by hand by hand

213、 10如如今今信信息息可可以以接接收收,从从因因特特网网上上下下载载,而而不必到书中去寻找。不必到书中去寻找。Today information can be received on line,downloaded from the Internet _foundinbooks,andinformationcanbekeptonCD-ROMsormachinessuchasMP3players.11那么有一天书会被电脑所取代吗?那么有一天书会被电脑所取代吗?So will books be replaced by computers_?12它一直关闭到一月,自然展厅也一样。它一直关闭到一月,自

214、然展厅也一样。Its closed until January. And the NaturalHistoryroom_.one day one day as well as well rather rather than than 13参参观观科科学学博博物物馆馆很很有有趣趣,并并且且这这也也是是了了解解科科学学的的一一个个好好办办法法,因因为为你你能能寻寻求求答答案案,尝尝试试想法。想法。VisitingtheScienceMuseumisfunanditsagreatwaytolearnaboutsciencebecauseyoucan_things_and_ideas.14最重要的是科

215、学博物馆是免费参观的。最重要的是科学博物馆是免费参观的。_,theScienceMuseumisfree.15就就是是说说你你可可以以顺顺便便进进去去看看一一会会儿儿,也也可可以以愿愿意停多久就停多久。意停多久就停多久。Thatmeansyoucan_forafewminutesoryoucanstay_long_likework out work out try out try out About all About all drop in drop in as as as as 16扔扔掉掉纸纸张张和和金金属属是是浪浪费费的的。所所以以每每个个班班都都可以收集可在利用的废品。可以收集可在利

216、用的废品。Its wasteful to _ _ glass, paperand metal, so every class collects reusablewaste,sellsitforrecycling17你会不会开窗户而不开空调呢?你会不会开窗户而不开空调呢?Doyouopenawindow_turningonairconditioning?18我我们们也也张张贴贴海海报报告告诉诉其其他他的的学学生生如如何何是是环环保和节能。保和节能。Wehavealso_posterstotelltheother students how to be green and saveenergy.th

217、row away throw away instead of instead of put up put up 19他他们们的的家家庭庭生生活活和和我我们们的的很很相相似似,喜喜欢欢的的食品和爱好也相同。食品和爱好也相同。Theirfamilylifeis_ours,andtheyenjoythesamefoodandhobbies.20我只是过来接托尼。我只是过来接托尼。Ivejustcometo_Tony_.21尽尽管管所所有有的的照照片片都都很很优优秀秀,但但我我们们却却不不能能给所有的人颁奖。给所有的人颁奖。_allofthephotosareexcellent,wecantgivep

218、rizestoeveryone.similar to similar to pick up pick up Even though Even though 22自自从从比比利利时时画画家家埃埃尔尔热热1929年年创创作作出出丁丁丁丁这个形象,这个形象,75年来丁丁一直为人们所喜爱。年来丁丁一直为人们所喜爱。Tintinhasbeenpopularfor75years,_ Belgian cartoonist Herge inventedthecharacterin1929.23如果你想要保持身体健康的话,就别放弃。如果你想要保持身体健康的话,就别放弃。Dont_ifyouwanttostayf

219、itgive up give up ever ever since since 24周周花花费费了了一一个个小小时时的的时时间间才才能能到到学学校校,这这增加了车流量和污染。增加了车流量和污染。IttakesJoanhourtogettoschool,andthis_thetrafficandpollution.25我我们们每每周周有有测测试试,衡衡量量你你们们的的听听说说读读写写技技能的进步。能的进步。We provide weekly tests to see the _youre_withyourlanguageskillsofreading,writing,speakingandlis

220、tening. progress progress making making adds to adds to 26如如果果你你对对课课程程感感兴兴趣趣的的话话,请请填填写写我我们们的申请表格,价目表列在上面。的申请表格,价目表列在上面。Ifyoureinterested,please_our application from where you will alsofindourlistofprices.fill in fill in 游戏规则游戏规则游戏以小组为单位,小组游戏以小组为单位,小组之间互相挑战,每组轮流之间互相挑战,每组轮流回答总分回答总分13分,由小组分,由小组最后一名同学记分












































264、henprintingwasdevelopedgreatlyatthebeginningofthe11thcentury,bookscouldbep_morequicklyandcheaply.ratherthaninterestedininsteadofplentyof11. 从那之后从那之后,知识和思想迅速传播开来知识和思想迅速传播开来,其速其速度之快度之快,可与可与20世纪因特网的引入相媲美世纪因特网的引入相媲美.Afterthat,k_andideass_quickly,inawaythatcanbecomparedwiththei_oftheInternetinthe20thcent




















284、都喜欢运动,最喜欢的是足球、板球他们都喜欢运动,最喜欢的是足球、板球和橄榄球。和橄榄球。Theyloveallsports,butthegamesthattheylovethemostarefootball,cricketandr_.rapesambamineugby10. 阳光十分明媚,海边的乡村绿油油的。阳光十分明媚,海边的乡村绿油油的。Thes_isverybright,andnearthecoastthecountrysideisverygreen.11.田野里和小山上羊群遍布,但是内陆更田野里和小山上羊群遍布,但是内陆更像沙漠,到处是岩石和沙地。像沙漠,到处是岩石和沙地。Therea










294、另外一个在中国刚刚过完重要生日的受另外一个在中国刚刚过完重要生日的受欢迎的卡通形象是一个长着红头发,带着一欢迎的卡通形象是一个长着红头发,带着一只小白狗的记者只小白狗的记者Anotherf_whohascelebratedanimportantbirthdayinChinaisareporterwithredhairandasmallwhitedog.13. 丁丁到过丛林,到过上海的小街,甚至丁丁到过丛林,到过上海的小街,甚至还到过月亮上还到过月亮上Tintinhastravelledtothejungles,thebackstreetsofShanghaiandeventhes_ofthem











305、交住不久,帕克威尔就成了阿恩威克的成交住宅区宅区Andsoon,Parkvillebecameas_ofArnwick.9.周一家人住在其中的新楼房中周一家人住在其中的新楼房中已经没已经没有地方再建小的房子了。有地方再建小的房子了。Josfamilyliveinoneofthosenewf_theresnoroomforsmallhousesanymore.10. 周要花上一个小时的时间才能到学校,周要花上一个小时的时间才能到学校,这增加了车流量和污染。这增加了车流量和污染。IttakesJoanhourtogettoschool,andthisa_tothetrafficandpolluti











316、.whichB.whoC.whoseD.when3.Ivegotafriend_brotheristrainingfortheOlympics.A.thatB.whoC.whoseD.whichDBC定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句1.Did you go _ interesting during2. the summer holidays? A. anything B. anywhere C. nothing D. somewhere2. Mary is _ 8-year-old girl. She goes to _ school by _ bike. A.an; /; / B. a; /

317、; a C. an; the; / D. a; a; /3. Which do you prefer, coffee or cola? _, thanks. Id like a cup of tea.A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None4. Too much salt can be bad _ your heart. A. with B. for C. of D. to5. Tony has read lots of stories by American writers. Now he would like to read _ stories by wri

318、ters from _ countries. A. other; other B. some; any C. other; some D. some; other6. If you want to be thinner and healthier, youd better eat _ food and take _ exercise. A. more; fewer B. more; less C. fewer; more D. less; more7.This year the farmers have produced _ rice _ they did last year. A. fewe

319、r; than B. as less; as C. as few, as D. less; than8.Lindas parents have bought a large house _ a swimming pool. A. in B. with C. at D. of9.Could I call you by your first name? Yes, you _. A. will B. may C. must D. might10.Shall I tell Jim about it? No, you _. Ive told him already. A. neednt B. would

320、nt C. mustnt D. shouldnt11. My grandmother _ a lot of changes in her life. A. sees B. can see C. will see D. has seen12. “What _ in the holidays, Daming?” asked Lingling. A. did you do B. are you doing C. were you doing D. do you do13. They _ work very hard when they were young.A. had to B. must C.

321、should D. have to14. Today, we _ work as hard as people did in the past. A. mustnt B. cant C. shouldnt D. dont have to15. He _ his bicycle when he hit a car. A. is riding B. was riding C. has ridden D. road16. The school dance is _ by the students. A. to plan B. planning C. planned D. a plan 17. She

322、 was chosen _ a speech at the farewell party. A.giving B. to give C. and gives D. gave18. We all agree that a pair of shoes _ a very nice present. A. are B. is C. were D. have19. Do you know if Mike _ the cat? Sorry, I have no idea. A. has caught B. catches C. are caught D. have caught20. People who

323、 _ to the party are very excited. A. have been invited B. has been invited C. will invite D. have invite21. Physics _ difficult _ for us. A. is a; topic B. are; subjects C. are; topics D. is a; subject22. Mary, together with her sisters, _ Chinese in China. A. are studying B. have studied C. studies

324、 D. study23. “All _ present and all _ going on well,” said the teacher.A. is; are B. is; is C. are, are D. are; is24.Charles Schultzs Peanuts cartoon are always really _ but they can be a bit sad at the same time. A. funny B. unusual C. popular D. boring25. Cartoons are not usually _ but they are a

325、good way of getting young children interested in reading. A. jokes B. serious C. happy D. clever26.Which is your favourite American cartoon _Batman or Superman?A.teacher B. artist B.C. character D. computer27. “What _ in the holidays, Daming?” asked Lingling. A: did you do B: are you doingC: were yo

326、u doing C: do you do 28. He wrote his first _ at the age of 12. A: opera B: story C: book D: report29. Some people say Mozart was the greatest European _. A: violinists B: composer C: singer D: pianist30. The Strauss family was the _ family of musicians in Vienna. A: best B: strongest C: most famous

327、 D: biggest31.One of the wonders ofthe_world is the pyramids in Egypt.A.old B.natural C.modern D.ancient32.For my homework I have to write a(n) _about the wonders of the Egypt. A.music B.picture C.compsition D.exam33. If I work hard, I hope I ll get good _A.grades B.notes C.checks D.answers34.My fav

328、ourite_is the Beatles and I ve got lots of CDs.A.conxert B.band C.singer D.club35.Mt. Qomolangma is the _ mountains in the world.A.highest B.longest C.tallest D.deepest36.The times is an interational_.A.article B.newspaper C.interview D.magazine37.He stood on the _ of mountain in the worldA.edge B.p

329、ath C.bottom D.ground38.I ve never_to the Great WallA.been B.gone C.seen 39.Xu Haifeng won the first gold_ in the Olympic Games for China.A.medal B.symbol C.prize D.point40.liu Xing_ by his coach to train regularly.A.told B.was advised C.was defeated D.compared41.The team played well, but they didnt

330、_the competition.A.score B.do C.win D.succeed42.Mr Li_to represent the new computer company. A.were noticed B.was chosen C.set up D.held43.Our team entered the_after we won 50 matches. A.competition B.season C.medal D. training 44.BIG_Beijing International Globetrotters A.makes B.spells C.stands for

331、 D.looks like 45.Our team lost ! They_by the other team. A.noticed B.were defeated C.won D.were encouraged46.Thanks to the growing population, _need to build our homes.A.police B.governments C. dotors D.teachers47.There are always _of people in the city.A.crowds B.lot C.crowded D.much48.there is no_

332、in our flat for another person.A.place B.rooms C.space 49.My father has a very intersting _.A.service B.job C.workClozeCloze1 12 23 34 46 67 78 85 5填填词词选选择择1 12 23 34 46 67 78 85 51The RobinsonsFamily Mike Robinson is a _1_ English schoolboy. Hie sister Clare is 14. At the moment, Mike and Clare are

333、 at a school in Sydney, one of the _2_ in Australia. They have _3_ there for two years. They like the school, but they know that soon they will leave and return to England with their parents.1.A.15 year old B. 15 years old C. 15-year-old D. 15-years-old2.A.bigger city B. bigger cities C. biggest cit

334、y D. biggest cities 3.A.been B. gone C. been to D. gone toC. 15-year-oldbiggest citiesA.been Mike and Clare have also been to schools in America, _4_, France and China.This is because their father, Peter, works for a very big international company. The company has offices in many different countries

335、.The company has sent peter to work in many different countries. Peter usually _5_ in one country for about two years. Then the company moves him again. His family always goes with him.4.A.Germany B. German C. Germans D. Germen5.Acomes B. goes C. stays D. leavesGermanystays _6_ are a happy family an

336、d love seeing the world. Mike and Clare have learnt to _7_ French, German and a little Chinese. The two children have friends all over the world. But they are glad that they are going to _8_ England.6.A. The Robinson B. The Robinsons C. Robinson D. Robinsons 7.A. tell B. say C. talk D. speak 8.A. re

337、turn B. return back C. return to D. returning B. The RobinsonsD. speakC. return to Recently, the children told their parents, “We want to stay in England. We dont want to move again.” Their father _9_ and has asked his company to keep him in England. The company has agreed. Mike and Clare are very _

338、10_ about this. 9.A. agreed B. agrees C. will agree D. had agreed10.A.sad B. happy C. interested D. surprisedB. agreesB. happy2 Our new English teacherOur new English teacher, Mr White, _1_today. Hes American. He smiles a lot and hes friendly but he speaks very _2_. Its difficult tounderstand his wo

339、rds. He also expects us to study hard, and speak English _3_ in our English lessons. 1.A.arrived B. got to C. reached D. arrived at 2.A.quick B. quickly C. fast D. soon3.A.sometimes B. all the time C. never D. usually 1.A.arrivedC. fastB. all the timeDuring the first class, Mr White introduced _4_ a

340、nd showed us photos of his family. Hes got a big family, two brothers and a sister. His brothers all look like him. They are very tall, and they have dark hair, but one brother has a beard. His sister is slim, and she has fair hair. They were _5_ in all of the photos and look friendly.4.A.us B. hims

341、elf C. ourselves D. him 5.A. smiled B. to smile C. smile D. smiling B. himselfD. smilingThen he told us about America and Americans. He showed us _6_ Americans say “Hi,How are you doing?” and shake _7_ when they meet people. We all practised. That was fun. And he also told us that Americans are chee

342、rful,lively people. They smile _8_ and are usually friendly because Americans think its polite to be friendly.6.A. how B. where C. what D. why 7.A. hand with B. hands C. hands with D. a hand 8.A.often B. a lot of C. lots D. a lot6.A. howB. handsD. a lotAt the end of the lesson, we all said “_9_”, “S

343、ee you soon” to everyone. English lessons are going to be _10_. 9.A. Hello B. How are you C. Goodbye D. Youre right10.A.boring B. popular C. enjoyable D. enjoy C. GoodbyeC. enjoyable3Go to the seaside It was seven oclock in the morning on August 29th . The Kelly family _1_ going to Brighton , a town

344、 by the sea . “Can we have breakfast _2_ we leave?” asked Gina Kelly . “No,” said her mother . “We must leave now , or the traffic will be terrible . Well have breakfast when we _3_ the seaside .”1.A.was B.is C.are D.were2.A.until B. before C. after D. when3.A.get to B. get C. got to D. arrivedD.wer

345、eB. before3.A.get toGina ran downstairs . “Im ready ,” she said . The family _4_ the car , and Dad started driving . In the front of the car was Mike . He was eleven . He didnt talk _5_ just listened to music . In the back of the car was Gina , her mother , and Ellen . Gina was nine and Ellen was th

346、ree .4.A.went up B. climbed on C. climbed up D. climbed into5.A.and B. so C. but D. orD. climbed intoC. butDad drove very fast . “Youre driving too fast ,” said Mum , “You dont _6_ so fast . Its early .” Dad laughed and drove more slowly . There wasnt _7_ traffic , and they got to Brighton at nine o

347、clock . It was sunny day , and the sea looked very blue .6.Aneed driving B. must C. need to drive D. driving7.A.too many B. too much C. much too D. many tooC. need to driveB. too much “Theres a caf,” said Gina . “ Can we have breakfast there ?”“Yes ,” said Mum . They went into the caf, and _8_ a ver

348、y big breakfast“Oh dear , I ate too much ,” said Gina . “How can I _9_ when Ive got all that food inside me ?”“Easy ,” shouted Mike . “Just watch _10_ !” He ran towards the sea .8.A. eat B. eaten C. ate D. eating9.A.swim B. sleep C. move D. behave10.A.myself B. I C. mine D. me C. ateA.swimD. me4TV n

349、ews reporterDo you want to be a TV news reporter? People often ask me _1_ I love my job. Well, its very exciting. Im the first to know about important news stories. I travel _2_ the world and I talk to people. I _3_ what is happening in different places. 1.A how B. however C. when D. why2.A.over B.

350、about C. around D. at 3. A. find out B. look for C. found D. check D. whyC. aroundA. find outItalktosomeimportantandfamouspeople.Ivetalkedtopeopleinthegovernment,_4_famoussportsmenandsportswomenandfilmstars.Iaskpeopletotellmeabouttheir_5_.Iwanttoknowhowtheyfeel.4.A.bothB.eitherC.aswellasD.too5.A.par

351、entsB.countryC.livesD.children C.aswellasC.livesA lot of people want to work in TV news, _6_you have to be energetic and creative.You have to show that you can do it. You must learn _7_to use a video camera, to write reports, and to speak to the camera. Whats the best way to learn? Your school or co

352、llege TV station is a good place to start , but you have to get a job!6.A. because B. but C. and D. so7.A.how B. why C. when D. whatD. soA.howMost people start with an _8_ job, so they can learn. The best place to learn is at a small station. There arent many people, and as a result, you get better

353、_9_ .I had an unpaid job at a small station, and one night, when everyone else was ill, I read the news on air. I did _10_ , and as a result, I got my first paid job! 8.A.paid B. unpaid C. interesting D. exciting9.A.experienceB. paymentC. progressD. experiment10.A.badly B. well C. the better D goodB

354、. unpaidA.experienceB. well5 Pofect holidayImagine this: your parents go away on business, but you have to stay at home _1_ . Would life be as easy as when your parents are around? Would it be a perfect holiday for you?Zheng Chenyu says that she would worry“Where would I find food? How would I cook

355、it?” The 14-year-old girl says that she knows _2_ about cooking.1.A.along B.alone C.friendly D. happily2.A.more B. many C. few D. little B.aloneD. little“I can fill an empty stomach _3_ tomato and egg soup, but thats all. I think many of my classmates are the same. We wouldnt know what to do, or how

356、 to look after _4_ ,” said Zheng. “And Id forget something important. Id probably watch television and then burn the soup.”3.A.in B. of C. with D. off 4.A. myself B.yourself C.ourselves D.themselvesC. withC.ourselves_5_ Zheng believes that basic life skills, such as cooking and washing clothes, are

357、especially important, she doesnt think teenagers get enough practice. As soon as I leave home, Ill learn to cook.But now parents do _6_ everything for us. Were very lazy,” she said.5.A. But B. Since C. Although D. Because 6.A.hardly B. likely C. almost D. properlyC. AlthoughC. almostMost teenagers h

358、ave only had time for their homework. They dont learn any life skills _7_ they go to college.However, Sima Yige doesnt think so. “I think Id be all right. I wouldnt just eat sandwiches or fruit. I know how to cook some simple dishes _8_ my mum showed me,” the 13-year-old boy said. 7.A.after B. until

359、 C. when D. as 8.A.so B. because of C. since D. because B. untilbecauseIn his opinion, many teenagers depend too much on their_9_ , and there is much more to learn than cooking, like“_10_up your room or even dressing yourself properly”. For most teenagers it wouldnt be a holiday at all.9. A parents

360、B. brothers C. teachers D. classmates10. A. looking B. tidying C. settingD. taking A parentsB. tidying6美好时光美好时光Wei Ming has been all over China by plane. Her father is _1_ Air China captain, so they fly to different places for their holidays. “My _(2)place is Mount Tai. But I also like the beaches i

361、n Sanya.” Is there anywhere she hasnt visited ? “ Ive never been to Shanghai!” 1.A. a B. an C. the D. /2.A. good B. well C. best D. favouriteB. anfavouriteHan Li has been to San Francisco in the USA. His grandparents live there and he visits them _(3) Spring Festival. “ I like San Francisco very muc

362、h _4_ theres a lot to see and do there. Im at home in Chinatown!” says Han Li.3.A.either B.neither C. every D. both4.A.but B. because C. or D. thoughC. everyB. becauseYi Wen has _5_ westen food in a hotel in Nanjing. “Have you ever had Italian food ? Its delicious! Pizza has always been my favourite

363、 food. But I dont _6_ sandwiches or ice creamtheyre too cold!”5.A.tried B.try C.trying D.tries 6.A.like B. hate C. feel like D. want toA.triedA.likeWang Ming has been to a liu Huan concert in Beijing with _7_ than 2,000 people. “ Hes given concerts all over China and the tickets have always sold _8_

364、. Hes written many songs! Hes the greatest Chinese musician. ever !” says Wang Ming.7.A. many B. much C. more D. least 8.A.up B. out C. in D. downC. moreB. outHe Meifeng went to a Beijing cinema to see The House of the Flying Daggers(十面埋伏十面埋伏) because shes always liked Zhang Ziyi .At the end she got

365、 up, and Zhang Ziyi was in the seat _9_ her. “ Ive always wanted to meet her. It was my dream _10_ true!”9.A. to B. nest C. besides D. beside 10.A go B. come C. leave D. fly D. besideB. come7希望工程Liu Sanzi is an eight-year-old boy from a village in Hunan Province. His parents want him to _1_ out of s

366、chool. Its important for him to work on their farm _2_ there are seven people in Lius family and they are very poor.1.A.walk B. come C. go D. drop2.A. though B. so C. but D. becauseD. dropD. becauseLi Yinming is 14 and from Zhangxian in Gansu Province. He stopped_3_ to school a few years ago. His pa

367、rents have been _4_ and he has to look after them.3.A.go B. to go C. going D. to come4.A. worried B. happy C. ill D. seriousC. goingC. illMany children like Li Yinming and Liu Sanzi cant get an education because their families are _5_. Now they can go to school with the help of Project Hope. In the

368、last 15 years, this project has_6_ money and paid for the education of 2.5 million poor students in the countryside. People in China and abroad have given 2.2 billion yuan. 5.A. rich B. fair C. uncomfortable D. poor 6.A. gained B. given C. raised D. offeredD. poorC. raised _7_ this money, Project Ho

369、pe has built many schools and libraries. It has also trained _8_ and it has sent students to high schools.Last year Shen, a boy from Shanxi Province, went to a school with no electricity and only a few books. But this year hes at a new school with big classrooms and lots of books. Project Hope paid

370、for it.7.A In B. On C. With D. Under8A. doctors B. students C. teachers D. headmastersC. WithC. teachersMost people in China have heard Project Hope and have given money. But 40 million children from poor families still need help. _9_ Project Hope, thousands of childern have _10_ lives. Perhaps we s

371、hould all ask: What can we do for Project Hope ?How can we help?9.A. Becasues B. Since C. As D. Because of10.A. worse B. better C. wonder D. wellBecause ofB. better8游览美国The USA is a very big country to visit,so choose carefully the places to see and the time to go. Bring a good _1_ because you may w

372、ant to travel around.New York and Washing D.C. are good places to visit in May or October. Its not too hot then.In _2_ theres a lot of snow.1.A.picutre B. book C.map D.magazine2.A.spring B. summer C. autumn D. winterC.mapwinterThe best plan is _3_ New England in September. Theweather starts to get c

373、ooler and the trees start to change colour. Its a good idea to _4_ your camera because you may want to take photos the autumn leaves.3.A.arriving in B. to arrive in C. to arrive at D. arriving at 4.A.bring B. borrow C. design D. get B. to arrive inA.bring 4,000 kilometres away in Los Aneles,Californ

374、ia, the weather is fine all year. _5_ nice to see the Sun in December! Bring your swimsuit because you_6_ want to swim in the sea.5.A.Thats B. That is C. It was D. Its6.A.should B. must C. need D. might D. ItsD. mightIn the northwest, it isnt very cold, but theres a lot of _7_, so bring an umbrella.

375、 Its _8_ to visit Alaska in July and August but it might be cool in the evening. So remember to _9_ some warm clothes. But dont come in winter. Itll be dark all day and freezing cold.7.A.rain B. snow C. fog D. wind 8.A.pleased B. pleasant C. satisfied D. worried 9.A.wearing B. wear C. put on D. putt

376、ing onA.rainB. pleasantB. wearIn Texas and the southeast, there are storms from time to time in summer and fall. Its usually very hot and sunny compared to _10_ places.So whens the best time to visit the USA? Any time you like!10.A.many other B. much other C. many others D. anotherA.many other父母出差是父

377、母出差是父母出差是父母出差是完美假期吗完美假期吗完美假期吗完美假期吗Imagine this: your parents go away on business, but you have to stay at home _1_ . Would life be as easy as when your parents are around? Would it be a perfect holiday for you?Zheng Chenyu says that she would worry“Where would I find food? How would I cook it?” The

378、14-year-old girl says that she knows _2_ about cooking.alonelittle“I can fill an empty stomach _3_ tomato and egg soup, but thats all. I think many of my classmates are the same. We wouldnt know what to do, or how to look after _4_ ,” said Zheng. “And Id forget something important. Id probably watch

379、 television and then burn the soup.”withourselves_5_ Zheng believes that basic life skills, such as cooking and washing clothes, are especially important, she doesnt think teenagers get enough practice. As soon as I leave home, Ill learn to cook.But now parents do _6_ everything for us. Were very la

380、zy,” she said.AlthoughalmostMost teenagers have only had time for their homework. They dont learn any life skills _7_ they go to college.However, Sima Yige doesnt think so. “I think Id be all right. I wouldnt just eat sandwiches or fruit. I know how to cook some simple dishes _8_ my mum showed me,”

381、the 13-year-old boy said. untilbecauseIn his opinion, many teenagers depend too much on their_9_ , and there is much more to learn than cooking, like“_10_ up your room or even dressing yourself properly”. For most teenagers it wouldnt be a holiday at all.parentstidying新闻记者新闻记者Do you want to be a TV

382、news reporter? People often ask me _1_ I love my job. Well, its very exciting. Im the first to know about important news stories. I travel _2_ the world and I talk to people. I _3_ what is happening in different places. whyaroundfind outItalktosomeimportantandfamouspeople.Ivetalkedtopeopleinthegover

383、nment,_4_famoussportsmenandsportswomenandfilmstars.Iaskpeopletotellmeabouttheir_5_.Iwanttoknowhowtheyfeel.aswellaslivesA lot of people want to work in TV news, _6_ you have to be energetic and creative.You have to show that you can do it. You must learn _7_to use a video camera, to write reports, an

384、d to speak to the camera. Whats the best way to learn? Your school or college TV station is a good place to start , but you have to get a job!sohowMost people start with an _8_ job, so they can learn. The best place to learn is at a small station. There arent many people, and as a result, you get be

385、tter _9_ .I had an unpaid job at a small station, and one night, when everyone else was ill, I read the news on air. I did _10_ , and as a result, I got my first paid job! unpaidexperiencewell15岁的英国男孩岁的英国男孩 Mike Robinson is a _1_ English schoolboy. Hie sister Clare is 14. At the moment, Mike and Cla

386、re are at a school in Sydney, one of the _2_ in Australia. They have _3_ there for two years. They like the school, but they know that soon they will leave and return to England with their parents.15-year-oldbiggest citiesbeen Mike and Clare have also been to schools in America, _4_, France and Chin

387、a.This is because their father, Peter, works for a very big international company. The company has offices in many different countries.The company has sent peter to work in many different countries. Peter usually _5_ in one country for about two years. Then the company moves him again. His family al

388、ways goes with him.Germanystays _6_ are a happy family and love seeing the world. Mike and Clare have learnt to _7_ French, German and a little Chinese. The two children have friends all over the world. But they are glad that they are going to _8_ England.The Robinsonsspeakreturn to Recently, the ch

389、ildren told their parents, “We want to stay in England. We dont want to move again.” Their father _9_ and has asked his company to keep him in England. The company has agreed. Mike and Clare are very _10_ about this. agreeshappy我们的新英语老师我们的新英语老师Our new English teacher, Mr White, _1_ today. Hes Americ

390、an. He smiles a lot and hes friendly but he speaks very _2_. Its difficult tounderstand his words. He also expects us to study hard, and speak English _3_ in our English lessons. arrived fast all the timeDuring the first class, Mr White introduced _4_ and showed us photos of his family. Hes got a bi

391、g family, two brothers and a sister. His brothers all look like him. They are very tall, and they have dark hair, but one brother has a beard. His sister is slim, and she has fair hair. They were _5_ in all of the photos and look friendly.himselfsmilingThen he told us about America and Americans. He

392、 showed us _6_ Americans say “Hi,How are you doing?” and shake _7_ when they meet people. We all practised. That was fun. And he also told us that Americans are cheerful,lively people. They smile _8_ and are usually friendly because Americans think its polite to be friendly.howhandsa lotAt the end o

393、f the lesson, we all said “_9_”, “See you soon” to everyone. English lessons are going to be _10_. GoodbyeenjoyableGototheseasideGototheseaside It was seven oclock in the morning on August 29th . The Kelly family _1_ going to Brighton , a town by the sea . “Can we have breakfast _2_ we leave?” asked

394、 Gina Kelly . “No,” said her mother . “We must leave now , or the traffic will be terrible . Well have breakfast when we _3_ the seaside .”werebeforeget toGina ran downstairs . “Im ready ,” she said . The family _4_ the car , and Dad started driving . In the front of the car was Mike . He was eleven

395、 . He didnt talk _5_ just listened to music . In the back of the car was Gina , her mother , and Ellen . Gina was nine and Ellen was three .climbed into butDad drove very fast . “Youre driving too fast ,” said Mum , “You dont _6_ so fast . Its early .” Dad laughed and drove more slowly . There wasnt

396、 _7_ traffic , and they got to Brighton at nine oclock . It was sunny day , and the sea looked very blue .need to drive too much “Theres a caf,” said Gina . “ Can we have breakfast there ?”“Yes ,” said Mum . They went into the caf, and _8_ a very big breakfast“Oh dear , I ate too much ,” said Gina .

397、 “How can I _9_ when Ive got all that food inside me ?”“Easy ,” shouted Mike . “Just watch _10_ !” He ran towards the sea .ateswimme美好时光美好时光美好时光美好时光Wei Ming has been all over China by plane. Her father is _1_ Air China captain, so they fly to different places for their holidays. “My _(2) place is Mo

398、unt Tai. But I also like the beaches in Sanya.” Is there anywhere she hasnt visited ? “ Ive never been to Shanghai!” anfavouriteHan Li has been to San Francisco in the USA. His grandparents live there and he visits them _(3) Spring Festival. “ I like San Francisco very much _4_ theres a lot to see a

399、nd do there. Im at home in Chinatown!” says Han Li.everybecauseYi Wen has _5_ westen food in a hotel in Nanjing. “Have you ever had Italian food ? Its delicious! Pizza has always been my favourite food. But I dont _6_ sandwiches or ice creamtheyre too cold!”triedlikeWang Ming has been to a liu Huan

400、concert in Beijing with _7_ than 2,000 people. “ Hes given concerts all over China and the tickets have always sold _8_. Hes written many songs! Hes the greatest Chinese musician. ever !” says Wang Ming.moreoutHe Meifeng went to a Beijing cinema to see The House of the Flying Daggers(十面埋伏十面埋伏) becau

401、se shes always liked Zhang Ziyi .At the end she got up, and Zhang Ziyi was in the seat _9_ her. “ Ive always wanted to meet her. It was my dream _10_ true!”beside come去美国旅行去美国旅行去美国旅行去美国旅行The USA is a very big country to visit,so choose carefully the places to see and the time to go. Bring a good _1_

402、 because you may want to travel around.New York and Washing D.C. are good places to visit in May or October. Its not too hot then.In _2_ theres a lot of snow.mapwinterThe best plan is _3_ New England in September. Theweather starts to get cooler and the trees start to change colour. Its a good idea

403、to _4_ your camera because you may want to take photos the autumn leaves.to arrive inbring 4,000 kilometres away in Los Aneles,California, the weather is fine all year. _5_ nice to see the Sun in December! Bring your swimsuit because you_6_ want to swim in the sea. ItsmightIn the northwest, it isnt

404、very cold, but theres a lot of _7_, so bring an umbrella. Its _8_ to visit Alaska in July and August but it might be cool in the evening. So remember to _9_ some warm clothes. But dont come in winter. Itll be dark all day and freezing cold.rainpleasantwearIn Texas and the southeast, there are storms

405、 from time to time in summer and fall. Its usually very hot and sunny compared to _10_ places.So whens the best time to visit the USA? Any time you like!many other希望工程希望工程希望工程希望工程Liu Sanzi is an eight-year-old boy from a village in Hunan Province. His parents want him to _1_ out of school. Its impor

406、tant for him to work on their farm _2_ there are seven people in Lius family and they are very poor.drop becauseLi Yinming is 14 and from Zhangxian in Gansu Province. He stopped_3_ to school a few years ago. His parents have been _4_ and he has to look after them.goingillMany children like Li Yinmin

407、g and Liu Sanzi cant get an education because their families are _5_. Now they can go to school with the help of Project Hope. In the last 15 years, this project has_6_ money and paid for the education of 2.5 million poor students in the countryside. People in China and abroad have given 2.2 billion

408、 yuan. poorraised _7_ this money, Project Hope has built many schools and libraries. It has also trained _8_ and it has sent students to high schools.Last year Shen, a boy from Shanxi Province, went to a school with no electricity and only a few books. But this year hes at a new school with big clas

409、srooms and lots of books. Project Hope paid for it. WithteachersMost people in China have heard Project Hope and have given money. But 40 million children from poor families still need help. _9_ Project Hope, thousands of childern have _10_ lives. Perhaps we should all ask: What can we do for Projec

410、t Hope ?How can weBecause ofbetterReading131310104 45 51 16 611112 27 712123 38 89 91 1睡眠睡眠1.Whyissleepgoodforyourhealth?a)Sleepisgoodforthebrainaswellasthebody.b)Sleepinghelpsyourelax.c)Sleepingmakesyouneedlessenergy.d)Youcansolvemoreproblemswhileyousleep.P1182.Whathappenstochildrenatschooliftheydo


412、ucanreadstoriesbeforeyougotosleep.b)Yousleepbetterandgetmoresleep.c)Youhavelessenergy.d)Yourbrainworksbetter.5.WhatdidtheGermanscientistsexperimentshow?a)Sleephelpschildrenlearntoread.b)Losingsleepmeanschildrendontlearnwell.c)Yourbrainworkswhileyousleep.d)Parentsshouldreadbedtimestories.2 2小心熊出没小心熊出



415、afterrunningsofast3 3劝父戒烟劝父戒烟1.Kateiswritingtoherfatherbecause_.a)hehasstoppedsmokingb)shelikessmokingc)shewantshimtostopsmokingd)shemissesheruncleP542.Katehasfoundout_.a)thatsmokingisntsobadb)thatsmokingisworsethanshehadthoughtc)thatsmokinghelpsyouthinkbetterd)thatsmokingoutsidedoesnoharm3.Katesmot

416、herdoesntlike_.a)smokingoutsideb)beautifulsmellsc)thesmellinthehoused)thesmellofsmokeinthehouse4.Kateisafraidthat_.a)sheandhermotherwillfallillbecauseofherfatherssmokingb)herclotheswillsmellofsmokec)shewillstarttosmoked)shecanthelpherfather4 4入乡随俗入乡随俗1.Whoisthepassagewrittenfor?a)AWesterneatingaChin


418、 5 5 深山迷路深山迷路P1221.WhydoesJamiesay“Itsnouse”?A.Hecantunderstandthemap.B.Thepathisntonthemap.C.Hesgotthewrongmap.D.Hecantworkoutwheretheyare.2.WhyarethewriterandJamielost?A.Theytookawrongturning.B.Theythrewtheirmapaway.C.Itstoodarktoseewheretheyregoing.D.Theyarealongwayfromhome.3.Whatdotheydecidetodo

419、?A.Tofollowthepath.B.Tomakeagoodplan.C.Towalkalongtheriver.D.Nottoworryaboutit.4.WhathappenstoJamie?A.Hecantseewherehesgoing.B.Hefallsandhurtshisleg.C.Hefallsintotheriver.D.Herunsintodanger.6 6给蛇拍照给蛇拍照P291.WhenthesnakebitMrJackson,it_.A.hidinginaboxofbananasB.climbingoutofaboxofbananasC.lyingunderad


421、MrJacksontherightmedicinewhen_.A.LondonZootoldthemwhatkindofsnakeitwasB.MrJacksonsentthephototothehospitalC.helefthospitalthenextdayD.thesnakebithim7 7 The Great The Great CanyonCanyon( (大峡谷大峡谷) )上册上册P41.Wheremaythepassagecomefrom?b)Agrammarbook.c)Adictionary.2.Whywastherenothingtosee?a)Becausethere


423、lsabouttheGrandCanyon.c)TodescribetheGrandCanyon.d)TotellpeopletovisittheGrandCanyon.8 8林去去北京林去去北京1.HowoldwasLin?A.Hewas16yearsold.B.Hewas26yearsold.C.Hewas10yearsold.D.Hewasolderthanhisbrother.P52.Whatwasitlikeonthetrain?A.Itwasalmostempty.B.Itwasfullofpeopleandbags.C.Therewerefewpeople.D.Therewere



426、ket.9 9城市的发展城市的发展带来的不良影带来的不良影响响1.Thewriterwantsto_.a)showthedisadvantagesofhowcitieshavegrownovertheyearsb)showthatlifeinthecitycanbeenjoyablec)describethedangersofcitylifed)explainwhatcitiesneedtogivethepeoplewholivethereP912.ParkvillebecameasuburbofArnwickbecause_.a)noonewantedtoliveinavillageb)pe





431、)Itistoodifficulttolearn1 11 1谁拥有英语谁拥有英语P741.InacountrylikeIndia,Englishis_.a)nottaughtinschoolb)spokenbyeveryonec)themostimportantforeignlanguaged)notthelanguageeveryonespeaksathome2.Englishbecamemorecommonbecause_.a)ofthegrowthoftheUKb)itsaneasylanguagetolearnc)itwasusedintelevision,filmsandtheInt





436、graduateswithoutexperience.a)moremoneyb)moreimportantjobsc)jobsmoreeasilyd)morejobsinothercountries中考英语书面表达的评分标准:中考英语书面表达的评分标准:满分档(满分档(15分分): 字数符合要求(字数符合要求(80-100字),书写规范,涵盖字),书写规范,涵盖 所有要点,条理清楚,词汇丰富,没有任何语法错误。所有要点,条理清楚,词汇丰富,没有任何语法错误。第五档(第五档(12-14分)分):字数字数符合要求,书写规范,涵盖所有要点,符合要求,书写规范,涵盖所有要点, 条理清楚,词汇比较丰富,

437、有少量语法错误。条理清楚,词汇比较丰富,有少量语法错误。第四档(第四档(9-11分)分):字数符合要求,书写规范,基本涵盖要点字数符合要求,书写规范,基本涵盖要点 (有(有2要点得给要点得给9-10分),比较连贯,词汇不够丰富,分),比较连贯,词汇不够丰富, 有一些语法错误。有一些语法错误。第三档第三档(6-8分分):字数与要求有明显距离,书写不规范,要点不完字数与要求有明显距离,书写不规范,要点不完 整(只有整(只有1个要点),行文不连贯,词汇量不足,错误个要点),行文不连贯,词汇量不足,错误 较多,勉强能看出作文意图较多,勉强能看出作文意图。第二档(第二档(3-5分)分):能用句子表达,错

438、误百出,只能勉强猜测出作能用句子表达,错误百出,只能勉强猜测出作 文意图。文意图。第一档(第一档(0-2分)分):有一些英语单词,但与话题毫不相干。有一些英语单词,但与话题毫不相干。 (白卷(白卷0分)分)1. 审题目审题目:2. 圈要点圈要点:3. 定基调定基调:4. 写全文写全文:5.改病句改病句:书面表达写作技巧书面表达写作技巧:审题要审格式、体裁、审题要审格式、体裁、主体时态、活动时间、地点、主体时态、活动时间、地点、人物关系、故事情节等。人物关系、故事情节等。罗列词组,把情景中给出的各个要点逐条列出。罗列词组,把情景中给出的各个要点逐条列出。定出时态、人称、顺序、开头、结尾。定出时态

439、、人称、顺序、开头、结尾。用自己最有把握的表达方式写句子,不打无把握之战,用自己最有把握的表达方式写句子,不打无把握之战,注意搭配、运用恰当的关联词注意搭配、运用恰当的关联词, 运用高级表达、提升运用高级表达、提升文章档次。文章档次。是否有错别字、是否主谓一致、是否有中文式英语表达、是否有错别字、是否主谓一致、是否有中文式英语表达、是否词的拼写、大小写、标点符号等正确。注意书写美是否词的拼写、大小写、标点符号等正确。注意书写美观。注意是否词数合格。观。注意是否词数合格。暑假就要到了,你将如何度过这个暑假呢?请暑假就要到了,你将如何度过这个暑假呢?请把你的想法写成短文。暑假生活应包括以下内容:把

440、你的想法写成短文。暑假生活应包括以下内容:要求:要求:1.短文结构完整,意思连贯,语言流畅,短文结构完整,意思连贯,语言流畅,语法准确,符合逻辑;语法准确,符合逻辑;2.80-100词左右;词左右;3.开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。提示提示1 坚持锻炼身体(做早操、游泳、打球等)坚持锻炼身体(做早操、游泳、打球等) .做自己喜欢做的事情(上网、读书、看电视、和朋友做自己喜欢做的事情(上网、读书、看电视、和朋友逛街、看电影、玩游戏、交友等);逛街、看电影、玩游戏、交友等); .根据需要安排学习;根据需要安排学习; .尽可能多的(尽可能多的(as much as po

441、ssible) 帮助家人做家帮助家人做家务务 5.去旅游去旅游 Summer holiday is coming before long. Summer holiday is coming before long. During the summer holidy, the first thing Ill do During the summer holidy, the first thing Ill do is to keep on doing moring exercises every day is to keep on doing moring exercises every day Homework: 1.Finish the composition 2.Have a revision of the test.



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