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1、Lesson3GroundlessBelieLesson3GroundlessBeliefsfsWarm-upI. Aristotle & Galileo II. Warming-up Questions III. Do You Know?IV. Warming-up Activities Aristotle.Aristotle. lived from 384322 B.C., lived from 384322 B.C.,a pupil of Plato,a pupil of Plato,another Greek philosopher.another Greek philosopher.

2、was a tutor of Alexander the Great.was a tutor of Alexander the Great.his authorship includes works on ethics,his authorship includes works on ethics,logic, metaphysics, natural sciences,logic, metaphysics, natural sciences,politics, and poetry.politics, and poetry.Some say he had a profound influen

3、ceSome say he had a profound influenceon current Western thought.on current Western thought.his philosophical system theory followshis philosophical system theory followsempirical observation and logicempirical observation and logicthe essential method of rational inquiry.the essential method of rat

4、ional inquiry.Aristotle (384 B.C.322 B.C.):Aristotle (384 B.C.322 B.C.):I. Aristotle VS. Galileo Galileo (15641642)vGalileo was an astronomer and mathematician, born in Pisa, Italy. vHe entered Pisa University as a medical student in 1581, and became professor of mathematics at Padua (15921610), whe

5、re he improved the refracting telescope (1610), and was the first to use it for astronomy.vAmong his other discoveries were the law of uniformly accelerated motion towards the Earth and the law that all bodies have weight. Do we really know what we are doing and what we are thinking? Are we sure tha

6、t all the beliefs we hold with conviction and accept without question are really true or well-grounded? What constitutes adequate grounds for beliefs?II. Warming-up QuestionsIII. Do You Know?Belief Do not accept anything on mere hearsay It is your inner judgment that you must obey Do not accept anyt

7、hing by mere tradition Think for yourself and from your opposition Do not accept anything on account of mere rumors In this life, do not be a blind and mindless consumer Do not accept anything by mere suppositions Find the truth, the right, the definitionDo not accept anything merely because it agre

8、es with your pre-conceived notions This is a higher belief you are searching for, put aside your emotions Do not accept anything merely because it seems acceptable Be strong in your own verdict, do not be so susceptible Choose one of these beliefsbeliefs and talk about them in your familiar aspectsC

9、ommunism,theCommunistPartyofChinaBuddhismReligionBeliefsHistoryConfucianismConfuciusBeliefsDaoismDaoistBeliefsChristianityJesusChristChristianSomeotherbeliefsgive a simple feature of your chosen beliefGroup DiscussionIV. Warming-up Activities I. Catholic BeliefII. Presbyterian BeliefIII. William Jam

10、esIV. The Principles of PsychologyV. Headhunting in South AsiaVI. Gladiatorial GamesBackground InformationText Appreciation1.About the text and the author2.Text Structure3.ThemeAbout the text and the author The present text is taken from Logic for the Millions by AEMander, published by The Philosoph

11、ical Library,New York,1947 A.E. Mander is an English psychologist, he writes many books, such as Our Sham Democracy, Psychology for everyman and woman, Alarming Australia and so on.Part 1 (Para. 1) about:Part 2 (Paras. 221) about:Part 3 (Paras. 2225) about:Text Structure The authors proposition of t

12、he general practice of thinking The authors analysis of five non-rational factors in the determination of peoples opinionsThe end of Text Structure.The authors encouragement on clear, fresh and rational ways of thinking Structure of the TextMander lists five sources for many of our groundless belief

13、s(2-21):1) Result of early environment;(2-3)2) Parroting;(4-13)3) Self-interest;(14-17)4) Sentimental associations;(18-19)5) Fashion(19-21)The end of Theme. uTheme of the story: The article is meant to serve as a suggestive example of a curious, inquiring mind at work. uIt encourages us to find out

14、how we came by our beliefs and manage to be bold enough to test our beliefs.ThemeI.Text AnalysisI think,I believe,Im convinced,Im sure,It goes without saying,Its crystal clear,Its as simple as ABC,No doubt,etcDo thinking as a habitWe cannot avoid thinking,rightly or wrongly. II. Warming-up Questions

15、Warm-up questionWarm-up questionWhat are the ways for people to classify their views?PopularityUsefulnessSource of authorityPersonal tasteGroundground: (usu. pl.) the foundation/underlying condition for an argument, a cause or good reason for sth.根据根据, 理由,原因理由,原因e.g. 1.What were his grounds for want

16、ing a divorce? 2.Neither statement can be faulted on the grounds that it is inaccurate. groundless: a. not based on reason or evidencee.g. groundless optimism Your fear is proved to be groundless.On the grounds of sth.: 根据根据 以以为理由为理由He resigned on the grounds of ill-health.Proposition: view, idea, a

17、ssertionTheir theory is founded on two of their propositions. In future we are going to follow the practiceuntil it becomes a habitof classifying propositions according to their grounds. Classifying propositions according to their grounds is important because people very often base their judgment of

18、 propositions according to their popularity, usefulness, source of authority as well as to their personal taste. They do not always accept beliefs because they are true. Often they accept them because their beliefs serve their immediate purpose, or because they sound nice, or because it is easier or

19、 safer to accept them.take this practice as a guidea base for an argumentCome across: to meet , to discover sth. or sb. by chance 偶然遇到偶然遇到 发现发现be astonished at: be very surprised atmet with: encountered; experiencedclass as: classify assimilar usageto be astonished at; to be surprised at; to be alar

20、med at; to be amazed at; to be astounded atto class as; to regard as; to describe as; to accept as; to view as; to conceive as; to recognize asThey rest upon mere tradition, or on sb.s bare assertion unsupported by even a shadow of proof (1)They are only based on tradition, or on somebodys assertion

21、, but are not supported even by the least amount of proof.这些些说法法仅仅是是基基于于传统或或者者是是一一些些人人毫毫无无证据据的断言。的断言。strong statements without the support of proof the slightest trace of to be based on 基于基于bare: a. naked; not covered with or protected by anything; empty; just efficient, mere e.g. bare arm/feet/wall

22、/facts the bare branches of winter trees. The fridge was completely bare.Phrases: with your bare hands: without weapons or tools bare your soul: to tell your deepest and most private feelings bare your teeth: to show your teeth in a fierce and threatening waybarefaced: a. 公然的,厚颜无耻的,不戴面具的 e.g. a bare

23、faced liea shadow of: the slightest trace of少许、残少许、残余、痕迹余、痕迹e.g. A shadow of a smile touched his mouth. There is not a shadow of justification for your behavior. She knew beyond a shadow of doubt that he was lying.It may be a belief whichever since (2)情况很可能是这样的:我们最初仅仅因为情况很可能是这样的:我们最初仅仅因为别人的建议而接受了一个观

24、点,而在那以别人的建议而接受了一个观点,而在那以后就一直持有(坚持)这种观点。后就一直持有(坚持)这种观点。Many of our strongest convictions were established then. Conviction: could also mean the judgment of a jury or judge that a person is guilty of a crime as charged定罪定罪e.g. He has six previous convictions for theft.They are strong because they have

25、 been in our mind for such a long time. They are strong because they were imprinted on our mind when we were little children, before we were able to judge for ourselves. They are strong because they were passed on to us during our most formative years and often by people we trusted and loved. firm b

26、elief or opinion坚定的坚定的信仰、信仰、Christianity 基督教基督教Catholicism天主教天主教罗马公教罗马公教Orthodox Church东正教东正教Protestantism新教新教Presbyterian长老教长老教Congregationalists 公理宗公理宗Methodists 循道宗循道宗Reformed Church加尔文宗加尔文宗归正宗归正宗Episcopal Church 安立甘宗安立甘宗圣公会圣公会Lutheran Church路德宗路德宗信义宗信义宗 Reverse: to change to the opposite 使反向、使倒转

27、、倒转调换使反向、使倒转、倒转调换Her father would be thinking exactly the same way were their positions reversed.如果他父亲与她把位置倒置过来,他父亲如果他父亲与她把位置倒置过来,他父亲也会与她的想法完全一样。也会与她的想法完全一样。It is consistent with all our knowledge of psychology to conclude that each would have grown up holding exactly the opposite beliefs to those h

28、e holds now We can conclude, based on all our knowledge of psychology, that each would have grown up having exactly the opposite beliefs to what they have now.根根据据我我们所所掌掌握握的的心心理理学学知知识,我我们可可以以得得出出结论,两人两人长大后会持有与大后会持有与现在完全相反的信仰。在完全相反的信仰。And each would then have feltof the truth of the opposite opinion:

29、而且,每个人就像他现在一样,对自己的信仰而且,每个人就像他现在一样,对自己的信仰的正确性很有把握的正确性很有把握-其实那是与他相反的信仰。其实那是与他相反的信仰。The same thing is true, of course, of many beliefs other than those of a religious nature. be true of: can apply to e.g. The proverb it is never too old to learn is true of everyone. 社会服务工作可能也是这样的吧?社会服务工作可能也是这样的吧?Possib

30、ly the same is true of social work/service?other than: here means apart from; the traditional meaning is excepte.g. I dont know any French people other than you.Polygamy refers to the conditions of a man having more than one wife/concubine or a woman having more than one husband at the same time. It

31、s practice existed in many cultures in ancient times and in fact still does in some cultures today although mostly among wealthy people. However now it is considered barbarous in many countries and is prohibited by the law. monogamy n. 一夫一妻一夫一妻polyandry n. 一妻多夫一妻多夫headhunting: n. the practice of obt

32、aining and preserving the heads of ones enemies 猎头猎头headhunt: v. to find sb. who is suitable for a senior job and persuade them to leave their present job 猎头猎头e.g. He was headhunted by a world 500 company.Infanticide cide: to cut infanticide fratricideinsecticidematricidepatricidesuicide杀婴杀婴杀害兄弟姐妹者杀

33、害兄弟姐妹者杀虫剂杀虫剂杀母者杀母者杀父者杀父者自杀自杀Question: Give examples of our most deeply-rooted and fundamental convictions that we happen to have been “brought up” to them.1. Money is dirty. 2. Man will struggle to conquer nature.3. Many hands make light work.4. We must save every penny to support our national recon

34、struction.5. China is a large country with abundant natural resources.Discussion (Para.4)Discussion (Para.4)Why people are not easy to develop and accept new ideas?1. natural tendency to be lazy2. dangerous water (the fear of the unknown)3. saving of face (their old ideas may wrong) Of course we do

35、not cease, when we cease to be children, to adopt new beliefs on mere suggestions.Of course when we are no longer children, we do not stop adopting new beliefs on mere suggestion. 当然,当我们长大以后,会继续凭着别人的建当然,当我们长大以后,会继续凭着别人的建议来接受新的观点。议来接受新的观点。on: 凭凭, 靠靠 ,根据,根据They made their own judgment on his report.他们

36、根据他的报告做出自己的判断。他们根据他的报告做出自己的判断。Much of what passes as such is not, strictly, thinking at all. what people take as thinkingAs such: 1.如所指的人或事那如所指的人或事那样2. A leader as such deserves obedience. 3. He is the author of the article, but he does not want to be known as such.4.2. 就其本身而言就其本身而言5.Mere good looks

37、, as such, will not take you far.6.A name as such means nothing. 7.Pass: 被接受被接受8.严格格说来,来,许多多类似被人似被人们接受的接受的东西完全不是思想。西完全不是思想。The dogma may not be that of any particular individual: it may be a dogmatic statement which has been passed from one person to another, from generation to generation. 这种信条可能不是某

38、个特定个人的观点,可能是这种信条可能不是某个特定个人的观点,可能是一个人传给另一个人,一代一代传下来的教条性的一个人传给另一个人,一代一代传下来的教条性的的观点。的观点。Dogma n. Theology A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth by a church.【神学神学】 教义,教条教义,教条.A principle or belief or a group of them信条信条,信仰信仰a political dogma政治信条政治信

39、条Originate: originate from/in sth.originate from/with sb. e.g. All theories originatefrom/in practice and in turn serve practice.in sbs favor: in sbs support; to sbs advantage, to sbs benefit 受其支持;对某人有受其支持;对某人有利利All the comments were in your favor.But we should fully face the fact that beliefs which

40、 are merely inherited from the past must have originated at a time when men knew much less than they know today. So the fact that a belief is “old” is no argument in its favor. 不不过我我们应该面面对这样一一个个事事实:那那些些仅仅是是从从过去去传承承下下来来的的观点点在在其其起起源源的的时侯侯,人人类对世世界界的的认识远少少于于今今天天。因因此此,一一个个观点点“由由来来已已久久”(因因而而我我们应该接接受它)并不是站

41、得住脚的受它)并不是站得住脚的论点。点。The implication: one of our common mistakes is to accept beliefs simply on the merit of their long history.find oneself doing sth.: to realize that one is unconsciously doing sth. 发现自己在无发现自己在无意识地做某事意识地做某事Dick found himself walking in the direction of Mikes place.Entertain: to con

42、sider an idea, etc. or allow yourself to think that sth. might happen or be true 考虑、考虑、 接受思想、观接受思想、观点等点等She has never entertained the idea of living in the countryside.enquire (or: inquire) into: to find out more information about; to investigate调查He has inquired out the deployment of the enemy troo

43、ps.Undesirable: 不合意的、令人不快的Translate: 该药有不良的副作用。The drug has undesirable side effects.wicked: morally bad; evil; in Spoken English it can mean mischievous Tempt: to cause to be strongly disposed:很想做:使很倾向于:很想做:使很倾向于:I feel tempted to say: 我想要说。我想要说。never to be tempted off the straight path决不被引入歧途决不被引入

44、歧途Cant I tempt you to have another helping?再吃一点好吗再吃一点好吗?break down: to cease to be useful; to fail to function; to stop being acceptable失败、失败、失效失效His health has broken down.Negotiations broke down after only two days. (破裂)破裂)in the light of: in consideration of; as a result of 鉴于、由于、考虑到鉴于、由于、考虑到e.g.

45、 He rewrote the book inthelightof further research.Obvious truthObvious truthThe sun moves round the earth;The earth is flat;The moon is huge lantern in the sky;The air is weightlessThere are always slaves and slave-owners;Men are always stronger than womenConceive: to imagine a particular situation

46、 or to think about sth. in a particular way 构想出、想象、设想、以为构想出、想象、设想、以为conceive a hatred怀恨怀恨conceive prejudices抱偏见抱偏见conceive a child怀孕怀孕Paragraph 9The age-long struggle of the greatest intellects in the world to shake off that assumption is one of the marvels of history. (Para. 9)It took many scientis

47、ts of greatest learning hundreds of years to struggle against the assumption that the planets moved in circles. The success of getting rid of that assumption is one of the miracles in human history.to get rid offParagraph 10Many modern persons find it very difficult to credit the fact that men can e

48、ver have supposed otherwise. Yetthey did. (Para. 10)Many modern people are hard to believe that for some time men had ever thought they were thinking with their hearts. Yet it is true that the ancient people really thought in that way.to believe the fact differentlyReference: 引文;提到、论及引文;提到、论及His boo

49、k on history contains many references to George Washington.他的那部历史论著有很多处论及他的那部历史论著有很多处论及.with reference to; in reference to.关于;就关于;就而言而言consist of: to be made of or composed ofconsist in: to have a basis in; to lie in; to be found ine.g. 1.True education does not consist in simply being taught facts.

50、2. Their diet consisted largely of vegetables.leave no room for doubt: to make it impossible for people to doubtcling to: to be unwilling to get rid of sth., or stop doing sth.e.g. He had one last hope to cling on to.pay sb to do sth: to bring benefit or advantage to sb to do sthe.g. It pays to forg

51、ive others. It doesnt pay to work too hard at the expense of your health. Concerned: involved in sth. or affected by it有关的有关的他敦促所有有关的职工积极参与这项活动。他敦促所有有关的职工积极参与这项活动。 He urged all the employees concerned to take an active part in the drive.is about the last person to do sth: is the least possible perso

52、n to do sthIndeed, he would probably be highly indignant if told of what anyone familiar with modern psychology can recognize so plainly. (Para. 14)He would surely feel furious if someone told him a plain fact that he had held some beliefs through self-interest, which anyone who is familiar with mod

53、ern psychology can recognize very easily.Livelihood: Means of support; subsistence.生计生计Earn / gain / get / make ones livelihood byto extend the term: to extend the meaning of the word; to understand the word in a broader sense. to be somebody in some circle: to be and important person in a certain g

54、roup of people who know each otherBut the meaning of this term might be understood in a broader sense. It may include his concern for position, popularity, fame, respect, love, etc.这个个词的的意意义还可可以以引引申申到到包包括括一一个个人人的的社社会会地地位位、在在同同事中的声望以及来自他所重事中的声望以及来自他所重视的人的尊重和友善。的人的尊重和友善。(interest not only in the mater

55、ial senseBut we may extend the term to cover also his interest in social position; popularity with his fellows; the respect and goodwill of those whose respect and goodwill he values. extend the meaning of the word延伸延伸该词的意的意义,以涵盖,以涵盖Many people are forced to hold a belief because he has become an im

56、portant person in his group. If he gave up that belief, he would turn insignificant at once.There is many a man who is unconsciously compelled to cling to a belief because he is a “somebody” in some circleand if he were to abandon that belief, he would find himself nobody at all. There are many peop

57、lean important person in a certain group of people who know each otherPutting it broadly, we should always suspect any of our opinions when we recognize that our happiness depends, directly or indirectly, upon our continuing to hold themwhen we might lose anything, material or otherwise by changing

58、our opinion. If by changing our opinions we might lose something and therefore be unhappy, we must be suspicious about these opinions and try to find out whether we are not being blinded by our self-interest. justifya. to prove to be just, right or valid b. to be a good reason for sth. 证明.是着正当的、有道理的

59、 为.辩护The course of events fully justifies our views.The fine quality of the cloth justifies its high price.你能证明你有着充分理由可以那样说吗?Can you justify yourself in saying that?Somewhat similar is the .his own behavior.Para: We often accept an opinion to justify or defend our weakness, mistakes, vulnerable posi

60、tions or wrongdoings. Here it is no linger the interest to gain but the interest to avoid losing certain things.The lazy and stupid person can readily adopt a set of opinions without questioning why, since they clearly know that these opinions are unobtainable to them, only people who have energy an

61、d ability can be rewarded with these opinions.The lazy and bungling person can adopt a set of opinions which prove to his satisfaction that “the grapes are sour” the “grape” being the rewards that more energetic and competent men can win. (Para. 17)an idiom describing those people who pretend to dis

62、like what one really desires, because it is unobtainableMany groundless . Who held similar opinions:Para: Very often we like or dislike an opinion because it is held by somebody we like or dislike. This is another common error. The fact is that there is no correlation between the truthfulness of an

63、opinion and the person who holds that opinion. Nice and well-meaning people may have wrong opinions, whereas unpleasant people may hold correct opinions.recollection: memory; a thing that you remember from the paste.g. have a vivid/vague recollection of sth. I have no recollection of meeting her bef

64、ore.To the best of my recollection I was not present at that meeting.recollect: v. to remember sth., esp. by making an effort to remember ite.g. I dont recollect what she said then. antagonism: hostility; dislike; resentmentkeen: eager; enthusiastic about; e.g. He is very keen to help. She is one of

65、 the keenest supporters of that team.keen is also often used before noun, it could mean quick to understand, strong or deep, or very sensitive or sharpe.g. a keen mind/intellect keen interest/satisfaction keen sense of smell My friend has a keen eye for a bargain.If we dislike or envy a person, we w

66、ill tend to disregard or attack his opinions, from which we may acquire a strong satisfaction.What keen satisfaction we find in belittling the opinions, or attacking the opinions, of somebody of whom we are jealous, or of somebody against whom we bear a grudge! strong satisfactionbelittlev.a. to rep

67、resent or speak of as contemptibly small or unimportant; disparage vt. 轻视;贬低轻视;贬低b. to cause to seem less than another or little使使相形见小相形见小 Examples:A poor but honest man is not to be belittled.The size of the office tower belittles the surrounding buildings.Dispose: to put in a place; arrange布置、安排、处

68、理;使愿意,dispose of sb./sth.: to get rid of; to deal with Can you dispose of all these old newspapers?dispose sb to do sth: to make sb more likely to fell or think a particular way about sth 使某人使某人愿意做某事或有做某事的倾向。愿意做某事或有做某事的倾向。Your words of cheer dispose me to accept the task.你的一番鼓励使我愿意接受这一任务。merit: good

69、 qualities that make sth / sb deserve praise and admiration优点、价值优点、价值merits and demerits 优缺点优缺点merits:是非曲直,事情的真相是非曲直,事情的真相Decide a case on its merits 根据是非曲直来断案根据是非曲直来断案dictate: to control or influence; to determineset: a group of people with similar interests; crowd To take one example: how largely.

70、but others of our set.Para: Our opinions of authors, poets and composers are to a large extent determined by fashion. And as fashions come and go, our opinions also change.Once an opinion is accepted, whatever be the cause of its acceptance, it has a strong tendency to persist. no matter what the ca

71、use of its acceptance may beThis is an adverbial clause of condition-concession. In such a clause, the subjunctive mood is sometimes used when the verb is “be”.Old ideas die hard. Thats why it is common for a person to enter a new century while his brain remains in the old century. Only a few great

72、intellects can think ahead of their time.It is quite legitimate to speak of “habits” of thought.: 我们完全可以将此称之为我们完全可以将此称之为“思维习惯思维习惯”Legitimate: correct, reasonableA legitimate way of thinking合乎逻辑的合乎逻辑的思维思维Legitimate inference 合理的推断合理的推断Legitimate right 合法的权利合法的权利A string of:一系列,一串一系列,一串 A string of pe

73、arls/ houses/ attacks/ proposals Stock : commonly or regularly used 陈旧的、老套的、通常的陈旧的、老套的、通常的 a stock exampleStock anecdotes: stories about your personal experiences that you keep telling people whenever you can think of nothing else to tell.the good old days: happy days in the pastProhibition: the law

74、 in force in the U.S. between 1920 and 1933, prohibiting the manufacture, sale and consumption of liquor improvident: too careless to save money or to planfor the future 不节俭的、不考虑未来的、目光短浅的They have lived an improvident lives. (奢侈的生活)going to the dogs: to get worse; to become ruinedThis firm has gone

75、to the dogs since the new management took over. As it were: as you might say; so to speak 可以说;在某种程度上He is , as it were, a walking dictionary.Stamp: 使被牢记,使被铭刻Men have native ideas and original characteristics stamped in (or: on ) their minds in their first being.人们在其成长的初期就在脑海里烙下了本民族的思想和习性William Jame

76、s (1842-1910) was a US philosopher and psychologist and one of the founders of pragmatism. Old Fogey (also old fogy): a person who is excessively old-fashioned in attitude, ideas and manners, etc. 守旧者、老保守守旧者、老保守make allowances:to take sth. into consideration 体谅,把.考虑在内Making allowances for bad weathe

77、r and for my own laziness, I think that the job will be finished before the end of the year.Considerable allowance will be made for special cases.对特殊情况将给予充分的照顾。4. Translate the selection (except the first two 4. Translate the selection (except the first two paragraphs) into Chinese.paragraphs) into

78、Chinese. 这个报告特别指出,课程设置应有助于孩子们这个报告特别指出,课程设置应有助于孩子们 “以批判的眼光评估美国的理以批判的眼光评估美国的理想与社会实际情况不一致的缘由。课程设置还应为他们提供获取信息和知识想与社会实际情况不一致的缘由。课程设置还应为他们提供获取信息和知识的手段,帮助他们作出贡献,拉近两者的距离。的手段,帮助他们作出贡献,拉近两者的距离。 换言之,要让孩子们看到善也看到恶,教给他们改善自己国家的技能。还换言之,要让孩子们看到善也看到恶,教给他们改善自己国家的技能。还有什么能比这爱国呢?有什么能比这爱国呢? 纽约委员会几位持反对意见的成员公开表示担忧,怕一旦实施这一多文

79、化纽约委员会几位持反对意见的成员公开表示担忧,怕一旦实施这一多文化课程设置,美国就会分裂成多个支离破碎的种族团体。他们争辩说委员会的课程设置,美国就会分裂成多个支离破碎的种族团体。他们争辩说委员会的报告将重点置于种族特点而牺牲了国家的统一性。报告将重点置于种族特点而牺牲了国家的统一性。 然而不强调种族特点并不会推进国家的统一性。美国的历史恰好说明,不然而不强调种族特点并不会推进国家的统一性。美国的历史恰好说明,不同种族的人们通过各种途径,由于各种原因从世界各地来到美国,他们在为同种族的人们通过各种途径,由于各种原因从世界各地来到美国,他们在为自己争取更好生活的过程中自己争取更好生活的过程中,相互影响,并共同改变了这个国家,最后都称自相互影响,并共同改变了这个国家,最后都称自己为美国人。己为美国人。 就像我们的座右铭所说:合众为一。就像我们的座右铭所说:合众为一。 这也是为什么我,一个有着韩国背景、童年备受折磨的人,和那些在时光这也是为什么我,一个有着韩国背景、童年备受折磨的人,和那些在时光流逝的过程逐渐失去自己欧洲背景的人都是美国人的原因。流逝的过程逐渐失去自己欧洲背景的人都是美国人的原因。 这就是这个国家独一无二的美妙之处。现在该是我们让我们的孩子们看到这就是这个国家独一无二的美妙之处。现在该是我们让我们的孩子们看到这个特质的时候了。这个特质的时候了。结束结束



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