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1、方方位位介介词词表示方位的介词表示方位的介词表示方位的介词通常有以下这些:表示方位的介词通常有以下这些:in, on, under, in front of, behind, near, between, among, near, next to, beside, by等等。等等。in表示“在-之内”(强调在里面)。如:The stars are _ the box .星星在盒子里。星星在盒子里。 in在在里面、内部里面、内部on表示“在-上面(强调挨着表面)”如:在在表面表面The ball is the table.onThe telephone is _ the cupboard.on强

2、调与物体表面接触辨析1:onthetreet(在街道上)和intheroad(在道路上)以面积大小区分,通常情况下街道比道路小,所以street用on,而road用in.辨析辨析2:on,over, above, on,over,和above都可表示“在上面”,但具体含义不同。Over表示位置高于某物,在某物的正上方,其反义词是under。above也表示位置高于某物,但不一定在正上方,其反义词是below。On指两个物体表面接触,一个在另一的上面。例如:Thereisabridgeovertheriver.河上有一座桥。Weflewabovetheclouds.我们飞越云层。Theyputs

3、omeflowersontheteachersdesk.他们把一些花放在讲桌上。under表示“在-正下方”(与over相对)。如:The ball is the table.under在在下下面面强调垂直之下infrontof表示“在-前面”。如:infrontofinfrontofThechairistheTVset.在在前面前面behind:表示“在-后面”。如:The chair is _the cupboard.behind在在后面后面between表示“在两者之间”。如:The snowman is the computer the clock.betweenand在两者之间在两者

4、之间The frog is _the dog the cat .betweenand辨析3:between和among都表示“在-之间”。但是between表示在两者之间,among表示在三者或者三者以上之间。如:Thewashroomisbetweenthetrees.(洗手间在两棵树之间。)Thereisatallmanamongthesepeople.(在人群中有一各高个子男人。)beside表示“在-旁边”。如:The ball is the table.beside在在旁边旁边辨析4:by,beside,near和nextto1)by和beside均表示“在旁边”,常可换用例:The



7、ide/bynearnextto在旁边在附近紧靠的旁边近义词反义词by=besideoverunderbefore=infrontofabovebelowbehind=infrontof介词练习:The tree is _ _ the shelf.The snowman is the shelf.The toy plane is _ the shelf.abovebeside/next toon在在旁边旁边在在上面上面(一)填空:一)填空:(二)单项选择.1. The boy is _ the door. So you couldnt see him when you came into th

8、e room. A. inB. behindC. besideD. in front of2. Your pen is on the floor _ the desk. Please pick it up. A. under B. onC. in D. above3. The post office is _ the library and the police station. You cant miss it. A. behind B. next toC. betweenD. beside4. You can put your painting _ the wall so that eve

9、ryone can see it. A. behind B. under C. between D. on5. The handsome man standing _ the window is our manager. He is talking to one of our clients. A. onB. in C. above D. next to(三)完成句子。1.梅梅坐在我的前面,我坐在她的后面。Meimeisits_meandIsit_her.2.迈克坐在吉姆和萨姆之间。Mikesits_Jim_Sam. in front ofbehindbetweenand3.我的书桌上面放了很多书。Therearemanybooks_mydesk.4.盒子里有什么?Whats_thebox?5.叶子丛中有一朵漂亮的红花。Thereisabeautifulflower_theleaves. on in amongGame:Writeasentencetodescribeapersonorathinginyourclassroom,butyoushouldntwriteher/his/itsmane.Lettheotherstudentstoguess.



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